New York

The largest city in the United States
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New York, part of the United States New York The largest city in the United States, located on the northeastern coast of the United States The Hudson River Mouth, on the verge of Atlantic , belong to Temperate continental humid climate . With a total area of 1214 square kilometers and five boroughs, City Hall is located in City Hall Park in Manhattan. [22] As of 2022, the total population is about 8.34 million. [43]
New York was originally Indian The area of residence. In 1524, Italian arrive The Hudson River In 1626, the Dutch bought Manhattan Island from the Indians at a low price, and made a trading post near the corner of the Hudson River mouth, called "New Amsterdam". In 1664, it was occupied by the British, renamed New York, and expanded to the neighboring land and Long Island. In 1686, New York City was established. 1789 New York became the provisional capital of the United States and the first president Washington Take office here. In the early 1920s, New York overtook London to become the most populous urban area in the world. After World War II, the city of New York prospered again and became a world-class metropolis. [23]
New York City is the United States and even the world's economic, financial, commercial, trade, cultural and media center, is one of the world's three major financial centers, Wall Street Known as a barometer of the U.S. economy. New York-owned Columbia University , New York University The city is home to 120 higher education institutions and 2,000 arts and cultural institutions, and is the center of the global television, advertising, music, newspaper and book publishing industries, as well as the largest media market in North America. New York has convenient transportation, a dense road network and well-developed public transportation. With three international airports, including John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York Harbor is the busiest port in North America. There are Times Square , Statue of Liberty , Central Park , Metropolitan Museum And other attractions. [22]
In 2022, New York City's gross regional product is $1,053 billion, ranking first in the world, with a per capita gross regional product of $126,300, It's the richest city in the world [33] [44] .
Chinese name
New York
Foreign name
New York City
The Big Apple, The City that Never sleeps, New York
Administrative category
The city
Subordinate region
United States (USA)
Geographical position
America Of southeast New York at the mouth of the Hudson River on the northeast coast of the United States [22]
Area product
1214 km² (including sea area)
Subordinate area
Manhattan District, Queens , Brooklyn , The Bronx , Staten Island
Government premises
Broadway 260 Main Street
Telephone area code
212, 718, 917, 347, 646
Postal code
10041 NY 212, 10043 NY 212, etc
Climatic condition
Temperate continental humid climate [23]
Population number
8.34 million [43] (2022)
License plate code
Gross regional product
$1,598.39 billion [33] (Year 2021)
English (Official language)
Incumbent mayor
Eric Adams [20]

Historical evolution

In 1492, Columbus After the discovery of the American continent, European colonists flocked to establish colonial trading points, and gradually formed a free port here, which is the predecessor of New York.
In 1524, Italian Giovanni d 'Verrazzano came to the Bayou area, becoming the first recorded European to visit New York.
In 1602, the Dutch sent Henry Hudson to North America in search of a new land. In 1609, he reached New York Bay and followed the river north. The next year Hudson returned to Holland with North American produce and furs. Many Dutch merchants became highly interested in this resource-rich land and settled there. The Dutch named it "New Nederland".
In 1624, the Dutch established a fur trading post on Governors Island, thus beginning the formal permanent settlement of Europeans in the New Netherlands.
In 1625, Amster began construction on Manhattan Island.
In 1626, the Dutch bought Manhattan Island cheaply from the local Indians to establish a trading post, and named this place "New Amsterdam" after Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands.
In 1664, when the English fleet reached New York and the Dutch knew they could not fight it, the Governor of the New Netherlands, Peter Stuyvesant, surrendered New Amsterdam. British occupation, renamed New York, the area expanded to the neighboring land and Long Island and other places. King Charles II of England gave the territory to his brother, who then moved his territory from York to New Amsterdam and changed the name to "New York".
In 1686, New York City was established. [24]
1789 Founding father George Washington was sworn in as the first president in New York City, which was then the nation's capital. [23]
In 1898, Brooklyn (then an independent city), New York County (including part of the Bronx), Richmond County, and the western portion of Queens County were merged to officially become the modern city of New York.
By the early 20th century, New York had become one of the largest cities in the world, along with London and Paris. [23]

Administrative division

As of 2022, New York City has five municipal districts, The Bronx (The Bronx) Brooklyn (Brooklyn), Manhattan (Manhattan), Queens (Queens), Staten Island (Staten Island) City Hall is located in City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan.
The five boroughs of New York

Geographical environment


Location boundary

New York is located at 74°00 'west, 40°43' north, Coastal northeast United States The Hudson River Mouth, near Atlantic . Approach in the west New Jersey , North connection Rhode Island It has a total area of 1214 square kilometers, of which 425 square kilometers are water and 789 square kilometers are land. [22]
New York


New York is located on the plain at the mouth of the Hudson River, the city is low and flat, the highest Altitude Sit at Staten Island Todd Hill, about 124.9 meters, is Maine The highest land south of the east coast of the United States.


New York Temperate continental humid climate Cold in winter and cool in summer, the average temperature in January is below 0 ° C, and the average temperature in July is 21 ° C. The average annual precipitation is 820-1100 mm. [23] The warm season lasts about 3.5 months, from early June to mid-September, with an average daily high temperature of 29 ° C and low temperature of 22 ° C. The cold season lasts for about 3 months, from early December to early March, with an average daily high temperature of 4 ° C and low temperature of -2 ° C. The rainy season is from late March to late August. The rainy season is usually accompanied by hurricane season, with hurricanes and tropical storms relatively rare, but occasionally occurring.


The Hudson River
New York The Hudson River The Hudson River flows through the Hudson Valley and into New York Bay, serving New York City and New York New Jersey The dividing line. New York's East River flows through Long Island Sound , will Bronx and Manhattan Separated from Long Island. The Harlem River is located between the East and Hudson Rivers, separating the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. The Bronx River, which flows through the Bronx and Westchester counties, is the only river in New York City Fresh water The river.


As of 2021, New York City has a total population of about 8,823,500, making it the most densely populated city in the United States. [33] As of 2022, New York City has an estimated population of 8.34 million. [43]
New York is a city of immigrants, on March 24, 2022, the New York Mayor's Office of Immigration Affairs (MOIA) released an annual report, providing the latest data on New York City's immigrant population, the city's more than 3 million immigrant population, has accounted for 40% of the city's total population, about 60% of the population is immigrants or immigrants of the second generation, speaking more than 200 languages; According to the report, the city's population grew by 8 percent over the past decade, with the Asian population growing the fastest at 33.6 percent of all ethnic groups. Hispanics came in second with a 6.6 percent increase; The African-American and white populations declined by 4.5 percent and 0.1 percent, respectively.
The largest foreign-born immigrant population is from the Dominican Republic, with 421,920 people living in New York City in 2020; Chinese immigrants came in second at 320,900, an increase of 7.3 percent over the past decade. Of New York City's population, 63.6% are U.S.-born citizens; 36.4 percent are immigrants, 21.5 percent are naturalized citizens, and the remaining 14.9 percent include green cards and other residency status. [25] As of April 2020, 20% of immigrants speak Chinese. [26]


The governing bodies of New York City include the City Council and the city government. The City Council consists of one member elected from each of the city's 51 constituencies for a four-year term. The Speaker is elected by members for a four-year term. The municipal government has a mayor, a comptroller, and a public interest coordinator who are elected by the citizens for a term of four years. The comptroller is the chief financial officer of New York. The Public Interest Coordinator has the power to initiate legislation, oversee government agencies, coordinate government public relations, and act as an acting mayor when the office of Mayor becomes vacant. Incumbent mayor Eric Adams He will take office in January 2022. [22]


Manhattan Financial District, New York


New York City is the economic center, financial center and business center of the United States, and one of the three major financial centers in the world. The main industries in New York City are finance, high technology, real estate, insurance, and medical care. In New York City, the service sector accounts for 89.9% of the regional economy, and the major service sectors include law, accounting, finance, and management consulting. [22]
New York occupies an important position in the American economy, with a relatively complete manufacturing and service industry cluster, mainly including computer hardware and electronics, industrial machinery and systems, transportation equipment, biomedicine, material processing, optical and imaging, software, food processing, communications and media, financial and insurance services. High-tech industries such as life sciences, nanotechnology, semiconductors and clean energy are developing rapidly. [23]
New York is not only the financial center of the United States, but also one of the financial centers of the world. For more than a century, New York has wielded enormous global influence in business and finance. Manhattan Island is the core of New York City, the smallest of the five boroughs, with only 57.91 square kilometers. But this small island, narrow from east to west and long from north to south, is the financial center of the United States, with more than a third of the country's 500 largest companies headquartered in Manhattan. Six of the seven major banks and the headquarters of the major monopolies have their central locations here. It also concentrates the essence of the world's financial, securities, futures and insurance industries.
Located in the southern part of Manhattan Island, Wall Street is a symbol of the wealth and economic power of the United States, as well as the base camp of monopoly capital and the synonym of financial oligarchy. More than 2,900 financial and foreign trade institutions line the narrow street, which is only 540 meters long. The famous New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange are located here. In the 17th edition of the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI17), New York once again holds the top spot with the highest score. As one of the eight leaders of the global financial center, the New York Financial Center not only has a good performance in various financial sub-industries such as banking, securities, insurance and financial management, but also has a great influence and radiation in the international community. [31]
According to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the US Department of Commerce, in 2019, the gross regional product of New York City was $1,065.149 billion, an increase of 1.2% over the previous year, and the per capita gross regional product was $127,700. In 2021, the gross regional product of New York City will be $1,598.39 billion, with a per capita gross regional product of $181,200. [33] Top of the list of richest cities in the world. [34] In 2022, New York City has a gross regional product of $1,053 billion and a per capita gross regional product of $126,300. According to the forecast of the New York City government, the economic growth of New York City in 2023 is about 1.5%, and the GDP is expected to reach $1068.8 billion in 2023 [43] .

Primary industry

New York Urban Agriculture (Brooklyn Rooftop Urban Farm)
New York City is densely populated and land is expensive, and the local government has long encouraged urban agriculture. In the 1970s, when New York was at a low point and faced the financial crisis, a lot of public and private land was abandoned. At this time, through Operation Green Thumb and other actions, volunteers renovated the abandoned land and transformed it into community farm parks for leisure and social interaction, food cultivation or comprehensive and multi-purpose purposes. The maximum number of community farm parks in the peak period was 700. This was a period of rapid growth for urban agriculture in New York.
After 1993, with the rise of urban real estate boom, a large number of community agricultural garden land was expropriated and development was hindered, and the number dropped sharply. Due to the serious imbalance between social and environmental development, people began to pay new attention to urban agriculture, and the local government also issued a series of promotion policies to promote the development of urban agriculture again, and the scope of the expansion of the model is gradually diversified, including personal gardening, community gardening, commercial agriculture, indoor agriculture (such as hydroponics and aquaponics), rooftop greenhouses.
Urban agriculture in New York City's five boroughs provides many benefits to local people, such as expanded access to healthy food, strong community networks, improved neighborhood air quality, biodiversity, and educational and employment opportunities. New York Urban Agriculture uses less land and water, produces more produce, feeds more people, and grows produce that is non-GMO, pesticide-free and can be harvested year-round, including basil, dill, parsley, cilantro, broccoli, cabbage, and more, sold in more than 250 local stores. [28]

Secondary industry

New York has a relatively complete manufacturing industry cluster, mainly including computer hardware and electronics, industrial machines and systems, Traffic equipment Biomedicine, material processing, optics and imaging, software, food processing, etc. High-tech industries such as life sciences, nanotechnology, semiconductors and clean energy are developing rapidly.
New York ranks first in the number of optoelectronics manufacturing jobs in the United States, second in defense electronics manufacturing, and third in high-tech manufacturing.
With about 26,000 factories and more than 775,000 workers, New York is the third largest industrial center in the country after Chicago and Los Angeles. There are many industrial sectors, lack of energy and raw materials, dense settlements, and large demand for consumer goods, most notably clothing and publishing; The second is chemical, electrical appliances, metal products, food, cosmetics, toys and oil refining industries. Factories that consume a lot of fuel and raw materials are mostly located outside the city along the railroad and along the coast of Long Island, including copper smelters and oil refineries. Along the west coast of Staten Island and across the river on the east coast of the mainland are also scattered a number of refineries, mainly refining gasoline, jet kerosene, diesel, lubricants, etc., to supply the greater city. [23]

Tertiary industry

New York City is the financial center and business center of the United States, and one of the three major financial centers in the world. New York City's main industries are finance, high technology, real estate, insurance, communications and media, and tourism. In New York City, the service sector accounts for 89.9% of the regional economy, and the major service sectors include law, accounting, finance, and management consulting.
More than 1/10 of the world's top 500 companies are headquartered in New York, the highest number in the United States, including Citibank , Morgan Stanley , Goldman Sachs , Jpmorgan Chase , American International Group And other famous companies. [23]
Wall Street is a large street extending from Broadway to the East River in the southern part of Manhattan, New York City. It is only a third of a mile long and 11 meters wide. The street is narrow and short, only seven blocks from Broadway to the East River, but it is known as the "financial center of the United States." Managers of banking, insurance, shipping, and railroad companies run by Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, and DuPont are concentrated here. The famous New York Stock Exchange is also located here and is still the headquarters of several major exchanges: e.g NASDAQ , American stock exchange , New York Board of Trade Let's wait. The term "Wall Street" has now gone beyond the street itself to become a proxy for the neighborhood, and can also refer to the financial markets and financial institutions that have an influence on the entire world economy.




Brooklyn Bridge
New York City has a dense road network, and there are many Bridges and many tunnels under the river connecting the islands that are part of the greater city.
Main road
Roosevelt Road
Second Avenue
Third Avenue
Lexington Avenue
Park Avenue
Madison Avenue
Fifth Avenue
Sixth Avenue
Seventh Avenue
Broadway Avenue
Eighth Avenue
Central Park West
Amsterdam Avenue
Columbus Avenue
Ninth Avenue
Tenth Avenue
11th Avenue
12th Avenue
West End Avenue
Riverside Drive
West side Highway


Grand Central Terminal
Operating long-distance and intercity railway passenger transport Amtrak New York Penn Station Provide services. [7] New York also has a complex commuter rail system, served by three railroad companies, of which Long Island Rail Road and New Jersey Rapid Transit to Penn Station Provide services, [3] And the Metro-North Railway Grand Central Terminal (also known as Grand Central Station ) Provide services. [8] The entire commuter rail system connects New York City with New York Kamiku Hoa Long Island , New Jersey , and Connecticut In total, it includes more than 250 stations and 20 lines.

Air freight

John F. Kennedy International Airport
New York has three major airports, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Laguardia Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport.
Which is located in downtown New York Manhattan about 24 kilometers away John F. Kennedy International Airport John F. Kenney International Airport is not only the major international airport in the Greater New York area, but also the gateway international aviation hub in the United States. Covering an area of about 20 square kilometers, John F. Kennedy International Airport handled 6255.1072 million passengers in 2019. Cargo throughput 1,435,213 tons; Aircraft took off and landed 456,060 times. The main direct flights from the airport to cities in China include Peking , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Wuhan (capital of Hubei Province) , Nanjing , Hangzhou , Fuzhou (capital of Fujian Province) , Chengdu , Chongqing , Hong Kong Let's wait. [23]

Water transport

New York Harbor is the busiest port in North America and one of the world's natural deep water ports. The coastline of the New York Harbor area is more than 1,200 kilometers, mainly composed of the lower reaches of the Hudson River, Long Island Sound and the western waters of Staten Island; More than 400 berths in water depths of 9 to 13 meters, with modern loading and unloading, dry dock and storage facilities.
There are two main shipping lanes in New York Harbor. One is the Embrose Seaway south of the mouth of the Hudson River, 16 kilometers long, from the south or east ships enter the New York Bay through this channel to sail to various port areas. The other is the Long Island Sound and the East River, through which ships coming into port from the north pass. A narrow channel at the mouth of the Hudson River, more than 30 meters deep, and most of the East River channel is more than 18 meters deep.

Public transport

New York's public transit system ranks first in the United States for sustainability. Form a mass rapid transit system with subway, bus, ferry, commuter rail and other public transportation modes. Among them, New York subway is the backbone of public transportation; As an auxiliary of the subway, the bus is spread throughout the five administrative regions, which runs 24 hours and stops at many stations, which is very convenient and is a more recommended way to travel.
In the process of urbanization of New York City, the waiting environment of the bus station around the subway station and the surrounding walking traffic environment are rebuilt simultaneously, and the connection and transfer conditions between buses and commuter railway stations are actively improved, and the walking roads and bicycle lanes that can connect with the bus station are increased, so as to create a harmonious state of communication between rail transit, sidewalks and bus stations. In New York's Central Business District, four out of five people take public transportation to avoid heavy traffic and high parking costs. [38]
New York City subway map
New York City's public transit system consists of subways, intercity rail, buses and ferries, and about 46% of trips are made by bus. The bus network is spread all over the administrative districts of the city and cooperates with the subway network to form a convenient transportation network. [22]
New York Transit
Public transportation
New York City buses (MTA Buses) are located throughout the five boroughs of New York City and interconnect with the subway network in many places, with an average of 5,800 buses carrying 20,000 passengers on more than 200 local lines and 301 express lines every day. The codes are denoted by the first letter of the act (M for Manhattan, B for Brooklyn, Q for Queens, Bx for the Bronx, and S for Staten Island). In order to shorten the driving time, some lines have also added direct express trains, which are designed to pick up passengers near the main roads in urban areas and famous scenic spots. The Bus Terminal is located at the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 8th Avenue and 42nd Street, which is located in the center of traffic and has a subway station for transfers, and is the main gateway for interstate buses in and out of New York City, as well as city buses and interstate passengers. The busiest bus terminal in the United States.
In order to ensure the smooth flow of urban traffic and convenient travel for citizens, New York City launched the public transportation concept of bus priority. New York continues to tap the service potential of existing public transportation, planning bus rapid transit lines, and improving and upgrading bus peripheral services. Continuously strengthen the planning and construction of bus rapid transit lines, set up bus lanes and bus priority signal lights, and rebuild bus lanes to serve bus rapid transit and high-load-carrying vehicles; Set up bus lanes in the central Business District of New York, stipulate the driving authority, and only allow buses to pass through; To reduce the waiting time for vehicles and increase the number of buses, we should set up no left turn or no right turn signs at some major intersections. Increase the spacing between bus stops; Electronic signboards are set up at bus stops to provide electronic travel information services for citizens and improve the waiting space environment at bus stops. [38]
New York City subway
New York City subway The New York City Subway (NYCS) is a rapid mass transit system in New York City, one of the most complex and historic public underground rail systems in the world, and a member of the International Union of Metros (CoMET), operated by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The first line opened on October 27, 1904, between City Hall and the 145th Street/Broadway intersection. The New York Subway has 472 stations, 394 km (245 km) of commercial service, 1,121 km (691 km) of track, and 1,370 km (850 km) of track. [5] Despite its name, about 40% of the New York City Subway tracks are either above ground or elevated.
In order to facilitate passengers' shopping and transfer, the New York subway transfer hub is integrated with bus stops, underpasses, department stores and large supermarkets at the entrance of the ground, and passengers can walk less than five minutes from the bus stop to the subway station, achieving seamless transfer between buses and subways. [38]
New York Port Authority over the Hudson River Rapid Transit (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) PATH ) is another subway system in New York City, which is a link Manhattan to New Jersey the Jersey City And Hoboken's intercity subway, by Port Authority of New York and New Jersey The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) operates a 22.2 km system (excluding overlapping tracks). [6]
The Staten Island Railroad The Staten Island Railway (SIR) is a railway in New York City Urban rail transit The route, all the way Staten Island Run on, with New York City subway There is no direct connection, and passengers who need to travel to other parts of New York City must take the Staten Island ferry or bus.

Social undertaking


Educational cause

Columbia University
New York City is rich in educational resources, with more than 120 institutions of higher education, such as Columbia University, Cooper Union College, Fordham University, New York University, New York Institute of Technology, and so on. The population is highly educated, with 86.8% of adults over the age of 25 having a high school education or above, and 60.7% of the population having a bachelor's degree or above. [22]
There are two types of schools in New York: public and private. Ten years of compulsory education, six years in primary school, three years in junior middle school and three years in senior high school. Higher education has two-year junior colleges and technical colleges, four-year undergraduate universities and two to four years of graduate school. Famous institutions of higher learning are: Columbia University, New York University, City University of New York, Fordham University and so on. [39]
List of New York Universities
English name
Chinese translation
Year by year
Fordham University [9]
The Cit Universityof New York [9]
CUNY-BaruchCollege [9]
Four-year program
Boroughof Manhattan Community College [9]
Two-year program
CUNY-BrooklynCollege [9]
Four-year program
CUNY-CityCollege [9]
Four-year program
CUNY-Collegeof Staten Island [9]
Four-year program
CUNY-HunterCollege [9]
Four-year program
JohnJay College of Criminal Justice [9]
Four-year program
KingsboroughCommunity College [9]
Two-year program
LaGuardiaCommunity College [9]
Two-year program
Lehman College [9]
Medgar Evers College [9]
NewYork City College of Technology [9]
Four-year program
CUNY-QueensCollege [9]
Four-year program
QueensboroughCommunity College [9]
Two-year program
CUNY-YorkCollege [9]
Four-year program
Columbia University [9]
New York Institute of Technology [9]
Long Island University-Brooklyn [9]
Pace University [9]
Polytechnic University [9]
University of science and technology
St. John's University [9]
St. John's University
The State University of New York [9]
Downstate Medical Center
Downstate Medical Center
SUNY-Maritime College [9]
SUNY-Purchase College [9]
College of Purchasing, State University of New York
Yeshiva University [9]
Barnard College [9]
Berkeley College [9]
Boricua College
Boricua College
College of Mount St. Vincent [9]
College of New Rochelle
College of New Rochelle
Concordia College [9]
Cooper Union [9]
Cooper Union College
DeVry Institute of Technology-New York
Derry Institute of Technology - New York
Dominican College of Blauvelt
Blauvelt College in the Dominican Republic
Fashion Institute of Technology
Iona College
Iona College
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Juilliard School [9]
King\'s College
King's College
Laboratory Institute of Merchandising [9]
Laboratory purchasing institute
Manhattan College [9]
Manhattan School of Music [9]
Manhattanville College [9]
Marymount Manhattan College [9]
Marymount Manhattan College
Mercy College
Academy of Mercy
Metropolitan Collegeof New York [9]
The New School [9]
Parsons School of Design [9]
Mannes College of Music [9]
Mannes School of Music (New York City)
New York School of Interior Design [9]
Nyack College [9]
Nyack College
Pratt Institute [9]
Sarah Lawrence College [9]
School of Visual Arts [9]
St. Francis College [9]
St. Joseph's College New York-Brooklyn [9]
St. Joseph's College Brooklyn, New York
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Touro College [9]
Touro College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology [9]
Vaughan Institute of Aeronautical Technology
Wagner College [9]
( The above chart sources the list of universities : [9] )

Scientific and technological undertaking

Silicon Alley in New York
In 2008, after the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the New York City government and experts believe that the city's pillar industry can no longer be dominated by finance, and it needs to follow the trend and vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation. In 2010, the New York City government was the first in the world to propose the goal of building a "global science and technology innovation center", and has steadily promoted the implementation of multiple measures. In 2019, the Global Innovation Cities Ranking shows that New York's innovation index has risen to number one in the world and is recognized as a global leader in technology. In 2022, the "International Science and Technology Innovation Center Index Ranking" shows that New York ranks second in the world; Industrial sustainability ranked 10th in the Asia-Pacific region. [37] 36 -
The most representative place to promote the development of key scientific and technological innovation areas is the "Silicon Alley" in Manhattan, New York. It is located near the Flatiron Building on Fifth Avenue near Broadway and 23rd Street, straddling Midtown and downtown. There are a lot of tech innovation companies here, Google, Facebook, Microsoft Other high-tech enterprise giants have also set up research and development institutions and business centers here. The rapid rise of "Silicon Alley" has made it one of the three major technology hubs in the United States, along with Silicon Valley in San Francisco and Boston. However, different from Silicon Valley, New York's science and technology innovation industry is not around chips, semiconductors and other hardware equipment, but more inclined to develop a variety of information technology, new media, financial technology, the Internet and other fields to provide advanced solutions and optimization and upgrading, so as to achieve the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and other industries.
There are 56 colleges and universities near New York, and many world-class research institutions and top scientific and technological talents, which provide the source of scientific and technological innovation in New York and stimulate the innovation vitality of various enterprises. The laboratories of Columbia University, New York University and other well-known universities also continue to cultivate new enterprises, and gather together with other high-tech enterprises here, and continue to develop, thus forming an industrial cluster with computer hardware and software and biological engineering as the core. With its good innovation environment, New York has not only stabilized world-renowned high-tech companies such as Microsoft and Google, but also attracted many small technology companies. With the world's leading chip companies such as IMB, Intel, Apple, and TSMC settling down, New York is building into the world's largest mobile Internet chip base. [27]

Cultural media

Times Square
New York City is rich in cultural resources, with more than 2,000 arts and cultural institutions and more than 500 galleries, is the world's television, advertising, music, newspaper and book publishing industry center, and is the largest media market in North America. [22] Including Time Warner, Associated Press News Corporation, The New York Times Company, NBC Universal And Viacom Group. ABC (ABC) American broadcasting company ), CBS ( CBS ), Fox ( Fox News Channel ) and NBC ( NBC New York is home to seven of the world's top eight advertising media and three of the world's largest record labels SONY Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group Is also headquartered in New York. In New York City, the cultural industry is the only industry that can match the economic performance of Wall Street, and about tens of billions of dollars flow through the cultural market every year. [29]
Lincoln Center
On less than 60 square kilometers of Manhattan Island in the heart of New York City, cultural landmarks abound. In the theater district around Times Square, 41 Broadway theaters cluster together; At the "Museum Mile" at the north end of Fifth Avenue, Metropolitan Museum , The Guggenheim Museum and Museum of African Art There are 10 other museums; Near Columbus Square, the world's largest performing arts complex, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, covers an area of 66,000 square meters, and the world famous New York Symphony Orchestra, the Metropolitan Opera House and the New York City Ballet are located here. In addition, Museum of Modern Art , Carnegie Hall The Museum of Natural History and an Off-Broadway theater are scattered throughout the city Manhattan All over New York City. Walking around every block in New York City, you will inadvertently see sculptures, former homes, squares and so on that exude a strong cultural atmosphere.
Broadway Performance is an important symbol of American culture and the most typical representative of New York's cultural industry. After a hundred years of Broadway performance, the decisive factor for its success is still the love and passion of American people and artists for Broadway musical and drama forms, as well as the creativity and imagination stimulated by this love and passion. [30]

Medical service

In New York, the overall level of medical conditions is very high, and the facilities are perfect, and the institutions providing medical care mainly include hospitals, doctors' clinics, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, independent diagnosis and treatment centers and independent pharmacies. Large hospitals are equipped with advanced medical testing equipment and operating rooms, mainly for emergency patients and major difficult patients to provide medical services. The average patient usually goes to a doctor's office in the community. Community doctors' clinics have the characteristics of small scale, large number, wide distribution and convenient medical treatment. They usually provide basic medical services such as general physical examination, disease follow-up, family health care, general internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopaedic surgery and ophthalmology.
drugs in New York are divided into prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs. "prescription drugs" must be purchased with a "prescription" written by a doctor, and the "prescription drugs" must be sold by a licensed pharmacist working in the "pharmacy". Some supermarkets and discount stores also have pharmacies where you can buy non-prescription drugs without a doctor's prescription, such as aspirin or common cold medicine. In general, commonly used medicines are available locally.
Hospitals in New York are heavily regulated by Medicare. Due to the high cost of hospitalization, insurance companies in order to control medical costs, as far as possible to reduce the number of days of hospitalization of patients, patients are required to stay in the Acute Hospital or Short-term Hospital for 5-7 days (into the recovery period). This can be transferred to a relatively low-cost SNFs (Skilled Nursing Facilities) or Family Care Center, or directly to a community doctor's office. If there is an Emergency, you will usually choose to go to the Emergency Center for medical treatment. [40]

Sports cause

New York City has plenty of all seasons recreation fitness Venue. There are park , playground , Golf course Riverside leisure path, indoor sports Arena And regular members club . Activities include kayak , Go fishing , Swimming , gymnastics , sports climbing , Horse Riding , skating , ride bicycle Let's wait. There are also plenty of opportunities to see majors tennis , hockey, basketball, football and baseball games. Can also watch New York Yankees The likes of Derek Jeter and CCA Sabathia played at New York's famous ballpark (before the brand new Yankee Stadium opened in 2009).
English team name
Chinese translation
Home court
Founding year
Number of championships
New York Yankees
MLB baseball
New York Mets
MLB baseball
New York Rangers
New York Islanders
NHL ice hockey
Nassau Stadium
New York Giants
Metlife Stadium
New York Jets
NFL football
Metlife Stadium
New York Knicks
NBA basketball
Brooklyn Nets
Brooklyn Nets
NBA basketball
Barclays Center
New York Liberty
New York Free Men
WNBA basketball
Madison Square Garden
New York Red Bulls
The New York Red Bulls
MLS soccer
Metlife Stadium
New York Dragons
New York dragon
AFLArena Football
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Long Island Lizards
Long island lizard
MLL Lacrosse
Mitchel Field
New York Titans
New York Titans
MLL Lacrosse
Madison Square Garden
New York Athletic Club
Sports clubs in New York
Rugby Super League
Travers Island
Old Blue
Old blue
Rugby Super League
Pier 40
New York Knights
New York Cavaliers
AMNRL Rugby League
Falls Township Community Park
Northern Raiders
AMNRL Rugby League
Andrews Field
Brooklyn Wonders
Brooklyn Miracle
ABA Basketball Kingsborough
Community College
Staten Island Yankees
Staten Island Yankee baseball
Minor league baseball (A)
Richmond County Bank Ballpark
Brooklyn Cyclones
Brooklyn Whirlwind
Minor league baseball (A)
KeySpan Park
Brooklyn Knights
Brooklyn Cavaliers
USL PDL (Minor league soccer)
Aviator Field

Social security

There are two types of social welfare in New York: social security and non-social security. Social insurance benefits include: old age insurance, unemployment insurance and other employment insurance; Non-social Security benefits include: Assistance to families with child care difficulties, Social Security income, food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, and energy assistance. New York's health care system is mainly made up of two parts: Medicare and Medicaid. [39]
New York's Social Security system consists of two main components: OASDI (Elderly, Survivors, and Disabled Insurance) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income Plan). OASDI is a monthly guarantee for retired workers, survivors, people with disabilities and their families with reduced or no income. Retirement insurance or disability benefits for employees (elderly people) are determined by their level of income at the time of employment. SSI is a monthly cash grant for people 65 years of age and older, blind and disabled people of all ages, including children.
New York's health insurance system consists of social health insurance and private health insurance. Due to the high cost of seeing a doctor in New York, if you do not buy insurance, it will be difficult for individuals to bear the huge medical expenses, so many people participate in social health insurance and private health insurance. [40]

History and culture

Origin of geographical names
Although New York is usually written as "New York City", "City of New York" is the official name. New York means "New York County" - Anglo-dutch War When it's over, Netherlands Defeated and forced to cede New Amsterdam to the British, who happened to be the younger brother of King Charles II, Duke of York New Amsterdam was renamed New York as a gift Duke of York The gift of... In addition due to Twentieth century In the beginning, New York was a brand new place for immigrants, and opportunities were everywhere. So New York is often nicknamed "the Big Apple", which means "beautiful, delicious, and everyone wants a bite".
New York City has an official Latin name Novum Eboracum Used on the city coat of arms, meaning "New Aberken". One of them, Ebraken is the aforementioned York in Roman Empire Old Latin name for the period. [4]

Famous person


Special diet

New York's food culture has been influenced by many foreign immigrants and is therefore very diverse, with Eastern European and Italian immigrants bringing the most prestigious to New York City bagel , cheesecake And New York style pizza. There are about 4,000 licensed snack vendors in the city, many of them run by immigrants, so you can see a lot of Middle Eastern food on the street, such as falafel and Mutton shashlik For sure, but Hot dog and A pretzel Still a mainstream vendor snack. In addition to street vendors, New York City is also home to high-end restaurants. Exotic foods common in New York City are Italy , France , Spain , Russia , Britain , Greece , Morocco , China , Brazil and Japan Wait for foreign cuisine. There are more than 18,000 restaurants in New York City Afghanistan , Ethiopia , Jamaica And other national flavor food.
New York-owned America maximum Jew The community is the largest Jewish city in the United States, and Chinese food is a part of the daily diet of New York Jews. Professor Wen Li of the City University of New York and Professor Tuckerman of the University of Connecticut pointed out that among New York Jews, Jews from Eastern Europe have long internalized Chinese food into a second diet. One reason is religious precepts. Jews were required to adhere to strict ingredients and cooking laws, including not cooking dairy products with meat, which often troubled the large number of Jews who immigrated to New York in the early 19th century because it was difficult to find restaurants with exotic dishes that could be prepared in accordance with the law. Subsequently, Jews found that Chinese food would hardly put dairy products and meat in the same pot, which was called "safe non-Jewish food" by Jews and became the first choice for eating out.
Jews like chicken dishes, Chinese cuisine has a lot of chicken dishes. The flavoring of scallions, garlic and Onions favored by Eastern European Jews is also close to Chinese cuisine. In order to cater to American tastes, Chinese food in the United States has developed special sweet and sour flavors, which happen to be close to the sweet and sour flavors favored by Eastern European Jews. [41]

Scenic spot

In New York City, whether it's a traditional landmark or any little-known place you visit, there are attractions you can't miss. From the famous Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Broadway, to all kinds of exquisite and small museums, art galleries, from different angles to show you a bustling, deep New York City.
List of tourist attractions in New York
English name
Chinese translation
The Bronx Zoo
Brooklyn Bridge
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Grand Central Terminal
The Empire State Building
Fifth Avenue
Flushing, Queens
Queens Flushing
Columbia University
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Wall Street
Carnegie Hall
United Nations headquarters
Lincoln Center
East Village
Manhattan East Village
Greenwich Village
Manhattan Greenwich Village
Harlem in North Manhattan
Manhattan Harlem
Soho, Manhattan
Upper East Side
Upper East Side of Manhattan
Upper West Side
Upper West Side of Manhattan
American Museum of Natural History
New York University Area
New York University District
Washington Square Park
The New York Public Library
World Trade Center
New York Stock Exchange
New York Botanical Garden
George Washington Bridge
Times Square
Madison Square Garden (MSG)
The Staten Island Ferry
The Staten Island Ferry
Museum of Modern Art – MoMA
Central Park
The Statue of Liberty
New York Rockefeller Center
Rockefeller Center, New York

External communication


International organization

United Nations Headquarters
New York is the political and economic center of the world The United Nations Location of the headquarters.

Sister city

Sister city
Year of diplomatic relations
Japan (Japan)
Tokyo (Tokyo)
The year 1960
Peking (Beijing)
The year 1980
Egypt (Egypt)
Cairo (Cairo)
The year 1982
Spain (Spain)
Madrid (Madrid)
The year 1982
Dominica Dominican
Santo Domingo (santo domingo)
The year 1983
Hungary (Hungary)
Budapest (Budapest)
The year 1992
Italy (Italy)
Roman (Rome)
The year 1992
Israel (Israel)
Jerusalem (Jerusalem)
The year 1993
Britain (England)
London (London)
The year 2001
S.Africa (South Africa)
Johannesburg (Johannesburg)
The year 2003

Sister town

City district name
Home city
Home country
Jiehao district
Closing date
May 4, 2010 [12]

City honor

November 2018
New York is rated Alpha-+ + by GaWC World's first-tier city . [1-2]
December 2018
New York won the fourth Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Award . [13]
September 2019
New York has taken first place in the 2019 World Tourism Cities Development Ranking. [14]
November 12, 2019
New York ranked first in the "Top 20 Global Cities for Economic Competitiveness in 2019". [15]
Top 20 Global Sustainable competitiveness, New York ranked third. [16]
December 26, 2019
New York tops the list of the top 500 Global Cities in 2019. [17]
September 2021
The New York metropolitan area ranked second in the Nature Index - Research Cities 2021 released by the Zhongguancun Forum. [18]
September 2021
Issue 30 Global Financial Centers Index According to the GFCI, New York tops the list. [19]
March 24, 2022
New York ranked first in the 31st edition of the Global Financial Centers Index. [21]
December 28, 2022
New York ranked second in the "World Famous esports City 2022". [32]
April 2023
New York is ranked number one on the list of the world's 10 richest cities one . [35]
June 2023
New York is listed as a leading global consumer hub in 2023. [42]