United States Capitol

A building in Washington, DC, USA
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synonymParliament building(United States building) Generally refers to the United States Capitol Building
The United States Capitol is United States Congress Located in the capital of the United States Washington, D.C. (Washington, D.C.). Americans call the Capitol (also known as the Congress building) and regard it as the highest symbol of government of, by, and for the people. The Parliament Building was opened on September 18, 1793 President of the United States George Washington The foundation stone was laid in person and it was put into use in 1800. The year 1814 Second American Revolutionary War It was burned by the British and parts of the building were destroyed. It was later added House and Senate The meeting rooms, rotunda and rotunda have been rebuilt and expanded several times. (5-6 ]
On the afternoon of January 6, 2021 local time, the U.S. Capitol was stormed by protesters, United States Congress Lawmakers have been evacuated. [1] On the evening of April 20, 2022 local time, United States Capitol Police Order an emergency evacuation of the Capitol. Police said an aircraft was being tracked. Us officials said the plane being tracked by police as a "possible threat" was a military aircraft. [4]
Chinese name
United States Capitol
Foreign name
Congress building
Geographical position
America Washington, D.C. [2]
Opening hours
Monday-saturday 8:30-16:30
Ticket price
free [2]
Suggested play time
1-3 hours [2]


The United States Capitol Building is located in Washington 25 meters high on Capitol Hill, it is the seat of the United States Congress, symbolizing the people, by the people, for the people, is the heart of the United States - the building was built in September 1793 by President Washington personally presided over, began to put into use in 1800, in 1814 Anglo-American war The middle part was destroyed and rebuilt many times, finally forming the current pattern: as the highest in the United States Legislative body The Congress, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives, exercises the supreme legislative power, and the Capitol thus becomes the United States Landmark building , yes American politics , and even National spirit Carrier of:
On September 18, 1793, President George Washington placed the building under construction cornerstone Grandiose construction work began.
In Il 1800, the Capitol was declared complete, and the Senate moved first into the North wing of the building, followed by the entire Congress, which remained the political institution of the United States until the outbreak of the Anglo-American War in August 1814.
After the fierce war, the building was rebuilt after the war, and over the past hundred years, the Capitol was expanded several times, including the major reconstruction project between 1851 and 1867, and finally formed the current situation. [6 ]

Building structure


Flat-roofed building

The entire Capitol building is a three-story flat-roofed building with a towering dome in the center, also divided into three levels. There was also a small round tower on top of the dome, the top of which stood upright Lady Liberty A bronze statue. She had a crown on her head, a sword in her right hand, and a shield in her left, always looking out to the east where the sun rose.
Parliament building
The East front of the Capitol was usually the site of presidential inaugurations from 1829 Andrew Jackson Until the end of the 20th century, most presidential inaugurations took place here. With the occasional exception, Presidents Reagan and Clinton both held their inaugurations on the west front of the Capitol.


The Capitol Rotunda
The most striking part of the Capitol is the central rotunda, which visitors usually enter through the east gate. The east gate is also known as the Columbus Gate, and the bronze door is embossed with the deeds of Columbus. Enter the central rotunda from the east entrance to the Capitol building. The inside height is 53 meters, and the diameter of the hall is more than 30 meters. On the circular wall, there are eight large oil paintings that record eight major events in American history. On the south side of the central rotunda is a sculpture hall surrounded by statues of various figures. By the early 1990s, the Sculpture Hall had a total of 94 bronze statues and statues Stone statue Its original shape is a generation of talents in various fields.
There are hundreds of rooms in the Capitol. It is worth mentioning that the original Supreme Court is the 1/4 sphere shaped room. Congress held its first joint session here in 1800, President Jefferson was sworn in here in 1801 and 1805, and from 1810 to 1860, United States Supreme Court Set up right here. On May 24, 1844, Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, sent the world's first telegraph in front of members of Congress and judges.

House of Representatives

Members of the United States Congress
Walk south through the Sculpture Hall to the House of Representatives Conference Hall. The Senate Chamber is located in the North wing of the Capitol, opposite the House Chamber, and has 100 seats. The flag is hoisted over the North Wing of the Capitol when the Senate is in session; When the House of Representatives is in session, the national flag is raised on the south wing of the building. Before 9/11, the Capitol was open to visitors Open for free . House and Senate Interested members of the public may also attend meetings. in Terrorist activity Under the shadow of the United States, this tradition that has been carried on for many years has been adjusted for security reasons. Capitol Visitor Center to reconcile the contradictions of openness and security. In time, visitors will again be able to visit Parliament freely and easily.

Internal installation

Inside the Capitol
The interior is solemn and majestic. The main entrance of the hall is to the east, and there are three huge bronze doors. The bronze gate is called the Columbus Gate, weighs ten tons, and has a description engraved on it Columbus discovers the New World The relief. The inner space of the rotunda is tall and magnificent, with a diameter of about 30 meters and a height of 55 meters. On the walls are eight huge paintings showing the development of the United States. Looking up at the dome, you can see the romantic style Zenith picture In the center is painted "the God of Washington ", and on both sides of the founding president, the Goddess of Victory and the Goddess of Liberty are painted, and 13 goddesses are painted, representing the 13 founding states. It was painted by the 19th century Italian painter Constantine Brumidi. The figures in the painting are more than four meters high, so that when the viewer looks up, it feels natural and realistic. Unfortunately, Brunmidi only completed part of his work, which began scaffold Fell down, died a few months later. Later, his students painted the zenith according to the sketches left by Brunmidi, and the final fillings were completed in 1953.

Architectural landscape

Parliament building United States Congress The office building was built on a 28 meter high hill. Washington himself laid the foundation stone in 1793, Civil War After the outbreak, it was proposed that the building be suspended, but President Lincoln insisted that the great dome be completed. The dome of the Capitol has been featured on television American politics News report The best backdrop, inside the dome is a resplendent hall that can accommodate two or three thousand people.
The central rotunda is the heart of the Capitol building, and the magnificent and exquisite murals and sculptures of many respected historical figures are the focus of the visit . On the circular wall, there are eight large oil paintings, recorded in two stages American history On the 8 major events. its Central hall The top center of the circle, "Apotheos ofWashington in Heaven," was painted by the Italian painter Constantine Blumidi. To the south of the central rotunda is a hall surrounded by statues of various figures. One of them is life-size and white marble A carved stone statue of Lincoln. The north wing of the building is the Senate, and the south wing is House of Representatives Each house has its own small Conference hall And many large and small rooms. There is also Statuary Hall, which houses dozens of giant statues of former U.S. lawmakers from various states. The white Capitol building is surrounded by lawns and trees, and looks like it is placed in green from a distance Flannel blanket superior Ivory carving .

Main use

As the highest Legislative body The Congress is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Senators are directly elected by the voters of each state, and each state has two senators Principle of equality . It currently has 100 members. Senators serve six-year terms, one third of which are reelected every two years. The number of representatives is proportional to the population of each state, with at least one from each state. The total number of House members is fixed at 435 and is provided every 10 years by the Federal Bureau of Commerce Statistics Population change The situation is to realign the distribution of seats among the states. Members of the House of Representatives are directly elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected.
Congress exercises legislative power, and bills are passed by both houses and then signed by the president; If the President does not veto it, or if it is vetoed but re-approved by two-thirds of the members of both houses, it becomes a law. Congress sits for 90 days a year and considers 2,500 bills, only about 600 of which pass. As important as America Landmark building , accompanied by the Capitol United States After a difficult and tortuous road.


On the afternoon of January 6, 2021 local time, hundreds of protesters gathered in the US capital Washington, DC "To pressure the ongoing joint session of Congress. Trump is here The White House Some of his supporters clashed with police and broke into parliament. The results were certified on the same day Program pause . The demonstration turned violent, and the U.S. Capitol was stormed by protesters and lawmakers were evacuated. During the confrontation, law enforcement officers opened fire, and one woman was shot and confirmed dead. Later, Trump and Biden delivered separate speeches calling for an end to the violence. [1]
On January 7, 2021, a 7-foot (about 2.1 meters) high fence was built around the U.S. Capitol. The 7-foot-high fence will stretch from Constitution Avenue to Independence Avenue, from First Avenue It extends to the pond in front of the Capitol. The fences will be in use for up to 30 days, the same day that D.C. police, National guard They're all in charge of security around the installation site. [3]

Traffic information

Take the Blue and Orange lines to Capitol South Metro Station and walk north for 10 minutes.
Public transportation
1. Take bus 96, 97, A11, DCN22 and get off at NE 1st St & NE Maryland Av station.
2. You can take bus 32, 34, 36, 922 and get off at INDEPENDENCE AVE & NEW JERSEY AVE SE eb.
3. Take bus 32, 34, 36, 39, 630, 902, 904, 909, 922, 929, 995, A11 and get off at SE Independence Av & SE 1st St station. [2]