Personal Information Protection Advisory Guidelines

What data does Baidu collect about me, why does it collect it, what does it do with it and how does it protect it? Where can I get the information?

We take the protection of your privacy and personal information very seriously. The Baidu Privacy Policy General and the Privacy policies of each of Baidu's products and services (which can be found on each product and service interface) will help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it and how we protect it. We try to present our Privacy Policy in a way that is clearer and easier for you to understand, so as to truly convey the information we wish to convey to you, and we hope that before you provide us with certain information (which may well include your personal information) and allow us to process and share certain information, Be able to clearly understand the purpose of the information collection, possible uses and other aspects of the content. Please be sure to read Baidu's privacy Policy carefully, and use Baidu platform products and services after confirming that you fully understand and agree.

We summarize your feedback on the common problems in the use of Baidu products and services for your reference

Q: Baidu search results contain my personal information, how can I delete it?

A: Baidu, as a search engine, only provides Internet users with information retrieval services, and cannot edit or modify the original content of third-party websites, and the relevant content does not represent the views and positions of Baidu. If you wish to correct the content on the third party website, you need to contact the original website to modify, delete, after the third party website update, Baidu search results will be automatically updated within a certain period of time. If you want the search results to disconnect links to web pages suspected of infringing your personal information rights and interests, you can make a complaint through the "Report Feedback" button at the lower right corner of the link in the search results of Baidu, Baidu will promptly deal with it in accordance with relevant laws and platform rules. Details:

Q: The third-party link has been removed from the search results, but it can still be found in the search results. What should I do?

A: Baidu search results update there is a certain period, please wait patiently. If you want the result to be processed faster, you can make a complaint through the "Report Feedback" button in the lower right corner of the page link in Baidu search results, so that Baidu Search can recognize and process your update feedback request as soon as possible.

Q: I do not want to find my ID number and mobile phone number in Baidu search, how to feedback?

A: You can open the home page from your computer and enable the protection under "Settings - Privacy Settings - ID Number and mobile number Search display protection". After the protection is enabled, when you search for the ID number and mobile number bound to your Baidu account, the related information will no longer be displayed in the results.

Q: How do I file a complaint in the search box?

A: Dear user, when you search for a specific keyword in Baidu search, you can make a complaint by the "Feedback" button in the lower right corner of the drop-down box. Details:

Q: How to correct the errors of enterprise and document information collected by Love enterprise?

A: You can inform Aiqiza through the "Feedback" function on the PC side or the "error correction" function on the APP side of the Aiqiza website, and we will verify and update the data in time.

Q: How to correct the location information display error in Baidu map?

A: You can click "Report error" in the address page of the Baidu Map APP and submit proof materials to apply for correction of the location information.

Q: What should I do if the posts in the post bar are suspected of violating personal privacy?

A: You can go to the upper right corner of the post bar APP [...] And long press comments, personal home page report, or in the computer side of the post and comments below the personal home page report. When reporting, please select [Rights infringement] and provide the subject information of the right holder. Details please refer to the tieba complaints rules:

Q: I have problems with Baidu account login, retrieval, account appeal, etc., what should I do?

A: I'm sorry that this platform cannot handle the demands related to Baidu account. You can query and feedback your questions in the "Settings - Account management" page of the Baidu APP you use. This page has a rich Q&A guide and customer service feedback, so that you can find a solution more accurately and easily.

Feedback on personal information protection issues

If you have any questions or concerns about the protection of personal information in the process of using Baidu's products and services, you can click the "I want feedback" below to contact us. In order to ensure that we can efficiently handle your questions and timely feedback to you, you need to submit proof of identity, valid contact information and written requests and relevant evidence, we will process your request after verifying your identity. Please understand that the Personal information protection feedback portal only deals with questions and appeals related to the protection of personal information. If you have other complaints or suggestions, please go to other relevant complaint portals of Baidu User Service Center or follow other complaint paths publicized by Baidu.

I want feedback.