
Republic of Estonia
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Republic of Estonia ( Estonian : Eesti Vabariik, Republic of Estonia), short for Estonia, is located in Baltic Sea East coast, East and Russia Bordering, south and Latvia Neighbor, north neighbor Gulf of Finland , and Finland Facing each other across the sea, facing the southwest Gulf of Riga The border is 1,445 kilometers long, the coastline is 3,794 kilometers long, and the land area is 45,339 square kilometers. It is a maritime climate, with an average winter temperature of -5.2 ° C, an average summer temperature of 17.7 ° C, and an average annual precipitation of 500-700 mm. The country is divided into 15 provinces with 254 towns and cities, and the capital is Tallinn . As of 2023, Estonia has a population of 1,357,700 [20] . The main ethnic groups are Estonian , Russian nationality, Ukrainian nationality and Belarusian . [11]
The Estonian ethnic group was formed in the 12th and 13th centuries. Have been successively Prussia , Denmark , Sweden , Poland , Germany , Tsarist Russia and The Soviet Union Rule by occupation. On February 24, 1918, Estonia declared its independence from Tsarist Russia and established the Republic of Estonia. In November of the same year, Soviet Russia declared sovereignty over Love. During this period, Ireland waged a persistent armed struggle for national independence. In February 1920, Soviet Russia recognized the independence of Love. In June 1940, the former Soviet Union invaded Estonia and in July of the same year established the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. On August 20, 1991, Love broke away Former Soviet Union Declared the restoration of independence. On September 17 of the same year, The United Nations Announced the admission of Love to membership. Love joined on March 29, 2004 North Atlantic Treaty Organization It was added on May 1 European Union It was added on 21 December 2007 Schengen area It was added on 1 January 2011 euroland . [11]
Key economic data for 2022 are as follows: Gross domestic product : 25.704 billion euros. Gross domestic product per capita : 27,167 euros. GDP growth rate: -1.3%. [11]
Chinese name
Republic of Estonia [1]
Foreign name
Republic of Estonia
Abbreviated form
Tallinn [1]
Major city
Tartu , Narva , Virjandi Etc. [1]
National Day
February 24, 1918 Independence Day ) [1]
National song
" My land, my joy "
Country code
Official language
Estonian [1]
Euro [1]
Time zone
Political system
A parliamentary republic
National leader
Aral Karis [1] (President) , Kaya Kalas (Prime Minister)
Population number
1,357,700 [20] (as of 2023)
Population density
29.33 people/km2 (as of January 2022)
Major nationality
Major religion
Lutheranism [1]
Land area
45227 km² [12]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
37.68 billion euros [24] (2022)
Per capita GDP
27,588 euros [24] (2022)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right
National bird
House swallow
The national flower
National tree
Largest city
Leading institution
University of Tartu , Tallinn University

Historical evolution


Early history

The Estonian nation was formed in the 12th and 13th centuries. Have been successively Prussia , Denmark , Sweden , Poland Germany and other occupation and rule.
Beginning in 1710, Estonia was subjected to Russian Empire It ruled for over 200 years. Independence was declared on 24 February 1918 as the Republic of Estonia. The next day, the Germans occupied Tallinn . In November of that year, Soviet Russia Declaring sovereignty over Estonia. [2]

First independence

World War I Later, on 25 February 1918, the German population of Estonia, led by Baron Dellins Hansen, revolted, demanding the entry of German troops into Estonia. According to March 3, 1918 Soviet Russia ( Soviet Russia ) and German Empire signed Peace of Brest-Litovsk "(abbreviated as the Brest Contract), Soviet General Finland , Estonian Stran (Estonia), Rivland (Estonia) Latvia ), Republic of Lithuania and Ukraine The territory was ceded to Germany, and Soviet troops and the Russian Red Guard were withdrawn from these territories. Later, Germany tried to establish a German Empire in Estonia and Latvia, which had been ceded by Soviet Russia Baltic Sea The United Duchy, to Mecklenburg Duke Adolf Friedrich was the fuhrer.
In November 1918, Germany broke out November Revolution He surrendered on 11 November. Soviet Russia took the opportunity to abolish the The Peace of Brest In an attempt to reclaim the territory ceded to Germany. In this context, Estonia declared its independence on 28 November 1918, and the German population of the country formed volunteer corps to resist the Red Army and the Red Guard along with the newly formed Estonian army.
On February 1, 1919, he led the army Finnish Civil War German General Rudiger von der Goltz led a "Freikorps" of German soldiers to Estonia to help in the war, which eventually led the Soviet government to sign the "Free Army" with Estonia on February 2, 1920. The Peace of Tartu Soviet Russia "unreservedly recognizes the independence of Estonia and automatically renounces Russia forever... Sovereign rights over the people and territory of Estonia ".
In February 1920, Soviet Russia recognized Estonian independence. In August 1939, Russia and Germany signed a secret treaty that included Estonia in the Soviet sphere of influence. [2]

Annexed by the Soviet Union

Territorial changes in Estonia after its annexation by the Soviet Union
On August 23, 1939, Nazi Germany Secretary of state Ribbentrop And the Soviet Foreign Minister. Molotov Signed the" The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact ".
In accordance with this secret annex, the Soviet Union began negotiations with Estonia on 25 September and signed a treaty with Estonia on 28 September, obtaining the right to occupy certain ports and military installations during the war and to station troops in the area concerned.
On June 16, 1940, The Soviet Union After requesting Estonia to "guarantee the implementation of the Treaty of Mutual assistance and the prevention of anti-Soviet provocations", the army occupied the entire territory of Estonia, arrested its government officials, abolished the Constitution, and established a Communist government. It was established in July of the same year Estonia Soviet Socialist Republic . On August 1 of the same year, Estonia was incorporated into the Soviet Union by referendum, becoming Soviet republics One of them. The Soviet occupation and annexation was not recognized by the United States and the West, and the United States froze Estonian banks' gold deposits in the United States.
On June 22, 1941, German troops invaded the Soviet Union and three weeks later occupied all of Estonia. The Estonians saw the German army as "liberators" and cooperated with them, creating an Estonian division in the Waffen-SS. When the Germans withdrew from Estonia in September 1944, the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, Jori Ullotz, was declared president (Konstantin Patz had been arrested by the Soviets in 1940), and took office in the Swedish capital Stockholm A government in exile was formed, which lasted until 1992. World War II Estonia lost 220,000 people, or one-fifth of its pre-war population, and 80,000 fled to the West.
The Estonians were severely punished by the Soviet Union in the latter part of World War II because of their cooperation with Germany. The Red Army bombed Tallinn and Narva And other cities, causing a large number of civilian casualties. The Soviet reoccupation of Estonia was followed by mass arrests and executions. The Estonian guerrilla "Forest Brothers" fought against the Soviet occupation until 1948. Republic of Lithuania Similar guerrilla fighting in western Ukraine lasted until the 1950s, and the last guerrilla was arrested in 1978. To punish the Estonians for their cooperation, the Soviet Union also adjusted the borders of the republic and transferred part of its territory to Russia.
From May 1949, the Soviet Union began to move towards Siberia The Estonians were exiled and the Russians moved in to change the demographic composition of the republic. By 1952, the proportion of Estonians in the Republic had fallen from 90 per cent in 1941 to 48 per cent.
Stalin After his death, Soviet control over Estonia was relaxed. From the late 1950s, Estonians were allowed to communicate with foreign countries, and in 1960 the Tallinn Railway was opened Helsinki The ferry. Finnish television programmes are freely available in Estonia. Gorbachev With the further loosening of control over Estonia, dissident political groups and parties began to emerge, such as the Estonian People's Front, the Green Party, and the Estonian National Independence Party.
On November 16, 1988, the Estonian Supreme Soviet adopted a declaration that the Republic enjoys sovereignty independent of the Soviet Union, and in January 1989, a general was adopted Estonian The decree made it the official language, the blue and black flag of the First Republic was restored on 24 February of the same year, and new electoral laws were passed in August and November. [2]

Second independence

On 24 February 1990, Estonian citizens elected 464 members of the Estonian Council (including 35 representatives of exiled Estonians after 1940). The new Estonian Supreme Soviet, elected in March of the same year, declared the restoration of Estonian sovereignty and a "transitional period" before independence. In May of that year, the Supreme Soviet declared the restoration of the name "Republic of Estonia" and decreed that only laws approved by the Soviet could be applied in Estonia.
It took place on 19 August 1991 in the Soviet Union August 9 incident Estonia declared its independence on 20 August. The Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Arnold Ruettel, instructed the Foreign Minister, who was visiting Finland, to remain there until he received special instructions from the government in order to establish a government in exile if necessary. On 26 August, the Russian Federation issued a statement recognizing the independence claims of the Baltic States and the other republics, and specifically stating that Russia waives the right of the three States to demand the modification of their borders.
On 6 September 1991, the first meeting of the Council of State of the Soviet Union decided to recognize the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and commissioned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union to issue a statement in support of the accession of the three republics to the United Nations and their participation as equal members in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Estonia seceded on 20 August 1991 The Soviet Union Declared the restoration of independence. On September 17th, The United Nations Announced the admission of Estonia to membership.
All Russian troops on Estonian territory were withdrawn in 1994, and Estonia joined in 2004 European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization On December 21, 2007, it became Schengen Convention Member States. [2] It joined the euro on 1 January 2011. [1]
On 7 June 2019, the United Nations General Assembly was elected Estonia , The Niger , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , Tunisia and Vietnam The five countries will be non-permanent members of the Security Council in 2020 and 2021 [3] .

Geographical environment


Regional location

Estonia is located on the east coast, with an area of 45,227 square kilometers, east and west Russia Bordering, south and Latvia Neighbor, north neighbor Gulf of Finland , and Finland Facing each other across the sea, facing the southwest Gulf of Riga The border is 1,445 kilometers long, the coastline is 3,794 kilometers long, and the land area is 45,339 square kilometers. [2] [11]

Climatic characteristics

Estonian climatic genera Marine climate Obviously affected by the ocean, the spring is cool and less rain, the summer and autumn are warm and humid, the winter is cold and snowy, the average temperature in winter is 7℃, the average temperature in summer is 16℃, and the average annual precipitation is 500 ~ 700 mm. [2]

Drainage distribution

Estonia is rich in fresh water resources, with more than 7,000 rivers as of 2013, of which 16 are more than 100 km in length. The main rivers are Woandu River (162 km), Parnu River (144 km), Paltesama River (135 km), etc., but due to flat terrain, small drop, hydropower potential is low.
The largest lake is with Russia copulatory Chudvatn With a total area of 3,555 square kilometers, it is the fourth largest lake in Europe, of which Estonia has a water area of 1,529 square kilometers. The second largest lake is Voltz Lake . The total water area of the country is 2840 square kilometers. [2]

Time zone

East 2, the use of daylight saving time, winter time than Beijing time Six hours later, five hours later in summer. [2]

Natural resources


Mineral products

Natural resources are scarce. The main minerals are oil shale (proved reserves of about 6 billion tons), peat (reserves of about 4 billion tons), phosphate (reserves of about 700 million tons), limestone and so on.


The World Health Organization published its first air quality database on 26 September 2012, and Estonia ranks first in the country and region rankings for air quality. The database includes air quality data for nearly 1,100 cities in 91 countries and territories around the world, including capital cities and cities with populations of more than 100,000. [2]


Estonia's forest coverage is as high as 48%, more than half of which is still in its original natural state, and the natural ecosystem is very well maintained. There are many lakes, swamps, forests, bog For centuries, lakes and rivers evolved at their own pace, with very little human interference. [2]
The forest area is 2.2222 million hectares, the forest coverage rate is 48%, the forest stock is 466 million cubic meters, and the per capita wood ownership is 362 cubic meters. [1]

Administrative division



The country is divided into 15 provinces with 254 cities and towns. [2] [11]

List of counties

County name
The capital
Area (before 2017)
Population (2011)
Population density
Tallinn (Also the capital of Estonia)
4,333 km²
127.5 persons /km²
989 km²
8.6 persons /km²
3,364 km²
44.4 persons /km²
2,604 km²
12.1 persons /km²
2,623 km²
11.6 persons /km²
2,383 km²
10.1 persons /km²
3,627 km²
16.5 persons /km²
2,165 km²
12.7 persons /km²
4,807 km²
17.2 persons /km²
2,980 km²
11.7 persons /km²
2,673 km²
11.7 persons /km²
2,993 km²
50.2 persons /km²
2,044 km²
14.8 persons /km²
3,422 km²
13.9 persons /km²
2,305 km²
14.5 persons /km²


Tallinn Tallinn, divided into 8 districts, has an area of 159.4 square kilometers and a population of 382,000 (2023). It was founded in 1248 Kingdom of Denmark It became the capital of the Republic of Estonia after the restoration of independence in 1991. The city of Tallinn is located in the northwest of Ireland, on the verge of Baltic Sea In history, it was once a traffic artery connecting Central and Eastern Europe and Northern and Southern Europe, known as the "crossroads of Europe". The climate is obviously influenced by the ocean, with cool spring and little rain, warm and humid summer and autumn, cold and snowy winter, and an average annual temperature of 6.8℃. Port of Tallinn It's the biggest port in love. [2] [23]

National symbol


Country name

Topographic map of Estonia
The Republic of Estonia (English Republic of Estonia, Russian Э с т о н с seem о й Р е с п б л и seem и), hereinafter referred to as Estonia. The word "Estonian" means "waterside dweller" in the Baltic language.
The modern name of Estonia (Eesti) comes from the Old Norse people, who called the tribes living in eastern Scandinavia esti. In AD 98, Tacitus In his book, The Germanic Annals A slightly different word, aestii, is used to describe Estonia. Estonians themselves widely use the name "Eesti", which does not date back to the 19th century.


Flag of Estonia
Flag of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti lipp) is rectangular in shape, with a length to width ratio of 11:7. The flag is composed of three parallel and equal horizontal rectangles connected, with blue, black and white colors from top to bottom. The normal size of the flag is 105 cm x 165 cm. In Estonian, the flag is usually called "sinimustvalge" (meaning "blue-black-white"), referring to the distribution of color bars from the top down.

National emblem

Coat of arms of Estonia
Coat of arms of Estonia It is based on the emblem of the former province of Estonia and the capital city of Tallinn, and the central image is three blue lions on a golden ground. These male lions date back to the 13th century when Denmark ruled. The national emblem is based on the green Nordic oak branches and leaves. The history of Estonia is a remarkable struggle against foreign conquests, and the Estonian nation has always maintained its unique cultural traditions and national habits through many vicissitudes. The emblem of Estonia is a vivid reflection of the history and culture of Estonia.

National anthem

Long live Son of Kaleva, glorious nation, our motherland stands like a rock! Suffering has not dimmed your courage, and you have broken the bonds of centuries. The socialist motherland is thriving, bathed in warm sunshine every day. In the wheat fields, the sickle reaps a full ear of gold, in the factory, the hammer rattles the whistle. May the vitality of the Soviets always flourish, and the industrious gardener spread happiness! Among the sister nations of our union, Estonia, you march firmly ahead! You hold high the glorious banner of Lenin and march forward toward communism. Our party will always be with you, leading us from victory to victory. Growing up under her strong leadership, our home is just, harmonious and beautiful!


In January 2014, the Statistics Office of Estonia released the second census data since independence: the total population of the country is 1312,000, of which 1.1 million are Estonian nationals. The census was 75,816 fewer than the first census in 2000, a drop of 5.5 percent. In the total population, 600,000 men, accounting for 46.4%, and 694,000 women, accounting for 53.6%. Ethnic composition: Estonians 68.7%, Russian The population accounted for 24.8%, other nationalities accounted for 4.9%, and the population of unknown nationality accounted for 1.5%.
As of 2023, Estonia has a population of 1,357,700. [21] The main ethnic groups are Estonians, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. [11]



Political situation

Since the restoration of independence in 1991, the political situation in Ireland has been generally stable. In April 2023, the Estonian Reform Party, the Estonian 200 Party, and the Social Democratic Party formed a new coalition government, and the Reform Party chairman Kaya Kalas Kaja Kallas was re-elected as prime minister. [7] [20]


The current Constitution was adopted on June 28, 1992, entered into force on July 3, and consists of 15 chapters and 168 articles, excluding the preamble. The Constitution affirms that Ireland is an independent and sovereign democratic state, the supreme power of the state belongs to the people, and independence and sovereignty are supreme and inalienable. Love a multi-party parliamentary democracy with a separation of powers. [11]


Unicameral, with 101 seats, serving four-year terms. Main functions: Passing laws; To decide on a referendum; Electing the President of the Republic; Ratification or abrogation of treaties; Authorizes the Prime Minister to form a government; Adopt and approve the State budget; Decides to call a vote of no confidence in the Government of the Republic, the Prime Minister and ministers; Declares a state of emergency throughout the country; To resolve all administrative issues outside the powers of the President, the government, other state organs or local governments as provided for in the Constitution. Any eligible citizen over the age of 21 May stand for election. In March 2023, a total of six political parties entered parliament: the Reform Party (37 seats), the Conservative People's Party (17 seats), the Center Party (16 seats), the Estonian 200 Party (14 seats), the Social Democratic Party (9 seats), and the Fatherland Union Party (8 seats). In April 2023, Lauri Husar, chairman of the Estonian 200 Party, was elected Speaker of the Parliament. [11] [19]


Kaja Kallas, chairman of the Reform Party, became Prime Minister, and the cabinet included six Reform Party ministers: Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur, Justice Minister Kalle Laanet, Climate Minister Kristen Michal, Culture Minister Heidy Purga, Finance Minister Mart Vorklaev, Social Security Minister Signe Riisalo. The Estonian 200 Party consists of three ministers: Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Education and Research Kristina Kallas, and Minister of Economy and Information Technology Tiit Riisalo. There are three Social Democratic ministers: Interior Minister Lauri Laanemets, Regional Minister Madis Kallas, and Health Minister Riina Sikkut. [11] 18 [19]


National Court of Estonia
There are three levels: urban and rural district courts, appellate courts and Supreme Courts. Villu Kove, president of the Supreme Court, took office in February 2019 for a nine-year term. The Attorney-General, Andres Parmas, took office in February 2020 for a five-year term. [11]

Political party

The main political parties are:
Former Estonian President Ilves
(1) The Estonian Reform Party, founded in 1994, has about 12,000 members. It is part of the centre-right Liberal Democratic Party, chaired by Kaja Kallas.
(2) The Estonian Center Party, founded in 1991, has about 15,000 members. It is a liberal centrist party, chaired by Juri Ratas.
(3) The Estonian Conservative People's Party (Estonian Conservative People's Party), founded in 2012, currently has about 8,500 members, is a right-wing populist conservative party, the party chairman Martin Helme (Martin Helme).
(4) The Fatherland Union Party (Isamaa), formed in June 2006 by the merger of the Fatherland Union and the Republic Party, has about 8,800 members. It is a right-wing political party, chaired by Helir-Valdor Seeder.
(5) Social Democratic Party: Originally known as The Moderates Party, it was founded in 1996, changed its current name in February 2004, and merged with the Estonian Russain Party in February 2012, with about 6,000 members. It is a centre-left social Democratic Party, chaired by Lauri Laanemets.
(6) Estonia 200: Founded in 2018, Estonia 200 is a center-right liberal party headed by Lauri Hussar. The party entered parliament for the first time in the 2023 general election.
Other influential political parties include the Estonian Greens, the Biodiversity Party, and the Estonia Freedom Party. [11] [19]


Alar Karlis: President, born 1969. He was engaged in scientific research from 1981 to 2003. 2003-2007 President of the Estonian University of Life Sciences; 2007-2012 President of the University of Tartu; Auditor-general of Estonia from 2013 to 2018; From 2018 to 2021, he was the director of the National Museum; Elected President on August 31, 2021; He was inaugurated as President on 11 October 2021 for a five-year term.
Kaya Kallas: Prime Minister, President of the Reform Party. Born in 1977, he received a master's degree from the Estonian Business School. His father, Sim Kallas, was the founder of the Reformist Party. He joined the Reform Party in 2010, was elected Vice President of the Reform Party in 2013, Member of the European Parliament in 2014, President of the Party in 2018, and Member of the Parliament of Love in March 2019. He became Prime Minister on 26 January 2021 and was re-elected in April 2023.
Lauri Husar: Speaker of Parliament, President of the Estonian 200 Party. He was born in September 1973. He has long worked in the media, as a TV and radio host, and was the editor-in-chief of the largest newspaper in Ireland, The Postman. He was elected President of the Estonian 200 Party in October 2022 and Speaker of the 15th Parliament in April 2023. [11] [19]




Since the restoration of independence, Ireland has pursued a liberal economic policy, vigorously promoted privatization, implemented free trade policies, and achieved rapid economic development, with an average annual economic growth rate among the EU members. Key economic data for 2023 are as follows:
GDP: 37.68 billion euros
GDP per capita: €27,588
GDP growth rate: -3%
Currency Name: Euro (Euro)
Unemployment rate: 6.4% [24]


The main industrial sectors are: machine building, wood processing, building materials, electronics, textiles and food processing. According to Statistics Estonia, the total value of industrial production in 2021 was 16.026 billion euros, an increase of 21.8%. [11] [19]
In 2019, industry and construction accounted for a quarter of GDP, down 2 percentage points year on year, mainly due to an increase in the share of services, and a significant increase in the share of the agricultural sector due to a good year. The largest share of industry is in East Viru (58%), mainly concentrated in the energy sector, while West Viru also has a larger share (47%). Industry and construction have the smallest share in the provinces of Haru, Bolva and Tartu, at 20%, 24% and 25% respectively, while the service sector has a large share in Haru and Tartu, while agriculture is the main contributor in Bolva. [8]


In agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, animal husbandry mainly raises dairy cows, beef cattle and pigs, and the main crops are wheat, rye, potatoes, vegetables, corn, flax and feed crops. The total value of agricultural production in 2022 is 1.595 billion euros. [8] [19]

Service industry

Hotel and hotel sales in 2006 were 2.935 billion kronor (235 million US dollars), an increase of 20.4%. Real estate and leasing services 35.058 billion kroner ($2.811 billion), up 22.8% year-on-year. The service sector employed 362,900 people. [4]
The service sector GDP reached a record high in 2019, accounting for 72% of GDP. Tallinn and the city of Tartu are the main contributors, with Tallinn accounting for 80% of the value added of services in Haru province and Tartu City accounting for 72% of Tartu province. The provinces of East Viru and West Viru have the lowest share of services at 41% and 42% respectively. [8]


The scenery of Elnisha
The number of hotel stays in 2006 was 2.2595 million, an increase of 9% over the previous year, of which 63% were foreign tourists. Visitors are mainly from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom. Main tourist attractions: Tallinn , Tartu , Parnu , Saarema Island , Hiyuma Island.
Estonia is a country rich in tourist resources, with a forest coverage rate of 48%, lakes and islands dotted around, medieval ancient castles, national parks, and seaside resorts are places that tourists cannot miss. Estonia is also the backyard of many European countries, especially the Nordic countries of Finland and Sweden, where several large passenger ferries travel to and from Tallinn every day Helsinki , Stockholm In between, the beautiful passenger ships also become a scene of the Baltic Sea. Tourism also plays an important role in the Estonian economy, with revenues of €1 billion in 2009, accounting for 7.4% of GDP. Tourism has created more than 20,000 jobs. [4]
In August 2020, all professional associations of the Estonian tourism industry jointly sent a letter to the government asking them to reinstate the wage support scheme of the Unemployment Insurance Fund for tourism companies by spring 2021 [10] . Tourism revenues have fallen by 50 to 90 percent and wage support measures would help prevent about 15,000 job losses, the letter said. Tourists stayed 1.43 million nights in Estonia in the first half of 2020, more than 50% less than in the same period in 2019. Sales of accommodation services amounted to €47.7 million, representing an average annual decline of 59%. Tallinn saw the biggest drop in accommodation revenue - 88 percent in June, 68 percent in July and 72 percent in August. Revenue for travel agencies and tour operators fell by more than 90 percent, and the number of foreign visitors dropped by 84 percent [10] . The joint letter was signed by representatives of the Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association, the Estonian Travel and Tourism Association, the Estonian Rural Tourism Association, the Estonian Spa Association and the Estonian Convention Authority [10] .
In November 2020, the Estonian government decided to provide an additional €5 million in support to the country's tourism industry. Estonia's Cabinet minister in charge of tourism will work with businesses to develop a distribution measure for a total of 5 million euros. This is in addition to the €5 million that the government decided on September 29 to allocate €5.8 million as crisis support for tourism companies. [9]

Finance and finance

The Irish government has always attached great importance to controlling the fiscal deficit and implemented a relatively conservative fiscal policy. [20]
Foreign exchange reserves and external debt: Total foreign exchange reserves in 2006 were $2.649 billion and net external debt was 55.3 billion kroner ($4.435 billion).
Major bank
Swedish Bank (Swedbank) was founded on April 30, 1991.
SEB Bank (SEB) was established on December 15, 1992.
Lufthansa Bank (Hansapank) was founded on April 30, 1991, with total assets of €2,778.24 million.
United Bank (Uhispank) : Founded on December 15, 1992, with total assets of €1,282.32 million.
Nordeapank Eesti was founded on February 27, 1995 with total assets of €362.7 million.
Credit Bank of Estonia (Krediidipank) was established on August 19, 1997 with total assets of €116.95 million.
The leaders of the member States of the European Union decided on 17 June 2010 to admit Estonia as a member state euroland The 17th member. [4]

foreign trade

In 2022, the top three countries with the largest export volume are: Finland (14.5%), Latvia (14.1%), Sweden (9.18%); The top three importers are Finland (16.9%), Lithuania (10.2%) and Germany (9.91%). Electronics, communication products, mineral products, machinery and equipment and wood, wood products these four categories of products have been the most important import and export commodities of love. [23] Foreign trade in the past three years is as follows (unit: 100 million euros) : [11]
Total export
Total import
Total import and export value
Trade deficit
Reference materials: [24]

Outward investment

Foreign direct investment in 2015 was 276 million euros, the top five investment destinations are Latvia, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, the main investment areas in manufacturing, technology, transportation and warehousing.

Attract foreign investment

In 2021, Estonia attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) of 788 million euros, with a stock of FDI of 28.264 billion dollars. Among them, the top five investors are Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Luxembourg. The main investment areas are concentrated in finance, real estate, manufacturing, wholesale and retail, and professional science and technology activities. Estonia invests little abroad. [11] [19]

Foreign aid

In 2006, the total amount of development cooperation projects was 120 million KRoner ($9.62 million), of which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs development cooperation projects were 15 million kroner ($1.2 million), and the main recipients were: Ukraine , Moldova , Georgia and Afghanistan Let's wait.

Foreign capital

Foreign direct investment in 2006 was 20.06 billion kroner (US $1.61 billion). The main investment countries are Sweden And Finland, etc. Main investment areas: finance, real estate, transportation, communications, etc.

Foreign aid

In 2006, it received 4.51 billion kroner ($362 million) in foreign aid, mainly from EU countries. [4]

Eurozone member

As of January 1, 2011, the small Baltic Sea country of Estonia has officially become a member state euroland Seventeenth Member State.
Perhaps because the euro is going through its worst existential crisis since its inception, Estonia's accession event has been greeted with little celebration in the media here: the few reports about it have been rather muted.
Since joining the European Union in May 2004, the majority of Estonians have been in favor of replacing the national currency, the krone, with the euro, Belgian media reported. In order to make a rapid transition from a central economy to a market economy, Estonia also tried to adopt the euro in 2007, but it was abandoned because of high domestic inflation. New statistics show that Estonia's GDP grew by about 2.5% in 2010, and growth is expected to be 3.9% in 2011. The country's public deficit was 1.7 per cent of GDP in 2009 and is expected to fall to 1.3 per cent in 2010.
Estonia is the successor Slovenia and Slovakia Join later Eurogroup The third of the former Eastern European countries. [4]




The official language of Estonia is Estonian , and Finnish It's very close. Russian The majority of ethnic Russians also speak Estonian, and since 2007 Russian schools have gradually added Estonian classes. [5]


According to 2011 data from Estonia, the majority of the country's residents believe in it Lutheranism Religion, Orthodox Church and Catholicism . [5]


Independence Day: February 24, 1918, commemorating the independence of Estonia on February 24, 1918 Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Rule and gain independence;
Restoration of Independence Day: August 20, commemorating the restoration of Estonia's independence on August 20, 1991;
Victory Day: June 23, commemorating the Estonian victory against German forces in 1919;
St. John's Day: Held on the evening of June 23, is a pagan celebration of midsummer night;
The Baltika International Folk Festival takes place in mid-July and is a week-long event featuring ethnic dances and performances from the Baltic states. [5]

Military affairs


National defense

The president is the supreme commander of the armed forces of the country. The National Defense Commission is the highest advisory body. The Ministry of Defense is the department of government that carries out and implements national defense policy. The Commander of the Defense Forces is the supreme commander of the armed forces. The state implements compulsory military service with a term of 8 to 12 months. [11]
On June 25, 2018, the defence ministers of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Portugal signed the "EU9" agreement in Luxembourg. European intervention initiative A letter of intent promising to form a joint European military intervention force. [6]

Military strength

The total strength of the Defense Forces is approximately 6,600. The current commander of the Wehrmacht is Lieutenant General Martin Herem, and the Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht is Brigadier General Veiko-Vello Palm. For the first time, the defence budget in 2023 will exceed €1 billion, accounting for 2.9% of GDP. [24]




The total length of highways is 16,609 km. The total volume of road freight in 2022 was 27.2 million tons, down 5.88% year-on-year. [24]


The total railway length is 2,144 km, of which 1,514 km are public railway lines and 630 km are non-public railway lines. 6.08 million passengers in 2021, up 1.5% year-on-year; Rail freight volume in 2022 was 18 million tons, down 24% year-on-year. [24]

Sea transport

Port cargo throughput in 2022 was 33 million tons, down 15% year-on-year. Port passenger traffic in 2022 was 7.13 million, up 94.8% year-on-year. The main ports are Tallinn Port, Sillamae Port, Kunda Port, Paldiski Port, Parnu Reid port and so on. [24]

Air freight

In 2021, 346,000 passengers were transported by air, an increase of 158%. Tallinn Airport (Estonia's only international airport) handled 10,500 tons of cargo in 2021, up 15.3% from the previous year. [24]


As of 2006, the total length of Estonian gas and oil pipelines is 2,270 km. [4]




Nine-year compulsory education. In 2021, there will be 601 pre-school education institutions, 511 primary and secondary schools of all kinds, 37 technical and vocational schools of all kinds, 18 higher education institutions, including 7 universities (6 national and 1 private) and 12 vocational higher education institutions of all kinds. In 2021, a total of 233,000 people will study in various schools, including 162,000 students in primary and secondary schools, 25,900 students in technical and vocational schools, and 44,600 students in universities.
By 2022, there will be 506 public libraries (including school libraries and rural libraries) and 170 museums.
Famous University: University of Tartu, founded in 1632 during the reign of King Gustavus II Adoplphus of Sweden, was renamed the University of Tartu from Gustav College in 1919. The University of Tartu has 11 disciplines such as theology, law, medicine, philosophy, biology and geography, physics and chemistry, education, sports, business management, mathematics and information science, sociology, and affiliated 13 departments and institutes. It is respected as "the Virgin of Enlightenment in Estonia", and many dignitaries and famous people have graduated or taught in the school. The school has about 1,800 faculty members, including 190 professors and 17,000 students. [24]
Tallinn University (English: Tallinn University; Tallinna Ulikool (Estonian: Tallinna Ulikool) is a comprehensive university in the center of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, which was founded by the merger of several well-known universities and colleges in the city of Tallinn, and is also the best and fastest growing university in the country. The school is rich in learning resources and has more than 5% international students. Is an international university in the Baltic Sea region, cooperates with many universities around the world, is one of the exchange institutions of the famous EU program Erasmus, affiliated to: European university association (EUA), the European Capital Universities Network (UNICA), and the Baltic Sea Regional Universities Network (BSRUN). [5]


The main news agencies are Baltic News Agency Baltic News Service (BNS), founded in April 1990, is a private news agency with a staff of nearly 220. The main newspapers are "Post", "Estonian Evening", "Estonian Express", "Estonian Daily" and so on.
There are five public radio stations and 31 private radio stations. Main radio stations: (1) Radio Bugu, a private radio station founded in 1992, broadcasts 24 hours a day in Estonian. (2) Radio Rossiya, a private radio station established in 1998, broadcasts 21 hours a day in Russian.
There are 3 public television stations and 16 private television stations. Main TV stations: (1) Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR), by the Estonian Radio (Eesti Raadio, founded in 1926) and the Estonian Television-ETV, Established in 1955) was merged in June 2007. Programmes are broadcast in Estonian and Russian. (2) TV3, a private television station, broadcasts in the Estonian language. (3) Kanal 2, a private television station established in 1993, broadcasts in Estonian and Russian. [11] [22]

Physical education

Estonia's Olympic history can be divided into two parts: before World War II, they won MEDALS at the 1920, 1924, 1928 and 1936 Olympic Games. Estonia has competed in the Olympics as a single team since 1996, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Get 1 gold and 1 silver. Their dominant sports are track and field, judo and rowing.
The Estonian Olympic delegation at the Beijing Olympics consisted of 80 members, the largest ever in Estonian history. The delegation includes 39 athletes who will compete in 13 sports, 15 of whom have Olympic experience. The men's discus team has a strong strength, including the new World Championship champion Kantel and the Athens Olympic Games third place Tamelke.

People's livelihood

In 2022, the average monthly salary of Estonian residents was 1,619 euros, an increase of 4.58% over the previous year. For all of 2023, the unemployment rate is 6.4%. There are 30 hospitals in the country. [24]
On February 8, 2025, Estonia disconnected its grid system from Belarus and Russia. On February 9, it was connected to the European grid system via a connection between Lithuania and Poland [26] .



Foreign policy

Relying on the EU and NATO for economic and security, China attaches importance to the traditional friendship with the Baltic and Nordic countries, strives to promote and strengthen regional cooperation, further intensifies its participation in international affairs, and continuously deepens its relations with the United States. [13] [23]

External relations

Relations with China
On September 11, 1991, the two countries established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. China opened its embassy in Estonia in early 1992. In February 1993, China sent an ambassador to Estonia. Estonia established its embassy in China in 1997 and sent a charge d 'affaires there. In April 2002, Estonia sent its first ambassador to China.
In 2006, bilateral relations developed steadily and friendly cooperation was further strengthened. High-level contacts between the two countries have been maintained, exchanges in various fields have continued to increase and bilateral relations have shown a positive and sound momentum of development on the whole. At the end of October, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Jia Qinglin During his visit to Estonia, he had an extensive and in-depth exchange of views with Estonian President, Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament on such issues as bilateral political relations, parliamentary exchanges, trade and international cooperation and reached broad consensus. The Estonian Defense Minister, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament and the delegation of the Estonian China-Friendship Parliamentarian Group visited China one after another to gain an in-depth understanding of China's economic and social development and domestic and foreign policies.
In 2006, China and Estonia respectively held a series of activities to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties. Li Zhaoxing They exchanged congratulatory messages with Foreign Minister Paet, hosted a reception by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and hosted a reception by the Chinese Ambassador to Estonia.
China-ireland economic and trade relations are developing smoothly and bilateral economic and trade cooperation enjoys a sound legal foundation. Inter-governmental economic and trade agreements, investment protection agreements and double taxation avoidance agreements have been signed. The Joint Committee on economic and Trade cooperation between the two countries operates well and has held ten regular meetings so far. In recent years, bilateral trade between China and Ireland has grown rapidly. China mainly exports mechanical and electrical products, high-tech products, agricultural products and machinery and equipment to Estonia, and imports steel, electronic products, computers and communication technologies from Estonia. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and Ireland was 829 million US dollars, down 0.5% year-on-year. Among them, China's exports to Ireland reached 627 million US dollars, down 3.8 percent year on year. Imports from Ireland reached US $202 million, up 11.2% year on year. [25]
Relations with the United States
Relations with the United States play an extremely important role in Ireland's overall diplomacy. Ireland keeps close relations with the United States and maintains multi-level and multi-field exchanges with the United States. As the front line of the geopolitical confrontation between NATO and Russia, Ireland has a rising sense of crisis in response to the real threat of Russia's "hybrid war". On the one hand, it has continuously improved its national defense construction by improving laws, purchasing equipment, expanding troops, frequent training and other measures, and the proportion of military expenditure in GDP has risen to a record high of 2.07% and maintained an increasing trend. On the other hand, through frequent high-level interactions between the presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers and defense ministers of the two countries, we will further increase the borrowing and coordination of the US-led NATO forces. In recent years, it has held a number of large-scale multinational joint military exercises with NATO, and successfully promoted the NATO Warsaw Summit to send thousands of troops to Ireland. In 2019, Estonian President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister visited the United States. In 2020, the US Secretary of State attended the Three Seas Initiative Summit hosted by Estonia via video. In 2021, Estonian President and Prime Minister visited the United States. In 2022, the Estonian Foreign Minister visited the United States and met with the U.S. Secretary of State. [13]
Relations with NATO
Since joining NATO in March 2004, it has been a member of the alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization Active participation in activities within the NATO framework for security. Estonia actively participates in the NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan; Actively support NATO to create a rapid counter-force; Supports the accession of the CIS countries to NATO, and is willing to Ukraine , Georgia And other countries to provide experience. In September 2006, the NATO Civil Defense Conference was held in Tallinn, Estonia's first major conference within the NATO framework. Secretary-general of NATO, November 2006 Jaap de Hoop Scheffer Visit Estonia. [2]
Relations with the European Union
Support the EU's response to the European debt crisis. We support the EU in completing the single market and accelerating the development of the digital market. We advocate that the EU continue to implement free trade policies and sign comprehensive free trade agreements with the United States, Canada, Japan and EU eastern partners. Leaders of Ireland actively take advantage of multilateral occasions such as EU internal meetings and international conferences to continuously expand and deepen cooperation with EU countries, while striving for their own interests in the EU. We will support the enlargement of the EU and take an active part in the European integration process. Support the European Union to adopt strict sanctions against Russia. In the second half of 2017, he assumed the rotating presidency of the European Union.
Relations with Russia
The relationship between Russia and Ireland has been further strained by NATO's expansion of its military presence in the country, and Ireland has pushed hard for the EU to maintain sanctions against Russia. In July 2021, Russia expelled an Irish consul in Russia on the grounds of illegal intelligence gathering, and the Irish side retaliated by expelling a Russian diplomat in Ireland. In August, Russia expelled an Irish diplomat in Russia again in the name of countermeasures. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022, Ireland has actively advocated assistance to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. In April 2022, Estonia announced the expulsion of 14 Russian diplomats and the closure of the Russian Consulate in Narva and the consular office of the Russian Embassy in Tartu. [13] On September 8, 2022, Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu said that the ban on entry of Russian citizens came into effect at midnight on September 19 [14] . On September 13, 2022, the Russian Association of Travel Agents said that nine EU countries have stopped accepting documents for Russians to issue tourist visas, including Estonia [15] . On September 19, 2022, Estonia stopped issuing Schengen visas to Russian citizens and banned Russian citizens with Schengen visas from entering the country. [16] On January 23, 2023, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement announcing the downgrade of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Estonia Commission rank . [17]
With the Nordic countries
Estonia and the Nordic countries have deep historical origins and close political, economic, military and cultural relations. In 2006, the two sides continued to maintain high-level visits. President Ilves chose Finland for his first overseas visit after his election, and Prime Minister Ansip attended the European Union Summit and Asia-Europe Summit held in Finland. [2]
Relations with the Baltic States
Relations between Estonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have been strengthened politically, economically, culturally, Military affairs Frequent communication and exchanges in various aspects, such as science and technology. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania jointly proposed Latin American President Freiberga as a candidate for UN Secretary-General. On 7 June 2006, Estonia and Latin America signed the Agreement on Joint Fight against Crime in the Border Areas, an important step towards joining the Schengen Visa Agreement. In addition, it actively participates in various activities within the framework of "Bosnia and the Northern States". [2]
Relations with neighboring countries
Actively develop relations with neighboring countries, giving priority to strengthening Baltic-Nordic (NB8) cooperation. Great importance has been attached to further strengthening relations with traditional trading partners in the Nordic countries, and bilateral and multilateral cooperation has been deepened and relations have become increasingly close. It will actively lead the EU's Baltic Sea strategy, comprehensively deepen cooperation with Latvia and Lithuania, and coordinate the positions of the three countries on EU internal affairs and major international issues through regular meetings.
Relations with other countries
In the context of the impact of the European debt crisis and the Ukraine crisis, Ireland has increased exchanges with other parts of the world, highlighted economic and trade factors, focused on strengthening relations with Asian countries and emerging market countries, and began to adjust the distribution of diplomatic resources on a global scale. In 2012, the Irish Parliament adopted the Asia Strategy Report.



Cultural ancient city

Tartu The origins of Tartu date back to the 13th century, when a crusader knight of the Teutonic Order discovered the castle. It later developed into a major center of the Hansi League. It is most proud of the colorful public buildings (especially the churches) and the interior structures of its shops. Despite the ravages of fire and war, these buildings have retained their beauty.

World heritage site

The historical center of Tallinn The fortress was built in the fifth century. It was joined in the 13th and 16th centuries Hanseatic League . River and harbor. A railway hub. There are mainly instrument manufacturing and agricultural machinery manufacturing, reinforced concrete components, food processing, leather, textile and printing plants. It's an ancient cultural city. There are universities, Estonian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and museums of art, fauna and geology.