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People's Republic of ChinaMinistry of National Defense

June 2024Ministry of National Defense新闻发言人张晓刚就近期涉军问题发布消息 中国海军“和平方舟”号医院船起航执行“和谐使命-2024”任务 习近平向联合国贸易和发展会议成立60周年庆祝活动开幕式发表视频致辞 1 ...

The People's Republic of ChinaMinistry of National Defense

October 2, 2020 "I am in the peacekeeping position, please rest assured of my family, the motherland and the people!" The loud voices of peacekeepers and soldiers echoed through the camp. Deeply love the family and the country, and care about the peace of the world, this is the dedication and perseverance of Chinese peacekeepers.

It concerns all mankind, and China and Russia responded quickly after the United States made a shameless statement

8 days ago This statement of the United States, China and Russia seem to be no surprise. Our embassy in the United States said it is willing to engage with the United States on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation, and the Russian Foreign Ministry also said that Russia will respond to the US statement. Russia has not directly said it wants to expand or shrink its nuclear Arsenal...

17 countries issued a joint statement, Israeli soil was bombed, Macron showdown with Putin

June 9, 2024 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that he supports the hostage swap, but he stressed that it will not happen unless HamascompleteBe weakened, or Israel will never stop fighting. There's nothing to talk about! The United States has lost patience with China and Russia and co-opted the leaders of the 16 countries. It has been reported that...

News! 17 countries issued a joint statement, Israeli soil was bombed, Macron showdown with Putin

8 days ago The conflict, supported by the United States, seems to be spiraling out of control, while the conflict, provoked by the United States, is also getting worse. According to Xinhua News Agency reported on June 6, French President Emmanuel Macron decided to provide fighter jets to Ukraine and help train pilots. Since...

20 large rocket artillery barrage, the North and South Korea "belligerent" relations qualitative, the Chinese concern...

5 days ago Therefore, in the case of such malicious provocation by the United States and South Korea and continued response by the DPRK, the situation on the peninsula is headed for a spiral escalation. So recently, in fact, the situation on the peninsula has been quite severe, and the most representative event is that at the beginning of this year, North Korea decided to identify South Korea as "forever."

Take out the trash and throw the missiles! Korean"Play with fire"After North Korea warned, the United States called for an investigation...

June 5, 2024 In recent days, tensions on the peninsula have escalated again, with North Korea increasingly threatening South Korea, and the South Korean government trying to defend its position by a tough response. However, it is not difficult to see from the Yin Xiyue government's response that they also seem to bePlaying with fire...

Taiwan station team ice and fire, the United States does not rule out military intervention, Russia said at any time to support reunification...

8 days ago And the Taiwan authorities can be said to be honest a lot after the military exercise, but within a few days, Biden began to insert a finger directly at China's Taiwan region, and threatened to "support Taiwan by force." The news of this can be regarded as another lifeline for the Taiwan authorities...

Home and country, hand in hand to forge ahead! - People's Republic of ChinaMinistry of National Defense

October 1, 2020 The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day in 2020 is the second time that the two festivals "gather" on the same day in the 21st century. What is more special is that in the year of decisive victory in all-round well-off society and decisive battle against poverty, more families got rid of poverty and embarked on the road to prosperity as scheduled; In the impact and complexity of the epidemic at home and abroad...