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Fortune story

Talk show
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
Fortune Story The column is... CCTV Economic Channel A carefully crafted first gear economy Class program. It was officially launched on July 18, 2005, and has been widely praised. Column with story As the main form of expression, it focuses on various Chinese and foreign life stories triggered by the pursuit of the road to wealth, focusing on the fate and spiritual experience of the protagonist in the process of pursuing the dream of wealth, and conveying a healthy view of wealth. He also published a book of the same name.
Due to the revision of the financial channel, the original "Fortune Story Meeting" column was renamed "Business Road" on August 31, 2009. [1]
Chinese name
Fortune story
Generic type
Economic program
Officially launched
July 18, 2005
Form of expression
Take story as the main form of expression
Broadcast status
Shut down

General situation

Fortune Story
cctv2 Fortune Story Introduction: CCTV Economic Channel cctv2" New Concept of Wealth "large-scale TV series activities, China's market economy has gone through more than 20 years, some people have become rich first, and wealth has increased sharply, so the whole society urgently needs a correct concept of wealth, not only a group of people who have become rich first, but more importantly, our society should have a correct concept of wealth.
On July 18, 2005, CCTV Economic Channel launched a new story talk show "Fortune Story Meeting" at 12:40 PM.
This is a closely linked to the characteristics of the economic channel to create a column, CCTV two sets of noon a beautiful scenery.

Program feature

It takes stories as the main form of expression, focusing on all kinds of Chinese and foreign legends triggered by wealth, focusing on the fate of the protagonist in the process of chasing wealth dream and spiritual experience, to convey a healthy view of wealth.
Fortune Story
This is a column born under the market mechanism, the column has launched 15 episodes of special programs for three consecutive weeks from March 28 to April 15, with good ratings and market reaction, and has experienced the test and proof of the market. This is a column from the perspective of the people, the story is the expression of the people, the dream of wealth is the hope of every person's life, the wisdom of wealth to everyone to inspire, at the same time, the changes of fate, the turning point of life and a variety of performance in front of money, are to give this column at noon to compete for the audience's competitive advantage.
The new "Fortune Story Meeting" column is based on the results of the audience survey studio Set, host building, program The form and other aspects have been fine-tuned to make it more in line with the needs of the market and the needs of the audience. Each episode lasts 30 minutes and is broadcast on CCTV2 from 12:30-13:00 from Monday to Friday.


"Wealth new concept, create new wealth, welcome to today's wealth story." I'm Wang Kai." Every episode of Fortune Stories begins with this opening line.
Fortune Story
Wang Kai -- male, born in Beijing, grew up in Beijing, studied in Beijing, worked in Beijing, now with more and more busy rarely have the opportunity to go out of Beijing. Height is one meter seventy-five, personality like a warm kettle, cultural university degree, temper is not say no, life is sloppy, desire is rarely satisfied, the pace never stops, habit is not to create pain. Graduate from Beijing Broadcasting University now Communication University of China (Broadcasting Department. At school, I was obsessed with dubbing and reciting, so that four years later, when everyone was stationed in each station as an intern, the ignorant boy was mixed in the recording studio of the new film studio of the Bayi North Film Factory. Until the department called to say that the next day to pay the internship appraisal, to a friend opened a trading company to press the red seal.
Wang Kai has been engaged in dubbing since 2001, when he graduated from the 97 undergraduate class of the Broadcasting Department of the School of Broadcasting and Hosting Art of Beijing Broadcasting University. In 2004, he was transferred to the Voice of Literature and Art of China National Radio as a host, during which he performed a large number of novels. Since 2005, he has been the host of the column "Wealth Story Meeting" of CCTV Economic Channel CCTV financial channel The Rival (original The Way of Commerce ) The host.
Since then, Gai has styled himself as a voice worker and become a free voice actor. So far, he has participated in thousands of film and television works, hundreds of advertisements, dozens of novel studios, and more than one series of CCTV's "CCTV". World Film and Television Expo "All Over China", "Classic", "International Art Garden", "Foreign literature", "Earth Story", "Sky Net", "Jiayi Five lines", "Global", "International Art Garden", "Film and television Gramophone" and other programs as commentary. It is estimated that for the vast audience: the face is unfamiliar, the voice is familiar.
I always feel that devoting my life to sound art will be a worthy death, and I dare not covet him. The camera is far less familiar to me than the microphone. However, this belief was killed by his "shameless" abuse when he met the "Fortune Story".
Wang Kai
The first time I encountered Fortune Story was as an audience member. Halfway through the show, my identity has changed, always wondering how the same meaning would be explained if it were me. Unconsciously, the tide East on the screen has become bald. I started speaking fiction on the radio in '04. In the same story, the stimulation of the audience in front of the microphone and the camera and the appropriate expression of the narrator are so different. If Wang Kai in front of the microphone turned into a bald head in front of the camera, would the audience accept it? Bald head should use what method to attract the audience to the TV and bald head together "taste life"? For me, this is not so much a challenge as a great temptation! Fate! An unwarranted assumption turned out to be an attempt due to an opportunity, and then it was out of control and changed a lot of the inherent rhythm of my life. I have participated in the recording of nearly 100 programs, and the process of telling stories is also the process of solving problems with audience friends. It is the solution to the problems encountered in the hero's legendary life, which leads to the different choices made by different people when facing wealth. In just 30 minutes, the essence of life, both failure and success, is condensed, and how pleasant it is for both the narrator and listener!
On March 14, 2013, Wang Kai, host of CCTV's "Fortune Story Meeting" and "Newspaper Reading Time", announced his official resignation. [2]
Special column commentary: CCTV World Film and Television Expo "Journey Across China" "Classics" International Art Garden "Foreign Literature" "Earth Story" "Skynet" "Jiayi Five Lines" Globe "Music Story", "Film phonograph" and so on. Record a large-scale series of 100 episodes Inspire Forever .
Film character voice:
He has voiced major characters in nearly 1,000 TV series and translated films. Representative works include Loyalty " Cao Xueqin "" Guiguzi "" Lu Bu and Diao Chan " Zhang Xueliang " Little people, big heroes "Two Hundred Years" "Rocky" "True Lies" The Silence of the Lambs Sad Sunday, The Fifth Element, Finding Nemo, Troy, Warner Megastar "The Incredibles" "King Arthur" National Treasure Star Wars Turn 3 World war "King Kong," "Superman Returns," "Cars." Among them, as the male lead Sad Sunday Won the Feitian Award for Outstanding Translated Film.
AD dubbing:
There are also hundreds of advertising works "Canon series", "Great Lake Bright Orange juice", "Cadbury chocolate" and so on.
Fiction Studio:
novel The Winners and Losers " My world, my dream "Chinese Guard" "Spike" "God's Garden" "Heart Dust" Romance Full House "World War II Sniper," "The Longest Day," "The Last Days of Mystery," "Tibetan Mastiff 2."
Stage reading:
"The Memory of Blood and Fire - The Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression" (recital works Praise );
"The Candle that Illuminates the Night -- A Celebration of Famous Scientific Works" (recitation of the works" Love life ");
"Flying to the Sea of Rationality - The Performance of famous scientific works" (recitation works Galileo )

Program preview

Fortune Story
July 15 CCTV-223:39 Fortune Story Meeting: Battle Chicken on the Table
July 16, CCTV-212:30
Fortune story: Put a lock on the chain
July 16, CCTV-217:10
Fortune Story: Battle Chicken on the table
16 July CCTV-223:39
Fortune story: Put a lock on the chain

Series program

On the occasion of the nearly third anniversary of the launch of the "Fortune Story" column, the column not only pays attention to the entrepreneurial history of entrepreneurs, but also pays more attention to the spiritual world of entrepreneurs
Launched the "My Father" series.
like Zhu Ziqing the The Back , Luo Zhongli Like "Father", many works about "father" at all times and at home and abroad have become immortal chapters. In the eyes of a son, a father is a reliable mountain, a powerful hand, and a deep sea. What does the entrepreneur think of his father? What kind of spiritual inheritance will the life experience, quality and personality of the parents have in the entrepreneurs?
Fortune Story picked it up Himin Solar Group president Huang Ming , Chongqing Qi hot pot happy catering Co., LTD General MANAGER Shelley , Zhejiang Sequoia tree information technology company CEO Zhu Lei and other entrepreneurs, from the perspective of wealth, tell the story of their unique charm and their father.
The series AIRS July 2.

Column activity

Create new wealth ── "Wealth Story Meeting" into Jinjiang
April 18, 2008, "Fortune Story" column and Jinjiang City, Fujian Province Jointly, with the theme of "Sports create new wealth", we successfully held "Sports marketing TV.
"Summit Forum" activity, which is "Fortune Story" column brand building, program improvement is another attempt.
Fortune Story
"Wealth Story" column adhere to the "new concept of wealth, create new wealth" as the concept of media responsibility to advocate the "new wealth" concept, and actively explore the performance methods and communication laws of story TV programs, after more than two years of growth, has become a certain influence and obvious characteristics of the economic channel "wealth creation program". How to break through innovation, further improve the quality of the program's topic selection, and then enhance the brand value of the column, is an important topic faced by the column "Fortune Story Meeting" in 2008. Sit down and talk. - Sports create wealth
The TV summit forum is the continuation of the "Fortune Story" column development strategy of "leveraging programs with activities", focusing on regions with obvious regional economic characteristics, and collaborating with local governments and institutions to create "economic landmarks" through TV activities, create media events, and disseminate column values. At the same time, focusing on the characteristics of regional economy, we explore the topic selection, and on the premise of maintaining the inherent form of expression of the column -- story-telling, we break the convention, make special plans, and select the "Economic Landmark Series of Fortune Story Meeting" with a certain depth and thickness, in order to achieve the double improvement of TV activities and program topics. The next column will also work with the governments of Shenzhen, Wuhan and other places to form a deep dialogue between wealth and the city with the theme of "Technology creates new wealth" and "culture creates new wealth", and further enhance the column brand building!

Wonderful recommendation

Yummy master
Fortune Story
For a family, three meals a day is undoubtedly an important thing, so who cooks and what should be eaten each day should be decided by family members. But one couple in Beijing has made an agreement about who decides what to eat for each meal. Are you so serious about what to eat? Classmate Daddy (Dad and I went to school together)
In 1985, Zhu Lei just entered the exam Stanford University And his father, Zhu Min, just studied in this school, one year higher than his son, so the difference of 22 years old father and son became classmates. In the school, the young college student Zhu Lei is a little famous, go everywhere people call him "prodigy", but Zhu Lei think, as a classmate, his father that is famous.
Who Lights Him (2008.04.18)
If it's not easy to make money these days, it's even harder to borrow money. You said it wasn't easy to borrow money, but Huizhou, Guangdong There was a man named Wu Changjiang Is short of money, but there are really people without saying a word, millions, tens of millions of loans to him.
Diamonds in the Toilet (2008.04.17)
Today's story, we start with a photo, the photo of the young man named Meng Zhi, is from Beijing. He is not a star, but many people in Beijing have seen this picture! Where have you seen it before? It's not in a newspaper or a magazine, it's not in a window, but where is it? This is a place you would never expect, in a public toilet, what is going on?
Crazy Lawn Mower (2008.04.16)
In November 2006, Jinjiang The employees of a company suddenly found that the boss who had always been idle suddenly changed his temperament, as if A Chinese Odyssey In the Tang monk, from the original rambling suddenly became silent. And it all started with a few words from a friend the day before...
Come and learn (2008.04.15)
Today's story starts with Pengzhou, Sichuan From a town called Nine Feet. So one evening in the fall of 2007, this Jiuchi Town Third grader at Central Elementary School Li Zhichao After school, he asked his grandmother for a few dollars and ran out of the house, but he did not come back after dinner. Li Zhichao has always been obedient and never run, but today it is money and late return, which makes the grandparents who live with Li Zhichao very worried.

Program review

Spreading the experience of wealth creation and Eulogizing the entrepreneurial spirit -- CCTV Overseas Wealth Tour The show is interesting.
Fortune Story
The "Wealth Story Meeting" column of CCTV Economic Channel, in the form of telling stories, introduces the fate turning point and spiritual experience of entrepreneurs in the process of realizing the dream of wealth, and spreads a healthy view of wealth. The show has been wildly popular for two years. Starting from the second half of the year, the program recorded the entrepreneurial experience, entrepreneurial ideas and wealth creation experience of overseas Chinese businessmen by way of field shooting. "Wealth Story · Overseas Wealth Journey" has been broadcast nearly 20 times, the program has the following points: First, rely on perseverance entrepreneurial spirit to obtain wealth. Although the overseas Chinese entrepreneurs introduced in the program have different environments, different mindsets, different experiences and different careers, they all have in common that they rely on self-reliance, self-improvement and perseverance to win victory and gain wealth, and open up a broad field in the highly competitive market Fortune world . Such as the "Europe" St. Petersburg The program introduces Dr. Chen Zhigang, chairman of the Russian IBT Group Co., LTD., who started from leather business, developed to catering, real estate development, etc., and became a well-known entrepreneur in St. Petersburg; "Love in Belgrade" introduces Heilongjiang girl Wang Juan After graduating in Russia, he worshipped heroes in movies Walther And come alone Belgrade , start from Set up a stall First, then opened a shop, a company, and now a family there; My Daughter's Name is Anna, about Zhejiang Province Aotian County the Guo Xiao Depend on Serbia From a market stall to the story of the chairman of several large shopping malls; "In Bloom" from Africana Uganda Introducing Chinese girls Fang Min I came to Uganda alone, where I was unfamiliar with my life and did not speak the language. I struggled to start a business in a poor and backward city, selling various small commodities such as clothing and lighting, and overcame various difficulties unimaginable to ordinary people. Now, her "square Great Wall Hotel "And" Hotel "became a well-known local brand enterprise. She pays special attention to helping local governments attract Chinese investment Has contributed to a number of economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation projects between China and Ukraine. Presidents of Uganda He also invited her to attend the China-Africa Forum in Beijing.
Fortune Story
Second, sow friendship on the road of mutual benefit and win-win business. The program introduces what Chinese businessmen show to the government and people of the host country in the process of entrepreneurship The Chinese spirit And character, the common desire to seek development in mutual benefit and win-win, thus winning the trust and respect of the local government and people. For example, "Southeast Asia", "God Operator rushed to South Asia", introduced the Zhejiang Cixi village primary school arithmetic teacher Xu Sizhong Went to Malaysia to promote the story of his "center of beads algorithm". In three years, he trained 54 national lecturers, 13,000 primary school teachers and one million primary school students for Malaysia. His "pearly algorithm" was inspired by the then prime Minister Mahathir And signed the Prime minister's order, asking him to serve as the national education adviser to promote the "pearl algorithm" in the country, with an annual salary of 2.8 million yuan. For another example Chen Zhigang The doctor's entrepreneurship in St. Petersburg led to the development of the local economy, and the local government awarded him the "Ancient Greek. The God of Wealth Award "; Heilongjiang girl Wang Juan established deep feelings with the local people in Belgrade, when she returned to buy goods, Yugoslavia When war broke out, the landlord protected Wang Juan's shop despite his own property; Nigeria Golden Gate Hotel Company chairman Hu Jianguo He is also a legendary figure, he did business in the local, donated schools, and became the first Chinese "chief" in Africa; Mozambique Chairman of CCM Construction Company He Weiping , Zimbabwe · Chairman of China Economic Development Zone Li Bo Their entrepreneurial experiences and stories are also very touching.
The "Fortune Story" of CCTV Economic Channel has turned its vision to the world, and launched the "Overseas Fortune Journey" program, which tells the hard experience of Chinese businessmen in overseas business and their impressive achievements, and shows their entrepreneurial spirit, wealth creation experience and innovative ideas. At the same time, they also introduced their contributions to the economic development of the host countries and passed on the friendship of the Chinese people, which is worth watching.