The Crusades

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An army of Catholic soldiers
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The Crusaders, an army of Catholic soldiers, took part crusade Soldiers wore the sign of the cross, hence the name of the Crusaders.
Chinese name
The Crusades
Foreign name
The Crusaders
The armed forces of Catholic religious jihad
Group into
by Catholicism soldierly troops
Nine major Crusades
Bow collar
Urban II

Historical background

The crusade stirred Europe Jack The enthusiastic response, on the one hand out of its own fierce faith, on the other hand Pope It also guarantees that anyone who dies for jihad will be paid for the SINS of the faith.
By 1097, one contained Pilgrim And the cult's 30,000 troops are composed of Constantinople Cross to Asia Minor . Although the leaders fought each other all the time, the Crusaders fought Byzantium Promises among supporters were broken, and the expedition continued to stagger on. In the process, Türkiye The people were devastated and pushed back hundreds of miles across the borders of Asia Minor. Frank's heavy knights and infantry were not allied with the Turks Light cavalry The experience of fighting with bowmen, but the tactics and training traditions of the knights allowed them to win a series of completely victorious battles. Antiochus Captured in 1098 due to internal defections, Jerusalem It was liberated by the Crusaders in 1099. Although many of the crusaders returned home after the war, a number of powerful groups remained to establish feudal kingdoms similar to those in Europe.
in Palestine The Crusader rulers were far fewer in number than those they were trying to control Moslem The population, therefore, controlled the Muslims by building castles and recruiting mercenaries, while ruling with as much justice as possible. Frankish culture and religion endeared them to the inhabitants of the region. From the safety of their citadel base, the Crusaders attacked and intercepted the invading Arabs. Frank's knights may be strong but Moving speed Slow, and the Arabs, though, cannot resist these Heavy cavalry The impact, but can be Scorched-earth tactics Delay the crusade. The kingdoms established by the Crusaders controlled the rich coastal areas and were not short of supplies and reinforcements.
Be equipped with... Combat capability Made up of Christian monks knighthood To fight for the Holy Land. The Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller Members of the Knights were mainly from France, The Teutonic Knights Its members are mainly from Germany. Crusader state Had been expanding for a long time (e.g Kingdom of Jerusalem Forced Egypt to pay tribute to him). In 1174 it became Egypt and Egypt Syria Sudan the Saladin It integrates the forces of the Islamic world. In 1187, he defeated the Crusaders in the desert and captured them again Jerusalem . And then the holy Land was called a miracle. Holy Roman Empire the Frederick II The emperor recovered by peaceful means [1] . In another century, with only a rare and brief success, the Europeans talked of regaining control of the Holy Land and Jerusalem. Up to nine times crusade Most of the progress made in coastal areas and inland areas was limited before the end.

Eastward expedition

A map of the Crusades
crusade ( Latin : Cruciata 1096 -1291) was a series of famous religious acts carried out with the approval of the Pope Military action , due to Western Europe the Feudal Lord Match the knight Mediterranean The East Coast countries started the war. It was part of a Roman Catholic shrine Jerusalem In the hands of Islam, the Roman Catholic Church in order to recover the lost territory, they carried out several eastern operations. But there were some Crusades against other heresies and religions other than Catholicism heathenism Not directed against Islam, as in" Albi Crusade "The goal is Southern France 's" Puritan "Heresy, dominated by the Teutonic Knights." Northern Crusade The target was the Baltic polytheists.

The first expedition

The First Crusade (1096-1099) was the Pope Urban II It was proclaimed at the High Synod of Clermont (France) on November 26, 1095. About 100,000 people took part in the expedition. In 1097, the Crusaders were led by Constantinople Crossing the sea nearby Asia Minor Capture the Seljuk capital Nicaea , and in The Battle of Dorileum Beat back the Turks. In 1098, Edessa and Antiochus were captured, establishing the first Crusader states The country of Edessa and The Duchy of Antioch . In July 1099, the Crusaders captured Jerusalem. Battle of Jerusalem ), establish Kingdom of Jerusalem . Other states established by the Crusaders in the East were attached to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
The First Crusader War was the only one completed in the Crusader wars of the East in 200 years Strategic objective The war, capture Jerusalem Holy City, take back the Lord The Holy Sepulchre And help The Byzantine Empire The recapture of much of the lost territory relieved the pressure of the Turks on Constantinople, which was at that time Western Christianity The world caused an unprecedented sensation, and it was a victory that Urban II had not imagined until his death. Naturally, it has been preached throughout Christendom, by many military priests and later churches Chronicles The family is trying to describe this battle, praising the power of Christ, and reciting it like a miracle. At the same time, the war and the subsequent establishment of the Latin East, but also affected the entire Eastern Mediterranean pattern, such as stone stirred up thousands of waves, by all sides of the strong concern. Byzantium, Armenian, Turkic, Arab, historians of all religious backgrounds and positions of origin are writing accounts detailing the matter History of Jerusalem To form words, For reference Reflect.

The Second Expedition

The Second Crusade (1147-1149) is in King of France Louis VII And the so-called" Holy Roman Empire "Emperor, King of Germany Conrad III Led by. The conquest of Edessa by the Seljuk Turks in 1144 was the cause of this expedition. The German crusaders were the first to attack in Asia Minor Turkish army Routed, captured by the French Crusaders Damascus The attempt also failed.

The third Expedition

The Third Crusade (1189-1192), the Egyptian sultan Saladin's army in 1187 The Battle of Hardin Defeated the army of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and captured Jerusalem. Siege of Jerusalem ) caused by... This expedition, it was in Emperor of Germany Frederick I King of France Oh, Augustus , Philip the Second and King of England The Lionheart Richard I Carried out under command. Frederick led the army The Second Expedition Route from Land route Advance through Byzantium. The French and British crusaders advanced to Palestine by sea and occupied it en route Sicily . There were many conflicts between the crusaders, and the expedition did not achieve its purpose. The German Crusaders, claiming to number 100,000 men, marched across Asia Minor, taking Battle of Konya Frederick I drowned while crossing the Sarev River, and his army disintegrated. After Philip captured Acre, some of the crusaders returned to France in 1191. Richard made some successes in Syria, defeating Saladin and conquering large areas of the country Cyprus The Kingdom of Cyprus was established. In 1192 he signed a peace treaty with Saladin. In accordance with the treaty, since Tyre The wealthy strip of land along the coast of Jaffa remained in the possession of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the port of Acre became the de facto center of the kingdom. Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands, but Christians were allowed to worship, and Muslims were responsible for protecting Christian missions. with Tripoli The merged Duchy of Antioch remained in Crusader hands.

The fourth Expedition

The Fourth Crusade (1202-1204) was the Pope Innocent the Third It was planned. The Crusaders were supposed to invade Egypt, but some of them were coerced by the Venetians into planning to invade the Byzantine Empire and capture two Christian cities: Dalmatian Zadar (1202) and Constantinople (1204). The participants were excommunicated by Innocent III, and the Crusaders established several states in parts of the defunct Byzantine Empire, the largest of which did not fall until 1261 Latin Empire It has Balkan Peninsula Many areas and northwest Asia Minor, as well Aegean Sea and Ionia Some islands in the sea. After the Fourth Crusade, Republic of Venice Act as Italy The most powerful State monopoly It gained trade with the Eastern countries and seized much of Byzantium's trade and peace Military important place .

The crusade against the Albigenists

Pope Innocent III had repeatedly tried to assimilate Christian Albigenite But it failed in the end. In 1209, Innocent the Third The "Albigensian Crusade" was launched against the Albigensian sect throughout southern France. The crusade lasted 20 years (1209-1229). Since then, the Albi have been all Inquisition By the end of the 14th century, the sect had gradually disappeared.

Children's Crusade

The Children's Crusade
Children's Crusade Children's Crusade (also known as Children's Crusade Boy Scouts It was in 1212 at the fourth and The Fifth Crusade Between the rise of the crusaders made up of children.
In fact, there are many popular versions of the Children's Crusade outside the academic realm. NormanZacour is here A History of the Crusades (1962 edition) generally agrees with Munro's conclusions, but adds to the unstable mood of the time, arguing that the "Children's Crusade" was part of a series of social fluctuations from which medieval people (including children) sought relief. StevenRunciman in it A History of the Crusades There are also accounts of the "Children's Crusade". Raedts points out that although Runciman cites Munro's article, the narrative is so perverse that it casts doubt on whether it is Really have John DonaldSpoto, author of a biography of St. Francis of Assisi, says that the church regarded poverty as godly, but possessed so much wealth that monks called themselves children and were ashamed to call themselves poor. Spoto believes that the legend of the "Children's Crusade" originated here, close to H.E.Mayer's view.
Children's Crusade, engraving by Gustave Dore
Modern historical research suggests that there were indeed two batches in 1212 Population mobility But it's mostly made up of adults. A group of seven thousand led by the German priest Nicolas crossed the Alps to Italy, but in Genoa The waters did not separate as he had promised, so the march failed, some returned to their homes, some to Rome, and the rest were probably sold into slavery at Marseille.
Another batch was made by a 12-year-old from Cloyes, France shepherd A party of thirty thousand men led by the boy, whom he led to Saint-Denis, is said to have performed some miracles. On the orders of King Philip II and on the advice of the University of Paris, the party was evacuated and returned to their homes. There is nothing to indicate that they intend to go to Jerusalem.

The fifth Expedition

The Fifth Crusade (1217-1221) was Austria Grand duke Leopold VI And the King of Hungary Andrash the Second command Austro-Hungary The Crusader expedition to Egypt. After landing in Egypt, the Crusaders captured the fortress of Damierat, but were later forced to sign an armistice with Egypt and withdraw from the country.

The Sixth Crusade

The Sixth Crusade (1228-1229) By Holy Roman Emperor It was led by Frederick II. The crusade led to the Christians recapture Jerusalem in 1229, but they were exiled again in 1244 Khwarizm Muslim occupation.

The seventh Expedition

Prince of Dharma Louis IX launch The Seventh Crusade (1248-1254), attacking Egypt The Ayyub Dynasty . The Crusaders won and then lost, and Louis IX was captured and redeemed for a large ransom in 1250. The Ayyub dynasty was also conquered in 1250 The Mamluk Dynasty Replace.
From 1252 to 1260, Xu Fierce Wu The third time with 100,000 Mongol troops Mongolian expedition to the West , extinguish Baghdad The last generation of a dynasty The Abbasid Dynasty The caliph. It's a big deal A surname The uprooting of Muslim power was followed by the establishment of Mongol conquerors The Ilkhanate Continue to prepare for the western expedition, The Near East The survival of the Islamic world is at stake.

The eighth Expedition

The Eighth Crusade In 1270, the expedition was ordered by the King of France Louis IX Leading, attacking Tunisian Muslims The House of Haves . Road generation Epidemic disease Louis IX fell ill and died, and the army retreated.

The ninth Expedition

The Ninth Crusade It was sometimes incorporated as part of the Eighth Crusade. It was launched by Prince Edward of England in 1271 and 1272. other-capture Dharma of knowledge After failing on the Western front, King Louis IX led an army across the sea to land at Acre in Palestine, attempted to attack from the eastern front, and finally left after signing a peace treaty with the Muslims.
Thereafter, the Crusader territories in the East gradually fell into Muslim hands. In 1291, the last stronghold of Acre (a city in present-day northern Israel) fell to Egypt Mamluk The army fell (Siege of Acre), Kingdom of Jerusalem Perish.

Journey to the east

The winter of 1095, Rome Pope Urban II In Cle, France Mengcheng Hold a synod. He urged the knights of all nations who had come to hear him: "Whoever goes to Jerusalem for piety and not for vanity and self-interest, to save the church of God, this journey is a substitute for all repentance." Complete immunity was established for those who participated in the expedition. And then started the "Crusade" which lasted for more than 200 years. In 1291, the Crusaders lost Acre, their last stronghold in the East, and the Crusades ended in failure.
Western Europe Commercial capital The growth of the city and Commodity money The development of the relationship, accelerated Feudal society Within the socio-economic divisions, the Crusades were liberating for the Catholic Church Palestine Christian Holy Places ( Jerusalem ) was launched under the slogan. Jerusalem, along with the rest of Byzantine territory, was conquered at the end of the 11th century Moslem (Seljuk Turks) occupied. The Crusaders were dressed in uniform Red Cross As a symbol, it is called "Crusader". All classes of society took part in the Crusades. In order to Pope The leading priests of the Catholic Church were the ideological agitators and general planners of the Crusades.
Italian Genoa , Venice and Pisa These cities played an important role in the planning of the Crusades, as they were well placed to expel the Seljuk Turks from the Near East and to re-establish trade relations with peoples living on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. The Catholic Church declared the crusaders to be "warriors for the faith," taking them under its wing and granting them various privileges. Traditionally, only those who could afford the expedition were eligible to receive the cross for the crusade. There were nine major Crusades (mainly overland).
Encyclopedia x Mixed Knowledge: Illustrating the Crusades

Significance of the eastern conquest

The Crusades were organized and launched against the encroaching Muslims. Most of the members of the Crusader Order were members of the armed monastic order, who prayed with weapons and kept themselves clean celibacy Yes. There were also secular Crusades made up of nobles and soldiers who paid by selling their property and titles Eastward expedition The cost required.
From the 12th century, around the time of the First Crusade, literary poetry flourished in the form of memoirs and songs. After the silence of the Dark Ages (5th to 9th centuries), the development and proliferation of Crusader epics has been referred to by some scholars as the "revival of the 12th century".
Many did not return to Europe at all, and those who remained established military, cultural and commercial outposts in the Holy Land. The forts they built after the first crusade were often in Europe Feudal system The transplant. But over time, contact with the numerous libraries of the Arab world opened up whole new worlds for Europe's closed scholars, who came to see what was useful Arabic Preserved for centuries Ancient Greek The ancient books. Economic and cultural exchanges are accompanied by violent interactions. In a way, the Crusades played a positive role in spreading knowledge.
The Crusades also brought together European travelers and merchants with the developing world. right The Middle East The growing demand for luxury goods meant that Europe had to offer its own goods in exchange, thus promoting European wool and Textile industry The development of... The end of the Crusades and the Latin kingdoms of the Middle East meant the acquisition Asia Trade goods More difficult, but not less demand. some historian It is speculated that the closure of the Middle East to European traders in the 15th century accelerated the pace of navigational exploration and eventually led to the discovery of the New World.
"The Crusades give us a historical memory that still lingers in our time, a memory of a long European offensive," said Akbar Ahmed, director of the Center for Islamic Studies at the American University in Washington. The impact was profound: the conquest and its destruction had shaken the Islamic world and the confidence of Muslims in what was then perhaps the most powerful and dynamic Muslim civilization on earth; For Europe, the Crusades were a starting point, propelling the continent from a dark era of isolation to the open modern world.
The legacy of the Crusades, in addition to new enmity between Christians and Muslims and the deterioration of the feudal system, also exposed new cultures. New words were added to European languages after the war, for example cotton (cotton), muslin (muslin), divan (muslin) Sofa bed ) and bazaar. Europeans also brought back many novel textiles, foods, and spices. The demand for these fresh goods accelerated the trading activity of the commercial city-states of Italy (especially Genoa and Venice ) and thus developed. This demand prompted the Age of Discovery, which began in the fourteenth century. The crusaders brought back gold and silver and added to the local treasures Money supply And vigorously promote economic growth.


knighthood It's a kind of militarization that came out of the Crusades cloister It was formed primarily to protect the temple and pilgrims, and to attack Muslims.
There were many types of knights, including early ones with a strong religious character The Military friars Established by the royal family, the Royal Order with a strong private military nature, and the honorary organization as an honorary representative and symbol, etc., the latter two still have no unified and clear name criteria, and the concept is relatively vague between them.
Now we introduce the history of Europe The three Orders of Knights

Knights Hospitaller

Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem (English: Knights Hospitaller ), also known as The Knights of Rhodes or Knights of St. John And eventually evolved into The Knights of Malta The "quasi-national" organization, which became an observer of the United Nations, has continued into modern times and is one of the oldest Catholic orders of the Order of the Knights, renowned for its history The three Orders of Knights One of them.
Founded after the First Crusade, the Benedictine Order was founded in Jerusalem Set up to protect their health care facilities Military organization It later evolved to become the main Catholic in the Holy Land Military force One, whose influence has continued into modern times. Knights Hospitaller slogan "Defend the faith, help the suffering!" Defence of the faith and assistance to the suffering.

The Teutonic Knights

Of the Teutonic Order German language Its full name was Orden der Bruder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem, and its Latin name was Ordo Teutonicus (abbreviated OT). So it's often called the Teutonic Knights, and the early members were all from German nation After submitting to Poland, the Order was forced to accept the Poles." , and The Knights Templar Together with the Knights Hospitaller The three Orders of Knights . The slogan of the Teutonic Knights was "Helfen, Heilen, Wehren" (Help, heal, guard).
The Third Crusade During the period (1189-1192), knights from the German region were given land and castles on several occasions. (From Count Henri of Champagne, April 1195 Till (Tyre, today Lebanon In March 1196, he was given a fief at Jaffa (near present-day Tel Aviv). Another Kaiser Henry VI In 1197, he gave churches, monasteries and hospitals to Italy and Sicily, and gradually formed a force in the Jerusalem area.
On March 5, 1198, the Teutonic Order was founded in what is now Acre Palestine It was then based in Acre until 1291.
On September 19, 1199, Pope Innocent the Third Give orders, make rules Teutonic knight The beatles Templar The same cloak (a white cloak with a Red Cross and sword embroidered on it), wearing a black cross and carrying out the same order rules as the Hospitallers.
In 1929, the Pope Pius XI By decree, the Teutonic Order became a purely religious order of friars to assist with the public nature existing into contemporary times.
In their heyday, the Teutonic Knights controlled East and West Prussia, all of it Baltic Sea East Coast, including Estonia , Latvia and Republic of Lithuania Most of the region, as well as in southern Italy, Greece Possessions of Spain and France.

The Knights Templar

The full name of the Knights Templar is "Christ and Solomon The Poor Knights of the Temple." The date of its founding (Poor knights of Christ and temple of Solomen) is uncertain, but it is generally believed to be no later than 1120. Its leader was originally stationed in Al-aqsa Mosque The corner of the temple is located Jerusalem Temple Mount The legend is built on King Solomon The Temple Of Solomen, hence its name. In 1129, the Knights Templar gained Holy See Formally supported, with many privileges, it rapidly grew in size, power and wealth, and even developed the earliest Banking industry .
The fate of the Knights Templar and the Crusaders is closely linked. In 1291, when the Holy Land fell, they lost their base and eventually became victims of Philip IV's financial problems. In 1307, many of its members were arrested in France, brutally tried and convicted of heresy Death by fire .
1312, the Pope Clement V Under pressure from Philip IV, the Knights Templar were dissolved. This religious and military organization, active for nearly two centuries, has since disappeared in major parts of Europe tragic The outcome has spawned many related legends and literary works.
Another movement led by Cloyes (located today The province of El-Loire ) was led by the herdsman Etienne. In June, he claimed to have a letter from Jesus to the king of France. Thirty thousand people followed him to Saint-Denis (now a northern suburb of Paris) to witness his miracles. On the advice of the University of Paris, King Philip II of France ordered the crowd to be dispersed. Contemporary accounts make no mention of any intention to set out for Jerusalem.