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du Xiao Yao

[Guidelines] What is "Reference material does not correspond to content"?

What's the problem?

Baidu encyclopedia content needs to be objective and true, can not write. How do you know if what you're writing is true? Nobody knows everything. There's no way to tell. So you have to have a reference, you have to put in the entry that matches the reference, well, that's basically true.
Reference materials should be as authoritative as possible, such as textbooks, professional websites, mass media is ok, company websites are barely strong, and forums, micro-blogs, and so on.

The so-called "reference does not correspond to the content" means that the text does not match the reference material: a paragraph of content is written in the text and the reference material is attached, but the reference material does not contain this information.
The reference material is used to prove that what you have written is reliable, and if it does not contain the content of the article, it is not very reliable.
The most common situation where the reference does not correspond to the content is when there is only a little bit of content in the reference, but there is a lot of content in the entry. This is all unsourced content.
For example, to write a Li Mou (character) entry, the main content of the entry is of course Li Mou's basic information, life experience, works, etc., the reference material given is "a college professor Li Mou" interviewed by the media said a point of view on an academic issue. However, the real information about this character in the report is only "Li Mou is a professor in a university", and other experiences and works belong to "reference materials and content do not correspond".

【 How to solve? 】

Most encyclopedia entries do not have mandatory requirements for reference materials, and they are not required to have them, but they must be added correctly. The basic rule is that whatever is in the text of the entry must also be found in the references.
This "find" does not require that a word is right, but that there is this thing, whether it is "Li Mou is a professor in a university" or "Professor Li Mou works in a university".
How to solve it? According to the above explanation, correct what doesn't work. If it doesn't match, just delete it.

In addition, Baidu Encyclopedia has special requirements for the following types of entries, must have reference materials: enterprise, product, product series and brand, business activities, people.

【 Extra words 】
"What if I wrote something I researched/wrote/interviewed exclusively, but there are no references?"
If so, sorry, your content is not verifiable facts, not suitable for Baidu encyclopedia. You'd better give up.
Personal research/exclusive interviews are only appropriate for inclusion on if they have been published or widely reported; The latest news and gossip that have not been widely spread, and only those that have been reported by the mass media are suitable for writing into Baidu Encyclopedia.
More details see here:

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