
Cao Wei warlock during The Three Kingdoms period
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Guan Chariot (209 [19] 256 years), the character Gongming, Pingyuan County Pingyuan County (now Pingyuan County, Shandong Province). The Three Kingdoms period Cao Wei Mage . [31]
Guan enjoys watching stars since childhood. He studied the Book of Songs, The Analects of Confucius and Zhouyi when he was young, and mastered the way of Zhouyi and looking up to wind Angle when he became an adult. During the Jeongshi period (240-248), he was well acquainted with astronomy and geography, and was active in Cheonghe, Jeolok, and Gwangpyeong counties. In the beginning of nine years (247), Qinghe Taishou invited the thirty-six-year-old Guan to serve as Qinghe literature. The following year, Guan was appointed to Jizhou to govern the middle and the other. [32] He died in the year 256 at the age of 48 [19] .
In his life, Guan wrote many works, including 2 volumes of Zhouyi Tongling Formula, 1 volume of Zhouyi Tongling Formula, 1 volume of Breaking Manic Classic and 1 volume of Zhanji, which left valuable cultural heritage for later generations. [32]
Full name
chariot [29]
A surname
The Three Kingdoms of the late Han Dynasty
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Place of Birth
Plain (now Pingyuan County, Dezhou, Shandong Province)
Date of birth
209 years [19]
Date of death
256 years [19]
Major work
"The Formula of Zhouyi" "The Formula of Zhouyi" "Breaking the Manic Classic" "Zhanji" [27-28]
Official post
Shaofu assistant
Pingpingzi (Northern Song Dynasty)



Young wizard

When Guan was eight or nine years old, he liked to look up at the sky and see the stars, and asked people when he did not know the stars, the most dedicated is that he "would not sleep at night." This is another strange. His parents did not want to disturb his sleep, so they forbade him to look at the stars. But Guan still refused to sleep. He said, "Although I am young, I like to see astronomy in my eyes. All chickens and wild birds know the time of day, let alone people?" He used to draw the sun, the moon and the stars on the earth, and speak words very human. Even the most knowledgeable people think he is a "great difference talent". [2]

Be good at divination

When Guan reaches adulthood, he becomes proficient The Book of Changes , astronomy and geography, divination and reading, geomantic omen, all subtle, [3] But he's rough, he's not imposing, he drinks, he jokes, everybody does. So the locals liked him, but they didn't respect him. Guan's father was an officer in Licao. Local residents Guo En brothers three people have to make foot disease, let Guan chariot calculate fortune.
Guan in the comic strip
Guan said, "It says in your gua that there is a tomb in your house, and that one of the women in it is a dead ghost, not your aunt, but your uncle. Once upon a time when life was hard, someone wanted to get a few liters of her meters and pushed her into a well. She struggled for a while after entering the water. The man from the well pushed down another big stone and struck your aunt to death, and the lonely soul complained to heaven." Hearing these words, Guo En wept and confessed his crime. Guangping Liu Fenglin's wife was very ill and had already bought a coffin to prepare for her funeral. It was the first month of the lunar month, and let Guan Chariot do his divinations. After finishing his calculations, Guan said, "Her fate ends at noon on Xinmao Day in August." Liu Fenglin did not believe it, but his wife's illness gradually improved. He died in the fall. It's just like Guan said. [4]
Guan Chariot went to see Wang Ji, Governor of Anping. Wang Ji told him to do divinations, and Guan said, "A humble woman will give birth to a boy, who will be able to walk on the ground and die in the cooker." There will be a big snake on the bed, holding a pen, and the whole family can visit and leave soon. Another bird flew into the house and fought with the swallow, and the swallow died and flew away. Those are three strange things." Wang Ji Startled, busy ask the question. Guan said, "Just because your home is far away, there are ghosts." The little boy was born to walk, not on his own, but the devil drove him into the stove. A big snake with a pen is just an old book. Birds and swallows fight, but the old bell falls. There are only phenomena on the guA, not bad things, know that it is not a symbol of disaster, don't worry about it." It turned out fine. [5]
At that time, the women of the magistrate's family in Xindu County were afraid, and they got sick one after another, so that Guan could calculate the divination. Guan said, "There are two dead men at the west end of your north house, one with a spear and the other with a bow and arrow, with their heads in the wall and their feet out. The man with the spear pierced the head, so the women could not lift up their headache. The man with the bow and arrow shot in the chest and abdomen, so the women were so distressed that they could not eat. They travel about in the day, and at night they come to make trouble and frighten the ladies." So the magistrate sent people to dig up the bones, and the women in the family were all well. [6]
Qinghe County Wang Jing Leaving the government and returning home, Guan went to see him. The King's book said: "Recently there has been a strange, very unpleasant, please read the divination." After calculating the Gua, Guan said, "Ji Gua is not a monster." In front of your house, there is a stream of light at night, like a swallow flying into your arms, can also make a small voice, you feel uneasy, undress as if the peripheral light is still there, so call your wife to come and see." Wang Jing burst into tears and said, "That's exactly what you said." "Lucky," Guan said, "it is a sign of promotion and will soon appear." Soon after, Wang Jing moved to Jiangxia. [7]

Make one's name known throughout the world

When Guan Chariot went to Guo En's house, there was a flying dove crying on the beam. "An old man will come from the East with a pig and a pot of wine," Guan said. "The master will be happy, but there will be a small accident." The next day guests did come, just as they had. Guo En told the guests to drink less, eat less and be careful about fire prevention. But when I shot at the wild dove, the arrow hit the branch, bounced back, hurt a child's hand, bled, and scared the child very much. [8]
Guan Chariot went to the county magistrate Liu Changren's house, there was a magpie Flying to the roof of his house, screaming loudly. Guan said, "The magpie said that a woman in the northeast killed her husband last night, and it would involve the neighbors in the west. It won't be more than evening before someone complains." As expected, in the evening, people from the same village in the northeast came to complain that the neighbor's woman had killed her husband, and claimed that it was not she who killed her husband, but someone in the west who did not agree with her husband and killed her husband as a result. [9]
Guan chariot to Liren county Canon farmers Wang Hongzhi Home, see more than three feet high wind, flying down from the sky, turning in the yard. It stopped and started again, and it took quite a long time to stop. Wang Hongzhi asked Guan Chariot what is a sign. Guan said, "A chariot official will come from the east, and the father will mourn for his son." The next day Jiaodong officials arrived, Wang Hongzhi's son died. When Wang Hongzhi asked Guan Chariot what was going on, he replied, "This day is Yi MAO Day, which is the sign of the eldest son." Trees fall in Shen Shi, dou build Shen Shen, Shen break Yin, this is a sign of death. Taking off at noon is a sign of the horse. It is a sign of the officials. A tiger is an adult, a sign of a father." When a pheasant flew to Wang Hongzhi's bell capital, Wang Hongzhi felt very uneasy and asked Guan to chariot his divinity. Guan said, "I will be promoted in May." It was March. In May, Wang Hongzhi was indeed transferred to the position of Chief magistrate of the Bohai Sea. [10]
Guantao county to Zhuge yuan move for the emerging Taishou, Guanchariot to see off. The guests have arrived. Zhuge personally took down the swallow eggs, honeycomb and spiders and put them in the container, and let the guests guess the shooting. Gua Cheng, Guan chariot said: "The first thing, with qi change, live on the beam, male and female, wings stretch, this is the swallow egg." The second thing, its nest hanging, Windows and doors are very much, collection of treasures but at the same time toxic, autumn out, this is the honeycomb. The third thing, which spins long silk and catches prey by its net, is most advantageous at night. This is the spider." Everyone in the room was amazed. [11]
Xiaoguo, the elder brother of the Guan Chariot clan, lived in Puqiu. Looking at him, Guan Chariot happens to have two guests. After the two left, Guan said to Xiao Guo, "There is evil in the heavens and between the mouth and the ear of these two men, and something will happen to them, and their souls will not stop, and they will go overseas and their bones will return home." It won't be long before they both die together." After about ten days, the two men got drunk and rode home in an ox cart. The ox was frightened and turned over into the Zhanghe River, where they were both drowned. In Guan's neighborhood at that time, the outer door was closed, and no theft occurred. Qinghe Taishou Hua table, call for Guan chariot literary. Zhao Kongyao of Anping recommended Guan Chariot to Pei Hui, the governor of Jizhou, saying: "Guan Chariot has a generous temperament and is free from fighting with the public. Can look up to astronomy, miraculous like Gan Gong, Shi Shen; Can master "Zhouyi", the same as the season master. Now you will study deep things, explore subtle principles, and pay attention to the art of chariot, so that Guan can adapt himself to the needs of The Times and be appointed so that his abilities can be fully utilized." Pei Hui called for Guan Chariot to engage in literature, especially valued. Later, the government moved to Juru, and Guan was promoted to Zhongbei. [12]
At first, in response to the summons of the state, Guan and his brother Ji Ru rode to the west of Wucheng in the same car, and calculated the divination by himself to divine good fortune. "We will see three foxes in the city," Guan said to his brother. If that's the case, we'll make a name for ourselves." They had just arrived at the foot of the wall of the old city of Hexi when they saw three foxes squatting on the edge of the city. The two brothers were very happy. [13]

Arithmetic is like a god

In the ninth year of Zhengshi (248), Guan became a scholar. December Validating Day (January 28, 249) [30] (by official officials He Yan Please chariot, then Deng Yang Also in He Yan's house. He Yan said to Guan Chariot, "I have heard that you are good at divination. Please try to read the divination and see if I will be promoted to Sangong." And asked: "Recently, several times in a row, I dreamed that a dozen flies fell on my nose, how can I wave them away and refuse to fly? What is this symptom?" Guan said, "Flying birds are cheap birds in the world. When they eat mulberries in the forest, they sing a good song to remember good people. Once upon a time, Eight Yuan and Eight Kai worked for Yu Shun, loyal and dutiful, and the Duke of Zhou assisted the king, often working day and night, so that he could calm the whole country. These are all things that follow the right path and conform to the will of God, which cannot be revealed by divination. Now you are in great power, in high places, in great power, but few can truly appreciate your virtue, and many are afraid of you, unless you are careful and practice righteousness. Nose, Gong, this is the high mountain in heaven. If you are high and not dangerous, you can keep rich and prosperous. Now it's full of flies and bad smells. Those who are high, they fall hard. We can't help but consider the truth that extreme things will reverse, and extreme prosperity will decline. That is why the mountain is called "modest" on the earth, and thunder is called "strong" in the sky. Modesty means gathering more and feeling less; Strong, means not to do improper things. There is no such thing as harming oneself and benefiting others without being loved by all, and there is no such thing as committing evil without being defeated. May you recall the meaning of the six lines of Wang Wen and think about the meaning of Confucius and the elephants. In this way, I can become an official to three princes, and the green flies can be dispelled." "It's a cliche," Mr. Deng said. Guan answered, "The old scholar sees those who don't read, and those who talk often see those who don't talk." He Yan said: "I will see you again after the New Year." When Guan returned home, he told his uncle what he had said, and his uncle scolded him for speaking too straight. "What is there to fear in talking to the dead?" Guan said. His uncle was furious and cursed Guan for being arrogant and ridiculous. This year, the northwest wind, dust, blanketed the sky. Ten days later, I heard that He Yan and Deng Yang were killed, and my uncle was convinced. [14]
Guan Chariot visited Zhong Yu, the chief warden of Wei County, and discussed Zhouyi together. Guan said, "Divination can tell you the day of your life and death." Zhong Yu Tell him to read his birthday. Very accurate. Zhong Yu was very surprised and said, "You are terrible. I can't trust you with my dead day care." So I dare not calculate again.
Super father and son to God calculate Guan chariot
Zhong Yu asked Guan Chariot: "Will the world be peaceful?" Guan Chariot said, "Now forty-nine days fly, I see the Lord, Shenwu is built, and the king is civilized." How can you worry about injustice?" Zhong Yu did not understand Guan Chariot's words. Before long, Cao Shuang Such as killed, Zhong Yu to wake up. [15]
A surname Liu Bin The seal bag and pheasant hair in a container for divination guess, Guano said: "Square inside and round outside, five colors written with treasure and trustworthy, out there is a chapter, this is the seal bag." The mountains are steep, and birds have red bodies and yellow wings, and they call not to miss the morning. Liu bin said: "The official residence here, even the sunrise monster, makes people afraid and afraid, what is the reason?" Guan said, "Perhaps because of the great chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, when soldiers and horses ceased to flow, blood flowed into rivers and soaked the hills, so many strange forms appeared at dusk. You are virtuous, blessed by heaven, willing to appease the people and conform to the will of heaven." [16]
Qinghe county magistrate Xu Jilong sent people to hunt, called Guanchariot calculate can hit what prey. Guan said, "You will get a small beast, but it will not be a bird to eat. Though it has claws, it will not be sharp, and though its fur is shiny, it will not be bright. It will not be a tiger or a pheasant, but a fox." The hunter returned in the evening, just as Guan had said. Xu Jilong put thirteen things in a box, called Guan Chariot. "There are thirteen things in the box," Guan said. Then guess the chicken first, then say the silkworm chrysalis, and then one by one. Just called the comb loquat. [17]
Guan traveled west with his army, passing 毌 Qiuxing Tomb, leaning against the tree and lamenting unceasingly, his mood was extremely low. When asked why, Guan replied, "Though the trees grow, they don't last long; Lei, although beautiful, had no guards. Basaltic hidden head, green dragon without feet, white tiger corpse, Zhu finch crying, four kinds of ominous signs have been possessed, according to this sign will be exterminated. In two years, it will come true." As expected. Later leave, Guannian visit Qinghe Ni Taishou. There was a severe drought, and the governor asked Guan when it would rain. "It will rain heavily tonight," Guan said. At that time, the sun was scorching and no trace of rain could be seen, and the county officials were all present, and no one believed Guan's words. By midnight, there were dark clouds and rain. So Ni Taishou invited Guan Chariot to a banquet and was very cheerful. [18]

Pass away

In the second year of Zhengyuan (255), his younger brother Guan Chen said to Guan: "General is very good to you, do you expect to be rich and wealthy?" "I have a full understanding of myself," Guan sighed. God has given me wisdom, but not longevity. I am afraid that at the age of forty-seven or eight, I will not see my daughter get married or my son get his wife and die. If you can break through and want to be a county magistrate of Luoyang, you will certainly make the local customs honest and beautiful, and you can't see the people fleeing the famine on the road. But I'm afraid I'll have to go to Mount Tai to rule over ghosts and won't rule over the living. What can I do?" Guan Chen asked his brother to explain the reason, and Guan replied, "I have no bones in my forehead, no essence in my eyes, no pillars in my nose, no roots under my feet, no armor on my back, and no bile on my belly." These are all signs of not living long. My birth year is Yin Year, and I was born on the night of a lunar eclipse. Destiny has its own laws of movement, which cannot be avoided, but most people do not know the reason. I've divined hundreds of dying people in my life, and there's almost no mistake." In August of that year, Ren Shaofu Cheng.
He died in February 256 at the age of forty-eight [19] . [1] [19]
In the Third year of Daguan (1009), Guan was awarded the title of Pingyuan Zi by the Northern Song Dynasty for his achievements in mathematics. [20]

Character evaluation

Chen Shou: Hua Tuo's medical treatment, Du Kui's vocal music, Zhu Jianping's physiography, Zhou Xuan's physiographic dream, and Guan Shui's divination are all extraordinary and mysterious. In the past history, Bian Que, Cang Gong, and the legend of the Sun, so it is widely heard and miraculous. So recorded Yuner. [21]
Guan Chen: The man of Fu Jin and Wei saw that chariot road was miraculous, and there was no mistake in it, thinking that there were hidden books and weevil. Chen Guan every book biography, only Yi Lin, wind Angle and bird song, look up to the star book more than 30 volumes, the world's total. However, chariot alone in the little house, no family children follow, when the death is not, curious not mourning, steal the chariot book, but the rest of the easy forest, wind horn and bird song book also ear. There are hundreds of books, thousands of volumes, and many books. However, the world's rare celebrity, all by no talent, not by no book. Pei Jizhou, He, Deng Ershangshu and village Liu Taichang, Yingchuan brothers, in order to have a talented, clear Yin and Yang, good and bad feelings, a source, then involved in its flow, also not difficult, often return to it. [21]
Liu Xiaobiao: Chen Guan Guan talented Ying Wei, Yu Zhang Te Xiu, the real name of the sea Jie, or the day of the flow of blessings? And the official stop little government cheng, the end of forty-eight. How little can be done in return? But the high talent without your official, gluttonous and in the big place, since ancient times, sigh, how alone Gongming just zai! [22]
Liu Kezhuang: Pingshu know a few languages, doubt in easy to learn. The year does not meet, ask three men the next day.
Luo Guanzhong: The true secret of the sages, plain guanchariot can connect with the gods. Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts. Prophets are dead. [23]

Anecdotal allusion

Guan has learned to predict things by observing natural phenomena with divination. In the beginning, a woman lost a cow and asked Guan to calculate for her. Guan said, "Go to the tomb on the eastern hill and see that the ox you lost is lying there." When I got there, I saw a cow lying in the grave. On the contrary, the woman who lost the cow became suspicious of Guan and reported it to the government. The government sent someone to check and found out that he had calculated it by divination. On another occasion, one of the men lost his wife.
Guan has him fight with a pig-picker at the Dongyang Gate. The pig runs out of the pig-picker's basket, runs into a courtyard, breaks the wall, and comes out of the house a woman, who is the wife of the questioner. Fan Xuanlong's home in the village where Guanchariot lived caught fire one after another. Find a chariot and calculate. "A man wearing a horn-shawl and driving a black ox will come from the east," Guan said. "You must have him stay." Then, sure enough, such a man came. Fan Xuanlong let him stay at home, the man was in a hurry, Fan Xuanlong would not let him go, had to stay.
After dark, Fan Xuanlong's family did not go in to sleep. The man, fearing that they would kill him, took a nap outside the inner room door, leaning against the woodpile with a knife in his hand. Suddenly, he saw something that was spitting fire out of its mouth. The man was frightened and quickly cut it to death with a knife. Looking forward, he found that it was a fox. From then on, there was no more fire in Fan Xuanlong's home. Another man captured a deer, let it be stolen, and calculated it here. Guan told him, "The third house in the East Street, when there is no one left, dig up the seventh rafter of their house and place tiles under it. Tomorrow, at dinner time, someone will give you the deer." That night the father of the one who stole the deer had a bad headache and came to Guan Chariot for divination. Guan asked him to return the stolen deer, and immediately his father's head stopped aching. Once again, items were missing from inside the government. Guan has them point to the sky and draw the ground beside the temple gate when they are quiet, and raise their hands to the four directions. In the evening, the lost items were sure to return to the original place.

Character dispute

Age problem
According to the Biography of Guan Chariot, he died in the third year of Zhengyuan (256) at the age of 48. He was born in 209, the 14th year of Jian 'an. In this regard, Pei Songzhi corrected when he wrote in the Annals of The Three Kingdoms: "The case has said itself that the cloud is' born in Yin ', then Jian 'an has been living for fifteen years." At the beginning of the ninth year, it should be thirty-nine, and at the end of the third year, it should be forty-seven, and at the end of the third year, it should be forty-eight. That is, according to the "my life is in Yin" said by Guanlyao himself in the "Three Kingdoms", it is proposed that Guanlyao was born in the 15th year of Jian 'an (210), and died in the third year of Zhengyuan (256) at the age of 47. [1] [21]

Relative member

Brother: Guan Chen, Guan Jiru

Major work

In his life, Guan wrote a lot of works, including 2 volumes of Zhouyi Tongling Formula, 1 volume of Zhouyi Tongling Formula, 1 volume of Breaking the Manic Classic, 1 volume of Zhanji, 1 volume of Zhouyi Tongling Formula. 1 volume of "Guan Chariot Yi Zhuan", 4 volumes of "Zhou Yilin", 1 volume of "Guan Gongming Geishan Zhao", 1 volume of "Bird Emotion Inverse Zhan" [27] , The Book of Accounting [28] And left a valuable cultural heritage to future generations. [21] In total, there are only 190 books and 2 528 volumes in the number of categories of art recorded in the Book of Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi. It can be seen that his collection of art categories can be compared with that of the Royal library. He often studied the book of Looking up to the stars, and some of its ordinary books, and the world thought that his divination was effective, depending on his book of astrology. Therefore, after his death, his books were stolen by his curious people. [24]


Burial place
After his death, Guan was buried near the West and Shang Temple of Zhouzhai Village, southwest of Pingdan City. There was a tomb recorded in the old records, but it no longer exists today.

Literary image

In the novel Romance of The Three Kingdoms, Guan Chariot appears in the 69th chapter of "Bu Zhouyi Guan Chariot Knows How to Fight the Dead Festival of the Five Ministers", anticipating the numerology of people through astronomy and Zhouyi (I Ching). Summoned by Cao Cao to divinate and predict Liu Bei's offensive, Xia Houyuan Be killed in battle, Lu Su Illness and death, Xuchang fire and other things have been realized. [25]
In the 106th episode of Gongsun Yuan's Defeat and Death Xiangping Sima Yi Faked his Illness to gain Cao Shuang, Guan also predicts that He Yan and Deng Yang will be killed, and soon they are killed by Sima Yi. [26]