
Characters from the Japanese manga Dragon Ball and its spin-offs
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synonymTenenex(Tenenx) usually refers to the Tranx
Tranks, Japanese manga Dragon pearl "And its spin-off works. Saiyan prince Vegeta And geoscientists Burma Son of the earth Z Warrior One of them. A total of four Tranks appear in the Dragon Ball series, actually belonging to the same person in four parallel timelines:
The Tranx of Space-time One (the Main Space-time) first appeared as a baby in the series. Dragon Ball Z Artificial man. As a teenager, the character is capricious and naughty, and the plot focuses on Buou in "Dragon Ball Z"; Grew up in" Dragon Ball GT " Black Star Dragon Ball As one of the main characters.
Tranx (" Future Tranx ", "Big Special") of Time and Space 2 (" Future Tranx ", "Big Special") is the first one to appear, with a calm personality, in the "Dragon Ball Z" artificial human and "Dragon Ball Z". Dragon Ball Super As one of the core characters, he was invented by his mother Bulma in order to save the future Time machine Travel to Main time.
Tranx ③ of Space-time 3 (" Sharu Space-time "), although using the emergency stop controller to defeat the artificial 17③, 18 ③, but because he did not know Charoux ③ The existence is finally used to return to the past by those who want to rob the time machine Charoux ③(first order) killed. Sharu then degenerated and rode the time machine to the main dimension.
Parallel space-time (" Zamas The space-time that is to be changed will have two Tranks.
Chinese name
Foreign name
トランクス (Torankusu)
Tenenex , Duragos , Trax
Japan: Takashi Kusao , Hiromi Tsuru (infancy) , Hong Kong: CAI Huiping (childhood), Su Qiangwen (juvenile) , Taiwan: Yu Zhengsheng , Lv Peiyu (In the early days and childhood of Zhengchang version) , Taiwan: Yu Zhengchang (late and early GT), Zhang Wenjun (late GT), Liang Xingchang (Dragon Ball Reform)
Debut work
Japanese manga Dragon Ball and its spin-offs [1]
Date of birth
The year is 766 [1]
8 years old (Space-time 1, Buou); 16 years old (Space-time 2, when the Artificial Man first appeared); 30 years old (Space Time 2, Black Goku) [1]
178 cm [2]
Body weight
30kg (Spatiotemporal 1, Buou); 60kg (Spacetime 2, when Artificial Man first appeared) [2]
Blood system
earthman Saiyan mixed-race
Seventh Universe - Earth -WST 3338926 K.
King Vegeta
Brive Learned scholar
Oh, Mrs. Brive
Maternal relatives
Little girl
Bula (Only main space-time exists)
Sun Wutian (Only main space-time exists)
Teacher, friend
Sun Wufan (Only Time 2 and 3 have mentoring relationships) [2]
komai (In the future, the main space and time is the person who likes it)
Time 1 debuts
Comic 337 words; animation Dragon Ball Z 127 episodes [4]
Time 2 debuts
Comic 330 words; animation Dragon Ball Z "119 episodes [3]
Space-time 3 first mentioned
Comic 363 words; animation Dragon Ball Z 143 episodes [5]

Role image


Origin of name

Brive And all mentioned descendants (except the Dragon Ball GT In... Vegeta Jr .) Both are named after English underwear. Brive (Brief) Thais (Tights), Burma (Bulma), Trunks, Bula The name "Bra" in English is men's underwear, leotard Pants, girls' sports shorts Boys sports shorts, bras.
The modern Tenenx

Identity background

Tranks is Bulma and Vegeta's eldest son, inherited his father Vegeta's genius fighting ability and his mother Bulma's genius mind (modern/future), and used his wisdom all on ghost ideas and pranks, and Sun Wutian called funny duo, and grew up to become the less president of Universal Capsule Group (modern).
The future Tenenx

Appearance and clothing

Similar to the mother in appearance, combined with the characteristics of the parents Hair quality With a face similar to his father's, the future Tranks was described as a handsome young man with a melancholy temperament. Height increased significantly after spiritual Time House practice. In terms of hair color and eye color, the future and modern Tranks are both lavender, but in the" Dragon Ball Super In the TV version, the difference is made, and the future Tran's hair color is the same aqua blue as Bulma's.
In terms of clothing, the Future Tranks first appeared wearing a purple (or dark blue) coat with the Capsule company emblem, a black vest under it, and a blade sword used as a weapon on his back. In Dragon Ball Super, it was changed to a blue coat and tied with a red scarf, which was later temporarily changed to a grass green sweater. He wears the same combat uniform as Vegeta when he enters the Spiritual Time House. The modern Tranx debuted in green Training clothes Suit, orange and red on the wrist Bracers When he grew up, he wore a light brown coat with a black vest underneath, a blue scarf, and brown gloves, and a brown suit at work. Rest time I also wear some other clothes.
The original animated image of the Tranks
The Tranks comic book character
Dragon Ball by Tranks

Character characteristic

Helping the good and punishing the evil, the earth was destroyed by artificial people in a mess, there are only tens of thousands of people on the earth, he used the time machine created by his mother Bulma for many years to go back to the past, hoping to find a way to defeat artificial people, so that the past can be peaceful (future).
Heavy love heavy justice, because of their own speed is too slow (more than a third order) against Sharu lost to Sharu, in the Sharu pressed, even if they know they will die Tranx did not say the spiritual time house (future).
Filial and caring, attacking Sharu in his first fight with Vegeta because he knew Dad pride Strong, so has not shown their true strength, everything is for dad's self-esteem (future). Also, when Vegeta was being beaten to death by the demon Buo, she rushed out to save her father at all costs (modern).
Cautious and decisive, never sparing the enemy, after Frisa was saved by his father to go to the earth to find Sun Wukong revenge, but he did not expect that when Frisa and his father Kurd king just came to the earth, they were stopped and easily killed by the future Telanx. When Vegeta once tried to help Saru become the whole, Tranx tried his best to stop it, leaving no hidden danger (future).
indomitable , In the face of repeated attacks and brainwashing by Zamas and Black Goku in the future, Tranx persevered, dedicated himself to protecting mankind from being confused and frustrated by Zamas's "god" speech, and finally won the victory (the future) with his own persistence and that of the people.
Pessimistic and frustrated, with the burden of saving the future alone and the pain of losing loved ones over and over again, he is slightly more negative than the modern Tranx.
In the battle with all the Saru, he challenges Saru, thinking he has mastered a realm that other Saiyans cannot reach (Super Saiyans Stage 3), but is eventually defeated by Saru with speed advantage, and learns why Sun Goku and Vegita do not use this form (the future).
The bosom confesses, Enlightenment X (a fusion of Tranx and Goku) transforms back into Tranx and Goku after attacking the demon Buo He doesn't Immediately thought of escape, but thought of using candy to apologize to Buou (modern).
Elated, like his father, he has the habit of challenging opponents in battle. In the theater version of "Dragon Fist Outbreak, Who is not me", the fusion into the Wutianx versus the magic man, who thought that the success of the fusion could surpass Wukong in the normal state of super Saiya three, the result is because of arrogance by the magic man to break up the combination (modern).
Smart and clever, in GT Tranx used his intelligence to destroy Dr. Miao's computer (modern).

Role capability


Form setting

Correlation morphology
A super Saiyan (Future/Modern)
It is the most classic image recognized by the world, and its combat effectiveness is 50 times that of normal. According to the latest information of Toriyama Akira, the transformation of super Saiyan is related to the S cells in the body, which must first reach a certain level of S cells and the instant increase of S cells in emotional stimuli such as anger. However, there is also a type of Saiyan who is born without a tail and can naturally master super Saiyan at an early age, and both Tranks and Sun Goku are of this type.
Super Saiyan Level II (Future)
Vegeta, who practiced in the Spiritual Time House, was the first to reach this level, followed by Tranx and Sun Wukong. In this form, the muscles will expand, and the speed and strength are much stronger than the ordinary Super Saiyan state, but the speed of consumption of energy is very fast, and is not suitable for prolonged combat.
Super Saiyan Level II (Future)
Super Saiyan Level 3 (Future)
In the fight with Sharu, he is confident that this form can defeat Sharu, but Sharu has "taught" him the importance of speed. Since both Sun Goku and Vegeta are aware of this flaw (speed) in the third stage of Super One, neither of them has turned into this form of combat. In this form, the muscles will expand greatly, expend a lot of energy, and kill speed. After hard cultivation, Tranks reached this level.
Super Saiyan Level 3 (Future)
Super Saiyan Wrath (Future)
In the 61st episode of Dragon Ball Super, Tranx first showed this form. The strength is comparable to that of the super-Rose "Dark Man" (Zamas) without the air sickle, which only changes in the animation.
The outer golden air is covered with blue Reiki and at the same time obtains the star-like particles unique to the realm of God (the unique breath of the realm of God), and bursts out blue lightning from time to time, the hairstyle is the same as the super game (but the color is stronger), and the pupil disappears. After skilled transformation, the pupil reappears, and the mood stabilizes from anger to calm. After being trained by Vegeta, who had already understood the realm of God, Tranx angrily displayed a new transformation after being stimulated by Zamas and the "dark Man". Now fully mastered.
Super Saiyan Rage
Super Saiyan - Sword of Hope (Super Game)
First appearance: Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Commentary: When Tranx defeats the Hybrid Zamas, he will further transform into the Sword of Hope to finish, but not in Superrage form, but in normal Superrace.
Changes: The body surface emits blue light, has a sky-blue giant lightsaber, and the rest is the same as the super Game form.
Sword of Hope (Super Game)
Super Saiyan - Sword of Hope (Super Fury)
Based on the powerful belief of Tranx, the earth is struck by the resonance of the light of the air on the earth into the light ball (the light of the air is different from the spirit of the thing caused by the strong belief). Vegeta and Sun Wukong pass their own air to Tranx, and Tranx then converts the light of the air into the light ball. After the absorption of the light, the light sword with super power is born. The body surface emits blue light, has a sky-blue giant lightsaber, and the rest is the same as the super Game form.
Sword of Hope (Super Rage)
Super Saiyan 2 (future)
Based on the super game, the hair is more upright, and the characters who normally have bangs will only leave a few bangs and their bangs will become longer, (such as Sun Wukong and the teenage Sun Wufan), after the change, the speed and energy are greatly improved. In this state, lightning will appear throughout the body, the golden flame will become a jet rather than a super flame, and the hair will be more upright. The eyes will become sharp, and the personality will become arrogant.
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 2 Extension (Future)
In Dragon Ball Super Comics, Tranx develops Super 2, which is strong enough to compete with Super Goku Super 3.
Super Saiyan 2 extension

Combat moves

Principal space-time
High speed movement
An enhanced version of the dance art, combining the effects of the dance art and quick dodge.
High speed movement
Focus on dispersing the air in your body so that your center of gravity keeps rising and floating in the air.
High speed flight
Flying at very high speeds, aerosol forms around you.
High speed flight
Accumulates energy in the body, sends out a concentrated shock wave that can be fired continuously.
Qigong wave
Kamesenin The trick is to form a calyx shape with both hands, place the calyx hand at the waist, and gather a ball of light in the palm of both hands. It comes out as a blue shot, usually with a tail, like a shooting star. (It's tentatively an anime original, as the manga never shows Tranx using it anywhere, but it doesn't rule out that Tranx learned it).
Tranx and Sun in the Dragon Ball Z theatrical version of "Down the Super Soldier! Victory is Mine. Enlightenment Pair together Biochemical broli Used this move, and in "Dragon Ball GT" with Sun Wukong, Xiao Fang Use this move to eliminate Leard .
The turtle sends Qigong
Combined turtle school Qigong wave
Sun Wutian and Tranx Turtle send a combination of Qigong against the Broli (biochemical form) moves, about twice as powerful as the individual.
Combined turtle school Qigong wave
In the esoteric magic of the Medhamos, two people perform a strange side-to-side symmetrical dance, then hold out their hands with one finger each, and a new person is born. Tranx and Monkey King can merge into Wutianx .
The use of high-speed generated images to create similar doppelganger to confuse the enemy, making it difficult for the opponent to judge the authenticity.
Residual Statue Fist
Future space-time
Focus on dispersing the air in your body so that your center of gravity keeps rising and floating in the air.
High speed flight
Flying at very high speeds, aerosol forms around you.
High speed flight
High speed movement
An enhanced version of the dance art, combining the effects of the dance art and quick dodge.
High speed movement
It builds up energy in the body and sends out a concentrated shock wave.
Qigong wave
Flame shock
Tranks' trick is to stretch out and move your hands quickly, then spread your fingers, thumb and forefinger together, in a qigong wave gesture, and launch.
It was first used during the battle with the artificial humans in the series The 18th Uses, and has dealt with Flisa Used it with father and son.
Flame shock
The pulsar collapses
Concentrate on the air and send energy through both arms. Tranks used this trick in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy Cyborg 17 &18 &16. The second time is Vegeta In order to prepare and become the whole Saru ③ Fight. Allow him to absorb 18. In order to prevent Sharu from becoming the whole, Tranx was not afraid to use this move to attack his father and knock Vegeta down.
The pulsar collapses
Flash strike
You need to lift them up into the air, and then you need to cut them down with your sword from above, and then you need to use a Qigong wave to smash the body.
Future Tranks used this trick to kill mechanical Flisa directly.
Flash strike
Cyclone ejection
The gas opens up and is emitted as a coarse light. It was used on the Saru ② (first stage) to blow the Saru ② away.
Cyclone ejection
Burning attack
First raise your hands to the sky, then move them to your eyes, and then release a powerful energy bomb from your hands. This move destroys Saru ② (first order). It is the most powerful skill in Dragon Ball z.
Burning attack
This is beak ② impart to Sun Wufan The trick was later taught to Tranx by the Monkey King of the future world, who raised his hands to his forehead, accumulated energy, and then pushed forward violently, with great power.
In the Dragon Ball Z theater version of "Burn! Hot War, Fierce War, Super Fierce War" with Sun Wufan Brolli Used this move, and used it on Black Goku in Dragon Ball Super.
Magic flash
Slash Strike
Use the sword to cut an air bomb with a chopping character. Used once on Goku, but did not work.
Slash Strike
The Gallic cannon
Vegeta The trick taught to Tranx, by accumulating energy in the body into the palm of the hand to form a purple energy ball and then launched, powerful.
He used it against Goku in Dragon Ball Super episode 63, and used it with Vegeta against Zamas in episode 65.
The Gallic cannon
Ultimate flash
Vegeta The trick taught to the Tranks is to stretch the palms of your hands to gather air, merge them in front of your chest, and send out a concentrated shock wave by accumulating all the energy in your body. When used, it will appear around the golden lightning, which is powerful.
In Dragon Ball Super episode 57 and Zamas Used this move in combat.
Ultimate flash
The person who uses this trick places their hands over their forehead, creating a flash of intense light that temporarily blinds the viewer.
In Dragon Ball Super # 20, the future Tranks uses the Sun Wufan The taught Sun fist successfully covered the retreat of Sun Wukong and others.
Sun Fist
Wu Taidou Immortal ( Kamesenin and Crane Immortal The Master of the Master) developed a trick that will seal the evil forces that can not be defeated.
In the 64th episode of "Dragon Ball Super", Tranx (2) watched the video of Bic demonstrating the magic seal wave, and practiced the magic seal wave for a short time.
Demon Seal Wave
Convert life energy into "gas" all over the body, the golden gas circle around the body, the gas circle will gradually mine, and most people who enter the gas circle will be killed. Tranx used this trick on the undead Zamas, but was unsuccessfully attacked by Goku.
Yellow air sword
The future Tranx will attach his Chi directly to the broken sword to form the energy blade.
Yellow air sword
Sword of hope
The large energy sword blade formed by the future Tranx gathers Sun Goku, Vegeta's Chi and the Earth's Chi light, which has a powerful power.
Sword of hope
Recovery energy
The exclusive power of the Kingdom King God's attendant. Hold the victim's chest with one open hand, then use your powers to restore the injury.
In Dragon Ball Super # 24, it is mentioned that the future Tranx is the king God simba The disciples of ② are therefore able to use this skill.
Recovery energy
Gas transmission
When fighting Brolie, Tranks and others passed their chi to Sun Wukong, which greatly increased the strength of Sun Wukong and defeated Brolie.
Gas transmission


Originally, it was the weapon of the brave Tapio, and then it was given to Tranx (Tranx was very envious of Sun Wutian having the same brother as Sun Wufan, and once wanted to take Tapio as his brother after Tapio appeared, which influenced the heart of the brave). See more details - Dragon Ball Theatre version 16 "Dragon Fist outbreak, who is not me!"
The Sword of the brave
The sword
All are made of earth materials by Boerma.
The sword of the Tranks
Z Divine Sword
It first appeared in the manga Dragon Ball Super 16 words, and had to be discarded after being splashed with saliva by Dapra in the same words, which also resulted in the absence of the Old World King God in Dragon Ball Super 2.
Z Divine Sword

Interpersonal relationship

Family member
Brive Learned scholar
Maternal grandfather
Founder of the Universal capsule company, brilliant and eccentric scientist.
Outgoing, hospitable and informal, she is friendly to most people except her husband.
In order to become an SF writer, I gave up a privileged life and worked outside my home to experience life.
Dragon Ball series heroine. Daughter of Dr. Brive, chairman of Universal Capsule, genius scientist with a high IQ. She accidentally met Sun Wukong in the journey of collecting dragon balls, and thus began the story of the seven Dragon Balls. (modern)
In order to return to the past time and space to find a way to destroy the artificial man, Bulma created a time machine, and let Tranks take the time machine to go back to the past to seek the help of Sun Wukong. When the future time was destroyed by Black Goku, he developed blue liquid fuel in order to let Tranx ② return to the past time, and was finally killed by Black Goku. (future)
The prince of Saiyans, who has a high self-esteem, is the greatest rival of Sun Wukong, and has been struggling to surpass Sun Wukong. Later, under the influence of Sun Wukong and others, his personality changed. He became a warrior for the earth.
Bula (Only main space-time exists)
Tranx's sister, who first appears at the end of Buo the Demon. She had grown up to be a pretty maiden, much like Bulma, her mother in her youth.
Sun Wutian (Only main space-time exists)
Sworn friend
Sun Wufan's younger brother. When he was young, he was similar to Sun Wukong, a little fond of pettish. He was already a super Saiyan at a young age. He's very close to Tranks. They're inseparable BFFS. Even the normal strength is no less than the XVIII. The two often merge Wutianx To fight.
Six months after Sun Wukong's death, Artificial Man 17 and Artificial Man 18 attacked humans, killing the Z warriors such as Bik and Vegeta, and Sun Wufan transformed into a Super Saiyan when he was angry. Subsequently, Sun Wufan went on the road to fight against the artificial man, but the strength of the enemy was too strong, Sun Wufan could not defeat No. 17 and No. 18 after many battles. Later, Sun Wufan began to train Tranx to become a super Saiyan, but it was not successful, in a battle with the artificial man was seriously injured, Sun Wufan's left arm was broken, but he gave the last bean to Tranx, he collapsed. Soon after healing, the artificial man attacks the humans again, knocking Tranx unconscious. He alone to challenge artificial man, and finally heroic sacrifice, Tranx ② so angry, change success.
Uncle and nephew
Sun Wufan's daughter. In Dragon Ball GT, she is one of the main characters: she replaces Sun Wutian, and goes with Sun Wukong and Tranx to collect the black star Dragon Ball scattered in the universe, from which she meets her good friend Giru. Lively and headstrong, he often quarreled with Tranx and collected dragon balls.
One of Pilaf's loyal men, who once collected the dragon Ball and accidentally changed back into the body of a child, was liked by the main Space-time Tranx. In the future time and space, he and Tranx are a pair of partners who experience life and death together and have deep feelings for each other. It is the object that Tranks considers most important and guarded.

Character experience


Early experience

Tranx is a hybrid of Earth and space people. father Vegeta ② Yes Saiyan Prince, mother Burma He is a scientist.
Tranx, Monkey King
because Synthetic Man number 17 sum The 18th The appearance of the ②, Tranks ② lost his father from childhood, in cyborg Wreak havoc on the environment with Sun Wufan ② Grow up together. For many years, Tranchus learned martial arts with Sun Wufan and worked with him against artificial humans. After the sacrifice of Sun Wufan, the angry Tranx became A super Saiyan (In the future of the comics, Tranx can become a Super Saiyan before Sun Goku dies), but he is never able to defeat the artificial man. So he rode the time machine made by his mother to go back to the past time and space to meet Sun Wukong, the father of Sun Wufan, who had died long ago, and find a way to defeat the artificial man.
After traveling back in time, Tranx killed the one who was about to destroy the Earth Flisa Father and son, with Sun Wukong , Vegeta , Bouma , beak , Kurin And other people meet, and the future time and space treatment of viral heart disease medicine to Sun Wukong.

The Artificial Man Sharu

Soon after, Tranx II returned to the past time, at this time Vegeta and Bic and others have been fighting the artificial man, 19 has been destroyed by Vegeta, 20 is not Bic opponent was suppressed by it, when he reached the past time, he saw something he had never seen before Synthetic Man 19 A sense of foreboding immediately set in. It turns out that the past has changed. Later, he learns that it was not himself who changed the past, but an artificial person from another time and space Charoux ③. After a series of unexpected twists, Tranx and Vegeta enter Spiritual time House Make cultivation. In the final battle with Sharu, Tranx further reached the third stage of Transcendence, thinking that he already had the power to surpass his father, but he did not expect that his speed was slowed by the increase in strength, and thus learned that he had taken the wrong path of ascension.
The Battle of Tenenx
Salu game The strength of the Tranx is about the same as Vegeta's Little Charoo Barely a tie. Later in Saru's game, Tranx is killed by Saru in a single move and is later killed Dragon pearl Resurrection, to learn that a cold father also has a side of love for his son. After returning to the future time and space, he will kill the evil 17 ② and 18 ② to avenge the relatives, companions and other innocent people of the Earth who were killed, and then destroy the Saru ② (first order) who tried to rob the time machine, so that the future time and space will restore peace.

The Monkey King

The time and space of the future fell into despair because of the sudden emergence of a powerful enemy - a man who calls himself "Sun Wukong". Tranks ② Through Burma ② Made Time machine Trying to go back in time again Z Warrior Our help, but" Black Goku The obstruction caused Bulma's death. posteriorly komai Under the cover of Tranx, Tranx successfully traveled to the past time (the main time). When he wakes up in a coma, he attacks Sun Goku from the past space time (main space time) as a black Goku, but Bulma (main space time) stops him from waking up. After that, Tranx reveals his intention to Vegeta and Sun Goku, and wants them to help him go to the future and defeat Black Goku. Later, Tranks and Monkey Goku fight each other, and are finally replaced by (animation is Super Saiyan 3 The comic is God of the super Saiyans Sun Wukong knocked down.
Goku and Vegeta then go to the future to deal with Black Goku. In the fierce battle with Black Goku, Black Goku was crushed by Vegeta, but was suddenly appeared Zamas Saved, it turns out that Zamas is Black Goku's accomplice, both of them hate humans, for which they want to kill all humans. In the face of Zamas and Goku's alliance, Goku and others are defeated, and Tranx has to use the Sun Fist to cover Goku's return to the past (Space-time 1). Later, because of the disparity in strength, it was once ravaged by Black Wukong, the king of the tenth universe Kvass and simba With the help of the temporary escape from the Black Wukong chase, after some rectification, Tranks and others returned to the battlefield, Black Wukong hit Gevas, Tranks unknowingly with the special ability as a disciple of the world king God saved Gevas. Subsequently, the two men who completed the special training returned to the battlefield. Vegitta and Goku fought against Black Goku and Zamas, respectively. After Vegitta's strength improved after special training, he completely suppressed Black Goku with the tactics of switching red and blue. Sun Wukong also sealed Zamas with the magic seal, but unfortunately, because he accidentally brought the wrong seal, Zamas fled from the jar. As a last resort ----, Goku and Zamas combine with Botara earrings to become "Zamas." The combination Zamas completely overpowered Goku and Vegeta.
Then, unexpectedly, Goku went from the future (Time and Space 2) to the past (time and space 1), and Goku immediately fought him. Since Black Goku does not belong to the past (Time 1), time intends to restore itself, so I want to pull Black Goku back to the future (Time 2), and Black Goku also destroyed the future Tranx time machine before leaving. When the time machine was destroyed, Bulma (Time 1) found the time machine that Sharu had traveled from the future (Time 3) to the past (Time 1). Tranx, along with his father Vegeta and Goku, rode the time machine to the future to fight with Goku again, but unexpectedly, Mai did not die, which made Tranks happy. What was not expected in the fierce battle with Black Goku was that Black Goku could transform into super Saiyan Peach, and Vegeta was beaten down and seriously injured. In front of Goku, Tranks, and Vegeta, Zamas turns out to be an accomplice of Black Goku, both of whom hate humans and kill all humans on Earth for this reason. In the face of a joint attack by Zamas and Goku, both Tranx and Goku are hit by the turtle Qigong sent by Goku, then rescued by Achilobe, and finally sent back to the main time by Dance. After recovering from the injury and Goku, Vegeta and Buma go to the future again to deal with the two of Black Goku, but also know the true face of Black Goku, the original Black Goku is the existence of modern Zamas using the super dragon ball and Goku exchange body and mind, and the future Zamas with the super dragon ball obtained the undead body. Goku also learned that Kiki and Goku were killed by Black Goku, and was very angry, and temporarily suppressed Black Goku and Zamas after an outburst, but Goku was still badly beaten by Black Goku. Later, after being angered by the condemnation words and stimulation of Black Goku and Zamas, Tranks let Vegeta and Booma take Goku back to the main space and time, and he broke out a fight against the enemy before seriously injuring himself. After the recovery of the wound to protect small dance, Tran and Heiza fight again, the result is still defeated, but Goku and others returned in time. Vegeta's strength increased after the return of training, completely suppressed Black Goku, but Black Goku realized the power of Saiyan anger after the disadvantage, using the air falk to send out the unknown space to delay Goku and Vegeta. And Tranx saw Zamas killed over, a short time to learn the magic seal wave and successfully sealed Zamas, but because Goku forgot to bring the seal, the result let Zamas escape. Black Goku and Zamas see themselves at a disadvantage, with earrings to combine, become a combination of Zamas, with super strength to completely suppress Goku and others. Goku sacrificed his body to attack the combination of Zamas, with turtle school Qigong and the king of the world boxing hard hit the combination of Zamas, the combination of Zamas body produced a mutation.
Black Goku
Black Goku
Goku and Vegeta then combine earrings to become super blue Bedgett Completely crush the compound Zamas However, Beckett disintegrates prematurely due to consuming too much energy (the comic is about to issue the "Ultimate. The turtle sends Qigong At that time, the earring could not withstand the powerful force of the super blue and caused the Becket to disintegrate).
The defeated two people are in a desperate situation again, the chance to restore the opportunity to Goku, Goku is in the time of the delay of Goku into a full version of super blue, and Zamas launched a fierce battle, and use the destruction of God's skill "destruction" Zamas's body destroyed half, Zamas in the destruction of the dance caught as a hostage, threatening Goku. Just as Zamas is about to kill everyone, Black Goku and Zamas are slowly separated like sludge because of the expiry of Potala earrings, and Tranks takes the opportunity to cut off two people's bodies with a knife, and the two people are constantly multiplying. Vegeta saw the destruction and rage, using a "gamma burst flash", the two Zamas into pieces. But the fragments of Zamas began to multiply and become more Zamas. Goku Begita and the two decided to stay alone and fight to the death, Goku inadvertently found the call button of King Quan, King Quan was summoned out, under Sun Wukong's fingering of Zamas, with absolute strength to destroy Zamas, Goku and others fled back to modern times (Time and Space 1). Tranks' time and space disappeared with it.
In the end, Tranx gathered the breath light of all living beings on the future world Earth, and cut the composite Zamas to pieces with a sword. However, Zamas did not die, after being destroyed by the entity, the body became the universe itself, killing all the survivors of the future world except for a few people in the battlefield and turning the world into a state of nothingness, even affecting parallel space-time. When Goku and others are desperate, Goku suddenly sees the button given to him by the king, and Wukong summons the king of the future world. The king of the future is very unhappy with the universe transformed by Zamas, and the king of the future completely destroys Zamas by destroying the universe, and Goku, Telenx and others flee back to the modern time.
Black Goku
Later, Sun Wukong and Tranx returned to the future time and space (Time and space 2), and the future time and space Quan Wang ② Invited to the palace of the modern king, so that the two become friends. Finally Tranx and Little Dance are in Wyss At the suggestion of a return Future human viable Parallel space-time Move on (" Zamas destroy God of Reigns Pre-space-time ", the space-time that Big T is going to change will have two Tranks).
  • Another Time & Hidden Time
Be murdered
Tranks takes a time machine to the "Hidden Space", obtained in advance cyborg Drawings and pass Emergency stop The device destroyed the artificial man (hidden space-time). After completing his mission, Tranx returned to Chrono 3 and destroyed the Chrono 3 humanoids through the emergency stop device. When Tranx is ready to take a time machine to travel back in time (hidden time and space) to celebrate, he suffers a terrible tragedy Charoux ③ (first order) was killed by a sneak attack. Saru ③ takes a time machine to the main space-time by accident, and becomes the final villain of Saru. PS1: Yes Dragon Ball z There are four space-time in the story, because the fourth space-time is the author Akira Toriyama This is why it is called "hidden time and space". PS2: Tranx of Space Time 3 has no special training even if he goes to Hidden Space Time (the 17th and 18th of Space Time 3 are supposed to be solved by Tranx after finding the blueprints and using Bulma to make the artificial to stop the remote control in an emergency), so even if Sharu does not attack, Tranx is no match for Sharu.
  • Adjacent spacetime

Buo the Devil

Modern-day Tranks was murdered by his mother when he was six months old Dr. Gero Attack. It was his future self that saved him. By the age of 8, he was already a super Saiyan (a super genius due to his parents' genes). The same talent as Sun Wutian), and Sun Wukong The posthumous son of his father Sun Wutian They're best friends. Because want to and Vegeta, Sun Wukong and other adults to participate in the 28th The first martial society in the world . The first martial Dao in the world will defeat Sun Wutian and Satan followed Sun Wutian dressed as a masked guest to play against 18, and was finally discovered by 18. Was knocked unconscious by his father Vegeta after his first embrace before the explosion, along with Sun Goku, and then was beak Take him. afterroot Babidi And the Devil Buou Confrontation and become a wanted criminal, need to merge with Sun Wutian learning into Wutianx . Absorbed by Buo (because of too much pride), she is quickly rescued by Vegeta, but is also killed in an Earth explosion and resurrected by the Dragon Ball.

God and the Divine

(Only appeared in the anime version and Dragon Ball Z God and God Theater version, but did not participate in the battle in the manga version) and Sun Gotian combined to become Wutianx into a Super 3 state God of Destruction , Burus After a fight, he gets caught Spanking the buttocks And a complete defeat.

Part F of the Resurrection

In order to Super match Wutianx form hit with a hammer Flisa His right-hand men Tagmar The key.

Superman Water

Tranx and Monkey King together to defeat a lot of frying man, but the frying man is constantly copying so that Tranx feels that he can not survive and is ready to escape with Monkey King; In the Super 3 Wutianx form, he fought against the Restored Vegeta, and was easily defeated because the attack on the Restored Vegeta was ineffective.
Tranx and Monkey King

Black star Dragon ball

Note: The following content is Dragon Ball GT original Plot, and comic book none Relationship)
As an adult, Tranx became the less president of the universal capsule group, but because he did not like to be constrained, he often secretly left early, and the result was pulled on by Vegeta spaceship To cultivate in the universe. Piloted, programmed, and repaired damaged parts of the spaceship, and still Giroud Friends, often prevent Xiao Fang ( Sun Wufan His daughter) bullied him. At first, I felt that Fang was a troublesome girl, especially when she was forced to pretend to be the bride on Garudo to deal with Rama, but she also carried out her plan very well.
When the six planets were taken, they tracked the Bala Bala brothers as skillfully as possible by avoiding dangerous objects in the universe. After finishing with Mu Ma, he found the planet of Rutun, and dealt with the God officer Musi with Sun Wukong. After being pinned by Mose's magic, he uses a super Saiyan transformation to help Goku destroy Mose and then fight Luthor against him. When she continued the journey, she was annoyed by the idea of sending Fang back to Earth, but she corrected this idea after running away from home, and approached M2 because of what she heard from Giroux Dr. Miao The secret, and he came up with a plan to investigate the truth. After landing, he was captured as planned, and then he allowed himself to be Leard The general is turned into a metal plate and sent to Dr. Miu's institute. be Giroud Using a fake to replace themselves and investigating in the institute, the result found that Baby ( Babe ) exists, so use one Computer virus Attempt to destroy him, after the failure of the Monkey King with the use of force to destroy. merely Babe After the resurrection, he was possessed by him on the planet Bida to attack Sun Wukong, but fortunately, with a firm will, the super Saiyan transformed to drive him away.
gt Tenex


Be controlled
But the eggs left in the body after returning to Earth seizure, so it became Babe - Vegeta's servant, to help him fight. Followed him to Zivr and was knocked out by Babe, and then Jabbit with Super Divine Water Restore, so immediately help Sun WuKong to revive.

Artificial man

On the way to the Monkey King home was man-made man 17 attack, after dragging the body to the Monkey King home with serious injuries. When he wakes up from his coma, he communicates to Goku Seventeen that he wants to go to Hell alone (which later leads to Goku being trapped in hell, and eventually Bick and Dandy work together to help Goku return to Yangjian). After recovering from the injury, deal with the evil enemy from hell to the sun together, and with Aube Together they wiped out the destruction in the city Vegetable people . After that, he fought with Vegeta and others against Super 17, but was easily defeated by Super 17. Finally Super 17 is 18 and Sun Wukong.

Evil Dragon

After Super 4 Sun Wukong was beaten back to normal by a star dragon, he fought with Sun Wufan and Sun Wutian against a star Dragon, but was easily defeated by a star dragon. When several people were about to be destroyed by a star dragon, Sun Wukong used teleportation to save them, and then passed Saiya energy to Sun Wukong with Sun Wufan and Sun Wutian (helping him reach a super 4 super power state).
Later, he and Sun Wufan and Sun Wutian jointly contain the super one-star dragon, and successfully help Sun Wukong and Vegeta to complete the fusion.
Sun Wukong was defeated by super one star dragon with all ready to leave the earth on the way, with Sun Wufan, Sun Wutian returned to the battlefield to support alone against the super one star dragon Vegeta, but four super one star dragon easily defeated.
Last star dragon quilt Sun Wukong With the energy of the whole universe Genki bomb Exterminate. Tranx and the crowd witness Sun Wukong and Divine dragon Leaving together, Tranks and others once again become the guardians of Earth. Died within 100 years of the evil dragon's destruction.

Match record


Future space-time

Z- Artificial Man
(Tranx is killed at the beginning of the story by the first Order of Sharu. Therefore, these paragraphs are the results of Tranx.)
  • vs. Synthetic Man 18 ② : Defeat, not a rival at all.
  • vs. Synthetic Man number 17 ② and No. 18 ② : Defeated, transformed into a super Saiyan is no match for two artificial humans.
  • vs. The soldiers of Flisa and Son: Victory, easy destruction.
  • vs. Machine Flisa : Victorious, one hand catches Flisa's Earth-destroying energy bomb, chopping it into pieces and blasting it into powder with a Qigong wave.
  • vs. Kurd king Victory: The opponent thinks he can win by taking the sword of Flisa and slaying her, but is knocked down by a blow.
  • vs. Sun Wukong : No result, in order to test the strength of Sun Wukong drew a sword to launch an attack, Sun Wukong only fingers to catch all the attacks.
  • vs. Cyborg 17: Lost, no match at all, hit by a blow.
  • vs. Artificial Man 18: Defeated, just about to rise up and fight again, but was knocked unconscious by Vegeta thrown by 18.
  • vs. embryonic stage Saru ① : Victory, one kill
  • vs: Saru ③ (2nd order) : Wins, completely overpower the opponent, but is stopped by Vegeta.
  • vs: Vegeta Victory, in order to prevent Saru from becoming the whole at all at the expense of beating his father.
  • vs. Charoux ③ (Complete) : Defeated, at first with the transformation of the power to fight with Saru, after Saru found the weakness of slow speed and defeated.
  • vs. Little Charoo No result, into a bitter battle, little Salu was finally destroyed by super two Sun Wufan.
  • vs. Lightning Charoux ③ : Defeated, killed by the resurrected Sharu.
  • vs. Synthetic Man number 17 ② and No. 18 ② : Victory, back to the future time and space has been greatly improved, easily killed two artificial humans.
  • vs. Charoux ② (1st rank) : Victory, the total destruction of Saru.
Super - Black Monkey King
Animated version:
  • Tranks Dapra ②. Babidi ② : Victory, the destruction of Dapra and Babidi after a fierce battle.
  • Tranks Black Goku : Defeat is not an opponent at all.
  • Tranx 2 vs. Monkey King: Lost.
  • Tranx, Monkey King vs. Black Monkey King, Zamas ② : The first battle, lost.
  • Tranx, Monkey King, Vegeta vs. Black Goku, Zamas ② : The second World war, lost.
  • Tranx vs. Goku and Zamas: Battle 3: Lost.
  • Tranks vs. Zamas: No result.
  • Tranx, Monkey King, Vegeta vs. Zamas [Combination] : No result.
  • Tranx ②vs. Zamas [Combination] : Victory.
  • Tranx, Goku, Vegeta vs. Infinite Zamas (Gas) : No result, the three attack together, the result is completely ineffective. After infinite Zamas was destroyed by the whole King.
Comic page
  • Tranks God of Reigns ②vs. Dapra ②. Babidi (2) Victory, annihilating Darpura and Babidi at the expense of the king god (2).
  • Tranx vs. Black Goku: Lost.
  • Tranx 2 vs. Monkey King: Lost.
  • Tranx vs. Black Goku: Lost.
  • Tranx, King Shin vs. Goku, Zamas: Defeated.
  • Tranx ②vs. Zamas [fit] : Defeat, because Zamas [fit] to the earring fit one hour, there is a brief separation phenomenon. Tranx seized the opportunity and cut Zamas back to Black Goku and Zamas with a sword. The opponent unexpectedly recovers and knocks him down. After and small dance ② was saved by Gevas.

Modern time and space

Z- The Devil Buo
  • Tranks vs. Vegeta Lost, trained with Vegeta in the gravity room, hit Vegeta but was punched in the back.
  • Tranks vs. IDA and other 4 junior players of the First Budokai: victory, easy defeat.
  • Tranks vs. Sun Wutian : A narrow victory.
  • Tranks vs. Mr. Satan : Victory, one punch fly.
  • Tranks, Sun Wutian vs. Artificial Man 18: Defeated, disguised as a masked man to participate in the final of the Budo meeting, and the identity of the 18 was discovered, and was disqualified.
  • Tranks vs. Fat Buo the Demon : No result, in order to save Vegeta kicked the demon Buou, and was knocked unconscious by Vegeta, but was rescued by Bic.
  • Wutianx (normal) Fat Demon Buo: Lost, no match at all.
  • Wutianx (Super 1) vs. Big Buo: With no result, the Ghost kamikaze attack was unable to destroy Buo, and the latter tried to joke that he had run out of tricks, but it backfired, causing Bike to destroy the exit of the Time House, and Buo actually broke the dimensional wall to escape.
  • Wutianx (Super 3) vs. Big Buou: Defeated, transformed into Super 3 broke the dimensional wall to escape from the time house, and fought with Buou in the temple, just wanted to destroy Buou with a full blow, but suddenly disintegrated after the combination time.
Z- God and the Divine
  • Tranks, Sun Wutian vs. Giant Snake: Victory. (Original animation, no theatrical version)
  • Wutianx vs. God of Destruction Burus : Defeated, hand was swollen.
Super - Resurrected F
  • Wutianx vs. Taguma : Victory, hit Taguma in the crotch. (Original animation, no theatrical version)
Superman Water (Original animation)
  • Tranx and Monkey King vs. Copy Frying Man: Escape.
Super hero
  • Tranks vs. Salumax : Defeated, and all together still lost.
GT- Black Star Dragon Ball
  • Tranks vs. Rekik : The defeat.
  • Tranks, Sun Wukong vs. Moose: Victory.
  • Tranx, Monkey King, Xiao Fang vs. Luther: Victory.
GT- Babe
  • Tranx, Monkey King, Xiaofang vs. Babe : Victory.
  • Tranx, Monkey King, Xiaofang vs. Leard : Victory.
  • Tranx vs. Babe: Defeated, he thinks he got rid of Babe by becoming a super Saiyan, but Babe actually left an egg in his body. Then he was manipulated by Babe.
GT- Artificial man
GT- Evil Dragon
  • Tranx, Monkey King, Monkey King, Obu vs. one-star : The defeat.
  • Tran, Monkey King, Monkey King vs. Super one-star dragon : The defeat.
  • Tranx, Vegeta, Monkey King, Monkey King vs. Super One Star Dragon: Lost

Character song

" Dragon Ball Reformation For the future Tranks Character song In 82 words, he dealt with all of them Charoux of BGM たったひとりの Strongman.

Entry record

Note: If there is no special explanation, the Tranx is only space-time 1; Statistics only Eastern reflection Production of non-parody animation


Title of work
1984 ~ 1995
(Space time 1, 2, 3)
(Space Time 1, 2)
Extra chapter
" The story of Tranks - The Lone Warrior -
(Space-time 2) [2]
1989 ~ 1996
(Space time 1, 2, 3)
1996 ~ 1997
Parallel world
2009 ~ 2015
(Space time 1, 2, 3)
(Space Time 1, 2)
(Space Time 1)
Special chapter
Desperate Defiance! The Remnants of Super Soldiers Gorice and Tranx.
(Space Time 2) Between 175th and 176th
Dragon Ball Z: The Resurrected F-Special One Shot
(Space Time 2, mentioned in a short paragraph)

Derivative work

Title of work
Theatrical version
"Extreme Battle!! Three Super Saiyans"
(Space-time 2)
"Burn!! Hot War · Fierce War · Super Fierce War"
(Space-time 2)
"The Galaxy is in Danger!! Master of Skill"
(Space-time 2)
"Dangerous Two! Super Soldiers Can't rest Easy."
(Space Time 1)
"Super Soldier break!! The victorious warrior is me"
(Space Time 1)
"Resurrection Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta"
(Space Time 1)
"Dragon Fist bursts!! Who is Goku without me"
(Space Time 1)
(Space Time 1)
(Space-time 2, only mentioned)
(Space Time 1)
(Space Time 1)
Special chapter
Dragon Ball vs One Piece vs Captive of food "
(Space Time 1)
Short story
"Gather Together! The World of Goku"
(Space-time 2)
(Space-time 2)
The Saiyan Extermination Plan Universe.
(Space-time 2)
Return! Goku and His Friends!!
(Space Time 1)
(Space-time 2, another XENO)

Awards and honors

Future Tranks with its handsome appearance, melancholy temperament and tragic experience become Charoux One of the most popular characters in the film, it came in third place with 29,627 votes. (1, 2, 4 and 5 are respectively Sun Wufan , Sun Wukong , Vegeta , beak )
Even in the official popularity poll of Buou, Son Goku, who was promoted to the main character but dropped to the sixth place, and Future Tranks, who is no longer on the show (counting the votes of Modern Tranks), remained highly popular, ranking third with 6,537 votes. (1, 2, 4 and 5 are respectively Sun Wukong , Vegeta , Wutianx , beak )
In the 2004 set of comic books, Tranks (both Future and Modern) ranked fourth with 1,487 votes. (1, 2, 3 and 5 are respectively Sun Wukong , Vegeta , Sun Wufan , beak )