Baidu Encyclopedia: reference materials

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Baidu Encyclopedia only includes facts from which sources can be found, the significance of reference materials is to point out the source/source of the part of the content, so as to ensure that the content is objective and true.
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Baidu Encyclopedia: reference materials
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Classification of reference materials


Reliability classification

Reference material
Reliable reference material
1. Publications, official websites and their official certified media numbers published by government agencies at all levels
For example, articles published on the websites/public accounts of central and local government departments such as "Chinese Government Website" and "Official Website of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China".
2. Publications and official websites of public academic, educational and medical institutions and their official certification media numbers
For example: "Chinese Academy of Sciences website", "Peking University website" and other public academic institutions, educational institutions website/public number published articles.
3. Organizations with press and publication licenses or Internet news and information service licenses and their official certified media numbers
For example:" Xinhuanet "," Articles published by news organizations/websites/public accounts such as "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Beijing Daily", "Shaanxi Daily", "Southern Weekend", etc.
4. Officially published/published books, journals, papers
For example, the content of books, magazines, academic journals, etc. published by publishing houses.
Use limited references
1. Forums, blogs, we-media
2. Sections and columns that can be modified by UGC in the website
3. Microblog, wechat and we-media accounts of non-public and non-governmental organizations with authenticity certification
4. Official websites of enterprises and non-public institutions
5. Well-known vertical websites (Dianping, Kugou Music, Ctrip, etc.)
6. Content plagiarism, references to encyclopedic websites
7. The content has advertising tendencies such as promotion and purchase recommendation
Unavailable reference material
1. The content violates national laws and regulations
For example: Websites that list the RTHK region as a "country" (Amazon), gambling (betting, betting) websites, and content violate the advertising law.
2. Other encyclopedic websites
3. Content with a disclaimer or where the publisher is expressly not responsible for the authenticity of the content
For example:
"This article is for the enterprise to promote business information, only for the user's reference, if the user will use it as a reference for consumption behavior, please inform the user to make a prudent decision."
"Where the website indicates" source: XXX (not this website) "works, are reproduced from other media, reproduced to convey more information, does not mean that the website agrees with its views and is responsible for its authenticity."
4. The published content is inconsistent with the website and the field of works
For example: Real estate information website introduces entertainers
5. The reference website is unstable or the link is redirected

Reference information filling requirements

one video
When using video reference materials, please indicate in the title of the reference how many seconds the supporting content appeared.
2. Paper reference
  • Paper reference information filling format requirements:
Newspapers: Article author. Article name. Newspaper name, newspaper publication date (layout)
Our technology has been catching up: Interview with Zhou Ji, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. People's Daily,2013-01-12(2)
Magazine: Article author. Article name. Journal name, year of publication, volume (issue): page number
E.g. Li Youping, Wang Li. Evidence-based Medicine Research Methods: Video attached. Chinese Journal of Transplantation, 2019,4(3):225-228
Books: Author. Title. Publisher. Year of publication: Page number
Example: Ethnic and Religious Committee of the CPPCC Beijing, Institute of Ethnic and Religious Studies, Beijing Union University. Dynasties and national religions. National Publishing House,2012:112
  • The "Image Upload" function is limited to uploading Newspapers, magazines, books The content of the paper reference materials in photocopy, photo, PDF and other formats is used for auxiliary proof of the paper reference materials. Please ensure that the four corners are complete and the content is complete when uploading. Other types of reference materials ( Including but not limited to awards, patent certificates, certificates of qualification The "Photo upload" function cannot be used for evidence.
3. Network resource class reference
Website name, article name need to be consistent with the link to the page, fill in the content does not match the network reference material, will be considered to be wrong reference material.
Example 1: If a reference is an article page sent by with 100 number, the website name can be filled in "", "100 number", " 100 number", but it is wrong to fill in "website" or "Baidu".
Give an example
Article name
True or false
New study: Earliest evidence of humans riding horses dates back about 5,000 years
Source website: Xinhuanet hundred number
New study: The earliest evidence of humans riding horses dates back about 5,000 years
✔ ️
New study: The earliest evidence of humans riding horses dates back about 5,000 years
✔ ️
Xinhuanet hundred number
Xinhuanet hundred number
Example 2: If the reference material is the company introduction page of the official website of an enterprise, the result of filling in the information is as follows:
Article name
True or false
xx Company
Company introduction
✔ ️
Company introduction
Company introduction
xx Company
xx Company
✔ ️
xx company official website
Company introduction
✔ ️
Example 3: A reference is the introduction page of product A on the official website of the enterprise. The result of filling in the information is as follows:
Article name
True or false
xx Company
Company introduction
Product A
Product A
xx Company
Product A
✔ ️
xx company official website
Product A
✔ ️
Note: The behavior of intentionally filling in the wrong/writing other well-known websites (for example, the behavior of corporate websites writing the website name as "Xinhuanet") will be regarded as "malicious editing" and should be dealt with in accordance with the corresponding punishment rules.

Key classification requirement

In order to verify the authenticity of the content of the term, it is necessary to ensure that each key information point of the content of the term is supported by reference materials.
If the entry you submit belongs to the categories related to people, business, medical, food, entertainment, and politics, the following information points need sufficient reference materials to prove (other classification reference materials requirements see Baidu Encyclopedia: featured entries Classification Guide section).

The people category

Key information points for reference
Rule specification
State leader : Former President of the State, Chairman of the Military Commission, General Secretary, and currently member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee
All content
Only links to Xinhua and People's Daily reports, as well as links to official Weibo accounts of Xinhua and People's Daily.
Other public officials : Government officials at all levels, deputies to the People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, and military personnel
Basic information (date of birth, nationality, place of origin, ethnicity, educational background, graduation institution, date of death); Work experience; Character works; Character deeds
Information disseminated through the public media.
entertainer : Singer (group), actor, director, artist, host, Internet celebrity, anchor
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, nationality, place of birth, native place, ethnic group, blood type, height, weight, education, graduate school, brokerage company, debut date, works, hobbies)
1. Materials transmitted by public media, official websites of brokerage companies, and microblog of character certification;
2. Works can use video, audio, and book purchase page links as proof, but they must be officially published and not uploaded by users.
Note: The relationship between the star/artist and the agency and the performing arts group should be provided in the following two ways:
1. Provide third-party media reports
2. The star's verified account supports the relevant content + the official website of the brokerage company/performing arts company or the verified account supports the relevant content (that is, the star and the brokerage company/performing arts company can recognize the corresponding relationship with each other)
Date of birth, date of death, character relationship, honors received, character experience, educational experience, emotional experience, character evaluation
Information disseminated through the public media.
Backroom worker : Composers, songwriters, producers, agents and other staff engaged in performing arts and entertainment industries
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, date of birth, nationality, height, weight, native place, nationality, education, graduate school, brokerage company, works)
1. Materials transmitted by public media and official websites of brokerage companies;
2. Works can use video, audio, and book purchase page links as proof, but they must be officially published and not uploaded by users.
Date of death, relationship, honors received, character experience, educational experience, emotional experience, character evaluation
Information disseminated through the public media.
Artist : Calligrapher, painter, photographer
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, date of birth, nationality, height, weight, native place, nationality, education, graduated school, work)
1. Materials transmitted by public media and official websites of brokerage companies;
2. Works can use video, audio, and book purchase page links as proof, but they must be officially published and not uploaded by users.
Date of death, relationship, honors received, character experience, educational experience, emotional experience, character evaluation
Information disseminated through the public media.
Corporate figure : Enterprise managers, ordinary employees with outstanding contributions
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, date of birth, nationality, height, weight, native place, educational background, graduated university, current position)
Materials transmitted by the public media, the company's official website, vertical websites.
Date of death, relationship, work experience, works, honors, achievements and status
Information disseminated through the public media.
Other business personnel Including but not limited to lawyers, accountants, engineers, business training school teachers, etc
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, date of birth, nationality, height, weight, native place, educational background, graduated university, current position)
Materials transmitted by the public media, the company's official website, vertical websites.
Date of death, relationship, work experience, works, honors, achievements and status
Information disseminated through the public media.
researcher : Researchers, scientists, teachers in non-commercial training schools
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, date of birth, nationality, height, weight, native place, educational background, graduated university, current position)
Information transmitted by the public media, official website of the employer, and vertical websites.
Date of death, personal relationship, teaching and research experience, teaching and research achievements, honors received
Information disseminated through the public media.
Other characters : Sports figures and other industry figures
Basic information (foreign name, nickname, date of birth, nationality, height, weight, native place, educational background, graduated school, current position, professional characteristics)
Materials transmitted by the public media, the company's official website, vertical websites.
Date of death, relationship, work experience, works, honors received
Information disseminated through the public media.
Foreign people : Natural persons who are not Chinese nationals
All content
1, the information transmitted by the public media, or the official introduction page of the organization of the person, can use foreign links;
(2) Foreign reference links should have at least one content that clearly corresponds to the text of the entry;
3. Foreign reference materials shall not use pages with obvious UGC, forum, and search results.
Religious figures/places of worship
All content
1. Government websites at all levels
2, all levels of religious (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, etc.) association website (institutions can be found on the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs) 3, in the State Administration for Religious Affairs can be found in the official website of religious sites, religious colleges
4. Public religious research institutions established by universities and governments ( Credit China Enquiries are filed with government/public institutions), such as: China Tibetology Research Center
5, central media (Xinhua, People, CCTV), the above 1-4 author of formal publications (with ISBN)
(Any kind is acceptable)


Key information points for reference
Rule specification
Enterprises and companies
Basic information (location, business scope, number of employees, floor area, business experience, organizational management personnel)
Information transmitted by public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, the company's official website, vertical website (official website page can not have purchase buttons, links, etc.).
Honor, establishment time, industry status, national certification, politics (politicians, political activities), medical treatment, professional qualifications, company type, registered capital, financing, cooperation (projects, partners, etc.), social activities, business status (cancellation, revocation)
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link.
The maps added must have coordinate points that can be used directly as corporate/institutional addresses without the need to provide reference materials.
Digital products, furniture, cars, etc
Basic information (configuration, features, design style, price, release date)
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, official website, vertical website (official website page can not have purchase buttons, links, etc.).
Honor, industry status, product sales, technology
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link. If the product is clearly stated: "sold to xx places, xx provinces (except foreign countries)" can use the official website for evidence.
Naming convention
1. Electronic products that have not been widely called: brand + category + model, such as: Millet sweeping robot A10;
2. Electronic products that have been widely called: named according to the references.
Brand and trademark
Location, brand story, business scope, introduction, history, organization and management personnel, with detailed address of the branch, nature
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, official website, vertical website (official website page can not have purchase buttons, links, etc.
Company, founding time, honor, industry status, national certification, political (political figures, political activities), medical, professional qualifications, nature, capital, financing, etc. (Branches are distributed in XX/XX cities)
The information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, if the brand clearly states: "sold to xx, xx province (except foreign)" can use the official website for evidence.
Location, business scope, development history, organization and management personnel, with detailed address of the branch, nature, founding time
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, official website, vertical website (official website page can not have purchase buttons, links, etc.).
Company, honor, industry status, national certification, political (politicians, political activities), medical, professional qualification, capital, financing, etc. (Branches are distributed in XX/XX cities)
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link.
All content
National intellectual property filing reference materials.
Naming convention
Patent + Patent number.
Issuer and operator information (at least one item when created)
Materials transmitted through public media, app stores, official websites.
Involves status, honor, effect and so on
Information disseminated through the public media.
Wechat public number, Weibo account, etc
Basic information (operator, account introduction); Important events; Honor received
Information disseminated through the public media.
Training institutions, clubs, other self-employed businesses
Location, process, price, management personnel, business scope, service
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, official website, vertical website (official website page can not have purchase buttons, links, etc.).
Honor, industry status, qualification, certification, establishment time, type
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link.
Hotels, guesthouses, B&Bs, restaurants
Location, opening hours, room availability, facilities, floor space, staff information
1. The official website of the hotel/restaurant and its verified Weibo and wechat
2. Ctrip, Where to, Flying Pig, Tongcheng Yilong, Dianping, Meituan
3, the information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link.
Violation/violation penalties, lawsuits, negative press, honors
Information transmitted by the public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link.
Exhibitions, concerts, events, other commercial events
Personnel, organizers, partners, scale achievements
Information disseminated through the public media.
incident : A significant event that occurred during a certain period of time
All content
Information disseminated through the public media.
Naming convention
Time and place + theme + event, such as: the first XXX event, 2017 Jay Chou XXX concert, 5.12XX earthquake, 2017 XXX exhibition.
buildings : All buildings for commercial purposes
All content
Information transmitted by public media, related real estate vertical websites (current page not available for purchase)
Note: The project location in real estate can be expressed by distance, not by the required time.
Scenic spot : Non-government scenic spots for commercial purposes
Location, scale, attractions, projects, etc
Information transmitted by public media, industry and commerce and other competent units of the record link, the official website of the scenic spot, the vertical website (Ctrip, where to go, etc.).
Honorary content
1. Dissemination of reference materials through public media
2. Information released by the awarding party/judging party
(Choose one of two)
Industrial park
Settled enterprise, brand, honor
Information disseminated by the public media, government reference materials.
Sports teams, football teams, basketball clubs and other sports organizations
Staff changes, sponsors
Information disseminated through the public media.
Esports club
Membership information, founding date, competition content, sponsors, awards received
Information disseminated through the public media.

Food and medical

Key information points for reference
Rule specification
All medical related content
The content relating to medical work must be quoted from the website of the national health authority or the website of the provincial health authority; Medical professional books, journal articles.
Government, social and administrative positions
1. Information from government websites and public media
2. Doctors of Grade III hospitals can use the hospital's official website.
3. Doctors in private hospitals can only use the official website of the hospital for administrative duties.
Medical institutions, medical products, medical knowledge
All content
It must be quoted from the website of the national health authority or the website of the provincial health authority; Medical professional books, journal articles.
Military regional hospital
Department Settings, medical teams, honors
1. Central media (Xinhua, People, CCTV) and government military region media;
2. The leadership team, historical development, hospital environment and hospital address can be used on the official website.
food : Oriented towards commercialization
Traditional Chinese medicine function (anti-cancer, fire, cough), healing and so on
Academic and news websites are required.
Medicines, health products, cosmetics
The creation of the version needs to provide the approval number of the State Food and Drug Administration
Links to the results of public enquiries by national or local Food and Drug administrations.


Key information points for reference
Rule specification
Books, magazines and other physical publications
Basic information (author, ISBN, pricing, publication date, publisher); Content introduction; Contents; Appreciate and analyze; Celebrity recommendation; course
For information transmitted by the public media, or Douban links, or official links of the corresponding publishing houses, the sales links of well-known book malls can be used as information sources (such as: Jingdong, Dangdang self-operated links).
1. For republished books, if the author and content are the same, they need to be written in the same entry; Different translators can create meanings.
2, editorial recommendation, chapter reading, digest, preface cannot be added.
The author, the publishing website, the network novel won the honor
Materials disseminated through the public media, or links to websites where the novel is published.
Network vocabulary
All content
Information disseminated through the public media.
TV programs, network programs
Information, honors, and content profiles of the producers, producers, producers, and distributors
1. Materials transmitted by public media;
2. Vertical websites (such as Youku, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Bilibili, Watermelon video, etc.)
3, the State Administration of Radio, Film and television stations above the provincial level and other official websites
Movies and TV series
Information, honors, and content profiles of the producers, producers, producers, and distributors
1. Reference materials transmitted by the public media;
2. Official certified accounts of film and television platforms (such as Youku, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Bilibili, Watermelon video, etc.)
3, the State Administration of Radio, Film and television stations above the provincial level and other official websites
(To create the entry for film and television works, 2 and 3 must provide at least one)
All content
Information disseminated through the public media.
Modern poetry
Author, status, appreciation
Information disseminated through the public media.

Politically related classes

Key information points for reference
Rule specification
Political information
Nationality, territorial sovereignty, terrorism, etc
Information disseminated by the public media, government websites
Government agency
All content
Government website
Official document
All content
Information disseminated through the public media, or corresponding pages of government websites.
Active weapons and equipment, modern battles
All content
Information disseminated through the public media, or corresponding pages of government websites.


General rule
1. In principle, all content updates should be supported by reference materials
2. Historical content is divided into "basic information points" and "professional information points" according to the complexity of information points, the difficulty of verification, and whether there are disputes.
"Basic information points" : generally more objective, without subjective judgment, non-controversial information points, such as the name of historical figures, gender, era, position, etc
"Professional information points" : generally more complex, difficult to verify, with a certain dispute or involving subjective judgment of the information points, such information points generally require professionals to consult the information after the judgment or need to comply with the qualitative authority of reference materials. Such as the evaluation of historical figures, ideological ideas, historical records and so on.
3. Historical reference materials are divided into three grades: A, B and C, and the reliability level decreases successively: A>B>C; Different information points are supported by different levels of reference materials, class AB can be used to support "professional information points", class C reference materials can only be used for "basic information points".
Class A reference material
  • Definition: verifiable, professional, and peer-reviewed sources of information, or highly authoritative references. Such as central government agency websites, central media, state-recognized academic journals, academic publications, academic websites, etc. Including the official accounts authenticated by the above institutions in the we-media platform.
  • Application: All information points
Class B reference material
  • Definition: verifiable, professional but not peer-reviewed, or partially authoritative reference material. Such as official websites of local government agencies, professional history content of public media & portals, official platforms of ordinary universities, official platforms of regular publishing houses, official platforms of local Chronicles offices/Party history offices/archives/public museums, historical materials and historical materials websites (which need to be non-profit and approved by academic circles or authoritative central media), etc.
  • Scope of application: basic information points, some professional information points
Class C reference material
  • Definition: Content production does not necessarily strictly follow academic norms and does not have strong authority, but it is produced or reproduced on a formal platform, has undergone a certain audit, and has specific reference materials of the responsible person/institution. Such as regular non-profit organization websites, public media and portal websites self-written general literature and history content.
  • Scope of application: This type of reference material is limited in use and can only be used at "basic information points"
References are not available
  • Definition: unprofessional, unverifiable, illegally copied information sources
  • Including but not limited to: need to pay to see the content of the website (such as commercial database), UGC forum blog, without platform certification of the media, ordinary personal website, e-commerce website, no record qualification of the website, network encyclopedia, plagiarism, illegal websites, blacklisted publications.
Other questions
1. Give way principle: If there is a conflict between the contents of the original version and the contents of the modified version, the content of the reference material with higher authority shall prevail, that is, the low-level reference material will give way to the high-grade reference material.
Example: The reference of the original content of the entry is C-level reference, and the reference of the content of the user's modified version is A or B level reference, then according to the principle of giving way, the version can be approved. Otherwise, it cannot pass.
2. Professional review intervention: If there is a conflict between the original version of the entry and the modified version, and the reference level of the two is the same, or the modified content involves a dispute, the official professional review will intervene in the review process of the entry to determine which version is more accurate, and will modify the relevant content to be more perfect, so as to avoid invalid editing wars.
3. Instructions on reprinting:
- If A Class B reference is reproduced from A Class A reference, it is deemed to be A Class A reference.
- Except for the "we media" number in class C parameters, if reproduced from class A and B reference materials, it can be regarded as class A and B reference materials; The we-media number can only be used as a class C parameter. (The we-media number here does not include the official account opened by the above-mentioned A\B parameter on the we-media platform)
- If a class C parameter is reproduced from another class C parameter, the reference is unavailable.
4. If the submitted reference materials are literature, it should be noted that the following information must be provided, none of which is necessary:
  • Books: Author/editor, title, publisher, publication date, page number
E.g. Ren Jiyu, Ed. History of Chinese Philosophy (Pre-Qin Volume), People's Publishing House, 1983, p. 25.
  • Dissertation: author, title, nature of dissertation (bachelor/Master/Doctor), graduation institution, date, page number
Example: Fang Mingdong, A Study on Luo Longji's Political Thought (1913-1949), Doctoral Dissertation, Department of History, Beijing Normal University, 2000, p. 67.
  • Journal: Author, article title, journal title, volume issue (Year X Issue X, Volume X Issue X)
Example 1: He Lingxiu: "Reading Gu Cheng's History of Southern Ming Dynasty", Chinese History Studies, 3 (1998)
Example 2: Wang Qijin, "Small Farmers and Their Sideline Businesses in Jiangsu Province", China Economy, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 15, 1936.
5. If the reference materials are ancient books, such as Shiji, Zizhitongjian, Analects of Confucius, etc., the original text must be listed, or the website of the original text, or the complete publication information of the book.
  • If an ancient book is regarded as an ancient book, it is necessary to provide the title, volume, and the original text cited
  • If an ancient book is regarded as a network reference material, it is necessary to provide a link to the website of the ancient book
  • If an ancient book is to be considered a modern publication, specific information is required in accordance with Article 4

Reference addition


Add mode

In the first step, select the content you want to add a reference to, and the symbol [1] for adding a reference will appear, as shown in the screenshot:
Step 1
Step 2: Click [1] and the following screenshot will appear. You can choose "Add new reference material" or "reference existing reference material".
1) After adding a new reference, the corresponding selected content will have a reference corner mark.
2) There are already reference materials, you can select the content to add reference materials in the body, click "reference existing reference materials" after you can add corner label.

Location requirement

The corner label of the reference should be added at the end of the sentence corresponding to the reference.