Sui Dynasty

Chinese historical dynasties
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synonymsui(Chinese historical Dynasty) generally refers to Sui Dynasty (Chinese historical dynasty)
Sui Dynasty (581-618), founder Yang Jian The Duke of Sui was attacked, so it was called Sui. Found a capital Daxingcheng After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Chang 'an (present Xi 'an, Shaanxi), Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty to Luoyang as Tokyo and moved the capital. [178-182] In 589, the Sui Army marched south and destroyed it Chen Dynasty To unify China and end the nearly 400-year division of China since the Eastern Han Dynasty. Emperor Wen of Sui worked hard and created The reign of the Emperor Prosperity. [3 ] Emperor Yang of Sui After taking the throne, he surrendered Qidan, an ancient nationality in China , Tuyu-hun , split Tujue, a nationality in ancient China And push the border to Qinghai Lake , Xinjiang Wait, reopen Silk Road . The construction of the north-south Grand Canal. The South surrendered again Annam , Chams At this time, the territory of the Sui Dynasty was even wider than that of the Tang Dynasty. [5 ] However, internal and external measures excessive consumption of national power, stimulate social contradictions, the Sui Dynasty from prosperity to decline, caused The people's revolt at the end of Sui Dynasty . [6 ] In 618, Yuwenwa They killed Emperor Yang in a mutiny, [4 ] Li Yuan forced Yang You Zen surrender, the national title "Tang". In 619, Wang Shichong forced Yang Dong to take the position of Zen. zheng ", 7 [8] The Sui Dynasty was completely destroyed.
The Sui Dynasty carried out major reforms in politics, economy, culture and other fields. Newly established Three provinces and six departments Consolidate centralization and implement Imperial examination system , select talents, weaken An aristocratic family for generations Monopoly official phenomenon, establishment Hall of government Procedure system, supervision system, Merit system It strengthened the government mechanism and profoundly influenced the political system of the Tang Dynasty and later generations. reconstruct The Grand Canal and gallop , establish Daxingcheng And the eastern capital, and the construction of the Great Wall to protect the annexation of the foreign races. It strengthened control over all regions, enabling smooth economic and cultural exchanges. [9] Military improvement continued Government military system Economically Land equalization system And change the set of labor, reduce farmers' production pressure, and take Big rope appearance reading and Import the sample And other measures to increase fiscal revenue. [10 ]
The Sui Dynasty became the political model and cultural center of East Asia, Buddhism and Taoism flourished, and classical poetry and law flourished. [10 ] Neighboring countries such as Gaochang, Japan , Koguryo , Silla , Paekje with Eastern Turkic Empire And were deeply influenced by Sui Dynasty culture and system to Japan Dispatch envoy In the name of... [11]
Chinese name
Sui Dynasty
Foreign name
Sui Dynasty
Yang Sui
Time frame
From 581 to 618
Daxingcheng , Luoyang City [157]
Major city
Taiyuan , Yangjun , Jiangdu , Yuhang , Zhuogun Etc.
Sui Wuzhu
Major nationality
The Han nationality
Yang Jian
Political system
Three provinces and six departments
Official selection system
Imperial examination system
Military system
Government military system

Title of a kingdom

Father of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Zhong , had been The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) He was named "Duke of Sui". Yang Jian hereditary title, after the accession to the throne as" Along with the But it believes that "with" has the meaning of walking, afraid of ominous then changed to" sui ". [15 ] The Sui Dynasty was The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597) After the Han re-established the grand unified dynasty. Due to the royal family name Yang, also known as Yang Sui .



Sui Dynasty

Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou Extravagant, indulging in wine and sex, politically corrupt, he called himself "Emperor Tianyuan" and had five queens at the same time [14] Among them, Yang Jian's eldest daughter Yang Lihua . [13 ] Relatives on the side of one's family Yang Jian Seize the opportunity to The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) The important ministers were sent away, and the government was gradually controlled by him. Two years of Elephant (580 years) Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou After death, as the head of the long gate Yang Jian unite Liu Fang , Zheng Yi Make edicts to assist the government as relatives. [12 ]
In February of the first year of Dading (581), Jing Emperor of Northern Zhou Zen let the throne in Yang Jian, the Northern Zhou Dynasty fell, Yang Jian changed the title to Sui, that is Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty , Emperor Kaihuang, [15 ] The capital of Chang 'an, the second year, to Chang 'an old city is small, in the southeast of Chang 'an City Yongsubara build Daxingcheng In the third year, he moved to the new Chang 'an City. [168 ]

Unify the north and the south

Sui annihilating Chen battle situation map
Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Intent on heading south to destroy Nan Chao Chen , adopt high-eyed The strategy interferes with Chen's agricultural production, destroys Chen's military reserves, and makes Chen suffer heavy losses. Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Sui and Tujue battles After the victory, it was abolished in October of the seventh year (587) West Liang . [16 ] The following year, the war against Chen was launched, and Emperor Wen ordered the King of Jin Yang Guang March marshal, King of Qin Yang Jun The river Qing Gong Yang Su Vice Marshal, Gao Jiong as staff, Wang Shao for A surname The soldiers divided into eight ways to attack the southern Dynasty Chen. [164 ]
Yang Su Lead the water army to follow Padang shun Yangtse River East down, with Jingzhou Yoo In Eun Combined occupation Yeonju The Yangtze River Xiling Gorge Oral, Hubei (Province) Zhijiang nearby) and other upstream Chen Jun defense. by Public security East aid Kien Kang In the tour Chen Jun was also blocked by Yang Junjun Hankou One area, for the downstream Sui Army to create favorable conditions. The main force of the Sui Army downstream took the Chen Dynasty to celebrate Yuan Hui Spring Festival is the opportunity to cross the river. March chief Han Zhanhu , He Ruobi The two armies attacked Jiankang, and Concessional narration The army surrounded Jiankang. In February of the ninth year of Emperor Kai (589), the Sui Army invaded Jiankang and captured it A surname Thirty states, more than four hundred counties, and more than two million people in the south of the Yangtze River entered the territory of the Sui Dynasty, and the north and South finally unified again after three hundred years of division. [165 ]
Kai Emperor ten years (590) in September, Sui sent envoys Wei Guang Wait to be appeased The south of the Lingnan region , Lady Xian Led the people to welcome the Sui envoy, the Lingnan states known as Sui, Sui Dynasty completed the national unification. [166 ]

The reign of the Emperor

  • Practice strict frugality
From the beginning of assisting the government, Emperor Wen advocated frugal life, which became a custom over time. At that time, the ordinary intellectuals used cloth and silk for casual clothes, and the sash was only made of copper and iron bones, not gold and jade. Emperor Wen of Sui taught Prince Yang Yong: From the ancient emperors have no good luxury and can be long. When you become a prince, you should first advocate frugality. His frugality greatly reduced the exploitation of the people. He carried out killing, so that the powerful officials did not dare to do too much evil, and also contributed to the practice of frugal politics. Sui Wen emperor "Sui book" said he "pay frugality, flat, corvee fu, granary, law line, the gentleman salty music its life, the small man each its business, strong no mausoleum weak, not a few, figures rich, court and field pleasure, twenty years the world no matter, the district Yu within the banquet such as also". The political achievements of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty were of great significance to the end of nearly three hundred years of chaos. [17 ] Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty advocated frugality, saving certain government expenditures, abolishing unnecessary exorbitant taxes and setting up barns to store grain. Emperor Wen succeeded in uniting China, which had been divided for centuries, and maintained the unity established by the Sui Dynasty for most of the centuries. [18 ]
  • Political reform
Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of Sui
In politics, Emperor Wen practiced frugality on the one hand [19-21] On the one hand, many measures were taken to consolidate the regime. Because Sui Emperor Wen understood the truth that "ancient emperors have no good luxury and can be elderly" [22] Therefore, from the beginning of his rule, he advocated frugality in life, the concubines in the palace did not make beautiful ornaments, the general intellectuals used cloth, and the sash was only copper and iron bones, not gold and jade. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty wanted to use Hu powder and woven collar, but he searched the palace and could not find it. Practicing frugality reduces the burden on the people and is conducive to the implementation of various measures. Unlimited appointment of officials pedigree , Be talented , by examination Take a man for himself. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, who had sent people to inspect the fifty-two prefectures in Hebei, dismissed more than 200 corrupt officials, and eliminated about three-tenths of local redundant personnel. He also simplified the criminal law, cutting the torture of previous generations [23] Formulate Sui law, brief criminal law, "to replace the light heavy, death living." [24]
  • The construction of Daxing City
The former Chang 'an City of Han Dynasty had been ravaged by war for a long time, and the shape and structure of the palace were small, which could not meet the needs of the newly built unified national capital. In addition, hundreds of years of urban sewage precipitation, obstructing the bottom, drinking water supply is also a problem [129] . Therefore, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Surrender Yongsubara Han Chang 'an City in the north, south of the original Longshou Han Chang 'an City to choose a new site southeast of the new Chang 'an City [130] . In January 582, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty ordered it Yu Wenkai He was responsible for the design and construction of the new city, because Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty had been named the Duke of Daxing, hence the name Daxingcheng It was completed in March of the following year [131] .
Ruins of Chang 'an City in Sui Daxing Tang Dynasty
Daxing City reference The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) Luoyang City and The Northern Qi Dynasty (550-597) In the southern city of Yedu, the layout of the city is neat and uniform, and the shape is rectangular. The city is composed of three parts: Miyagi, Imperial City, and Li Fang, completely using east-west symmetrical layout. The area of Lifang accounts for 88.8% of the total area of the city, and the large expansion of residential areas is a major feature of the overall design of Daxing City architecture. The city site falls on the Longshou plain, facing north Weihe River , Nam Yi The Bashui River (in Shanxi Province) with The Chanshui River (in Sichuan Province) The terrain is high in the south and low in the north. The "six slopes" south of the Longshou original are regarded as the six lines of the trunk, which are called the ninth day, 92, 93, 94, 95, and upper nine in turn. According to the The Book of Changes The ninth high slope stands for "Do not use hidden dragons". 92 high slope is "see the dragon in the field, benefit to see the adult" [132] . "Adult" represents a person with both virtues, so the Miyagi was built as the residence of the emperor. Ninety-three high slope stands for "The gentleman works all day long, is at night, Severe and not to blame " At any time be alert to the high position without pride, the next position without worry, so the construction of the imperial city let civil and military officials strong, loyal and diligent concept. The ninth Five-Year High Slope represents the "Ninth Five-Year Supreme", which belongs to the "flying dragon" position and does not want ordinary people to live there.
So the central axis of this high hill faces east to west, building symmetrically to the east Daxingshan Temple ( Buddhism And the western Xuan Du Guan (Taoism), hoping to borrow the emperor's spirit of suppressing the 95 Gaopo. As representing the palace Purple Micro Palace It is located in the center of the north sky, so the palace can only be arranged in the lower north, but the Wei River in the north is also more suitable for defense [133] . "Six slopes" became the skeleton of Daxing City, the royal palace, the court and the temple with the general Residential area In stark contrast. In the lowlands between the Okahara, canals were opened to divert water, lakes were dug, and urban waterways were enlarged. This makes full use of the advantages of the terrain, increases the three-dimensional space, and appears more majestic.
  • Economic development
Sui Dynasty economic succession The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) the Land equalization system Promulgated the law of equalization of land, fixed Ding male field 80 mu, Yongye field 20 mu. Women are exposed to forty acres. Reduce again Taxes and corvee , Light taxation , Rest with the people . If he changes his age to 21, he will still be 18 years old and serve three years less. He also changed 30 days of service per year to 20 days, and reduced the amount of silk one (four zhangs) to two zhangs. In addition, Emperor Wen of Sui ordered the re-registration of household registration, with five families as guarantees, five guarantees as Lv, and four Lv as clans. [170 ] At the beginning of the Emperor, there were more than 3.6 million households, and the number of Pingchen was half a million, and later increased to 8.7 million. For the product valley to prevent hunger, Sui Dynasty widely set up warehouses, points Gakang , Public welfare granary . The official warehouse is used for grain transfer and storage, while the charity warehouse is used for relief. Emperor Wen also devoted himself to building a new capital, Daxing City, in the southeast of the former Chang 'an City. excavate Open channel I am very excited Weihe River to Tongguan (a county in Henan Province) To facilitate the canal transport.
  • Promote culture and education
In terms of academic culture, Emperor Wen advocated culture and education and sought books extensively. In view of the long-term war of the previous generation, the official books were lost, so he issued an edict asking for the world's books, where the dedication of a book. After one or two years, the book was prepared, and more than 30,000 volumes were collected after finishing. [167 ] In order to recruit talents, the Sui Dynasty abolished it Nine products in the system It began to use the method of subject examination to select officials, which also promoted the development of education and literature. For the Ming national education, restoration Chinese culture The orthodoxy, under the edict formulation Rites and music To enhance the cultural quality of the country.
  • Consolidate border areas
Military aspect, whereas The Northern and Southern Dynasties In the later period, Tujue, a nationality in ancient China With a strong military force, from time to time The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) , The Northern Qi Dynasty (550-597) . Therefore, after the establishment of Sui, Emperor Wen sent troops to attack Tujue, and later adopted the strategy of alienation and division, prompting Tujue to be divided into east and West, fighting each other constantly, and Sui was able to eliminate the worries of the north. [169 ]
Precisely because of the implementation of the above measures, in the Sui Emperor Wen's rule of more than 20 years, the politics is more clear, the population is significantly increased, the Treasury is more substantial, less foreign aggression, and the society presents a prosperous scene, known as "the rule of the Emperor." [25 to 28]

Palace soldiers

Bust of Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty
Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty In his later years, he was troubled by his sons. First, he put his third son, King Qin, under house arrest Yang Jun ; Then in the twentieth year of Emperor Kai (600), he will be the eldest prince Yang Yong Relegated to the common man, made a second son Yang Guang Be a prince; In the second year of Renshou (602), Emperor Wen of Sui would be the fourth son of the king of Shu Yang Xiu Reduced to common people. [29 ]
In July of the fourth year of Renshou (604), Emperor Wen of Sui was ill in bed, and Yang Guang wrote to him Yang Su Ask how to deal with Emperor Wen's affairs and his accession to the throne. Unexpectedly, the messenger mistakenly sent Yang Su's reply to the Sui Emperor Wen's hand. Emperor Wen was furious and immediately declared Yang Guang Enter the palace and question him face to face. Just then, Mrs. Xuan Hua Chen also cried Yang Guang on her way to the intention to indecent her, so that Sui Wen Emperor Epiphany, beat the bed big scold: "brute what enough to pay big things!" I am alone!" Hurriedly ordered ministers Liu Shu and Yuan Yan to draft an edict, dethroning Yang Guang and re-establishing Yang Yong as crown prince. Yang Guang will learn the news A surname , Elementary rock Put her in jail and let her son go Zhang Heng Into the Suiwen Emperor sleeping room to serve illness and the Suiwen Emperor around the servants sent away. Emperor Wen died soon after. Yang Guang ascended the throne as Emperor Yang of Sui. [30]


Luoyang found Sui Dynasty state granary
At the beginning of his reign, Emperor Yang decided to build a capital in order to consolidate the development of the Sui Dynasty Daxingcheng , built Tokyo Luoyang, [1] Open communication between China's north and south Sui and Tang Grand Canal To build chizhu road and build the Great Wall to protect the subordination of foreign races. All these promoted the Sui Dynasty located in Guanzhong to the northern region and the Guanto region Jiangnan area The control of the Sui Dynasty, so that the economy, culture and people around the smooth exchange, but also born economy A place of strategic importance Jiangdu (now Yangzhou). [9] It promoted the economic, social and cultural exchanges and trade development between the Central Plains and various regions in the North and the South, and launched expeditions around it, expanding the Sui Dynasty territory. Politically, institutionally, and Reform the official system with Rent modulation Degree and start setting The imperial examination of scholars And eventually form Imperial examination system , [44] These are innovative Rules and regulations . In his book China: Tradition and Change, the Chinese-American historian Fairbank writes: "Under the rule of Emperor Wen of Sui and Emperor Yang Guang, China ushered in a second glorious imperial period. Unified power was re-established in China, the Great Wall was restored, the government dug the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, which made possible the prosperity of the following centuries, built magnificent palaces, Empire of China I finally got back on my feet." [137 ]
  • Move the capital to Luoyang
In the first year of Daye (605), Emperor Yang School Yang Su , Yu Wenkai Wait for Luoyang Construction of Tokyo (changed to Toyosu in five years [32] ), to control Central Plains with Areas south of the Yangtze River Economy, used in Luokou, Huiluo and other places around Luoyang to build national granaries in preparation for famine years, Luoyang Miyagi ( Ziwei City ) built, [2] [33] As he had to serve two million people every month, Emperor Yang paid attention to the perfection and luxury of Luoyang, so he spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. [3 ]
In the first year of Daye (605), Emperor Yang issued an imperial decree to make Yang Su and Yan Yang Da Will be a big craftsman Yuwenkai build Tokyo Luoyang. Luoyang palace city (Ziwei City) after the completion of the same year under the imperial decree moved to Luoyang, [2] The new Luoyang city has the palace city, the imperial city and the outer Guo City [135] Luoyang as the center, built through the north and south Sui and Tang Grand Canal . [134]
Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty built it Luoyang City Is for Luoyang palace city (Ziwei City), south Yi Que County , leaning North Mangshan Mountain (in Henan Province) , Dongyu 瀍 the river , The Luoshui River Throughout it, the capital is divided into Guo City, Miyagi city (Ziwei City), and imperial City (Ziwei City). Taiwei City ), Dongcheng, including Jiacang City, Yuanbi City and Yaoyihori, a large scale, orderly layout. The unique layout of Luoyang Palace City and the corner of the imperial city to the northwest of Guo City, and the neat and uniform checkerboard layout of Li Fang have an important position in the history of Chinese capital construction. [34] Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty built Luoyang City, with the strategic consideration of ruling the country, the city to The Five Dynasties , The Northern Song Dynasty (960-907) It is still in use for more than 500 years. [57]
  • canalization
The political and military center of the Sui Dynasty was located Central Guanzhong and Central Plains The area, in the Pacification Nan Chao Chen During this period, the construction of canals began in order to move troops south. After the pacification of Chen, the Sui Court, in order to guard against the old forces, transported grain from Jiangnan to the political and economic center Central plains Luoyang was also the center of the excavation of the Sui and Tang canals through the north and south, and on both sides of the road, planting willows to protect the bank. Most of the canals that have been opened are made of natural rivers or dried up old trenches of previous generations, and only a small part of them are actually dug by human hands. Eventually, several canals connected end to end, centered around Luoyang. [124-125 ]
Sui Dynasty Grand Canal - South Canal
In 584, Emperor Wen of Sui, in order to facilitate the transfer of Guanto resources to Guanzhong, cited Weihe River The Guangtong canal from Chang 'an to Tongguan was opened, but the main pillar still hindered the canal transportation in Guandong. In 587, in order to fight against the Southern Dynasty Chen, follow the Spring and Autumn Period A surname the Hangou Ditch Shanyang was built from Shanyang (now Huai 'an County, Jiangsu Province) to Shanyang Yangtze River (now Yizheng County, Jiangsu) into the Yangtze River Jiangdu (now Yangzhou, Jiangsu). During the reign of Emperor Yang, canals were developed on a large scale, and the Tongji Canal (also known as Bianqu Canal) was opened in 605. The western section was drawn from the western suburbs of present Luoyang Grain water Luoshui into the Yellow River. The east section is from Xingyang Sishui Town Start northeast, follow A surname The old canal opened, led the Yellow River through Bianshui, Sishui reached Huaihe River Through Bianzhou (now Kaifeng, Henan Province ), Songzhou (now Henan Province A surname ), Suzhou And other cities. In the same year, more than 100,000 people were sent to build Shanyang Blasphu again, straightening it out, and the middle no longer bypassing Sheyang Lake to reach the Yangtze River. In 610, the Jiangnan Canal was built from Jingkou (now Jiangsu Province) Zhenjiang The Qiantang River, which led the Yangtze River through Wuzhou (present Suzhou, Jiangsu Province) to Yuhang (present Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province). More than 800 miles long, more than ten zhangs wide. At this point, the Henan section of the canal was completed, and Emperor Yang also prepared to travel to Kuaiji Mountain in Zhejiang Province. Due to the need to transport a large amount of materials in the northern expedition to Koguryo, in 608, more than one million Minfu people in the counties of Hebei opened Yongji Canal, which led Qinshui, a tributary of the Yellow River, to the south and north of the Yellow River Wei He through Zhuozhou (present-day Beijing) completed the northern section of the canal. [126 ] Zhuozhou became the concentration of personnel and materials for the eastern expedition of Goguryeo. [124 ]
It consists of Guangtong Canal, Yongji Canal, Tongji Canal, Shanyangdu Canal and Jiangnan Canal Sui and Tang Grand Canal More than 2,700 kilometers long, the Grand Canal to Luoyang As the center, north to Zhuogun (now Peking ), south to Yuhang (Present Zhejiang Province Hangzhou ). In 611, Emperor Yang of Sui rode a dragon boat from Jiangdu (now Jiangsu Province) Yangzhou (in Jiangsu Province) ) Direct Zhuozhou . Ordinary boats walk one hundred miles a day and night, from Jiangdu to Zhuozhou but more than a month, the north-south waterway traffic is much more convenient than the land. Luoyang is located in the center of the canal and connected to the west Chang 'an Nantong Hangzhou, north Zhuozhou, become the world cargo distribution center; Jiangdu The formation of Jiangnan goods distribution center became the economic center of Sui and Tang dynasties; Several commercial cities have also sprung up along the canal. The Sui and Tang Grand Canal played a great role in promoting economic development, and became an important political, economic and cultural link between the north and the south for more than 600 years after its completion. [128] North-south transverse topography since the Northern and Southern Dynasties. So far broken, they have undoubtedly helped to lay the foundation for unity. After the Sui Dynasty, they became the economic lifeline of the Tang Empire. [127 ]
The Grand Canal connects China's many water systems, forming a north-south transport network. It led to the development of coastal cities, the rise of many industrial and commercial cities, and promoted the cultural development and ethnic integration of various regions, which accelerated the Chinese civilization into an organic whole Oriental civilization. The Grand Canal, centered in Luoyang, reached Zhuojun (today's Beijing) in the north, Yuhang (today's Hangzhou) in the south Tongji Canal , Yongji Canal , Hangou Ditch The Jiangnan River is composed of four parts, connecting the Haihe River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River and the Qiantang River, strengthening the economic, cultural and political exchanges between the North and the South. [35] [155] In the Sui Dynasty, Luoyang, due to the unblocked waterway, was in the world and reached all directions. In addition, Emperor Yangdi transferred a large number of merchants and people to Luoyang, and the population of Luoyang reached more than 500,000. [136]
However, construction was rushed due to Emperor Yang of Sui The Grand Canal It consumes a lot of human and financial resources and brings a lot of burdens to the people. Moreover, his purpose is not to benefit the country and the people, so merit does not atone for crime. [146 ] The people digging the river, the continuous labor, coupled with the attack of disease, the death toll accounted for more than half of all. [36] In the first year of Daye (605), when Emperor Yang dug the Tongji Canal, he took a large number of people, such as the harem, Kings and guards, to tour the south along the canal, spending a lot of money along the way, and recruited many people [37] .
  • Build a fast road
In the third year of Daye (607), Emperor Yang of Sui visited the North and recruited the people's Scriptures of the north Taihang Mountains excavate gallop da statehood (now Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province), and to the affiliated Turkic Qimin Khan asked the Turkic people to help build the road. [38]
Sui Emperor Wen period, in The north , Lingwu And other places to build the Great Wall. In 608, Emperor Yang went on a tour Yulin More than one million able-bodied men were mobilized to Yulin Purple River (now Inner Mongolia The Great Wall was built to protect the Turkic Qimin Khan. [39] [40 ]
  • Come from abroad
In the fifth year of Daye (609), Emperor Yang traveled west and arrived Yanzhishan Then a "World's Fair" was held, [41] Will set up Tututun to offer thousands of miles to Emperor Yang, Emperor Yue, in order to set West Sea, Heyuan, Shanshan, and the four counties of the mud, garrison soldiers, Daxing camp. At that time there were 190 counties in all the world, 1,255 counties, and 8.9 million households. 9,300 miles east and west, 4,815 miles north and south. "Capital and Tongjian" evaluation: "Sui's flourishing, extremely in this." [42] [43 ]

Crises abound

However, because Emperor Yang was eager to do good, he was domineering and inconsiderate, which caused damage to the economy and people's livelihood and intensified social conflicts. Heavy corvee labor, harsh criminal laws, and belligerent and numerous foreign wars, such as the three campaigns of Goguryeo from the eighth year of Daeyeo (612) to the tenth year of Daeyeo (614), were further aggravated Peasant uprising at the end of Sui Dynasty The immediate cause of the outbreak. Floods, droughts and plagues have also occurred in various regions, and the people have reached the point of "cannibalism". But at the same time, Emperor Yang also visited the south three times and the north six times, which exhausted the people's power. Political corruption, "corrupt officials, fishing for reasons", productivity was seriously damaged, resistance has been inevitable, and finally led to the crisis of the late Sui Dynasty. [31 ]
Seven years (611), Shandong (Province) , Henan (Province) The flood caused a disaster and washed away more than 40 counties, Wang Bo Lead a crowd in Changbai Mountain (Present Shandong Province Zou Ping County) launched a rebellion against Emperor Yang's Third campaign Koguryo Sang the famous "No to Liaodong Wave death Song". At that time, the civil revolt was mostly concentrated in Shandong, which was suppressed by the Sui Army soon. In the ninth year (613), Liu Yuanjin According to the Wugun Claiming to be the son of Heaven, Xiang Haiming also declared himself emperor in Fufeng, but they did not persist for long and were destroyed in the same year. until Yang Su The son of Yang Xuanxan In Liyang (now Henan Province Xunxian (a county in Henan Province) The army revolted, and the children of the officials actively participated, which led to mutiny all over the country, and the Sui ruling clique also began to split. [46 ]
Site of the Wagang uprising
There exists in Henan Province. Zhai Rong , Li Mi Of the Wagang Rebellion. In the twelfth year of Daye (616), Zhai Rang, under the advice of Li Mi, conquered the fortress Gimdiegan (Present Henan Province Xingyang (a county in Henan Province) City), laid the Xingyang counties. In the first year of Yining (617), Wagang's Legion And break into the distant capital Luoyang The grain depot Xingluo warehouse. As Li Mi was good at fighting, Zhai gave way to him. Li Mi proclaimed himself Duke of Wei, with the state title Wei, and his base was Luokou, Luoyang. Subsequent occupation Huilocang However, internal suspicion led Li Mi to kill Zhai and others, and finally surrender to the king of Yue Yang Tong . [47]
There is a... in Hebei Dou Jiande In the twelfth year of Daye (616), Dou Jiande led the Hebei rebels to fight all over Hebei, occupying parts of Jizhou, Hebei, and two years later proclaimed himself King of Xia. At the same time, Gao Tansheng and Gao Kaidao were also in Huairong and Yuyang in Hebei Province. Jianghuai area In order to Dufowe , A surname 祏 Strong. In the ninth year of Daye (613), they rebelled in Qi County (now Shandong Province) and then marched south to the south. In the thirteenth year of the Great Cause (617), the occupation Gaoyou Jiangdu (now Yangzhou City in Jiangsu Province) was cut off from the north. Duvowe called himself governor and took Fu Gong 祏 as his long history. [45 ]

Fall apart

Emperor Yang Mausoleum
The Sui Dynasty quickly collapsed in this situation. As early as 616, Emperor Yang ordered King Yang Dong to stay in the eastern capital of Luoyang while he led his people to Jiangdu. He ordered the construction of the Danyang Palace and planned to move the capital to Danyang (now Jiangsu Province) Nanjing ). Most of the ministers who followed him were from Guanzhong and the Central Plains, and they did not want to live in the south of the river for a long time, and the Jiangdu grain was exhausted, and everyone wanted to flee back to the Central Plains. On April 11, the 14th year of the Great Cause (618), Yuwenwa , Sima Dekan with Pei Qiantong They launched a mutiny, killed Emperor Yang, and established Emperor Yang's nephew Yang Hao To the Emperor. [48 ] Soon Yu culture and kill Yang Hao self-proclaimed emperor, Xu, Tian Shou, set up officials. [173 ] The next year by Tang General Li Shantong Summer King Dou Jiande Joint extermination.
In May 617, the thirteenth year of the Great Cause, Taiyuan Stay, Duke of Tang Li Yuan Yu Jinyang army November occupation Chang 'an He proclaimed Emperor Yang's third grandson as king Yang You As emperor, change Yuan Nghia Ninh , that is Emperor Gong of Sui . Li Yuan himself Prime minister (in feudal China) , enter King of Tang . [49 ]
On June 12, 618, Li Yuan forced Emperor Gong of Sui to take the throne, and on June 18, Li Yuan officially proclaimed himself emperor and established the kingdom under the title Tang Tang Dynasty , is for Emperor Gaozu of Tang . [50 ] Luoyang capital remains" Shichigui Upon learning of Emperor Yang's death, he was proclaimed King Yue on 22 June Yang Tong 为帝,改元皇泰,即隋末帝,次年(619年)5月23日, Wang Shichong He deposed Yang Dong and killed him two months later. The rise of Tang Dynasty.




After the Sui Dynasty destroyed the Chen, the territory rose from the east Liao River North to the desert, west to Dunhuang A surname coxtoe In the first year of Daye (605), Lin Yi was annexed [51] Before long Linyi Restore the state [52] In the fifth year of Daye (609), the Sui Dynasty once annexed it Tuyu-hun [53] , Igo [54] There were 190 counties, 1,255 counties, and more than 8.9 million households in the country. West to Ciemu, north to Wuyuan, east and west nine thousand three hundred li, north and south fourteen thousand eight hundred fifteen li, the national power is known as the peak. [177 ]

Administrative division

There were two major changes in the administrative divisions of the Sui Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty was divided into prefectures, counties and counties. Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty After the basic unification of the world, in view of The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) The beginning of the end of the state Shire and county The three-tier system was already in disarray, so the county system was abolished and replaced by the two-tier system of prefectures and counties. Emperor Yang of Sui Soon after the succession, all the states were changed into counties, and the county system was implemented, with 190 counties and 1,255 counties in the country. At the end of each year, the governor of the Sui Dynasty went to the capital to report on his duties, called Morning envoy . The imperial court slipbed Officials may not be allowed to patrol the province. [55 ] [174 ]
Jiangdu (Yangzhou), Yuhang (Hangzhou), Baling (Yueyang), Tan Yen (She County), Pengcheng The approximate position of (Xuzhou) is not completely coincident, and is only for reference.
Administrative division
The ancient Yongzhou to
The ancient Yuzhou to
Henan (Luoyang), Xingyang (a county in Henan Province) , Yangjun (Shangqiu), Qiao Jun, Jiyin, Xiangcheng , Yingchuan, Runan Huaiyang, Ruyin, Shangluo, Hongnong, Zheyang, Nanyang , clear sun, Huaian
The ancient Liangzhou to
Hanchuan , West City, Fangling (a surname) , Qing Hua, Tongcheon , Open channel , Hanyang, Lintao , Downtime Chang, Wudu Tongchang, Haji, Sunjeong, Uiseong, Binh Vu , Wenshan, Puan , Jinshan, New Town, Brazil , Suining , Fuling, Ba County Badong, Shuxian, Linqiong, Meishan Zangshan, Zangyang, Zangyang, Zangyang, Zangyang, Zangyang
The ancient Yanzhou to
Dongjun, Dongping, Jibei, Wuyang, The Bohai Sea
The ancient Jizhou to
Xindu, Qinghe, Wei County Kijijun, Hanoi, Changping, Upper party , Hedong, Jiang County, Wencheng, Linfen Longquan, Xihe, Lishi , Yanmen, Mayi , Dingxiang, Lou Fen, Taiyuan , Xiang Guo, A surname , Zhaojun, Hengshan Mountain , Boling, interfluve Zhuojun, Shanggu, Yuyang, Peiping , happiness, Western part of Liaoning
The ancient Xuzhou to
Pengcheng, Rogun , Lang Evil, The East China Sea Xiapi
The ancient Qingzhou to
Qijun , Beihai, Donglai, Gaomi, Wenden
The ancient Jingzhou to
Nanjun, Yiling, Jingling, Mianyang, Yuanling Wuling Qingjiang River Xiangyang, Chunling, Handong, Anlu, Yong 'an , Yiyang, Jiujiang Jiangxia, Liyang, Baling, Changsha , Hengshan, A surname Lingling, Xiping
Jiang Du, Zhong Li, Huainan Yiyang Qichun , Lujiang, Tong 'an , Li Yang, Danyang, Xuancheng , Biling, Wujun, inspection Yuhang, Xin 'an, Dongyang, Yongjia County Jian 'an, Sui 'an, Poyang, The city of Linchuan , Luling, Nankang Yichun, Yuzhang, South China Sea, Long Xuyen , Nghia Yen Gao Liang, Xin 'an, Yongxi, A surname , initial safety, Vinh Binh , Yulin, Hapura , Pearl scarp , Ning Yue, coxtoe , Chikuna Sun Nam, Bi Jing, Hai Yin, Lin Yi




Three provinces and six departments
After Emperor Wen of Sui ascended the throne, he abolished the affiliated Association of Northern Zhou Dynasty. The rites of Zhou The official system established by the six officials was replaced by a new official system: "Set up three divisions, three princes and Shang Shu, under the family, internal history, secretary, internal servant and other departments, Imperial historian's desk , too often, Kuang Lu, Military lieutenant , Patriarch, Taifu, Dali , A surname , A surname , A surname Guo Zi, will be such a supervisor, left and right guard, Left and right guard Wait for the house." [56] To strengthen centralization and restoration Han dynasty The tradition of officialdom. The central government system of the Sui Dynasty was the core of the three provincial systems of Shang Shu, Menshu and Neishi. Three teachers , Sankung It's a high rank but it's really just an honor. Sui Dynasty Shangshu Province "Sui Shu Baiguan Zhi" said that "Shangshu province, everything is total", reflecting its status and power as the highest state administrative organ. [174 ]
Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty carried it out around the system of titles and honours Political reform The potential is breaking the Northern Zhou Dynasty Woo Wentai Since implemented" Guanzhong standard policy "By limiting, weakening Guanlong Group The power and influence of the government, in order to discipline the government, was strengthened centralization And expanded the social base of rule. However, his political reform program was immature and pushed forward too quickly, which failed to combine with the establishment of a political bureau of people's livelihood, unity and stability, and finally broke out a serious ruling crisis. [58]

Imperial examinations

In order to select useful talents during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the "Juiming Classics" and so on were hatched Imperial examination system But since the Wei and Jin Dynasties Nine products in the system It continues to be implemented. In the seventh year of Emperor Kai (587), Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty The subject examination system was formally established to replace the nine-product system, and since then, officials have been elected without regard to family. In the early days of the imperial examination system, the state was set up annual tribute, stipulating that each state would send three people to the central government to participate in the examination of the scholar and the Ming classics. In the second year of the Day (606), Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty added the Jinshi section, and the imperial examination system was formally formed. At that time, the scholar tried the strategy, the scholar tried the time policy, and the Ming dynasty tried the classics, forming a complete national system of selecting talents by subject. [59 ]
At the time Ming Jing The most senior, the Jinshi try to rank second. At that time, the system of selecting scholars was only called the scholar section, which was still a long way from the imperial examination of the Tang Dynasty. The scholar section can be described as the beginning of the imperial examination, and it is also an imperfect examination system, which has little effect on the actual selection of scholars, but it has changed the situation that the family monopolizes the official position. The imperial examination system adapted to the generations of ordinary people landlord The requirement of obtaining due status in politics eased the contradiction between them and the court, made them loyal to the central government, was conducive to the selection of talents, enhanced political efficiency, and played a positive role in consolidating the centralization of power. [59 ]


The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) Sometimes the law is loose, sometimes strict, difficult to master, resulting in confusion of punishment. After Sui Emperor Wen ascended the throne, he was ordained in the first year of Emperor Kai (581) high-eyed They made laws by referring to the old laws of the Northern Qi and Northern Zhou dynasties. Kaihuang three years (583), and let Su Wei They revised it and completed the "Kaihuang Law". " Open emperor law Based on the Heqing Law of the Northern Qi Dynasty and the law books of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Southern Liang Dynasty, it simplified the law text and made use of the advantages of the laws of the North and the south. History says, "The net of punishment is brief, but not lost." [60] It is stipulated that the ten evil persons should be punished severely. "Kai Huang Law" is divided into 12 volumes, 500 articles, punishment is divided into: death penalty, exile, imprisonment, rod punishment, flogging punishment five kinds of 20. The abolition of flogging, beheading, splitting and other tortures was the basis of the code in the Tang Dynasty and later generations. [61 ]

Military affairs


Troop formation

In terms of military system, the Sui Dynasty divided the guards, and the system of commanding the army was derived from The Western Wei Dynasty (535-544) The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) When the twelve generals system, set A surname Division military attache, commanding the government soldiers to guard the palace ban; There are also Wuhou government led the government soldiers patrol capital, each set on the doctor. Following the Northern Zhou system in the early Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty The central administrative organ shall be Twelve guards This is the predecessor of sixteen guards. The twelve guards are divided into the left and right guard, the left and right cavalry guard, the left and right military guard, the left and right Tun guard, the left and right guard and the left and right imperial guard. Twelve guards are responsible for garrison guard and battle, garrison guard is divided into internal guard and external guard. In case of war, the emperor ordered the march marshal or march general to be the wartime commander and form the combat organization. Such as Sui annihilated the Chen War Because of the larger war zone, the march marshals were Emperor Yang, Yang Jun and Yang Jun Yang Su It was unified by Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.
Sui Dynasty military uniform restoration picture
In the Third year of Daye (607), Emperor Yang expanded the twelve Wei into a system of Wei Tongfu, which was designed to expand military power, strengthen the central guards, and disperse the power of the generals [111] . Weitung Prefecture has twelve and four prefectures, collectively known as sixteen or sixteen prefectures. The four newly established prefectures were: Left and right Reserve Body prefectures and Left and right Supervision Door prefectures. Twelve guards are responsible for commanding the garrison and guarding the capital; Four houses do not lead the house soldiers, around the body house responsible for guarding the emperor; Left and right prison gate house divided control palace entrance guard. The twelve guards led the foreign armies, belonging to the fierce guard of the left and right Yi guard, the Leopard riding army of the left and right Xiao guard, the Xiong Qu army of the left and right Wu guard, the Yu Lin army of the left and right Tun guard, the Shooting Voice army of the left and right Imperial guard, and the 佽 flying army of the left and right guard. About Yi Wei and lead inside the army. Inside the army refers to about Yiwei's relatives, Xun, Yiwei three guards under the jurisdiction of the five military house and another east palace of the three guards three houses of the army, all by the children of the Da Guan [112] .
Emperor Wen of Sui vs Government military system There have also been reforms. The official rank system of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Wenchen military general are all included in the same rank system. In the tenth year of Emperor Kai (590), an order was issued on the incorporation of general households into civilian households, and in addition to their own military status, soldiers could also be included in the local household registration with their families, and the land grant was exempted according to the land equalization system Rent adjustment And take turns to the capital to guard, or perform other tasks. This order lightened the economic burden of the central court, enabled soldiers to live with their families, and expanded the source of soldiers for the court, which could be called the integration of soldiers and agriculture. [113 ]

Military area

Emperor Wen divided all regions of the country into a number of military areas, and set up a general responsible for the military in the area, peacetime to prepare for border attacks, and wartime orders to go out. Under the chief steward is the chief steward's office, divided into upper, middle and lower three grades. There were also four other governors: the King of Jin Yang Guang The town of statehood Yang Junzhen, king of Qin Yangzhou (in Jiangsu Province) Yang Xiuzhen, king of Shu Yizhou , Wessekom The town of Jingzhou . The Sui Dynasty had a total of more than 30 to 50 general managers, with Chang 'an as the center, divided into four major military regions, east, west, north and south, garrisons in the world to defend against foreign aggression. And the northern border areas as the focus, the key. A total of eight military regions: North and northwest, the main defense The Turkic Khanate ; Seven provinces in the northeast, to defend against the Turkic Khanate and Qidan, an ancient nationality in China ; Eight central and western provinces, Gongwei Gi-fu, guarding the river source; Southeast nine houses, guarding the south of the victory; Have another defense Tuyu-hun The town of Diazhou The Cuan nationality (living in Sichuan Province) Nanning; Later, the two houses of Sui and Lu were added to guard against the Southwest tribes at that time. Later, the Tang Dynasty also inherited this practice, and developed into a "Tao" military area or supervision.




  • Get the order to equalize the land
The Sui Dynasty carried out land equalization system and rectified household registration. The implementation of the "Big line appearance reading law" required officials to check the population regularly and check the hukou according to the appearance, which increased the number of registered households. And implement" Import the sample On the basis of the first, determine the number of accounts, prepare a "book", and collect taxes on this basis.
  • Set up granaries
The Sui Dynasty built many granaries in various places, among which the famous Xingluo granary, Huilocang , Normal granary , Liyangchang Guang Tong warehouse, etc. The stored grain is more than one million stones. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Ma Zhou, the imperial inspector, said to Emperor Taizong: "The Sui family stored Luokou, and Li Mi because of it; The Treasury of the West capital is also used by the state and has not been exhausted to this day." The Sui Dynasty had been destroyed for 20 years, and Emperor Wen had been dead for 33 years, but the grain cloth had not yet been used up at that time. In 1969, a Sui Dynasty granary was unearthed in Luoyang Hanjiacang Site . It covers an area of more than 450,000 square meters, and 259 grain cellars are found inside. One of the grain cellars still had 500,000 kilograms of charred grain. Thus we can see that the Sui Dynasty was rich and powerful. [156]

Handicraft industry

  • Textile industry
Sui Dynasty animal pattern casting bronze mirror
Tens of millions of pieces of cloth were stored in the Sui Dynasty, indicating that the textile industry was quite developed at that time. Hebei and Shandong have always been the center of textile industry. The Northern Qi Dynasty once set up a silk and satin bureau in Dingzhou (Dingxian, Hebei Province). The silk fabrics of Xiangzhou are "exquisitely carved, and the scholars are clothed with luxuriousness and beauty." Xiangzhou governor Lu Tong Gong twill cloth, Sui Emperor Wen saw that it was too delicate, life burned in the court, said not to promote the production of this kind of fine twill. Qingzhou (Shandong Qingzhou) has been known since ancient times as "weaving ice silk silk embroidery pure beautiful things, number for the crown belt clothes and shoes in the world". The weaving industry of Sichuan in Sui Dynasty still maintained the advanced level of the country, Shu County "many people are skillful, and the exquisite embroidery of brocade is almost comparable to the upper country". In the textile aspect of linen, in Yuzhang County, "there are also night gauze and denning into cloth, commonly called chicken cloth." [162 ]
  • Porcelain industry
The Sui Dynasty was Chinese porcelain An important stage in the development of production technology. Its outstanding performance is that a batch of white enamel was unearthed in the tombs of Anyang, Henan Province and Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province. Swamp mantle White porcelain Hard, translucent color, vivid and beautiful shape, this is China's earliest appearance of white porcelain. Sui Dynasty blue glaze porcelain The production is more extensive, in Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Anhui and Jiangnan all over the country celadon Unearthed, and found a number of Sui Dynasty kiln sites, Jiangnan handicraft industry developed area. Sui dynasty porcelain It also led to the development of the economy at that time.
Sui Dynasty celadon firing technology has been further improved, the material selection is more fine, the kneading technology has been improved, so that the porcelain clay is better dissolved, the colloidal material is increased, the matrix is thinner, and the deformation and damage rate in the firing process are reduced. In the tomb of Zhang Sheng in the 14th year of Kaihuang (594) and Burenmu in the third year of Renshou (603) unearthed in Anyang, there are many utensils, terra-cotta figures and Ming ware, which are made of celadon, representing the development level of celadon at that time. White porcelain firing technology also made outstanding progress in the Sui Dynasty. In the long production practice, the craftsmen of Sui Dynasty mastered the method of refining or controlling the composition of iron in the matrix and glaze, so they fired white porcelain with relatively stable color. Four years of Great achievements unearthed in Xi 'an (608) Tomb of Li Jingxun Six years of great cause Ji Wei tomb as well Tomb of Zhang Sheng There are nearly 100 pieces of white enamel porcelain, this batch of white porcelain, hard, crystal color, vivid and beautiful shape. [162 ]
  • Shipbuilding industry
The five Teeth war boat, built under Yang Su's supervision, has five floors on board, more than 100 feet high, and six paddles are set left and right, with a height of 50 feet, which can beat the enemy ship. There are many kinds of boats when Emperor Yang swims Jiangdu, such as dragon boat, flying Chi, floating scenery, ripples color, Zhu bird, Cang Chi, white tiger, etc. Among them, the dragon boat is the most refined, 45 feet high, 50 feet wide, 200 feet long; The ship is divided into four floors, the upper floor has the main hall, the inner hall and the east and west halls, and the middle two floors have 120 rooms. These ships are "decorated with pink, installed with gold, pearl, carved beautiful," it can be seen that the production technology is very high. [162 ]


  • currency
Sui Wuzhu coins
In the northern and southern dynasties, the weight of coins was extremely disordered. Namchen There are five baht, six baht, goose eye and other money, Lingnan states with salt rice cloth trading, are free of money. The Northern Qi Dynasty had Chang Ping Wuzhu Money, the manufacture is very fine, but the city is popular private casting money, the types are complicated. The Northern Zhou Dynasty had Reach all nations forever Five elements big cloth, five baht three kinds of coins, and Qi old money. The Hexi counties also used gold and silver from the Western regions, and the officials did not forbid it. In most places there are private coins, and the legal coins of the court are only one kind of coins. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty took the throne and sought to unify the coins, casting a new kind of Wuzhu money, each city set a sample money, and the money that was not the same was not allowed to enter the market. Sui Wuzhu ". Old money was abolished in previous dynasties. In 585, the new Wuzhu money passed through the country, and the people called it convenient. After the destruction of Chen, five furnaces were set up successively in Yangzhou (Jiangdu, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province), ten furnaces were set up in Ezhou (Jiangxia, Wuhan, Hubei Province), and five furnaces were set up in Yizhou (Chengdu, Sichuan Province), and the money was made according to the specified sample. Emperor Wen's criminal law was strict, and it was not allowed to make money privately, basically maintaining the unity of coins. When Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, private casting money and popular, one thousand money only weighs two jin, later only weighs one jin, and even bentgrass, cut leather, paste paper money mixed with copper money used. Money is cheap, things are expensive, the currency system is in chaos, until the collapse of the country. [176 ]
  • towns
Commercial trade flourished as a result of political unification, the expansion of the national market, and especially the development of agricultural and handicraft production. The East and West Capitals were the largest commercial cities at that time and also important cities for international trade. Xijing Chang 'an There are two cities: east city name, west city name benefit people. Because the capital is located, the city "has five customs, characters are confused, and Huarong is mixed wrong." Many residents "go to farming and business, and strive for daily profits; The end of the game is the end of the game." Luoyang, the eastern capital, has three cities: Fengdu in the east, Datong in the south and Tongyuan in the north. Tongyuan City "twenty ten gate, branch into the city, the city east of the canal." City Saturday, its county state boat, 舳舻 thousands of ". Feng City "eight weeks, through the door twelve, its 120 lines, more than three thousand premises... There are more than four hundred shops in the city's four walls, repeated buildings and extended pavilions, which are mirrored by each other, leading to business trips and rare mountains." Ethnic minorities and foreign merchants have asked to enter the city of Feng to trade, Emperor Yang's permission, so "first ordered the decoration shops... Hu guests or restaurants, the invitation to sit, drunk and full and scattered, do not take its straight, to say: China rich, wine and food cases do not take straight. All the visitors were amazed. Its crafty man quite feel it, see to throw silk wrapped tree, said: China also has the poor, clothes do not cover the shape, why to this thing with it, wrapped tree what? The city too ashamed to answer." This record reflects the hypocrisy and social injustice behind the business boom. [163 ]
In addition, Sichuan Shu County, Jiangnan Xuancheng , Piling , Wugun , inspection , Yuhang , A surname Such county, as well as Nanhai, Yuzhang, Jingzhou, Caizhou, Qizhou, etc. were famous commercial cities at that time. [162 ]
  • Foreign trade
The foreign trade of the Sui Dynasty mainly consisted of the northwest land route and the southeast Sea route, and the northwest land route was especially developed. In order to develop commercial trade in the northwest land, Emperor Yang Pei Jiao Reside at Zhangye "Supervise the trade between merchants, eat their benefits, and persuade people to court." Since then, the Western regions of Tibet, exchange one after another." At that time, there were three northwest land transportation trade routes with Dunhuang as the general starting point: First, the "North Road", in the North Tianshan Road, from Igo the Pu Liuhai , Tiele Ministry, Turkic Khan Court, crossing the north river, to Whisk 菻 (Syria); The second is the "middle road", that is, Tianshan South Road North Road, from Gao Chang , Yanqi , Qiuci (a county in ancient China) , Shule Across the onion Ridge, and then through the Ugal Khan, Sutsusana, A surname , Cao Guo , Which country , size and security, Kingdom of Mu Arrived in Persia; The third is the "South Road", that is, the South Road of Tianshan, from Shanshan, Khotan, Zhu Jubo , Drink tray The more onion ridge, and by protection , Tokhara , Daoan, Fan Yan, State of grain transportation And arrived in North Brahmin (northern India). The northern and middle routes, which reached 菻, Persia and other Western Asian and European countries, were the famous "Silk Roads" in history. The Southeast Sea Route was mainly for trade with the Southeast Asian countries, Japan and the Korean Peninsula. The South China Sea is an important city for maritime trade, where "many rhinoceros, bill, pearls, strange and precious, so the merchants to get rich." It is not only the largest port in and out of the South China Sea countries, but also the main port on the sea road to West Asia and Europe. [163 ]


In 585, Emperor Wen ordered state and county officials to check the household registration, since the relatives below the Cousins must be separated from the household registration, and after the inspection, more than 1,640,000 people were newly attached. high-eyed Playing the law of the loss of nationality, so that the county officials in accordance with the pattern set by the court once a year to check the account, "Sui Shu · food annals" said that from then on local officials could not cheat. In the first inspection in the North, more than 1.64 million new appendages were obtained, and in subsequent inspections, only a small number of new appendages were obtained every year. In 609, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty had another major inspection, which resulted in more than 240,000 Ding and 640,000 Xinfukou. This income, about half of the 585 income, which also obtained from the new attachment of Jiangnan, shows that there are not many hidden accounts. Assuming that the number of new households in the North over the years is about 10 million (about 2 million households), it is still far from the number of households in 606. Unless the number of registered accounts in 606 is out of structure, the number of registered accounts will more than double, and a large part of them should be in the Jiangnan area where the gentry has the greatest power in the Southern Dynasty. If that theory isn't far from the truth, then Nan Chao Chen The number of households in the old area should be more than 3 million, and the number of households should be more than 15 million. This is an unprecedented number of household registration, indicating that after nearly three hundred years of development in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties, the Yangtze River basin has about one third of the manpower of the Yellow River basin, and its economy has risen, becoming an important part of China's feudal economy. [80 ]
All registered households belonging to the imperial court had to pay the school service prescribed by the imperial court. The number of household registration increased, and the normal income of the court also increased. In 592, the historical records described the richness of the Sui Court saying that "the Guan said that the treasuries were full, and could no longer be hidden, so they had to be piled up in the veranda." Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty set up the Left Tibetan Hospital to accommodate the silk, and made the densely populated Hebei and Hedong areas, the field rent this year reduced by one-third, and the adjustment was completely exempted. This rich scene, according to historical records, once seen in the Western Han Dynasty Wen, Jing period, after 700 years, see in the Sui Emperor Wen, the implementation of frugal politics of the emperor, history is indeed very rare. [80 ]
Sui Dynasty account flow table
Bite number
The Northern Qi Dynasty (550-597) First year of Longhua (577)
(1) 3302528
(2), 3032528
(1) 20006886
(2), 20006880
Data No. ① from "Zhou Shu · Volume 6" [62]
Data No. 2 from "General Code · Food 7" [63]
Namchen Taijian Nine years (577)
① 500,000
② 600,000
① Two million
② 2.4 million
Data No. ① from "Northern History · Volume 11" [64]
Data No. ② from Sui Shu · Volume 29 [65]
According to scholars, the actual population was 15 million [66 ]
The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) Two years of Elephant (580 years)
(1) 3599604
(2), 1599604 [67]
Data No. 1 from "General Code · Food 7" [68]
Note: The statistical scope only includes the former areas of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Scholars consider the population not included in the statistics and believe that the actual number is about 12.5 million [69 ] .
The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) After the destruction of Qi in the first year of Dading (581)
Data from the Population Survey of the Northern Dynasty in Sixteen States [70] Scholars Lu Yu and Teng Zezhi believe that the actual population after the extinction of Qi is about 32.5 million [69 ] .
Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Emperor Kai nine years (589) before the destruction of Chen
6.5 million [71]
33579000 [72]
The number of households is from Sui Shu Vol. 42. [73]
The number of people is from Wang Yumin's History of Chinese Population. [74]
In the 9th year of Emperor Kai (589), Emperor Wen destroyed Chen
7.1 million
36678600 [72]
Data from Wang Yumin's A History of Chinese Population [74]
The 18th year of Emperor Wen's Reign (598)
8.7 million
44944200 [72]
Number of households from "Tang Hui · Volume 84" [75]
Emperor Yang of Sui Year 5 (609)
(1) 8907546
(2), 9070404 [76]
(1) 46019956
(2), 46854540 [77]
This is the peak of official statistics [78] Because scholars took into account a large number of people who were not included in the household statistics, such as floating tourists, ministry Qu, slaves and maidservants, guest women, and official households, artisans, musicians, and tenant farmers who were attached to the aristocratic families [74] Therefore, scholars believe that the actual population is slightly higher than the official statistics, and the peak population of the Sui Dynasty should be about 50.32 million [69 ] .
Emperor Gaozu of Tang The Seventh Year of Wude (624)
More than 2 million
More than 15 million
Number of households from "Shifu Yuan Turtle · Volume 486" [79]
Oral number derived from encounter "A General History of Chinese Population" by Tokusayuki [69 ]
Note: Data in this table refer to the" Zhou Shu "," The history of the Northern Dynasties "," The History of Sui Dynasty "," General code "," Tang Hui "And various editions of" Population history of China ".




Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Conciliation of previous claims Confucianism, The Buddha tao Thought, and advocated simple literature, opposed to the beautiful literary thought of the Southern Dynasty. He advocates Confucianism Elevate Confucianism to the indispensable status of governing the country, and encourage learning and ritual [85] . Schools were built all over the country. There were many scholars in the Central Plains, and Confucianism flourished for a time [86] . Southern and Northern Dynasties Confucianism schools are different, said the classics each has a sense of example, to Sui Dynasty, there is no unified classics, so Imperial examination system in Ming Jing Examinations are still difficult. In his later years, Emperor Wen advocated criminal law and openly supported Buddhism and opposed Confucianism.
In 601, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty thought that there were too many schools and not enough schools, so he ordered the abolition of all schools and the preservation of only the capital cosmology The quota is limited to 70 people. Liu Xuan book cut remonstration, Suiwen emperor dont listen. At the same time ordered the construction of more than 5,000 temples and pagodas. Although the schools were restored in the Sui Dynasty, the status of Confucian scholars was still not improved. The most famous Confucian scholars of this time were Liu Zhuo , Liu Xuan Liu was rich in knowledge and admired by Confucian scholars at that time. However, Liu Xuan took the opportunity to buy books by the Sui Emperor Wen, forged more than 100 volumes of books, titled" Lian Shan Yi ", "Lu Shi Ji", etc., defrauding rewards. Liu Zhuo also due to care bundle repair, reputation is not good. In his later years, Emperor Wen's action of helping Buddhism and opposing Confucianism made many Confucian scholars smear the Sui rulers [87 ] .
Wang Tong
Wang Tong Is the late Sui Confucianist and Sui dynasty famous thinker, posthumous title "article son". He argued that those in power should have virtue before punishment in order to win people's hearts [88] ; It is advocated that the three religions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism should live together instead of resisting each other [89] . It also advocates the idea that the things of heaven and earth are not separated from the three talents of heaven and earth [90] . He is the author of "the Twelve Policies of Peace", "Continuation of the Six Classics" and "Zhongzi Zhongshuo". His grandson Wang Bo He was one of the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, and his disciple Wei Zheng He was also a famous minister in the early Tang Dynasty. His doctrine was later on Song Dynasty neo-confucianism The implications are profound.
One of the most prosperous forms of Buddhism at the time Tiantai sect proposition Stopping and contemplation Say, while Zen Buddhism Advocate the insight theory. Meditation, also known as silent illumination and clear stillness, advocates stopping all externalities and delusions, focusing on a specific object, and producing positive wisdom about that object [91] . Epiphany For "clear mind to see the nature" method, that is, advocating enlightenment. Advocates that everything through the correct way of practice, quickly understand the essentials, so as to guide the correct practice and obtain achievements [92] .

Study of Confucian classics

During the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were differences between the northern and southern Confucian classics, which recorded in the Biography of Sui Shu, Confucian Lin: Everyone in the south was reduced to its Yinghua; North learning deep weeds, poor its branches and leaves. Sui Dynasty inherited the northern style of study, well-known scholars have Sui dynasty in the early years Niu Hong And later Liu Zhuo , Liu Xuan At that time, it was called "two Liu", Wang Tong and so on.
Niu Hong wrote "Five Rites", Liu Zhuo wrote "Five classics of the meaning", Liu Xuan has "Five classics of name". Wang Tong had gathered the first son of the son between the river Fen, the world called him "in the son", wrote a "said". The great political line of the descent of the dynasty resulted in ideological unity, so Wang Tong put forward the slogan of "three religions to one", advocated that Confucianism should be the main, taught Taoism and Confucianism, and predicted the development trend of the integration and mutual absorption of the three religions. [160 ]


Since the Sui Dynasty was relatively short, yes Chinese literature Has little effect. Although there is a demand for reform of the floating style of literature, but the subsequent interruption, Ancient writing movement It took until the middle of the Tang Dynasty to develop successfully. There were works devoted to the study of rhythm, as well as fine prose and poetry. in The Northern and Southern Dynasties A surname Literature of southern dynasty With its rhythm and color, Northern dynasty literature It is simple and practical. Because the beautiful literature of the Southern Dynasty conquered the northern Dynasty, the literature of the Sui Dynasty mostly inherited the style of study of Liang Chen, and there was no new breakthrough. [93]
And the Sui Dynasty north and south famous scribes, the total number of actually more than a dozen people [94 ] . Du Zhengzang The book Text style ", helps to learn the Southern Dynasty literature, the number is "Wen track". Even Goguryeo and Baekje also learned Du Shu, which was called "Du Jia New Book". This made the literature of the Southern Dynasty popular in foreign countries and had a great influence. In 584, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty The order calls for plain literature [95] . Li Inger Recommendations can not be based on literature and algae and gorgeous recruitment talent. However, Emperor Yang also advocated the gorgeous Southern Dynasty literature, he was fascinated by the luxury of the Southern Dynasty, "three lucky Jiangdu", "good for Wu language", "expensive", "suitable for singing songs" of the Southern Dynasty literature, just to his taste. Emperor Yang was also a man of letters, the most famous of which was the poem Jiangdu Gong Music ". Every poem, should be the southern Dynasty famous Yu Zizhi It can be seen that he was a powerful advocate of Southern Dynasty literature [94 ] .


In history, before the Sui Dynasty, the history books were either written by the government or by the people themselves. Its thought is relatively free, the quality is also good, but because it is not easy to use the historian's collection of books, usually only records without records, can not be said to be a complete national history. In 593, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty banned people from writing national history and commenting on people. Since then, the history of the state has been changed to official revision, although the official revision of history is not fair, but because of the appointment of professional Shi Chen to write, the information provided by the court is more sufficient, after the Sui and Tang Dynasties became a special cause of the court. [94 ]


The earliest rhyme book available today synthyme U Terrestrial law language Writing finished.
Because of the cultural fusion between North and South, phonology with bibliography The achievement is particularly remarkable. In the early years of the Emperor's reign, Yan Zhitui , Xiao Kai Eight people, such as Chang Sun Neyan and Lu Fayan discussed phonology, and agreed that the four tones differ greatly, and the north and the south use different rhymes. In the past, all the family rhyme books, definite rhyme lack of standards, there are mistakes. Lu Fayan recorded the gist of people's discussions and was written in 601. synthyme "Five volumes. This book unified the written rhyme, reflecting the Chinese phonetics at that time, is the earliest phonetic book in China, the phonetic system is completely preserved in the later" Guangyun "," A collection of rhymes "And other books. [96 ]


In terms of bibliography, the Sui Dynasty is famous for Buddhism's "Catalogue of Sui Classics", Taoism's "Catalogue of Tao Classics", Fei Changfang's "Catalogue". The Three Treasures of the past Dynasties "And Shi Yancong's" Sui Renshou Year Annals ". The Sui Dynasty collected the books of the southern and northern dynasties and compiled the Catalogue of Zhengyu Books of the Sui Dynasty. Wei Zheng in the Tang Dynasty wrote a book based on this. Sui Shu · Classics records ", became the total record of the works before Sui Dynasty, the status of bibliography and Ban Khao 's History of the Han Dynasty , Records of art and literature The same. [84 ]


Marble statue of Amitabha Buddha in Sogo Temple, Hebei Province
Since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have been collectively referred to Three religions Occupy a dominant position in the field of thought. Emperor Wen advocated reconciling religion and Confucianism, and adopted the strategy of attaching equal importance to the three religions [97] , and allow Confucianism , Buddhism with Taoism Govern by complementing each other [98] . Popular in West Asia due to the country's openness Zoroastrianism It is also widely circulated in China.
  • Buddhism
Portraits of Bodhisattvas in Bingling Temple of Sui Dynasty
The dominant Buddhist sects at the time were Tiantai sect , Three treatises and Teaching of the three levels . Tiantai School emphasizes the perfection and integration of "teaching" and "view", and believes that the Dharma realm has no phase and all things are one. Stopping and contemplation Is the main way of practice. Three Treatises on the Study of Religious Causes The twelve Gates "," Hundred treatises Famous for There are many laws in the world and out of the world Harmony between causes and causes Born, is the product of the combination of many factors and conditions [102] .
Buddhism reached its peak in the early Sui Dynasty because of the close relationship between the emperor and Buddhism. Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou destroyed Buddha A surname Wisdom fairy Hidden in Yang's house, he predicted that Emperor Wen of Sui would become emperor in the future and revive Buddhism. Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Convinced that he was blessed by the Buddha, he declared to his ministers, "I will submit to the Dharma." [99] Therefore, he actively advocated Buddhism, and even excluded Confucianism in his later years, and Buddhism once became the state religion of the Sui Dynasty. In the first year of Emperor Kai (581), Emperor Wen of Sui just took the throne, invited reclusive monks to come out of the mountain, called on Buddhas to "act for the country", and allowed the people to become monks. Emperor Wen also changed The Later Zhou Dynasty The policy of suppressing Buddhism was decreed to restore Buddhism throughout the country. People were allowed to become monks, the construction of Buddhist statues was encouraged, and Buddhist scriptures were copied by official organizations and kept in monasteries. During his more than 20 years as emperor, he received 230,000 monks and nuns, established 3,792 temples, wrote 46 collections of sutras, 13,286 volumes, and created 106,560 statues. According to the Annals of the Suishu Scriptures, under the drive of Emperor Wen's Buddha worship policy, "People all over the world competed for admiration from the wind." Folk Buddhist sutras are tens of times more than the six sutras." There are so many Buddhist classics, which is a unique phenomenon in ancient Chinese history. [172] When Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, the court adopted a policy of actively supporting Buddhism. Emperor Yang of Sui Also to Tiantai Zong Wise man The master received ordination and became a Buddhist disciple [100] .
In the Sui Dynasty, more than 5,000 temples and pagodas were built, tens of thousands of Buddha statues were shaped, and tens of thousands of Buddhist sutras were translated, so that Buddhist sutras were circulated hundreds of times more than Confucian sutras. Emperor Wen worshipped Buddha very much, and only the first two times in the states to build a total of 83 Buddhist stupas, of which Daxingshan Temple The most famous [103] . And let meter mouth to pay for the construction of Buddha; Repair the old sutra four hundred. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty repaired the 662 collections of the old classics, more than 29,000 pieces, set up a library and a master of the classics, ordered the repair of the old classics, and wrote a new edition, a total of 90 pieces, 515 volumes [104] .
However, the emperor also kept a tight grip on Buddhism, for example in the southern part of the country Central Plains , Confucianism The influence of the shackles is small, the mind is relatively open and free, so it is easier to accept new ideas and new ideas. [171] The Sui Dynasty gathered the influential scholars of Buddhism in the south of the Yangtze River in order to dominate, and ordered the "Samana salute the king."
  • Taoism
Although Taoism opposed Buddhism in the struggle for status, the ruling class basically adopted a conciliatory attitude toward religious beliefs, and not only Taoism and Buddhism could be reconciled, but also religion and Confucianism. Famous Taoist priest of Southern Dynasty Tao Hongjing Do not agree with Liang Wudi heavy Buddha light way, in the "Maoshan Changsha Pavilion tablet" said "hundreds of methods together, no more three religions", meaning that the three religions are rational, do not have to exclude each other. Zhang Rong, a famous scholar of the Southern Qi Dynasty, asked his family to give him the Classic of Filial Piety and Lao Zi in his left hand and the Small Fahua Classic in his right hand. Tao Hongjing accepted the five precincts of Buddhism, and his will required the body to be dressed in Taoist robes, which were covered with robes. Chariots and horses (Han people's old customs); The Taoist and Taoist monks were doing their work in the gate, the Taoist on the left and the Taoist on the right. The finishing ceremony they requested reflects the harmonization of the three religions. According to this traditional thought, Emperor Wen of Sui said that the three religions should attach equal importance to each other. Emperor Yang lived in the east and west of the two or travel, there are always monks, nuns, Taoist, female officials (female crown, female Taoist) entourage, known as the four Taoist fields. He wants it from the monk Growth drug Let the Taoist Pan Christmas gold Dan, six years not. He reproached Pan Christmas. Pan Christmas said that there must be children and men bile bone marrow each three dendrobium six, can be refined. When he heard this, he was angry and killed Pan. [101 ]




Sui Dynasty painting art also had a high achievement. There are outstanding painters Display Zixian , Dong Boren , Fashi Zheng Wait for 20 people. Zhan Ziqian is known for painting platforms, chariots and horses, and figures. Picture of Spring Outing "Is the oldest known extant famous painting in China and is considered to be the ancestor of landscape painting. [138 ]
Sui Dynasty paintings were still dominated by figures or fairy stories, but Landscape painting Has developed into an independent painting department. Display Zixian with Dong Boren At the same time, people were called to court, and each other's strengths and weaknesses formed a new style. In addition to painting temple murals, they also painted scroll paintings, specializing in figures, chariots and horses, pavilions and landscape Settings. The only surviving work of Zhan Ziqian Picture of Spring Outing "Is to use the outline brush method, with the big green, pay attention to the relationship between the distance and the proportion of mountain and tree characters, can be in close proximity, with thousands of miles of interest. [161 ] This proves that the landscape painting of the Sui Dynasty has completely solved the early childish stage of "people in the mountain, water does not allow flooding", so that the landscape painting has entered a new stage of green and heavy color neat and delicate. It became a representative of the rise of scroll landscape painting. [139] Landscape painting occupies an important position, reflecting the trend of independent development of landscape painting. Yuan Dynasty Soup 垕 In his book "Painting Guide", he pointed out that "Spring Tour" is the ancestor of landscape painting. [161 ]
Zheng Fa Shi, Tian Shengliang , Yang Qidan They were all religious painters of the Sui Dynasty. They once made murals in the small pagoda of Guangming Temple in Chang 'an at the same time, Zheng painted the east wall and north wall, Tian painted the west wall and south wall, and Yang painted the outer four walls, which was called the "three wonders" at that time. Once when Zheng asked to see Yang Qidan's paintings, Yang led Zheng to the court, pointed to the palace, figures, horses and chariots, and said, "This is my painting book." It can be seen that their paintings have a strong ability to reflect real life. Yuchi Bazhina, a painter from Khotan (present-day Hotan, Xinjiang), who was then known as "Big Yuchi" [140] Good painting of Western region characters, there are shadows on the screen, that is, the so-called "concave and convex method". This style of painting began with a painter Zhang Seng You in the Southern Dynasty and exerted a great influence on later paintings. [161 ]


A Spring Excursion by Zhan Ziqian
Sui Dynasty calligraphy skillful integral force, without rules. The style scale of the early Tang Dynasty has been preliminarily formed here. There are famous calligraphers Tindapha , Shi Ling with Chi Yong . Ink stains do Thousand character And write the sutra. Calligraphy in the Sui Dynasty was based on inscriptions. Longzang Temple stele "," Qifa Temple stele ", "Dong Mei Zhi" and other inscriptions show the calligraphy style. There were calligraphers in the late Sui and early Tang dynasties Yu Shinan , and Ouyang Xun , Chu Suiliang , Xue Ji Collectively known as "four people in the early Tang Dynasty".


The music of the Sui Dynasty was influenced by the music of the northern minorities in the early days, and it was the court music. Also mixed with "Hu". After the Sui Dynasty flattened the Chen dynasty, the old music of Song Dynasty and Qi Dynasty was acquired, and the Qing Dynasty Business Department was set up to manage it. During the reign of Emperor Chang, there were nine types of music, namely Qingle, Xiliang, Qiuci, Tianzhu, Kangguo, Shule, Anguk, Goryeo, and Libi. As for instruments such as Quxiang Pipa , The harp stands on the top , Tartar pipe , Talat drum and A kind of drum used in ancient China And so on, are from the northern minorities and the western regions spread over. [141] [160 ] It was already known at the time that scales had Seven tone Rather than Five notes Nothing more [142] .
Sui Dynasty musicians are Niu Hong , Zheng Yi , Manbaochang Let's wait. One of the most famous is Wanbaochang, who was originally from the later Liang Dynasty and returned to the Northern Qi with his father. Later, his father tried to escape back to the South of the Yangtze River and was killed, and he was also used as a musician by the government and lived a slave life. In the Sui Dynasty, he once pointed out the shortcomings of Zheng Yi's music. He also wrote the book Music score Volume 64, "On the method of eight sounds and phases as the palace", is a very important creation. Later, Wanbao often suffered from big bureaucrats Su Wei Ostracism, disease, starvation. When he was dying, he burned his writings out of anger, and only a small part of them were robbed. [160 ]
He Tuo He was also a famous musician in the Sui Dynasty. What's the proper Which country (at present Uzbekistan He is also good at philosophy. In 592, Dr. Yi Guozi was ordered to formulate Zhengle. At that time, the important ministers discussed it widely. Manbaochang I also participated in the discussion, but no results for a while [143] . In the end, he decided to use the Yellow Bell Palace and settled the dispute [144] . He Tuo also served as Emperor Yang's royal car." He Tuoche " [145] . He is the author of books such as "Le Yao" and "Zhouyi Shuo". At that time, Emperor Wen was troubled by Hu Yin and the Southern Dynasty's "voice of subjunation" and convened in order to formulate Zhengle Niu Hong , Xin Yanzhi With He Tuo and others to rectify the music, produce in line with the Sui Dynasty unified the world's national music. Minister of the time Zheng Yi , Su Wei After a long discussion with He Tuo and others, no conclusion was reached [143] . Manbao often expressed his views, but his status was low and his suggestions were not adopted. However, he obtained the consent of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty to modulate Musical Instruments with his "water rule". His music was said at the time to be "the music of the West, the music of the four Kingdoms, not suitable for a sergeant." "Sui Shu · Music Record" also Eighty-four key It is mistaken for Zheng Yi's theory, but in fact it is the research result of Wan Baochang.

Science and technology

The science and technology situation of Sui Dynasty is as follows (the picture on the right is Zhaozhou Bridge) :
Zhaozhou Bridge
Science and technology
Industry field
Palace: Designed and built by Yu Wenkai Observe the wind and walk in the temple It's a moving palace on wheels. [81] [83 ]
Bridge: Designed and built by Li Chun Zhaozhou Bridge It is the oldest large single hole in the world Stone arch bridge More than 700 years before Europe. [83 ] After the Xingtai earthquake in 1966, the Xiao River bridge still stood above the Jiao River. Zhaozhou Bridge is a brilliant example in the history of Chinese bridge construction. [138 ]
Palace Guard: Designed by He Choux Luhe City An automatic alarm device was installed, as well as a steering crossbow that automatically aimed and fired.
Emperor Yang ordered people to follow his close friends Willow bian The appearance of a puppet robot, installed the organ, the puppet can sit can stand will kowtow.
Emperor Yang ordered people in Ziwei City Hall of examining Literature Fourteen luxurious libraries have been built, with doors and Windows that open and close automatically. [82]
Liu Zhuo formulated the" Emperor calendar It was the most advanced in the world calendar . [84 ] The precession of the Imperial Calendar is 1° in 75 years, which is translated into the current degree of 76.1 years, and the difference is 1° every 71.6 years. Liu Zhuo's calculation is close to this accurate value. At the time, Europe was still using data with a difference of 1 in 100 years. [138 ]
astronomer Geng Xun He invented the armillary sphere, which rotated by water power, and observed the sky very accurately. [138 ]
Dan Yuanzi of the Sui Dynasty, according to the Jin people Chen Zhuo The constellations, the steps of each star in the Zhou sky, into a seven-word long song, called "Butian Song", a total of seven volumes, the text is very simple, easy to recite, at that time became the first to learn astronomy must read the song formula, very popular, in the astronomical knowledge publicity and popularization played a certain role. [161 ]
In the Sui Dynasty, there were also Yu Jicai, Yu Zhi, Lu Taiyi, Xiao Ji and Geng Xun. Geng Xun was originally from the Southern Dynasty, after being captured by the Sui general Wang Shiji, became Wang Shiji's house slave. He learned astronomical arithmetic from his friend Gao Zhibao. The armillary sphere, which he built, rotated by water power, observed the sky quite accurately. When Emperor Wen of Sui learned of this, he asked him to serve as an official slave. He "made a quick leak (an instrument for calculating time), and the world called it wonderful." When it was Emperor Yang, it was released for the people. [161 ]
The Sui Dynasty invented the earliest whole in the world Block printing And made all kinds of colored paper.
The quadratic interpolation formula of equal spacing was invented, and then the quadratic interpolation method of unequal spacing was developed.
Medical science
The history books of Sui Dynasty recorded the phenomenon of the earliest diabetic patients with sweet urine, about a thousand years earlier than ThomasWillis who mistakenly found the first urine sweet.
A generation of famous doctors Chao Yuan Fang Write" On the source of all diseases ", summed up Wei and Jin Dynasties Since the medical practice experience, the "etiology and" syndrome "of traditional Chinese medicine were detailed and accurate description, and became the first monograph of etiology and syndrome in China. "On the Source of Diseases", a total of 50 volumes, divided into 67 doors, 1720 items. The book discusses the etiology and symptoms of various diseases, diagnosis and prevention, and is the first comprehensive pathology monograph in China. It can be seen from the book that the Sui Dynasty medical scientists have reached a very high level of understanding of various disease sources. The Sui Dynasty had invented and carried out artificial abortion, intestinal anastomosis, blood vessel ligation and tooth extraction and other surgical operations, which had no precedent in the world medical history. [138 ]



The Han nationality

Since the Sixteen States, the Han people in the Yellow River Basin had suffered discrimination and abuse from non-Han rulers for a long time, and demanded the restoration of the Han regime. The Han were not content with their political status. The ethnic groups that had once gained the right to rule gradually merged into the Han nationality after losing power, and became one with the Han nationality, and their political demands were consistent. The Yuwen clan's establishment of political power mainly relied on the Han nationality, and had no Yuwen tribe as its foundation. After the destruction of the Northern Qi by Emperor Wu of Zhou, the influence of the Han nationality increased greatly. [175]
Emperor Wen's father Yang Zhong, the Huayin Yang family, is the highest family of scholars, Zong soldiers (Yang's private soldiers) up to 3,000 people. These conditions led a group of Kansai intellectuals to conspire to lure Emperor Xuan into the palace to assist him and assume overall power when he was dying. His chief advisers, Li Delin and Jiji Gao, both native scholars from Shandong, sought support from them. In 581, Emperor Wen destroyed the Zhou Dynasty and established the Sui Dynasty. When Emperor Wen of Sui was assisting the government, he abolished the tyranny of Emperor Xuan of Zhou, cut down the "Sanctity of the Book of Punishment" and changed it into "The Holy System of Punishment". The criminal book must be made The usage is more lenient. And made the Han people each copy of the surname, abandoned Woo Wentai Xianbei was given the surname. This is all in line with the wishes of the Han people. Zhou official Wei Chi Yee Wang Qian and Sima were quickly wiped out because Emperor Wen had won the hearts of the people. After he assumed the throne, he first abolished the official system of Northern Zhou and restored the official system of Han and Wei. Yuwen Tai set the official system, imitating "Zhou Li", said that following the Western Zhou Dynasty, actually wanted to use a system completely isolated from the Han and Wei official system, while making officials wear Xianbei clothing, calling Xianbei surname (such as Sui Emperor Wen surnamed Pu Liuru, the word Luoyan), hoping that the Han nationality in the retro form, gradually Xianbei. The restoration of the official system of Han and Wei by Emperor Wen of Sui means the real restoration of the Han regime. [175]

Tujue, a nationality in ancient China

Turkic cavalry costume
Tujue, a nationality in ancient China Sarbalian Khan Because his wife is The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) The daughter princess, thinking that the Northern Zhou revenge as an excuse, united the former Northern Qi Yingzhou Prefectural official Gao Baoning In December, the town of Linyu was captured. And contacted all the departments, ready to attack Sui. In the spring of the second year of Emperor Kai (582), Yang Jian Adjust the deployment and put it in the state Hebei (Province) Dao line Taiwan Shangshu province, to Jin king Yang Guang for Order of a minister ; in Luoyang Set Henan Daoxing Taiwan Shangshu province, to the king of Qin Yang Jun for Shangshu order; in Yizhou Set the southwest road to Taiwan Shangshu province, to the Shu king Yang Xiu for Shangshu order; And the continuous deployment of troops will strengthen the North of the main garrison, to defend Tujue, a nationality in ancient China . In the Yuan Jingshan defeated the Chen general Lulun water army, captured Damage Kou, Zhuanyang, the southern Dynasty Chen was forced to return Hu Shu, after the envoy invited and ordered high-eyed Withdraw troops, make peace with the Chen Dynasty, and prepare to send troops north against the Turks. Yang Jian took advantage of the contradictions between the Turkic Khan and adopted Fengcar Du Wei Chang Sunsheng It is suggested to implement the strategy of "far friendship and near attack, from strong and weak", and successively send envoys to tie up the west The Dadou Khan andeasterly A surname (brother of Zabilius) to divide and weaken Zabilius' power. [105]
In May of the second year of Emperor Kai (582), Sabellius Khan rate of the main part and Ah Bokhan Such as each Khan soldiers 400,000 break into the Great Wall, divided to attack the northern key areas. The Sui forces defeated the invading Turkic forces at Mayi and Keluo 峐, but failed to stop their offensive. In December, the Turkic army penetrated Wuwei , Golden City, Tianshui , Kamigori , Hong Hoa Yan 'an and other places, ransacked livestock, property and so on. After the Battle of Zhouzuo, the Sui army stubbornly resisted the main force of Shabiliu, the Turks The Dadou Khan Won't go any further south. Draw your troops away. Chang Sunsheng Take the opportunity to pass Shabiliu's nephew and tell him: Tiele On the contrary, he tried to attack his dental tent. Fearing a change in his rear, Shabiliu withdrew and returned to the north. [105]
After three years of defensive operations, the Sui Dynasty gained time and basically completed the preparation for counterattack. while Tujue, a nationality in ancient China However, due to Sui's policy of differentiation and alienation, the internal contradictions were deepened, and the famine was serious, and its potential was more and more unfavorable. In the spring of three years, Shabiliu again led the Khan soldiers to the south. In early April, Yang Jian issued an edict to "win the Qing border" and ordered the King of Wei Yang Shuang Such as the march marshal, led the Sui army main force of 200,000 people to counter the Turks, in order to fundamentally break Sabellius Secure the northern border. The Sui Army successively attacked the Bai Dao, Gao Yueyuan, Lingju , and dragon and other places each defeated the Turkic departments, and took the opportunity to persuade Ah Bokhan The Sui Dynasty further contributed to the internal strife of the Turks, and made Shabiliu and Apo fight against each other. In the spring of four years, The Dadou Khan Surrender to Sui. In the autumn, Sabellius Due to the repeated defeats of the Sui army and the constant attacks of the Bo army, he also sued for peace and called himself a vassal. The Sui Army fought back against the Turks and won, and the northern border was basically eliminated, which relieved the worry of going south to destroy Chen. [105]

Qidan, an ancient nationality in China

The first year of Daye (605), because Khitan Invasion camp state. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty ordered to pay his respects Wei Yunqi Supervised the Turkic army to fight against the Khitan. The Turkic Qimin Khan sent 20,000 cavalry Obey Wei Yunqi command against the Khitan. Wei raised twenty thousand Turkic cavalry Divided into 20 battalions, they will march together in four divisions. Each battalion should be one mile apart. Go for the drums, stop for the horns. Wei Yunqi ordered that no horses should be mounted without official dispatch, and on the march, a Tujue gan violated Wei Yunqi's military order and was killed by Wei Yunqi and displayed his head. From then on, the Turkic general visited Wei Yunqi, all knee line stock chestnut, do not dare to look up.
Qidan, an ancient nationality in China It was dependent on the Turks, so there was not much suspicion of the Turkic cavalry. After Wei Yunqi led the army into the territory of the Khitan, the Turkic soldiers falsely claimed that they were going to Liucheng (today's Chaoyang South of Liaoning Province) and Koguryo People do a deal, and strict orders have the courage to leak camp Sui emissary cut. Unguarded by the Khitans, Wei Yunqi led the Turkic army to within 100 li of the Khitan camp and pretended to turn south to deceive the Khitans. In the night he returned with his army and continued to march towards the Khitan camp. Only fifty miles away from the Khitan camp, Wei Yun ordered his troops to settle down. It was just dawn, and the Khitan was still asleep. Wei Yunqi ordered 20,000 cavalry to suddenly attack the Khitan camp. You can imagine the results, the success. "Forty thousand men and women were captured, and half of the women and livestock were given to the Turks. The rest were to enter the court, and all the men were killed." From then on, the Khitan people were obedient to the Sui Dynasty and continued to pay tribute.
Wei Yunqi gave the captured Khitan women and half of the livestock to the Turks, and brought the rest of the "victory goods" back to the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Yang was overjoyed when he heard the news. He summoned all his officials and said happily: "Cloud uses Turjue to level the Khitan. He is a good scholar and a scholar. Wei Yunqi was promoted to Administer books and imperial histories .
Wei Yunqi alone went to the Turks to borrow 20,000 troops and use strategies to defeat the Khitan, can be called brave and resourceful. Such a deed is "unprecedented" in Chinese history. The ancients said: "to the barbarians to destroy the barbarians" above the calculation also. Emperor Yang sent only one man to capture the enemy 40,000 brilliant results. The defeat of the Khitan by the Turks took China's strategic policy of "using Hu to meet Hu" to the extreme.


Goguryeo murals
Goguryeo is located in Northeast Asia. After Sui destroyed the Southern Chen Dynasty, the king of the Plains of Goguryeo prepared for war to defend against the Sui army. Kaihuang 17th year (598) Goguryeo Yingyang King led more than ten thousand people to attack Liaoxi. Emperor Wen of Sui launched an army of 300,000, divided into two ways to attack Goguryeo. However, the road acts sinister, heavy casualties, Emperor Wen had to retreat. Then King Ying Yang sent for peace, and both sides made peace.
Later, Emperor Yang continued to follow the same path as Emperor Wen of Sui, and in the third year of Daye (607), Emperor Yang launched three large-scale wars against Goguryeo in the eighth year of Daye (612), the ninth year of Daye (613), and the Tenth year of Daye (614) because of the alliance between Goguryeo and the Turks. Among them, the first eastern expedition of Goguryeo suffered a disastrous defeat, which wasted huge manpower and material resources, increased the burden of the people, and led to the occurrence of the civil revolt in the late Sui Dynasty.
In the early years of Emperor Kai, Emperor Wen of Sui sent an envoy to Sui and named Yu Chang "Shang Kai Fu, Dai Fang County Duke and King of Baiji". [120] . When Sui destroyed the Southern Chen, there were warships floating into the sea, and Baiji sent back rich supplies and sent emissaries to congratulate the unification of Sui Dynasty. When Emperor Yang attacked Goguryeo, Baekje also mobilized troops in the territory, claiming that he would assist the Sui army, but in fact, he was friendly to Goguryeo and intended to establish a relationship between the two countries. In the 14th year of Emperor Kai (594), the Silla sent an envoy to Sui, Sui named his king Zhenping as "Gao Zu and Zhenping as Shangkai, Gonggong of Le Lang, King of Silla". [121] .
After suppressing Yang Xuan-gan, Emperor Yang launched the third offensive against Goguryeo in the tenth year of Daye, despite the internal and external crises. In February, Emperor Yang issued an imperial decree to resume the war, and 100 roads were advanced. March, Kozhuojun. In July, when they arrived at Huaiyuan Town, most of the troops were unable to arrive on time due to the domestic turmoil. The right Xiaowei general came to protect his son at the city of Bishe (present-day Jinzhou district of Dalian, Liaoning Province), defeated the Goguryeo army, and took advantage of the victory to advance to Pyongyang. When Gaogouli because of the power of the country for years to fight with the Sui Dynasty, has been trapped, unable to fight again, and see the Sui army to break through the line of defense, Gao Yuan big fear, is the envoy to surrender, and will rebel Sui to go to Gaogouli military minister Dendrobium government returned. Emperor Ming accepted Gao Yuan's surrender, and the war was raging in the country, so the fourth team returned to the court in early August.


The Sui Dynasty may have been Ryukyu Ryukyu Islands Or it could be Taiwan Island and Penghu Islands Daye three years (607), Emperor Zeng Lingyu riding Wei Zhu Kuan Go to the sea to visit other customs and reach Ryukyu. They seized a man and gave him back his armor because they could not speak together. The following year, Emperor Yang sent Zhu Kuan to Ryukyu to surrender, but Ryukyu refused. So he sent Ben Lang Chen Ling Call the doctor Zhang Zhenzhou More than ten thousand Dongyang troops attacked the Ryukyu Kingdom across the sea from Yi 'an.
The Sui Army sailed for more than a month before arriving in Ryukyu, and Chen Leng led the army to land smoothly. Chen Leng used to recruit soldiers from the South China Sea countries, and among them were Kunlun people who could understand Ryukyu language, so Chen Leng sent them Enlistment and enlistment . Ryukyu refused to comply and refused to resist the Sui army. Chen Lingming Zhang Zhenzhou To spearhead the Ryukyu attack. Kings of Ryukyu Happy thirst thorns the pocket Send troops and Sui Army resistance, by Zhang Zhen Zhou frequently defeated. Chen Ling rate of the main force into the low sandalwood hole, Ryukyu Wang Huan si old mode rate army to fight, was defeated by Chen Ling and cut Huan si old mode. So the Sui army divided into five armies and attacked all the way to the capital of Ryukyu. The king of Ryukyu, Huanshi Keqiudou, was forced to fight the battle himself and was defeated by the Sui Army. The Sui army then invaded the capital of Ryukyu, and took advantage of their victory to pursue the Liuqiu army gate and attack it. The Sui army killed the king of Ryukyu, Huan Si, captured his son's island hammer, and destroyed the Ryukyu palace. "February B has, Wuben Lang will Chen Ling, toward the doctor Zhang Zhenzhou attack flow to break it. Seven thousand prisoners." [106-107] Chen Ling brought the captives back to the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Yang rejoiced and gave the prisoners of Ryukyu to Baiguan and rewarded Chen Leng Right light Lu doctor Zhang Zhen Zhou Wei Dr. Jin Zui Guang Lu .


In the winter of 608, Emperor Yang appointed Xue Shixiong, a general in the imperial gate, and ordered him to build a city of Yiwu in the Western regions Minister of Official Affairs Pei Shi moment together to economic strategy. Xue Shixiong was a general of the Sui Dynasty. He did not attack any place where the enemy was defeated, and he was deeply loved by the Ming Emperor. Emperor Yang once praised him: "The world male integrity and integrity, with the wind of the ancients." [108]
Xue Shixiong and the Turkic Qimin Khan agreed to a joint attack Igo A surname. Xue Shixiong led the army Yumen Later, Qimin Khan did not arrive due to Gu's absence. General Xue Shixiong did not back down but resolutely decided to cross the vast alone desert Right here in our country, it's winter Northwest China At a time when the weather is bad and the wind is blowing. Xue Shixiong's advance was as swift as heaven. The Yi Wu people did not expect the Sui army to come, so they did not take precautions. When I heard that Xue Shixiong's army had crossed the desert and reached the city. Terrified, the Igor had to ask for surrender. After Xue Shixiong shocked Yiwu, he built a new city named "New Yiwu" in the east of the old Yiwu City in the Han Dynasty, and Pei Shiyao told the Western regions: "The Son of Heaven is hanging away for the Bo people's trade, so (build) the city Yiwu er." [109] Xue Shixiong ordered silver green light Lu doctor Wang Wei to lead more than a thousand soldiers to defend Yiwu Cultivate and garrison the border areas . Then he led the army back to court. Emperor Yang Yue, Xue Shixiong because of merit carry Zhengyi doctor And the gift of two thousand sections.
The Sui Dynasty was established in Iwu Igo-gun and Royuan Town The "New Yi Wu City" built by Xue Shixiong became an important military stronghold on the main road of East-West traffic control in the Sui Dynasty.


Tuyu-hun than Turkish people A little civilized, half-nomadic, half-settled. Its capital is in Qinghai Lake Forty-five miles west of the town of Vooga. It controls the main trunk line of the South Silk Road Hexi Corridor Cheongcheongdo This road is then linked the The world's longest land transport route between Africa and Europe. Tuyuhun people also occupied the former site of the Western Qin Dynasty.
In charge of The western regions Pei Shiqi of Things said in the Map of the Western Regions: "Yi Wu, Gao Chang, Shanshan, the gateway to the Western Regions. The Qin Dunhuang is its throat." Emperor Yang knew the importance of occupying the land of Tuyuhun in order to unblock the Silk Road. In the third year of Daye, the official officials Pei Shiyao brought the Gaochang king Quboya and YiwuTutunshe into the court, and the Ming Emperor personally and actively planned with them to attack the common Western trade competitor Tuyuhun.
Qinghai Silk Road in Tuyuhun period
In 608, Emperor Yang once again used the strategy of "fighting Hu with Hu" and sent Pei Shiyao to persuade the Tieles to attack Tuyuhun, which was defeated by surprise. The Turk Khan promise Flee east. Flee in Xiping In the territory, the emissary appealed to the Sui Dynasty for help. Emperor Ming sent Ander Wangxiong to lead the army to water the river, and Duke Xu led the army Concessional narration Led the army out of Xiping "should fall". Yuwenshu army arrived with great vigour Linchaung Tugu Hun Khan Fu Yun face Sui army scared to surrender, led the remnants of the west to flee, Yuwenshu command An eagle and a soldier Liang Yuanli, Zhang Jun, Cui Shi and other troops pursued, successively captured Mantou and Chishui two cities, killed more than 3,000 ranks, captured 200 men and women below the prince of Tuyuhun, and took 4,000 men and women back to the army.
Daye five years (609), the Ming emperor led six armies personally to Tuyuhun, ordered silver green light Lu doctor Liu Quan led the army out of Yiwu Road, and Tuyuhun army met, Tuyuhun people were beaten and fled. The Sui army pursued to Qinghai, captured more than a thousand people, and took advantage of the victory to capture Fukui City, the capital of Tuyuhun. Emperor Ming ordered Liu Quan to continue to lead the army to attack the two important cities of Tuyuhun, Mantou and Chishui, and to break Tuyuhun in Chishui and defeat the main force of Tuyuhun's army. Fu Yun led the people to cover Yuan Chuan. Ming Emperor divided life of the inner history Yuan Shou south tun Jinshan, the Ministry of war Shangshu Duan Wenzhen Beitun snow mountain, too servant Qing Yang Yichen East Tun Pipa Gorge, General Zhang Shou west tun mud ridge, surrounded by it. Tugu Hun Khan Fuyun only led dozens of riding hidden in the mud ridge and fled, Tugu Hun Xiantou King led more than 100,000 men and women to surrender, of which more than 60,000 were killed.
Emperor Yang's personal expedition was thoroughly conquered and occupied Tuyu-hun . It completely opened the Silk Road and unimpeded the communication between China and the West. Shocked the Western regions of the countries, since then the Western regions of the countries to pay tribute to China. [110] Sui praised: "Unexpectedly broke the Tuyuhun, extended the land for thousands of miles, and sent troops to garrison there. Billions of dollars a year, A surname Fear and awe, tributes continue."



All nations come to court

The Sui Dynasty appeared All nations come to court The situation. After Yang Guang ascended the throne, the foreign policy pursued was: "All the Tibetans, generous gifts; If you dishonor your orders, attack them with your troops." [114] Under the operation of his grace and application, the four Yi submit and the eight directions come. [115-116] In the period of Daye, in order to promote national prestige and open to the outside world, Emperor Yang kept close contact with the Western regions, Central Asia, the Southeast Asian countries, the Korean Peninsula, Japan and other places, and strengthened the economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. [138 ]
Year 2 (606) Tujue, a nationality in ancient China The People Khan Dye dry After coming to Luoyang, Tokyo to congratulate, "every year the first month, all countries to the court, stay until the 15th, in End door What's more, Jianguomen Inside, eight miles." [6 ] 44 in the Western Regions emirate In China, "more than thirty countries came from the same rate." [117] north Tujue, a nationality in ancient China Khitan, Goryeo to the east, Paekje , Silla , Japan southerly Linyi (now Vietnam ) Chenla (now Cambodia Other regimes also sent envoys to Luoyang to make pilgrimages. momentary Tokyo Luoyang envoys, Hu merchants gathered, shop shops, become the center of the world, "barbarians sigh, that China is immortal." [118] Emperor Yang was also quite pleased with this. [119] But beneath the pomp and pageantry, there is a massive waste of the people's fat and ointment and a sharp increase in the people's burden.

Scope of communication

  • The Western Regions, Central Asia
The communication between the Sui and the Western regions and Central Asia was quite developed, which was further developed than the "Silk Road" of the Western Han Dynasty. Taking Dunhuang as the general starting point, there are three roads leading to the western regions of Central Asia: one is the North road, that is, the North Tianshan Road. From Yiwu (present-day Hami, Xinjiang) through the Turkic Khan Ting (present-day Balkhash Lake south), across the North Flow River (present-day Sier River in Central Asia) to the Ph菻 country (present-day Syria). One is the middle road, that is, Tianshan South Road North Road. From Gaochang (present-day Turpan, Xinjiang) through Yanqi, Qiuci (present-day Kuqa), Shule, through the green Mountains (Pamir), from Central Asia to Persia (present-day Iran). One is the South Road, that is, the south road of Tin Shan South Road. From Shanshan to Khotan (present-day Hotan) through the Onion Mountains to North Brahmin (present-day northern India). When Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, he was sent to Persia. Later, Deep Wei Jie and Du Xingman went on missions to Central Asian countries. At that time, Xicheng businessmen to Zhangye trading. Emperor Yang made Pei Moment go to Wuwei and Zhangye set up a stagehouse. To the merchants and messengers of the West Side. In the great cause, more than 30 countries in Central Asia and West Asia sent tributes. It can be seen that the Sui Dynasty was strong and far-reaching. Sui Dynasty special Western region lieutenant, special reception for them. [159 ]
  • Southeast Asia
During the Sui Dynasty, relations with the Southeast Asian states also developed. At that time, the Sui Dynasty took the South China Sea (today's Guangzhou) as its main port of entry and exit, and developed maritime trade with Southeast Asian countries. Merchants from Southeast Asian countries flocked to the South China Sea. Sui and Linyi (now Vietnam) had a lot of exchanges, and the two sides had a war during the years of Renshou, but for most of the time they were friendly, and Linyi emissaries came to Sui to pay tribute to the endless Daye for three years (607) Chang Jun , Wang Junzheng He was sent to Chitu (present-day Thailand) and received a very grand reception by the Chitu State. This is the earliest recorded contact between China and Terra cotta. Since then, Terra cotta More than ten countries, including Zhenla (present-day Cambodia) and Borneo (Borneo), sent envoys to Sui successively and were warmly received by the Sui Dynasty. [159 ]
Linyi Located in today's south central Vietnam, and many rare treasures, Daye first year Emperor Yang appointed Liu Fang March for Pot State Road header To Shangshu right cheng Li Gang A surname In charge of the deforestation, before this Liu Fang had been pacified coxtoe .
In January of the first year of Daye (605), Liu Fang led the main force of the boat division to Haikou (Lin Yi into the sea). Wang Fanzhi of Linyi sent troops to fight against the danger, and was defeated and scattered by the Sui army. In March, Liu Fang led his army to the Jalijiang River, and the Linyi people erected fences along the southern bank to prevent Sui's army from crossing the river. Liu Fang ordered the soldiers to carry the banner, and the male attacked the gold drum. Sui Army Banners and flags The sound of drums shook the sky, and the powerful forces and military power completely frightened the Linyi people and fled. Liu Fang then commanded his army to cross the Jairy River. When they had reached thirty li, the people of Linyi, riding elephants, gathered from all directions. Trying to fight a decisive battle with the Sui Army and shock the Sui Army. Liu Fangbusy ordered the soldiers to shoot the elephants with strong crossbows, the elephants were shot and wounded and fled, and the Linyi army was trampled by the injured elephants. Liu Fang took advantage of the situation to command the elite troops to launch an attack, and the Linyi army was scattered. The Sui army launched a fierce attack on all fronts and won a complete victory, only capturing tens of thousands of captives. The battle was magnificent and magnificent, and the Sui Army showed its heroism without fear.
Liu Fang led the army to pursue the south, winning many battles and being invincible. So Chi district millet, degree six, before and after every thief, every battle will be captured. Sui army into the great edge of the river, Linyi people according to the risk for the grid, was destroyed. And chased past the horse to the south of the copper column. Then the Sui army pursued southward for another eight days and finally reached the capital of the Linyi people. In the summer, in April, the king of Linyi, Fanzhi, was forced to abandon the city and flee to the sea. Liu Fang led the Sui army into the capital of Linyi and captured 18 main tablets of the temple made of gold by the Linyi people. "Won its temple owner gold, dirty its palace, carved stone record and return." Liu Fang ordered stone carving to record the achievements of the expedition after the Ban division also dynasty.
The Sui Army went too far south and fought for months, from winter to summer. In the hot summer on the way back to court, the Sui soldiers did not adapt to the hot and humid climate in the south, plus the long journey, many soldiers contracted diseases and died four or five out of ten. General Liu Fang also contracted the disease and unfortunately died on the way back to the army. Yang Guang learned the news after the sad regret, under the praise of General Liu Fang. Zhao said: "Fang Su Chengmiao, go to heaven to beg, drink ice turbulence, see danger if Yi." Attack front direct, surprise, whale salamander to 殪, nest salty, service no longer labor, clear overseas. To the king, sincere achievements are commendable, can be presented to the state of Shangzhu, the Duke of Lu."
  • East Asia
In the early Sui Dynasty, The Three Kingdoms of the Korean Peninsula Korea , Paekje and Silla They were vassal states, they paid tribute and received titles. Japan also had infrequent exchange of tributes, but in its dealings with the Sui Dynasty, it often did not want to be regarded as a vassal state, but tried to maintain a status of equivalence. [122]
I. North Korea
In Sui Dynasty, the Korean Peninsula was divided into three kingdoms: Goryeo, Silla and Baekje. In the early years of Emperor Kai, Gao Tang, king of Goryeo, sent people to Sui every year, and the relationship was friendly, and Emperor Wen of Sui granted Gao Tang the title of Grand general and King of Goryeo. After Sui Pingchen, the relationship between the two sides was estranged. There was a war between Sui and Gaoli in the late Emperor Kai and Daye years. However, the Sui Dynasty maintained peaceful and friendly relations with Silla and Baekje. At the beginning of Emperor Kai, Yu Chang, King of Baiji, sent envoys to Sui to pay tribute, and Emperor Wen granted Yu Chang the title of Shang Kai Fu, Dai Fang Jun Gong, and King of Baiji. Envoys were often sent to Sui during the Great period. During the reign of Emperor Kai, King Jin Zhenping of Silla sent an envoy to Sui Tribute, and Emperor Wen of Sui granted Jin Zhenping the title of Shangkai, Duke of Le Lang, and King of Silla. Every year during the Great cause, he sent tributes. [159 ]
Second, Japan
Relations between the Sui Dynasty and Japan also developed. Emperor Kai twenty years (600 years) King of Japan Dollies is more lonely than loners The envoy came to Sui. In the third year of the Great Cause (607) Dolisby now sent messengers Sister Ono They came to Sui to pay tribute, and dozens of people came to learn Buddhism. The following year, Changdi sent Wenlinlang Bae Shiqing He was sent to Japan and received great hospitality. Later, Japan sent exhibitors to follow Bae Shiqing Reverting Yin tributes. Such friendly exchanges have enhanced the friendship between the two countries. Into economic and cultural exchanges. [159 ]
  • Europe
The Sui Dynasty also engaged in commercial exchanges with many European countries. After the opening of the Silk Road, it greatly stimulated the exchanges between the Central Plains and the Western regions. The commodities from the Central Plains were also exported to Europe. [123]

Imperial lineage

Sui Dynasty emperor lineage
Temple title
Posthumous title
Time in place
Year number and time of use
The first founder of a dynasty [150]
Emperor Wuyuan [150]
great-great-grandfather [149]
Emperor Wen [149]
Kaihuang County 581-600.
Renshou County 601-604.
Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of Sui
A surname [148]
Ming Emperor [148]
Emperor Min [147]
Emperor Yang [151]
Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty
Sejong [148]
孝成皇帝 [148]
Emperor Gong [152]
617-618 (177 days)
Nghia Ninh 617-618.
Yang Hao [153]
Daye 618 (not changed)
Emperor Gong [154]
618-619 (336 days)
Huangtai 618-619.