Cross the line of fire

A first person shooter developed by Smile Gate in 2007
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《穿越火线》(CrossFire,简称CF)是由Smile Gate开发,中国内地由 Tencent Games One operated by an agent First person shooter . [66]
The game tells the story of the world's two largest mercenary groups, Global Risk and the Black List showdown. Have in the game Team competition mode , team match, Blasting mode , Ghost mode And so on. An instant joining system in the form of "shortage replenishment" has been introduced.
In November 2016, "Crossing the Line of Fire" won the title 2016 China Pan-Entertainment Index Ceremony "China IP value list top10 games". [1] March 4, 2019, selected World esports Championships 2019 Official event. [2] 2021, the class of 2020 17173 Game of the Year The Global Impact Award. [74]
Chinese name
Cross the line of fire
Original name
CrossFire , CF
Game type
First-person shooting
Game platform
Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X
Smile Gate
Issuing company
Tencent Games
Issue date
May 3, 2007 (issue)
Issue date
December 25, 2007 (China private test)
Game price
0 yuan
Background music
Unbound , Metrohead , Cyber Thug , strategy now
Content topic
Number of players
Game screen
Game engine
LithTech engine
Game grading
Grade E10+
Latest version
v6.5.2 [3] (March 05, 2024)
Latest version size
11865 MB
Release phase
Official version
Key role
Sais , Omo , Swart

Background setting

No one knows who founded Lurker Mercenary, or where it is based. Some said it was in the service of third world countries, while others claimed it had carried out "special missions" for the rebels. So far, however, no one has found the person in charge of the company, and there is not even any law to restrain it.
But at least one thing is clear to everyone: lurkers never serve the powerful.
Some say that the members of the Lurkers have wild blood flowing through them - which makes them willing to serve weak countries and even perform certain "special services." But to outsiders, everything about them is just speculation.
As early as the formation of the Defender Mercenary Company, it began to openly recruit former members of various famous special forces. This mercenary company serves powerful countries in the name of keeping the peace. They claim to have the most righteous position, and if fighting goes against their convictions, they will not be swayed, no matter how much money is offered.
However, the defenders never reveal the details of every battle they fight, even to their own members. As a result, their professed "just" actions are increasingly being questioned.
Soon, the outside world began to accuse them of being the tools of powerful states and big consortia. There are even rumors that many of the best players left the company because they acted against their ideals at the Defender Mercenary Company.
Mercenary "defenders" who manipulate the interests of the Western world and armies of "lurkers" who fight on behalf of third World countries, including weak countries. The two mercenary armies fought across the world, in a position of opposition between small nations and big powers manipulating the world order.
Background setting

Role setting



Regular role
Regular characters will automatically choose different image characteristics according to the different camp, all characters have the same health, but some characters have special attributes. [4]
Heroic character
Paid hero-level characters have experience points, GP points, and special attacks, such as kicks. In some modes, there are additional attribute bonuses, such as the character "Sakura" pressing the "E" key in Challenge mode, which can cause the character to temporarily awaken. When awakening, all teammates, including yourself, will receive a awakening effect for a period of time, which can be continuously fired without loading. Self-only Awakening effect: Automatically restores health and can fire swords to attack enemies when using exclusive weapons.
Reinforcement role
The enhanced characters produced by the item cards will have some special properties, such as reducing the flash time, preventing their own hand grenades, preventing blood from falling from high altitude and so on. [5]
Phantom (Phantom Card Extraction character)
(Thunder card draw characters)
Judge (Hero level)
Biochemical role
At the beginning of each round in the biochemical mode, 1 to 3 players will become biochemical ghosts, in which the paid biochemical characters have special skills, equip the character to enter the game, and can switch other characters according to the system prompts when changing, such as crazy baby can be invisible. [4]
Biochemical universal role
Biochemical Ghost (default role)
Attributes: Biochemical Ghost Matrix: Health: 2000-6000HP; Attack mode: Use talons with biochemical viruses to infect mercenaries.
Hulk (paid)
Attributes: Skill (G key) : Increases movement speed by 20% in 10 seconds, consumes 500HP.
Crazy baby
Attributes: Skill (G key) : Becomes invisible for 8 seconds, consumes 500HP.
Soul Ninja (paid)
Attributes: Skill (G key) : Can use repel grenades, cost 500HP (8 seconds cooldown).
In the Terminator Mode map, one player becomes a Terminator at the beginning of each turn, and the Terminator is not only changed in appearance, but also has special abilities. The last few survivors on the spot can press the "E" key to transform into mercenaries, who can withstand multiple attacks by biochemical ghosts until they lose all their HP. In Finality Mode, Bio-ghosts killed by Melee weapons are completely dead and cannot be revived. [4]
Terminator (Terminator Mode)
Skills: 1. Energy Shield. 2. Show the player's location on the map.
Ghost Hunter (Terminator Mode)
Stats: 7000 Health, has double Nepal, and cannot switch to other weapons.
Alien Terminator (Terminator Mode)
Skills: 1. Energy Shield. 2. Show the player's location on the map.
Stats: 7000 Health, has a double axe, and cannot switch to other weapons.
In Savior Mode, a "Savior" will appear at the beginning of each turn, and this character has a distinctive shape and secret weapon, press the Q key to switch between normal weapons and grenade guns, but the weapon cannot be discarded. When the character picks up a dropped supply chest, all bullets are restored directly. [6]
The Redeemer


In the challenge mode, monsters and bosses are divided into air and ground, all monsters have a life bar, when the life bar becomes 0, the monster will die, due to the distance of the air unit, this type of monster will affect the lethality of the shotgun, kill all monsters and bosses, then clear the level. [7]
In the trial challenge mode, players need to kill the final BOSS of each area in order to reach the next level, each different BOSS will have different skills, such as biochemical monitor lizard will fire breathing flame, causing sustained damage to players in an area, and can also fire lasers, missiles to cause individual damage to players in a point. [8]
In the Guard challenge mode, the player needs to kill the monsters in each level. The final BOSS will appear in the last level, and the monsters will appear indefinitely until the player kills the final BOSS and protects the base from being broken.



Weapons and equipment

Players have two backpacks by default, can also be expanded with backpack props, each backpack can be equipped with 1 main weapon, secondary weapons, close weapons, the default can be equipped with a throwing weapon, pay to expand the expansion can be equipped with grenades, smoke bombs, flash bombs each 1, players can in the personal warehouse (The player's warehouse will hold up to 1000 game items) Choose your favorite equipment and bundle it into a backpack. Each time you start a new round or resurrect, you can exchange the backpack for the appropriate set of equipment. At the beginning of a new round, you can press the "B" key to switch backpacks, select different backpacks, such as killing an enemy, the enemy dropped a weapon, you can press the "G" key to throw away the existing weapon for replacement.
Some of the equipment in the game has special attributes, such weapons are mainly strengthened on the ordinary weapons, equipping the weapon after the creation of the room will have a special mark, and get some additional bonus, bullet bonus and so on. Each weapon has a detailed attribute description on the introduction page.
There are M4A1, AK, QBZ95 and other firearms, different guns produce different attack power and penetration of objects.
It can kill with a single shot at close range, can fire multiple rounds at once, and is as powerful as a sniper rifle at close range.
High rate of fire and reload speed, some guns will affect the enemy movement effect.
Precision Sniper Rifle
There are AWM, Barrett, sniper, etc., by right-clicking can be freely switched between high-magnification scope and mechanical aim, Barrett sniper gun attack in the game is the largest.
Machine Gun
Only strafing mode can be used, some guns also have features, such as the M240B-Cang Thunder in challenge mode, after a period of time the energy bar is full, right-click can issue a powerful grenade.
There are single-shot pistols and double-shot pistols,
Throw weapons
Throwing weapons are divided into grenades, smoke bombs, flash bombs, grenades can cause high damage to a certain range, flash bombs have no actual lethality, the use of high frequency sound and flash to make the enemy temporarily lose hearing and vision, smoke bombs thrown to the ground will produce smoke, blocking the enemy's vision.
Melee weapon
Most of the time refers to cold weapons, including sticks, crowbars, hammers, knives, etc., but also modern items, such as gloves, wrenches, etc., the attack mode is divided into light and heavy blows. [9]
Protective clothing
Bulletproof helmet
The head is one of the most important parts of the body, without the protection of the head is easy to fall into danger, and the helmet will ensure as much safety as possible. When equipped with a bulletproof helmet, players will not die immediately if they are shot in the head while full of blood.
Bulletproof clothing
Body armor can provide different protection against different injuries.
Smoke head
After equipping the smoke head, the player can clearly see the enemy's position in the smoke, and the smoke head and the bulletproof helmet have no conflict, and the two pieces of equipment can be equipped together.
Flash goggles
The flash bang effect can be resisted to a certain extent, reducing the visual impact on the player. [10]
Ornament equipment
Each character's thumb and index finger can be individually equipped with a ring, and the player can use the "Ornament Recast Book" to recast the ornament's main attributes. After the success of the recast, a random attribute will be selected in the following effects for the player to choose, the player can choose to retain the original attribute of the jewelry, or choose the new attribute of the recast. [11]

Prop reinforcement

Synthetic article
Players can open the "Holy Treasure Chest" to obtain different synthetics, or purchase the required synthetics directly from the exchange system. The materials required for synthetic weapons are 1 piece of weapon paint + 1 piece of weapon parts + 1 piece of weapon fragments + 1 piece of weapon design drawing. In the system, the player uses the specified synthetic materials to synthesize the corresponding rare weapons.
Weaponization system
In the store and personal warehouse, click the heroic weapon "Wanhua" button to enter the Wanhua interface. By consuming CF points, unlock the weapon color matching function, which is permanently obtained after unlocking, players can use any weapon color, and the same weapon color matching items are universal.
Wanhua function
Upgrade package
Upgrade material package can consume Firewire coins in the mall to buy "upgrade material package" upgrade weapons, weapons upgrade, not only the appearance becomes more and more gorgeous, each level of promotion, but also accompanied by the increase of attributes, attributes include equipment bayonet, EP bonus.
Arms card enhancement
Players can use any class card as a material to strengthen other class cards, strengthen the success of the class card level will be increased, upgraded class cards can increase the damage of players skills and reduce the cooldown time of skills, the higher the level of the class card attribute bonus, class cards in each game after the end of the battlefield mode of a certain chance to obtain, can also be purchased in the mall with GP points.
Arms card enhancement
Mosaic system
Each unit will have 3 red slots, 3 blue slots, 3 yellow slots, and 1 purple slot. After the level of the battlefield is upgraded, the player will get a slot, and the player can buy the corresponding color of the gem in the mall according to the color of the slot, and the gem can improve the game attributes of the player in the battlefield mode. [12]


Game coins are mainly GP points, CF points, and Firewire coins.
GP points can be earned for free, as long as the player through the normal game, through continuous accumulation, you can buy items in the mall.
CF points are mainly earned by top-up, but can also be sold to other players on the exchange to earn, you can buy paid items in the mall.
Firewire currency is a new currency launched by the game, players mainly through sign-in, daily tasks, vitality value, activities, character attributes bonus and other ways to obtain, through continuous accumulation, you can use Firewire currency in the Firewire currency mall to buy valuable items.
  • Random treasure chest
Random treasure box you can get random treasure box when you log in to the game, the game online, and complete the game settlement. The treasure box is divided into doll jewelry treasure box, light effect treasure box, character clothing treasure box, weapon treasure box, etc. The purchased key can be used to open the treasure chest, and the random treasure chest or treasure box items obtained can be auctioned at the exchange.
  • Week free weapons case
Every Monday at 6 a.m., the system will provide players with 4 weapon treasure chests for free, while the week free weapons used last week and unopened lottery props will also be deleted, treasure box types have hero weapon box, enhanced weapon box, melee weapon box, can randomly issue 4 deadline weapons for players to use, the weapons will last a week, players can according to their preferences, Choose "Renew use" weekly free weapon, weekly free weapon extension can enjoy the price discount, after the renewal of the weekly free weapon will be the same as ordinary paid weapons, sustainable extension of use time (except constellation /pve weapons).
  • Challenge Chest
In the challenge mode, according to the player's score, you will get different reward chests. After obtaining the treasure chest, you can return to the personal warehouse and directly use it to open it. You can also open the treasure chest in the end interface. [13]
Recovery item
There are a variety of recovery props in the game, there are resurrection coins and medicine bottles, such props are only used for challenge mode, in the challenge mode, after the character dies, press the H key, or press the H key on the body of a teammate, consume a resurrection coin will be automatically revived, if not revived within 1 minute, it will automatically launch the game. A character can use a medicine bottle to restore health when withholding blood. Drugs can be picked up in-game or earned through rewards. [14]
Recovery item
Chinese name
Restorative dose
Acquisition method
Medicine bottle (large)
Restore 60HP at a time
You can buy it in the mall
Medicine bottle (small)
Restore 20HP at a time
It can be picked up in the game or obtained through rewards

Scene map

After entering the game, you can find your favorite map room in the channel to join the game, you can also choose the mode and the map under the mode under the option of creating a room, and create a room. In addition to the man-machine mode, at least 2 players in other modes can start the game.
In terms of terrain, the game has three situations: water, land and air. Land players looking at objects in the water are visually affected by the surface of the water. In the picture quality setting, the system will open the map special effects function according to the player's computer configuration, and after opening the function, the original picture quality will be enhanced in some maps, making the picture more real.
In the general setting, the opening and closing of the weather will have different live effects, and the light effect of the map after opening will have more detailed performance.
Mode introduction
Classical mode
Team competition
The game mode with the goal of destroying enemies, the first to destroy a specified number of enemies within a fixed time can win.
Advanced blasting mode
Advanced blasting mode is the use of limited points, assembly round backpack, blasting mode of advanced gameplay. Gameplay has a separate strength score, and victory or defeat will add or subtract the corresponding strength score. [87]
Blasting mode
The attacker needs to use C4 bombs to destroy the target, while the defender wants to prevent the target from being destroyed, and the player's cooperation is very demanding and competitive.
Ace drill
Ace drill is a secondary extension of multi-player group competition, using a random resurrection mechanism, adding a third party man-machine camp, and randomly appearing supply boxes in the map. [86]
Individual competition
At the beginning of the game, the player will be randomly born in a place on the map, all the people seen in the game are enemies, and the more the number of enemies killed within the specified time, the higher the experience and rewards, and the higher the ranking.
Sniper action
Team combat, specifically designed for combat in special situations, players can only use sniper rifles and melee weapons. [88]
Sniper Battle: Individual competition mode
In individual combat, players can only use sniper rifles and melee weapons.
Knife fight
Team combat, specifically designed for combat in special situations, players can only use melee weapons. [88]
Capture knife fight
In addition to the limited melee weapons, a turn-based rule for the conquest of the territory was added: Players need to clear the enemies in the "conquest area" in order to capture the "conquest area". The longer the occupation, the higher the occupation score; The first team to reach 150 points will win the round. [89]
A knife fight
In individual combat, players can only use melee weapons.
In Headshot mode, you cannot use any throwing weapons, you can only use weapons to kill enemies with headshots.
Biochemical model
Multiplayer Biochemical pursuit mode
The number of players in a single game is 30, and after the first period of time, some players are randomly selected to become the biochemical ghost matrix. The Ghost needs to infect all mercenaries, who need to complete all levels to escape. Biochemical pursuit is still a room system, and players can click on the Biochemical pursuit mode to build a room of 30 people.
Multiplayer Biochemical Terminator mode
In 2019, the multiplayer biochemical mode upgraded on the Biochemical Terminator mode, basic rules: Inherit the Biochemical Terminator mode victory rules: game game duration: 3 minutes 30 seconds Number of players: up to 30 people, throwing weapons: It is forbidden to use smoke bombs and flash bombs, after humans become hunters, they can pick up the dropped blue supply box and become the ultimate hunter, and the G key can have powerful four battle skills. A ghost who picks up a red supply box can transform into a Hellbuster, with an HP of 13,000, and the G key can release Hellfire. [27]
Biochemical model
The defenders and lurkers unite to subdue all the bioghosts and infected personnel. If attacked by a biochemical ghost, it will become infected and become a biochemical ghost. For a fixed period of time, the Bio-Ghost can infect all mercenaries to win; Mercenaries win if at least one of them survives or successfully kills all the ghosts.
Challenge mode
Adventure mode
Players upgrade their stats through monsters and bosses, and kill elite bosses within a limited time for additional bonuses and additional growth effects.
Challenge mode
Players need to kill computer-controlled monsters and the final BOSS, which can be scored by killing monsters to earn the final bonus box and unique BOSS bonuses.
Endless challenges - Special Operations
Players can team up and finish the game in a set time.
Man-machine model
Man-machine team competition
In the man-machine trial mode, players can add computer robots to fight. At present, robots are divided into five levels of difficulty: novice recommended, easy, ordinary, difficult, and very difficult. Players can challenge the robot alone, or they can gather friends together to fight against the robot. [21]
Man-machine team Competition (Single)
Man-machine blasting mode
Man-machine Blast Mode (Single player)
Pioneer model
Multiplayer Bouncy mode
Multiplayer competition, during the game need to surpass others, over the map level obstacles, and finally reach the end within the specified time. Items can be used to interfere in the game.
Hoppy music
Jump Mode is an entertainment mode that does not require killing against enemies. During the game, you need to surpass others, climb over the map level obstacles, and finally reach the end within the specified time. When a player reaches the finish line first, the race will start a 30-second countdown, and the countdown will end. If no one reaches the finish line within the specified time, the final ranking will be used as the settlement ranking. [90]
Maze mode
Players need to use weapons to destroy glass walls and fight in the maze.
Clown Fright Night
Players do not need to shoot, as long as through observation, discussion, reasoning, to find out the undercover hiding in the side, or to conceal, deceive, disguise their undercover identity, and then win. Come here. The microphone is the player's weapon. [91]
Training mode
Gunnery training mode
Kill AI enemies on the map to improve the player's own operation skills.
Throwing training mode
Players can generate AI enemies at any location to practice the use of throwing items.
Other modes
Ghost mode
It's a whole new way of playing! In the same way as in Demolition Mode, the attacking ghost must detonate a C4 bomb to complete the mission, but the Ghost is invisible, can only be seen when moving, and can only be used with a knife.
Battle of Annihilation
You cannot use your own weapons, you can only use existing weapons on the map. Victory can be achieved by annihilating the opponent within the prescribed time.
Breakout mode
The team with the largest number of breakouts and the shortest time wins the break-out mode game.
Attack camp: In the specified time, with the shortest time to make the specified number of personnel successfully break through.
Defensive camp: Try to prevent the opponent from breaking through a specified number of personnel within a specified period of time.
Savior model
Based on the rules of the traditional biochemical mode, the mercenary side is introduced with a random character - Savior, and a new morale system: a system that gains damage by killing biochemical ghosts. Bio-ghost introduces resurrection: Zombies who die without a headshot will come back to life after 5 seconds. And add a new biochemical character, Soul Ninja. In Savior mode, the confrontation between the two sides is more intense and full of variables.
Terminator mode
The confrontation between the human mercenaries and the biological ghosts has been going on for years, although the humans have been losing ground in the early stages of the war, but when the survivors find an effective way to fight the biological ghosts, the situation begins to improve, and the appearance of the Savior helps the mercenaries achieve their first victory in the local area. However, the good times did not last long, the biochemical virus produced a new mutation under the influence of radioactivity, a new biochemical ghost was born, no one knows the appearance and ability of this ghost, because he appeared in the place where no one survived, the human panic called "Terminator". Rumors of a "Terminator" are flying, and humanity is in a new panic, except, of course, for a handful of self-proclaimed "ghost hunters" who have not only survived years of war, but have developed combat skills to fight against biochemical ghosts. Their weapons are no longer regular guns, but specially made double blades made from certain rare metals that have been proven effective in killing biodegradable viruses and preventing them from regenerating! They are professional biochemical ghost killers, and the so-called Terminator is their next target! [15]
Battlefield mode
Battlefield mode to both players take the lead in destroying the enemy command center as the game's victory goal, the entire map is divided into left, right and three, each camp has 6 ordinary defense towers and 2 advanced defense towers, players can attack the command center only after destroying the command center defense tower. [16]
Master gun
All-around Gun King mode is a new fair competition mode. Here, you need to be proficient in all types of firearms, and the list of weapons is the same for all players. Weapons are AK47, M4A1, Barrett, Beretta, even grenades, daggers, etc. You need to complete the kill with all of these weapons to become a true all-around gun king. [17]
Survival competition
Dozens of players are born in the middle of a desert, all players start with no equipment, players need to collect supplies, avoid sandstorms, eliminate opponents, and survive to the end. Only one team can win. [18]
Kill mode
Assassination Mode is a new team mode, which adds assassination + breakout missions to achieve mission objectives or kill all members of the enemy team to win. Assassination mode applies to normal combat. The number of round wins is the final victory goal. This mode is the same as the demolition mode, during the game by completing their own target mission, to obtain a single round victory. The first team to reach the target number of wins wins. At the beginning of the game, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 rounds can be set as the victory goal. [19]
Spy mode
After the opening of the spy mode, there is a spy from the enemy camp in each side's lineup, and the player's nickname is usually replaced by the word "Lurker 01", and we can't tell which one is from the enemy spy. In the first 20 seconds of the game, the spy is not able to attack, and there is no bullet in the gun magazine, after 20 seconds the spy can pick up the gun of the sacrifice soldier wanton attack the enemy, at this time the spy will expose his identity, at this time the spy will lose the camouflage on the body, change back to their own camp clothing. In addition, the identity of the spy is also revealed when the only players remaining on one side are the spies. [20]
Shadow mode
Shadow mode is divided into two types of play: infection play and annihilation play.
Infecting gameplay: The player's primary goal in this gameplay is to kill the enemy player. After being killed by the opposing player, the player will be resurrected as an enemy player. When all players in one camp are killed, the opposing camp wins; When the small game time ends, the side with the larger number wins, and if both sides have the same number, it is a draw.
Annihilation: The player's primary goal in this game is to kill the enemy player. Players cannot be revived after being killed. When all players in one camp are killed, the opposing camp wins; When the small game time ends, the side with the larger number wins, and if both sides have the same number, it is a draw. [22]
Bounty group competition mode
Players can enter the team mode by creating a room in the team mode and selecting "New Transport Ship - Bounty Team Mode" in the map. In this mode, the player cannot bring weapons into their backpack, and must use the default equipment, or use gold to purchase additional equipment in the in-game merchant system. [23]
Football mode
The game is a points system, the first to reach the team has set points to win, the player can kill the enemy to get points, but also through the goal to get points. You get one point for a melee kill and three points for a goal.
There is a football in the center of the opening field, players only need to pass the football to "dribble", other players need to kill the "dribble" player to capture the football. The player who "dribbles" can use G to pass or shoot. [24]
New ghost blasting
At the beginning of each turn, both lurkers and defenders enter full stealth (visible to teammates), and the player will only be uncloaked if the following conditions are triggered. [25]
Tactical blasting
On the basis of the traditional blasting mode, the knockout and rescue system is added. When a teammate's health reaches 0, they are not killed immediately, but enter a knockout state. Teammates can use the E key to save teammates in the knockout state, the saved teammates will restore 30 health, the number of knockdowns and cures is unlimited, you can not use weapons in the knockout state, you can only move, and you will die if attacked again or if no one saves you for a long time. [25]
Leisure mode
Push-button is still a room, and players can click the Push-button mode in casual mode to create a room. The victory goal and race personnel can be customized. The number of players in a game ranges from 2 to 10, evenly divided into two camps. After the opening, the player can use the Thor's Wrath weapon to attack players on the opposing side. The left button to throw the weapon, the right button to use the weapon in melee, the successful hit will make the target player be shot away.
Biochemical parasitism
In traditional biochemical mode, Terminators can evolve into demon terminators and humans into demon hunters.
1. In Parasitic state, mercenaries hit by the Demon Terminator's parasitic bombs will enter parasitic state. Being attacked by a teammate or damaged by grenades can remove the parasitic state. If a mercenary does not remove this status within 5 seconds, it will become infected and become a biochemical ghost [26]
Archdemon Terminator
Archdemon Terminator has a cooler look and higher attack power. The first Cyborg ghost to press the 'E' key among the players who meet the following conditions becomes the Archdemon Terminator: In the game with more than 8 players, the Mercenarian camp appears the Demon Hunter Era, and the round has reached the full biochemical stage [26]
Demon Hunter
The original Ghost Hunter is upgraded to a demon Hunter, with increased attack power and a small amount of HP upgraded Ghost Blade will be restored when killing the Ghost. The properties of the Ghost character are: The Ghost HP recovery time is reduced, and 2 growth points can be obtained when successfully infecting the mercenaries. When playing the game with this item, you can earn additional biotreasure chest growth. [26]
Strategic blasting
Blast Mode upgrade, players can build up to 15V15 multiplayer blast room. Before the game begins, the lurker and Defender will choose one of their three birth spots, each with a maximum number of eight people. After the game starts, the lurker player goes to the location of the map marker to pick up the GPS device, and then breaks through the defender's point A or point B to perform the next pack. [28]
Note: The new version of the hall model is adopted in the mode classification.

Game system


PK system

The game provides players with 1 to 5 flexible platoon functions. Players can invite each other freely, but there is a maximum difference of 4 slots between the highest and lowest players in a team. The player in a team of 5 will be the first to match the player in a team of 5. When opening the demolition, team race, knife battle rank, all teammates have the chance to get lucky games. Winning a lucky match will earn an extra 2 qualifying points. There is no limit to the number of lucky matches you can trigger per day, giving you a rating from the authorities based on your in-game performance. Masters and above who do not play a Gun King ranking game for 2 weeks will be penalized with a daily deduction of 50 points, up to the end of Masters 1. At the end of the season, the player will be awarded the item for the corresponding level. [30] 29 -
The 10th season
On the Record query screen, you can query a maximum of 20 matches in the last 10 days. After completing the required quest conditions for the Medal of Honor, you can light up the Medal of Honor system and earn additional honor points. MEDALS will be reset with each season change.
When the Gun King ranks the sword battle to kill each camp's ACE and revenge, you can earn a kill bonus, and the bonus is added to the total number of enemies killed by each camp. [28]
Gun King rank mode introduction
Blasting mode
Adopt 5V5 mode, 6-game first win system, automatically change camps after 5 rounds. There are black towns, ports, exotic towns, Hawkeye and other maps. [80] [81 ]
Team competition
In 5V5 mode, the first to reach 80 wins. [82 ]
Knife fight
In 3V3 mode, the first to reach 60 wins. [83 ]
Single Challenge
The first player to kill the opponent in this mode will win this round, the game has automatic switching rules, the first player to reach 5 wins to win the whole game, will be based on the number of consecutive wins of the player, according to the highest record issued different rewards. [31] [84 ]
Sniper single challenge
The 1-on-1 single-challenge gameplay is used, but the weapons that can be used are limited to sniper rifle groups. That is, the player who kills the opponent first will win this round, and there is an automatic side change rule in the game, and the first player to reach 5 wins will win the whole game. This mode does not use the segment mechanism used in other modes, and uses a new streak mechanism. This mode will record the number of consecutive victories of the player, and different rewards will be awarded according to the highest record of the streak. [79] [85 ]
Endless challenge
Map name
Fifth Square
There are 6 rounds.
Dark base
There are 6 rounds. [32]
Valley of doom
The first three rounds require the player to conduct defensive positional warfare inside the building to prevent the monsters from entering the room, and the last three rounds will move outside to fight with the monsters coming from all sides.
Factory Doom
In a sophisticated, dank factory, Lintware is building massive numbers of war robots. The plot of the Doomsday Factory, the insane Doctor Doom and the giant Doomsday Mech, is a serious threat to world peace. Warriors, pick up your weapons and join the fight to destroy as many doomsday machines as you can in your endless challenge!
The new map uses a pentagonal structure, with a large number of machine monsters transported on the assembly line, and as the monsters are killed faster and faster, the assembly line overload level is gradually increased, and more machines are created.
Go through the challenges and defeat the final BOSS, the Ultimate Doomsday Mecha!
(There is a small chance to meet the Golden Doomsday Mecha, get double level rewards) [72]
The second season has been updated with new rewards, rune synthesis mechanism, new matching system and attribute system, and completing endless challenge games will have the chance to get item rewards, demon wings, Terminator dolls. [28]
In the third season, the Endless Store was added, allowing players to redeem items using the Endless Mark. Endless Marks can be earned by participating in a game, or by issuing them on a weekly basis, and cannot be accumulated for the next season.
Official tournament
The tournament system is an official event system that allows players to participate easily and quickly. Open at 19:00 and 21:00 every day. The number of participants is divided into 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, and the competition mode is TD team competition. First class players can sign up individually and randomly team up to participate. Select the tournament you want to join, the recruitment phase will enter the registration, and the competition will start after the registration is finished. Individual registration. Through 4 rounds of matches to determine the top 16, top 8, top 4, final places, after the end of the tournament according to the individual ranking to receive awards. In the round of 16, 8, 4, final failure and final win, will pop up to receive the reward window, prizes include Firewire coins, GP, weapons, business cards, spray paint and so on. [33]

Achievement system

Hierarchical system
There are 5 basic levels:
Soldier, non-commissioned officer, lieutenant, field officer, general. A total of 100 levels, from Private 1 to Marshal, requires experience of 26564451.
There are 3 categories of honor levels:
Marshal, Grand Marshal, Grand Marshal. The upgrade uses a new calculation unit "honor points", and the honor points earned in each game will be calculated according to the strength of the player and the strength of the teammates. Players who reach the Marshal level change as their honor points change, and are updated daily at 6am.
Grand Fuhrer
Grand Fuhrer
Level up to Grand Fuhrer requires experience 99999999. [35]
Grand marshal
Grand marshal
Players with the rank of Marshal within the top 50% of their honor points (e.g., 20 "Grand Marshal" players when there are 100 players of Marshal rank).
The Senior Grand Marshal
The Senior Grand Marshal
Players with the rank of Marshal rank within the top 30% of their honor points (for example, 20 "High Marshal" players when there are 100 players of Marshal rank).
The Senior Grand Marshal
Head of state
Players with the rank of Marshal within the top 10% of their honor points (e.g., 10 "Fuhrer" players when there are 100 Marshal players).
There are 1 categories of peak levels:
Honorary Marshal. This can be unlocked once the player reaches the highest level available (Zijin Dafuhrer). There are 500 ranks of Honorary Marshals, divided into ten ranks, each of which contains five titles. Players can earn honor points (non-EP) by playing the game, thus increasing the rank of the Honor Marshal. It should be noted that honor points are only related to playtime and are not affected by the bonus of heroic weapons. Honor points are only counted by game time, and the longer a player plays each day, the slower the rate at which they earn honor points. The earning rate of honor points is refreshed with daily missions, as shown in the figure below. (Quitting the game in the middle of the game will not count the honor points earned by the game). After reaching the Honorary Marshal level, you can activate the Honorary Marshal Collection system. This includes the Honorary Marshal's exclusive loading background and the Honorary Marshal's exclusive rank icon. As the honor level increases, different backgrounds and ICONS will be unlocked. Once players reach Level 5, they will be able to unlock the exclusive character of the Marshal of Honor: The Knight of Glory. [34]
Hierarchical system
Honorary marshal

Other systems

Map workshop
In June 2020, a biochemical pursuit mode and map items were added. [28]
In December 2021, the Map Workshop will support Challenge mode. [71]
Biochemical honor system
Upgrade your Biochemical honor level to unlock intra-office stat bonuses and get treasure chests (chances to draw big bonuses). Stat bonuses and rewards will be updated later in the form of "seasons" (note, not parallel to the time of the ranking season).
Players gain access to treasure chests by advancing through honor levels. Unlock the treasure chest for the chance to earn Ultimate Hunter Phantom Hunter, Gatling - Robohunter, Barrett - Bounty Hunter, VoidBuster doll, Robohero doll, Heart Stab Sword, Tyrant Axe and other bonus items such as business cards, spray pictures, borders and more. [75]
Biochemical Mode honor level
Title system
The title system will bring more special titles and attribute bonuses to players, so that players who love to fight in the game have more ambitious goals. The title system brings new challenges to the player in the form of a step-by-step unlock. Each title has a different qualification, and as the qualification becomes more difficult, the title becomes more difficult to obtain. Each title has its own additional attributes, and the player can also obtain its corresponding attributes while obtaining the title, which can bring a lot of convenience to the player in actual combat. [36]
Badge system
A badge in the game is a symbol that gives the player credit for achieving a specified goal (value) in the game. The badges in Crossfire are divided into five categories: Each badge is divided into three levels, C, B, and A, and each level is divided into three sub-levels, 1, 2, and 3. In descending order, C1 . [37]
Squadron system
Positions of team members: Captain, Deputy captain, secretary, instructor, commander, diplomat. [35]
For players who belong to a team, add a team badge to an existing attribute and a team icon in front of an in-game nickname (only when the team logo is displayed; Do not display the logo when there is no team logo display right; Teams without a team logo will not be displayed). [77]
Team welfare
Troop size
EP reward
GP reward
Less than 200 people
Less than 200 people
501 to 1,000 people
More than 1001 people
Clan level
Clan level
Escalation condition
Degradation condition
Weekly decrease
Team levels are based on activity and are announced every Monday.
The contributions earned by team members during the week are automatically calculated into the team activity.
Team levels vary with activity.
The higher the team level, the more deputy positions can be accommodated.
The increase in the number of deputy posts will not be reduced as a result of the reduction in rank. [78 ]

Honor received

In 2008, the China Online Game Rankings selected "Cross Fire" as "the best shooting and battle online game of the year" and "the Top Ten most popular online game". [38]
In 2009, the China Online Game Awards selected "Cross Fire" as "Top Ten most popular online game" and "Best Shooting and Battle online Game of the Year". [39]
In 2010, China's online Game rankings selected "Crossing the Line of Fire" as "the Top Ten most popular online games" and "the best Shooting online Games of the Year". [40]
In 2010, Sina China Online Game Ranking selected Crossfire as the "Top Honor Award of Online Game of the Year". [41]
In December 2011, "Crossing the Line of Fire" won the "2011 annual excellent online game". [42]
In 2012, "Crossing the Line of Fire" was selected into the "Hall of Honor" of China's online game rankings. [43]
In 2014, the China Game Magazine selected Crossfire as one of the "Top ten most popular online games". [44]
In November 2016, Crossing the Line of Fire was awarded 2016 China Pan-Entertainment Index Ceremony "China IP Value List - top10 Games List". [1]
In January 2017, the Sports Information Center of the State General Administration of Sport selected "Crossing the Fire" as "the most influential FPS esports project in China in 2016". [45]
In 2021, "Cross the Line of Fire" won the 2020 17173 Game Top Global Impact Award. [74]

Music dubbing

Issue time
Write words
Composed BY
April 16, 2008
Xiao Xu game music
Theme song
April 16, 2008
Man in the Wire
Theme song [46]
August 1, 2014
Nicholas Tse
Theme song [47]
July 31, 2015
The 7th anniversary theme from Crossfire [48]
April 27, 2017
Cross Fire X War Ridden
Tyler Bates
Background music [49]
August 4, 2017
Theme song [50]
August 3, 2018
" CrossFire "
Leehom Wang
Leehom Wang
Theme song [51]

Game event

August 2023
2023 Crossfire World Championships [76]
December 2022
White Shark esports Club Champion [73]
December 2021
AG Club Finals champion [67]
December 2020
The Club won the world Championship
May 2020
2020CFDL Development League [52]
May 2020
CFEL 2020 [53]
April 2020
Season 16 of the CFPL Pro League [54]
2020 Crossfire Pro League Spring Game
CFPL Professional League season 15
Season 14 of the CFPL Pro League
The year 2018
Season 13 of the CFPL Pro League [55]
The year 2018
Season 12 of the CFPL Pro League [56]
The year 2017
CFPL Pro League season 11
The year 2017
CFPL Pro League Season 10
The year 2016
CFPL Pro League Season 9 [57]
The year 2015
CFPL Professional League season 6
The year 2013
CFPL Professional League season 4

Derivative work



Game picture
Cross the fire line HD competition region
Cross the Line of Fire: The Gunfight King
Cross the fire experience suit
Crossfire: Legion
Cross the Wire X


Production time
The year 2020
36 episodes


" Cross the line of fire The novel takes the game as the background, so that the player can deeply feel the growth process of the character he plays in the story, and the plot is completely closely related to the content of the game, and all the characters, maps and game modes and equipment in the game will appear in the novel one after another. [58]


Cross the Line of Fire: Project Ghost
" Lance girl "Cross the line of fire and Tencent animation to cooperate with the launch of the fan animation, the animation of the game in the gun girl into a girl image, and the game itself presents a fierce Han gunfight image formed a great contrast, but relying on different personality style of the girl image vividly show the characteristics of the gun. [59]
Lance girl
" Legend of the Wire "Is a light animation produced by Tencent Game Players Alliance and CF Video Center in 2016, a total of 3 seasons. [95]
Legend of the Wire

Configuration requirements

Minimum configuration
Recommended configuration
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T6400 2.0GHz
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+ 2.4GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz
AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor @ 3.1GHz
More than 15GB free space
Graphics card
NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
AMD Radeon HD 6450
Intel HD Graphics 3000
AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP
Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
Win ® 7 64-bit
Win ® 10 64-bit or more
Direct X 9.0c
2MB and above broadband [60]

Game review

The game fun pursued by Crossfire is not only the exhilaration of shooting, but also the strategic significance brought about by mutual cooperation and tacit understanding. The rapid movement of characters and the striking feeling of aiming and shooting are filled with the fun of fast-paced FPS games. In particular, it is fun to continuously mine the map by calculating the best route after confirming the player's birth point and battle zone. ( NetEase games Review) [61]
"Cross the Line of Fire" each character is a legend, each legend has a story, in the war on the battlefield, in addition to sophisticated weapons and equipment, there are cool roles is also essential. Let the player in the battlefield distinctive features, some of the hidden attributes of the character, in the actual battle is also very useful. ( Tencent Games Review) [62]
In the eyes of the public players, the game quality of CF has remained unchanged for many years. In December 2014, in version 2.0, the game has comprehensively improved the picture quality, user interface, weapons, characters and gameplay in all aspects, although the game picture engine is relatively old. But old bottles can make new wine. ( Youjiu Review) [63]
"Cross Fire" for the event's importance, and the domestic tripartite events and CFS such international competitions, is also a major breakthrough in the history of "Cross Fire" events, at the same time, this practice also created the mainstream esports project official world competition to open the promotion channel to third-party events industry first. To some extent, the support for third-party events, especially the promotion of third-party international events, is not to create a new history for "Crossing the Line of Fire", but to restore the glory and tradition of the past three-way events. Such a new "Cross Fire" international competition system seems far away, but as more and more overseas teams can compete with domestic teams, more and more countries and regions began to become the "Cross Fire" international competition venue, to achieve this is undoubtedly only a matter of time. ( Zhongguancun Online Review) [64]
"Cross Fire Line" in the official operation of the time, constantly optimize the content and version update, the game launched a variety of new content gameplay, of which the "cute pet battle" gameplay is greatly enriched the map elements and game interest, the overall content of the game to be constantly improved and optimized. The game from the number of people online at the same time 500,000, 1 million, 3 million, 5 million, and then 6 million, again and again with a record to constantly refresh to prove to the industry that he is the current FPS online game industry leader. ( Homeless star Review) [65]

Related infringement case

In 2017, Wuxi police and Xianning police cooperated with the security operation team to successfully arrest and destroy a number of offline plug-in production teams. [96]
In 2019, the security operation team assisted and cooperated with the police of the network Security Brigade of Laohekou Public Security Bureau to successfully capture a CF game plug-in manufacturing and sales gang. [96]
In September 2023, Wenshang County Public Security Bureau network security brigade through the relevant clues provided by the security operation team, successfully assisted in the capture of eight people led by Zhou Mou to compile and sell game hangers. [96]
In June 2024, Tencent cooperated with the law enforcement of Qingdao Cultural Tourism and the investigation of the public security food and drug ring, and the whole chain cracked down on a case of "Crossing the Line of Fire" game hanging. [96]