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The capital of Austria and music capital of the world
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Vienna (German: Wien; English: Vienna), located Danube Yes, Austria The capital and largest city of the country, 9 Federal state One, too Europe A major cultural center, it is known as the "Music capital of the world". [1]
Vienna is the most populous city in Austria, As of April 1, 2022, Vienna has a population of 1.951 million. [4] Vienna is also the second most populous city in the world German City, second only to Berlin . [2] Vienna is both a city and a state, and the geographical coordinates of the city center are 48°12 'north latitude and 16°22' east longitude. Vienna is made up of 23 districts, mainly in the east and west of the city, while the north and south are mainly industrial areas. In 2016, the city's gross regional product reached $66.3 billion.
Vienna in World War I was Holy Roman Empire , Grand Duchy of Austria , Austrian Empire and Austro-hungarian Empire The capital city. Its downtown Old Town is listed as World heritage site . [1] Today, Vienna is The United Nations One of the four official residences, too Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and International Atomic Energy Agency As well as the location of other international institutions. Vienna has been used for many years UN-Habitat Ranked as one of the world's most livable cities. [3]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Wien (German)
Vienna (English)
Music capital of the world
Administrative category
Subordinate region
Geographical position
Northeast Austria
Area product
414.65 km²
Subordinate area
Upper Vienna, Lower Vienna
Government premises
Telephone area code
Climatic condition
Temperate maritime climate
Population number
200.2 million [4] [19] (October 2023)
Schweichart International Airport
Railway station
Vienna Main Railway Station , Wien Westbahnhof
License plate code
Gross regional product
$66.3 billion (2016)
Prestigious university
University of Vienna , Vienna Conservatory

Historical evolution


Prehistoric times

Archaeological finds in Vienna Paleolithic age There is human activity, Neolithic age It has been inhabited Vienna basin Vienna's good weather conditions and rich land resources provided a good living environment for farmers in the Neolithic Age, and the russet and green stones needed for casting stone tools could also be mined in Vienna. The Bronze Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age It also left traces of human habitation in Vienna.
The Romans lived there until the 5th century AD, when a devastating fire broke out in Vienna in the early 5th century, followed by a record in 881 Hungarians The fight.
In 955, Otto I, King of the East Frankish Kingdom, defeated the Magyars at the Battle of Lehrfeld, marking the rise of Vienna and Austria.

The Babenburg era

In 976, of the Babenburg family Leopold the First The Holy Roman Emperor Otto II made him a vassal of the Eastern Bavarian region (Mark), a Hungarian border fiefdom that later became Austria. The name "Austria" first appeared in history in 996 AD, Ostarrichi meaning "Eastern Mark". In the 11th century Vienna was already an important trading city, and by 1155 Henry II Making Vienna the capital, the Holy Roman Emperor on September 17 of the following year Frederick I Several privileges were granted to Henry II of Austria, raising Austria from a vassal territory attached to Bavaria to an independent duchy, with Vienna becoming the capital of the duchy. After Enns in 1221, Vienna became the second city in Austria to enjoy the right to develop the economy, and merchants passing through Vienna had to sell their goods within the city, which soon made Vienna the gateway to the Danube River Venice A vital trading city on the road.


Vienna Opera House
The House of Habsburg It was ruled in Vienna for hundreds of years, during which time Vienna developed into the cultural and political center of Europe.
In 1278, King of Habsburg of Germany Rudolf I (reigned from 1273 to 1291) was defeated after numerous conquests The House of Babenburg King Ottoka II of Bohemia began the history of Habsburg rule in Austria. In Vienna, however, the Habsburgs took a long time to establish their dominance, and after the death of Ottoka II in battle in 1278, his supporters in Vienna remained strong and launched several campaigns against the German king Albrecht the First (reigned 1298-1308) revolted, and succeeded Albrecht I House of Luxembourg Henry VII (reigned 1308-1313, Holy Roman Emperor 1312-1313) made the capital in Bragg Vienna's urban development fell into the shadows.
1438, Duke of Austria Albrecht II (Duke of Austria 1404-39, King of Germany 1438-39) After being elected King of Germany, Vienna became the capital again, but during his reign took place against Vienna in 1421-22 Jew The first mass deportations and persecutions.
In 1469, Frederick III (King of Germany from 1440 to 1493, Holy Roman Emperor from 1452 to 1493, Grand Duke of Austria from 1457 to 1493) lost almost all of his Austrian possessions, including Vienna, in a war with Hunyat Magash, King of Hungary. After the incorporation of Hungary and Bohemia into the Habsburg Empire in 1556, Vienna eventually became the capital of the Holy Roman Empire.

Siege of Vienna twice

Belvedere Palace (Palazzo Belfodi)
In 1529, Ottoman Empire The first siege of Vienna, Austrians With walls left over from the Middle Ages Turk With the onset of an epidemic and the early onset of winter, the Turks were forced to withdraw. The siege of Vienna by the Turks exposed the weakness of the city's defenses, so from 1548 it was decided to transform Vienna into a fortress consisting of 11 forts and a trench. In 1683, the Turks laid siege to Vienna for the second time, and the converted fortress defended Vienna for two months until the Polish king Jan Sobiesky We sent troops to help. We got rid of the second one Siege of Vienna It also led to the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
After two sieges by the Turks, Vienna began a glorious era of construction, which continued to unfold during the rebuilding process Baroque art In style, the nobles built gardens and palaces within the walls, the most famous of which was that of Prince Eugen The Palace of Belfody .
With the rapid development of the city, Vienna quickly became one of the most important cultural centers in Europe, Franz Joseph Haydn , Antonio Salieri , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert Will Vienna classicism To the top.

Olympian empire

Carl's Cathedral
in French Revolutionary Wars In the past, Vienna has been twice Napoleon Bonaparte The army occupied.
The first took place on November 13, 1805, when the French army entered Vienna without resistance, and the citizens of Vienna even welcomed them with curiosity. Franz the Second Earlier in 1804, he wore the Austrian crown in response to Napoleon's declaration as emperor and became the first emperor of Austria, beginning the history of the Austrian Empire. Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, and Franz II had to remove the crown of the Holy Roman Empire and became the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1792-1806).
In 1809 Napoleon captured Vienna for the second time, but this time he met stiff resistance and soon after his capture of Vienna suffered his first major defeat at the Battle of Aspen. After Napoleon's final defeat, between September 18, 1814 and June 9, 1815, Congress of Vienna Convened by Austrian diplomats Clemens Wenzel von Metternich A diplomatic conference of European powers was initiated to reorganize Europe after the defeat of Napoleon Political map .
1848 in France February Revolution It also had an impact on Vienna, starting with the German March Revolution on 13 March, which forced Chancellor Clemens Metternich from office, and then the Vienna October Uprising on 6 October, which was finally put down by the Emperor's troops.
Johann Strauss Jr
Vienna began to expand in 1850, again showing splendor, in 1867 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was founded, famous musicians Johann Strauss Composed the waltz The Blue Danube ". Then came the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a period in which Vienna reached the cultural peak represented by Viennese Modernism.

World War I period

World War I Although it did not directly affect Vienna, the prolonged fighting caused a crisis in the supply of food and clothing. The end of World War I, heralding the end of six centuries of Habsburg rule and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in front of the Parliament in Vienna on November 12, 1918 Austrian Republic of Germany In 1919, it was renamed the Republic of Austria, the First Austrian Republic.
Almost half of Austria's population lives in Vienna Lower Austria The other six federal states feared being permanently dominated by Lower Austria, and in addition Social democracy Vienna sum conservatism In 1921, Austria decided to separate Vienna from Lower Austria, and Vienna became a federal state of Austria in 1922. At the same time it was introduced in Vienna in 1919 Equality between men and women Since then, the social Democrats have always obtained an absolute majority in the city Senate, the state assembly, and the local assembly elections, and Vienna is thus known as "Red Vienna". During the period of the First Austrian Republic, Vienna experienced inflation from 1918 to 1925 and from 1929 World economic crisis And high unemployment. In addition, the conservative Austrian federal government has cut Austria's tax support year after year.
The year 1933 Adolf Hitler In 1938, as chancellor of the German Empire, Hitler invaded and annexed Austria, ending the history of the First Austrian Republic and establishing the Nazi dictatorship.

Nazi period

The first Allied air raid on Vienna on 17 March 1944 destroyed a fifth of the city. On April 2, 1945, Vienna was declared a Nazi defensive zone, and women and children were asked to leave the city, which meant that the war reached a fever pitch and Soviet troops were only a few thousand meters away from Vienna. The Battle of Vienna lasted eight days and killed 40,000 people. Vienna's Stephens Cathedral was not damaged during the air raids and the war, but was caught in flames during a sack.

Allied occupation

Vienna was occupied by the Soviet Union shortly after the end of World War II Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Red Army A new city administration began, first with a Communist as provisional mayor, and then three days later Social Democratic Party of Austria People take over. On April 27, 1945, the Austrian Social Democratic Party, Austrian People's Party And representatives of the Austrian Communist Party Vienna City Hall Austrian independence was declared, and on 29 April the occupying authorities handed over the Parliament building to a new provisional government, and the "Austrian Democratic Republic" was re-established. In the fall of 1945, the Soviets allowed the other three Anti-fascist alliance The National army entered Vienna, America , Britain , France and The Soviet Union They occupied Vienna until 15 May 1955 Austrian state treaties Signed, the Allies withdraw, Austria To be completely independent.
Like other cities in Austria and Western Europe, Vienna was a post-World War II city Marshall Plan With the help of that experience Economic recovery And urban reconstruction. [5-6]
Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna

Administrative division

Subdivisions of Vienna
As of 2016, Vienna is made up of 23 districts, namely, Frederiksdorf, Kagerang, Stadelau, Hirschsterton, Aspen, Streebersdorf, Burgenland, Kernton, Upper Vienna, Lower Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna. Eisenstadt Klagenfurt, St. Pelten, Linz, Graz, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Vorarlberg, Bregenz, Haro, Bruggen, Brein and Honingsvog.
Vienna to Danube The boundary is divided into three parts: inner city, outer city and suburb. The inhabitants of Vienna are mainly located in the west and east of Vienna. The north is the industrial center of Vienna, while the south is the political, cultural and communication center of Vienna.

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Vienna is located in a basin at the northern foot of the Alps, the city center coordinates at 48°12 'north latitude, 16°22' east longitude, an area of about 414.65 square kilometers, is the smallest federal state in Austria, and is the only federal state that is not adjacent to other countries.


Vienna's elevation ranges from the island of Roburg on the Danube at 151 meters, to the highest peak in the Vienna forest at 542 meters. To the east of Vienna is the March River Plain and to the southeast is the Danube Steppe National park . Vienna is surrounded to the northwest, west and southwest by the Vienna Forest, which extends into the city. In addition to the Danube, which flows through the city, there are many small rivers flowing into the city from the Vienna forest, including the Vienna River. The mountains to the west connect to the glacier corridor to the south, and this area is the Viennese wine-growing region.


Vienna received both from the west Marine climate And from the east Continental climate The impact of the climate is transitional. Vienna has very little precipitation, a long dry period, and warmer winters than other Austrian cities, with an average temperature of 10.4 ° C in the city center. Urban suburb About 9.8℃, the average precipitation is about 600 mm, about 60 days a year is summer, 70 days is freezing period, the weather is unusually cold.


The total area of rivers and lakes in Vienna is 19.1km², accounting for 4.6% of the total area of Vienna Burgenland .
The Danube is the main river in Vienna and the second longest river in Europe Volga It is the second longest river in Europe. It originates from Germany southwestern Black Forest Mountain From west to east, it flows through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia , Serbia, Bulgaria , Romania, Ukraine In south-central Ukraine The Black Sea . It flows through nine countries, making it the largest river in the world. Tributary court extends to Switzerland , Poland , Italy , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Czech Republic and Slovenia and Moldova A total of 7 countries, and finally in Romania The eastern part of Sulina empties into the Black Sea. The Danube River has a total length of 2,850 kilometers, a watershed area of 817,000 square kilometers, and an annual average discharge of 6,430 cubic meters per second at the mouth. Average annual runoff 203 billion cubic meters.

Natural resources


Water resources

Vienna is rich in water resources, and the famous Danube River flows through it. The Danube River is upstream from its source to Vienna, middle from Vienna to Tiemen, and downstream below Tiemen, with an area of 81.7km² and an annual discharge of more than 20 million cubic meters. [6]

Plant resources

Vienna is very rich in forest resources Pine tree , cypress and birch The vegetation coverage rate is about 43.2%, and there are about 400 hectares of forest farms. The amount of wood stored About 990,000 cubic meters. [6]

Animal resources

Viennese Animal resources Relatively rare, only House swallow , magpie and grouse And other common species. [6]

Mineral resources

Vienna's mineral resources are mainly graphite , magnesium , coal , iron , petroleum and Natural gas Let's wait. [6]


1.951 million (as of April 1, 2022) [4]


Vienna is Republic of Austria The Austrian Federal Parliament, the National Assembly, the Presidency, the Chancellery, the national government ministries and the highest judicial body are all gathered in the city. At the same time, the city of Vienna enjoys an important international position. United Nations and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Both have offices in Vienna.
Vienna is also the world's largest New York and Geneva The third one outside The United Nations Since 1979, when the Austrian International Center was established in Vienna, Vienna has been positioned as a city for international conferences and conflict resolution.
Vienna was granted the status of a federal state under the Federal Constitution of 1920, the city Council is also the state parliament, and the mayor can function as a governor in addition to his own functions. City Hall has the offices of the mayor and the state government. The city is governed by a number of departments, with members of municipally led offices providing political oversight in accordance with the Vienna Constitution.




Vienna is located in Austria The northeast, which is an important transportation hub in Austria, has a fast economic development and economic growth rate higher than the EU average. Vienna's industry is characterized by a high degree of nationalization, state-owned enterprises control 95% of the basic industry and more than 85% of the power industry, its output value and the number of employees accounted for 70% of its total.

Primary industry

In 2016, the output value of agro-forestry in Vienna was about 3.96 billion euros, an increase of 4.4% year-on-year, and the number of agro-forestry employees was 520,000. Vienna's agriculture is very developed, a high degree of mechanization, and the main agricultural products are more than self-sufficient.

Secondary industry

Main of Vienna Industrial sector There are steel, machine building, chemicals, mining, electronics and Automobile engine Manufacturing, etc. Machinery industry Including metal processing, machinery and equipment manufacturing, it is the largest industry in Vienna, with about 1,900 enterprises, accounting for about 1/4 of Austria's industrial output value. The Vienna Machinery industry invests around 480 million euros annually in research and development. Special machinery, custom machinery and boiler construction are the core competencies of the Austrian machinery industry. The chemical industry is also one of the important industrial sectors in Vienna. According to the Austrian State Investment Promotion Agency, the chemical industry accounts for about 1/10 of the total industrial output value.

Tertiary industry

Vienna's service industry is relatively developed, and the service industry contributes about half of Vienna's economy Gross domestic product 69.8 percent. Vienna has a moderate share of services compared to other advanced economies, and this economic structure is considered to be relatively resilient to crises.

Social undertaking


Social construction

Statue of Mozart
Vienna city streets are radiating rings, 50 meters wide, on both sides of the shady ring avenue within the inner city. The inner city, with its cobbled streets crisscrossed, has few high-rise buildings, many Baroque style , Gothic and Romanesque architecture . medieval St. Stefan's Cathedral and Twin-tower church Its spire rises into the clouds, and its south tower is 138 meters high and overlooks the city. Chamblen Palace was the summer house of the Habsburg dynasty, with Greek architecture, statues and fountains. There are large parks on the island between the Danube River and the Donau Canal. The state was established in 1869 Opera house It is known as the world opera Center. Built in 1857, the 57-meter-wide, 4,000-meter-long ring road is lined with important buildings such as museums, the city Hall, the Congress, the university and the National Opera House. Between the Ring road and another parallel ring road is the middle level, which is built between commercial and residential areas, as well as palaces and churches. Outside the second Ring Road is the outer layer, with parks, villas and others in the west of the city Palace architecture . The outer city Road extends to the edge of the forest. Danube Close to the inner city, the Donao Park has a towering Donao Tower, which is about 252 meters high. [7]

Educational cause

The Goddess column in the Golden Hall
There are hundreds of primary, secondary and special schools in Vienna. University of Vienna It is the oldest and largest comprehensive university in German-speaking countries, founded in 1365, and is especially famous for its medical discipline, which became independent in 2004 Medical University of Vienna In addition to Vienna Academy of Fine Arts , University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna , Technical University of Vienna , Vienna University of Applied Arts , Agricultural University of Vienna and Vienna University of Economics and Management And other famous universities.
Vienna medicine and psychology have international leading level, representative figures are psychoanalysis Sum first Vienna School The founder of Sigmund Freud, Individual psychology And the founder of the second Vienna School Alfred Adler Erwin Lingle, a representative of individual psychology, Meaning therapy The founder of law, existentialist analysis and the Third Vienna School, Viktor Frank Let's wait. In addition, the founder of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics Boltzmann invented Kaplan Turbine's Victor Kaplan, physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach, proposed Doppler Effect Doppler, the father of the television remote control Robert Adler Both studied and worked in Vienna.
Vienna is also philosophical Vienna School and Austrian school The birthplace of the representative figures are Ludwig Wittgenstein , Karl Popper , Ludwig von Mises , Friedrich Hayek and Eugen Bohm-Bavik Let's wait.

Medical and health care

Vienna implements the social insurance and relief system of the whole city, which mainly includes medical insurance, unemployment insurance, pension insurance and accident insurance. There are 3,831 professional doctors, 26 hospitals and 6,554 beds in the city.




Vienna International Airport Also known as Schweishart Airport The airport is 16 km from the city. There are many ways to get from the airport to the city, such as airport bus, airport express train and taxi.


Vienna is Austria Part of the railway system. The Vienna Railcard can be used on all Austrian Federal Railways routes, and the Vienna Railcard can be used on any Austrian Federal railway lines and Danube 50% discount on shipping lines.

Water transport

The Danube River connects Vienna with Hungary the Budapest Water transport is the main mode of transport between the two capitals. It takes 5 hours to sail upstream from Vienna to Budapest and 6 hours 20 minutes to sail upstream from Budapest to Vienna.

Custom and culture

The main religions of the inhabitants of Vienna are Catholicism , Islam , Orthodox Church , Protestantism and Judaism Vienna is the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese.
Vienna has a long history of art and culture, famous for its theatre, opera, classical music and fine arts.

Special food

Vienna is known as the city of food, the local specialty is a piece of veal or pressed pork, spread in flour, eggs and bread crumbs, and then add butter, this dish is called sauce.
Vienna also has a long tradition of cakes and desserts, with pastry chefs often making a kind of chocolate cake with hot apples, custard pancakes and dumplings. This cake is very popular in Europe. In addition, Vienna also has pure wine from the vineyards to the world's most popular Austrian coffee. [7]

Scenic spot


Famous scenic spot

Vienna spreads out from the inner city to the outer city and is divided into three levels. The inner city is the Old Town, known as the "heart of Vienna", where the streets are narrow, cobbled, criss-crossing, mostly Baroque, Gothic and Romanesque buildings, medieval St. Stefan's Cathedral And the spire of the twin-tower church rises above the blue sky. The inner ring road around the inner city, up to 50 meters wide, is lined with trees and is lined with important buildings such as museums, city Hall, Congress, university and State Opera. Between the inner ring line and the outer Ring Line is the middle layer of the city, where there are dense commercial and residential areas, but also churches, palaces and other buildings. To the south and east of the outer ring road are industrial areas, and to the west are villa areas, park areas, palaces, etc., extending to the edge of the forest. Donau Park, located in the north of the city, is also a popular place for tourists. [9]

Old town

The inner city of Vienna is Old town The center of the old town is Vienna Stephen's Cathedral . In the old city Vienna State Opera , Hofburg Palace , Ring Street, Jazz bar Dance halls and art galleries. Most of Vienna's tourist attractions are open all year round, such as Schonbrunn Palace , Hofburg Palace , The Palace of Belfody and Museums in Vienna Most tourists choose to visit in the summer, but many tourists come to Vienna every December to participate in the Christmas market. The House of Habsburg Viennese Schonbrunn Palace Be selected UNESCO the World heritage site And downtown Stephen's Cathedral Is the symbol of Vienna. [10]

Golden Hall

Golden Hall
Golden Hall It is the oldest and most modern in Vienna odeum . It is the legal venue for the annual "Vienna New Year's Concert". Since 1939, the "Vienna New Year's Concert" has been held here every January 1. [11]
The Musikverein was built in 1867 and completed in 1869. is Italian Renaissance Style building. Between the yellow and red exterior walls, there are many statues of the goddess of music on the roof, which are quaint and chic. Vienna Symphony Orchestra At least 12 concerts are held here every quarter. On January 6, 1870, the first performance was held in the Grand Golden Recital Hall of the Concert Hall. From 1872 to 1875, the famous musician Brahms was in charge of organizing concerts. The Musikverein belongs to the Austrian Association of Friends of Music, which, with more than 7,000 members, is the oldest and largest music organization in the world. [12]

Famous person

Vienna nurtured representatives of the Viennese Neoclassical school Schoenberg , Weyburn and Berge . Also born in Vienna Schubert , Old Johann Strauss , Johann Strauss Jr , Lanna and Krzynek Let's wait. Numerous musicians have studied, lived and made music in Vienna, including The Viennese Classical School Three distinguished representatives of Haydn , Mozart and Beethoven , and Liszt , Lejar , Bruckner , Mahler , Gluck , Brahms and Vivaldi Let's wait. [13]

Sister city


City honor

According to the 2017 Global Liveable Cities Survey, Vienna is the most liveable city in Europe. [3]
Vienna is also known as the "music Capital of the world". [14]
In November 2018, the World City Ranking was released, and Vienna entered the ranks of the world's first-tier cities. [15]
On December 26, 2019, it ranked 13th on the list of Top 500 Global Cities in 2019. [16]
In April 2020, it was selected into the "2020 Global Summer City List". [17]
In June 2022, it ranked first in the World's "Most Livable Cities" list 2022. [18]