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Reform and opening up

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Reform and opening up began in December 1978 The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee The policy of domestic reform and opening to the outside world that China began to implement. China's internal reform began in the countryside, in November 1978, Anhui Province Fengyang county Xiaogang Village "Distribute fields to households, Own profit and loss 's Household contract responsibility system ( Undertake a comprehensive contract ), opened up China At home reformation The curtain of... In cities, the autonomy of state-owned enterprises has been significantly improved.
It was officially approved by the Central Government on July 15, 1979 Kwangtung , Fujian (Province) The two provinces carried out special policies and flexible measures in foreign economic activities, and embarked on the historic step of reform and opening up. Open to the outside world It has become a basic state policy of China, and China's road to becoming a strong country is a powerful driving force for the development of the socialist cause. Reform and opening up were established Socialist market economic system . In 1992, the Southern Statement announced that China's reform had entered a new stage. Reform and opening up have brought about great changes in China. The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in October 1992 announced that the most distinctive feature of the new era is reform and opening up, and China's reform has entered a new reform period. China entered in 2013 Comprehensively deepen reform A new era. To deepen reform and opening up, we must adhere to the socialist direction. [1-2]
Reform and opening up were initiated by the Communist Party of China The primary stage of socialism One of the two basic points of the basic line. The general principles and policies of socialist modernization since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee are the road to a strong country and the source of vitality for the development and progress of the Party and the country. Reform, that is, internal reform, means, on the premise of adhering to the socialist system, consciously adjusting and reforming the aspects and links that are incompatible between the relations of production and the productive forces and between the superstructure and the economic base, promoting the development of the productive forces and the all-round progress of all undertakings, and better realizing the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people. Opening up, that is, opening up to the outside world, is the inevitable choice to accelerate our country's modernization drive, in line with the characteristics of the present era and the general trend of the development of the world, and is a basic national policy that must be adhered to for a long time. [3]
Chinese name
Reform and opening up
Foreign name
Reform and Opening Up [15]
Chief designer
Deng Xiaoping
Start time
December 18, 1978
Concrete performance
Substantial increase in national income, urban reform, etc
This has provided a strong guarantee for China's modernization drive
Bear fruit
Have established Socialism with Chinese characteristics Theoretical system

Background history


Political background

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Certain Historical Issues of the Party since the founding of the People's Republic of China (June 27, 1981) The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China It reviewed the history of the 28 years before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and made a basic estimate and evaluation of the seven years of socialist transformation and the ten years of all-round socialist construction in the 30-year history of the People's Republic of China.
For the 10 years of the "Cultural Revolution", the document mentioned: The 10 years of the Cultural Revolution caused the Party, the country and the people to suffer the most serious setbacks and losses since the founding of the People's Republic. History has proved that the arguments of the "Cultural Revolution" are not in line with China's reality, are not in line with Marxism-Leninism, and their estimation of the class situation and the political situation of the Party and state in China at that time is completely wrong. Practice has proved that the "Cultural Revolution" is not and cannot be a revolution in any sense Social progress . It does not "confuse the enemy" at all, but disturb itself, so it has not and cannot achieve "great rule under the whole world" from "great chaos under the whole world". History has determined that the "Cultural Revolution" was an internal rebellion launched by the wrong leaders and exploited by counter-revolutionary cliques, which brought serious disasters to the Party, the state and the people of all ethnic groups. [16] In October 1976, the plot of Lin Biao and Jiangqing counter-revolutionary clique was crushed, the Party was saved from danger, the revolution was saved, and our country entered a new period of historical development.

Great turning point

1978年12月18日-22日,邓小平召开了党 The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee . It is a great turning point with far-reaching significance in the history of our Party:
1. The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee is a meeting to build on the past and open up the future. The concrete expression is that it is re-established Marxism The ideological line of seeking truth from facts has watered down the slogan "class struggle as the key line", which is not applicable to the present socialist society, and decided to shift the focus of the whole Party's work to socialist modernization.
2. The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee is a meeting to create the future. The plenum clearly pointed out that the Party's historical task in the new era is to build China into a great modern socialist country, and opened the prelude to socialist reform and opening up.
3. With the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee as the starting point, the Chinese people have entered a new era of reform, opening up and socialist modernization. Starting from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, to Deng Xiaoping For the core of the Party Central Committee has gradually opened up a construction Socialism with Chinese characteristics Over the past 40 years, the Chinese people have made remarkable achievements along this road. The meeting kicked off China's socialist reform and opening up. In December 1978, China embarked on the road of reform and opening up.
Therefore, he took the lead in proposing to implement reform and opening up in China, and made indelible contributions to China's reform and opening up, and was praised as the chief designer of China's socialist reform, opening up and modernization!

Economic background

Economically, until 1978, although China's Gross national product It reached 362.4 billion yuan, up from 171.6 billion yuan in 1965 [5] It has more than doubled, with an average annual growth rate of 6.8%, and has established an independent and comprehensive industrial system. However, the people are still poor, the technology is relatively backward, and after the Cultural Revolution, the CCP has appeared to a certain extent Governance crisis And a crisis of confidence.
为尽快加快经济发展,以邓小平为首的第二代领导集体开始逐一解决这些问题,并试图改变人民心目中对共产党和社会主义根深蒂固的形象,这场改革运动的目的是以维持 Socialist system On the premise of changing the management system and policies in production that are not adapted to the development of production, and establishing a system under socialism Market economy The system. The economic aspects of this reform made an initial breakthrough in the countryside, and were quickly followed by reforms in all economic sectors throughout the country.

Planned economy

Planned economy Once regarded as one of the economic symbols of socialism and communism, China's planned economy has made great contributions to China's early economic recovery and initial development since the 1950s, but its disadvantages have become increasingly obvious with the advance of time:
1. The control of the domestic economy has reached an alarming level, and the government has ignored the responsibilities of enterprises Law of value And the role of market regulation; All to plan as the main line, can not meet the needs of consumer groups, restrict the development of commodity economy, become the biggest bottleneck of China's economic development.
2. The number of goods produced is in the plan, and the purchase of goods also requires the corresponding commodity ticket (such as the purchase of food requires the corresponding food ticket), which makes it difficult for consumers to buy the goods they need even if they have money.
3. Industrial and agricultural production and commodity trading are compulsory Public ownership of the means of production Individuals are not allowed to hold private property, and all labor achievements will be equally shared, which leads to producers having no interest in expanding production and largely losing their enthusiasm for labor. Rely only on" Big mess Life, lost the power of economic development.

The only way

Reform and opening up pilot field - Shenzhen Special Zone
First, the status quo of the country needed to be changed
" Cultural revolution The country was left with a serious situation: the development of productive forces was slow, the food and clothing of the people had not been solved, and science and technology and education lagged behind. This situation will not change. How to change? There is only one answer: reform.
China needs a second revolution
New China is founded. It's done The new Democratic Revolution . However, after the founding of New China, the highly centralized planned economic system established by imitating the Soviet Union has seriously hindered the development of China's productive forces. China needs a second revolution to liberate the productive forces. This situation will not change. How to change? There is only one answer: reform.
Three. The socialist system needs self-improvement and development
Socialist society At all historical stages, it is necessary to constantly promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of economic development, so as to make the socialist system full of vitality and vitality. Where does vitality and vitality come from? There is only one answer: reform.
Fourth, we need new ideas to realize socialist modernization
The new idea is to establish and constantly improve socialism Market economy We will actively yet prudently promote the reform and development of the political structure Socialist democracy To build socialism Political civilization , promote Reform of cultural system . Where are the new ideas? There is only one answer: reform.

Formation process


The beginning of reform

Fengyang County, Anhui Province before 1978 Xiaogang Village Is the county famous "food rely on sales, money rely on relief, production rely on loans" "three villages", every year after the autumn harvest almost every family out to beg for food. On November 24, 1978, 18 farmers in Xiaogang Village, with the courage to be the first in the world, pressed 18 handprints, made the production responsibility system, and opened the prelude to China's rural reform. Perhaps by a coincidence of history, the farmers pressed their handprints shortly before the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened in Beijing's Great Hall of the People. At the critical historical juncture concerning the destiny and future of the country, to Deng Xiaoping Represented by the highest level of Chinese politicians and the lowest level of farmers, together opened a new page in history. Xiaogang Village thus became the birthplace of China's rural reform.

Emancipate one's mind

On May 11, 1978, Guangming Daily published an article by a guest commentator on the front page. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth It has triggered a great discussion on the question of truth standards throughout the country. In the historical process of the party and the country has a significant and far-reaching impact. [6]
To speed up China's economic development, we must further emancipate our minds, speed up the pace of reform and opening up, and do not be bound by some abstract arguments of "society" and "capital". In order to win the advantages compared with capitalism, socialism must boldly absorb and learn from all the advanced modes of operation and operations of all countries in the world, including the developed capitalist countries, that reflect the general laws of modern socialized production and commodity economy Management method . Foreign capital, resources, technology, and human resources, as well as the private economy as a useful supplement, should and can be utilized by socialism. With the political power in the hands of the people and a strong public sector of the economy, this will not harm socialism; it will only help its development.
Deng Xiaoping And his ideological successors and other reformers withstood attacks from domestic conservatives and succeeded in making reform and opening up one of the cornerstone policies of the People's Republic of China, irreversibly bringing China into and closely integrating with the world economy. From 1978 to 2000, the People's Republic of China went from being an isolated country with 200 million people living below the poverty line to a powerhouse with a booming economy and a vibrant market economy And reduced poverty by nearly one-fifth of the world's population at the time. China is also racing ahead on the road to industrialization, becoming the new factory of the world. China has successfully realized the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, and the output value of the private economy has surpassed that of the total State-owned economy Has become an important driving force for China's economic weight gain. The introduction of foreign investment has also become an important way of China's economic growth, and China has attracted the largest amount of foreign investment in the world (the introduction of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan funds is also counted as foreign investment).
The ideology of Chinese society is also beginning to change, and people's views are gradually diversifying." Online public opinion The vast majority of the Chinese people prefer peaceful, stable and rapid economic development rather than ideology. Party politics Make too many comments. In terms of freedom of speech, except when it comes to incitement to overthrow State power In addition to undermining social stability, revealing state secrets, provoking ethnic conflicts, spreading secession, propagating cults and feudal superstitions, etc., the rest are still prohibited. Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao Harmonious society "And" Scientific Outlook on Development "further interpret" Socialism with Chinese characteristics ".

Policy formation

In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee made a major decision to carry out reform and opening up.
In 1979, The Party Central Committee The State Council approved the implementation of "special policies and flexible measures" by Guangdong and Fujian in foreign economic activities, and decided to adopt the following measures Shenzhen , Zhuhai , Xiamen (in Fujian Province) , Shantou (a city in Guangdong Province) Run an experiment Special economic zone Fujian Province and Guangdong Province became one of the first provinces in China to open to the outside world. On April 13, 1988 The Seventh National People's Congress The resolution on the establishment of Special economic zones in Hainan Province was adopted Hainan Special Economic Zone . The successful establishment of Shenzhen and other special economic zones has accumulated experience for further opening up and given a strong boost to China's reform, opening up and modernization process.
After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, the national economy entered a period of adjustment. September 1979 The Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee Adopted the" Decisions on several issues concerning the acceleration of agricultural development Under the guidance of the unified national plan, farmers are allowed to adapt to the conditions of the time and place to ensure their autonomy in management and give play to their enthusiasm for production.
1980年8月18日,邓小平在 Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC The expanded meeting presented a report entitled" Reform of the Party and state leadership system The speech pointed out the direction for the reform of China's political system in the new era.
In September 1980, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the" Some questions on further strengthening and perfecting the responsibility system of agricultural production "For sure Contract the production to the household the Socialist nature .
By early 1983, rural Household contract responsibility system It will be promoted throughout the country.
In April 1984, the Party Central Committee and The State Council decided to further open Dalian, Qinhuangdao Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang , Beihai These 14 port cities. Economic and technological development zones will be set up gradually.
In October 1984, the Party The Third Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee A series of major theoretical and practical problems in the reform of the economic system are systematically put forward and expounded, and China's socialist economy is confirmed Public ownership On the basis of a planned commodity economy, this is a programmatic document for the comprehensive reform of the economic system. The reform of the political system and the reform of the economic system have basically gone hand in hand.
In the mid-1980s, China's reform in various fields such as science and technology, education and culture began.
Since 1985, there have been more Yangtze river delta , Pearl River Delta , Southeast Fujian and Circum-bohai Sea region Open up economic zones.
In 1988, the Hainan Special Economic Zone was added, making Hainan the largest special economic zone in China.
In 1990, the Party Central Committee and The State Council, from the long-term strategy of China's economic development, made the development and opening of Shanghai Pudong New Area The decision. A new situation has emerged in China's opening up.

Pattern of opening-up

1. China's opening-up pattern
China's opening up has expanded from the coastal areas to the inland areas, forming special economic zones - coastal open cities Coastal economic open zone -- Inland, such a one All-round, multi-level and wide-ranging The pattern of opening to the outside world.
China's six special economic Zones
Shenzhen (327.5 sq. km)
Zhuhai City (121 km2)
Xiamen (131 km2)
Shantou City (2064 km2)
Hainan Island (33,920 km2)
Shenzhen is opening up for Special economic zone In just a few years, it has built a modern and prosperous city and become a representative of China's special economic zones, known as the "window" of China's opening up to the outside world.
Hainan Special Economic Zone is the only provincial special economic zone in China and the largest special economic zone in China. On April 13, 1988, The first session of the seventh National People's Congress The resolution on the establishment of the Hainan Special Economic Zone was adopted, which designated Hainan Island as the Hainan Special Economic Zone, adopted a more open and flexible system and policies than other special economic zones in China, and authorized the Hainan government to have greater autonomy.
3. China's ports open to the outside world
Ports are ports, airports, stations and channels for people, goods and means of transportation to enter and exit the country. Ports are classified into one class of ports and Second class port .
1. First class port:
Category I ports refer to ports approved for opening by The State Council (including ports under the central administration and some ports under the administration of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government); Category II ports refer to ports approved by the provincial people's governments for opening and administration;
2. Second class port:
1. The loading and unloading points, departure points and delivery points of foreign trade transports that rely on other ports to send personnel to handle exit and entry inspection procedures;
2. With local governments of neighbouring countries Small border trade Ports for personnel exchanges;
3. Entry and exit ports for border residents only.
There are three main types of ports open to the outside world in China, namely water transport (sea) ports, land transport (rail, public transport) ports and air transport (airport) ports.
Air ports:
Lhasa Tianjin Dalian Shenyang Changchun Mudanjiang Hangzhou Fuzhou Qingdao
Wuhan Shenzhen Meizhou Sanya Taiyuan Hailar Nanchang Guiyang Shantou Harbin Wuyishan Luoyang Hohhot Hefei Changsha Zhangjiajie Guangzhou Zhanjiang
Haikou Nanning Chengdu Kunming Shijiazhuang Xi 'an Lanzhou Wenzhou Guilin North Sea Chongqing Xishuangbanna Urumqi Qiqihar Jiamusi Jinan Yantai
Kashi Yanji Shanghai Ningbo Huangshan Xiamen Weihai Yichang Yinchuan Beijing Nanjing
Railway port:
Tumen Dongguan Guangzhou estuary Dandong Suifenhe Pingxiang Alashankou Manzhouli Shenzhen Foshan Zhaoqing Hunchun Chyen Erenhot Harbin Zhengzhou
Highway port:
Circle River Huanggang Dongning Man Kam to Hengqin Friendship Shuikou Ruili Wanding County 甘其毛道 临江 南坪 密山 吉隆 土尔尕特 Sha Tau Kok Gongbei headwater Dongxing Jinshui River Zhangmu Pulan red Qilaphorgos Mamun Mountain Sanhe Hunchun Mohantian Bao Takeshi Ken A Rihasat Kaishan tun Muong Ding Tengchong Irkeshtan Muzarte Tulata Baktu Yoshimono Ahetubuk red mountain mouth Urrasch Agha Temple Zeke Zhuen Gada Buqi Suifenhe Longbang Alashan pass [7]

Ten union

Since the reform and opening up, our Party and country have created and accumulated rich practical experience while making world-famous achievements in socialist modernization. At the 13th, 14th, 15th National Congresses of the Party, The Sixteenth National Congress of the CPC On the basis of the summary of the stage experience of reform and opening up, the Party The 17th CPC National Congress From the perspective of reviewing the entire historical process of reform and opening up in the past 30 years, and closely focusing on the question of how a large developing country with a population of more than one billion can get rid of poverty, accelerate modernization, and consolidate and develop socialism, we have comprehensively and vigorously summarized the valuable experience of the "Ten combinations".
The first is that the key to the success of China's reform and opening up is not to lose our "ancestors", but also to develop them. Not only constantly create a new situation of career development, but also constantly open up a new realm of Marxist theory. This combination has promoted the liberation of people's ideas and the liberation of social productive forces.
The second combination is that Chinese socialism can show vigor and vitality in the new era because it is a socialism that carries out reform and opening up. The reason why China's reform and opening up can develop healthily is that it is conducive to consolidating and developing socialism. This combination has created a truly vibrant socialism and a socialism that further benefits the people.
The third combination is that in reform and opening up, we not only rely on the strong leadership of the Party and the government, but also respect the reform of the grassroots people, especially at the local level initiative . Such combination enables China to effectively maintain the harmonious unity of the country and the integration of society in the case of the diversification of interests caused by reform and opening up.
The fourth combination is that the new system of the socialist market economy, as an unprecedented initiative, is closely linked to the basic socialist system. Such a combination makes socialism Market economy To become a market economy in line with the general requirements, but also meet Socialist essence And the direction of the institutional model.
The fifth combination is that we attach importance to both economic restructuring and political restructuring superstructure Change; In promoting political restructuring, we have combined expanding democracy with improving the legal system. This combination has created a political system model that combines the strengths of both democracy and centralization.
The sixth combination is that in the course of reform and opening up and modernization, China attaches importance to both the development of "things", that is, the development of social productive forces, and the development of "people", that is, the improvement of the civilized quality of the whole people. Such a combination, put The all-round development of man It is unified with the comprehensive progress of society in the practice of modernization.
The seventh combination says that in leading the reform, opening up and modernization drive, the Party duly combines promoting development and improving efficiency with focusing on social equity and promoting social harmony. This combination makes Chinese society both sustainably creative and helps to avoid it polarization And achieve common prosperity.
The eighth combination is that China, a large developing country with a population of more than one billion, cannot develop without participation Economic globalization More inseparable from independence. This combination enables us to make good use of both domestic and international markets and resources at the same time, and achieve mutual benefit and universal benefit in the equal competition of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. win-win .
The ninth combination says that in the course of reform and opening up, China pays attention to coordinating the relationship between the intensity of reform and the speed of development and the degree of social affordability, and regards improving people's lives as an important combination point in handling these three relations. This combination has not only avoided the severe economic recession and social upheaval experienced by many countries in transition, but also enabled the fruits of reform and development to truly benefit all the people.
The tenth combination means that our Party combines the transformation of the objective world with the transformation of the subjective world to provide a strong political and organizational guarantee for reform, opening up and modernization. This combination has not only promoted the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also advanced it The great new project of Party building Thus continuously improving the party's leadership level, governance level and ability to resist corruption and change.

Data statistics

1980-2010年中国大陆GDP列表(按 International exchange rate In US dollars), taken from the World Bank database [8]
(Note: Due to China's exchange rate control, the yuan depreciated sharply in the mid-1980s, so the value of GDP fell when translated into dollars in 1976.)
A given year
Rate of increase
Urban population as a percentage of total population
- 1.6%
365 billion
406.8 billion
48,412.4 billion
5,3412.3 billion
588019 billion
63,591 billion
676708 billion
74 trillion
82 trillion

Existing problem

In the past 40 years, China's reform and opening up cause has made great achievements, but there are also problems such as lack of top-level design, lack of planning and lack of attention to improve the international development environment, and it is urgent to strengthen the systematic integration of reform and opening up measures in various aspects. Promoting reform by opening up is the basic experience of China's reform and opening up. The secret of its success lies in introducing external supervision to corporate governance and government governance by actively integrating into the world market to improve governance efficiency. However, the external supervision created by macro-medium and micro-level reforms over the past 40 years is not really external supervision, and the supervisory body is only the embodiment of the governing body to a certain extent, not the main body from the outside of the governance system. The problem of inefficiency is still not fundamentally solved, and it is urgent to comprehensively deepen reform. The "One Belt and One Road" strategy is not only the general program of China's future opening to the outside world, but also should become the general key to comprehensively deepening reform. By integrating into international governance and carrying out transnational property rights cooperation of state-owned enterprises, the implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" strategy, while effectively avoiding the limitations of "Western experience", preventing governance itself from being dissipated by the "short-sighted" market and adhering to the "four basic principles", will further introduce supervisory subjects from outside the governance system for China's economic governance, national governance and social governance. Create stronger and more effective external supervision to fundamentally solve the problem of governance efficiency. At present, under the circumstances of the "new normal" of the economy and the "idling" of reforms, it is urgent to strengthen the construction of a new system of an open economy led by the "Belt and Road" strategy, and comprehensively promote domestic reform and development in various fields, especially supply-side reform. [9]

State-owned enterprise reform

During the reform of state-owned enterprises, a large number of enterprises went bankrupt and managers embeded state-owned assets. Some state-owned enterprises were bought by managers, which led to a large number of workers being laid off.

Educational reform

After the expansion of university enrollment in 1998, because China is in the secondary industry and labor-intensive industry, the market needs a large number of workers, rather than college students, technicians, resulting in a large number of college graduates unemployed. In addition, after the reform and opening up, due to the weak economic strength of the central and western regions, a large number of excellent teachers flow to the developed areas of the eastern coast.

Housing reform

With the cancellation of welfare housing distribution in the mid-1990s, China's commercial housing market began to develop rapidly. With the tax reform in 1993, the central government collected 70% of local taxes, but the expenditure on compulsory education, infrastructure and medical care was still in the local government, and the local government had to rely on a large number of land auctions to make up for the financial shortfall. Housing prices skyrocketed due to land finance and the influx of bank funds.

Gap between rich and poor

According to the UK Reuters [10] According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's Gini coefficient reached 0.474 in 2012, up from 0.491 in 2008. Since the reform and opening up, China's GDP has witnessed explosive growth, but the proportion of wages in GDP has been declining continuously, from 56.18% in 1985 to 43.12% in 2007, which has declined for 22 consecutive years [11] . Because the gap between the rich and the poor leads to a lot Mass incident , for example Weng 'an, Guizhou Event, Huzhou Zhili Event.

Historical process


Chronicle of Events

1978-2018, a total of 40 years.
The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was held in 1978
From December 18 to 22, 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. The conference made the decision to shift the focus of work to socialist modernization and carry out reform and opening up; The ideological route, political route and organizational route of Marxism have been re-established, and our country has entered the new era of socialist modernization.
2. Special Economic Zones were established in 1979
Special Economic Zone - Shenzhen
On July 15, 1979, CPC Central Committee The State Council approved the reports of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Fujian Provincial Party Committee on implementing Special policies and flexible measures for foreign economic activities, and decided to set up special zones on a trial basis in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen. Issued by The State Council on August 13 Provisions on Several Issues Concerning Vigorously Developing Foreign Trade and Increasing Foreign Exchange Earnings The main content is to expand the foreign trade authority of local governments and enterprises, encourage the increase of exports, and run export special zones well. Approved by the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on May 16, 1980 Minutes of Meetings of Guangdong and Fujian Provinces , named" Special economic zone ".
3. The household contract responsibility system was established in 1982
On January 1, 1982, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved the transfer Summary of the National Rural Work Conference He pointed out that the various responsibility systems implemented in rural areas, including fixed remuneration for small periods of contracted work, remuneration for professional contracts linked to production, joint production to labor, and contract production to households and groups, are all socialist Collective economy The production responsibility system; In 1983, the Central government issued a document, pointing out that the joint production contract system is in Party leadership Under the great creation of Chinese farmers, yes Marxism New development of agricultural cooperative theory in Chinese practice.
4. The planned commodity economy was proposed in 1984
On October 20, 1984, Third Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China It was held in Beijing. The Conference unanimously adopted the" Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on economic restructuring Further implementing the policy of invigorating the domestic economy and opening up to the outside world, and accelerating the pace of the reform of the entire economic system with urban focus is an urgent need for the development of the current situation in China. The basic task of reform is to establish a socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics, full of vigor and vitality, and promote the development of social productive forces.
5.1986 Enterprises owned by the whole people Launch of reform
On December 5, 1986, The State Council issued the" Several provisions on deepening Enterprise reform and Enhancing Enterprise vitality ". The Provisions propose that small enterprises owned by the whole people may actively try leasing and contracting operations. Ownership by the whole people Large and medium-sized enterprises should implement various forms of management responsibility systems. All localities may select a small number of qualified large and medium-sized enterprises owned by the whole people to carry out trials of shareholding.
In 1987, the basic line of "one center and two basic points" was proposed
October 25 - November 1, 1987, The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Hold. Zhao Ziyang write Along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics "Report. The report elaborated the theory of the primary stage of socialism, and proposed that the Party should be in the primary stage of socialism. One central point, two basic points The basic line: to economic construction as the center, to Four basic principles for The foundation of our country Take reform and opening up as the road to a strong country. Formulated by the middle of the next century three-step To achieve modernization of the development strategy, and put forward the task of political reform.
In 1988, "Science and technology are the primary productive forces" was proposed
1988年9月5日邓小平在会见 Czechoslovakia Pres. Husak When put forward" Science and technology are the primary productive forces "Famous statement. On March 13, 1985, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document Decisions on the reform of the science and technology system ". Modern science and technology are the most active and decisive factors in the new social productive forces, and the whole Party must attach great importance to and give full play to the great role of science and technology. At the same time, the main tasks of the current reform of the scientific and technological system are specified.
In 1992, the goal of reforming the socialist market economy system was set
From 12 to 18 October 1992, 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China It was held in Beijing. Accelerate the pace of reform, opening up and modernization, and strive for greater victories in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics "Report. The report summarizes the practical experience of the past 14 years since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, and decides to seize the opportunity to accelerate development; The goal of China's economic reform is to establish a socialist market economy; Theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics Arm the whole Party. The General Conference adopted the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) ", will be built there Socialism with Chinese characteristics Theoretical sum of The party's basic line Write it into the Party constitution. For the first time in the history of the Party, it clearly put forward the goal model of establishing a socialist market economic system.
9. Established in 1993 Modern enterprise system
From 11 November to 14 November 1993, The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee Hold. The plenary adopted the" Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on several questions concerning the establishment of a socialist Market economic system ". The plenum pointed out that the socialist market economic system is integrated with the basic socialist system.
Fiscal and taxation systems were reformed in 1993
On December 15, 1993, The State Council issued a statement on implementation System of tax distribution Financial management system decision. Adopted by The State Council on 25 December 1993 Decision on the Reform of the Financial System . [5]
In 1994, the foreign trade system was comprehensively reformed
On January 11, 1994, The State Council issued the" Decision on further deepening the reform of the foreign trade system The goals of the reform of China's foreign trade system are: unified policy, open operation, equal competition, self-responsibility for profits and losses, integration of industry and trade, the implementation of the agency system, and the establishment of an operating mechanism that ADAPTS to international economic rules.
In 1992 and 1994, the market-oriented reform of medical care and housing was implemented
In 1985, under the background of China's reform and opening up, the medical and health system also began the process of reform. The core idea of medical reform is: delegating power to yield profits and expanding hospital autonomy. The attitude of the government in health reform is: give the policy and not give the money. Its policy is to increase the price of drugs by 15% to make up for the lack of government investment. In the 1990s, medical reform made waves again. In September 1992, according to the opinions of The State Council, the Ministry of Health proposed that hospitals should "help doctors with workers" and "supplement the master with deputy". In 2000, the reform gradually developed in depth, touching on institutional, institutional, structural and other deep-seated problems. In March 2000, General Office of the State Council Forward the "Guiding Opinions on the Reform of the Urban Medical and Health System" of eight ministries and commissions, commonly known as the "fourteen points" of medical reform; In May 2001, The General Office of the State Council forwarded the" Guiding Opinions on the reform of the rural medical and health system ".
13. Housing market reform
On July 18, 1994, The State Council issued the" Decision on deepening the reform of the urban housing system Clarify the basic content of the urban housing system reform, including the way to change the distribution of housing benefits in kind Distribution according to work The main way of money wage distribution and establishment Housing accumulation fund System, etc. The promulgation of the "Decision" opened the door to the commercialization of urban housing, marking China's comprehensive promotion Housing market The establishment of the reform, its greatest significance is to steadily promote the sale of public housing, through townward The sale of former public housing by employees has gradually completed the process of housing privatization in China. On July 3, 1998, The State Council issued the" Notice of The State Council on Further Deepening the Reform of the Urban Housing System and Accelerating Housing construction ". It is because of this that the document was abolished Housing distribution in kind The system for Commercial housing The development of the "competitors" cleared away, thus establishing the main position of the market of commercial housing.
14. In 1995, the goal of "two fundamental transformations" was proposed
From September 25 to 28, 1995, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee was held. The Plenum adopted the CPC Central Committee's Decision on the Formulation of National Economic and Trade Relations Social development Proposals for the Ninth Five-Year Plan and Vision Goals for 2010. The Proposal puts forward that the key to realizing the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the vision goals of 2010 is to implement two fundamental changes of overall significance, one is to change the economic system from the traditional one Planned economic system To transform to the socialist market economic system, second Economic growth pattern From extensive to intensive transformation.
In 1996, significant progress was made in the reform of the foreign exchange management system
On December 1, 1996, China began to accept The International Monetary Fund Article 8 of the Agreement stipulates the convertibility of RMB under the current account.
16.1997 "15th National Congress" put forward the party The basic program for the primary stage of socialism
From 12 to 18 September 1997, The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Held in Beijing, it systematically and completely put forward and discussed the Party's basic program in the primary stage of socialism: To build a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics is to develop a market economy under socialist conditions, and constantly liberate and develop productivity ; Building socialism with Chinese characteristics means that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and on the basis of the people being masters of the country, Rule of law To develop socialist democracy; To build a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics is to Marxism To develop a national, scientific and popular socialist culture oriented towards modernization, the world and the future, with the aim of cultivating citizens with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. Guiding ideology of the Party It's written into the party constitution.
17.1999 clear Non-public economy It is an important part of the socialist market economy
In 1997, the report of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward for the first time that "the non-public economy is an important part of the socialist market economy."
From 5 to 15 March 1999, The Second session of the Ninth National People's Congress It was held in Beijing. The meeting passed Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China It is clear that the non-public sector of the economy is an important part of China's socialist market economy and has greatly promoted the development of social productive forces.
18.Proposed in 1999 Large-scale development of the western region strategy
22 March 1999," Several opinions of The State Council on Further Promoting the development of the western Region Ten suggestions on further promoting the development of the western region were put forward.
China officially became a member of the WTO in 2001
Held in Doha, Qatar, on 11 November 2001 World Trade Organization The Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has adopted the legal document on China's accession to the WTO, which marks that after 15 years of hard work, China has finally become a new member of the WTO. It marks a new stage in China's opening up.
In 2002, the "16th National Congress" determined the comprehensive construction well-to-do The goal of society
The party The Sixteenth National Congress of the CPC Based on the fact that China has solved the problem of food and clothing, the people's overall living standards have been achieved Well-off level The foundation of further put forward the comprehensive construction Well-off society In the first two decades of the 21st century, we will concentrate our efforts on building a moderately prosperous society of a higher level in an all-round way for the benefit of more than one billion people, so that the economy will be more developed, democracy will be more sound, science and education will be more advanced, culture will be more prosperous, society will be more harmonious and people's life will be more prosperous. This meeting puts" Three representatives Important ideas are written into the Party Constitution as the guiding ideology of the Party.
21. Revitalization of Northeast China in 2003 Industrial base Strategy proposal
On September 10, 2003, the executive meeting of The State Council studied and implemented the revitalization strategy for Northeast China and other old industrial bases, and put forward the guiding ideology, principles, tasks, policies and measures for revitalizing Northeast China.
In 2004, the "Nine National Guidelines" to promote the development of the capital market were promulgated
On January 31, 2004, the "Several Opinions of The State Council on Promoting the Reform, Opening Up and Stable Development of the Capital Market" was promulgated, which clearly pointed out that vigorously developing the capital market is of great significance to China's strategic goal of quadrupling the national economy in the first 20 years of the 21st century.
(23) In 2004, state-owned commercial banks were reformed into share-holding companies
Bank of China Company limited by shares and China Construction Bank The company was established on August 26 and September 21, 2004 respectively. The two wholly state-owned commercial banks have been restructured into joint-stock companies with state holding Commercial bank .
24.The protection of private property was incorporated into the Constitution in 2004
On March 14, 2004, Second session of the tenth National People's Congress Deliberated and adopted Fourth Amendment to the Constitution "The lawful private property of citizens is inviolable" and "the State respects and protects human rights" are written into the Constitution. It ADAPTS to the objective needs of protecting private property and expands the scope of private property Range of protection And further improved the private property protection system. Strengthening the protection of citizens' lawful private property is conducive to persistence and perfection Basic economic system Promote the development of the non-public sector of the economy; pro-security Civil rights To promote the rule of law; It is conducive to mobilizing the initiative and enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people creativeness Build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.
25.The Regulations on Agricultural Tax were repealed in 2005
29 December 2005 19th Session of the 10th NPC Standing Committee By" Decision on repealing the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Agricultural Tax The agricultural tax regulations implemented in New China for nearly 50 years were repealed according to law, and a tax that lasted for more than 2,000 years in China was declared to be over.
26.Construction was proposed in 2005 New socialist countryside A major historical task
October 11, 2005, the Party The fifth Plenary Session of the sixteenth Central Committee By" Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for formulating the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development It clarified the goals and action program for China's economic and social development in the next five years, and put forward the major historical task of building a new socialist countryside, so as to do a good job in the current and future periods. Agriculture, rural areas and farmers The work points the way.
27, 2005 Reform of non-tradable shares Pilot start-up
With the approval of The State Council, China Securities Regulatory Commission Published on April 29, 2005 Notice on issues related to the pilot reform of non-tradable shares in listed companies Announced the launch of the pilot reform of non-tradable shares.
Made in 2006 Build a harmonious socialist society Major decision
The Party held from 8 to 11 October 2006 The Sixth Plenary Session of the sixteenth Central Committee Adopted the" Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on several major issues concerning the construction of a harmonious socialist society ". For the first time in the history of our Party, "improving the ability to build a harmonious socialist society" is clearly put forward as an important aspect of the party's governing ability. The introduction of this important assertion is an important enrichment and development of Marxist theory, and another theoretical distillation of our Party's understanding of what socialism is and how to build socialism.
29.2007 Property law Come out with
" Property Law of the People's Republic of China Published on 16 March 2007 The Fifth session of the Tenth National People's Congress Adopted and effective as of October 1, 2007.
In 2007, the Scientific Outlook on development was written into the Party Constitution
The scientific Outlook on development is a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable outlook on development; it inherits and develops the important ideas on development of the three generations of the Party's central leadership collective; it is a concentrated embodiment of the Marxist worldview and methodology on development; and it is the same concept as Marxism-Leninism, 毛泽东思想 , 邓小平理论 and The important thought of Three Represents Both in the same vein and Keep pace with The Times It is an important guideline for China's economic and social development and a major strategic thought that must be adhered to and implemented in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. The scientific Outlook on development is written into the Party Constitution, which is the scientific positioning of the scientific outlook on development made by the Party's 17th National Congress, and it is also the Party The 17th CPC National Congress An important historical contribution.

History node

This is the first visit by a Chinese leader to the United States since the founding of the People's Republic of China.
Special Economic Zone Shenzhen
In August 1980, the 18th session of the fifth National People's Congress decided to approve the establishment of special economic zones proposed by The State Council in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen, thus beginning a new era of reform and opening up in coastal cities.
14 coastal open cities
In 1984, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to further open 14 coastal port cities: Dalian, Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Beihai. They are connected with Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen Special economic Zones and Hainan Island from north to south, becoming the forefront of China's opening up.
The basic state policy of family planning
As early as 1957, the first president of New China Peking University rector Ma Yinchu The professor recognized the Chinese Population problem He put forward the new population theory, and he shouted that "population control is urgent." At the time, however, some of the country's leaders believed that "many hands make sense." As a result, "the wrong batch of one person gave birth to several hundred million more." In 1980, the state officially identified "family planning" as a basic state policy.
Comrade Xiaoping, hello
In the 1984 National Day ceremony, people may forget the grand military parade, may forget the brilliant fireworks, but people will not forget the parade of Peking University students expressed the aspirations of the Chinese people: "Comrade Xiaoping, hello."
Million-dollar reduction
1985 was China's "Year of disarmament". The Chinese People's Liberation Army has reduced its workforce by one million to safeguard world peace with its own concrete actions.
Pudong district of Shanghai
The Pudong District of Shanghai was established in 1990 Economic development zone After a short period of 10 years, Shanghai Pudong has become another major economic and financial center in China.
Xiaoping's southern Tour
After Comrade Xiaoping's southern tour, China changed the concept of establishing a planned commodity economy in the past and formally proposed the establishment and development of a socialist market economy, which set off a new round of upsurge in reform.
The 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War
Chinese and Japanese youth in the Chinese people Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall
The year 1995 marks the 50th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The Japanese progressive youth brought thousands of paper cranes symbolizing peace to the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, and they played the banner of "Friendship between China and Japan from generation to generation, never again war", expressing the common yearning for peace among the young people of the two countries.
Sanxia project
Three Gorges Project - the Great river closure
On December 14, 1994, the Three Gorges Project was officially started. Since then, after nearly 40 years of investigation, design, research and demonstration of the Three Gorges comprehensive water conservancy project in full swing, the project will be carried out for 17 years. On November 8, 1997, the first phase of the project - the closure of the river was completed.
On November 16, 1995, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway with a total length of more than 2,500 kilometers was opened to traffic. Beijing Kowloon from Beijing in the north to Kowloon in the south across nine provinces and cities, creating Chinese railway The five most: the longest construction road, the most investment, the shortest construction period, the latest technical equipment, the most complex geological and terrain conditions through the line.
Reinstate the college entrance examination system
In 1977, the resumption of the college entrance examination system, which had been interrupted by the Cultural Revolution, brought joy to Chinese young people who had been deprived of their youth for 10 years. This year's college entrance examination was held in winter. Between 5.7 and 10 million people are said to have signed up. In the end, 273,000 students were enrolled nationwide. " The "Gang of Four" The so-called theory that "it is better to have an uncultured laborer than a cultured spiritual aristocrat" has become a laughing stock in Chinese history.
Foreign friends learn Chinese culture
After the reform and opening up, foreign friends have developed a keen interest in Chinese culture. Some of them came to China for a visit and a look. Some have learned about China through Chinese books and films, and China's tourism industry has made remarkable progress and begun to move towards a new climax.
Respect the country of the old
So far, the elderly population in China has reached more than 100 million, and whether we can handle the aging problem well is related to the happiness of every family. Especially in China Family planning In the future, each couple will only have one child, which means that after a few years, the next generation of only children will grow up, and each family will bear four elderly people. This will become a serious social problem.
Founded in the autumn of 1984, Sichuan Nizhong Buddhist College is the first institution of higher learning in China to train children to study monks. After the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese government implemented the provisions of the Constitution on" Freedom of religious belief The provisions of the religious cause have been widely protected and rapid development.
Project Hope
Children eager to read
On April 15, 1991, the "Hope Project - Millions of Love Action" aimed at helping poor out-of-school children to return to school began to be implemented, and all walks of life donated money and materials to the Hope project.
The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing in the autumn of 1995. In order to achieve the goal of gender equality, women's representatives from all five continents of the world gathered together to adopt the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
From talking about "sex" color change to oil painting Body art display
Body oil painting
For the Chinese people who have always been taboo talking about "sex", the "Oil painting Body Art Exhibition" held in Beijing's National Art Museum of China in 1988 was a strong psychological shock, and the number of visitors exceeded 200,000 in 18 days, setting a record for the number of visitors to the museum.
Beijing Peking Opera Theatre Perform in Taiwan
Mei Baojiu Shi Hongtu, Yang Shaochun and Yang Zhang Xueliang Mr. Photo.
From April 12 to May 1, 1993, the troupe composed of Beijing Opera Theatre gave 14 performances in Taipei, causing a great sensation. Mr. Zhang Xueliang, who is more than 90 years old, watched the play three times and took photos with the actors.
The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship for the first time
In November 1981, the Chinese Women's Volleyball team won the championship of the third Women's Volleyball World Cup with seven games. This is the first time that China has won the world championship in the world basketball, volleyball and foot games. Since then, the Chinese Women's Volleyball team has won many battles and achieved the brilliant achievement of "five consecutive championships".
The Olympic 'Breakthrough of zero'
The 23rd Olympic Games
At the 23rd Olympic Games held in Los Angeles in 1984, the Chinese delegation won 15 gold, eight silver and nine bronze MEDALS. The achievement broke a streak in which China had never won a gold medal at the Olympic Games and was praised Chinese Olympic history On the "zero breakthrough".
The 11th Asian Games
The 11th Asian Games is the first comprehensive held by China International sports Big game. Held in Beijing in September and October 1990. China's sports delegation topped the list with 341 MEDALS.
The 11th Panchen Lama
1996年1月12日江泽民主席接受了第十一世 Panchen Lama And the Tashilhunpo Temple thank you group. The 11th Panchen Lama presented Hada to President Jiang. in The 10th Panchen Lama After the death of the master, according to the customs of Tibetan Buddhism, the central government set up a Panchen Lama reincarnation search group to find the 11th Panchen Lama. On the morning of November 29, 1995, in Jokhang Temple In front of the statue of Sakyamuni, a golden urn was drawn and Gyaltsen Norbu was identified as the eleventh Panchen Erdeni . The ceremony was held in the morning. On December 8th, in Tashilhunpo Temple in Shigatse Hold the enthronement ceremony.

Internet buzzword

Three turns a ring, go to the sea, laid off, 10,000 yuan households, Whether it is a black cat or a white cat, catching a mouse is a good cat, the Hope Project, the stock market, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a harmonious society, the Beijing Olympics

Commemorative activity


Group learning

On the afternoon of December 31, 2012, the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee conducted the second collective study on unswervingly promoting reform and opening up. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping When he presided over the study, he stressed that reform and opening up is a long-term, arduous and onerous undertaking that must be carried on from generation to generation. We must adhere to the direction of reform of the socialist market economy, adhere to the basic state policy of opening to the outside world, and with greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important areas and courageously move forward in the direction of reform and opening up as set out at the 18th CPC National Congress [12] .
He made five points in this regard.
First, reform and opening up is a profound revolution, which must be carried out in the right direction and along the right path. On the question of direction, we must be very clear-headed, continue to promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system, and unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Second, reform and opening up is a brand new cause that has never been done before. We must adhere to the correct methodology and advance it through continuous practice and exploration. Crossing the river by feeling the stones is a reform method with Chinese characteristics and in line with China's national conditions. To cross the river by feeling the stones is to feel the law and gain the truth from practice. Crossing the river by feeling the stones and strengthening the top-level design are dialectical unity, and promoting local stage reform and opening up should be carried out under the premise of strengthening the top-level design, and strengthening the top-level design should be planned on the basis of promoting local stage reform and opening up. We must strengthen macro thinking and top-level design, pay more attention to the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform, and continue to encourage bold experiments and bold breakthroughs to deepen reform and opening up.
Third, reform and opening up is a systematic project, and we must adhere to comprehensive reform and advance all reforms in a coordinated manner. Reform and opening up is a profound and comprehensive social change. Every reform will have an important impact on other reforms, and every reform needs the coordination of other reforms. We should pay more attention to the mutual promotion and positive interaction of various reforms, promote the whole, and make breakthroughs in key areas, so as to form a strong synergy for advancing reform and opening up.
Fourth, stability is a prerequisite for reform and development, and we must adhere to the unity of reform, development and stability. Only with social stability can reform and development continue to advance. Only with continuous progress in reform and development can we lay a solid foundation for social stability. We must keep in mind the intensity of reform, the speed of development and the degree of social affordability, and take improving people's lives as a link in correctly handling the relationship between reform, development and stability.
Fifth, reform and opening up is the cause of hundreds of millions of people themselves. We must respect the initiative of the people and continue to advance it under the leadership of the Party. Every breakthrough and development in the understanding and practice of reform and opening up, the emergence and development of every new thing in reform and opening up, and the creation and accumulation of experience in every aspect of reform and opening up all come from the practice and wisdom of hundreds of millions of people. The more arduous the tasks of reform, development and stability become, the more we must strengthen and improve Party leadership, maintain close ties between the Party and the people, be good at leading the people forward by putting forward and implementing correct lines, principles and policies, and improve policies and propositions based on the people's practical creation and development requirements, so that the fruits of reform and development will benefit all the people in a more equitable manner. We will continue to consolidate the public foundation for deepening reform and opening up [12] .
Without reform and opening up, there would be no China today and no China tomorrow. The contradictions in reform and opening up can only be resolved through reform and opening up. [12] .

Celebration party

Historical experience

'We must uphold the Party's leadership over all work and constantly strengthen and improve its leadership,' he said. We must continue to put the people as the center and fulfill their aspirations for a better life. We must adhere to the guiding position of Marxism and constantly promote theoretical innovation based on practice. We must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and continue to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and give full play to our institutional strengths. We must continue to take development as our top priority and continuously enhance our overall national strength. We must continue to open wider and build a community with a shared future for mankind. We must run the Party strictly and comprehensively, and constantly enhance its creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness. We must adhere to the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism and correctly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability. [13]

Historical significance

Reform and opening up is a key choice for the destiny of contemporary China. It is the only way to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only through reform and opening up can we develop China, develop socialism and develop Marxism. These two paragraphs highly summarize why we want to reform, and we should deeply understand the high level of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee Theoretical generalization .
The reforms have two distinct features. First, reform under the leadership of the Party, reform is to perfect socialism. Every major reform decision is made by the central Committee, which shows that the Party takes the initiative to promote reform. Second, our reform is Progress gradually And not in one step, as some countries do.
Coastal open city
The essence of reform and opening up is to liberate and develop social productive forces and improve them Comprehensive national strength To further liberate the minds of the people, Build socialism with Chinese characteristics . Reform and opening up 邓小平理论 An important part of China's socialist construction, a fundamental policy. Reforms, including Economic restructuring That is to say, highly centralized Planned economic system Reform into a socialist market economy; Political restructuring It includes developing democracy, strengthening the legal system, separating government from enterprises, streamlining and improving institutions Democratic supervision System, maintain stability and unity. Opening up mainly refers to opening up to the outside world, but also includes opening up to the inside in a broad sense. Reform and opening up were initiated by the Communist Party of China The primary stage of socialism One of the basic points of the basic line is the only way for China to become rich and powerful. It has a huge impact on China's economic development.
The productive forces of society were liberated. The political situation of stability and unity has been consolidated. The 1.1 billion people have basically met their basic needs for food and clothing, and are moving towards a moderately prosperous society. China's economic development has risen to a great level, and the people's lives have risen to a great level. Comprehensive national strength Up a big step. In the face of rapid changes in the world situation, China's socialist system has withstood severe tests and shown great vitality.
China has made remarkable achievements in reform and opening up. Through this major reform and opening up, we have achieved three great turning points:
The first great turning point is the transition from a highly centralized planned economy to a socialist market economy full of vigor and vitality.
The second great transition is the transition from a closed and semi-closed society to a fully open society;
The third great turning point is the transformation of the people's life from food and clothing to a basically well-off society. Three great changes would not have been possible without reform and opening up.
Therefore, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee proposed that reform and opening up is a key choice for the fate of contemporary China.
As China's development stands at a new historical starting point, we must adapt to the profound changes in the economic system, the social structure, the pattern of interests, and ideas, as well as the new situation and new situation in which the Party is faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges, further build consensus on reform, firm the direction of reform, and improve reform measures. History has proved that reform and opening up are the necessary requirement and fundamental driving force for unleashing and developing social productive forces and constantly innovating vibrant institutions and mechanisms. They are the only way to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only socialism can save China, only reform and opening up can develop China, develop socialism and develop Marxism. [3]
The report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that reform and opening up is a great new revolution carried out by the people under the leadership of the Party in the new era. The purpose is to liberate and develop the productive forces, modernize the country, enrich the Chinese people and revitalize the great Chinese nation. We will promote the self-improvement and development of China's socialist system, inject new vitality into socialism, and build and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to strengthen and improve Party building in leading the development and progress of contemporary China, maintain and develop the Party's advanced nature, and ensure that the Party is always at the forefront of The Times, so that the Party and the country have achieved rapid development.
Reform and opening up is a great revolution in the history of the development of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and it is this great revolution that has promoted the great leap forward in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. [14]