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Wang Kaile - Baidu Encyclopedia

Occupation: Actor, casting director
Representative work: New World
Introduce: Wang Kaile, Chinese mainland film and television casting actor, casting director. In 2013, Wang starred in the film directed by Guo Zhi teleplayOperation Dragon. In 2020, Wang Kaile shoots...

Liu Yuanyuan - Baidu Encyclopedia

Occupation: Actor
Birthday: October 7, 1987
Personal Information: 165 cm/45 kg/ Libra/Type A
Representative works: Extraordinary Mission, "Frog Prince", "Million Love Baby", "Dead Track", "Lanzhou 1949"

The audience does not give up the end of "Seven days", some netizens ask whether there is a second part? And the answer was...

May 21, 2019 As the first professional script company in China, the drama producer Pai Le Media is known as the first scriptwriting team in China, taking the lead in introducing the Hollywood scriptwriting studio model, making "Seven Days" the first domestic road suspense with strong plot, fast rhythm and multi-clue characteristicsDrama,,...

Zhang Yun first set foot in the field of science fiction, brave the future world, wonderful not to be missed

December 30, 2023 In this exclusive interview, Zhang Yun shared that this is his first time in the field of science fiction, and he is full of enthusiasm and longing for himself to play the role. He also mentioned that he put in a lot of physical training and movement skills research to fully perform the role. He...

The Mortal World 2: You have to plan to get sick to cure it! _ NetEase Subscription

May 27, 2019 Recently three brush the documentary "human world 2", heart-wrenching crack lung. In this world, in addition to life and death, it is a small matter. Douban 9.6, no special effects, no stars,9 film crews, in the hospital for 2 years, with more than 200 subjects crying together, laughing together, but everyone said "dare not look"...

Xinglin Heart Garden "Flying Life 2" - growing up in frustration, rebirth in Nirvana

February 28, 2024 Recently hit the movie "Flying Life 2", with the former champion driver Zhang Chi became a driving school coach, and later had the honor to be sponsored, decided to run the last Bayanbrook rally, Zhang Chi called friends to form a temporary team, overcome many difficulties, laughter to go to the field, hard...

"Earthly World 2" comeback: The child chosen by bad luck makes people cry out of breath _...

January 10, 2019 The episode is called "Fireworks," and it appears to be childrenFateThe metaphor of... For these kids,HPIt's a firework in itself. Fireworks are fleeting, but the moment it explodes, we can forget the deafening sound and the silence of the dark night, and enjoy the streamer of this moment.

Jiang Wen, Fan Wei, Xia Yu, Gu Changwei have all endorsed this film, is it a dark horse?

May 24, 2018 And the reason why I recommend this film today is because last Friday's"FateIn the screening of Express, this small cost work has exploded with great energy. See this clear water to participate in the film screening of the industry's big coffee: big director Jiang Wen, Gu Changwei; Actors Fan Wei, Xia Yu...

He Wenjun and Li Fei take you to unlock CCTV6's best films of the week

April 24, 2024 Happy Feet AIRS: April 27 at 09:12 Directed by: George Miller/Warren Coleman/Judy Morris Written by: Warren Coleman/John Corey Genre: Comedy/Love/Animation/Music/Family/Adventure Production Country /...