
Cities in west-central Germany
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Marburg, Germany (Marburg) full name "Marburg an der LAN", was founded in 1211. Marburg is a city in west-central Germany LAN Chaung The city, with a population of 77,000, has an open-air theater in the castle Square, and holds an annual music and drama festival.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative category
The city
Subordinate region
Germany Hesse
Climatic condition
Temperate continental climate
Population number
Build on
The year 1211

Introduction to Marburg

View of Marburg, Germany
The German city of Marburg is a local transport hub. The industry is known for chemical, pharmaceutical and mechanical manufacturing of surgical medical equipment and optical instruments, as well as for the production of art and pottery. It is a frequent center for conferences and exhibitions. There are botanical gardens. The neighbouring university town of Giessen is 27 km south of Marburg. (Pictured is the Main Square in Marburg, Germany)

Earl's castle

The castle is located in the heart of Marburg, a romantic German town on the banks of the LAN River, which has a history of more than 800 years in Germany Hesse It holds a very important place in people's minds, and people even believe that Marburg gave birth to the rich history and culture of Hesse. As early as the 13th century, the Marquis of Hesse built the Earl's castle here, and in 1604 it became the residence of the Earl of Hesse on three occasions. It was once the fiefdom of Ludwig IV, Count of Thuringia, who was made a saint after his death, and since then there has been a steady stream of pilgrims to Marburg, and Marburg has become Central Europe It was not until after the Reformation that the number of pilgrims declined.
Marburg used to be the seat of the German Order, and it was here that Luther and Zwiri held their famous Marburg religious dialogues and debates about the meaning of the Eucharist. German Romanticism also received a decisive boost from Marburg. The legal historian Friedrich Karl von Savigny brought together a group of literary figures, including the famous Brothers Grimm . In Marburg, they were inspired to compose a collection of German folk songs and fairy tales. Today, the town hall and market square under the castle, with numerous old merchant houses and narrow streets, together constitute a romantic and lively Middle Ages Marburg has become one of the most important cities on Germany's famous tourist route, the Fairy Tale Road.
The Wilhelm Hall in the castle is now the Museum of the Cultural History of the University of Marburg, where many famous works of art from BC to the Middle Ages are displayed, as well as paintings and fine arts from BC to the Middle Ages. On the steps of the Ludwig-Bickell-Treppe in front of the castle is the famous Forest House, where Professor Savigny and the Brothers Grimm used to meet . [1]