State power

The political organization that holds the sovereignty of the state and the political power that it holds
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State power means control State sovereignty the Political organization And what it holds political Power to safeguard against society dominion And management. State power is nation The embodiment of the state is usually understood through the lens of state power.
Chinese name
State power
Refers to the possession of national sovereignty Political organization and
State power is relative autonomy
city-state nation

Introduction to political power

State power has relative autonomy. In different historical periods, the degree of autonomy is also different. The impact on autonomy includes Social crisis , Social structure , Administrative power .
The discussion on the nature of political power is a classical problem in political science. Early political scholars such as Plato , Aristotle Others believe that the essence of government is the supreme good. By the Middle Ages, Oh, Agustin He regarded the regime as a "secular city" and believed that there was no good in the secular world. That perception has carried over Machiavelli And from Locke to Paine State power becomes a necessary evil. Marxism From the perspective of class, the essence of political power is discussed, and the essence of the state is Rank The essence of state power is the product of irreconcilable conflicts of class interests.

State power form



The Sumerians established city-state States are generally regarded as the initial form of states, and later numerous Mediterranean The nation imitates, among which there is no other Ancient Greek the Athens The most distinctive, but practical Roman Republic Most typically, the other city-states were monarchs or aristocracy Such as in ancient Greece Sparta And North African Carthage Let's wait.
The ancient Greeks believed that man could not be governed by others, but only by the gods of the city. Adult men with certain property had citizenship and could participate in the political life of the city-state. The public life of a city-state is an obligation, not a reward. Only by participating in the management of the affairs of the city can one become a real man.
The politics of the city-state was the discussion of affairs in public meetings in public squares where every citizen had an equal say. This assembly is also the legislative body of the city. At the assembly, citizens exercise power through persuasion. But this approach can be manipulated by politicians into the tyranny of the majority. The creation, or passage, of public office Direct election , or by lottery. The allocation of public office is achieved through the rotation of the administration.


Most ancient societies were Absolute monarchy Countries, usually accept The divine right of Kings However, the nature and scope of its power are different in different times and places.
authority nation Roman Empire It is the representative of the authoritative state, and the central concept of its regime is authority, emphasizing the interests of the polis over the interests of individuals. Any political decision must be traced back to the source of authority. curia Represents this authority, which is used to give legitimacy to the regime.
The authority of the state is eternal, and the system of power is constantly changing.
After the collapse of the Roman Empire, a large number of feudal states appeared in Europe feudalism The Kingdom of... These feudal countries closely combined private interests with public interests, and public power fully served the demands of private interests. Due to the long years of warfare, the royal power declined, the power of the Lord greatly increased, forming the feudal system of the Middle Ages in Europe.
The main feature of feudal countries is that the king, nobles and knights take military service as the main condition, and the land and administrative judicial power are divided into layers by contract, forming the relationship between Lord and vassal.
To some extent ancient Japan and India, China was also often regarded as a feudal state in the pre-Qin era.
theocracy The state originated in places such as the Middle East, Persia, and North Africa, Egypt, and was founded on religious authority regime The monarch was regarded as the embodiment of God, not just his messenger, but also had the power to integrate politics. Its theocracy is widely regarded as another origin of the state, and many of the early aboriginal states that later emerged in the Americas and Africa were similar.
Autocratic state of ancient China Political system Be the Emperor Autocratic system . Such state forms are adopted Centralized system State power institutions present a pyramidal distribution; The monarch held supreme power most of the time and passed it Hereditary system To maintain; bureaucracy Clear division of labor; Subjects generally had little or no private sphere, and East Asian countries were educated in Confucianism and generally accepted the idea of "loyalty to the king".
The monarchs of autocratic countries have absolute power in form, but they are restricted by traditional etiquette in thought and bureaucracy in power operation.
absolutism In the late Middle Ages in Europe, the influence of the Church in secular affairs was diminishing and the power of the monarchy was increasing. Louis XIII of France, of England Henry VII All established centralized administrative systems. At the same time, the power of the aristocracy declined, and the status of the citizens and intellectuals rose. Civic stratum Directly or indirectly influencing public policy through bureaucracies and hierarchical councils. The idea of sovereignty was born. The monarch rules society with absolute authority, France Louis XIV Also called" I am the state. ". Specifically, the so-called absolutist countries mean that in these countries, the monarchy has absolute power, the monarch has exclusive power, the legislative, administrative, judicial, military and other powers are concentrated in one, and the monarch, as the embodiment of sovereignty, is above Above the law And become the source of legitimacy for all laws. In this way, the monarchical power is basically free from any constraints and acts on its own. At the same time monarchs relied on rationalization bureaucracy And the military establishment, to enforce their own unification of civil society despotism Rule.
Sudan After the rise of Islam, by caliph The country derived from the system, inheriting the ancient Theocracy , in order to sharia The creation of many Sudanese states.

Capitalist country

From an economic perspective, capitalism State practice Market economy . The production and sale of goods and services are entirely free market Free price mechanism Rather than being guided by the state, as in the case of a planned economy. from Cold war From the perspective of the camp, the capitalist countries refer to the Western camp countries led by the United States and the enemy of the Soviet Union.
Early capitalist countries when despotism The monarch gradually became a virtual monarch or was replaced by a revolution Representative system and Separation of powers To ensure the realization of people's democracy in populous countries, and at the same time to combine people's democracy with meritocracy to avoid the tyranny of the majority. This led to the formation of the early capitalist state, which was regarded as the ideal form of capitalist state power.
Early capitalist countries are constitutionally and legally clear Private sphere and Public domain The distinction. At the same time the party gradually matured into a parliamentary struggle and elect It became a political force that controlled the entire state power. People do that by joining political parties Political participation .
By 1870, capitalism The foundation of this country Classical liberalism Meet with nationalism The challenges of resource and market plunder also confronted early capitalist states Constitutional crisis . The outbreak of World War and Germany totalitarianism The rise of the early capitalist countries completely destroyed the liberal ideals.
The late capitalist state is the late capitalist state Welfare state , or State capitalism . To make up for the free market Effective demand Insufficient, the state power comprehensively interferes with the market society. A typical example is the United States in the 1930s Roosevelt's New Deal 1948 British Labour Party A welfare state was proclaimed.
State power aims at the welfare of the people. Civil rights were expanded. Separation of powers Due to the complexity of social management and Administrative function The deepening and generalization of the administrative power is weakened, and the executive power is increasingly expanded, from a parliament-centered power structure to an executive-centered power structure, which is also known as administrative centralized democracy.

Socialist country

Socialist country The power of state power and government is generally very strong. Economic order Public ownership As the main body. The Communist Party practiced as these One-party system state The ruling party .

Social basis

The mutual influence of state power and society resulted in the adoption citizenship To limit the power of the state. They also influence government decisions through political parties and interest groups. And the complexity and specialization of social management, formed Elite group Control over government decisions; Citizens pass Mass media Etc. Public opinion Free and open discussion of government policies to monitor the legitimacy of state power and align government policies with public opinion.
There are various models in political science that explain state power.

Liberal country

Liberals insist Finite state Mode. It believed that the rights of citizens should be determined by the Constitution, and opposed the expansion of the powers of the state government departments and interference in social and economic affairs. Its ideal model is early capitalism The state, adhering to the free and spontaneous free-market order, is considered the most reasonable, the least easily suppressed, and the most easily accepted system by the people. Friedman "The best government is the government that governs least."
In his theory of public choice, Buchanan proposed" Government failure Due to the lack of competition and pressure from the government, government officials pursue personal influence rather than public interests, so excessive government intervention in economic activities will reduce the efficiency of market resource allocation.

Pluralist country

pluralism According to State sovereignty It is pluralistic, and countries cannot monopolize sovereignty. The state is only a group of human beings, not substantially different from any other group. Most state decisions are the result of consultations between the state and various interest groups. Pluralists advocate the realization of state power through parliamentary and multi-party politics multihead Control, so as to achieve democracy.
Charles Lindblom consider industrialist In fact, the political decision-making power is controlled by the industrialists Bull politics Government officials were more deferential to industrialists as the main leaders. So much for politics by business and Property relation To control the economy in a non-democratic way privatization It does not necessarily lead to democracy.

Elitist state

elitism In any society, there are rulers and ruled. A few rulers monopolize political power and enjoy the benefits of that power. This type of state opposes democracy as a means of limiting power to a powerful few or giving it to a limited number of people Democratic form But take Two-party system Rule by rotation. America is an elitist country.
Elitists believe that unions, trade associations, Mass movement It's a minority rule. Because few people have time to actively engage in work, control rests with a few activists, and the less active accept their authority as agents. This is called" The iron law of oligarchy ". Thus, elitists argue Representative democracy But a modern version of an authoritarian system. Therefore, they believe that democracy is not an end but a means, and that democracy is achieved by citizens through elections Political decision The system of rights.