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Star category entry editing guide

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Star category excellent entry editing guide
synonymStar category excellent entry editing guide(Star category excellent entry editing guide) generally refers to star category entry editing guide
This guide will be mainly used as the entertainment star category Baidu encyclopedia entry editing specification, for the star category Characteristic entry The editors provide some key guidelines.
The main example terms are as follows:
Mi Yang (actor), Angela Chang (singer), Chen Qiaoen (Multi-professional artist)
Judin (Host), Tsui Hark (Director), Ang Lee (Scriptwriter)
Tang Shiyi (Dancer), Lang Lang (Piano player), TWICE (Group/Band)
Chinese name
Star category entry editing guide
Service object
Editor of star entries
Editor's guide
Standardize star entries
Generic type
Sample term
Mi Yang

Business card writing



  1. 1.
    The first paragraph is the basic information: name, date and place of birth, native place, performance style ( fashionable , Bel Canto , nation Etc.) , Occupation (Singer, film actor, If singer, pianist, dancer, cellist, etc. are not professional names, they should be changed to singer/singer, piano player, dancer/dancer, cellist, etc ) .
  2. 2.
    The second paragraph is a brief description of personal experience: in order of time, a brief introduction of the debut event/work time, the time of famous works, awards, achievements, etc.
  3. 3.
    In addition to performing arts experience, personal life and social activities are weakly related, so it is recommended to summarize them highly and not take up too much space.
  4. 4.
    It is recommended to write an event that has a significant impact on the character, and the summary content is limited to 600 words, and cannot be too short.
  5. 5.
    Important works, awards can add internal links, do not add too much useless internal links.
  6. 6.
    Involving important personal honors, specific data, etc., need to mark reference materials.
  7. 7.
    The narrative should be based on objective facts and avoid terms and titles of a subjective nature.
Illustrate by example

A Diagram for the Overview

  1. 1.
    There should be no meaningless duplication between overview and body pictures.
  2. 2.
    The minimum image size is 16w. (side length 400×400 or more)
  3. 3.
    Correct picture, no watermark; You can see the features.
  4. 4.
    Usually stars choose color photos of their recent years. Special cases such as: Shirley Temple He retired from the performing arts stage at the age of 22, and the outline plan should choose its well-known classic image.

Basic information bar

  1. 1.
    Use the entertainment character template.
  2. 2.
    Major achievements should be recommended Select the most important and list no more than ten.
  3. 3.
    Height, weight, constellation, blood type and other existing items do not add custom items, directly fill in.
  4. 4.
    Ethnic need to add the word "ethnic", such as: Han.
  5. 5.
    Occupations are separated by a comma (,).
  6. 6.
    Representative works do not need to add the book number, it is recommended to add an internal chain.
  7. 7.
    Do not add place of birth, constellation, occupation, ethnicity and other meaningless internal links.
  8. 8.
    Do not add a custom information item: gender (if the star is too neutral, easy to cause misunderstanding, you can add this special item).

Sense item name

  1. 1.
    The star category is a combination of country/region + gender + occupation, such as: Chinese mainland actor. If the star is active in more than one Chinese-speaking region, the semantic name is a combination of Chinese + gender + occupation, such as: Chinese actress. In addition, such as: Canadian Chinese male singers, Chinese and American mixed female singers can also be used as a meaning name.
  2. 2.
    In some cases where the above combination is still not distinguishable (stars with the same name are most common), the region can be accurate to the province, or by attributes such as the time of birth. For example: ① Korean actor born in 1988, Korean actress born in 2006. ② Chinese Sichuan male singer, Chinese Liaoning male actor.
  3. 3.
    Attribute elements based on objective facts should be used and wording with a subjective nature should be avoided. "Famous", "youth" and other attributes with obvious subjectivity and timeliness can not be used.

Catalog specification

The name of the directory, the order of the directory, the necessity and the content of the compilation in the star category entry are as follows:
Performing arts category directory structure
First-level directory
Secondary directory
Writing content
Early experience
Describe the experience before debut, including birth background, education background, work experience (non-performing arts experience) and so on
Performance experience
Narrating the star's debut experience, the important events in her performing career and so on
Personal life
Narrating the star's family, marriage, love and other relationships as well as interests and hobbies
Major work
Act in a film
Use module
Take part in a TV series
Use module
Musical work
Use module
Variety show
Use module
Magazine photo shoot
Use module
Concert record
Use module
Social activity
Introduce the public welfare activities and social positions that the star has participated in
Award record
Use module (list the star's major awards or accolades)
Character evaluation
Summarize and refine the evaluation content of all parties (media, institutions, etc.)
Character dispute
A controversial matter caused by a star's behavior
Additional note:
  1. 1.
    relevancy Strong refers to the content that must be included in the feature entry, weak means no requirement.
  2. 2.
    Each directory corresponding to the required content must have reference materials, and the overall reference materials of the term should cover more than 50% of the content of the term and cannot come from a single source.
  3. 3.
    Go through If there are other experiences that are more important to the character in addition to his early life experience and performing arts experience, the first two level directories can be combined into the character experience, under which there are multiple level directories of experience. E.g. Arnold Schwarzenegger In addition to his acting experience, he also served as the governor of California, so he can include his early life experience, acting experience, political experience and other secondary directories under the first level directory.)
  4. 4.
    There are more than 20 celebrity groups (including historical changes) In this case, we can consider adding the member list of the group, and in case of doubt, we recommend the special review group discussion of the star cluster.
  5. 5.
    Star category feature entry application, in addition to the strong directory, but also need to add a weak directory (Need to ensure the richness of the content, not to add an additional directory for the purpose of the directory) . Star category entries, can not apply for a separate primary quality version.
  6. 6.
    The star who is not included in Baidu Index and meets 20 or more reports of different events on five major portal websites is judged to have a certain degree of popularity and can be edited with featured entries.
  7. 7.
    For less well-known (that is, not included in the Baidu index and does not meet the 20 or more reports of different events of the five major portals) stars When granting features, you must consult and discuss in the star Cluster internal group, or contact the corresponding official.
  8. 8.
    When the main works of the entry are only variety shows (The star appears on the show as a guest, not as the host or creator of the show) In general, it cannot be awarded features and initial honors.
  9. 9.
    For stars who have passed away, you can consider adding a "memorialization" catalog, but the content must be from an authoritative source.

Early experience

  1. 1.
    Use biographies to introduce people and avoid simple lists.
  2. 2.
    Don't go into too much detail and choose your words carefully.

Performance experience

  1. 1.
    Use biographies to introduce people and avoid simple lists.
  2. 2.
    Don't use sentimental secondary directories.
  3. 3.
    The experience of the same year is suggested as one paragraph. If more than one year has less experience, it is recommended to combine it into one paragraph.
  4. 4.
    Be careful not to include character reviews.
  5. 5.
    When a work appears, it is best to add an inner chain. Do not introduce the work too much in the narrative. If the work does not have an internal link for the time being, you can add the English original name and put brackets.

Personal life

  1. 1.
    Media leaks that have not been verified are not recommended. No gossip content.
  2. 2.
    Characters interests and hobbies content, it is not recommended to display in the form of a simple list in the body. If a particular interest is important to the person and can be substantially introduced in this area, it can be briefly introduced in the form of a description in this table of contents.

Major work

  1. 1.
    Participating in movies, TV plays, music works, magazine photos and concert records use modules.
  2. 2.
    Participating in MV, publishing books, dubbing works, directing works, screenwriting works and other works can use the form.
  3. 3.
    Pay attention to the two elements of the work, time + the name of the work, both of which are indispensable.
  4. 4.
    It is best to mark the reference materials in the module for the main works, and the content that is repeated with the performing arts experience does not need to add reference materials repeatedly.
  5. 5.
    Advertising endorsement The content cannot be presented in a listed form under the main catalogue. If a particular individual has a greater impact on the star, you can use smooth sentences in the form of description in the experience. (Can be listed if only as a professional model)
  6. 6.
    Magazine photos are displayed under the main catalogue using the module.
  7. 7.
    The content of the variety show is displayed under the main catalogue of works using the module, and the role and performance of the star in the show can be introduced in the column of "Introduction".
  8. 8.
    Cover works that have not been officially released cannot be included in the "music works" module, for example, songs that contestants cover when participating in variety shows (if the original version of the work is unknown, but the cover version is well-known, then it can be included in the "music works" module).
  9. 9.
    The contents of commercial performances and signings cannot be displayed in a listed form under the main catalogue of works.
  10. 10.
    Songs composed by artists for themselves cannot be displayed in the main catalogue in the form of a table, nor can they be written in the "Composed for Others" section of the "Musical Works" module. Part of the star has a greater impact, can use smooth sentences in the form of description in the experience. (Because there will be a special module to show this part of the content in the future, there are already "songs created by singers for themselves" in the featured entries, which can be temporarily not deleted, and those that are not will not be added temporarily, and will be uniformly added to the special module in the future)
  11. 11.
    Films or television series that actors have contributed to can be presented in a tabular form under the main catalogue from multiple dimensions.
  12. 12.
    Star combination category entry. Films, TV dramas and other works performed by individual members are not included in the combination category entry, but only included in the member's personal entry.
  13. 13.
    The description of the work should also be objective, such as the introduction of the album.
  14. 14.
    The content of the module, the system will automatically sort according to the time in the morning and evening, do not deliberately manually sort when editing, so as not to do useless work.
  15. 15.
    Do not use bold text in the table.

Social activity

  1. 1.
    Introduce the public welfare activities and social positions that the star has participated in.
  2. 2.
    It is possible to use biographical narration or tabular presentation, depending on the specific situation.
  3. 3.
    Descriptions that are too detailed are often subjective. Be careful with your wording.
  4. 4.
    Be careful not to show commercial content.

Award record

  1. 1.
    Use modules and label references. When the system checks, it is often reminded that the reference material in the module has no corner mark, which can be ignored.
  2. 2.
    The award pointer is a project established to recognize people or things with special performance in a certain field, and the ranking of songs in various lists and the ranking of stars in talent shows are not included in the scope of award records.
  3. 3.
    In terms of award classification, it can be classified according to the field of award, or it can be all concentrated together. It is also possible to list the awards issued by each award association in a sub-table, such as the Academy Awards listed one, the Golden Globe Awards listed another. There is no specific requirement for this piece. It can be neat and beautiful.
  4. 4.
    Awards that are too low in popularity can be ignored (deleted). When the editor is sorting out, if there is no trophy/award ceremony award, and there is no reference material, it can delete the processing; If you want to add awards, you need to provide authoritative reference materials; If there is no reference, you cannot add it.

Character evaluation

  1. 1.
    Summarize and refine what all parties (media, organizations, celebrities, etc.) are saying, and try to avoid quoting someone (because it's often not just about the person).
  2. 2.
    On the basis of not changing the original meaning, the comprehensive evaluation is carried out in the form of describing the objective facts in the statement.
  3. 3.
    Take care to avoid simple lists, and strictly provide authoritative and reliable Reference material .
  4. 4.
    Reference materials should be marked after evaluation.
  5. 5.
    At the end of the sentence, write the evaluator in italics, with parentheses, such as (Sina Entertainment review) .
  6. 6.
    Avoid too subjective wording, such as: myth, hegemon, supreme, king of song, king of dance, king of popularity, king of ratings, super, the most XXXX (the most successful, the most influential, the most red, the most powerful, etc.), the first beauty, no one can reach, a brother, a sister, the chief singer, popular throughout Asia, etc.

Character dispute

  1. 1.
    Introduce controversial events caused by characters, such as: cheating door, donation fraud door and other large-scale hot content.
  2. 2.
    Strict requirement to provide authoritative and reliable Reference material .
  3. 3.
    If there are separate terms, use an inner chain or use the subject bar module to link related terms.

Sample term

Editors can view similar examples according to the type of star entries to be sorted out, and classical music can refer to the editing guide for classical musicians and group entries.

General requirement


Eliminate weakly related content

Encyclopedia entries should not be household registers, archives or tabloids. There should be some choice of content. No Every detail To write, for example, in the star category entries, there will generally be "like XX color, like to eat XXX flavor hot pot, like Doraemon", "endorsed A brand of yogurt, endorsed a brand of drinks, participated in a brand conference, attended a magazine activity" such content. This kind of content can make the entry into a long time table, and then get stuck in the "everything is important" → "everything is equally important" → "nothing is important", and so on Weakly related content All need to be deleted.
Events with high influence or turning points in the life of the characters should be selected to describe, and other trivial content should be used in a single stroke to highlight the experience and influence of a person who is different from others, so as to avoid becoming a uniform "archive".
Activities organized by fans should not be included in celebrity entries.

Modify the subjective description

Objective description: Encyclopedia entry is a collection of objective content, only from the standpoint of a third party, speaking in terms of facts, describing things on the basis of facts without adding emotional color. For example, if a basketball player has a poor shooting percentage in a certain game, the general expression is that the shooting percentage is low, and even the use of derogatory terms such as "iron". And such a statement is vague, how much is low, how much is high each standard; It will also create a war of words between supporters and opponents. So directly list the event data, whether it is high or low can be commented. In addition, when screening the content, it is also necessary to ensure fairness and objectivity, especially for controversial content, retaining multiple viewpoints and attaching reliable reference materials is a more desirable approach to deal with controversial content.
The description of the character's experience and works can not use "the first/most XX since (other works or time)" or "the first/most XX after 80" and other similar writing, direct objective narration can be.
Modified appropriately: Encyclopedia entries advocate the term "objective," which, in plain English, means using as few adjectives as possible in a general narrative (as opposed to a quote from the original text) Adverb of degree (Most XXXX, very XXX......) . Its core means is one of the language skills of middle school Chinese - "extract the trunk of the sentence". When you get a piece of content, first refine the main idea according to the way of "subject-verb-object" or "cause, process, and result", and then supplement the details appropriately to avoid excessive description.
Common mistake : Use words such as famous, only, King, youngest, most powerful, most successful, most influential, most red, super, popular in Asia, king of new talent, king of song, hot, big red, big red, super popularity, popularity explosion, household name, popular and so on.
For example, the description of Faye Wong's album release in the performing arts experience:
In 1994, Faye Wong released her Cantonese album "Wild Thoughts", which became a huge success due to its high popularity, creating a sensation in Hong Kong, and the songs from the album swept the major award ceremonies.
Super high, huge, sensational, sweeping are subjective terms. For stars, the style of their works, singing style and other content is the characteristics of the star, it is suggested to add this content, the revised narrative is as follows:
In 1994, Fay Wong released a Cantonese album, Crazy Thoughts, in which she performed the song "Dream Man" on the album, using the pharyngeal technique, the concept album in the British style also set the tone for her musical development.
For example, in the performance experience of Cecilia Cheung starring in the film description:
In 2003, Cecilia Cheung starred in the film "Forget", she explained the role of the film incisive and vividly with her superb acting skills. After the film was released, Cecilia Cheung also won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress and the Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award for Best Actress.
Exquisite belongs to the subjective wording, and incisive, such as tide, there is excessive modification of the suspicion, the revised description is as follows:
In 2003, Cecelia Cheung played a low-life minibus driver in the romance film "Unforgettable." For her performance in the film, she won the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Actress and the 9th Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award for Best Actress.

The timeliness description is modified

When giving statistical data, it is necessary to mark the time of data release, such as "by the end of XX", "by the year XX" and so on. If the data release time cannot be found, the specific data reference date can be indicated in front of the data to facilitate readers to find the data source and statistical time, so that the content of the entry is more rigorous.
Common mistake : Use current, so far, now, this year, last few years, new album, new generation, etc.

Use valid references

Resources recommend using news reports from authoritative media. Do not copy a paragraph and put it in Baidu search. It is recommended to use the keyword search of name + work. Commonly used search Baidu news search, Sina news search, etc.
It is generally not recommended to use videos as reference materials. If such reference materials are used, authoritative media should be selected to publish or reprint videos. Entry information can also use mainstream video websites (CCTV, iQiyi, Tencent video, Youku video, Mango TV, Sohu video, etc.) official video page, video bitrate should reach 431Kbps, resolution should reach 600×480 and duration should be more than 30 seconds.
The information of music works in the entry can be used as reference materials on the licensed pages of mainstream music websites (QQ Music, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Migu Music, etc.). The use of video websites should not exceed 50% of the total reference material.
Works, journals and other reference materials that are not directly accessible must be added to the works reference materials.
The following common reference materials can be used as effective reference materials for the content of star entries:
  1. 1.
    The microblog released by official Blue V, such as TV series/movie/variety show/award ceremony/fashion magazine/public welfare organization/school, can be used as character experience/award record/social activities/character evaluation.
  2. 2.
    Brokerage company/Studio official blog is only used for the basic information bar brokerage company evidence.
  3. 3.
    Celebrity personal verification micro-blog is only used for the basic information column birthday evidence, if the micro-blog and media reports or government agencies published content conflict, the latter two shall prevail.
  4. 4.
    Magazines/schools' self-media and wechat public accounts can be used for character evaluation and character experience. (Media coverage is preferred, must be authenticated, non-authenticated cannot be used)
  5. 5.
    1905 Movie, Mtime, Mango TV website profile page information can be used as the basic information bar related information evidence (except Maoyan movie site), if the relevant information has authoritative reference materials, priority to use news, media and other evidence (such as: Sina Entertainment,, Beijing News, etc.), or the information provided by official videos (using the film and television annotation method), or the information provided by my own personal answer in the second.
  6. 6.
    Media coverage is preferred for references. Minimum source requirements: the star himself and the studio certified microblogging, brokerage company official website/certified microblogging, wechat public number, hundreds, Kuaishou, B station homepage.
References for the following common situations cannot be used as valid references for the content of star entries:
  1. 1.
    Micro-blog, blog, forum, library, know, post bar, Douban, IMDb and various user-editable encyclopedias (e.g Wikipedia , Sogou Encyclopedia , Interactive encyclopedia And so on). Because their content can be easily changed, they are not reliable sources of content. Pages that can be edited by non-users of Mtime (chronology of works, honors and news) can be used as appropriate, but it is recommended to use news reports from authoritative media as much as possible.
  2. 2.
    Commercial websites such as companies, advertising, selling sites, such as Taobao, Jingdong, Amazon, etc. Due to its propensity to profit, content is often not objective and therefore not a reliable source of content.
  3. 3.
    With a disclaimer, the article indicates the source network or unknown. Note: Some well-known websites have disclaimers, such as Xinhua net, Phoenix net part of the news page will indicate disclaimers, under normal circumstances can be used, if it is reproduced news, it is recommended to find the most original source.
  4. 4.
    Other advertising pop-ups more, the content is directly copied encyclopedia or network (website does not indicate where the source) and other unknown, unreliable websites, such as NetEase database, Sina database, Tencent database, etc.
  5. 5.
    NetEase Cloud music, Cool dog music, QQ music and other music websites are not authorized pages.
  6. 6.
    A video downloaded by a user from the source website and uploaded to a video sharing website (such as Youku, Tudou, Yinyue Platform, etc.).
  7. 7.
    Korean star network, Korean drama fans, Korean drama network, China entertainment network are not valid reference materials; kpopn can be used as a source of objective facts, not as a reference in the evaluation section.
  8. 8.
    Each directory of the term needs to be covered by reference materials, and the overall reference materials of the term should cover more than 50% of the content of the term and the source can not be single, and the reference data coverage of the new content in the process of the editor's specialization needs to reach more than 50% (The overall coverage rate of character evaluation reference materials is required to be 100% unchanged, and the reference rate of new content of character disputes and award records must reach 100%) Some of the new content cannot provide effective reference information, there must also be objective facts to prove that it can be verified by review ( For example, official organizations, brokerage companies, artists themselves released the event micro blog ).
  9. 9.
    The number of video references in a term cannot exceed 50% of the total number of references.
  10. 10.
    Some hundred numbers can be used as effective reference materials, specific reference Baidu encyclopedia: hundreds of available reference materials .

Do not copy news content directly

The content of Baidu Encyclopedia should be a compilation of information, not a simple aggregation of news. When using news as a content source, the content of the news needs to be rewritten to conform to the encyclopedia specification.
For example, the media reports on the "Stefanie Sun gave birth" incident are as follows:
This morning, Stefanie Sun studio announced that Stefanie Sun gave birth to a son: "Stefanie Sun on the eve of her wedding anniversary, thank you to all the friends from all walks of life who care about Stefanie, Stefanie yesterday afternoon (October 30) in the hospital for labor, and on the same evening natural delivery delivered a baby boy, the baby weighs about 3.4 kg, mother and son are safe."
The requirements of media text and encyclopedia text are quite different. The above news content can be used as reference materials, but the following text can be used when writing the entry of "Stefanie Sun" in Baidu encyclopedia:
Stefanie Sun gave birth to a son on October 30, 2012.
Although such a statement loses some details (such as hospital admission time, baby weight, etc.), but for the "Stefanie Sun" character entry as a whole, these information is not important content, will not have an impact on readers' cognition, simplifying these contents will help readers focus on more important places, such as Stefanie Sun's works.

Attention to detail specification

  1. 1.
    Do not use half corner symbols, common errors punctuation (),. :
  2. 2.
    In paragraphs, it is recommended that the corner of the reference be placed to the left of the punctuation at the end of the sentence.
  3. 3.
    When multiple consecutive pieces of content come from the same reference, you can use corner labels only at the end of the reference.
  4. 4.
    The full text should be in Chinese as far as possible. In a Chinese environment, if some words are more commonly translated in English than in Chinese, or if a thing does not have a Chinese name, English can be used. (such as "IMDb", "Lady Gaga", etc.)

Picture album

  1. 1.
    Image quality requirements: image pixels are too low, including watermark, LOGO, advertising website that affects reading. Solution: Instead of high-quality pictures with regular sources, you can also use map recognition tools (Baidu map, Google map) to find the source of the picture. However, some large and well-known website watermarks can not find high-quality images to use.
  2. 2.
    Photo layout should minimize the amount of blank space on the page. The picture cursor can be moved to the front of the paragraph to avoid meaningless Spaces.
  3. 3.
    Star category feature entry requires at least 5 pictures, the works module automatically captured the overview of the works, and the cover of the album module are not included in the 5.