Datong City

[dà tóng shì]
Shanxi Province has jurisdiction over prefecture-level cities
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synonymDatong(Shanxi Province under the jurisdiction of prefecture-level cities) generally refers to Datong City
Datong City, known in ancient times as Cloud, Pingcheng, Unju [48] Also known as the coal capital of China . Shanxi Province Prefecture-level cities [105] , Type II big city [75] , The second largest city in Shanxi Province [105] Approved by The State Council, it is one of the central cities and an important comprehensive energy base in the border region of Shanxi, Hebei and Mongolia in China [82] . As of 2022, the city has jurisdiction over 4 districts and 6 counties, with a total area of 14,176 square kilometers [2] The permanent population is 3.10.0 million, and the urban population is 2.285 million, with an urbanization rate of 73.7% [121] .
Datong is a key city in central China [80] , Provincial sub-central city [81] Its geographical coordinates are located at 39°54 '~40°44' north latitude and 112°06 '~114°33' east longitude. [76] Datong City is located in North China , the north of Shanxi Datong basin Center, the border of Shanxi, Hebei and Mongolia, Loess plateau The northeast is the barrier of the whole Jin, the gateway to the north, and the choke point of the Jin, Hebei and Mongolia, and the north is separated by the Great Wall and Inner Mongolia Ulanqab Border on [1] It is a contested place for all generations of soldiers, known as the "Northern lock and key".
Datong City is the first batch National historical and cultural city China's ninth National Congress Ancient capital among [125] , was Surrogate state The Southern capital, The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) The capital, liao , gold , yuan In the early A surname There are many historical sites in the territory, including Yungang Grottoes , Datong ancient City [78] , The northern mountain Hengshan [58] , Datong Great Wall [86] , Huayan Temple , Shanhua Temple , Xuankong Temple , The Nine Dragon Wall Wait, yes State Administration of Cultural Heritage Supporting the construction of a "Museum City" [179] China's first 13 Larger city , National comprehensive transportation hub [40] , National logistics hub [73] , National key tourist city [91] , National garden city , national new energy demonstration city, National double support model city , China's excellent tourist city , Sculpture capital of China , Home of sliced noodles in China [49] , China's top 10 sports and leisure cities, The international capital of gastronomy [132] , The yellow flower capital of China [194] .
Datong is also one of the largest coal energy bases in China, the national heavy chemical energy base, the midpoint of Shenfu, Junge emerging energy Zone and Beijing-Tianjin-Tang Industrial Zone, known as "Phoenix" and "Phoenix". Coal capital of China "Said.
In 2023, the GDP of Datong City completed 187.15 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1% [215] .
Chinese name
Datong City
Foreign name
Yunzhong, Pingcheng, Yunzhou, Phoenix [48]
Administrative division code
140200 [27]
Administrative category
Prefecture-level city
Subordinate region
China Shanxi Province
Geographical position
The junction of Shanxi, Hebei and Mongolia, Datong basin Centre
Area product
14176 km² [2]
Subordinate area
It has 4 municipal districts and 6 counties
Government premises
Pingcheng District 2799 Hing Wan Street
Telephone area code
(+ 86) 0352
Postal code
Climatic condition
Temperate continental semi-arid monsoon climate
Population number
3,100,200 [121] (2022)
License plate code
Jin B
Gross regional product
187.15 billion yuan [215] (2023)
Party secretary
Lu Dongliang
Zhang Qiang [143]

Historical evolution

Yungang Grottoes in Datong
Stone Age Found and excavated in Datong area, located in Yanggao county Ancient town Human fossils found south of Xujiayao village. The people of Xujia Kiln is Peking man About 100,000 years ago, when they migrated west, they met the Datong Lake and settled here. At the same time, in the west of Datong City Qingci kiln, small station, Zuoyun Jiajia kiln, Guangling Zimazhuang and other places have been found Paleolith Site, counting thousands of beaten stone products. Fossils of the mammals that lived with it. On both sides of Wuzhou River, Yuhe River, Sanggan River, Datong Gao Shan Town Yungang South Beam, Zhenchuan West Village, Zhenchuan south beam, Gushan, Shanglongmen, Liu 'an Kiln, Yunzhou District Jijiazhuang, Zuoyun County Old mountains, Tianzhen county Lou Zituan, Guangling county Huihua, Yunzhou District Buddhist Temple, Hunyuan Liyu and other places are found typical Neolithic age microlith And pottery pieces, among them exquisitely wrought stone cones, Stone cluster , adze Stone axe, stone pestle, etc. The pottery comes with Grey pottery , Red pottery and Painted pottery Ornamentation, shape, mouth shape, experts believe that as far as 100,000 years ago, there have been human labor and reproduction in this.
In the summer The tribal name of the Datong region Sell incense , shang then Ghost prescription , The Western Zhou Dynasty (206 B.C.) According to A surname . [160]
Spring and Autumn Period The Datong region is A surname The residence. The North Di refers to a nomadic tribe that lives on hunting Linhu , A surname . According to... Strategy of the warring States · Shiji "contains:" This Shanxi Kelan state north, so the building vexed Hu also; Datong, north of Shuozhou, so Lin Hu land." Datong to Inner Mongolia The bend of a river The area, the spring and autumn period for Linhu activities. (Tang) Emperor Yao seal Xi He His son is the elder of North Mountain, the second son A surname Come to the house. " The Classic of Mountains and Rivers The Middle ages are the same Ancient Pingguo [153] . Tang of Shang Seal the same name here, on behalf of the son established the country.
Warring States period , initially Surrogate state , after incorporation zhao Ground. According to... Shih Chi , The Zhao Family "A review of, Zi Xi Sue Zhao Jianzi Said: "The Lord's son will rule the two countries in the north, all the son's surname." And Jian son pawn, no blood set, is to Xiangzi, north Dengxia house, so that the slaughter of the brass bucket to kill the king, then Xingbing flat generation.
221 BC , First Emperor of Qin Unification of the six countries, lost The system of enfeoffment Established counties, the country set up 36 counties, Datong is now Yanmen , Yoshimori Place. The cities recorded at that time were: Pingcheng, Dai, Shanwu, Yanling, Pingshu, Wuzhou-si, Xincheng, Banshi, Mayi and so on. The First Emperor of Qin sent generals Meng Tian Led 300,000 troops to attack the Xiongnu north, and gathered people to build The Great Wall In the east of today's Zuoyun high mountain, ten miles west of Yungang valley, "build the city of Wuzhou Senai, ready for Hu."
The Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Follow the Qin Dynasty The system of prefectures and counties Its land is still Yanmen County, county county. Yanmen County genus State history department . Along the Shan Wu, a total of 14 counties: Shan Wu, Woyang, Fanzhi, Zhongling, Yin Guan, Lou boring, Wuzhou, Wangtao, Guoyang, Guoyi, Jiangyin, Guocheng is the eastern capital Wei. Deichlium Department of Yuzhou Ancient History , seat of government Sangkan A total of 18 counties, 10 counties in Datong today: Daoren, Gao Liu, Ban, Shi, Pingshu, Yanling, Lingqiu, and such as, Pingyi, Chenghe.
Wenying Lake scenic spot
The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) The state set the state grazing, and then changed the state grazing to the emperor. Its land for Yanmen, county land. Yanmen County belongs to the Department of State, governing Yinguan, is fourteen counties, Datong City has four counties: Fanzhi, Wuzhou, Guocheng. County belongs to the Yuzhou Dynasty history Department, rule Takayanagi In Datong City, there are six counties: high Liu, Daoren, Banshi, Shi Shi, Peiping City, Pingshu. Jian Wu In, Lu Fang The chaos, along the edge of the eight and waste, migrating geese, county people in the county Changshan Pass , Juyongguan Pass East. Jianwu 27 years (51 years), the restoration of the county, since the good no move Yanmen county Yin pavilion, the county is still a. Its county governing high willow. "Build an province in the cloud, determined Xiang five counties, stand Shinsing In Taiyuan boundary, the county is a county, and other Pingcheng county South of the mountain, to belong to how." At the end of the Han Dynasty, the land north of Xing County was abandoned as a waste. Jian 'an Twenty years (215 years), Cao Cao Send a punitive expedition against Wuhuan Pacify the land. The people of the northern county of Anji, Pingcheng County in the east five miles of the present county, belongs to Jizhou Emerging County. Huang Chu In the first year (220), it was restored statehood Pingcheng is a county of Yanmen county. Whether Pingcheng belongs to Xinxing County of Jizhou, or Pingcheng of Yanmen County of Bizhou, they are different places with the same name, not Datong today.
The Three Kingdoms When the land is Wuhuan, Xianbei (a county in Shanxi Province) According to. Emperor Ming of Han Tongguang Temple was built in Pingcheng (58-75), which was the earliest Buddhist temple in Datong.
jin At that time, the northern part of Datong was the territory of Xianbei nationality, and the southern part was Yanmen County, which had moved to Guangwu, Guocheng, Guoren, Fanzhi, Yuanping and Mayi. Yongjia County Four years (310 years), Jin and state grazing Liu Kun In order to Tuoba Yi Lu If you can help us, write in 晋怀帝 Please appoint Xianbei Tuoba Yi Lu as your duke. Kien Hung In the first year (313), Tuoba Yi Lu Ding Shengle For the northern capital, repair Qin and Han dynasties, Pingcheng for the southern capital, Pingcheng restoration of the old rule, belongs to Surrogate state .
In the first three years (398) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) Tuoba GUI Since Shengle moved the capital to Pingcheng, changed the name emperor, changed the yuan Tianhung Juxtaposed state, generation Yin, governance generation Pingcheng. Emigrated six prefectures twenty-two counties guard, heroes, officials three thousand homes in the county. "Camp palace, build temple, set up the state", a series of large-scale capital construction. The following month, "the imperial Department is exceeding the planned Gi and making suburban survey", delineating the scope of Gyeonggi: "East to Daigun, west to Sunmu, south and Eumkwan, and north to participate." To the river (Yellow River) in the west, to the Zhongshan Pass in the south, to the Wuyuan in the north, the place is thousands of miles." Also set four four dimensions, set eight Shuai army garrison.
The Northern Qi Dynasty (550-597) Tianbao Year 1 (550), The Eastern Wei Dynasty It was replaced by the Northern Qi Dynasty, Datong Bukhangju In Northern Shuozhou, there has been no major change in the county. In the seventh year of Tianbao (556), the northern Hengzhou was changed into Hengan Town (today's Datong), also known as Dongzhou City, which was subordinate to it Hengzhou Taiping County, migration of three thousand heroes to real. The following year, the town was abandoned, and it was still North Hengzhou. weeks In the meantime, Tujue, a nationality in ancient China In order to defend against the Turks, meekly , Qidan, an ancient nationality in China In the three years of Tianbao (552), the Great Wall was built from the total Qin Shu in Xihe to the Bohai Sea more than 200 kilometers in the east. In the sixth year of Tianbao (555), 1.8 million people built the Great Wall from Xiakou, Youzhou, more than 450 kilometers west to Hengzhou. Tianbao seven years (556), first from the west River total Qin Shu built the Great Wall east to the sea. Everything built before and after more than 1,000 kilometers.
The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) Jiande Six years (557), The Western Wei Dynasty (535-544) for The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) Instead. In the sixth year of Jiande (577), after the destruction of Qi, prefectures and counties were abolished, and Hengan Town was restored and reformed Shuozhou Governor of North Shuo Prefecture. Change Taiping County to Yunzhong county (This is also known as the beginning of the cloud). Psyllium Ulju For the county of Spirit Hill.
sui Kaihuang County In the first year (581), after the Sui Emperor Wen Dynasty Zhou, the states were changed to counties, and their land was Mayi The land of Yanmen County. Mayi county governing Shanyang, jurisdiction Shanyang, Shenwu, Yunnei, Kaiyang. Yanmen County governing Yanmen, governing Yanmen, Fanzhi, Guoxian, Wutai, Ling Qiu. Hengan town under the Mayi County Yunni County. Kaihuang five years (585) to replace the state governor. In order to defend against the Turks, Great undertaking Three years (607) "more than one million Ding men built the Great Wall, west from Yulin, east to the purple River, a ten-day stop." In August of the eleventh year of Sui Daye (615), Yang Guang Cruise to the north, the Turks learned, led 100,000 troops into the Senei, Yang Guang was forced to retreat to Yanmen, in various military and civilian reinforcements, Yang Guang only to relieve the siege. The next year, the Turks attacked again Li Yuan Lead the troops back.
The tang dynasty At the beginning, according to Sui implementation State and county system . Martial morality Four years (621 years), flat Liu Wuzhou Complex in the town of Hengan set north Hengzhou. In the sixth year of Wude (623), he placed Wei Zhou in the Lingqiu of Yanmen County. In the seventh year of Wude (624), North Hengzhou was abolished. View of chastity The first year (627), the development of the world for 13, cloud, Wei, Shuo and other states Ha Dong Road . Unju Govern the clouds, lording over the counties in the clouds. Weizhou governing Xing Tang, jurisdiction Xing Tang, flying fox, Ling hill. Shuozhou governs the good without, governs the good Yang, Ma Yi. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, in the name of Hunyuan River, set Hunyuan Prefecture ; In the name of Yanmen Mountain, Longshou Mountain north and south echo, set Yingzhou . Zhenguan fourteen years (640 years), in the cloud county set Dingxiang County, and cloud state. Longscho Three years (663), set All in the cloud to protect the house . Nagatsun The first year (682) was Eastern Turkic Empire Sip silently Destroyed, prefectures were abandoned, and people moved to Shuozhou. The New Century In the 18th year (730), the county was restored and renamed as Yunzhong County. The abandoned northern Hengzhou was renamed Dongzhou City and replaced with Yunzhou. Trimble In the first year (742), Yun Prefecture was renamed Cloud County . Qian Yuan In the first year (758), Yunzhong County was renamed Yunzhou. Huichang Three years (843), in the cloud, Wei Zhou Great unity Strike belongs to Hedong, set They are all in good command , governing cloud state. Hamthong Ten years (869), set Great Harmony Army Node degree. neutralize In the second year (882), the Datong Festival was changed to Yanmen Festival. Four years (884), Yun Zhou returned to Li River host. The tang dynasty Shitoku After that, the Central plains soldiers are Guan Jun Rong, Datong Defensive envoy Yuunju Prefectural official Leading, governing cloud, Wei, Shuo three states. At the end of Tang Dynasty, Yunzhou area became the Satuo department and Tuyu-hun The main area of contention for Helendur's ministry. As well Li Keyong Where father and son made their fortune. Dry rune For three years (876), he was appointed governor of the Datong Army Li Guochang Zig use for the cloud Defense envoy Kill the defender, according to the state. Hee-zong absolve the use, to the country Chang for the defense of the Datong army, not ordered. Hiroaki The first year (880), Li Zhuo Attack the country Chang, the country Chang army defeat, with the use of the north. A total nest into the capital, the imperial decree issued on behalf of the North Army, seeking to pardon the country Chang, so that to ask for fu, the use of the rate of 35,000 riding south, the capital division Gong first, the country Chang Feng King of Longxi County . Guo Chang pawn, gram use to take cloud state. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Yunzhou fell into a long war, after Li Kezi Li Cunxu destroy beam , is for Tang Zhuangzong .
The Five Dynasties The place is The Later Tang Dynasty There has been no major change in the division. Yunzhong County for the cloud state government, under the Hedong Road. Li Keyu Qidan, an ancient nationality in China The Jeru Abao Machine Meet in the east city of Yunzhou, Yi robe horse for brothers, because of the "yearning for benevolence" of the meaning, renamed Huairen county ; After Tang Zhuang Zong homocpitting In two years (924), analyzed the establishment of Xingtang County in Weizhou Guangling county (now Guangling county ). After Tang Zhuang Zong Tongguang three years (925), Yun Zhou as the Datong military festival. Qingtai Three years (936), he rebelled Governor of Hadong Shi Jingtang The Baithitan Lord Jeru Tak Kwong For the father, through the Khitan army to destroy the later Tang, declared emperor, the state name Jin. With the help of the Khitan, General Sixteen states of Yan Yun Ceded to the Khitan. Trial in the cloud Wu Shan "Closed the door against the Khitan orders", repaired the equipment, defended the city day and night, and persisted for half a year, "Luan asked Jin to help, the Lord of Jin called Luan south to return", and Yunzhou fell. At this point, Datong was successively ruled by the Khitan, the Jurchen, and the Mongolia for 433 years, making the Han rule in the Central Plains lose the northern screen.
Huayan Temple (Liao Dynasty)
The Later Jin Dynasty Tianfu Two years (937), liao Enter the cloud state. First for Datong military festival degree. Joonghee Thirteen years (1044), changed the cloud state to the west capital, set Xijing Road Taedongfu . 17 years of heavy Xi (1048), analysis of the cloud, set Datong county It was the secondary capital of Liao Dynasty. Under the jurisdiction of western Liaoning Jingdao: Datong House, the government of Datong. Unify 2 states and 7 counties: Hongzhou , Texas Datong County, Yunzhong, Tiancheng, Changqing, Fengyi, Huairen, Huai 'an County . Weizhou, governing Weizhou, Tonglingxian, Ding 'an, flying fox, Lingqiu, Guangling. Should state, governing Jincheng, unification Jincheng, Hunyuan, Heyang. Shuozhou, governing Shanyang, regulating Shanyang, Wuzhou, Ningyuan, Mayi, Shenwu.
The song dynasty For the road, state, county three-level system, the country set up 15 roads. Xuan and He Five years (1123), preset Yunzhong Fu Road Yun Zhongfu, Yun Zhongfu and Wu, Ying, Shuo, Wei, Fengsheng, Guihua, Ru, GUI and other 8 states together called the "mountain after the nine states". Preset layout for the Song and Jin alliance to attack Liao. After the Jin lost the treaty, except for Wu, Ying, Shuo and Weizhu in the fifth year of Xuanhe (1123), which were once returned to the Song and were taken by the Jin, the West capital was only in Yong Xi Three years (986), Yunzhou observer Yang Ye Three months after the capture of Yunzhou, it never again entered the territory of the Song Dynasty. " Read historical records "Shi Jin belonged to the Khitan, and the Song Dynasty could not regain it, so it was based on Jingkang's quarrel." The fall of the Jurchen Dynasty, the fall of the Liao Dynasty and the fall of the Mongol dynasty, both went to Datong first, and Yanjing could not be restored."
liao Bauda Two years (1122), gold Wanyan Zonghan After capturing Datong Prefecture, Datong was still the West capital and the West Capital Road was changed to the West capital Xijing Road Government and county governance have not changed. Xijing Road has jurisdiction over 2 prefectures, 7 towns, 8 prickly counties, 39 counties and 9 towns. gold Imperial system In the first year (1141), Xijing Road was subordinate to the Commander's Office, and the old one was built Deployment Division . In the second year of Tiande (1150), it was renamed Xijing Road Chief steward's palace , back more Stay-behind department . buy Transfer agent Kijongdu Xijing Lu punishment department . Datong Prefecture has jurisdiction over Datong, Yunzhong, Xuanning, Huai 'an, Tiancheng, Bai Deng, Huairen 7 counties. Province Fengyi county for the town, into Datong. Bao sophomore year (1122), when Jin attacked Xijing "Tianbing a drum, the capital four trapped, temple building view, Russia and ash", Liao has not since, and then feng embers, pavilion flying for Eben, temple gathered for rubble, building Yu only the remaining, ten not three or four ". After Jin captured Datong, in order to heal the wounds of war, large-scale construction, city and temple repair, on a grand scale. After renovation and reinforcement of Datong City, the south gate was renamed Fengtian, the east gate was renamed Xuanren, and the west gate was renamed Fucheng. The Yungang Grottoes were renovated, and "three thousand people were sent to change the Tug-of-war Road" to move south to waterproof the immersed stone Buddha. Rebuild the ten temples of Yungang, "rebuild nine columns of Lingyan Grand Pavilion, four gatehouses... All thirty columns It also created more than five hundred steps on the stone wall ", and the temple lasted three and a half years to rebuild Huayan Temple and Da Puen Temple. Tianhui Fifteen years (1137), the imperial edict built Taizu Temple in Xijing. gold Daedong Five years (1165), in Xijing The building of the palace, there are security hall, royal hall and Xijing Palace. And set up a cabinet, in charge of ritual sacrifice. There is also a Xijing palace. Xijing, the secondary capital of Liao and Jin Dynasties, once again flourished in the north, becoming a transit station for exchanges between the Central Plains and northern ethnic minorities, and a link between various ethnic groups, and Datong was once again brilliant.
yuan Early Datong is still called West Beijing. Taizu seven years (1212), set Police constabulary . Solstice element In two years (1265), Yunzhong County of the province entered Datong. Yuan was divided into provinces, roads, prefectural (prefecture) county four-level system, to 25 years of yuan (1288), changed Xijing Road Datong Mansion Datong Road , belong to Chinese book province Hedong Shanxi Road The Ministry of Pacification It has jurisdiction over one consul and eight states. A consul is registrar , located in Datong. The county has Datong, Bai Deng, Xuanning, Flat land, Huairen five counties. The eight states are Hong, Hunyuan, Ying, Shuo, Wu, Feng, Dongsheng and Yunni. Shangdu Road The jurisdiction of the present part of Datong and Hebei. Thuan Ninh Government Wei Zhou, leading Ling Xian, flying fox, Ding an, Ling hill, wide Ling. Yuan changed Tiancheng for Tiancheng County, under Xuande Prefecture . Hind belongs to Xinghe Road. Taetok Four years (1300), in Xijing Huanghualing established Station troops to open up farmland . Dade six years (1302), established Mannobu .
Ming Hongwu Two years (1369), left deputy general Chang Yuchun Capture Datong. In the Ming Dynasty, the administrative region was divided into provinces, prefectures and counties. In the seventh year of Hongwu (1374), Datong Road was changed Taedongfu Under the Shanxi line book province. In the ninth year of Hongwu (1376), it was changed to Chengxuan Secretary of state . Datong Prefecture governs Datong County, jurisdiction Hunyuan, Ying, Shuo, Wei four states, Datong, Huairen, Ma Yi, Shanyin, Guangling, Lingqiu, Guangchang seven counties. Xuanning county Incorporated into Datong County. Ming military practice Defense system In the fourth year of Hongwu (1371), the city of Datong was placed in the white bay. In the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), it was changed to Shanxi line command department . In the 25th year of Hongwu (1392), he ruled Datong. Chu Lingwei 26, jurisdiction: East to Beijing Juyong Pass; West from the Yellow River bend off-balance It stretches for more than 1,000 kilometers from east to west, and hundreds of kilometers from north to south. Its scope is so large that it is truly Nine edges The first. Back leading guard 14, there are with the avant-garde, guard, left guard, Yang He, Tiancheng, Weiyuan, Pinglu, Yunchuan, Yulin, Zhenlu, high Mountain, Xuande, Dongsheng. In the 29th year of Hongwu (1396), he set up Gongshou Hebei North Road , resident in Datong, Jia Jing China moved to Shuozhou. Vinh Lac Six years (1408), set the governor of the imperial history. Yongle seven years (1409), set Datong Town The town commander shall be the supreme commander of the town. Chenghua County Seven years (1471), set Grand governors . Zhengde Eight years (1513), set Total system It had 13 fortresses, 823 forts and 307 piers. Datong was divided into four roads and administered nine roads, with a maximum garrison of 135,778 troops and 51,654 horses. It is known as "Datong waistcoat world".
qing Shunzhi In May of the second year (1645), the Qing Court School Deferential marquis Wu Weihua Attack Datong, Kang 瓖 Will be stationed in Datong Li Zicheng Peasant general Zhang Tianlin After killing, surrender to the Qing army. Qing Datong Prefecture Datong County, the beginning of the Meiji, the state four counties seven, subordinate Chief Secretary of Shanxi Later changed to Shanxi Province. In the fifth year of Shunzhi (1648), Jiang 瓖 returned to rebellion. The following year, Dorgon He personally supervised the siege of the city for more than 9 months. After the destruction of the city, the Qing army carried out the most barbaric slaughter of Datong, killing all the other officers, soldiers and civilians except Yang Zhenwei, who offered Jiang 瓖's head, and their families, and tearing down the city walls of Datong by 5 feet. Datong became a desolate city, Datong was abandoned, did not establish an official, the government moved to Yang and Wei, name Yanghwap . Datong County transferred Huairen County Xi 'an fort. It was not until the ninth year of Shunzhi (1652) that the prefecture was restored to its former site and gradually revived by immigrants from nearby areas. Shunzhi 13th year (1656), cut Governor Xuan Da , install Governor of Shanxi , stationed in Datong. Kangxi Four years (1665), governor, incorporated Yanmen Road . Emperor Yongzheng Four years (1726), in the right Yulin Wei Schopin And abolish the Ming Dynasty guard office, change Tianzhen guard to Tianzhen County, Yanggao Guard to Yanggao County, Zuoyun Chuanwei to Zuoyun County, Youyulin guard to Youyu County, Ping Luwei Pinglu County. Datong Prefecture, Datong County, has jurisdiction over Hunyuan, Yingzhou, Datong, Huairen, Shanyin, Yanggao, Tianzhen, Guangling, Lingqiu two prefectures and seven counties Fengzhen Hall . At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Datong County had jurisdiction over 580 villages, 194 villages in the east, 177 villages in the south, 91 villages in the west and 118 villages in the north. Shuo Ping government of Youyu County, jurisdiction over Youyu, Zuoyun, Pinglu, Shuozhou, Ma Yi.
The Republic of China The first year (1912), Datong abolished the county, Datong County North Road Make an observation. Two years of the Republic of China (1913), May set Yanmen Road, governing Datong, the jurisdiction of Yanbei 13 counties, Xin county area 13 counties, a total of 26 counties. The later Northern Shanxi Province valor Stationed in Datong. In the sixteenth year of the Republic of China (1927), after the waste road, Datong is a county, directly under Shanxi Province, the county has jurisdiction over 5 administrative regions, 9 street 585 villages.
War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression During the period, Datong region was divided into three administrative regions. Japanese puppet administrative divisions: The 26th year of the Republic of China (1937) on the morning of September 13, The Japanese Kwantung Army Occupied the city of Datong and established the puppet on October 15. Northern Shanxi autonomous government ", belongs to false" Mongolian and Xinjiang Joint Committee ", the jurisdiction of Yanbei 13 counties; In September of the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), it was changed into the pseudo-" Northern Shanxi Government "and subordinate to the pseudo-" Mongolian United Autonomous Government"; In the thirty-second year of the Republic of China (1943), it was changed to the puppet "Datong Provincial Government", which was subordinate to the puppet "Mongolian Autonomous State Government". Datong County is divided into 2 streets and 22 united villages.
Administrative divisions of the Kuomintang: from September, the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937) to December, the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), each administrative region and the second administrative region of Shanxi Province. The first administrative district, Wutai, is a county of ten attacks, in Datong area there are Lingqiu, Guangling, Hunyuan, Ying County, Shanyin, Huairen, Datong, Yanggao, Tianzhen 9 counties. The second administrative district, Kelan, is a county thirteen, in Datong area there are Shuo county, Pinglu, Zuoyun, right jade 4 counties.
Administrative divisions under the leadership of the Communist Party: East Yanbei: the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China (1937) at the end of the political director of the eighteen counties of the northeast Jin, the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China (1938) June, changed to the office of the Northeast Jin Administrative Inspector, the twenty-ninth year of the Republic of China (1940) February, the establishment of the second office of the Commissioner, the county has Lingqiu, Fanzhi, Guangling, Hunyuan, Yingshan County. Belong to the Shanxi-chahar-hebei region Beiyue District Govern. West Yanbei (west of Datong) : the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China (1937), the winter is the northwest Shanxi base area, and the twenty-ninth year of the Republic of China (1940) established the democratic regime of Northwest Shanxi. In August of the thirty years of the Republic of China (1941), it was the Northwest Administration Office of the Republic of China, and in November of the thirty-two years of the Republic of China (1943), it was changed to the administrative office of the Jinsui-Sui Border Area Shansi-sui border area Govern.
The night of Great Harmony
In August 1945, Datong was ruled by the Kuomintang Yan Xishan government, restored to the original county system before the incident, and was still part of Shanxi Province, with jurisdiction over 5 districts and 86 villages. Garrison headquarters and city defense headquarters were established, and Yanbei "Second World War District Chief Headquarters Datong Leadership Group" was established, which governed the counties of Yanbei and divided into ten and eleven special offices. The tenth district has jurisdiction over Datong, Huairen, Yanggao, Tianzhen, Hunyuan, Guangling, Lingqiu 7 counties; The 11th District has jurisdiction over six counties: Youyu, Shanyin, Ying County, Zuoyun, Pinglu and Bianguan. Administrative Inspector and Security Commander. In the thirty-sixth year of the Republic of China (1947), the military and government were separated and changed to "Datong Administrative Office of Shanxi Provincial Government", and Datong County had jurisdiction over 4 districts, 30 streets and 70 villages. "Yanbei Commissioner Office" and "Yanbei City Defense Command" are stationed in Datong City. By 1948, Yanbei 13 county government exiled to Datong, Datong city concentrated 22 Kuomintang administrative organizations, 7 party organs, 11 secret service organs.
Communist Party of China Under the leadership of the base area, the east Yanbei second special office to the fifth special office, the counties have Lingqiu, Fanzhi, Hunyuan, Ying County, Dai County, Shanyin, Datong, Yanggao, Huairen. In May of the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), the fifth Special office was changed to the first special office of the Jijin District, and in February of the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), the Shansi-Sui border area was abolished, and the West Yanbei was divided into the Northwest of Shanxi, and the Yanbei branch of the Northwest Administration Office of Shanxi was set up.
On May 1, 1949, Chinese People's Liberation Army Peaceful liberation of Datong, the establishment of Datong City [26] [112] .
In 1954, the first urban construction Work Conference established Datong as one of the eight new industrial cities with important industrial construction in the country [172] .
On February 8, 1982, with the approval of The State Council, Datong was listed as one of the first 24 national historical and cultural cities [170] .
On December 15, 1984, The State Council announced the first big cities in China, and Datong was listed as the first 13 Larger city among [111] .
On the afternoon of May 24, 2024, Liu Liehong, secretary of the Party Group and director of the National Data Bureau, issued a list of cities that undertook the task of data annotation base construction at the main Forum of the Seventh Digital China Summit, and Datong City was included in the list. [217]
Datong city Wall

Administrative division


History of zoning

Administrative divisions of Datong before 2018
On May 1, 1949, the peaceful liberation of Datong, the analysis of Datong City, the suburbs of Datong City, subordinate Chahar province Datong City is divided into 5 districts.
In October 1949, the east and west Yanbei were merged, divided into Chahar Province, and the Yanbei Special Office was set up, and the counties were: Lingqiu, Guangling, Hunyuan, Ying County, Shanyin, Datong, Huairen, Shuo County, Pinglu, Right Jade, Zuoyun.
In December 1952, Datong administered the first, second and third districts and Kouquan mining area.
In July 1954, Datong County and Huairen County were merged into Daren County.
In June 1958, Datong City was annexed Yanbei special area . On January 23, 1959, Yanbei and Xin County were merged into Shanxi Northern District and Datong City was subordinated Shanxi north special area . Yanbei was merged into six counties: Yanggao, Hunyuan, Lingqiu, Zuoyun, Shanyin, Shuo County.
On July 24, 1961, the northern Shanxi Special area was abolished, and Datong City returned to the leadership of Yanbei Special Area, with jurisdiction over urban areas, Kouquan District, Gucheng District, Huairen District. In November of the same year, it was restored to direct jurisdiction of Shanxi Province.
In 1962, Yanbei was restored to 13 counties.
In November 1964, the ancient city District and Huairen District were abolished, and Datong County and Huairen County were restored. It has jurisdiction over two districts and two counties.
In July 1965, the two counties of Datong and Huairen were divided into Yanbei Special Area.
In February 1966, the agricultural area under the jurisdiction of the urban area and Kouquan District was set up as a suburb, and Datong City had jurisdiction over three districts.
In April 1970, Datong City was placed under the leadership of Yanbei, the mining area was established in September, and the South suburb, North suburb and Kouquan Town were established in October.
In 1971, the North suburb was transformed into the New Prosperity District [85] .
In March 1972, it became a provincial city under the jurisdiction of urban areas, mining areas, southern suburbs, Xinrong District 4 districts, 17 streets, 287 residents committees, 22 townships, 5 towns, 252 Production brigade 1,125 Production team , 351 natural villages.
In January 1989, Shuozhou City Established, Yanbei jurisdiction of Pinglu, Shuo County, Shanyin was assigned to Shuozhou City.
On July 10, 1993, Yanbei area was abolished, prefectures and cities were merged, Huairen, Yingxian, Youyu three counties were divided into Shuozhou City, Tianzhen, Yanggao, Guangling, Lingqiu, Hunyuan, Zuoyun, Datong 7 counties were divided into Datong City, and the city administered the county. Datong has jurisdiction over urban areas, mining areas, southern suburbs, Xinrong District 4 districts and 7 counties [3] .
On February 9, 2018, The State Council approved and agreed to revoke the urban area, southern suburb and mining area of Datong City, set up Pingcheng District and Yungang District of Datong City, agreed to assign Gudian Town of southern suburb to Xinrong District, agreed to revoke Datong County and set up Yunzhou District of Datong City, and after the zoning change, Datong City has jurisdiction over 4 municipal districts and 6 counties [4] .

Zoning details

By the end of 2022, Datong has jurisdiction over 4 municipal districts, 6 counties, 66 townships, 33 towns and 40 subdistricts [70] .
Administrative divisions of Datong City
District name
Area (k㎡)
Government premises
Postal code
The town of
Administrative village
Datong City
Pingcheng District
30 Yingbin West Street
145 [201]
District name
Subordinate area
Pingcheng District
Ancient City street, Xinwang Street, Ma Ying Street, White Mountain Street, Wenying Lake Street, Shuibo Temple street, Xiaonan Street, Yongtai Street, Qingyuan Street, Wuding Street, Luyuan Street, Zhenhua Street, Yingbin Street, Xinhua Street, Wahuwan Street, Yuhe Street, Open source street, Daqing Road street
Yungang District
Xinsheng Street, Xinping Wang Street, Xinquan Road Street, Minsheng Street, Kou Quan Street, Pingquan Road Street, Heshun Street, Herui Street, Pingsheng Road Street, Qingquan Street, Xihuayuan Street, Lao Pingwang Street, Xinwen Street, Hewang Street, Yulong Street, Yunwu Street, Yunyan Street, Yuquan Street, Pingde Street, Pingxi Street, Pingyuan Street; Gaoshan Town, Yungang Town; Kouquan Township, Xihanling Township, Pingwang Township, Jiaoer cliff Township
Xinrong District
Xinrong Town, Gudian town, garden Tun town, broken Lubao Township, Guo Jiayao Township, Xicun Township, Baoziwan Township
Yunzhou District
Xiping Town, Peijiazao Town, Zhoushizhuang Town, Jijiazhuang Township, Fengyu Township, Duzhuang Township, Dang Liuzhuang Township, Jule Township, Xubao Township
Yanggao county
Longquan Town, Wangguantun Town, Bayudeng Town, Luwenzao Town, Gucheng Town, East small town, Youzai Town, Changcheng Town, North Xutun Township, Xiashenjing Township, Shizun Township, Aoshi Township
Tianzhen county
Yuquan Town, Guqianbao Town, Mixingguan Town, Lu Jiawan Town, Xinpingbao Town, Sanlipu Township, Jiajiatun Township, Zhaojiagou Township, Majiasao Township, Nangaoya Township, Zhangxihe Township
Guangling county
Huquan Town, Nancun Town, Jiadou town, Zuotuan town, Liangzhuang town, Yidouquan Township, Jiaoshan Township, Yixing Township
Lingqiu county
Wuling Town, East Henan Town, Shangzhai Town, Luoshuihe Township, Zhao North Township, Duyu Township, Xiaguan Township, Baiyatai Township, Stone hometown, Red Stone Leng Township, Liuke Township
Hunyuan county
Yongan Town, Xifang Town, Caicun Town, Qingciyao Town, Shagetuo Town, WangZhuangbao Town, Dongfang town, Peicun Village, Humifeng Town, Xiliu Village, Xiahan Village, South Yulin Township, Wucheng Town, Darenzhuang Township, Qianfuling Township, Guaner Township
Zuoyun County
Que 'er Mountain Town, Yunxing Town, Dian Wan Town, butler Township, Zhangjiachang Township, Santun Township, Madaotou Township, Xiaojingzhuang Township

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Datong City is located in the northernmost part of Shanxi Province, 112°34 '-114 °33' east longitude, 39°03 '-40 °44' north latitude. To the north The Outer Great Wall Delimit, with Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Ulanqab City the Xinghe county , Fengzhen City , Liangcheng county Adjacent to the province to the west and south Shuozhou City the Youyu county , Huairen City , Ying County and Xinzhou City the Fanshi County Connected, east and Hebei Province Zhangjiakou City the Huai 'an County , Yangyuan county , Yuxian County and Baoding City the Laanyuan County , Fuping county Connect, highway mileage Peking About 330 km, Taiyuan About 290 km, Hohhot It's about 300 kilometers. Datong covers an area of 14,176 square kilometers [2] Urban area of 2080 square kilometers, built-up area of 149.68 square kilometers (2020) [39] .
Datong City Government


Datong City satellite map HD version of large picture
Datong City is located in North China platform The Shanxi platform anticline and Yinshan Mountain The junction of the bulge. The north is Beikou uplift, the southwest is Datong -- Jingle Depression, and the southeast is Sangganhe New fault depression. In this area, a series of tectonic features have been formed during the crustal tectonic changes of many periods, especially in Yanshan movement and Himalayan movement Has the most obvious impact, Neotectonic movement Quite developed, seismic activity is also relatively frequent. The east is a famous geological wonder of the world Datong volcano Group And Yunnan Tengchong constitute two major north and south Volcanic cluster .
Datong City topographic map HD version of large map
In terms of landform composition, the mountainous area of Datong is 278 square kilometers, accounting for 13.4% of the total area. Hills cover an area of 1177 square kilometers, accounting for 56.6% of the total area. Pingcheon covers an area of 626 square kilometers, accounting for only 30% of the total area. Among them, mountains and hills are mainly concentrated in the west, north and northeast regions, while Pingchuan District is located in the southeast. This constitutes the main characteristics of Datong City, which is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, and the terrain inclines from northwest to southeast.
The geographical environment of Datong city lies in the south Yinshan and the east Yanshan Mountain , go north Lvliang Mountain , Taihang Mountains The crossing passage of the four major mountains in the north is the channel for the southern migration of central birds headed by geese. Northwestern range Yinshan mountain range and Luliang Mountains There are mainly White Mountain , Shuangshan , Erlang Mountain, Unmunsan , Cailiang Mountain Etc.; Southeastern range Taihang Mountains There are mainly Hengshan Mountain , Mount Taibai , Liuleng Mountain Let's wait. The city is generally between 1000 and 1500 meters above sea level, the highest point is Yanggao county The territory of the six ridges mountain yellow sheep tip (2420 meters above sea level), the lowest point is Lingqiu county Huata Village Ran River exit (558 meters above sea level). Sanggan From southwest to northeast across the city, forming a trough basin with high surrounding, low middle, two mountains sandwiched by a river.


Datong City is located in Temperate zone Continental monsoon climate Area, affected by monsoon, four distinct seasons.
Spring temperature rises quickly, the average temperature 6.5~9.1℃, always warm and cold, more wind, less rainfall, the average precipitation is only 56.1 mm, accounting for 14.6% of the annual precipitation.
The summer climate is mild, the average temperature is between 19 and 21.8℃, the rain is concentrated, the average precipitation is 246.9 mm, accounting for 64.3% of the annual precipitation.
The average temperature is between 5.8 and 8.4℃, and the average precipitation is 72.96 mm, accounting for 19% of the annual precipitation.
Winter is longer than spring, summer and autumn, up to more than four months, popular Northwest wind The days are short and the weather is cold. The average temperature is between -12.8 ℃ and -6.3℃, the coldest month is January, the average temperature is -11.3℃. The average precipitation is 8.06 mm, accounting for 2.1% of the annual precipitation.
The climate in Datong is dry, cold and windy, with a large temperature difference. The average annual temperature is 6.4℃, and the temperature is minus 11.8℃ in January. The lowest temperature is minus 29.2℃, the average temperature in July is 21.9℃, the annual precipitation is 400 to 500 mm, the first frost period is late September, and the frost-free period is about 125 days.


The main rivers in Datong City are the Royal River, Shili River Mouth spring river, silt river. The river surges in the rainy season, and the amount of water is very small in normal times, but it still supplies water to Beijing, and there are larger reservoirs Chetian reservoir Zhaojiayao Reservoir, Shijiazhai Reservoir ( Wenying Lake ). The water source in Pingcheng District and Yungang District is relatively sufficient, while some rural areas in mountainous areas have difficulty in drinking water. In addition to the Sangan River, there are major rivers in the territory Haihe river system the A surname , Nanyang River , Huliu River , Don River Amylus Yellow River system the Cangtou River .

Natural resources


Water resources

The total water resources of Datong City is 142 million square meters, and the per capita water resources are only 111 cubic meters, about 9% of the national per capita, and the water resources are very poor. Water consumption: industrial and domestic water accounted for 80%, agricultural water accounted for 20%. though Utilization rate of water resources development It has reached 67.5%, but the annual water shortage is still more than 20 million cubic meters. [5]

Mineral resources

  • coal
Datong City coal bearing area of 632 square kilometers, cumulative Proved reserves 37.6 billion tons. Datong City is located in Datong coal field In the northeast, its coal resources belong to the geological concept of "Datong coalfield" part. Coal bearing strata in Datong City are Jurassic Period Datong Formation , Carboniferous system Taiyuan formation , Shanxi formation . Jurassic Datong Group coal bearing area of the city of 540 square kilometers, reserves of 5.87 billion tons, cumulative proven reserves of 6.55 billion tons, modern large-scale mining is mainly this part. Accumulative proved reserves of carboniferous coal are 11.7 billion tons. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Datong has contributed more than 3 billion tons of high-quality thermal coal to the country. In the 1980s, Datong, together with Germany's Ruhr and the Soviet Union's Donbas, was called "the world's three major coal capitals". [69] .
  • graphite
The graphite is buried in the front Paleozoic Era The Jining Group belongs to sedimentary metamorphic type, which is the only one in Shanxi Province, and is distributed in Hongcibao and Liumu Di in the north of Datong City. They belong to the same metallogenic belt, with a total proven reserves of 51.623 million tons of graphite ore, including 2.247 million tons of graphite. Among them, Hongcibao table reserves of 39.133 million tons of graphite ore, containing 1.63 million tons of graphite, the average carbon content of 3%-4%, the high is more than 10%. Six acres of surface reserves of 12.484 million tons of graphite ore, containing 617,000 tons of graphite, the average carbon content of 4.9%. They are of rich ore type.
  • rock
The newly restored city wall of Datong
cement limestone Mainly from above Cambrian system the Marine strata The total reserves are 215.176 million tons, mainly distributed in Qifengshan mining area and Luergou mining area, with simple hydrogeological conditions and large-scale exploitation. Flux limestone is a stratified Marine sedimentary deposit stored in the middle and upper Cambrian strata, with a total proven reserves of 70.192 million tons, distributed in the western area of Kouquan. Flux dolomite Mainly produced in the Lower Ordovician stratum, stable stratum, large scale, good quality, mostly second grade, shallow burial, simple geological conditions, extremely conducive to open pit mining, cumulative proven reserves of 53.53 million tons. Kaolinite is stored in carboniferous Permian period In the coal measure strata, it is symbiotic with coal. The Kaolingite in Datong City has large reserves, stable bedding and few impurities, and is a high quality additive material for ceramic production. In modern times, the degree of exploration is very low, and it is only mined as an associated ore of coal mines. basalt laterogenesis Tertiary system Among the strata, the proved reserves are 174,243,500 cubic meters, of which 6.443 million cubic meters are in Gushan District and 167.8 million cubic meters are in Sierliang District [5] .

Plant resources

Datong City belongs to the vegetation type of steppe, a large number The grass family , leguminosae Grass is the quality forage for the development of animal husbandry. ephedra , licorice Such wild medicinal plants have great economic value. The mountains are also home to many ornamental wild flower plants, such as carnation , Red lily , larkspur , Wild chrysanthemum , aster , thalictrum , Yellow rose Let's wait. Widely distributed Elaeagnus family The wild shrub, Seabuckthorn jujube, is not only the pioneer shrub of sand wilderness afforestation, but also contains 250 kinds of natural compounds in its small pearl-like orange fruits. Datong's forests are mainly concentrated in the northeast Cailiang Mountain District, Hengshan Mountain In the mountains, Yungang National Forest Park And the northern edge of the Taihang Mountains in the southeast, other areas are scattered, are artificial forests, but Datong is still a Shaolin area [5] .

Animal resources

There are about 100 species of terrestrial vertebrates in Datong, including about 70 species of birds and 24 species of beasts. There are more quantities and greater economic value of the yellow weasel, grass rabbit and so on; Less in number and greater in economic value are stone marten, Wolf, fox, badger and so on; The ones with large numbers but little individual economic value are grouse, wild pigeon, sparrow and all kinds of wild mice. The animals that have a future of development and utilization but have not been paid attention to are myospalax and many kinds of chickens and birds [5] .


As of 2022, Datong's permanent population is 3.10.0 million, an increase of 0.1 million over the end of the previous year. Among them, the permanent urban population was 2.285 million, accounting for 73.7% of the permanent population, an increase of 0.3 percentage points over the end of last year. 19,000 people were born in the city, with a birth rate of 6.0‰. 23,000 people died, with a mortality rate of 7.4‰. The natural growth rate is -1.4‰ [121] .
The permanent population of Datong City (2017-2022) changed
Reference sources: [121] [195-199]


List of leaders
Party secretary
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor of the government
Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee
Chairman of the CPPCC
Yao Hongbo [38]
Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee and vice Mayor of the government
Ren Xijie [94]
Deputy mayor
Government secretary
Meng Dechang [212]
Datong Municipal Committee Standing Committee, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, acting director of the Municipal Supervisory Commission
Zhang Wenwei [104]
Reference materials: [74]




In 2022, Datong's regional GDP reached 184.25 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5% over the previous year at constant prices. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 10.73 billion yuan, up by 3.9%, accounting for 5.8% of the GDP; The added value of the secondary industry was 82.75 billion yuan, up by 3.5%, accounting for 44.9% of the GDP; The added value of the tertiary industry was 90.77 billion yuan, up by 3.5%, accounting for 49.3% of the GDP. The per capita GDP is 59,447 yuan, which is 8,838 US dollars at the average exchange rate in 2022. The city's general public budget revenue was 18.67 billion yuan, an increase of 12.0% over the previous year. Of this total, the tax revenue was 13.04 billion yuan, an increase of 10.7% over the previous year. Expenditure in the general public budget is 40.12 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year. Of this total, 31.73 billion yuan was spent on people's livelihood, accounting for 79.1 percent of the general budget. Among people's livelihood expenditures, spending on culture, tourism, sports and media increased by 0.6%. Spending on energy conservation and environmental protection fell by 18.5%; Expenditure on urban and rural communities increased by 18.9%; Spending on housing security decreased by 27.1% [121] .
Change of Datong's gross regional product (2017-2022)
Reference sources: [121] [195-199]

Primary industry

Total industrial added value and its growth rate from 2017 to 2021
In 2022, Datong's crop planting area is 332.7 thousand hectares, an increase of 4.1 thousand hectares over the previous year. Among them, the area under grain cultivation was 281.1 thousand hectares, an increase of 0.9 thousand hectares over the previous year. The planting area of oil crops in the city was 18.4 thousand hectares, an increase of 3.0 thousand hectares over the previous year; The vegetable area was 24.5 thousand hectares, an increase of 1.1 thousand hectares over the previous year; Forage crops were planted in 3.9 thousand hectares, 1.1 thousand hectares less than the previous year. The total grain output of the city was 1.274 million tons, an increase of 19,000 tons over the previous year. Grain output was 1.178 million tons, an increase of 39,000 tons over the previous year. Among them, the output of corn was 993,000 tons, an increase of 52,000 tons over the previous year. Throughout the year, the city completed a total afforestation area of 445,000 mu. Among them, 289,000 mu of artificial afforestation was completed. The annual output of pig, cattle, sheep and poultry meat in the city was 140,000 tons, an increase of 5.4% over the previous year. Among them, the output of pork was 99,000 tons, an increase of 4.3%; Beef production was 15,000 tons, up 1.5%; The output of mutton was 19,000 tons, up 8.9%; The output of poultry meat was 7,000 tons, up by 22.0%. The output of poultry eggs was 65,000 tons, up by 3.0%. Milk production was 364,000 tons, up 9.8%. The number of live pigs was 765,000 at the end of the year, an increase of 9.8% over the end of the previous year; Last year, 1.265 million pigs were sold, up 4.9% over the previous year. The whole year, the city's mechanical cultivated land area is 281.0 thousand hectares, the mechanical sowing area is 230.2 thousand hectares, and the mechanical harvesting area is 152.8 thousand hectares. The total power of agricultural machinery in the whole year (excluding the power of agricultural transport vehicles) was 1.28 million kilowatts [121] .

Secondary industry

In 2022, the total industrial added value of Datong will reach 74.26 billion yuan, an increase of 4.0% over the previous year at constant prices. The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 5.5% over the previous year. Among industries above designated size, the added value of state-owned holding enterprises decreased by 0.1 percent, that of joint-stock enterprises by 3.5 percent, that of local enterprises by 6.3 percent, and that of private enterprises by 16.3 percent. By category, mining grew 4.3 percent, manufacturing 9.3 percent, and electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply 5.6 percent. Divided into coal and non-coal, the added value of coal industry increased by 4.6%, and the added value of non-coal industry increased by 7.3% [121] .
In 2022, the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size in Datong will reach 264.46 billion yuan, an increase of 2.5% over the previous year; The total profit reached 9.16 billion yuan, an increase of 90.0%; Total profits and taxes reached 23.40 billion yuan, up 40.7%. The cost per 100 yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 85.4 yuan, and the profit margin of operating income was 3.5%. In the whole year, the city's construction industry added value of 8.05 billion yuan, calculated at constant prices, an increase of 0.3% over the previous year. The total output value of construction enterprises above qualification in the city was 25.20 billion yuan, down 9.9% over the previous year. Construction area of 8.926 million square meters, down 20.7 percent; The area of completed houses was 3.036 million square meters, down 40.8% [121] .

Tertiary industry

In 2022, fixed asset investment in Datong completed 77.53 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year. Of this total, the private investment reached 49.78 billion yuan, up by 3.7 percent. The investment in the primary industry was 5.83 billion yuan, up by 28.4 percent; The investment in the secondary industry was 21.57 billion yuan, down 2.1%; The investment in the tertiary industry was 50.13 billion yuan, up 7.5%. The city's fixed asset investment reached 77.53 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year. Of this total, the private investment reached 49.78 billion yuan, up by 3.7 percent. The investment in the primary industry was 5.83 billion yuan, up by 28.4 percent; The investment in the secondary industry was 21.57 billion yuan, down 2.1%; The investment in the tertiary industry was 50.13 billion yuan, up 7.5%. The city's fixed asset investment reached 77.53 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year. Of this total, the private investment reached 49.78 billion yuan, up by 3.7 percent. The investment in the primary industry was 5.83 billion yuan, up by 28.4 percent; The investment in the secondary industry was 21.57 billion yuan, down 2.1%; The investment in the tertiary industry was 50.13 billion yuan, up 7.5% [121] .
In 2022, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Datong were 75.77 billion yuan, down 0.4% from the previous year. According to the areas of operation, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas were 60.82 billion yuan, down 0.3%; Retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas were 14.95 billion yuan, down 1.0%. According to consumption types, the retail sales of goods were 69.23 billion yuan, down 0.4%; Food and beverage revenue was 6.54 billion yuan, down 0.9 percent. In the whole year, the retail sales of consumer goods of units above designated size in the city were 21.01 billion yuan, an increase of 5.3% over the previous year. In the wholesale and retail trade above the quota, grain, oil and food increased by 14.4 percent; Commodities fell 1.8%; Tobacco and alcohol increased by 11.6%; Automobiles grew 1.1 percent; Clothing, shoes and hats, needle and textile products increased by 2.2%; The oil and products category grew 11.5%; Chinese and Western medicines increased by 22.3% [121] .
In 2022, the total import and export volume of Datong Customs was 5.18 billion yuan, down 25.6% from the previous year. Among them, the export value was 3.61 billion yuan, down 21.8%; The value of imports was 1.57 billion yuan, down 33.0%. Three foreign-invested enterprises were newly established throughout the year. The actual utilization of foreign capital reached US $63.47 million, an increase of 24.5 percent over the previous year [121] .




Datong City is the gateway to the north of Shanxi, but also the bridge and hub of communication between North China and the northwest provinces, there are more than 10 highways such as Dayun, Datang, Dazhun and Dazhang leading to all parts of the country. There are four long-distance bus stations in Datong, namely Datong East Bus Station, North Bus Station, Xinpingwang Bus Station and Xinnan Bus Station. Datong East Bus Station is located in the north of the North Ring Road on the east bank of the Yuhe River in Pingcheng District, with passenger lines covering 14 provinces and cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei [6] ; The North Railway Station is located 200 meters west of the railway station, which mainly operates long-distance buses to Taiyuan, Shuozhou and other provinces. Xinpingwang Passenger Station is located 100 meters south of the department store building of the Bureau of Mining. It is mainly used for long-distance buses to Shanxi Province and other places such as Beijing. Xinnan Passenger Station is located at No. 699 Xinjian South Road (north of Datong No. 2 Power Plant), which mainly operates long-distance buses to Taiyuan, Shuozhou, Beijing and other places.


Beijing-bao railway , Tongpu railway , Datong-qinhuangdao Line , Grand quasi-railway The lines, Yungang Branch line and Kouquan Branch line all converge in Datong. Great West passenger Line and Tai Cheung passenger Line It will be fully operational on December 30, 2019 7 [8] . In addition, there is a Datong North station on the Beijing-Baotou Line, which mainly handles the crossing and crossing operations of trains. There are two power plant stations in the coal transport line of Datong No. 2 Power plant, with a total of 2 lines of arrival and departure, and 4 lines of other stations, mainly for the arrival and departure and unloading of coal train of the second power plant [10] .
Datong Station is located in the middle of the Beijing-Baotou Line, there are many daily trains to Taiyuan, Beijing, Hangzhou, Baotou, Shenyang and other domestic large and medium-sized cities, yes Beijing Baobao Line , North Tongpu line Yungang Branch Line meeting point, is through North China, northwest material exchange and Jin coal transport hub station, technical nature for regional marshalling station, business nature for passenger and freight station, grade Premier station . Datong Station is divided into East Yard and West Yard, the east yard is responsible for the arrival and departure of passenger trains from Jingbao, Tongpu, Daqin, Kouquan and Yungang, and the transfer operation of upstream and downstream cargo trains from Jingbao, as well as the addition and subtraction operation of technical direct trains between Fengtai West and Baotou West.
Datong station
Datong South Railway Station, located in Pingcheng District, Datong City, Shanxi Province, is an important railway hub in Shanxi Province. As the departure station of the Dazhangjia-high-speed railway, the construction is of great significance for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Datong HSR South Station is an online waiting room, with 4 platforms and 9 lines, including 1 450*15*1.25m basic platform and 3 450*11.5*1.25m island intermediate platform. 9 lines, including 2 main lines, 7 inbound and outbound lines. The project consists of station building, platform canopy, passenger tunnel and logistics channel. The total construction area of the station is 66,151 square meters, of which the station room area is 39,990 square meters, the platform canopy area is 20,617 square meters, the passenger exit channel area is 2727 square meters, and the logistics channel area is 2817 square meters [9] .
Datong South Railway Station


Datong old Nanguan Airport was established by the Jin Army, the Japanese Army, the Kuomintang Army and the first Datong airport in New China before the Anti-Japanese War.
Datong East Wangzhuang Airport It is the world famous glider competition venue.
Datong (Huairen) Airport for Military airfield It was used as Datong Civil Aviation Airport.
Datong Yungang International Airport (Datong Yungang International Airport, IATA: DAT, ICAO: ZBDT) [216] Located in Datong, Shanxi Province, China Yunzhou District Double the size of the town North south Ring Road East, west of Datong city center 15.5km, 4C level internation Regional airport, temporary Air port The airport. As of 2022, Datong Yungang International Airport has 2 terminals, of which T1 (International) terminal Area 6328.2 square meters, T2 (Domestic) terminal Area 10,854 square meters; The station covers an area of 37,950 square meters with 7 slots, including 6 Class C slots and 1 Class B slots; The runway is 3,000 meters long and 45 meters long, which can meet the annual passenger throughput of 900,000 people and cargo throughput of 4,700 tons [42] . Yungang International Airport in Datong, Nov 8, 2019 Air port Gain from opening The State Council Approved, in 2021 has passed the municipal and provincial acceptance. [130] 2023 Yungang International Airport in Datong, June 6 Air port The opening to the outside world has passed the national acceptance, marking the official establishment of Datong Yungang International Airport International shipping Function, domestic and foreign airlines can open regularly at Datong Yungang International Airport International route . [130]

City traffic

  • Public transportation
By 2022, Datong has 1,246 vehicles and 69 lines in operation, with a total length of 1,132.5 kilometers and an annual passenger volume of 220 million. It is mainly responsible for the public transport passenger transport tasks in Pingcheng District, Yungang District, Xinrong District and Yunzhou District of Datong City, and also undertakes social welfare (including free rides for the elderly, the disabled and the military, etc.) and completes the tasks mandated by the government [25] . Among them, Road 601 opened on January 8, 2011 (bus two company -- Datong Railway Station It is the first bus rapid transit line in Datong.
  • Rent out
By 2022, there are 4,625 taxis from 10 taxi companies in Datong, with a daily starting price of 8 yuan /3 km and a daily basic unit price of 1.6 yuan/km. Night departure price 8.6 yuan /3 km, night basic unit price 1.8 yuan/km; Parking and waiting time during operation, the cumulative 5 minutes is priced at 1 km; The basic rental price of more than 10 km for one way is 50%. Night time is 21:00-5:00.
  • rail traffic
On December 13, 2016, Datong Urban and Rural Planning Bureau organized the compilation of the" Datong urban rail transit network planning [41] The long-term and long-term urban rail transit line network planning scheme has been formed: the long-term line network is composed of 3 lines, and the total scale of the line network is about 71 kilometers, composed of three lines. Among them, Line 1, as the east-west backbone line, connects the three major districts of Kouquan, Old City and Yudong as well as the airport hub, supporting the integrated development of the three districts. Line 2 serves the North-South development axis of Yudong and the northern area of the Old City, and connects to the high-speed rail hub of Datong South Railway Station. Line 3 mainly serves the north-south development axis of the Old city and alleviates congestion in the old city. The vision line network is composed of 4 lines, and on the basis of further improving the 3 backbone lines, the east and west main axis of the Vision Control Line 4 serving the central city is added, with a total scale of about 116 kilometers. On April 20, 2023, Datong urban rail transit Project (early stage) entered the provincial key project list of 2023 in Shanxi Province [118-119] .

Social undertaking


Educational cause

qing Guang Xu In 1902, Long Huang, governor of Datong County, founded the Datong Official Primary School in the former Pingcheng Academy, which was the first primary school of higher learning in Datong County. The 30th Year of Guangxu of Qing Dynasty (1904) Magistrate of a prefecture In the defunct Yunzhong Academy, Liu Ying organized Datong Fu Middle School, which officially opened in 1905, and was the earliest middle school education in Datong. After the founding of the Republic of China, many elementary schools were set up in urban and rural areas. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the kindergarten attached to Datong County Foundling Hospital was the earliest kindergarten in Datong. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the school was changed to the Third Middle School of Shanxi Province after the province took over, and in the twenty-third year of the Republic of China (1934), it was renamed Datong Middle School of Shanxi Province. Republic of China seven years (1918) Datong county governor Feng Yanzhu Decreed the abolition of private schools, compulsory education for boys and girls, and the establishment of national schools for girls. From the fifteenth year of the Republic of China to the seventeenth year of the Republic of China (1926-1928), education declined due to the scourge of war and natural disasters. In 1934, the Fifth Girls' Normal School of Shanxi Province was restructured and renamed "Datong Girls' Junior Middle School of Shanxi Province". In September 1937, the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, after the fall of Datong, the teachers fled in all directions and the school was closed. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War Yan Xishan The government was too busy with the civil war to care about education, and only a few national schools were restored. After the fall of Datong, the provincial Datong Middle School campus was used by the Japanese Army as an army hospital, and the female middle school was used as a convalescent place for wounded soldiers, and the equipment of the two schools was destroyed. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the two schools were restored, and the girls' school was changed into Datong Girls' Normal School. Thirty-five years of the Republic of China (1946), Datong Catholic Church Founded the middle school, the thirty-sixth year of the Republic of China (1947) after the provincial Department of Education record named the private Datong Yuying Chinese School. The 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), the Kuomintang Jinbei Party Affairs office established Zhongzheng Junior High School, the same year Ningwu Middle School was established in Datong and enrolled students, the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948) Wai yan secondary Fled to Datong to run a school.
By 2022, Datong has 4 regular and vocational colleges, 33 secondary vocational education schools, 46 senior high schools, 97 junior middle schools, 274 primary schools, 6 special education schools, and 539 preschool education schools [121] .
Number of schools (schools)
Number of students enrolled
Student (person)
Graduate (person)
Ordinary and vocational colleges and universities
Secondary vocational education
Ordinary high school
Ordinary junior high school
Ordinary primary school
Special education school
Preschool education
List of universities in Datong
University name
Type of institution
Contains faculties/departments/divisions
Number of specialties
Undergraduate course
Academy of mathematics and statistics, computer and network engineering college (college of big data), business school (college of foreign economic and trade), college of life sciences, college of education science and technology, chemical and environmental engineering institute, college of political science and law, music institute, academy of fine arts, medicine, institute of Chinese medicine, medical school, School of Nursing), School of Architecture and Surveying, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of Physics and Electronic Science, School of Literature, School of Foreign Languages, School of Physical Education, School of Coal Engineering, School of New Energy, School of Journalism, School of Yungangology, School of Marxism, School of Continuing Education, etc
72 [126]
Junior college
Uav Department, General Aviation Maintenance Department, Aviation Maintenance and Transportation Department, Artificial Intelligence Department
Junior college
Mining engineering Department, Mechanical and electrical Engineering Department, Coal chemical Engineering Department, Architectural Engineering Department, Economic management Department, Information engineering Department, etc
Junior college
Department of Chinese, Department of Foreign Languages, Department of Mathematics, Department of Educational Technology, Department of Natural Science, Department of Art, Department of Physical Education, Department of Social Science, Department of Education, etc
Junior college
Software technology, big data technology, artificial intelligence technology application, network marketing and live e-commerce, digital media art design [123]
5 [123]

Science and technology

In 2022, Datong granted 1,692 patents. Among them, 177 invention patents. The total number of effective invention patents in the city reached 1,229. 3,142 trademarks were registered. There are 4 key laboratories above the provincial level and 8 engineering and technology research centers. There are 6 provincial science and technology business incubators, 1 national record maker space, 14 provincial maker Spaces, and the total number of high-tech enterprises has reached 113 [121] .

Posts and telecommunications

In 2022, the total business of Datong's postal industry was 1.06 billion yuan, down 15.9% from the previous year. There are 147 post offices in the city, with a total length of 10,693 kilometers of postal routes. It ordered 46.835 million copies of newspapers, 1.367 million copies of magazines and 261,000 copies of domestic correspondence. Express delivery volume was 50.449 million. Telecommunications services totaled 2.96 billion yuan, with 3.819 million fixed and mobile phone users in the city by the end of the year. Among them, there were 64,000 fixed-line telephone users; There were 3.755 million mobile phone users. The mobile phone penetration rate is 121.1 per 100 people. Among mobile phone users, 4G users reached 2.162 million and 5G users reached 1.312 million. The number of Internet broadband access users in the city was 1.199 million, an increase of 12.6 percent over the previous year [121] .

Cultural undertaking

By 2022, Datong has 11 cultural art galleries, 106 artistic performance teams and 11 public libraries. 25 museums, 12 archives. There are 11 radio and television stations, 13 microwave stations and 11 cable television networks in the city. Broadcasting coverage reached 99 percent of the population, television coverage reached 100 percent, and cable TV subscribers reached 130,000 [121] .

Sports cause

As of 2022, Datong has 11 gymnasiums. The athletes trained in the city won gold MEDALS in women's one-meter board diving at the World Swimming Championships, men's air pistol team gold MEDALS at the International Shooting (pistol) World Championships, and snatch gold MEDALS at the National Women's weightlifting Championships. In the provincial Games qualification, the city won 35 gold, 36 silver, 30 bronze, a total of 900 points, gold medal, team total double first place. Throughout the year, the city hosted 10 provincial competitions and 5 municipal competitions. Throughout the year, it organized and held the third Datong Sports Meeting, the fifth Future Star Youth Sunshine Sports Conference, and continued to carry out the Datong Ice and Snow Festival, walking around the Ancient Great Wall, the Ancient Great Wall road bicycle and the national hundred cities and thousand villages fitness Qigong exchange and exhibition competition [121] .
On August 8, 2023, the 16th Games of Shanxi Province will be held in Datong. [178]

Medical and health care

By 2022, Datong has 3,010 health institutions (including clinics and village clinics) with 19,580 beds. Among them, 101 were hospitals; 137 health centers; 139 community health service centers (stations); 12 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; There are 4 maternity and child health care hospitals. By the end of the year, there were 22,784 health technicians in the city's health institutions. Among them, 9,917 were practicing physicians and practicing assistant physicians; There are 9,743 registered nurses [121] .
Datong city main hospital
Central Theater Air Force Hospital
(Former 3222 Hospital)
Pingcheng District People's Hospital [46]
Pingcheng District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine [47]

Social security

In 2022, the number of participants in Datong's basic pension insurance will reach 2.009 million. Among them, 903,000 workers participated in basic old-age insurance; A total of 1.106 million urban and rural residents participated in basic old-age insurance. A total of 2.691 million people were covered by basic medical insurance. Among them, 772,000 workers participated in basic medical insurance; A total of 1.919 million urban and rural residents were covered by basic medical insurance. 514,000 people participated in unemployment insurance; The number of workers' injury insurance participants was 446,000; 439,000 people were covered by maternity insurance [121] .

Urban construction

On April 27, 2020, The State Council agreed to set up a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone in Datong City [11] .
On February 3, 2023, the Development and Reform Commission of Shanxi Province convened the relevant departments of the provincial government and the relevant offices of the Party Committee to hold a symposium, solidly promote the high-quality development of Taiyuan and Datong, and sing the "Tale of two cities" of Taiyuan and Datong. [83-84] .
July 26, 2023, in Taiyuan Hold the Communist Party of China Shanxi Province Proposed by the Twelfth Committee at its sixth plenary meeting, We will support Datong in building a national and regional key city to achieve synergy Beijing-tianjin-hebei region The role of the bridgehead, to better undertake the spillover effect of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development. [200]

History and culture



Datong humanistic map
Datong dialect belongs to Jin dialect . As far as all Jin languages are concerned, Datong dialect belongs to Datong Baotou (mainly distributed in northern Shanxi and central Inner Mongolia). As far as the Jin language in Shanxi is concerned, Datong dialect belongs to the Yunzhong slice with Datong as the center. Datong dialect mainly includes Pingcheng District, Yungang District, Yunzhou District, Tianzhen, Yanggao, Zuoyun, Youyu, The shade of a mountain Huai Ren and other areas. Hunyuan, Lingqiu dialect included in Shanxi dialect Wutai film, Guangling dialect belongs to the department of Beijing Language and Culture University, included Northern mandarin Ward.

Folk custom

High fire Datong area is rich in coal resources, which is bound to have various connections with the local people's clothing, food, housing and transportation. Therefore, the role of coal has penetrated into the customs of the people as far back as ancient times High fire It's just a local custom. Every New Year's Eve, every family in front of the courtyard will use a large chunk of coal into a tower, called the fire, in order to auspicious, congratulations on the meaning of prosperity throughout the year. Wait until midnight, when the firecrackers sing in unison, the fire will be lit. After lighting, the flame sprays out of countless small holes, like a floating map, both to keep out the cold and spectacular. Adults and children gather around a circle, some play games, some set off firecrackers, men and women, young and old have to come to the fire, in order to "Wang Qi to the sky." Usually the one who has the biggest fire, the one who has the biggest fire, the one who has the biggest fire. [12]
Wandering Eight Immortals : Wandering Eight Immortals Datong is a unique folk activity, started in the Ming Dynasty, every year on the eighth day of the first month of the local people will gather in temples and Taoist temples, praying for health and safety in the coming year. There is a saying "swim the eight immortals, go to all diseases". In the streets of Datong City, the rolling people all over the streets, citizens out of their homes to feel the joy of the Spring Festival. The Huayan Temple and Yuantong Temple in the city are crowded with people who pray to the Buddha for a safe year.


Datong Culture and Art Festival
Datong Spring Festival cultural temple fair
The first month of every year
The temple fair brings together a variety of art performances such as Yangko dance, duet dance, gongs and drums, Sichuan opera, and displays a variety of folk or local crafts and special snacks such as paper cutting, clay sculpture, embroidery, and cold noodles.
Datong Yungang Culture and Art Festival
Every August
It mainly displays Chinese traditional religious culture and beautiful scenery outside the frontier. The tourism festival includes the north of Shanxi scenic spot display, cultural and sports events performance, city exchanges, tourism promotion, Datong tourism project investment and other activities.


  • Datong bronze ware
Datong bronze ware It has a long history and a long reputation. There is a saying in history that "worship Buddha on Mount Wutai and buy copper in Datong". Datong bronze ware has 25 series, 235 varieties, 458 colors, mainly copper hot pot, wine set, palace tableware, copper plaques and so on. Datong bronze wares are not only popular all over China, but also sold well in Japan, Malaysia, Germany, Hong Kong and Macao. In 1973, when Premier Zhou Enlai accompanied French President Georges Pompidou on his visit to Datong, he presented him with Datong copper hot pot.
  • Guangling paper-cut
Guangling paper-cut As one of the three major schools of Chinese folk paper-cut, with its vivid composition, expressive force, delicate knife, sophisticated materials and dyeing, fine packaging and production technology, unique, known as "Chinese folk art", occupies an important position in Chinese paper-cut. In 2009, Guangling paper-cut, as part of the application of Chinese paper-cut, was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Scenic spot

Datong is the first historical and cultural city announced by The State Council in 1982. Datong has the reputation of "three generations of Beijing and two dynasties", especially the Northern Wei culture represented by the Yungang Grottoes and the Northern Wei Xuankong Temple. In order to Huayan Temple , Shanhua Temple , Avalokitesvara , Jueshan Temple Pagoda , Yuen Jue Temple Pagoda As the representative of Liao and Jin culture; Border control The Great Wall , fort, The Nine Dragon Wall , Ming Dynasty Taedongfu The Ming and Qing cultures represented by the city constitute distinct regional cultural characteristics, which can be summarized as Pingcheng culture, frontier culture and Buddhist culture.
Datong city main attractions
Yungang Grottoes is a world cultural heritage, a national 5A scenic spot, and the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. Yungang Grottoes is one of the world famous stone carving art treasures, is China's largest grottoes group, dating back to more than 1,500 years ago, was built in 460 AD, by the Buddhist monk Tan Yao ordered to dig. The existing Yungang grottoes group is divided into three parts: east, middle and west. The Buddhist niches in the grottoes are densely covered like a beehive, and the large, middle and small grottoes are densely inlaid in the middle of Yungang.
Yungang Grottoes open-air giant Buddha
The ancient city of Datong, located in the middle of Pingcheng District, is the witness and carrier of Datong after the changes of Chinese dynasties and historical evolution, a precious historical and cultural heritage and cultural tourism resources, and an important window for Datong to show to the outside world. In 1372 AD, General Xu Da was ordered to build a new city on the basis of the old cities of Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties. It is slightly square, 1.8 kilometers long from east to west, 1.82 kilometers long from north to south, 7.24 kilometers in circumference and covers an area of 3.28 square kilometers. In 2008, Datong fully implemented the historical and cultural revival and ancient city protection project. Eleven cultural relic protection units, seven historic buildings, three historic landmarks, 108 traditional courtyards, and 18 new roads have been restored to restore the ancient city of Datong. As of April 1, 2019, Datong Ancient City has 133 cultural relic protection units, immovable cultural relics, and nearly 50 historical buildings [77] . The city wall is tall and majestic, strong and precipitous, tightly fortified, all kinds of defense facilities are complete, and it is a unique important city in the history of ancient military architecture in China. Because it occupies a very important position in the northern frontier, it has played an important role in many battles. Therefore, it has always enjoyed the reputation of "majestic town" and "Northern lock and key". [78]
Datong ancient City
Hengshan Mountain is a national scenic spot and a national 4A scenic spot. Hengshan Mountain is also known as the North Mountain, and the east Mountain Taishan, the west Mountain Hua Mountain, the south Mountain Hengshan, the middle mountain Songshan and called The five Mountains It is China's geographical indication and the first batch of national scenic spots. 62 km from Datong City. Among them, the Douma Pass, Zijing Pass, Pingxing Pass, Yanmen Pass, Ningwu Pass tiger is the risk, is the throat of the plateau to the central Hebei Plain, since ancient times is the battle of the military. Principal peak Tianfengling Mountain In the south of Hunyuan County, with an altitude of 2016.8 meters, it is known as "the North pillar of Man and heaven", "the most famous mountain", and "the second mountain in the world".
The northern mountain Hengshan
Xuankong Temple, also known as Xuankong Temple, is located in Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province. It is the only unique temple that integrates Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism in China. It is a national 4A-level scenic spot. Hengshan Xuankong Temple was built more than 1,400 years ago The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) In the later period of the dynasty, all dynasties have made repairs to Xuankong Temple, which is the embodiment of the essence of ancient Chinese architecture. Xuankong Temple has a total of 40 temples, using the mechanics principle of half-inserted flying beams as the basis, clever rock dark beam columns up and down one, the corridor is connected to the left and right, twists and turns. There are more than 80 statues of copper, iron, stone and mud Buddha in the temple, and the two words "spectacular" on the rock under the temple are the ink treasure of Li Bai, the poet of the Tang Dynasty. Ming dynasty traveler Xu Xiake Praised as "the world's great view". [157]
Xuankong Temple
Tomb of Datong Three Emperors
The tomb of the Three Emperors of Datong is in Wangjiazhuang, 15 miles south of Datong City. According to the "unified annals of Shanxi Tongzhi" records: Three emperors this period to Taigao, Nuwa , Yan Emperor Three emperors, buried here. The Qing Dynasty poet Li Yangben visited the tomb of the Three Emperors, and wrote a poem called "the Tomb of the Three Emperors" : the catastrophe is still more than feet of soil seal, cloud car feather drive asked the wilderness. Hongmontonapir three positions, from the opening of the ancient chest. White grass yellow sand buried broken tile, lonely village cold tree back high pond. Figure by pointing to spread doubt, sunset smoke pharynx late clock.
Tomb of Datong Three Emperors
Huayan Temple is located in Datong City, Daxi Street, because of Buddhism Huayan school named, the temple within the Liao Dynasty The Bhaga Temple And gold generation The Great Hero Hall As well as many color sculptures, with high cultural relic value and artistic value, in 1961 was listed as the first batch National key cultural relics protection units . Huayan Temple was once divided into two independent temples, the upper temple and the lower Temple, and is now a single temple.
Datong volcanic Group national geopark Located 28 kilometers east of Datong City Yunzhou District It is the general name of the Quaternary magmatic activity and volcanic landform of Datong volcanic rift Basin (80,000-200,000 years ago). Now a national geopark, Datong Volcanic Group National Geopark is the only volcanic group in the world that is developed on the Loess Plateau, and it is also the largest and best preserved intra-plate rift volcanic group in North China. It is one of the six famous volcanic groups in China and is an extinct volcano. The total area is 129.8 square kilometers. by Volcanic cluster , Sanggan , Qiulinyu It consists of 3 scenic spots. The volcanic area is a volcano geopark The core scenic spot, because of the most dense distribution of volcanic cones, the most representative, well-preserved form, the most famous, so it is known as the "rare natural heritage of the East Asian continent" and "volcanic geology Museum", as early as 1952 Peking University Here established a popular science teaching base. [79]
Datong volcano Group
Various sites and scenic spots
The Great Wall Datong member
Jingzhuang big cloud Temple The Great Hero Hall
Yang Gao Yunlin Temple
Liyu painted pottery culture and bronze relics
Yungang Nanliang Site
The Church of Great Harmony
Alpine Neolithic sites
Toshihan Nine Kings Tomb
Yining county site
Yangzhou Yaoshi Jing building
Zhao Chengshou Former residence [145]
Shukou fort The Great Wall [161]
The site of the Battle of Baden [162]
Sanggan River National Wetland Park [165]
Li Erkou Great Wall Scenic spot [186]
Guangling Huliu River wetland [187]
Spirit Hill Town End organic community [187]
Lingqiu county Che River Organic Community [187]

Local specialty

Local specialty
The main specialty of Datong region
Local cuisine
Datong sliced noodles, haggis , Fried fried pork , rabbit head, Golden cake , Stewed meat strip (also known as Braised pork ) [129] , Fried cake , Datong copper hot pot , Fenglin Pavilion Shao-mai , Phoenix nest [127] , oat noodles, Guangling dried bean curd , Hun Yuan cold powder , Yang Gao apricot breast Etc.; Ingredients include Datong yellow flower, Hengshan Astragalus Etc.; Arts and crafts Datong coal sculpture , Yungang silk people , Guangling paper-cut [128] Let's wait.

Famous person

Famous figures in Datong
Personnel list
Ancient emperor
Tuoba Di (Emperor Yuan of Ming Dynasty) [103]
Tuoba Tao (Taiwu Emperor) [100]
Tuoba Yu (Jing Shou Di) [102]
Tuoba Jun (Emperor Wencheng) [100]
Tuoba Hong (献文帝) [100]
Tuoba Hong (孝文帝) [101]
Tuoba Huang (Jing Mu Di) [100-101]
A civil minister and a military general
Li Cunxiao [51]
Bisan [52]
Yumi Li [53]
Li Dianlin [54]
appoint [97]
Su Baoheng [50]
Sutin [55]
Cao Changjiao [96] [99]
Xu Congyun [148]
Sun Gongliang [155]
Li Jin [167]
Other historical figures
She Taijun [95]
Ancient literature and art
Sun Wei [58]
Li Puguang [60]
Yoo 㧑 [61]
Liu Congyi [62]
Liu Qi [63]
Lu Sheng [107-108]
Rayouin [156]
People with lofty ideals
Gao Dingchen [167]
A surname [167]
Fan Ao [167]
Guo Yunzhang [167]
Wei Chao [167]
Guo Beichen [167]
Wang Jun [14]
Li Yizhong [15]
Xu MAO [57]
Lv Zhizhou [106]
Cao Baoping [134-135]
Wang Sancai [136-137]
Jian Haodong [138]
alp [139]
Meng Yao [122]
Li Qi [109]
Chai Jingyun [141]
Chaijinghai [141]
Field boy [189]
Li Dechun [59]
Hou Jianchen [113-114]
Liu Xianglian (pseudonym Of many years ) [113-114]
Wang Zhanbin [115]
Wang Xiangfu [151]
Yan Xuejun [206]
Bell rising [207]
Ding Hao [71]
Zhang Yunpeng [116-117]
Zhang Yifan [205]
Guo Gong [146-147]
Zhang Yitang [149]
Xu Naibiao [150]
Zhao Meiling [152]
Bai puddan [154]
cuckoo [188]

External communication

Omuta City
October 16, 1981
Bailey City
August 6, 2003
Siem Reap City
April 29, 2021
Reference materials: [65-66]

Honorary title

Datong City main honorary title
February 1982 [110]
One of the nine ancient capitals of China
The year 2010 [125] [171]
The year 2013 [72]
Charming city with Chinese characteristics
Top 10 sports and leisure cities in China
A famous Chinese cultural tourism city that influences the world
In April 2014 [180]
The year 2017
Top 200 charming cities with Chinese characteristics
The year 2017
China's urban brands ranked 81st
June 2018 [181]
The most potential summer tourism city
July 2018 [183]
Home of sliced noodles in China
In August 2018 [176]
" Chinese national tourism "Best Global Travel Destination
The year 2018 [19]
Ranked 90th in China's top 100 prefecture-level cities in 2019
2019 [20]
Ranked 44th among the top 50 Chinese health cities in 2019
2019 [21]
National pilot city for the construction of urban medical complex
In August 2019
Beautiful cities in China
December 2019 [175]
Water-saving city in Shanxi Province
2019 [190]
2020 China Summer city
The year 2020 [22]
Provincial civilized city
July 2020 [184]
October 2020 [18]
" Ten thousand Miles Tea Ceremony One of the cities in the League of Cities
December 2020 [174]
Creation period from 2021 to 2023 National civilized city Nominating city
The year 2021 [23]
Ranked 98th in China's top 100 brand cities
The year 2021 [24]
The hometown of Weiqi in China
April 2021 [214]
"Museum City" supported by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage
May 2021 [179]
The first batch of provincial-level new smart city pilot cities in Shanxi Province
June 2021 [185]
Shanxi (Province) City of food
The year 2021 [131]
National key tourism city construction list
2022 [182]
April 2022 [202]
September 2022 [67]
Modern circulation fulcrum city
2022年9 month [68]
November 2022 [73]
Thousand-year old city
December 2022 [173]
February 2023 [204]
Shanxi Province double support model city
May 2023 [169]
June 2023 [133]
2023 summer tourism preferred place
June 2023 [140]
2023 Ranked 96th in the national prefecture-level city Brand Index
June 2023 [203]
2023 Summer Habitat suitability index of migratory bird aged care in China
July 2023 [168]
July 2023 [192]
Founding member of the Silk Road Tourism Cities Alliance
September 2023 [209]
The first batch of municipal water network pilot areas in China
October 2023 [210]
November 2023 [211]
Top 10 sports tourism destinations in China in 2023
December 2023 [213]