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Baidu Encyclopedia: Coverage

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Baidu Encyclopedia: Coverage
Baidu encyclopedia coverage function is given Encyclopedia tadpole group Advanced user and Characteristic entry The maintainer can easily remove the power of obviously incorrect edits (such edits must significantly degrade the quality of the article) and restore the contents of the article to any previous version.
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Basic information

Chinese name
Baidu Encyclopedia: Coverage
The method of updating the version of the term
Cancel edits that are obviously wrong
Right holder
Tadpole group senior user, maintainer of featured entries

Usage method

1. In the version history page, hover the mouse cursor over the version you want to restore, and the "Version Overwrite" button will appear on the right side:
2. After clicking, fill in the covering reason accurately and in detail in the pop-up floating layer, and confirm the submission.
The version generated by the overwrite operation displays a new flag where the version reward flag (complex, premium) is displayed.
Note: Overwriting will not succeed if the current entry has a pending version.

Permission use

The main purpose of override rights is to protect entries from malicious editing by clicking on them Historical version The "Overlay" button in the page will take out any old version as the latest version and display it at the front. When submitting the overlay, please fill in the reason in detail for follow-up tracking.
If the version of the term has the following problems, you can use the override action. If the version you edited is overwritten, please check for the following problems.
  1. one
    Malicious editing (e.g., content filled with water, meaning unclear).
  2. 2.
    The content added is irrelevant (see [1-2] ).
  3. 3.
    The content added is weakly related (see [1-2] ).
  4. 4.
    The added content, images, open categories, and references are suspected of advertising (see [3] ).
  5. 5.
    Add content right or wrong objectivity Content (e.g., parody, original research, made-up content, subjective content, exaggerated content) [3] ).
  6. 6.
    The images added are non-objective (e.g., original images, parodies).
  7. 7.
    The addition is highly controversial. Not recommended to include.
  8. 8.
    The content added is insulting content (for example, malicious attack, insulting content) [3] ).
  9. 9.
    Valid, important references have been largely deleted.
  10. 10.
    Entry typesetting is seriously damaged, affecting the reading experience. (For example: graphic layout confusion, picture paragraphs do not correspond, etc.)
  11. 11.
    Other editing actions that lead to a serious decline in the overall quality of the entry, or the process of revision has caused irreparable losses.

Matters needing attention

Attention, please! Overlays are only a tool to protect the content of an article, please do not use it in a possible dispute situation.
If the overwrite operation is called back, or the overwritten version dies, check for the following:
1. The reason for overwriting is incorrect. When using override permissions, please specify the reason for the override (see "Permissions Function"). If a nonsensical reason such as "overwrite" or "fix" is used, if an overwrite reason exists, or if an overwrite reason exists for a non-overwrite reason, the overwrite action will be rejected and the overwritten version may be deleted.
2. The overwrite is not used properly. Use of the override permission in situations that may lead to disputes may result in denial of the override operation.
3. There is no objective quality reduction after the content is edited by users (see "Permission to Use Catalog" 1-11), and there are only subjective views or aesthetic differences between editors, so it is not recommended to use the override right. (If the term overview diagram is replaced with another diagram that meets the quality requirements)
Situations where coverage rights should be used with caution:
1. After the content of the entry is edited by the user, there are some small defects that do not affect the overall quality (such as the change of the sentence order, the information bar, the inner link, and the addition of pictures that do not affect the understanding). In this case, please do not blindly use overlay. Be kind to all who contribute, and if fixing the flaw is a simple matter, modify it instead of using overwriting to negate the contribution of others.
2. If the article is covered more than twice because of a certain disputed content or the editorial concept of a certain article, please contact the official request to lock the article arbitration After reaching a consensus, unlock the edit. It is not recommended that multiple overrides in a single entry result in an edit war situation.
3. If the user unintentionally deletes a lot of original content or destroys the structure during editing, which makes it difficult to manually restore the situation, overwrite can be used. After overwriting, please manually edit and retain the modification made by the user in good faith.
4. If the user adds a lot of valid content from sources in the editing, but destroys the structure of the entry at the same time, making it not conform to the featured entry editing guide, it can use the coverage right for maintenance. However, after overwriting, please supplement the valid content of compliance added by users in subsequent versions. If the workload of adding new content after the evaluation is overwritten is greater than that of modifying it manually. The override right is not recommended. If the valid content added by the user is not supplemented after overwriting, causing the user to report the loss of the valid content, the overwritten version may be deleted.
5. Please evaluate the use of coverage rights in my edited entries first.
1) If a term has been added by the term certifier to which no public reference can be found, the override right cannot be used. It should be sorted out and repaired in the edited version of the entry.
2) If the editor of the entry arranges the original content of the entry or adds publicly verifiable information content, but the coverage can be used, then the coverage right can be used. However, after covering, the effective content added should be sorted out and added according to the characteristic rules.

Permission cancellation

  1. one
    Any user with coverage rights encounters each natural month Valid complaint (is complained, and is officially ruled to violate the code of use of the coverage right) more than 3 times, the coverage right is suspended hebdomad ; If valid complaints are filed more than 10 times every six months, the right to coverage will be suspended Half a year .
  2. 2.
    Any user who has the override right and violates the usage specification again after any of the above permission revocation periods can initiate a discussion vote. Permanent cancellation The override right of the user.