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State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China

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Ministries and commissions of the State Council
National Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China , It is a department of The State Council of the People's Republic of China, at the ministerial level, under the leadership of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. It is one of the earliest central ministries established in the People's Republic of China. The State Ethnic Affairs Commission is responsible for implementing the policies of the Communist Party of China and the state Ethnic policy , research Ethnic theory To carry out ethnic work and education. To supervise the implementation and improvement of the system of regional ethnic autonomy and its handling Minority rights and interests Safeguard matters. [1] [29]
Chinese name
State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China
Foreign name
National Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China [3]
Office address
No.49 A, Fuxingmennei Street, Xicheng District, Beijing [28]
Ministries and commissions of the State Council
Administrative level
Leading ministerial level
Official website [4]
Preside over
Pan Yue [30]

Primary responsibility

(1) To carry out the principles and policies of the Party Central Committee and The State Council concerning ethnic work, organize investigations and studies on major issues concerning ethnic theory, ethnic policy and ethnic work, and put forward policy suggestions concerning ethnic work.
(2) To coordinate and promote relevant departments to perform their duties related to ethnic work, to promote the implementation and convergence of ethnic policies in related fields of economic development and social undertakings, and to provide operational guidance for ethnic work in the government system.
(3) To draft national laws, regulations and policies, supervise and inspect their implementation, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities, liaise with ethnic autonomous areas, coordinate and guide the implementation of the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy.
(4) To study and put forward proposals for the coordination of ethnic relations, coordinate the handling of major issues in ethnic relations, participate in the coordination of social stability in ethnic minority areas, promote the unity of all ethnic groups, common prosperity and development, and safeguard national unity.
(5) To be responsible for the formulation of special plans for ethnic minority undertakings, supervise and inspect the implementation of such plans, participate in the formulation of development plans for ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas in related economic and social fields, promote the establishment and improvement of a comprehensive evaluation and monitoring system for the development of ethnic minority undertakings, and promote the implementation of a service system for ethnic minority affairs and the informatization construction of ethnic affairs management.
(6) To study and analyze problems related to the economic development and social undertakings of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas and put forward special policy suggestions, coordinate or cooperate with relevant departments to deal with relevant matters, and participate in the coordination of scientific and technological development, counterpart support and economic and technological cooperation in ethnic minority areas.
(7) To organize and guide the publicity and education of ethnic policies, ethnic laws and regulations, and basic ethnic knowledge; to undertake The State Council's commendation activities for ethnic unity and progress; to organize and coordinate major celebrations in ethnic autonomous areas.
(8) To administer the work of ethnic minority languages, guide the translation and publication of ethnic minority languages and the collection, sorting and publication of ethnic ancient books.
(9) To be responsible for organizing and coordinating foreign exchanges and cooperation in the field of ethnic affairs and with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and to participate in external publicity work involving ethnic affairs.
(10) To participate in the formulation of plans for the construction of ethnic minority personnel, contact ethnic minority cadres, and assist relevant departments in the training, education and employment of ethnic minority cadres.
(11) To undertake other matters assigned by The State Council. [7]

Internal mechanism

General office
Assist the leaders of the Committee in handling the daily work of the organs, coordinate and arrange the activities of the leaders of the Committee; Undertake the specific work of contacting part-time member units; To be responsible for the construction of institutional rules and regulations and the drafting of relevant comprehensive documents of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission; To be responsible for the management of conference activities and the organization and coordination of important conference activities; To supervise and supervise the handling of matters decided at important meetings of the Committee and matters assigned by the leaders of the Committee, and coordinate the handling of the suggestions of NPC deputies and proposals of CPPCC members; To undertake work related to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of ethnic autonomous areas and ethnic autonomous areas; To undertake the specific work of important study, visit, investigation and other matters of ethnic minorities and related reception services; To be responsible for the on-duty work of the organ; To be responsible for and guide the work of information, emergency, confidential, archives, confidentiality, letters and visits of the units directly under the government in Beijing; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [15]
Policy and Regulatory Research Division
To draft national laws and regulations and formulate policies and measures; To organize investigations and studies on major issues concerning ethnic theories and policies; To undertake the specific work of guiding and coordinating the implementation of the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy; To undertake work related to ethnic identification and ethnic component management; To undertake specific guidance and coordination concerning the administration of respect for the customs and habits of ethnic minorities; To undertake administrative review work; To undertake the planning and implementation of ethnic studies projects of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, organize and carry out academic exchange activities; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [16]
Coordination and promotion division
To undertake the work of guiding and coordinating the building of the consciousness of the Chinese nation community; To carry out the research on building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation and put forward relevant policy recommendations; To supervise and inspect the implementation of ethnic laws and regulations and ethnic policies; To undertake the construction of research bases and practice bases on the consciousness of the Chinese nation community, and to organize and carry out research on the history of the Chinese nation community; To administer special plans in the field of ethnic affairs; To undertake the relevant work of contacting members of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [17]
Economic development division
To study and put forward special policy suggestions for the economic development of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas, and coordinate or cooperate with relevant departments to deal with specific issues; To be responsible for the planning, administration and formulation of special plans for ethnic minority undertakings, and undertake the specific work of supervising and inspecting the implementation of the plans; To participate in the formulation of economic and social development plans in ethnic minority areas; To undertake the relevant work of ethnic statistical analysis and comprehensive evaluation and monitoring system; To undertake and participate in the coordination of counterpart assistance, economic and technical cooperation, ethnic trade and the production of commodities for special needs of ethnic minorities in ethnic areas; To undertake and participate in the management of funds for the development of ethnic minorities and the work of poverty alleviation; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [8]
Department of Cultural Propaganda
To study and put forward special policy suggestions on the development of culture, health, sports, radio, film, television, press and publication of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas, and coordinate and cooperate with relevant departments in carrying out relevant work; To organize and guide the work of publicity and education, to undertake the publicity and education of ethnic policies, achievements in ethnic work, basic knowledge of ethnic groups and related foreign publicity; Responsible for the organization of news releases, responsible for the news reports of important meetings and activities; To undertake the exchange and cooperation of national culture, to undertake the specific affairs of major national culture and sports activities; To guide the collection, collation and publication of ethnic ancient books, and assist relevant departments in the protection of ethnic cultural relics; To guide the business work of the cultural propaganda units directly under them; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [18]
Department of Education and Technology
To study and put forward special policy suggestions on education, science and technology development of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas, and coordinate or cooperate with relevant departments to deal with specific issues; Cooperate in handling matters related to supporting and assisting ethnic education; To undertake the administration of ethnic minority languages and translations, and to participate in the coordination of bilingual education; To guide work related to scientific and technological research; To participate in the administration of the special funds subsidized by the central government for education of ethnic minorities; To guide the work of ethnic language institutions and directly affiliated ethnic colleges and universities; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [19]
International Exchange Department (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office)
To study and formulate plans for the development of international exchanges and cooperation in ethnic affairs; To undertake foreign exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the field of ethnic affairs; To understand the relevant situation of overseas ethnic minority compatriots, undertake and coordinate the handling of foreign-related matters of ethnic minorities; To participate in publicity work involving ethnic affairs; To manage centrally the affairs concerning foreign affairs and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [20]
Finance division
To undertake the administration of departmental budgets and funds for ethnic affairs of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission; To undertake the audit of the economic responsibilities of leading cadres; To undertake the administration of state-owned assets, capital construction, government procurement and housing system reform of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission; To guide the financial management, internal auditing, state-owned assets, capital construction, government procurement and housing system reform of the units directly under them; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [21]
Division of Personnel
To participate in the formulation and implementation of plans for the construction of ethnic minority talents; To undertake the specific work of contacting ethnic minority cadres, and cooperate with relevant departments in undertaking the training, education, selection and recommendation of ethnic minority cadres; To be responsible for the personnel management and organizational establishment of the government and its immediate units; To undertake the management of directly affiliated associations; To guide the education and training of cadres; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [22]
Party committee
Responsible for the party building, discipline inspection and group work of the organs and cultural institutions directly under Beijing, and undertake the work of the leading Group Office of Party building, the Leading Group Office of Party Conduct and clean Government construction, and the Leading Group Office of inspection work of the Party Group. [23]
Department of retired officials
To be responsible for the ideological and political work of retired cadres, to organize retired cadres to read documents, participate in study and related activities; To be responsible for medical care, welfare and other services for retired cadres; Organize visits and condolences to retired cadres, undertake related matters of universities for the elderly, and organize educational and recreational activities for the elderly; To handle funeral affairs of retired cadres; To be responsible for the financial work of the Bureau; To guide the work of retired cadres of units directly under them; Other matters assigned by the leadership of the undertaking committee. [24]
Public opinion center
To undertake the collection, monitoring, analysis, research and judgment of public opinions concerning the development and stability of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas; To undertake government affairs information, government affairs openness and e-government affairs work of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission; To guide the construction of government affairs information, government affairs openness and informatization in the system of the National Affairs Committee; To be responsible for the administration of the government website of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission; Cooperate with relevant news and publicity work; To undertake other tasks assigned by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. [25]
Ancient books collation research office
To organize, coordinate, liaise and guide the rescue, collection, collation and publication of ancient books of ethnic minorities in ethnic minority areas; To draft relevant policies and regulations on the work of ancient books of ethnic minorities; To organize and formulate the planning of key projects of ancient books of ethnic minorities and the planning and implementation of major national topics; To undertake to guide the training of ethnic minority ancient books personnel and the management of ethnic minority ancient books materials and information; To be responsible for the editing and publishing of "Ethnic Ancient Books" and the publicity and exchange of ethnic minority ancient books; To undertake other tasks assigned by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. [26]
Agency service bureau
To undertake the logistics service support work of the organ; To undertake the work of security, civil air defense, traffic safety, afforestation, family planning, patriotic health campaign and voluntary blood donation, and to guide, supervise, inspect and coordinate the work of security and civil air defense of the units directly under Beijing; To undertake the management of state-owned assets entrusted to the possession and use of the organs; To guide and supervise the management of the enterprises and institutions managed by the unit; To undertake other tasks assigned by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. [27]

Historical evolution

On October 22, 1949, the Ethnic Affairs Commission of the Central People's Government was established.
At the first session of the NPC in 1954, the Ethnic Affairs Commission of the Central People's Government was renamed the Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China.
On June 22, 1970, the Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China was abolished.
In 1978, the first session of the fifth National People's Congress decided to restore the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, referred to as the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, which has since been a department of The State Council. [6]
In March 2018, the CPC Central Committee issued a plan for deepening reform of Party and State institutions, placing the State Ethnic Affairs Commission under the leadership of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. The State Ethnic Affairs Commission remains a department of The State Council.
On July 29, 2018, according to the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions" and the "Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions" reviewed and adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and approved by the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, the structure of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission was qualitatively adjusted to "The State Ethnic Affairs Commission is a department of The State Council, at the ministerial level. Under the leadership of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee ". After the adjustment, the number of leading posts, internal organs and administrative establishment of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission will remain unchanged. [1]

Universities directly under its control

Minzu University of China
South-Central Minzu University
Southwest University for Nationalities
Northwest Minzu University
Northern University for Nationalities
Dalian Minzu University [9]

Units directly under their control

Central Executive Leadership Academy for Nationalities
Central National Song and Dance Troupe
Nationalities Publishing House
Chinese National Language Translation Center
Cultural Palace of Nationalities
National unity magazine
National pictorial newspaper
National Museum of China
China National Newspaper [10]

Current leader

Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission: Pan Yue [14] 30 - [31]
Deputy Director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Member of the Leading Party Group: Bian Ba Tashi [12]
Deputy Director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Member of the Leading Party Group: Guo Weiping [2]
Deputy Director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Member of the Leading Party Group: Duan Yijun [34]
Full-time members of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission: Qin Yizhi (ministerial level) [33] 32 -
Full-time members of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission: Test buddy (vice) Ministerial level) [11] [35 and 36]

Successive directors

Bagatur [5]