
[shū fǎ]
The art form of word expression
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Calligraphy is both Chinese and deeply appreciated Chinese culture Influenced by the surrounding countries and regions, a unique form of artistic expression of the beauty of words. include Chinese calligraphy , Mongolian calligraphy , Arabic calligraphy and English calligraphy Let's wait. Its "... Chinese calligraphy "Is a traditional art unique to Chinese characters.
In a broad sense, calligraphy refers to Literal symbol The rules of writing. In other words, calligraphy refers to the character and its meaning according to its writing style Style of writing , structure and Technique of composition Write, make it beautiful Works of art . Chinese calligraphy for The Han nationality The original art of expression, known as: wordless poetry, invisible dance; Pictures without pictures, music without sound, etc.
In December 2018, General Office of the Ministry of Education About publication Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences For calligraphy Chinese excellent traditional culture heritage base [1] . On April 29, 2021, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China decided to be established after research Chinese Calligraphy Education Steering Committee, Ministry of Education [4] .
Chinese name
Foreign name
sh then f then C
of , Transferred to , our , line , The grass
Representative figure
Wang Xizhi , Yan Zhenqing , Ouyang Xun Etc.


  1. 1Word concept
  2. Basic interpretation
  3. Citation interpretation
  4. 2Basic meaning
  5. Narrow sense
  6. Broad sense
  7. origin
  8. Evolution history
  9. Shang to the end of Qin
  10. The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.)
  11. Three Kingdoms period
  12. The Jin Dynasty
  13. The Southern and Northern Dynasties
  14. Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties
  15. From Song to Ming
  16. Yuan Dynasty calligraphy art
  17. Calligraphy art of Ming Dynasty
  18. qing
  19. Modern times
  20. 3Five types of writing
  21. Seal character
  22. Official script
  1. Regular script
  2. Running hand
  3. Cursive hand
  4. 4Modern writing style
  5. 5Carrier class
  6. Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones
  7. Inscriptions on ancient Chinese characters
  8. Stone inscription
  9. Rubbing sheet
  10. Bamboo slips and silk
  11. 6aesthetic
  12. Beauty of overall form
  13. Stippling structure is beautiful
  14. The combination of ink and beauty
  15. 7Famous people of all dynasties
  16. Li Si
  17. Zhong Yao
  18. Zhang Zhi
  19. Mrs. Wei
  20. Wang Xizhi
  21. Wang Xianzhi
  22. Ouyang Xun
  1. Yu Shinan
  2. Chu Suiliang
  3. Xue Ji
  4. Yan Zhenqing
  5. Liu Gongquan
  6. Zhang Xu
  7. Huai Su
  8. Su Shi
  9. Huang Tingjian
  10. Mi Fu
  11. CAI Xiang
  12. Zhao Ji
  13. Zhao Mengfu
  14. Xin Yushu
  15. Dong Qichang
  16. Liu Yong
  17. Wu Changshuo
  18. Lin Sanzhi
  19. Start work
  20. Zhao Puchu
  21. Li Zhimin
  22. 8Masterpieces of the past dynasties
  23. 9The Four treasures of the study
  1. Writing brush
  2. ink
  3. paper
  4. inkstone
  5. 10Learning method
  6. depict
  7. Temporary writing
  8. Back face
  9. create
  10. Writing posture
  11. Sitting posture
  12. Establishment of a document
  13. Kneel
  14. Rice grid
  15. Double hook
  16. 11Other related
  17. 12Educational reform
  18. 13Inheritance and protection

Word concept


Basic interpretation

The art of calligraphy, mostly referring to the art of writing with a pen, can be divided into two types: hard and soft. It is an art form of literal expression. Chinese painting With calligraphy as the edge, and contains the interest of literature. - CAI Yuanpei The Picture

Citation interpretation

1. Ancient Times historiographer Study history, deal with materials, comment on historical events, people appraise Each has its own principles and styles, called "calligraphy". " The Biography of Zuo · Xuanxong Two years ":" Dong Hu, the ancient good history, calligraphy is not hidden." Tang Dynasty Liu Zhiji " Stone · Confused Classics: "I know at that time Shi Chen each with a straight pen, Si will die if there is a crime, calligraphy without giving up." The song dynasty Seceb Volume 4 of the Mizai Notes:" Analects of Confucius The strictness of calligraphy, namely" Spring and Autumn "Calligraphy also." Ming Liu Ji "Spring and Autumn Ming Classics Zheng Vasu Zheng Bo Vasu" : "The Gai is the same as Zheng Vasu and Zheng Bo Vasu's calligraphy. "
2. The art of writing. Also refers to calligraphy works. "Book of Southern Qi ·周颙 Biography" : "Little from the foreign riding General Zang quality family Wei Heng scattered official script method, learn very work." The song dynasty Money 愐 " Qian's private records "Yuan Zhang calligraphy, today can be described as the first." " The outer history of Confucian scholars Twenty-eighth verse: "No poet has ever been so good." And the calligraphy is excellent, there is no third one in the world."
3. Refers to the shape of Chinese characters. qing Ye Mingfeng "Qiaoxi Miscella · One two three four words" : "To such as the Qin and Han stele, the only two three calligraphy is different."
4. Wording. Lv Shuxiang "Punctuation Issues" :" A well-read book Calligraphy, the word "night" for the sentence, will have to bear. The above does not say what day, the word 'night' is read down, the word 'night' is broken, meaning 'to that night'; The word "night" means "at night."

Basic meaning

Understood from the surface meaning, calligraphy refers to write Of the law. In daily life, the word calligraphy also has the following meanings: first, the name of a written work or all written works; Second, an art category, generally refers to the art of writing Chinese characters. Kang Youwei in" The two boats are the same "The structure of Tang language, the interest of Song Dynasty," it can be seen that Tang Dynasty calligraphy is the pursuit of the highest, the most rigorous, Tang Dynasty calligraphy achievements are also the most in the history of calligraphy acme Yes.
Calligraphy is a kind unique to China Traditional art . Chinese characters were created by the working people. They started with pictures to remember things. After thousands of years of development, they evolved into today's characters, which were invented and used by their ancestors Writing brush Writing, then produced calligraphy, all through the ages, are to write Chinese characters with brush, as for other forms of writing, such as hard brush, finger book, etc., their writing rules compared with the brush, not very different, but basically similar.

Narrow sense

Narrow sense Calligraphy refers to the method and rule of writing Chinese characters with a brush. Including writing, stroke, stippling, structure, layout (distribution, line order, chapter) and other content. For example, writing refers to solid palm deficiency, five fingers together; Pen center shop Millie; Point painting meaning to pen with, run the same; The structure is shaped by the word, echoing each other; The distribution is intricate, the density is appropriate, the virtual reality is produced, and the whole chapter guanqi; The ancient model of reading today, the word big money small, rather high not low.
The connotation of calligraphy mainly includes the following aspects:
1. Calligraphy refers to The Four treasures of the study The art of expressing emotion as a tool. The particularity of tools is an important aspect of the particularity of calligraphy art. With the four treasures of the Wenfang as a tool, the performance of the tool is fully reflected, and it is an important part of the calligraphy technique. Without the four treasures of the study, the art of calligraphy would be impossible to talk about.
2. The art of calligraphy is based on Chinese characters. The particularity of Chinese characters is another important aspect of the particularity of calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy can not be separated from Chinese characters, the form of Chinese characters dot painting, the collocation of side are more concerned by the writer. Different from other pinyin characters, Chinese characters are a combination of form, sound and meaning, and form means a lot.
The ancients called" The six Categories of Chinese characters ", means pictograph , Self-explanatory notes , understanding , Form and voice , Mutually explanatory , Make use of Six methods of Chinese character making and using, which are of great guiding significance to the analysis of Chinese character shape and structure.
3. The background of calligraphy art is traditional Chinese culture. Calligraphy is rooted in the soil of Chinese traditional culture, which is the background for the survival and development of calligraphy. The theory of calligraphy since the Han Dynasty, which we can see today, has its own systematism, integrity and orderliness. Like other theories of literature and art, the theory of calligraphy includes not only the technique theory of calligraphy itself, but also its aesthetic theory, and in these theories, the wisdom of ancient Chinese literati shines. For example, theories about how to express the categories of "God, qi, bone, flesh and blood" in calligraphy, theories about techniques such as brushwork, character writing and composition, as well as theories of creation and comments on quality, all have their own systems.
4. Calligraphy art ontology includes Style of writing , spelling, construction, Technique of composition , Method of using ink and water , Style of writing And so on. The brushwork of calligraphy is the core content of its technique. Pen method is also known as "pen", which refers to the method of moving the pen with the front. Character method, also known as "knot", "structure", refers to the collocation, interpenetration, echo, avoid and so on. Zhangfa, also known as "cloth white", refers to the overall layout of a word, including the treatment of inter-word relations and inter-line relations. Ink method is the method of using ink, which refers to the treatment of thick, light, dry, dry and wet ink.

Broad sense

In a broad sense, calligraphy refers to language symbols Writing rule . In other words, calligraphy refers to the characteristics of characters and their meaning, with its writing style, structure and Technique of composition Write, make it a beautiful work of art.
With the development of cultural undertakings, calligraphy is not only limited to the use of brush and writing Chinese characters, its connotation has been greatly increased. In terms of the use of tools, the pen alone is varied, Writing brush , Hard pen , Computerized instrument , spray gun cautery, carving knife, Engraving machine Daily tools (mainly refers to hard, can be used to write hardware, life tools) and so on. And the paint wasn't just black ink, Chinese ink , Binding agent , Chemical agent , Spray paint Glaze colour Such as colorful, all strange; There are too many varieties to list. From the perspective of writing methods, some write with their hands, some write with their feet, and there are many people who write with other organs, and even some people do not use a pen at all, such as" Guide book "" Missed book ", etc.; In terms of written languages, there is no one kind of Chinese characters, and some ethnic minority characters have also entered the calligraphy world. Mongolian Is one example;


Sino Calligraphy art Beginning in the production stage of Chinese characters, "sound can not be transmitted in different places, stay in different times, so that the character is born." The writer, therefore, is the meaning and the trace of sound." (The phrase" A case study of Shulin Algae As a result, writing was produced. The first works of calligraphy art are not words, but some symbols hieroglyphics Or picture text.
hanzi Characterization symbol It first appeared on pottery. The original characterization symbol only represented a general concept of chaos, with no exact meaning.
Eight thousand years ago, the Yellow River basin appeared Cishan Mountain , Peiligang culture On the hand-made ceramics unearthed in Peiligang, there are more characters. This symbol is a chaotic combination of the communicative function, recording function and pattern decoration function of the ancestors. Although these are not Chinese characters that people can recognize, they are indeed Chinese characters rudiment .
Followed by the Yangshao culture about six thousand years ago Banpo site There are some simple depictions that resemble writing Painted pottery . These symbols have been distinguished from decorative patterns, and the development of Chinese characters has been further promoted. This can be said to be the origin of Chinese writing.
Be followed by Erlitou culture and Erligang culture . In the archaeological excavations of Erlitou culture, there are 24 kinds of pottery tablets with marks, some of which are similar Oracle bone inscriptions from Yin Ruins Words, are individual words. Erligang culture has been found to have a writing system. Three bones have been found here, two with one word each, one with ten words, as if carved for practice. This is a great step forward for civilization.
The origin of primitive writing is an instinct for imitation, for the image of a specific thing. It is simple and chaotic, but it already has a certain aesthetic interest. This simple writing can therefore be called prehistoric calligraphy.

Evolution history

The evolution of calligraphy generally refers to the evolution of calligraphy fonts. Generally speaking, the period of Wei and Jin Dynasties is not only the end of the style of writing, but also the period of the accumulation of calligraphy techniques.
Chinese calligraphy has a long history, the calligraphy style has changed, and the calligraphy art is different and fascinating. from Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones , Inscriptions on ancient Chinese characters Evolve into Big seal style , Small seal style , Official script To the Eastern Han, Wei and Jin dynasties Cursive hand , Regular script , Running hand Calligraphy has always exuded a unique artistic charm.
From hieroglyphs to oracle bones, Shang and Zhou Dynasties , the Spring and Autumn and Han Dynasty calligraphy, Tang Kai Of the law, The Song people still want Yuan Ming Shang state, Qing Dynasty An inscription on a tablet Debate and other calligraphy evolution.

Shang to the end of Qin

Calligraphy in order
From Xia, Shang and Zhou, through Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period To the Qin and Han dynasties, the historical development of more than two thousand years also led to the development of calligraphy art. Various during this period Calligraphy style Successive occurrences, yes Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones , Inscriptions on ancient Chinese characters , Stone inscription , Bamboo slips and silk Zhu ink handwriting, etc., which Seal character , Official script , Cursive hand , Running hand , Regular script Five typefaces were selected through hundreds of miscellanies, Calligraphy art An orderly development began.
Create the first calligraphy
Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period There are great differences in the writing of countries, which is a major obstacle to the development of economy and culture. First Emperor of Qin After unifying the country, Prime Minister Li Si Presiding over the unification of the national script, this in Chinese cultural history It was a great achievement. After the unification of Qin Dynasty, the writing is called Qin Seal style, also called Small seal style On the basis of Jin Wen and stone drum text is simplified. Among them, "Yi Shan Stone Carving" and" Taishan stone carving "" Stone carving of Langya "" Kuaiji stone carving "Is the book of Li Si, which has been highly praised throughout the ages. The Qin Dynasty was a period of succession and innovation. Shuowen Jiezi Sequence says:" Book of Qin There are eight bodies, one day Big seal style Two said Xiaozhuan, three said engraving The four said Worm book , five said A surname Six days, seven days, eight days Official script " Basically summarizes the face of the font at this time. By Li Siqin's small seal style, seal method is harsh, writing is inconvenient, so official script appeared. "Official script, seal style also". Its purpose is to facilitate writing. In the Western Han Dynasty, official script completed the transformation from seal script to official script, and the knot changed from vertical to horizontal and line Wave stroke More obvious. The appearance of official script is a great progress of Chinese writing and a revolution in the history of calligraphy, which not only makes Chinese characters tend to be a model, but also breaks through the single center stroke in brushwork, laying the foundation for various genres of writing in the future. In addition to the above calligraphy masterpieces, the Qin Dynasty also had imperial version, power quantity, tile The characters, such as currency, vary in style. The calligraphy of Qin Dynasty has left a brilliant page in the history of Chinese calligraphy.

The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.)

Seeking the degree and chasing the rhyme of Han calligraphy
Calligraphy in the Han Dynasty is divided into two forms of expression, one is mainstream Systematic Han stone carving; One is a subcurrent system tile seal Buna Bamboo slips and silk A letter signed by an alliance inkblot . "Since the later Han Dynasty, stele The clouds rose, "yes Han Li Signs of maturity. in Cliff stone carving (words carved on the cliff) especially" Stone Gate Song "And so on are the most famous, calligraphers as" divine products." In the meantime CAI Yong 's Xi Flat stone warp "Reached the restoration of the ancient scribe, the capital rule requirements. The inscription is the most important art form that reflects the degree and rhyme of The Times. Fenglong Mountain "" Nishixia Song "" Conzhou "" Ethyl 锳 "" Shi Chen "" tensioning "" Cao Quan The tablets are especially praised by later generations. It can be said that each tablet has a strange, not with the same. The north book is magnificent and the south book is simple and ancient, which reflects the different aesthetic pursuit of the "scholar" and "ordinary" class. As for the sealing of tiles and the alliance of slips and silks, they reflect the marriage of artistry and practicality.
The flourishing period of calligraphy art began from the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, a special Calligraphy theory Works, the earliest calligraphy theory is proposed by the East and West Han Yangxiong . The first monograph on calligraphy theory was written in the Eastern Han Dynasty Cui Yuan 's Cursive style ".
Han Dynasty Calligraphers can be divided into two categories: one is Han clerical writer , represented by CAI Yong. One kind is... Cursive writer , in order to Dudu , Cui Yuan Zhang Zhi Be represented.
What best represents the characteristics of Han Dynasty calligraphy is inscription and Bamboo slips On the calligraphy. The inscriptions of the Eastern Han Dynasty stand in great numbers, and the inscriptions of this period are inscribed by the Han Li, the font is square, the law is careful, and the waves are clear. At this time, official script had reached its peak.
The Han Dynasty Chuangxing Cursive hand The birth of cursive is of great significance in the history of calligraphy. It marks the beginning of calligraphy as an art that can express emotions and express the personality of calligraphers in a high degree of freedom. The earliest stages of cursive writing are Grass scribe In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the grass Li further developed and formed A surname It was later founded by Zhang Zhi Modern grass That is, cursive writing.

Three Kingdoms period

During The Three Kingdoms period, official script began to evolve from its peak position in the Han Dynasty Regular script Regular script has become another subject of calligraphy art. Regular script also known as Regular script , Authentic book , due to Zhong Yao Created. It was during The Three Kingdoms period that regular script entered the history of stone carving. The Three Kingdoms (Wei) period Recommend the season straight table "" Declaration form "And so on have become the treasures of the mighty hundred generations.

The Jin Dynasty

Jin Dynasty, in the life of the advocate of "generous", "items" in the pursuit of art in the light of the beauty, calligraphy, we come out in large numbers Two wangs ( Wang Xizhi , Wang Xianzhi Yanfang sparse artistic taste catered to Literati and officialdom People are increasingly recognizing that the written word has an aesthetic value. Best represent Wei and Jin Dynasties Spirit. The most influential calligrapher in the history of calligraphy is Wang Xizhi, known as" calligrapher ". Wang Xizhi's running book Preface to the Orchid Pavilion "Is known as the" world's first line of book, "the critics say that the style of the floating clouds, As striking as a dragon His son Wang Xianzhi's book Goddess of the Luo River "Word law end strength, created" Broken body "And" brushwork A great contribution to the history of calligraphy. moreover Land aircraft , 瓘, Suo Jing , Royal advisor , Xie An , luminance Such as calligraphy family set off, southern calligraphy is quite prosperous. The Southern Song Dynasty Yang Xin , Qi Zhi Wang Shengqian Liang Zhi Xiao Ziyun Chen Zhi Chi Yong They all follow in their footsteps.
When the two Jin Dynasties calligraphy was at its peak, it was mainly displayed on the line, which was a typeface between cursive and regular script. His representative work" Sanhi ", i.e.," boyuantie "" When it snows soon, it clears up "" Mid-Autumn Festival card ".

The Southern and Northern Dynasties

The Northern and Southern Dynasties The calligraphy of the period entered the era of North tablet and south thread. calligraphic Stele of Wei Dynasty Most winning. Wei tablet is the general name of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties stone inscription calligraphy, which is the transition period of the development of official script of Han Dynasty to regular script of Tang Dynasty. Advance to The Rebellion of the Eight Kings After the royal family infighting, the power gradually declined. In the north, with the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty. Formed" The Five Hu sixteen States "Times of chaos. After the Tuoba family ended the sixteen kingdoms and established the Northern Wei Dynasty, which contributed to the relative unification of 149 years, this is the Northern Dynasty.
The Northern Dynasties Calligraphy is mainly inscriptions, especially in the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and the style is also rich and colorful. His representative works include Zheng Wengong Stele, Zhang Molong Stele and Jingrangjun Stele. At this time, calligraphy was the transition period from official script of Han Dynasty to regular script of Tang Dynasty. Kang Youwei said: "Every Wei tablet, with a family, are fully grown." When all the families are united, there is beauty." Zhong Zhishai "Xuexuan book" said: "Wei tablet calligraphy, on the Han and Qin old style, under the Sui and Tang can observe the wind." Several regular script masters in the early Tang Dynasty, such as Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang, etc., were taken from the Wei stele.
The Jin Dynasty moved east until its demise, from AD 317 to AD 420, was The Southern Dynasties . Calligraphy in the Southern Dynasty also inherited the ethos of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was very popular among the emperors, scholars and ordinary people. The calligraphers of the northern and Southern Dynasties are like the stars, and the unknown calligraphers are the mainstream. They inherited the fine tradition of the previous generation of calligraphy, created excellent works worthy of the predecessors, and also created the necessary conditions for the formation of the Tang Dynasty calligraphy flowers and stars competing for glory.

Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties

Seek long law Sui Dynasty calligraphy
The Sui Dynasty ended the chaotic situation of the southern and northern Dynasties, unified China, and the later Tang Dynasty were relatively stable periods, the development of the south and North tablets to Sui and mixed with the flow, the formal completion of the form of regular script, the status of the book history. Sui Kai inherited the Southern and Northern dynasties. Under the Tang Dynasty opened a new bureau of norms, Sui tablet Bequeathing, mostly authentic books, divided into four styles:
1, Heishasa Jun Kazuu Tindapha 's Qifa Temple stele Etc.
2. Strict order as in the Book Epitaph of Dong Mei Etc.
3, deep round strength like" Buddhist monk Taming Etc.
4, Xiu Lang fine like" Longzang Temple stele ", etc.
Calligraphy flourished in the Tang Dynasty
Tang culture Extensive and profound Brilliant, reached the highest peak of Chinese feudal culture, can be described as "the book to the early Tang Dynasty and the peak." The ink of Tang Dynasty has been passed down more than the previous generations, and a large number of tablets have left valuable calligraphy works. whole Calligraphy of Tang dynasty It inherits and innovates the previous generation. Regular script , Running hand , Cursive hand The Tang Dynasty has stepped into a new situation, the characteristics of The Times are very prominent, and the impact on the future generations is far more than any previous era.
In the early Tang Dynasty, the national strength was strong, and calligraphy began Six dynasties The cicadas shed the lost law. Regular script for everyone Ouyang Xun Yu Shinan Chu Suiliang , Xue Ji , Ouyang Tong For the mainstream of calligraphy. The total characteristics of the structure is rigorous and neat, so the descendants of the book has the "Tang heavy frame" said, and was respected as the "crown of calligraphy and ink" extended to the flourishing Tang song and dance, the combination of Confucianism and Taoism, Li Yong changed the right military law, unique, Zhang Xu, Huai Su Pushing the cursive form to the extreme in a drunken state, Zhang Xu said" Sage of the grass ", Sun Guoting Cursive is known for elegance, Yu Ru Greeting stamp , Li Longji Also strive to create the truth rate Yi Kuang, the new realm of Fengli. while Yan Zhenqing A cashier in the new old law in the new, the new law outside the old. Dong Qichang Tang people book to take the law, Lu Gong prepared. By the late Tang and Five Dynasties, the country's power declined, Shen Chuanshi . Liu Gongquan Change it back to capital letters. Show off your skinniness. It further enriched the method of Tang Kai, and in the Five Dynasties, Young's type Harvest the long face of willow. The last two Kings, Flank front Take the state, shop hao effort, then in the time of leaving the chaos alone with Chengping, but also for the Tang book back to the light. At the time of the five Dynasties, the wind of crazy Zen was blazing, which also affected the book world," Crazy zen calligraphy Although it did not show scale in five generations, it was right Calligraphy of Song dynasty The impact is not small.
Tang Dynasty calligraphy art, can be divided Early Tang Dynasty The Middle and late Tang dynasties. The early Tang Dynasty mainly inherited, respected the law, and deliberately pursued the beauty of Jin Dynasty calligraphy. The Middle Tang Dynasty continued to innovate and prospered. There was also progress in the late Tang Dynasty.
The Tang Dynasty has six highest institutions of learning, namely The Imperial College , The Imperial College (in feudal China) , Four disciplines , Study of temperament , Calligraphy study , mathematics . Among them, the study of books, the special cultivation of calligraphers and calligraphic theorists, is a pioneering work of the Tang Dynasty. A great number of famous people came out in successive dynasties, shining like stars. Such as Ouyang Xun in the early Tang Dynasty, Yu Shinan , Chu Suiliang Etc.; Middle Tang Yan Zhenqing , Liu Gongquan Wait, it's all calligraphy. The late Tang Dynasty had Wang Wenbing The seal characters, Li E Regular script and Yang Ning style" Two Kings Yan willow "Lingering rhyme.
Sui and Tang dynasties Calligraphy of the five dynasties It can be divided into three stages
(1) From Sui to early Tang
The Sui unified China and integrated the culture and art of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, with the prosperity of politics, the art of calligraphy gradually emerged from the legacy of the six Dynasties and emerged with a new attitude. In the early Tang Dynasty, regular script was the mainstream, which was characterized by strict and orderly structure.
(2) The stage of flourishing Tang and Middle Tang
The Tang Dynasty calligraphy, like the social form at that time, pursued a romantic way of forgetting. As" Atrophin (Zhang Xu, Huai Su Of) A surname , Li Yong Book of travel. In the middle Tang Dynasty, regular script once again made a new breakthrough. Represented by Yan Zhenqing Regular script Set the standard, set the example, and form the orthodoxy. So far, Chinese calligraphy style has been fully determined.
(3) The late Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties remain Tang traditions
907 AD, the secession Zhu Quanzhong Destroy Tang, establish Rear beam Thus calendar The Later Tang Dynasty , The Later Jin Dynasty Later Han Dynasty, The Later Zhou Dynasty Called five generations. Due to the weakening of the national power and the rebellion, culture and art are also in a downward trend. Although the art of calligraphy continued at the end of the Tang Dynasty, it formed a general trend of decline and decline due to the influence of war and war. On the occasion of the five Dynasties, calligraphy is commendable, when push Young's type . His calligraphy can be described as the mainstay in the five generations when the style of writing was declining. In addition to Li Yu , Yanxiu Wait for an accomplished calligrapher. At this point, the style of the book of the Tang Dynasty has been put to rest, and later the "four families" in the Northern Song Dynasty followed, and set off a new era of waves.

From Song to Ming

I still want to express my affection
Calligraphy of the Song Dynasty
Song Dynasty calligraphy is still meaning, this is Zhu Da The meaning of advocating neo-Confucianism contains four points: one philosophical, two bookish, three stylized, four artistic expression, and advocacy Calligraphy creation Personalization and originality. These are reflected in calligraphy, if the Sui, Tang and five dynasties, is the embodiment of "work", then in the Song Dynasty, calligraphy began to appear in front of the world with a new face of lyrical meaning. This is to lead up the calligraphers in addition to having "natural", "time" two levels, but also need to have "knowledge" that is, "bookishness", the Northern Song Dynasty four families to change the Tang Kai face, directly Jin tie running book legacy.
Whether extremely talented CAI Xiang And the original Su Dongpo Still have a high regard for the ancients Huang Tingjian It was a dangerous break with Xiao Mi Fu All of them try to show their own calligraphy style at the same time, highlighting a new and unusual attitude, so that the atmosphere of learning is lush and flourishing writing Between and give people a new aesthetic conception, which in the Southern Song Dynasty Wu Shuo , Lu You , Fan Chengda , Zhu Xi , Wen Tianxiang When the scholars were further extended, the knowledge and writing skills of the Southern Song writers could not be matched Four in the Northern Song Dynasty Compared. The representative calligraphers of Song Dynasty are Su, Huang, Mi and CAI.

Yuan Dynasty calligraphy art

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the economic and cultural development was not large, and the general situation of calligraphy was to advocate retro, and the patriarchal method of Jin and Tang were less innovative. Although the Yuan Dynasty was ruled by a foreign nationality in politics, it was assimilated by Han culture in culture. Unlike the Song Dynasty's pursuit of artistic conception, the Yuan Dynasty's meaning was expressed as the pursuit of open beauty deliberately seeking work Su Shi It says, "I can't make this book." Zhao Meng ð It is not easy to use the pen through the ages. The former pursues the intention of being spontaneous, while the latter emphasizes the intention of being intentional. The core figures of the Yuan Dynasty were Zhao Mengfu He created the regular script" Style of Zhao "With Tang Kai Zhi Ouzhou style , Yan style , Liu style Called four-style, it became the main writing style of future generations. Also famous in the Yuan Dynasty book circle Xin Yushu , Deng Wenyuan Although his achievements are not as good as Zhao Mengd «–¯, he also has his own unique calligraphy style They advocate the same method of painting and calligraphy, pay attention to lettering The body shape.

Calligraphy art of Ming Dynasty

The development of calligraphy in Ming Dynasty showed three stages:
The first stage -- the early Ming Dynasty
Calligraphy in the early Ming Dynasty "one character is all the same"," Cabinet style "Prevailing. sojourn Learn Can brothers push the tide will be stable Regular script in small characters Push it to the extreme. "Where the gold version of the jade book, use the court, hide the secret house, give the vassal country, must order the book", Two kinds of sinking Calligraphy was promoted as the rule of imperial examinations. The calligraphers of the early Ming Dynasty had Liu Ji who was good at cursive script, Gong Xiaokai of Song Liao, and Jing Shu Li Song Sui And the world famous master of calligraphy Zucker . and Zhu Yunming , Wen Huiming , Wang Pet "The third son".
The second stage -- Ming Zhong
Ming middle period Wuzhong District With the rise of the four families, calligraphy began to develop in the direction of the state. Zhu Yunming, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin Wang pet four sons according to Zhao Meng𠫖¯ and up Jin Tang, take the law The style is also unique, which is related to the development and liberation of ideas at that time, and calligraphy began to advocate a new domain of individuation.
The third stage ─ the end of Ming Dynasty
In the late Ming Dynasty, a critical trend of thought arose in the calligraphy circle. The pursuit of large scale, the visual effect of shock, the side taking the power, the horizontal painting and the vertical painting, full of smoke, made the original order of calligraphy begin to collapse; These representative calligraphers have Zhang Ruitu , Ecliptic cycle , Wang Duo , Ni Yuanlu Let's wait. And she learns the temple army Dong Qichang Still sticking to the traditional position.


In the nearly 300 years of development history, Chinese calligraphy in the Qing Dynasty has undergone a difficult transformation. It broke through the barrier of calligraphy since the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, and created the stele, especially the achievements in seal script, official script and stele calligraphy of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which can be compared with regular script of the Tang Dynasty, running script of the Song Dynasty and cursive script of the Ming Dynasty, forming a strong and profound writing style. In particular, the calligraphers of epigraphy, with the spirit of opening the present and the individuality of calligraphy, made the world of calligraphy very active, with various schools and a flourishing situation.
At the end of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, the main trend of aesthetics took lyric theory as the banner, the pursuit of individuality and the development of rationality were combined, the orthodox classical aesthetics and the new aesthetics of seeking differences were flourishing. The general tendency of calligraphy in Qing Dynasty is to preserve quality and divide into Study of calligraphy with Stele study Two periods of development.
The writing circles of the late Ming Dynasty were unrestrained and unrestrained. Cynicism was further extended in the early Qing Dynasty, such as Fu Shan [5] The works of others still show their inner life and an irresistible emotional expression. This is in the medium term." The Eight Strange men of Yangzhou "The body again. At the same time, the late Ming Dynasty also further developed, Jiang Ying, photograph , Liu Yong , Wang Wenzhi , Liang Tongshu, Weng quadrangle When people deliberately respect the tradition, they try to show a new look, which makes the decline of the study inevitably appear.
At this time, the stone unearthed more days, scholars from keen Official correspondence Turned to engage in the study of touchstone research, a time inside and outside the court, the study of stela was rushed to, and finally became the Qing Dynasty's literary circle of democracy, plus Nguyen Yuan , Bao Shichen . Kang Youwei It is widely publicized that epigraphy exists as a system of book study that competes with the book study. Famous calligraphers of the time such as Kinnon , Zhang Chuanshan , Deng Shilu , He Shaoji , Zhao Zhiqian , Wu Changshuo , Zhang Yuzhao Kang Youwei and so on have written and painted with stele meaning, to achieve the full nature of reason. A dazzling place. It can be said that Chinese calligraphy culture The one in the landscape. If the desire of theologians to find quality was not realized, then this desire was realized in tablet science.

Modern times

With the diversification of the book world today, the art of calligraphy has sublimated to the high level of conceptual change, which is undoubtedly a big step forward. The modernity of calligraphy does not simply depend on the form, structure, line and other external features of calligraphy art, but on the modernization of the inner spirit. The modern spirit of calligraphy refers to the value trend of modern society embodied and transmitted by contemporary calligraphy art.
In modern and contemporary books, the stele school still occupies the mainstream position. However, unlike the stele school of the late Qing Dynasty, there were many calligraphers who took the stele of the Fa Han Dynasty and the ancient seal characters in this period.
Many calligraphy masters such as Lin Sanzhi , Samoon Sea , Lu Weizhao Et al had been engaged in calligraphy before 1949, but it was not until Cultural revolution They became famous for their calligraphy in their late 80s. At that time, people were building a new China with great enthusiasm. Calligraphy is considered a representation of old traditions.
The colorful art of modern calligraphy is directly related to the unprecedented complexity of the team of calligraphers. Perhaps because of its proximity, the landscape is clearer than ever before.

Five types of writing


Seal character

Seal character It is the general name of big Seal and small Seal. Oracle bone inscriptions, with a history of 3,000 years, are the earliest recognizable characters handed down to the world and are mainly used for divination. The brushwork is thin and straight, with more straight lines. There are square pens, round pens, and pointed pens, and there are more "hanging needles" in the hand pen. Big Seal characters refer to the Jinwen, 籀文 and the six kingdoms characters, which preserve the obvious characteristics of ancient hieroglyphics. Small seal style, also known as "Qin Seal style", is the general script of the state of Qin. It is a simplified font of big Seal style, which is characterized by a uniform shape and easier to write than 籀文.

Official script

Official script Han Li, also known as Han Li, is a common solemn font in Chinese characters, the writing effect is slightly wide and flat, the horizontal painting is long and the straight painting is short, in a rectangular shape, paying attention to "silkworm head and wild tail", "twists and turns". Official script originated in the Qin Dynasty and was organized by Cheng Miao. It reached its peak in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had a great influence on later generations of calligraphy. The calligraphy circle is called "Han Li Tang Kai". For example, Han and Lu Prime Minister Han 勑 building the Temple ritual Stele, also known as Han Ming Fu Confucius Temple Stele, Han and Lu Prime Minister Han 勑 Fu Yan Shi Fa Stele, Han 勑 Stele, etc. Han Yongshou two years (156 years) engraved, official script. 227.2 cm in length, 102.4 cm in width. Tibetan Confucius Temple in Qufu, Shandong province. No amount. Engraved on all sides, all are official script. The tablet Yang sixteen lines, thirty-six characters, after the text Han 勑 and other nine people inscribed. Both sides of the tablet are inscribed.

Regular script

Regular script It is also called regular script, authentic script, and regular script. From the official script founded by Cheng Miao gradually evolved, more simplified, horizontal and vertical. The regular script has the meaning of a model, which has been discussed in Zhang Huai 瓘. People in the Six dynasties are still used to it, such as Yang Xin's "Picking" text, Wang Shengqian's "On the Book · Wei Shan Biography" in the cloud: "Christmas word Zhong will, Beijing Zhao people, good regular script." That's short for "octave letters." To the Northern Song Dynasty to replace the name of the book, its content is obviously different from the ancient name, and the name of the same and different examples, probably have the above.

Running hand

Running script was developed on the basis of official script, a kind of font between regular script and cursive script, which was produced in order to make up for the slow writing speed of regular script and the difficulty in recognizing cursive script. "Line" is the meaning of "walking", so it is not as sloppy as cursive script, nor as regular script. In essence, it is the regular script of the grass or cursive script of the regular script. Those with more regular letters than regular letters are called "Xingkai", and those with more regular letters are called "Xingcao".

Cursive hand

Cursive hand It is a typeface of Chinese characters, characterized by a concise structure and continuous strokes. Formed in the Han Dynasty, it evolved on the basis of official script for simple writing. There are Zhangcao, modern grass, wild grass points, in the frenzy feel beautiful. "Shuowen Jiezi" said: "Han Xing has cursive script." Cursive script began in the early Han Dynasty, and its characteristics are: the outline of the word, the rules of the loss of lili, the vertical Ren ran away, to hurry, because of the meaning of the creation, called cursive script.

Modern writing style

Swallow body Yan Shu, also known as Yan Shu, Yan Shu style, is a new style of Chinese calligraphy, is the sixth style after running script, cursive script, official script, seal script, regular script, is a contemporary calligrapher Ma Yongan On February 13, 2010, Ma Yongan won the copyright of the sixth Chinese calligraphy style Yan style [6] .
Yan body into the pen to reveal the front, draw the pen out of the front, the center pen, the lower right to take the potential, take the momentum, stretch and smooth, Yan body calligraphy on the five kinds of writing structure and dot painting, so that the transfer pen have reference, but its solid foundation and premise is the calligraphy font. In line with the mainstream aesthetic orientation, more eye-catching, Yanshu font handling, pause less no fold pen, the use of seal script cursive brush, with the trend of the brush, smooth and natural, no artificial, opened up a new aesthetic space of calligraphy art.
The stippling of Yan style calligraphy is rich in changes. Compared with traditional calligraphy, it is the innovation of calligraphy style. Yan calligraphy, into the pen plate pen, thin as a filament, the pen outside. Close the pen if light if heavy, light if a hair, heavy if a cloud, ten thousand milli hair, close the pen does not close the front, overwhelming, dripping, a thousand miles, give people a sense of pleasure. Yan body is rich in changes, the word is god, suddenly see Yan language under the eaves, and see Yan flying blue sky. Swallow form, swallow state, swallow emotion, showing the essence of swallow. The heart to understand the true meaning, the beauty of Yan into the art of the book, everywhere can see its beauty, the beauty in the smart, the beauty in the graceful, the beauty in the flow of the potential, the beauty in nature. So it is named Yan body, also known as Yan book body .

Carrier class


Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones

Ancient Chinese characters is the name of a type of writing, which is also the oldest existing Chinese writing system. Engrave in Oracle bone On, the first used for divination (Yin Dynasty with tortoise shell, animal bone divination. After the divination, the period of the divination, the name of the diviner, and the events of the divination were inscribed with a knife omen Next to, some also engraved on the fulfillment of good and bad luck after a few days. Scholars called this record as a fortune-telling), which is a divination of the outcome of future events, flourishing in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. The oracle bone inscriptions, which were discovered in 1889, are records of divination by the royal family in the late Yin and Shang dynasties. They were found in Xiaotun Village, Anyang, Henan Province, more than 3,000 years ago. Oracle bone inscriptions are the first treasure in the history of Chinese calligraphy, and their strokes have changed in thickness, weight and speed. The strokes are light and quick, the strokes are thick and heavy, and the strokes are quick and quick, with a certain sense of rhythm. The round corner of the stroke has all corners, the square is sharp, and the round is soft. Its lines are more harmonious and smooth than those of pottery, which sets the tone and tone for the unique line art of Chinese calligraphy rhythm . Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones union Rectangular, laying the font of Chinese characters. Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones The formation of the body with the abnormity, let nature. Its chapters vary in size, square and many different, long flat with the shape, scattered colorful and harmonious unity. The writing principles of Chinese characters, such as zigzagging, interweaving and evading, bowing in response, and covering the earth, have been broadly established on oracle bone inscriptions.

Inscriptions on ancient Chinese characters

One kind of ancient Chinese calligraphy style. A surname The Western Zhou Dynasty (206 B.C.) The Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period Inscription A general term for fonts. Flourished in the Zhou Dynasty. Jin Wen is another monument in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Attached to the bronze ware, the casting of the tripod was intended to "make the people know the divine evil", so it was a religious sacrifice Sacrificial vessel . Gold text is also known as Inscriptions on ancient Chinese characters , organ text, Ancient gold text . The lines of the inscriptions cast together with the bronze vessels are more robust and powerful than the oracle bones, and the hieroglyphic meaning of the words is also more intense, and the earliest gold inscriptions are seen Shang Dynasty On the bronzes unearthed in the middle period, although the data is not much, the age is more than Yin Ruins Oracle early. The Zhou Dynasty was written in gold Golden age The most inscriptions unearthed.

Stone inscription

Inscriptions, generally refers to carved stone characters or patterns. The earliest inscription, the first Qin Dynasty "stone drum text".
Yi Mountain stone carving
Stone inscription originated in Zhou Dynasty and flourished in Qin Dynasty. The state of Qin in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty burring Text. In ten granite The quality of the drum stone, each engraved A poem with four characters to a line One song, the content of the Qin king hunting situation, it is also called Hunting stone tablet . The earliest stone inscription is said to be from the Xia Dynasty. hill-tablet ", engraved poetry style and" The Book of Songs Big and small are close. typeface Shuowen Jiezi Contained in... 籀文 His calligraphy has always been highly valued. His main works are: Shi Gulwen "" Yi Mountain stone carving "" Taishan stone carving "" Stone carving of Langya "" Kuaiji stone carving ", etc.
Shi Gulwen Has a very significant impact on the later generations of calligraphy and painting art, many outstanding calligraphers and painters such as: Yang Yisun , Wu Dacheng , Wu Changshuo , Zhu Xuanxian , Wang Fuan They have studied stone drum art for a long time, and took it as an important nutrient of their calligraphy art, and also integrated it into their painting art.
Epitaphs are stone engravings placed in tombs containing biographies of the deceased. It is to condense the size of the deceased's life, whether it is family management, virtue, learning, skills, political achievements, achievements, etc., into a personal historical file to make up for the shortcomings of family history, local Chronicles and even national history. It is also the confirmation of the tombstone. Epitaphs include two parts: aspiration and inscription.

Rubbing sheet

[Inscription Extension] This is the largest number of rubbings, involving the name tablets of the past dynasties, and is the main reference for today's calligraphy copying. Calligraphy sheets are for people who learn calligraphy copy Most of the samples are stone rubbings, woodcut prints or photocopies of famous ink prints. According to whether the calligraphy is authentic, it can be divided into An inscription on a tablet and inkblot . An inscription is an inscription that has been drawn down according to the writing engraved on the stone. Ink marks are the ink marks directly written by the writer on paper, silk and other media. Famous posts of all ages, Chunhua Pavilion post , Sanhitang .

Bamboo slips and silk

Calligraphy is the most authentic art, but Qin and Han Dynasties The previous calligraphy Authentic work , usually only in Bamboo slips and silk It can only be seen in the book. ancient brochure Mainly in bamboo, with simple rope Beef tendon , Silk thread Hemp rope. Archeological findings of the earlier ink and silk, there are: Hubei Cloud dream Unearthed Qin Jian, Houma, Shanxi unearthed Warring States League (League, that is: written in the stone ce Or Yu Ce on the text), Changsha Mawangdui epigaeous Silk manuscripts of the warring States period . Chinese calligraphy from the oracle bone script, Jin wen, to the Spring and Autumn period, due to the separation of the vassal, so the writing since the Yin and Shang Dynasty, in the vassal countries divided into different development paths, this period, the form and skills of calligraphy also presented a situation of a hundred schools of thought contended. Like Jin in the north." Tadpole prose ", Wu, Yue, Chu, CAI and other countries." Bird book ", the strokes more twists and turns and drag longtail . The golden texts of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period no longer resemble the thick form of the golden texts of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Instead, they are slender and slender, showing a rounded and beautiful appearance. Attack the master of Wu ". A large number of ink remains in this period, for Jane, silk, alliance letters and so on.



Beauty of overall form

The basic form of Chinese characters is square, but through the expansion of stippling, axis twisting, can also form a variety of different moving forms, so as to combine into beautiful calligraphy works. The combination form is mainly affected by two factors, one is the need of expression of calligraphy interest; The second is the form factor of calligraphy expression. As far as the latter is concerned, it is mainly reflected in three aspects: one is the influence of the writing style, such as the seal body to take vertical rectangle; The second is the influence of the shape, some words are flat square, and some words are rectangular; The third is the influence of Zhangfa. Therefore, only under the control of the above two types of factors, active form creation, can create a beautiful combination form.

Stippling structure is beautiful

There are two main ways to construct the structural beauty of stipple painting. One is that various stipple paintings are directly combined into a variety of beautiful characters and radicals according to a certain combination way. The second is to combine various radicals into various glyphs in a certain way. The combination of radicals of Chinese characters is nothing more than left and right, left and right, up and down, upper and middle, encircle, half encircle and so on. These principles mainly include the principle of proportion, the principle of balance, the principle of rhythm, the principle of rhythm, the principle of simplicity, and so on. Here in particular is the principle of proportionality, in which Golden ratio Another very important proportion, very important for the beauty of stippling structure.

The combination of ink and beauty

The artistry of the combination of ink mainly refers to the order of the combination. As an art of calligraphy, its various colors can no longer be chaotic, but should be very orderly. There are also some common aesthetic principles to which the writer is required to adhere. Such as the principle of emphasis, the principle of gradual change, the principle of balance, and so on. The combination of ink color in calligraphy is mainly involved in two aspects: one is the segmentation and combination of background color. People often say that "calculating white when black", is the content of this aspect. The second is the ink combination of stippling structure. From the overall effect of the work, we should not only pay attention to the plane structure of the dot painting ink color, but also pay attention to the layering effect of the dot painting ink color, so as to enhance the depth of expression of calligraphy.

Famous people of all dynasties


Li Si

The famous calligrapher Li Si presided over the sorting out of the small seal style. " An endless mountain stone carving "" Taishan stone carving "" Stone carving of Langya "" Kuaiji stone carving That is Li Si All the books have been highly appraised throughout the ages.

Zhong Yao

yao Zhong (151-230 years), styled Yuan Chang. Yingchuan Nagasue (now Changge East, Xuchang, Henan) people. Three Kingdoms period Cao Wei was a famous calligrapher and politician. Zhong You was quite accomplished in calligraphy Regular script ( Regular script in small characters The founder was respected by later generations as the "originator of regular script". Zhong Yao had a profound influence on later generations of calligraphy, Wang Xizhi Calligraphers of later generations all devoted themselves to studying Zhong Yao's calligraphy. With the Eastern Jin calligrapher Wang Xizhi and called" Bell Lord ". Yu Shoulwu of the Southern Dynasty listed Zhong You's calligraphy as "above the top quality". Book truncation In the book, he praised his calligraphy as a "divine product".

Zhang Zhi

Zhang Zhi (AD? -- 192) The character Boying, the great calligrapher of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was called "the Sage of grass". Dunhuang County Yuanquan County (now east of Anxi County, Gansu Province). Zhang Zhi's cursive script originated from Du Du, Cui Yuan, Er Hou, independent. Yu shoulder Wu "book" rated as "Kung fu first, natural second". With Zhong You, Wang Xizhi and listed as "on top" products.

Mrs. Wei

Wei Shuo, another name Mrs. Wei The name was Shuo, the character MAO Yi (AD 272-349), Hedong Anyi Present Shanxi Xia County He was a famous calligrapher in the Jin Dynasty. weissong She is the wife of Li Moment, known as Lady Wei. The Wei family works for generations, Wei Shuofu Li Moment is also good official script. Mrs. Wei took it from her Zhong Yao And pass on the law. Wang Xizhi She learned from him when she was young, and Mrs. Wei is" calligrapher "The first teacher.

Wang Xizhi

Wang Xizhi (303-361 Eastern Jin Dynasty) known as" calligrapher ". Eastern Jin calligrapher, word less, no tan Zhai, origin langya Linyi (now Shandong Province), later moved The shade of a mountain (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province), famous calligraphy works are" Orchid pavilion collection sequence ", etc. In his later years, he lived in seclusion in Jinting, Shanxi County, and served as secretary Lang, General Ningyuan and Governor of Jiangzhou. After that, he was the internal historian of Kuaiji and led the generals on the right, known as "Wang Youjun" and "Wang Kuaiji". son Wang Xianzhi Calligraphy is also good, the world collectively known as "two Kings" . Therefore," Book notation The summary is: "In Han and Wei, there were bells and Zhangs, and in the end of Jin. Two wangs The beauty of ". The four were known as the "four sages" of ancient calligraphers.

Wang Xianzhi

Wang Xianzhi Zi Jing, Eastern Jin Langya Linyi people, calligraphers, poets, to Running hand and Cursive hand Famous for later generations. When Wang Xianzhi was young, he learned calligraphy from his father Xi Zhi and also learned Zhang Zhi. Calligraphy is all fine, especially famous for the practice of herbs, dare to innovate, not for his father, for the Wei and Jin Dynasties since this Kai, this grass has made outstanding contributions, in the history of calligraphy is known as the "little saint", and his father Wang Xizhi And called" Two wangs ".

Ouyang Xun

Ouyang Xun (557-641 years), character Xinben, Tan Zhou Linxiang (today's Changsha, Hunan). Ouyang Xun regular script is known as the first regular script in the Tang Dynasty because of its preciseness and precipitous brushwork.

Yu Shinan

Yu Shinan , the word Bosch, Yuyao The man. Tang Dynasty politician, calligrapher, litterateur. Emperor Yang of Sui In the Tang Dynasty, he served as secretary and supervisor. Hongwenkan Bachelor, etc. Emperor Taizong of Tang He was called the five perfections of virtue, honesty, erudition, prose, and writing (" A man from the South of the world, with a talent born in the world, has all the five Perfections. ") On the one hand, you are loyal, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand." ).

Chu Suiliang

Chu Suiliang (596-658), character Dengshan, Tang Dynasty statesman, calligrapher, Han nationality, Qiantang (today's Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) people, said Yangzhai (today's Henan province Yuzhou ) People; Chu Suiliang learned a lot, proficient in literature and history, followed in the late Sui Dynasty Xue Ju As a minister to give up people, after the Tang Dynasty Counsel doctor , Secretariat of the CPC Class Equal, View of chastity Twenty-three years (649) and The eldest grandson never Ji Assisted by Emperor Taizong's edicts; After firm opposition Empress Wu Zetian For later, was demoted Tanzhou (Changsha) governor, after Empress Wu took the throne, transferred to Guizhou (Guilin) governor, and then demoted Aezhou (present-day Thanh Hoa in northern Vietnam), Hien Khanh He died in 658 years. Chu Suiliang is a beginner in calligraphy Yu Shinan , backward method Wang Xizhi , and Ouyang Xun Yu Shinan Xue Ji Called" Early Tang four people "; Be handed down from ancient times inkblot There is a... Stele of Master Meng "" Yanta holy Order ", etc.

Xue Ji

Xue Ji (649-713) Zi Si Tong was a Chinese painter and calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. The great-grandson of Xue Daoheng in Sui Dynasty and the son of Xue Yuanchao in Tang Dynasty. Han, Puzhou Fen Yin (now Shanxi Wan Rong ) people. Be appointed as Squire of the Yellow Door Join the knowledge of the security, prince Shaobao, the Ministry of Rites, after being given death in prison. Work calligraphy, teacher Chu Suiliang , with Yu Shinan, Ouyang Xun And Chu Suiliang were the four great calligraphers of the early Tang Dynasty.

Yan Zhenqing

Yan Zhenqing (709-784, say 709-785), the word Qing Chen, the middle Tang Dynasty outstanding calligrapher. Born in Beijing trillion Ten thousand years (present Shaanxi Xi 'an), ancestral home Langya Linyi (now Fei County, Linyi, Shandong). He founded the" Yan style "Regular script, with Zhao Mengfu , Liu Gongquan , Ouyang Xun Called" Regular script four people ".

Liu Gongquan

Liu Gongquan (778-865 years), the character Chengxuan, Beijing Zhaohua Yuan (today's Yaoxian county, Shaanxi Province) born, official Prince Taiji Known as Liu Shaoshi, he was the last famous calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. He is good at regular script, and his representative works are "Shenchengjun Tablet" and "Mystic Tower Tablet".

Zhang Xu

Zhang Xu (675-750?) , word Bogao, a word Jiming, Han, Tang Dynasty Wu (now Suzhou, Jiangsu) people. A surname Lieutenant of Changshu County , Kango Changshi . good Cursive hand Sex is good wine, world name Zhang Dian And also" Drink the eight immortals "One of them. At that time, its cursive script and Li Bai's poetry and Pei Min's sword dance said" Three lines of poetry ", the poem is also unique, with seven unique. With Li Bai, Greeting stamp One of the eight immortals. Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty issued an edcript based on Li Bai's poems, Pei Min Sword dance, Zhang Xu cursive script It is the "three absolute". Also work poetry, with He Zhizhang, Zhang Ruoxu , Inclusive integration Be known as" Wu Zhong four ".

Huai Su

Huai Su (725-785) in the Tang Dynasty, the character was Zangzhen, the monk's name was Huai Su, the common surname was Qian, the Han nationality, Yongzhou Lingling (Lingling, Hunan) people. He was a good Buddha when he was young and became a monk. He is one of the most famous calligraphers in history calligrapher His cursive writing is called "wild grass", which uses a round and strong pen to make it turn like a ring, bold and smooth, and is named as Zhang Xu, another cursive writer in the Tang Dynasty. Zhang Dian vegetarian crazy "Or" Atrophin ".

Su Shi

Su Shi (January 8, 1037 - August 24, 1101), Meizhou (now Sichuan Province) Meishan In the Northern Song Dynasty, Meishan City) people, the word Zizhan, and the word and Zhong, the number "Dongpo Jushi", the world called it" Su Dongpo ". Ancestral home Luancheng . Famous litterateur, calligrapher and painter, lyricist, poet, gourmet, Tang and Song eight masters One of them, Bold and unconstrained school Lyricist representative. His poetry, Ci, Fu, prose, are extremely high achievements, and good calligraphy and painting, is rare in the history of Chinese literature and art A versatile person It is also recognized as literature and art in Chinese history for thousands of years achievements One of the most outstanding. His prose and Ouyang Xiu called Ou Su; Poetry and Huang Tingjian said Su Huang; Ci and Xin Qiji Called Susin; Calligraphy is one of the four great calligraphers of the Northern Song Dynasty: Su, Huang, Mi and CAI. His paintings pioneered" Huzhou painting School ".

Huang Tingjian

Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), the character Lu Zhi, number Valley path , evening number Fuong Hongzhou Fenning (now Xiushui County, Jiangxi) people. He is a famous poet in the Northern Song Dynasty and the founder of Jiangxi Poetry School. Calligraphy can also be a tree, for Sisi One of them. Jin Shi (1067) in the fourth year of the Emperor's reign. Li Guan Ye Xianwei, Beijing Guozijian Professor, school book Lang, Book Zolang, Assistant secretary Fuzhou other driving, Qianzhou resettlement, etc. Court Jian firmly believe in Buddhism, also admire Taoism, things are quite filial, although in the official, but for their own washing toilet, also for Twenty-four filial piety One, Huang Tingjian Wei The fourth Master of Sumen One, is Jiangxi school of poetry The founder of the mountain, with the name of Su Shi. Worldly title Perilla yellow . He is the author of The Valley Words.

Mi Fu

Mi Fu [fu] (1051-1107), self-signed as Mi or Qian, Fu or Wei Fu [fu]. Calligrapher and painter of Northern Song Dynasty. Originally from Wuwei, Anhui Province, he moved to Xiangyang, Hubei Province and later settled down Runzhou (Present Jiangsu Province Zhenjiang ). Talent is high, people Xiao scattered, good clean habit. Be served by Tang people, accumulate more stones. Painting and calligraphy are a family of their own. Can draw dead wood bamboo stone, when a new idea, but also can draw landscape Create for ink Yunshan ink play, clouds, plain and naive. Good poetry, work calligraphy, fine identification. Good at seal, Li, Kai, line, grass and other writing style, good at copying ancient calligraphy, to the degree of false. One of the four Song families.

CAI Xiang

CAI Xiang (1012-1067), styled Junmo, Han nationality, famous calligrapher, politician, tea expert, brother of the traitor CAI Jing. Originally from Xianyou, Fujian Province Fengting Xiangdong 垞 village, moved after Putian In the village of CAI 垞, in 1030 (the eighth year of the Holy Day), the Jinshi successively Song Dynasty In the central government Pavilion revision Zhijian Institute, Direct History Museum, notice , Dragon Tower Straight bachelor, Privy Council Straight bachelor, Bachelor of the Imperial Academy , Three chief envoy , End Ming temple bachelor Rank, as Fujian Road Transfer agent, know Quanzhou, Fuzhou, Kaifeng and Hangzhou government affairs. Pawn to the Ministry of ceremonies, posthumous title loyal. He presided over the construction of the earliest existing cross-sea beam in China Big stone bridge Quanzhou Luoyang Bridge, CAI Xiang is honest, honest, pay attention to faith and righteousness, and profound knowledge, calligraphy history and Song Dynasty calligraphy, known as "Su, Huang, Mi, CAI" four calligrapher According to the saying, CAI Xiang calligraphy with its thick and dignified, chun light wan beauty, its own body.

Zhao Ji

宋徽宗赵佶 (Early May 5, 1082 AD - June 5, 1135 AD), Emperor Shenzong of Song The eleventh, Emperor Zhezong of Song My brother, Song Dynasty The eighth emperor. He was successively named King of Suining and King of Duan. Zhe Zong died childless in the first month of 1100 AD. queenwards He made him emperor that same month. The following year, the year name was changed to" Kenzhong Yasukuni ". He ruled for 26 years (February 23, 1100 - January 18, 1126), was captured and tortured to death, at the age of 54, and was buried in the capital city of Shaoxing Yongyou Mausoleum (35 miles southeast of Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province). He invented his own Calligraphy font It was called" Thin gold ". He was a rare artistic genius and all-rounder in ancient times. Was later rated as "Song Huizong can do all things, alone can not be the king ear!" The historian who wrote the History of Song also said with emotion that if Zhang Dun's opinion had been adopted, the Northern Song might have had a different ending. He also said that if "Song did not establish Huizong, Jin was strong, so how could he attack Song?"

Zhao Mengfu

Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), Zi Ang, No. Matsuki, The pine piste man Also known as the water Jinggong Dao people, Gulou waves, middle-aged Meng Xuan, Han, Wuxing (now Zhejiang Huzhou) people. Famous painter of Yuan Dynasty, Regular script four people ( Ouyang Xun , Yan Zhenqing , Liu Gongquan , Zhao Meng-che «–¯) Zhao Meng-che «–¯ Knowledgeable, good at poetry, economics, calligraphy, fine art, good at gold A surname Understand and appreciate. In particular, calligraphy and painting achieved the highest achievement, creating a new painting style of the Yuan Dynasty, known as the "Yuan Ren crown". He is also good at writing, writing, truthfulness, doing, Cursive hand , especially in script, Running hand Famous all over the world.

Xin Yushu

Xin Yushu (1257-1302) Zi Boji, a native of Yuyang, Hebei Province, living in Hangzhou. With Zhao Mengd «–¯ "South Zhao north fresh" His calligraphic achievements mainly lie in his calligraphy. Cursive learn Huai Su and create new ideas. His writing method is very characteristic, using a unique wrist method; Like to use Wolf hair, write to emphasize bone strength. His representative works include "Anshi Miscella Poem Volume", "Jinxue Unvolume" and "Anshi Poem Volume". Su Shi begonia poem volume ", etc. Together with Zhao Mengxu «–¯ and Deng Wenyuan, it is called the "three major in the Yuan Junior High School.

Dong Qichang

Dong Qichang (1555-1636), the character Xuanzai, the title Sibai, Xiangguang Jushi. Han, Songjiang Hua Ting He was born in Maqiao, Minhang District, Shanghai, and was a calligrapher and painter in Ming Dynasty. Once lived in Songjiang. Wanli seventeen years Jinshi, grant Imperial Academy Edit, official to the Ministry of etiquette in Nanjing Shangshu, after the death of posthumous title Wenmin. He is good at landscape painting and masters the law Dong Yuan , tremendous , Huang Gongwang , Ni Zan The pen is beautiful and elegant, quiet and sparse; Use ink mingjie Jun Lang, warm dun light; The green color is simple and elegant. He advocated the theory of "North and South Buddhism" and was an outstanding representative of "Huating painting School". His painting and painting theory had a great influence on the painting world in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Calligraphy in and out of Jin Tang Dynasty, its own style, can poetry. His surviving works include "Rock House", "Eight Views of Autumn Xing" and "Day Jin Tang". The author of... Painting zen room essay "" Rongtai's collected works Etc., engraved with" The play hung Tang ". His calligraphy has both the beauty of "face bones and Zhao posture".

Liu Yong

Liu Yong (1719 -- 1804), styled Chongru, styled Shi 'an, Shi 'an, Mu 'an, Qingyuan, Xiangyan, 勗 Zhai, Dongwu, Minghua, Riguanfeng Daoren, etc., native of Zhucheng, Shandong Province. He was an important minister in the Qianlong period, and successively served as the editor of the Imperial Academy, the scholar of Jiangsu Province, the bachelor of the Cabinet, the governor of Hunan Province, the imperial history of the Left capital, the chief teacher of the Ministry of Works, the chief teacher of the upper study, the Official Officials, and the co-organizer of the Grand bachelor Grand Maester of Tirenge Add prince little bao, pawn posthumous title Wenqing. He is the author of Poems of Shi 'an. His calligraphy began with Dong and Zhao, and then spread to all Jin, Tang and Song families, especially Su Dongpo, Yan Zhenqing and Jin and Tang Xiaokai, which integrated and formed its own pattern. Its book point stroke plump place short and thick, fine strength contains and strong, strong contrast; The knot word is restrained and simple, but never congested, and the end of the heavy steady reveals the smart; The weight of the rules is scattered, Shulang and graceful. The overall style is implied and accumulated, the essence is restrained, muddy if Tai chi, the appearance of the end mu and Qi Qing and, there is a heavy old Confucian minister, no arrogance of the frivolous, it seems that there are vientiane and unfastly, Xun is respectable. Because he likes to use thick ink, the time is called "thick ink Prime Minister".

Wu Changshuo

Wu Changshuo (1844-1927), the initial name Jian Yu, Jun, also known as Junqing, the word Xiangbu, after middle age more word Changshuo, to the word line, also department Cangshuo, Cangshuo, Cangshuo, number Fou Lu, old Fou, Fou Dao people, Lao Cang, bitter iron, big deaf, venerable stone, township elder sister, broken lotus, five lake ink 匄, cut Lu, turnip, etc., Anji, Zhejiang. In his later years, he was elected as the first president of Xiling Seal Society, and he was an outstanding artist in the late Qing Dynasty. He is the author of the collection of Fou Lu. He is not only the temple of Qing Dynasty calligraphy, but also the beginning of modern calligraphy, he studied the most in seal style and scribe, especially "Stone drum text", immersed in life, without a day or leave, the change of pen and ink in his later years, the introduction of medicinal interest, so that the pen mood ink interest, overflow between lines, the revival of seal script, to him and reached a new height; Line to Wang Duo for the Zong, into Europe, meters, and the introduction of the stele method of pure and simple, old and strange, so that the line is also heavy shining. Learning from Zhejiang and Anhui at the beginning, I went out of the Qin and Han Dynasties. Learning from the sealed clay pottery 甓, I integrated the interest of freehand painting and formed a mottled and ancient, heavy and bold new surface, that is, a small impression, but also the trend of seeking Zhang. The seal is also the original method of trimming the printing surface and sidebar. Both carved and polished, return to the simple, ancient and modern. Wu Changshuo's achievements are the fruits of the deep integration of the two traditions since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, which marks the complete success of the work of the Qing people to emphasize the classical Modern calligraphy The development has laid a very solid foundation.

Lin Sanzhi

Lin Sanzhi (1898-1989), Wujiang people in Jiangpu, Jiangsu Province, known as Sanchi, the old man on the river, left ear, semi-disabled old man, etc. "Three masterpieces of poetry and calligraphy", especially Cursive hand Renowned in the world, known as the "grass sage".

Start work

Start work (1912-2005), surname Aisin Gioro , word Yuan Dynasty Also known as Yuan Bo, number Yuanbei Jushi, Beijing Manchu, Qing Dynasty The emperor After the tribe. Chinese contemporary famous calligraphers, educators, classical documentarians, appraisers, redditor , poet, Master of Chinese studies .

Zhao Puchu

Zhao Puchu, born in Anqing on November 5, 1907, was an outstanding Buddhist leader, an outstanding calligrapher, a famous social activist and a great patriot.

Li Zhimin

Li Zhimin (1925-1994), senior professor and calligrapher of Peking University, took the lead in advocating and practicing Lead the tablet into the grass Its exploration accurately grasps the development direction and trend of contemporary calligraphy, which has important theoretical significance and practical value. [2]

Masterpieces of the past dynasties

Wang Xizhi , whose representatives are represented as Preface to the Orchid Pavilion ", When it snows soon, it clears up ; Yan Zhenqing "Sacrificial nephew text" Qin ceremony tablet; Mi Fu Its representative as "Yanshan post"; Zhao Mengfu , whose representatives are represented as Goddess of the Luo River Volume "; Ouyang Xun , whose representatives are represented as Ninety percent Miyari Izumi Ming "; Wang Duo , whose representatives are represented as Imitation mountain garden post "; Liu Gongquan , whose representatives are represented as Mysterious Tower Stele "" The monument of Shenchengjun "And so on.
The introduction of calligraphy
1. Learning calligraphy should know the difference between knife carving and ink, and ink can see the dry and wet shade of ink. The knife engraving covers up the original effect and reflects the process of not traveling the pen.
2. Technology should precede art. It is important that what is written is understood by the general public.
3. The four treasures of the study do not need to be too particular, but they must be suitable. Ink will do.
4. Writing is more important than writing. The ancestors use the pen, the future generations speculate on the right?
5. Choose the inscription, you can choose the one you like to appreciate, go to the bookstore, read a lot, choose the one that suits you.
6. When we learn calligraphy, we learn the writing method of calligraphers. The law and inner spirit of their writing need not be exactly the same.
7. Post method: the first time to read the post, imitate it to write again. The second time, trace it with a thin film, and carefully investigate its position. Read the post for the third time, imitate to write.
8. Practicing calligraphy can be done without reading calligraphy works, having money to buy posts, reading posts, and practicing posts. It is not too late to read the book when it is time to write the book of calligraphy experience.
9. Ask for correction, in fact, you can help yourself, choose the words you think are most satisfactory and stick them on the wall, watch them near and far, correct yourself, feel dissatisfied, write and paste again, correct again, and repeat.
10. The running book should be written like regular script, and the position should be gathered and dispersed in a certain degree, with laws and regulations. Regular script should do running script, stippling look at the appearance.

The Four treasures of the study


Writing brush

Writing brush The pen holder is generally used Bamboo tube It is made of striped bamboo, and it is also made of rhinoceros horn, ivory or gold and silver. The animal used in the pen is divided into two categories: soft (soft) and strong (hard), and soft is mainly Goat hair Made by; Jian Hao is made of rabbit ridge hair and weasel tail hair, soft and Jian Hao mixed together called Jian Hao. The pen tip is made in the middle of a long cluster called milli front , that is, the nib; Surrounded by a slightly shorter millimetre called a para-millimetre. A good brush has four advantages: sharp, uniform, round and healthy. From the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, Xuanzhou, Anhui Province, is the most famous for its Zihao (old purple rabbit) pen, which is the highest quality and its price is like gold. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was replaced by the well-made lake brush produced in Shanlian Town of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, which was strictly selected and made up to now.


ink Appeared very early, "described in calligraphy" said: The Western Zhou Dynasty (206 B.C.) Xing Yi began to make ink, said to be made of soot, but it was after the Western Han Dynasty. Its raw materials are different, can be divided into oil smoke ink, lacquer smoke ink, pine smoke ink, respectively Tung oil , raw lacquer, soot burned from pine branches, plus yellow gelatin and musk Made of borneol, etc. The ink of Yizhou and the paper of Shanxi County were famous in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.


paper It is an ancient time in our country Four great inventions One of the cultural relics unearthed in the Western Han Dynasty tomb has appeared hemp paper, but it is very rough. Since the Han Dynasty, the calligraphy and paintings that are now preserved in the world are all painted with mulberry vellum (also known as Han Vellum) in the Eastern Han Dynasty CAI Lun By using a variety of raw materials and improving paper making methods, the quality and yield of paper are greatly improved. Due to the widespread use of paper, Emperor An of Jin ordered the abolition of bamboo and wooden slips used since ancient times, and pushed history into the era of comprehensive paper. The paper industry of the Tang Dynasty was very developed, Xuanzhou rice paper, Jiangxi Linchuan thin slip paper, Yangzhou Liuhe paper, Guangzhou bamboo paper, etc., are all high-quality products.


Inkstone, already used in the Western Han Dynasty, Jingzhou, Hubei Province Mount Phoenix There are four inkstones unearthed in the tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, namely Duaninkslab , She inkstone , Tao-inkstone , Chengni inkstone .

Learning method



Writing position: Writing with five fingers First of all, hold it tightly with the thumb and middle finger, the free position in the palm should be like a cube of about 4 cm, and then use the ring finger and little finger to naturally put behind the brush, the body is straight, and the arm should have a suitable distance from the table.
Common method: Cover the original with tissue paper (silk) to write or draw according to the original appearance. Trace in red That's one of the ways.

Temporary writing

The learner takes the original calligraphy and writes it as exactly as possible on another piece of paper.
It is necessary to use scientific methods in temporary writing, and many people who love calligraphy have not been able to enter the door of the temple of calligraphy because they have not mastered scientific temporary writing methods. The fundamental principle of Chinese characters in writing - there have been countless calligraphers in the past five thousand years, although they have left a considerable number of excellent calligraphy works, but they have not left a scientific method of writing, such as why the image of temporary writing? Why don't you write like me? A primary school teacher from Dalian Liu Xiangdong This paper puts forward the fundamental principle of temporary writing of Chinese characters, and writes the book "The Secret of temporary writing of Chinese Characters", which solves the fundamental problem of temporary writing of Chinese characters. This method is suitable not only for the temporary writing of Chinese characters, but also for the temporary writing of all characters in the world. The book "The Secret of Chinese Characters in Writing" is a milestone in the history of Chinese calligraphy.

Back face

After many times of writing, according to the original image left in the mind memory, write again.


According to the constantly revised writing habits and writing style, the writing content and expression style are re-selected, and the new works are written.

Writing posture

Learning calligraphy posture is very important, especially Begin to learn Calligraphy teenagers, during the physical development period, develop incorrect posture is not only difficult to correct, affect the progress of calligraphy, but also affect the health of bones and eyes. Therefore, learning calligraphy posture must be positive, that is, the head is positive, the body is positive, the hand is positive. The postures of calligraphy are as follows:

Sitting posture

Anyone who writes within three inches can sit on a book. The height of the table and chair should be moderate. Head should be positive, can be slightly forward, but should not be tilted left and right. The hips should be right, the waist should be straight, the chest should be upright, and the chest should be kept 3-5 inches away from the table. Open your legs naturally, keep your feet flat, and press the paper with your left hand (the paper should also be straight). The position of the pen should be about 6 inches from the nose. Some people advocate that the pen is aligned with the tip of the nose when writing, which is too mechanical, stiff, easy to distract attention, do not have to be so rigid, as long as the pen is located around the nose, the words written are in the middle of the two eyes.

Establishment of a document

Write more than three inches of large characters, should stand up cantilever writing, in order to make the force, easy to take care of the whole picture. When standing, feet should be steady, the right foot slightly step out, slightly into a T-step, the right body slightly forward, the waist slightly forward, the left hand to hold the paper, or backward. Predecessors advocate concentrating the strength of the lower body to the waist, pushing the shoulder with the force of the waist, driving the upper limb with the shoulder, and sending the force to the tip of the pen through the upper limb and the wrist, that is, the so-called "force is around the waist, and its root is in the foot." This can be experienced in practice.


Write more than two feet of large characters, you can kneel or write on the ground, so that it is easy to total the structure of the word. The method is to kneel on the left knee, bend the right knee to support the body, and extend the left hand to support the ground. This method is too flexion of the body, not easy to right-hand, it is best to prepare a short case writing.
Whether sitting or standing a book, keep an appropriate distance between the eyes and the paper when writing, which should vary with the size of the written word. Small characters should be written near, large characters should be written far. Usually write medium letters, major letters, should be about a city foot, write small characters should be slightly less than this distance. Write more than one foot of large characters, there should be more than two feet of distance, otherwise it is difficult to take care of the relationship between the strokes and the overall structure.

Rice grid

Rice grid
The usage of "mi" has always been controversial among calligraphy learners and enthusiasts. Start work The 1986 edition of the book Introduction to calligraphy There is an error in the description of the word "m" on page 48. Today, I write down in detail what Qigong has said to me and the experience of practice, so as to reduce detours when practicing calligraphy structure for later generations.
The "meter" character grid mentioned by Mr. Qigong is an important rule of calligraphy structure, and also a major contribution to the art of calligraphy Trace in red A grid of the word "rice" or "well" on a mold. The grid on the red pattern is for beginners to arrange the position of the stroke as a reference. The structural law of "m" refers to that when writing M, it is considered that ∠1 should be less than ∠3, ∠2 should be less than ∠4, ∠5 should be less than ∠7, and ∠6 should be less than ∠8.
That is to say, the two points on the top half of the word should stand a little, and the skimming and pressing of the bottom half should be a little flat, and the word will look good.
The most common mistake is to write the two points and a stroke of the rice character on the 45 degree Angle on the red grid, thinking that this is the standard. This is the same as the so-called horizontal and vertical writing is not desirable, so the writing is not aesthetic.
There are many characters in Chinese characters can use the rule of "m" character.
The first type is the first half of the two points one vertical characters, such as: light, Shang, Tang, Xiao.
The second category is the bottom half of a skimming a dot a vertical word, such as: wood, east and so on. Violate the law of "m" character to write these words, the effect will be known at a glance.

Double hook

Double hook Calligraphy "five fingers" (double bracts). Double hook, also called "double pod", is a method of writing. Tang Dynasty calligrapher Han Fangming In the "grant pen to say" said: "The beauty of the husband's book is to hold the pipe, both with the double finger bract tube, but also when the five fingers together, it should actually refer to the virtual palm, hook press flat send, also said to send, in order to prepare for oral hand to say." The method is that the big point is pressed outside, the food and the middle two points are hooked inside, the nameless point is exposed outside, the little finger is posted below the ring finger, and the five fingers are used. The "five-finger method" is also a kind of "double hook". The origin and introduction of double-hook calligraphy The so-called "double-hook calligraphy" refers to the hollow characters written directly with a single line. This method originated from the Tang Dynasty, at that time, because there was no printing technology, people in order to make the calligraphy works of famous artists spread, they outlined hollow characters according to the original works, and then filled with black ink, so that viewers could get the works close to the original. Later, this way of description became a way for people to learn calligraphy, and developed into a brilliant country Calligraphy art Bao "double hook" is a calligraphy term also. The calligraphic copy of the upper stone is hooked out with thin lines along the outer edges of both sides of its strokes, which is called "double hook". The Southern Song Dynasty Jiang Kui In the "continuation of the book" said: "the double hook method, must have the ink halo not out of the word, or the outline filled in, or Zhu Qi The back is the body of fat and thin." Great poets of Song Dynasty Lufang There has been a "wonderful ink double hook post" the good sentence praises the "double hook" charm.

Other related

Non-chinese calligraphy
Non-chinese calligraphy
" Arabic calligraphy ", Sanskrit alphabet The writing of calligraphy, Vietnamese calligraphy All belong to" Non-chinese calligraphy Among them, Vietnamese calligraphy is a unique art in Vietnam, which has been loved by people in recent years. There are Vietnamese calligraphy clubs all over Vietnam, and there are many calligraphers who write well in Vietnamese characters and their works are very collectible. Vietnamese words, is to Latin alphabet based Phonetic writing , besides Mongolian Calligraphy.
In Urdu, large (Urdu, and "barracks language") is South Asian subcontinent One of the main languages is Pakistan National language, but also widely spoken in India, is one of the official languages recognized by the Constitution. It belongs to the Indo-European family of languages Iranian language family The Indian branch. It's in Urdu Be from Delhi Nearby, a dialect of Hindi, spoken for centuries, developed independently and is therefore very similar to Hindi, the most important difference between them being that the former uses Persian - Arabic Letters are written, while the latter are written in Sanskrit letters, and separately Literary language Developed a big difference. Urdu is a language with a literary tradition, and it is fashionable for educated Muslims to be able to write poetry in Urdu.
Urdu calligraphy is very famous in the world, and until the 1980s, Urdu newspapers invited famous calligraphers to write their words by hand and then print them for publication, so these newspapers are actually calligraphic works of art. In Pakistan, almost everyone can write a good hand.
Urdu calligraphy features:
Urdu has a total of 35 letters, and in order to make the layout more neat and beautiful, there is no space between the words.
② The words of Urdu are written continuously, most of the letters have four ways of writing, namely, the first word, the middle word, the end of the word, and the four kinds of "only", but sometimes in order to integrate the letters with the nearby letters more beautiful, some letters will be changed to another way of writing, at most the same letter has 25 ways of writing.
Calligraphy inscriptions have always been widely used, there are ancient literati, poets, calligraphy and painting for mutual inscriptions, emperors and dignitaries inscriptions of honor, there are special activities inscriptions to commemorate and so on. Today is more widely used, many categories, can be divided into the following six categories: 1, ceremonial memorial inscription; 2, cultural landscape inscription; 3, cultural brand inscription; 4, film and television books inscriptions; 5, advertising inscription; 6. Art collection inscriptions.
In short, calligraphy inscriptions have become closely related to our work and life today. With its unique artistic value and personality charm, it plays a positive and special role in adapting to social needs and social needs, expressing good wishes, displaying characteristics, promoting itself, fighting the wind or waves of shopping malls, incisive and incisive! [3]

Educational reform

In December 2018, General Office of the Ministry of Education About publication Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences For calligraphy Chinese excellent traditional culture heritage base. [1]
On April 29, 2021, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China decided to be established after research Chinese Calligraphy Education Steering Committee, Ministry of Education . [4]

Inheritance and protection

On October 31, 2023, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project protection units was announced, the "Chinese calligraphy" project protection unit of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Calligraphers Association has major changes in the nature of units, institutions and other aspects, does not have the basic conditions of protection units, and re-identified the protection unit of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. [8]