Huailai county

Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province
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Huailai County, attached to Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, the central position is about 115° east longitude, 40° north latitude. With a total area of 1801 square kilometers, it is located in the middle and semi-arid zone of temperate zone and has a temperate continental monsoon climate. [24] As of October 2021, Huailai County has jurisdiction over 11 towns and 6 townships. [20] County people's government in Sand town . [21] By the end of 2022, Huailai County has a permanent population of 347,600. [25] [31]
In ancient times, Shun set up twelve states, Huailai belongs to Jizhou. Qing Kangxi thirty-two years (1693) and changed to Huailai County. [19] Huailai County has Jingbao, Fengsha, Daqin, ShaWei railway through the border, the railway total length of more than 160 kilometers, a total of 17 stations, is one of the most county-level stations in China. The main attractions are Jimingyi ancient city Yan Great Wall, Ming Great Wall and so on.
In 2023, the regional GDP of Huailai County will reach 15.18 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4%. [25]
Chinese name
Huailai county
Foreign name
Huailai County
Administrative division code
130730 [3]
Administrative category
Subordinate region
Hebei Province Zhangjiakou City
Geographical position
Southeast Zhangjiakou City
Area product
1801 km²
Subordinate area
11 towns and 6 townships
Government premises
Sand town
Telephone area code
Postal code
Climatic condition
Temperate continental monsoon climate
Population number
347,600 [31] (2022)
Famous scenic spot
Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall
License plate code
Ji G
Gross regional product
15.18 billion yuan (2023)

Historical evolution

Shun, set up twelve states, Huailai belongs to Jizhou.
During the Spring and Autumn period, Huailai belonged to the upper Valley county of Yan State.
Qin, divided into thirty-six counties, Huailai is the upper Valley county county seat Juyang County.
During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Huailai belonged to the Northern Wei Dynasty. Sui Dynasty, Huailai Huailai county Huairong county.
Tang, set up fifteen, Huailai belongs to Huairong county, Hebei Dao Guizhou. Huailai City was founded in the Tang Dynasty, during the reign of Wu Zetian (AD 685-688), the Qing Yi military City was set up here, and it was the seat of GUI State.
In the time of Emperor Taizu of Liao Dynasty, it was called Huailai County.
Jin Dynasty, renamed 妫川 county. Yuan Dynasty was renamed Huailai County.
At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Huailai County was changed to Huailai Wei, and Zhili military capital governor was built.
Qing Kangxi thirty-two years (1693), and changed to Huailai County.
At the end of the 17th year of the Republic of China (1948), the entire territory of Huailai was liberated.
In 1951, due to the flooding of Guanting reservoir, the famous city with a history of more than 1,200 years sank under water, and the county government moved to Shacheng Town. [19]

Administrative division

As of October 2021, Huailai County has jurisdiction over 11 towns and 6 townships: Sand town , The town of North Simburg , Xinbaoan town , East Garden town , Guanting Town , Songyuan Town , Cunrui Town , Mou town , Da Huang Zhuang Town , West Pali Town , The town of Little South Singborg , Langshan township , Jiming Yi Township , Dongbali Township , Rui Yun Guan Township , Sun Zhuangzi Township , Wang Jia Lou back Ethnic township . [20] County government in sand town. [21]

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Huailai County is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, on the north side of Yanshan Mountain Range, the upper reaches of Yongding River, the central position is about 115° east longitude, 40° north latitude. It borders Yanqing, Changping and Mentougou districts of Beijing in the southeast, Xuanhua and Xiahuayuan districts in the northwest, Zhuolu County in the southwest, and Chicheng County in the north. Huailai County is a transportation hub connecting the capital and the northwest, is the window of Zhangjiakou city open to the outside world, and the seat of the county government is east of Shacheng Town Beijing 120 Kilometers, west of Zhangjiakou City 87 kilometers. [24] The total area is 1801 square kilometers. [12]
Huailai county


Huailai county
The terrain of Huailai County rises from the basin to the north and south, high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The average elevation of Huailai County is 792 meters, and the lowest point is 394 meters in the valley area of Youzhou Village. The highest point is Dahei Peak of Shuikou Mountain, 1977.6 meters above sea level, and Shacheng Town, county town, 535 meters above sea level. The landform of Huailai County mainly includes river plain, hill and mountain, river plain covers 602 square kilometers, accounting for 33.4% of the total area; Hills cover 450 square kilometers, accounting for 25% of the total area; Mountainous area of 749 square kilometers, accounting for 41.6% of the total area. [24]
The whole territory of Huailai belongs to the Yanshan Mountain, Yanshan branch extends to the northwest and southwest in two directions, and the north and south mountains stand around the territory, which is habitually called the southern mountain and the northern mountain. There are more than 40 mountains above 1,000 meters above sea level. Haiduo Mountain, Yanran mountain distributed in the northern part of the county, forming the northern mountain, the main peaks are Jiming Mountain, Babaoshan, Shuikou Mountain and so on; Jundu Mountain is distributed in the southern edge of the county, forming the southern mountain, the main peaks are Bijia Mountain, Guangtuo Mountain and so on. The north and south mountains form the natural barrier of Huailai Basin. In the middle is a "V" shaped basin, commonly known as "Huailai Basin", and Guanting reservoir is located in the middle of the basin. There are three moving dunes in the territory. There are two places near Longbao Mountain in Xiaonan Xinbao Town on the south bank of Guanting Reservoir: "Longbao Mountain Dune", covering an area of 37,000 square meters, about 12 meters high; The "desert Dune" covers an area of 135,000 square meters and is about 15 meters high. The "Misa beam" in the east of Zhuguantun Village, Dahuangzhuang Town on the north bank of the Yanghe River covers an area of 180,000 square meters and is about 15 meters high. The formation of these dunes has a long history, and the shapes are mostly moon and Longgang.


Huailai County is located in the middle and semi-arid zone of temperate zone, which belongs to the temperate continental monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons, sufficient light, rain and heat in the same season, and large temperature difference between day and night. The annual sunshine duration is 3027 hours, and the frost-free period is 149 days a year. According to the meteorological data, the highest temperature is 42.2℃, the lowest temperature is -23.3℃, and the average temperature is 9.1℃. The average annual precipitation is 396 mm, which is more in the north and south mountains. The annual wind speed is 2.3 m/s. The main meteorological disasters are wind, sand, drought, hail, frost and so on. [24]


In Huailai County there are Yongding River, Sanggan River, Yanghe River, Guishui River four transit rivers, all belong to the Haihe river system, into the Guanting reservoir. [24]


By the end of 2022, the total registered population of Huailai County was 367,478 people, an increase of 156 people over the previous year; The permanent population was 347,604, 1,096 fewer than the previous year. [25] [31]
As of March 2024, Huailai County has a total population of 367,000. [25]




In 2022, the regional GDP of Huailai County completed 14.51 billion yuan, an increase of 1.5%. Among them, the added value of the primary industry completed 2.49 billion yuan, an increase of 6.7%; The added value of the secondary industry was 1.72 billion yuan, down 1.9% year-on-year; The added value of the tertiary industry reached 10.3 billion yuan, up 1.1% year-on-year. The added value of the three industries accounted for 17.1%, 11.9% and 71% of the county's gross domestic product, respectively. [18] [31]
In 2022, there will be 188 fixed asset investment projects in Huailai County, including 128 urban construction projects and 60 housing development projects. Investment in fixed assets rose 7.2 percent year on year, with investment in urban and rural construction projects up 52.4 percent and real estate investment down 74 percent. [31]
In 2022, the added value of the private economy in Huailai County completed 8.68 billion yuan, an increase of 1.8%. [31]
In 2022, Huailai County completed fiscal revenue of 2 billion yuan, down 32.3% year-on-year, of which: public budget revenue completed 1.72 billion yuan, down 9.2% year-on-year. [31]
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Huailai County will reach 40,071 yuan, an increase of 4.1% year-on-year; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 24,765 yuan, up 7.3 percent year on year. [31]
In 2023, the GDP of Huailai County will reach 15.18 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4%; Total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8%; General public budget revenue increased by 6.2%; Investment in fixed assets grew by 18.5%; Per capita disposable income in urban and rural areas rose by 5.5% and 7.9% respectively. [25]

Primary industry

In 2021, Huailai County will complete the ecological restoration project of the northern mine and Olympic corridor, covering an area of 2,751 mu. An additional 113,000 mu of forest was planted. [23]
In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Huailai County completed 4.375 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8%. The annual grain output reached 109,900 tons, up 1.48 percent year-on-year. Vegetable output was 79,600 tons, up 6 percent year on year. The garden fruit output was 177,500 tons, an increase of 11.63%, among which the grape output was 109,800 tons, an increase of 11.65%. At the end of the year, the sown area of crops was 21,709 hectares, an increase of 1% year-on-year. The grain sown area was 19,082 hectares, up 0.01 percent year on year. The vegetable planting area was 1,931 hectares, an increase of 5.27%. In 2022, the meat production of Huailai County was 35,750 tons, an increase of 14.1%, the poultry egg production was 14,553 tons, a decrease of 1.8%, and the milk production was 46,553 tons, an increase of 10.7%. [31]
In 2023, the added value of the primary industry in Huailai County completed 2.58 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7% year-on-year. [34]

Secondary industry

In 2022, the total industrial added value of Huailai County completed 794.47 million yuan, down 6.1% year-on-year, including 34 industrial enterprises above designated size, and the industrial added value above designated size fell 21.2% year-on-year. The added value of the county's construction industry completed 925.8 million yuan, an increase of 1.3%, 15 construction enterprises above the qualification, and the total output value of the construction industry was 3.62 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2%. [31]
In 2023, the added value of the secondary industry in Huailai County completed 1.33 billion yuan, down 19.3% year-on-year. [34]

Tertiary industry

In 2022, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Huailai County completed 3.51 billion yuan, an increase of 0.6%, and there are 19 commercial and trade enterprises above the quota in the county. [31]
In 2022, the deposit balance of financial institutions in Huailai County was 44.4 billion yuan, an increase of 2.45 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 5.8%, among which: The balance of savings deposits was 31.97 billion yuan, an increase of 3.77 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 13.4%, and the balance of various loans was 34.27 billion yuan, an increase of 2.45 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 7.7%. [31]
In 2023, the added value of the tertiary industry in Huailai County completed 11.27 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2%. [34]


Huailai County has Jingbao, Fengsha, Daqin, Shawei railway road through the border, the railway total length of more than 160 kilometers, a total of 17 stations, is one of the most county-level stations in the county, of which Shacheng station is the hub of various railways, for China's first-class district station, Beijing suburban S2 line extended here, is Beijing extended to Hebei's first suburban railway, It speeds up the process of Jing-Huai city integration and commuting.
The total mileage of Huailai County roads reaches 3065.76 kilometers, of which 102.139 kilometers of expressways, 317.621 kilometers of national and provincial roads, 326 kilometers of county roads, 780 kilometers of township roads, 1540 kilometers of village roads, and the county road density will reach 170.22 kilometers / 100 square kilometers. Beijing-tibet, Beijing-new highway east-west through the whole territory, there are East garden, North Xinbao, civil, Shacheng, Dongbali, Jiming Yi and other six high-speed exits. Among them, the civil engineering export realizes the interchange conversion of Beijing-Tibet, Beijing-New high-speed and 110 National Highway with four layers, which is the largest complex hub interworking export in North China. National Highway G110, G National Route 239 , G National Highway 234 Xingyang Line (formerly Kangqi Highway), S241 provincial road (Baoping Line) and other highway trunk lines crisscross.
There are in Huailai County Jingli Expressway The highway goes by.
In 2013, Beijing Bus Route 880 opened to the county seat.
In 2015, the construction of Trans-Guanting Lake Urban Express Road began, the Beijing-Zhang high-speed Railway was completed and opened to traffic in 2019, and Huailai County set up two stations, Huailai and Donghuayuan North, integrating into Beijing's half-hour economic circle. In 2015, 120 new energy buses were put into use, and 18 lines and 5 special lines of tourist attractions were used and transformed, achieving full coverage of new energy buses within the county.
In 2022, the added value of the transportation, warehousing and postal industries in Huailai County completed 1611.52 million yuan, down 8.9% year-on-year. During the year, 13 urban and rural roads were newly rebuilt, 4 urban roads were opened, a number of major road projects such as East Ring Road and Yucai Street were vigorously promoted, and 37.69 kilometers of rural roads were renovated and upgraded, and the county was awarded the "Four good Rural Roads" national demonstration county. [31]

Social undertaking


Educational cause

In 2022, the number of students in regular middle schools will be 21,800; The number of primary school students is 20,209. [31]
Among the resident population of Huailai County, there are 33990 people with university (college or above) education; The population with high school (including technical secondary school) education was 43,393; The population with a junior high school education was 138,967; The population with a primary education level is 102,574 (the above levels of education include graduates, associates and students of all types of schools). [22]
In 2023, there will be 20,982 students in regular middle schools. The number of primary school students is 25,534. [34]

Cultural undertaking

In 2021, Huailai County has one county cultural center, one library, one museum, one Xinhua bookstore, one youth activity center, one workers' Cultural Palace, two digital movie theaters, and more than 20 parks such as county cultural square, Tianjing Garden, Muxidi Garden. There are photographers' association, writers' Association, painting and calligraphy association and other art groups. Jimingyi Village was named "Chinese historical and cultural village", "Shacheng Old Cellar wine brewing skills"," Curved Yellow River lamp "Successfully declared for the provincial level Intangible cultural heritage .

Medical and health care

In 2022, the county's health institutions have 1,419 beds and 1,568 health technicians, including 629 medical practitioners, 890 assistant medical practitioners and 533 registered nurses. [31]
In 2023, the county's health institutions have 1,489 beds and 2,144 health technicians, including 760 medical practitioners, 1,092 assistant medical practitioners and 757 registered nurses. [34]

Social security

In 2021, 4,873 new urban jobs will be created in Huailai County, 2,593 rural labor will be transferred, the registered urban unemployment rate will be controlled within 4.2%, and the level of social security will remain among the highest in the city. [23]

History and culture

Origin of name
Since the founding of Huailai County, there have been three counties named Juyang, Huairong and Huailai, and the origin research of the county name is as follows:
First, Ju Yang: It was first seen in the Book of Han. Geography, which was used from the Qin Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Juyang County was named after Juyang City. Juyang City was called Zhuyang in the Yan State of the Warring States, and evolved into Juyang in the Qin Dynasty. There is no historical evidence for Ju Yang's name. According to inference, one is that "making Yang" is derived into "Ju Yang", and the other is named after water. Although there is no research out of the south of the city, but there is a river named bathing water. "Kangxi Dictionary" "trickling Ju small stream", Yang is mountain south water north, so the latter one is more appropriate.
Second, Huai Rong: First seen in the Northern Qi Dynasty, its history books have not been interpreted. Historical place names are infused with political connotations. According to "Ci Hai", there is a sense of comfort; Rong is a general name for the northwest ethnic minorities in the Central Plains. Before the Northern Qi Dynasty, the former site of Huailai had been lost for more than 100 years due to war. Named "Huairong", it has the meaning of "pacifying ethnic minorities and eliminating hostility". The name was extended to Liao.
Three, Huai Lai: According to the Book of Liao. Geography: Taizu changed Huai Rong to Huai Lai. Remove the word "Rong" that belittling ethnic minorities and replace it with the word "Lai". "Coming" means bringing, subjecting, submitting. In the six years of Jin Mingchang, Huailai County was renamed 妫川 County, named after the GUI River landform in the territory. To the Yuan Dynasty again called Huailai County. [19]

Scenic spot

Huailai County has a long history and rich tourism resources. There are Yan Great Wall in the Warring States Period, Emperor Mountain Grottoes in the Northern Wei period, Jimingyi Ancient City, a key cultural relic protection unit in China, the Great Wall of Miaogang in the Ming Dynasty, and the Xianzhong Temple to commemorate the fallen soldiers of "Civil Change". There is Dong Cunrui memorial Hall, New security campaign Site, national 4A level scenic Huanglong Mountain Village. Among them, Yan Great Wall, Ming Great Wall, Jimingyi Ancient City, Zhenbian City and so on are listed as provincial key cultural relics.
Huailai County fully excavates tourism resources, and builds tourism projects around Guanting Lake, winery tour, hot spring health, red memory, the Great Wall nostalgia, history and culture, green ecology, archaeological sites, festival activities, etc., which has become one of the important tourist destinations for self-drive tourists in Beijing.
Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall
Dong Cunrui Martyr Memorial Hall It is located in Nanshanbao village, the hometown of the hero, 10 kilometers away from Shacheng. The memorial was inaugurated in June 1968 and covers an area of 8,614 square meters. The main building of the museum has Dong Cunrui martyr statues, exhibition halls, reception rooms, offices, etc., with a construction area of 284 square meters. Around the exhibition hall, 56 photos, 43 paintings and 15 objects are used to show the hero's life story, and in the middle is the sand table model of Longhua battle. Has become Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, Beijing youth patriotism education base, moral education base, National defense education base .
In April 2006, the CPC Huailai County Committee and the county People's Government expanded Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall with a total investment of 3.65 million yuan, covering an area of 18,800 square meters. The exhibition area is 1150 square meters. The exhibition hall consists of six halls: the preface Hall, the first hall, the second hall, the third hall, the audio-optical simulation hall and the multi-function hall.
Jimingyi ancient city
Jimingyi Ancient City, 18.5 kilometers northwest of the county, is a national key cultural relic protection unit. It is a large post station in the history of ancient Chinese poststations.
Founded in the Yuan Dynasty, in the twelfth year of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty (1219), Genghis Khan led troops to the West expedition, opening up a post road on the road leading to the west city, and setting up "station Chi", that is, a post station. By the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1420), Jiming Yi was expanded into the first station of Xuanhua Prefecture into the capital. Jiming Yi in the Ming Chenghua eight years (1472) to build earth wall, Ming Longqing four years (1570) brick wall, the city circumference of 2330 meters, 12 meters high wall, set east and west two doors, above the gate to build two floors, the middle of the city to build the jade Emperor loft, the city four corners to build corner tower. The east and west "horse road" is the passage for horses to enter and exit, and the "Nanguan Road" in the south of the city is the main road of the relay at that time. Qing Qianlong three years (1738) the city wall will be repaired, and in the east of the city to build a protective dam.
New security city
New security has a long history, the Western Han Dynasty and live in the county, Yan County, Yuan Dynasty called "Lei home station", is under the jurisdiction of security state. Ming Jingtai two years (1451) moved security state to Lei Jia station, renamed new security. In the same year, built a brick city, high in height and two feet, around 1240 feet, Haohao a deep two feet and five feet, with three gates east, west and south. Ming Wanli twenty-three years (1595) in the city of the cross street to build an attic, on the book "key heavy", become the city's unique landscape. During the War of liberation Pingjin Campaign 总攻的序幕从这里揭开,国民党35军1.6万人被华北野战军全歼于此,中将军长郭景云被击毙,“新保安”三字由此载入《毛泽东选集》等历史巨卷成为古城历史上光彩夺目的一页。
Miaogang sample edge of the Great Wall
The Great Wall is the best-preserved section of the Great Wall in Huailai County, with the highest construction quality and specifications. It is located in Miaogang and Hengling West in the southeast of Xiaonanxinbao Town, with a total length of about 3000 meters. The walls are built with regular large stone strips. In the second year after Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, sent Xu Da to build the Great Wall at Juyong Pass and other places. In order to ensure the construction quality of the Great Wall, Xu Da specially selected the dangerous area in the mountains near Miaogang as a demonstration project of the Great Wall, and used this as a model to demarcate the construction project of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty, so it is called "sample edge".
The wall is about 2.5 kilometers long, about 6 meters high and 5 meters wide. There are several S-shaped curves in the city wall, the lines turn round and smooth, and the wall is built regularly. The brick crenellations, walls and towers were demolished by local people in the 1970s, but the main part of the wall is still standing.
Emperor Mountain Northern Wei grottoes
The Emperor Mountain Natural Scenic Area, also known as the Wudao Pot Grottoes tourist area, is located in the northeast of Huailai County, Hebei Province, east of Beijing Yanqing District Gujiahe is 1 km away from Badaling Great Wall 30 km to the southeast. The area covers a total area of 5 square kilometers and is famous for its grotto residential communities, stone carvings and ecological environment. There are several grottoes in the Northern Wei Dynasty on the top of the mountain, and at the foot of the mountain is Fang Jiachong, a national demonstration unit of science and education village.
Emperor Mountain scenic boulders block the stream, for the waterfall, for the pool, a total of five heavy, the ancients called "five pot". "Huailai County Annals · Mountains and Rivers" article once recorded the source of this stream "spring from the basin, not overflowing, enough to supply one hundred people to drink." Today, geologists have verified that this spring was formed four to five hundred million years ago. In winter, the pool, the waterfall are turned into an ice pool, the end of the five POTS, a stone house built on the cliff. According to expert research, this was originally carved in the Northern Wei Dynasty, was the capital of the Khan prefecture of the Xi nationality, and later changed into a temple. Temple all facilities are chiseled stone, up and down through its carved beams and pillars, there are fog cloud cave, merit monument, Buddha stone, ancient pine elm, turtle snake worship, flying stone, thunder stone, a line of heaven, ancient rolling, money making furnace, star waterfall, fairyland steps and other dozens of natural landscape. At the foot of the mountain is the 5,000 mu ecological sightseeing park.
Border town
The border town is a small military town that guards the border. Located on the inside of the Great Wall, Huailai, Hebei and Changping junction of Beijing, and Changyu City, Baiyanggou and called Beijing border three cities, most of the residents of the city are the descendants of soldiers guarding the border.
To the southwest of the new town is the towering Bijia Mountain, the highest peak of which is 1145 meters. The Western wall and most of the north and South walls were built on the western Hill. The city wall is made of large solid mountain stones, and the city is fortified. The city is 4.2 meters high (currently 3 meters high), and it is a stone city. In order to accommodate the terrain, the eastern wall is 18 degrees west of north. The city opens three gates, east, south and north, and the three gates are wooden doors, and the north and south gates have barges. The inner gate of the north gate is still there, the south gate has disappeared, and only three old locust trees of the same year remain. There is a 5-meter-wide brick arch gate in the middle of the east city, and above the gate there is a plaque reading "Town border City" three characters (this plaque was originally in the South gate, because the south gate was destroyed and moved here). At the north gate of the city, there was a pack of tablets, recording the history of the city, which is half of the existing. According to the inscription, those stationed in the city at that time were "Chen Kui, Yang Rudong, Pan Chengwu, Wu Jin and so on." There is an archway at the south gate of the city, with exquisite workmanship and exquisite materials. There are three turrets on the north corner, southwest corner and west wall opposite the east gate.
The city is divided into three streets, six lanes and seventy-two Hutong, north and south for the street, east and west for the lane, whether the street, lane or Hutong are local materials, paved with stone. The original houses are basically siheyuan, most of them are built of stone, only in particularly conspicuous places or places that need to be decorated with black bricks; There is a bell and drum tower in the middle of the city, there are 12 temples, you can see only the big Buddhist temple, the temple has a history of more than 400 years. There is a stage in the city for more than 300 years, and the painted beams are still recognizable. The east gate of the city is still in its original appearance, and the village is called Xi Gate.
The Great Wall Sanggan Winery
Changcheng Sanggan Winery was founded in 1979, with 1,122 acres of Nihe ancient fossil vineyard, is the pioneer of Chinese winery history. In 2007, it was jointly recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other five ministries. State recognized enterprise technology center ". The winery has won 24 awards, including 13 new product awards, 8 science and technology progress awards, and 3 national technology patent awards.
Huanglong Villa
Huanglong Villa Tourism Area Huailai County, an AAAA national scenic spot, is located in the Yanshan Mountain range, located in Huailai County, Hebei Province, east of Beijing, west of Shanxi and Mongolia. Yuhong Temple, located in the north of Xinbao 'an of Huailai Ancient City, is a natural ecological scenic spot integrating tourism, sightseeing, vacation, conference and entertainment.
The most distinctive scenic spot of the villa, the cloud grassland, is a huge alpine meadow. As a primitive natural scenic spot, the annual average temperature is 19.1 degrees, and the highest temperature in midsummer is about 26 degrees, so the climate is cool. At the same time, the ecological vegetation coverage rate in the scenic spot is as high as 95%.
Tianmo is located in Huailai County small south Xinbao town, the town of Begonia. With Chipan Mountain in the south and Guanting Lake in the north, it is the closest desert to Beijing. The desert area is not large, but the cause of strange, become a mystery.
The desert, the east Sharon north-south length of more than 300 meters, the west Sharon north-south length of nearly kilometers, the width of more than 100 meters, the high is estimated to be more than 30 meters. Orchards, grassy beaches, golden salons in the Gobi, mountains, Gobi, lakes and other landforms depict the color picture of "the desert lonely smoke straight, the river falling yen".
Tianmu Park has now become a large-scale resort integrating tourism fitness, film and television bases, environmental protection education bases, etc.

Local specialty

Grapes and wine
Huailai County is located in the golden viticulture area of 40° north latitude, with a history of grape growing for thousands of years. The average annual temperature of the county is 8.9 ° C, and the average annual precipitation is 400 mm. It has the climate characteristics of four distinct seasons, sufficient sunlight, rain and heat in the same season, and large temperature difference between day and night, making it the best viticulture area for fresh food and wine in China. The county grape planting area of 251,000 mu, more than 150 varieties, the annual production of 140,000 tons of grapes, industrialization management rate of nearly 80%, by the national Standardization Committee named "national grape standardization planting demonstration county". "Warm spring" brand white milk grape has become a famous brand trademark in Hebei Province, and the "Sandao Bay" grape seeds were successfully carried out by the "Shenzhou 8" spacecraft Space breeding The mode of operation is gradually changing from retail investors and cooperatives to enterprises. There are 35 wine processing enterprises under construction or completed in the county, which has formed a production capacity of 200,000 tons of wine and an output value of 4 billion yuan. With "Great Wall", "Sino-French", "Deschamps", "Rongchen" and other 12 brands, more than 50 varieties of wine products, exported to more than 20 countries and regions. Among them, "Great Wall" wine is listed 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Designated Wine and Designated Wine of Expo 2010 Shanghai, and Beijing APEC Summit Designate wine. In 2015, Shacheng Production area won a total of 12 international awards, including 10 gold awards and 2 bronze awards.
Stone flake apricot
Stone flake apricot
"Shipian Apricot" named after Shipian Village, Huailai County, Hebei Province, has a long history and is well known for being the top quality apricot, with the reputation of "Shipian apricot, don't ask". In 1986, apricot preserved with stone flake apricot as raw material was awarded the first prize in the quality of apricot preserved by township enterprises in China. In 1997, won the Hebei Expo Quality product award; In 2000, it was registered by the Provincial Bureau of Industry and Commerce as "Guanting Lake" brand "Stone chip Yellow Apricot".
Baling begonia, also known as Huailai begonia, is mainly produced in Xiaonan Xinbao Town, Huailai County. Baling begonia is rich in nutrition, containing a variety of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, and the human body's indispensable begonia acid, which can soften blood vessels and have obvious preventive effects on hypertension and coronary heart disease. It can clear heat, purge fire, strengthen spleen, appetizer, and is a favorite drink for children and middle-aged and elderly people. Eight edge begonia, a big thin skin, red color through purple, fruit fragrance, sweet and sour crisp food, can also be sliced and processed into dried begonia, can also be processed into begonia juice, drinks, canned.
Purple garlic
Xibali purple skin garlic, small, meat, spicy juice, with special flavor, is an indispensable condiment for family life, and has special medical value, it contains allicin and other antibacterial substances, can resist a variety of harmful bacteria.
Gold thread jujube
Jujube, which is famous in Beijing and Tianjin, is abundant in Guanting Reservoir, Guzhuangwo area, and there are records of jujube species there in Shiji. Sugar content is 18% higher than other areas, rich in nutrition, rich in ABCD and other vitamins, but also contains calcium, iron and other essential minerals, has a high health value. Old Zhuangwo golden silk jujube mature in late October every year, the fruit is oblong, the skin brown red, the fruit big pit small, sweet flavor meat, sugar is higher, in old times, to be given to the court royal family, preparation of "eight treasures porridge". Jujube contains protein, fat, starch, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins. The medicinal value is also high, for constipation, Corneal ulcer , heart disease, hypertension and other diseases have good curative effect, and has a variety of functions such as soothing the liver and invigorating the spleen, dissipating the heart and moistening the lung, tonifying the blood and nourishing the skin, regulating the qi and so on.
Guoguang Apple
The main producing area of Guoguang Apple is located in the northern mountainous area of the county, the hometown of the famous battle hero Dong Cunrui, Cunrui Town, with an average altitude of 800 meters, the climate is cool, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the unique natural conditions have bred the precious small country light apple in the fruit.
The main producing area of strawberries is located in the southeast of Huailai County, Laojunzhuang village, Laojunzhuang strawberry fruit fresh red tender, juicy pulp, contains a special rich fruit aroma. Be rich in Vitamin C It has the effect of consolidating gums, refreshing breath, moistening larynx and helping digestion. In 2010, we successfully registered the "Guanting Lake" brand of Laojunzhuang fresh strawberry trademark, and in 2011, Laojunzhuang strawberry passed the organic certification.
Kubo peach
Kubo peach has a long history of cultivation, the main producing area is located in Beixinbao Town, Huailai County, in the Tianhuangshan Natural Scenic area surrounded by peaks, lush vegetation, clear spring flowing down the river, mountain spring irrigation silkworm house Ying peach garden, under the nourishment of the spring, silkworm house ying Kubo peach skin bright red, smooth and beautiful, fruit mellow sweet, nutritious.

Famous person

Wang Zhong, secondary Zhong, Shanggu County Juyang County in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In accordance with the Li Cao script, the creation of "octant", that is, regular script, has left an indelible historical achievement for the history of Chinese calligraphy.
Zhang Gun, character Honglong, Northern Wei Shanggu County Juyang County people. Northern Wei Dynasty left long history, Youzhou dynasty history. His handheld to, advise agriculture and sang, wisdom and lofty, thick character to help the emperor to open up territory, participate in military and political plans, Gong worship Fenwu general, posthumous title "Wen Kang Gong". His grandson Zhang Baize, as Yongzhou governor, awarded the town south general rank.
Tan Cheng, word Qingyan, Yuan Dynasty Dexing Fu people, official worship vice marshal. Good at reading and fluent in Mongolian. Relief from hunger and poverty, free of burden, make people chisel Tang canal, irrigation, teaching of planting, the land is completely beneficial, to good officials into the Yuan history.
Pan Zongyan, the word Shi Qian, Ming Dynasty security guard people, officers to Shandong watch the military preparation of the military, Liaodong military supervision and other positions. Good poetry Fu, Xiao astronomy, military, in the "Sarhu" battle died on the battlefield, posthumously presented Guanglu Qing, posthumous title "Jie min".
Husi Shin, the word Junzhi, Ming Dynasty South Zhili Jixi County city east people. He served as head of the military department and doctor for several years, and because of his outstanding performance in assessment and the retention of local officials and local people, he was promoted to the post of inspector so that Liu Huailai continued to serve in Huilong military preparation Road. Huai and Yan Erwei Annals proposed by him is the earliest local annals reflecting the local situation of Huailai. Later, he served as the Chief envoy of Shandong Province, governor of Baoding and governor of Southern Capital.
Xi Zhizan, Huailai city, Qing Dynasty. Xing education, compiling history books, in the Guangxu years to rebuild "Huailai County records", the world in the people.
Zhao Shihe, character Geng Tang, Xinbao town. Read books in childhood, and spare no effort in helping the poor when young. After the elderly, enthusiastic public welfare, like to overcome difficulties, right and wrong, outspoken, respected. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he resolutely joined the Tongmenghui, and contacted like-minded people in Jin Lu and other provinces. In the early years of the Republic of China, he organized the Republic of China Toastmasters Group in Beijing and was the head of the group. Life is not interested in fame and profit, to benefit the home revitalization of China as a career, suffered from troubles, losers wealth, never wavered.
Dong Cunrui During the battle to liberate Longhua, he gave his life to blow up a bunker and died at the age of 19. After being chased as a "national battle hero", Commander Zhu De personally inscriptions for the martyrs monument "sacrifice for the country, immortal". Since then, Huailai has been known as the hometown of heroes.
Qin Gang
Qin Gang Male, Han nationality, born in March 1966 in Huailai, Hebei Province, is currently a member of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China [33] 32 - . [30]

Honorary title

On January 19, 2017, Huailai County was named the "Top ten Counties" of Hebei Provincial Government new media in 2016. [1]
On September 20, 2019, Huailai County won the honorary title of national greening Model Unit. [5]
In November 2019, Huailai County was selected into the list of the second batch of water-saving social construction standard counties (districts). [2]
On June 30, 2020, Huailai County was selected into the "List of the second batch of Revolutionary Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Plots." [6]
In December 2020, Huailai County was awarded the title of "the second" Civilized County of Hebei Province ". [7]
In December 2020, Huailai County was selected as the "2020 National 100 Best All-around Well-off Demonstration County and City". [8]
On January 14, 2021, Huailai County was selected into the third batch of national rural entrepreneurship and innovation typical counties list published by the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. [9]
On January 28, 2021, Huailai County was selected into the list of "National Civilized City Nomination Cities in the 2021-2023 creation cycle". [10]
In March 2021, Huailai County was awarded the advanced county (city and district) of Hebei Province Village Cleaning Action in 2020. [11]
On September 8, 2021, Huailai County was selected into the National Energy Administration Comprehensive Department of the whole county (city, district) roof distributed photovoltaic development pilot list. [13]
On December 1, 2021, Huailai County was selected into the public list of Hebei Province's 2021 "Four good Rural Road" demonstration county to be identified. [14]
On December 2, 2021, Huailai County was selected into the list of the 13th Shuangyong Model City (county) of Hebei Province to be named. [15]
In January 2022, Huailai County was selected as the 2017-2020 Ping An Hebei Construction Demonstration County (city) announced by the Hebei Province Safe Construction Leading Group Office , district) list. [16]
In 2022, Huailai County was selected to create the "four good Rural Road" national demonstration county proposed list. [17]
In August 2022, Huailai County was selected to create the list of agricultural modernization demonstration zones in 2022. [26]
On November 18, 2022, Huailai County was named the sixth batch of ecological civilization construction demonstration zone by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. [28]
In January 2023, Huailai County was selected into the list of units created by the national demonstration County of "Four Good Rural Roads" in 2022 (Hebei). [27] [29]
In November 2023, Huailai County was identified as a national demonstration county of "Four good Rural Roads" in 2022. [35]