
Baidu reminds you: Before using Baidu search engine (hereinafter referred to as Baidu), please be sure to read and understand this statement carefully. You may choose not to use Baidu, but if you use Baidu, your use will be regarded as an endorsement of all contents of this Statement.

  • In view of the fact that Baidu automatically generates links to third-party web pages by means of non-manual search based on the keywords you enter, except for the terms of Service stated by Baidu, Baidu shall not be liable for any accidents, negligence, infringement and losses caused by the use of Baidu (including computer viruses caused by downloading the contents of the third-party websites linked to the search), Nor does it bear any legal responsibility.
  • Any third party web pages linked to search through the use of Baidu are created or provided by others, you may obtain information and enjoy services from such third party web pages, Baidu is not responsible for its legality, and does not bear any legal liability.
  • Baidu search results are automatically obtained and generated based on the keywords you type, and do not imply that Baidu endorses the content or positions of the third party web pages to which the search links.
  • You should use search engine results at your own risk. Baidu does not make any form of guarantee: does not guarantee that the search results meet your requirements, does not guarantee that the search service is not interrupted, does not guarantee the security of the search results, correctness, timeliness, legality. Baidu does not assume any legal responsibility if you cannot use Baidu normally due to any reason such as network conditions, communication lines, third-party websites.
  • Baidu respects and protects the personal privacy of all users of Baidu. Your registered user name, email address and other personal information will not be disclosed to any third party without your permission or in accordance with the mandatory provisions of relevant laws and regulations. Baidu remind you: when you are using a search engine, enter keywords that will not be considered as your personal privacy information.
  • Any website that does not want to be included by Baidu (that is, not to be searched) should be reflected to Baidu in a timely manner, or in its website page in accordance with the rejection of spiders Protocol (Robots Exclusion Protocol) to add a mark of rejection, otherwise, Baidu will be in accordance with the practice of it as a website can be included.
  • Any entity or individual that believes that the content of a third-party web page linked to Baidu search may be suspected of infringing its right to information network transmission should promptly submit a written notice to Baidu, and provide proof of identity, proof of ownership and detailed proof of infringement. Upon receipt of the above legal documents, Baidu will disconnect the relevant links as soon as possible in accordance with the law. See the copyright protection notices for specific channels for details.