
The upper reaches of Yongding River in Haihe River Basin
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Sangan River, the old Sangan River, legend every year mulberry The river dries up when it is ripe, hence its name. In ancient times, it was called Luoshui, 溹 digester. for Yongding River Upstream, yes Haihe River An important tributary of Hebei Province, located in the northwest and Shanxi (Province) North of the province. Originated from Shanxi Province Yuanzi River with The Hui River Generally, the Hui River is the positive source, and the two rivers are in Shuozhou The nearby confluence is called the Sangan River. In Hebei Province Huailai county Zhuguantun And Jiahe village between the Hui Yanghe River Post meridian Guanting reservoir After that, the Yongding River began. 506 kilometers long, Basin area 23,900 Square kilometer The main tributaries are Huangshui River, A surname , Hun River , Huliu River Let's wait.
The upper Sangan River flows through Loess plateau Serious soil erosion, the old river often silted up, especially the downstream river frequent flooding. At the end of the 17th century, after extensive flood control measures were taken, the downstream was named Yongding River. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, through the construction of Shitian, Guanting reservoir and downstream diversion, the flood disaster was basically eliminated, but because of the reduction of upstream water sources, the cut-off became an important factor threatening the Sanggan River.
Sanggan River basin is the cradle of human civilization at the border of Shanxi and Hebei, which gave birth to Yiyangyuan Nihewan Culture as the representative of ancient civilization.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Sang-kan River
Sanggan River (before simplified Chinese characters)
Drainage system
Haihe river basin Yongding River upper source
Geographical position
Northern Shanxi and northwestern Hebei
Flow area
Xinzhou, Shuozhou, Datong, Zhangjiakou
Ningwu county Guanqin Mountain Watershed village
Main tributary
Huliu River , A surname , Hun River
Length of river
437 km [13 ]
Basin area
21395 km² [13 ]
Huailai County, Hebei Province Zhuguantun

Name evolution

About the late Quaternary Pleistocene, most of the lake water in Datong Basin, Yangyuan Basin and other ancient lakes disappeared and became lacustrine plains. The ancient abundant spring water, together with the rain that fell in these basins and the surrounding mountains, gathered together, the assembly of the great River, along the east note, through the Zhuolu a Huailai basin, with the "three. Jeomha As a whole, the embryonic form of today's Sanggan River was roughly formed. [1]
The Sangan River is a river with a variety of names. Pre-qin classics The Classic of Mountains and Rivers It's called bath water. "Mountain Classics · North three classics" : "and five hundred miles north, said earnestly on the mountain that does not meet... The bath water came out." Tan Qixiang Mr. Believes that bathing water is water control, that is, today's Yongding River. "Han Shu, Geography" called it water control, its Yanmen Yinguan county Under the cloud: "Leitou Mountain, water control out of the east to Quanzhou sea, six counties, a thousand hundred miles." The Book of Han, Biography of King Yan Thorn is also recorded as Tai (Yin Yi) water. The above bathing water, water treatment, is actually one water, or because of the similar font and copy to cause corruption, or because of similar pronunciation and different words, generally to water treatment. The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Xu Shen Write" Shuowen Jiezi ", also known as 㶟 water, Wen Yun: "㶟 water out of Yanmen (county) Yinguan (county) Leitou Mountain, east into the sea, or said water control also. It can be seen that the Sanggan River is called bathing water in the Warring States, the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern Wei Dynasty, the 㶟 water, and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Sanggan River. However, the lower Sanggan River has more complicated name changes in different historical periods. For example, Yongding River once had Qingquan River (Han and Wei), Sorghum River (Han Wei), Lu Gou (Jin), Yuan, Ming and Hun River, small Yellow River, Wudinghe River And so on. And river names change as reflected within the basin Human activity The hydrological condition is also deteriorating, especially after the Ming and Qing dynasties, it has become easy to silt and resolve, and floods are frequent. Until the thirty-seventh year of Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1698), after large-scale regulation of the river and construction of river embankments, the downstream began to have the name of Yongding River.
As for the Sanggan River, it is the word "dry" after the 1950s Chinese character simplification As a result of "dry". [1]

Main stream profile

Map of location and water system of Sanggan River
Sanggan River is the upper reaches of Yongding River, Yongding River Haihe river system Its positive source originated in Shanxi Province Ningwu county The Hui River of Miaoergou at the north foot of Guanqin Mountain, Huihe and Yuanzi River in Shuozhou City, Ma Yi village after the confluence called Sanggan River. The Sangan River is in Yanggao county South Xuzhuang out of Shanxi Province, in Hebei province Huailai county The confluence of Zhuguantun and Yanghe River is called Yongding River, which flows through Hebei Province and Hebei Province Peking City, in Tianjin The city flows into the Haihe River into the Bohai Sea.
The upper Sanggan River is located in northern Shanxi Province and flows through Administrative division It is mainly the majority of Shuozhou City today. The section of the river that flows through Yingxian County is about 35.1 kilometers long (measured by Google earth), which is the largest river in Yingxian County and the oldest river. [1]
The Sanggan River is 437 kilometers long and covers an area of 21,395 square kilometers. [13 ]

Shanxi section

The upper reaches of the Sanggan River have two rivers, the Yuanzi River and the Hui River. The main stream of Huihe originates from the watershed village of Guancun Mountain, Ningwu County, and the source of Yuanzi River originates from the Jiekou Mountain of Zuoyun County. Two rivers in Shuozhou City Shuocheng district Ma Yi village after the confluence called Sanggan River. Legend has it that the river dries up every year when mulberry is very mature. It flows through the Shocheng district, Shanyin county , Ying County, Huairen City Yun Zhou District [17] Into the Shetian reservoir, to Yanggao County Weijia Xiaopu village into Hebei Province. Shanxi Province has a river length of 252 kilometers and a drainage area of 15,464 square kilometers. Yanggao county Daxinzhuang Station Multi-year average Natural runoff 773 million cubic meters, annual average Sediment concentration 52.4 kilograms per cubic meter. Rivers through the counties, the north and south for the mountains, the middle of the flat terrain Datong basin. [2] It is 124 kilometers long in Shuozhou City, and the average water flow rate for many years is 4.51 cubic meters/second. [3]
The Hui River originates from Ninh Vu Guan Qin Mountain, to Shuocheng District Shentou Spring Into the Sanggan River, the length of the territory of 74 kilometers, the basin area of 1273 square kilometers, water flow 0.38 cubic meters/second. [4]

Hebei section

Sangan River legend every year mulberry The river dries up when it is ripe, hence its name. Originate from Shanxi Plateau At the north foot of Guanqin Mountain, it flows through Datong Basin in the northeast, including Huangshui River, Hunhe River, Yuhe River and two River, and flows into Hebei Province in the northeast Yangyuan county Huaxiaoying Town Money home Shawa accept Huliu River , flows northeast Xuanhua District Zhuolu County, Zhuolu County, Huailai County junction Zhuguantun with Jiahe Village Between and the Yanghe River into the Guanting reservoir, after the Guanting reservoir is called Yongding River, and then through the Sanjiadian into the plain, down to the Kujiadian and North Canal confluence. 1970 excavation from Qujiadian Yongding New River Yongding River water from Yongding New River directly into the sea. [5]
Sanggan River originates from Guancen Mountain, Ningwu County, Shanxi Province, flows through Yangyuan, Xuanhua, Zhuolu, Huailai and other counties, to Huailai County Zhuguantun and Yanghe conjoin, after the convergence is called Yongding River. Into Guanting reservoir, into Beijing. The main river is 160 km long in Zhangjiakou City. Sanggan River, Yanghe River is the main water source of our city, is the lifeblood of economic development and urban construction. [14 ]
A section of Jiahe village at the confluence of Sanggan River and Yanghe River

Hydrological characteristics

Sanggan River in Shuocheng district Ma Yi village has Shentou Spring Out of sight, Average discharge 7.4 cubic meters per second. The biggest flood in the history of the Sanggan River occurred in the 22nd year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1896), in the Sanggan River out of the province Weijia small fort village The flood peak is 5040 cubic meters per second. Qing Tongzhi ten years (1871) lunar calendar July The last ten days of a month Continuous rain Ten days, also for the big water, Weijia small fort flood peak 4190 cubic meters/second. The 28 years of the Republic of China (1939) flooded Tianjin, the Sanggan River was also a flood, the rainstorm center in Hunyuan, flooded Hunyuan county City. [2]

Main tributary

The main tributaries are Huangshui River, Hunhe River, Yuhe and so on. If Sanggan River is the source of Yongding River, Yanghe River is also a tributary of Sanggan River. If Hui River is the main source of Sanggan River, then Yuanzi River is also a tributary of Sanggan River.
Yellow water River, ancient called water control, also known as wet water. Originated in Shuocheng District Wang Wanzhuang, through Shuocheng District, Shanyin county To Ying County, Yingxian Yita village into the Sanggan River. The length of the territory is 103 kilometers, the drainage area is 3630 square kilometers, and the water flow is 0.13 cubic meters/second to 1.5 cubic meters/second. The river is as muddy as yellow soup and the river bed is uncertain, which has done great harm to farmland and villages on both sides of the river in history. In recent years, the amount of water has decreased, and it often dries up without water.
Hun River Guochuan water, GuoChuan Mountain, has its origin Hunyuan county Guoshan Mountain (Nanling Pass). From Hunyuan through Yingxian county, to Huairen City Xinqiao village into the Sanggan River. The total length of the territory is 42 kilometers, and the water flow is 0.45 cubic meters/second. Because there should be county Zhenliang reservoir Water storage and river blocking are more beneficial to farmland production.
Wonziha (Yuanzi River), originated from Xingzibao village, Zuoyun County, by Youyu county , Pinglu District In Shuocheng District into the Sanggan River, the length of 133 kilometers, the basin area of 1068 square kilometers, water flow of 0.2 cubic meters/second, for Seasonal stream . [4]
A surname Originate from Inner Mongolia municipality prosperity Northwest of the county, said drink horse River, in Datong town Qiangbao into the territory of Shanxi, said the royal River. The main stream of the Royal River is 155 kilometers long and is located in Jijiazhuang, Datong City [11] It flows into the Sanggan River, with a total drainage area of 5,503 square kilometers, of which 2,376 square kilometers are in Inner Mongolia.
Kamitoku spring It is one of the famous large karst spring groups in Shanxi Plateau. It emerges at the confluence of Huihe River and Yuanzi River and directly supplies Sanggan River. Spring group distribution area of 5 square kilometers, spring flow, annual average (1956 ~ 1984) up to 8.15 cubic meters/second, the maximum flow of up to 9.78 cubic meters/second. The average flow rate in the 2010s was only 6.54 m3 / s. [2]
Yu County section of Huliu River
Huliu River The ancient name of Qiyi Water. " Yuan and county records "The channel on the river is narrow, and the lower river is wide calabash Aye." So the name of the gourd river, Qing Dynasty was renamed Huliu River. The Huiliu River originates from the northern foot of the Hengshan Mountains in Shanxi Province Guangling county Wanghu Village the Shaquan County From west to east, through Wang Hu, South Village, Huquan , Add Dou, Jiao Shan, by Nuanquan Flow into Yuxian County Border, to Liunanbao into the water from the south Mazhuang village god water spring, by Wuzhou Township , Daiwang City , Western joint venture And other places, into the cross River, Qingshui River, Ding 'an River, through the North water spring town west, into the north Yangyuan Border, and then from the small Dukou village into the Sanggan River. Huiliu River has a total length of 128 kilometers, a drainage area of 4315 square kilometers, a county length of 73 kilometers, a drainage area of 2952 square kilometers. The main tributaries of the Wuxian section of the Huliu River are Qingshui River, Dingan River, Cross River, etc. In addition, there are many springs injected. Ice period About four months. [12]
Yanghe, known as Xiushui and Yuyanshui in ancient times, called Yanghe in Liao Dynasty and evolved into Yanghe in Ming Dynasty. Because of numerous tributaries, abundant water, water flow, so named Yanghe. The upper source is East, west, Nanyang River Three tributaries, with the Dongyang River the longest, up to 135 km. Three branches and Wyan After the junction of Wanquan County, it begins to be called Yanghe River, flowing east through Huai 'an, Wanquan County, and turning southeast through Xuanhua and Zhangjiakou City Lower garden district To Zhuolu, Huailai junction into the Sanggan River, this section is 118 kilometers long, a total length of 253 kilometers. It covers an area of 15,470 square kilometers. The width of the river bed is 150-1100 meters, and the average discharge for many years is 17.6 cubic meters/second, which belongs to the Haihe river system. For the perennial river, the year Ice age Seventy days. The main tributaries are Qingshui River and so on. [6]

Governance and development


River flood control

The Sanggan River is a major tributary of the upper reaches of the Yongding River, 252 km long in Shanxi Province. According to the General Annals of Shanxi, Annals of Shuozhou According to historical documents such as "Yingxian Chronicle" and "Yingxian Chronicle", the Sanggan River has been renovated many times in history. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the key river section was thinned and strengthened, and some village embankments were built along the river, but no complete embankments were formed, and only tributaries such as Shilihe, Kouquan, Hunhe, Tangyu, Yuhe, and Dayu River were built to protect the city, such as Kouquan River flowing through the mining section, with a river length of 37.4 kilometers stone-laying Dyke or revetment The project is 46.7 kilometers, and the flood control standard is once in 50 years, and the main areas reach once in 100 years. The river length of Shilihe mining area is 38.6 kilometers, and the fixed masonry embankment and bank protection have been built for 27.4 kilometers, and the flood control standard reaches once every 20-50 years. [8]

Flood storage in reservoir

Built in the basin Large and medium-sized reservoir Eight seats, Chetian reservoir It controls almost the entire basin, but it Flood control benefit Mainly for the downstream Hebei, Beijing flood control sand. Hunhe has two medium-sized reservoirs, Hengshan and Zhenliang, which have great flood control effects on Hunyuan County and Sanggan River. Ten Li River in Zuoyun County city built ten Li River medium reservoir a, also downstream Datong The city's mining area along the river plays a certain role in alleviating flood. Dongyulin Reservoir is a medium-sized reservoir with a storage capacity of 65 million cubic meters in the upper reaches of the main stream of Sanggan River, which plays an important role in controlling the floods of Hui River and Yuanzi River and so on. In addition, Zhaojiayao Reservoir in Datong and Mizhuang Reservoir in Huairenxia also controlled part of the flood. [8]
The main dam of Dongyulin Reservoir is located in Shuozhou City shantytown East Yulin Village The upper main stream of the Sangan River in the southeast. Control area of 3430 square kilometers, Basin length 103.5 km. There are three tributaries in the upper reaches: Yuanziyuan, Huihe and Qilihe. Huihe and Qilihe first flow into Taipingyao Reservoir and then pour into it less than 10 kilometers after discharging. By the main dam, secondary dam, sluice Composed of three parts, it is a specially designed no spillway A reservoir. Main dam system Homogeneous earth dam , Max Dam height 15.5 meters, 1,135 meters long. Built in 1978, the dam collapsed in the following year, and it was a dangerous warehouse. Originally an empty repository, the Lord holds God head spring water. In 1999, all water was stored. In 2005, it was strengthened. Total storage 65 million cubic meters, in the 20th century, more than 80 million cubic meters of water were supplied to the downstream and surrounding areas every year. At the beginning of the 21st century, due to the decrease of incoming water, the annual water supply was reduced to more than 60 million cubic meters, which is a major water supply Water supply Larger than the total storage capacity of the reservoir, the water supply range is Sanggan River irrigation area (design area of 400 hectares), Minsheng canal Irrigation area (design area 333 hectares), Xijiaying irrigation area (design area 2,533 hectares), along the bank and downstream riverside rural high irrigation more than 50 (irrigation area 6,667 hectares), a total of 40,533 hectares. At the same time, Shuocheng District, Shanyin, Ying County three districts and counties water supply. In October 2007, it was approved as the first batch of provincial Shanxi Province Water conservancy landscape area In 2008, it was the Sanggan River wetland in Shuozhou National water conservancy scenic area . [9]
Chetian reservoir spillway
Chetian reservoir Is located in Datong City, Shanxi Province Yunzhou District Xubao township . Founded in March 1958, it crosses the Sanggan River, 30 kilometers long from east to west, and the downstream is Wulong Gorge About 10 kilometers long, Xingli water level area of about 50,000 mu, water storage 86 million cubic meters, can irrigate more than 400,000 mu of farmland, annual output of more than 50,000 kilograms of fish. The main task of the reservoir is to prevent sand, flood control and flood for the downstream Guanting reservoir, which also plays an important role in ensuring the flood control safety of the capital, and also undertakes part of the industrial and domestic water and farmland irrigation in Datong city. Cetian Reservoir beautiful scenery, numerous scenic spots, fresh air, convenient transportation, accommodation, catering, leisure port and one, is a rare leisure tourist resort. Chetian Reservoir is located in the middle and upper reaches of Sanggan River, Yunzhou District, Datong City, Shanxi Province The village of Nishiyutian A surname Haihe river basin Yongding River system It is 60 kilometers from Datong City.
Guanting reservoir Built in October 1951, yes The founding of New China After the construction of the first large reservoir, the design total Storage capacity 4.16 billion cubic meters, actual storage capacity of 2.27 billion cubic meters, storage capacity of 300 million cubic meters, Highest water level 482.8 meters, Normal storage level Not exceeding 479 m, water surface (479 Meter per hour 175 square kilometers, of which 89% are in Huailai territory, total Effective irrigated area 1.3 million acres. [10]
Huliuhe Reservoir, located in the east of Nuanquan Town and 6 kilometers southwest of Yu County, Zhangjiakou City, is an important medium-sized water conservancy project in the middle and upper reaches of Huliuhe River, a tributary of Sanggan River in Yongding River system of Haihe River basin. The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 87 million cubic meters and a controlled watershed area of 1749 square thousand. The reservoir mainly benefits from flood control, combined with irrigation, aquaculture, tourism and other comprehensive benefits. The main pivot buildings of the reservoir are barrage dam, spillway, spillway and north-south irrigation tunnel. Huiliuhe Reservoir began construction in September 1971, the main project was completed in October 1973, except for the spillway has not been implemented, the rest of the projects are completed according to the design scale. In October 1979, the first phase of safety reinforcement (i.e. the spillway project) began and was completed in October 1982. From 1973 to 2008, the flood peak of the reservoir was more than 50 cubic meters per second 15 times, of which the largest was in August 1985, the maximum flood peak of the reservoir was 313 cubic meters per second, and in 1990 the reservoir was abandoned, the maximum discharge of the spillway tunnel was 20 cubic meters per second. In the autumn of 2004, 12 million cubic meters of water were transferred to the Guanting Reservoir, and in the autumn of 2005, 18 million cubic meters of water were transferred to the Guanting Reservoir, alleviating the shortage of water resources in Beijing. On October 27, 2001, it was verified by the Dam Safety Management Center of the Ministry of Water Resources for the third class dam (that is, the sick reservoir) in October 2002, the reservoir reinforcement project began, the main project was completed in October 2004, and the project was completed in July 2005. After the implementation of the project, the reservoir can be stored and operated according to the normal storage level, the flood control standard of the reservoir meets the once-in-a-thousand year check, the observation and management facilities have been improved, the water seepage of the ditch behind the dam has been significantly reduced, and the phenomenon of swamping downstream of the reservoir has basically disappeared. According to the initial observation and analysis results after the update of the pressure measuring tube and deformation observation point, and the operation of each part of the project more than one year after the project was put into operation, the project is running normally. [15 ]


Datong Sanggan River Irrigation Area, located in the southwest of Datong Basin, Shanxi Province, is located in Shanyin County and Ying County, Shuozhou City Land area 617,000 acres, Designed irrigated area It is one of the large natural irrigation areas in Shanxi Province. The water source of the irrigation area is Dongyulin Reservoir on the main stream of Sanggan River, and its runoff is Sanggan River Surface runoff And the God head spring to discharge water. Shuozhou City uses Sanggan River water to build 8 big Medium irrigation area They are: Sanggan River Irrigation Area founded in 1939. Designed irrigation area of 24,000 hectares, Shuozhou City Large irrigation area . Huihe Irrigation District, founded in 1875, with a designed irrigation area of 12,300 hectares, is a medium-sized Qingflood irrigation district. Founded in 1952, Yumin Irrigation District, with a designed irrigation area of 2800 hectares, is a medium-sized Qingflood irrigation district. Lahekou Irrigation Area, built in 1976, with a designed irrigation area of 2866 hectares, is a medium-sized pure flood irrigation area. Founded in 1960, the irrigation area of Shendou Yangshui Station, with a designed irrigation area of 2400 hectares, is a medium-sized pumping station irrigation area. Founded in 1975, the irrigation area of Nangao irrigation pumping station is managed by Shanyin County, with a designed irrigation area of 3933 hectares. Founded in 1958, the Minsheng irrigation district belongs to Shanyin County, with a designed irrigation area of 2147 hectares. It is a medium-sized irrigation district with dual purpose of clearing flood. Xuejiaying Irrigation District, established in 1975, is under the management of Yingxian County, with a designed irrigation area of 3333 hectares, which is a medium-sized clean water irrigation district. [3]
Chetian Irrigation Area is one of the large irrigation areas in Shanxi Province, spanning Shanxi and Hebei provinces, among which the Shanxi part is located in the southeast of Datong Basin. The irrigation area starts from Fixed Bridge of Datong County in the west, reaches east Liuying of Yanggao County in the river, and borders Majiasao of Yanggao County in the north and neighbors to the south Taihang Mountains Six ridges at the foot of the mountain. The irrigation area is about 51 kilometers long from east to west and 12-22 kilometers wide from north to south. Irrigation district design general Irrigated area 302,300 hectares, of which Shanxi part 2.003 hectares. [7]
Zhuolu County Sanggan River irrigation area, including Zhuolu County Huimin North canal, Bishan canal, Sangnan irrigation area, seven big canal irrigation area. Water from the Sangan River. Huimin North Canal, located in the north of the Sanggan River, is built in the Ming Yongle period of the Sanggan River system Huimin Canal, Wanli three years (1575), Jianzhong Huimin Canal, Wanli eight years (1590) excavation of Beipingpo canal and tomorrow Qi six years to build the Yanghe river system of Shidong canal and after the Qing Dynasty Guangxu twenty-five years built on the basis of Qianjia canal. In September 1954, the three canals were combined into the North Huimin Canal, which was named after the South Huimin Canal of the Sanggan River. In the spring of 1956, Heshun Canal and Sanyi Canal were merged into Huimin North Canal. In January 1959, the irrigation area began to build a yield of 10,000 mu, and the channels were curving and straightening. In 1965, the state invested 157,200 yuan to build three drainage ditches in Heyi Dam and Yinwentun, basically forming a drainage network in the irrigation area, and re-repairing more than 10 kilometers of trunk canals, building 19 control gates and 31 water diversion outlets. Since 1974, the irrigation area has been completely rebuilt. After excavation, expansion, extension and finishing, the irrigation canal is mainly composed of the main trunk canal of Huimin North Canal and one, two, three and four thousand canals. In 1988, the total length of the trunk canal is 72.26 kilometers, the branch canal is 118, the length is 89.4 kilometers, there are 1551 buildings, the irrigation area is 96176 mu, and 65 villages in 8 townships. Eight state-owned units benefit, the whole irrigated area of farmland accounts for 1/6 of the county, but the grain output accounts for 1/3 of the county, and the average yield is more than 1,000 kilograms per mu.
Bishan Canal, located in the west of the county, northeast to southwest, by Wujiagou Township Dongyao village southwest Sanggan River diversion, flows through Manziying, Fujiawan, Lijiageta into the West Erbao Township, through Tan Zhuang, Hao Jiapo into Zhangjiapu Township, to the north of Loess port, a total length of 42 kilometers.
Sangnan Irrigation area, located in the south of Sanggan River. It was built in the Ming Wanli ten years (1582) Baihu canal, Qing Tongzhi eight years (1869) built Changsheng canal, Qing Guangxu first year (1875) built East shun canal and built in 1946 built on the basis of the expansion and extension of the nation. In 1951, the four canals were called Huimin South Canal. In 1958, the original Baihu Canal and Changsheng Canal were extended, and the irrigated land area was expanded from the original 11,800 mu to more than 20,000 mu. In April 1966, Sangnan Grand Canal was built, and in October 1969, it was merged with Huimin South Canal and named Sangnan Irrigation District. At this point, there are three main canals in Sangnan irrigation area, namely: Sangnan one, two and three main canals. In 1988, the total length of the three thousand canals was 79.16 kilometers, with a total diversion capacity of 20 cubic meters per second, 179 branch canals, 3,387 buildings on the canals, and a total irrigated area of 59,800 mu, benefiting 93 villages in 9 townships.
Seven big canal irrigation area, the canal is located in the south of Sangnan irrigation area, is located in the hilly area, Sunjiagou Township west of Xiyuan village for the east-west trend, after entering Baodai Township for the northwest to southeast trend, after entering Luanzhuang Township for the general east-west trend. The canal is diverted from the Sanggan River at the boundary between Henan Si West and Xuanhua County, with an elevation of 660 meters at the inlet (bottom). The lead dam built in 1976 was constructed with reinforced concrete and wire cage shell according to 1500 cubic meters per second standard. Because the quality is not high, the reinforced concrete pile with a base depth of 10 meters was re-laid in the downstream to repair the reinforced concrete chain block. At the end of 1988, the irrigation area of the canal was 58,000 mu, and the water intake was 8.5 cubic meters per second, benefiting 8 townships and 45 villages. The yield of grain per mu exceeded 400 kg. [16 ]