Xiao Ya Bai Hua

The Book of Songs
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synonymWhite flower(in the Book of Songs, Xiao Ya) generally refers to Xiao Ya Bai Hua
Xiao Ya Bai Hua is the first poetry collection in ancient China. The Book of Songs A poem in ". This is one of the many abandoned woman poems in the Book of Songs. Judging from the tone of the poem, the protagonist should be an aristocratic woman. This poem Incisively and vividly It expresses the heroine's sorrow and sense of loss after falling out of favor, and depicts the image of a pure, kind, straightforward and infatuating woman. The poem consists of eight chapters, four sentences per chapter, each chapter converts the meaning of Bixing, the first two sentences use Bixing, and the last two sentences express their feelings directly. The meaning between the lines, the meaning between the lines, there are interesting places.
Title of work
Xiao Ya Bai Hua
Age of creation
Zhou Dynasty
The Book of Songs
White flower

Original works

Minor elegance 1. · White Glory 2.
Bai Hua Suga Xi 3. White grass bundle (4) . The son is far away 5. Let me be alone 6. .
British white cloud All landowners A surname today . The sky is hard to walk Pet-name ruby The son is not Jewish attending .
滮 Chibeiliu Dip the rice paddies. Loud songs hurt one's heart Read him .
Firewood Pisan pay , and the printing is baked at 煁 . Vibiscus, it is my heart .
The drums and bells are in the palace The sound is heard outside . Nian Zi for a edgy edge Look at me .
There is 鹙 in the beam There are cranes in the forest . Vibiscus, it is my heart.
Mandarin ducks are on the beam, jawing their left wings . A son is wicked Two three its virtue .
There's a Bess stone I am so humble . My son is far away, let me 疧 Xi . [1]

Annotated translation


Word annotation

① Small elegant: the "elegant" part of the "Book of Songs" is divided into large elegant and small elegant, collectively called "two elegant". Elegant, elegant music, that is, the normal tune, refers to the Western Zhou Dynasty capital city Haojing area of poetry music tune. There are seventy-four minor works of art.
② Bai Hua: White flower.
③ Suga (ji n) : perennial herb, also known as reed.
④ White grass: also known as silk grass, because the leaves are like spears.
⑤ Far: to the distance.
I want to let you go.
⑦ Yingying: also as "magnificent", the appearance of white clouds.
⑧ Dew: refers to the drop of water into dew, with moistening.
⑨ Tianbu: Tianxing, Tianyun, destiny. Say than you king action.
⑩ Not so good. A bad word.
⑪滮 (BIO) : The name of Shui, north of the present city of Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province.
Choo song: Cry and sing. Sad: sad and thinking.
High person: tall person, still "beautiful". This refers to the handsome man in his heart.
14 Firewood: firewood, here refers to wood for firewood. Mulberry: Mulberry wood fire.
⑮ And the writer (ang) : The same as "ang", referring to me, the woman said. 煁 (chen) : In winter, the fire is on the stove.
⑯ Persons: Sad, sad.
∙ Drum bell: Ringing the bell. Drum, knock.
18) Smell: Hear. Here is the meaning of transmission.
For this edgy (c + +) edgy type: Sad.
⑳ Mimai: No.
㉑鹙 (qi) : name of a water bird with hairless head and neck resembling a crane, also called vulture. Beam: A fish beam, a dam for fish.
㉒ The crane in the forest, a bird of holiness, but in the forest, as a parable of those whom he loves who are far away.
㉓ with the ji on the left side: the mandarin ducks put their mouths on the left side to rest.
㉔ Unkindness: not good.
㉕ ersan virtue: half-hearted, meaning that the feelings are not exclusive.
㉖ You Bian: that is, "Bian Bian", the appearance of stone. A stone is a stone that you step on when you travel in a car.
㉗ shoe: to tread on the foot of the carriage.
㉘疧 (qi) : lovesick from sorrow. [2-6]

Vernacular translation

Fragrant suga with white flowers, white grass bunched to him. Now this man is far away, leaving me alone in my house.
Thick clouds float in the air, wet with suga and grass. My fate is so hard, he is not so good.
滮 The water flows slowly northward, soaking the green of the rice fields. Edge edge song heart pain, miss that person in my heart.
Cut the mulberry branches for firewood and burn them in the stove to keep warm. It breaks my heart to think about that bodybuilder.
When the bell is rung in the palace, the sound must be heard outside. Remembrance makes me restless, but you see me as a passer-by.
Ugly in the fish beam, noble crane in the woods. It burns me to think of that bodybuilder.
A pair of mandarin ducks are sleeping soundly under a fish beam, their mouths with wings. I hate that this man has no conscience and forgets me in the blink of an eye.
Flat flat riding stone, although low people step on. It's painful to hate him for being so far away from me. [3-4]

Creation background

" 毛诗序 Said: "Bai Hua", Zhou people thorn after you also. After King You married her, he was awarded the honor and deposed Queen Shen. Therefore, under the country, to concubine for his wife, to the evil emperor, and Wang Fu can rule. Zhou man's work is a poem." Zhu Xi " Poem preface differentiation Cloud: "This matter has evidence," Preface "can be covered." And think that this is Shen after self-creation. This is quite credible. It can be seen from the many poems of abandoned women preserved in the Book of Songs that women in marriage are in a very unequal position, whether in the folk or in the upper class, and the fate of abandonment is inevitable if they meet bad people. " 邶 Wind · Valley wind "" Defend the wind and the mob "" I can do my own thing "And this poem from different angles in many aspects of the performance of such historical facts. [3-6]

Appreciation of works


Holistic appreciation

"Xiao Ya Bai Hua" poem eight chapters, each chapter four sentences. There is a remarkable feature in the writing of this poem, that is, all the chapters of the poem are made up first and then Fu, and the eight chapters are not of the same importance, which is only found in the Book of Songs in contrast with the repetition of Fu.
In the first chapter, the combination of suga grass and white grass, reflecting the common sense of love between couples. Among them, the white flower of suga grass and the white of thatch have the meaning of love symbolizing purity and harmony. Callan No you die 麕 It can be seen that "white grass" was a commonly used image with symbolic meaning at that time. The original common sense is self-evident, but here it is "the son is far away, so that I am alone." A positive and a negative, laying the whole poem sad sad tragic tone.
The second chapter moistens the grass and thatch with the dew of the white cloud, which is against the common sense of the husband and cannot be with his wife Share weal and woe . Although there is a direct correspondence and mapping relationship between the moisture of the white cloud nectar on the grass and the injustice of the god of fate to the abandoned heroine, in fact, it seems that the blame is especially people, and the spearhead is actually the unfaithful husband who does not follow the principles of heaven.
Chapter three: The north flowing 滮 pond irrigates the rice field, which in turn corresponds to the heartless husband's unkindness to his wife. Although this chapter is the same as the first two chapters in the method of revival, it is a metaphor for people, and the common sense of heaven is opposed to the curmudgeonly human feelings. Zheng letter Explained: "Pool water, infiltrating the rice field to make it reproductive, Yu Wang no grace after Shen, 滮 pool is not as good as also." But then the heroine who is crying and singing a long song turns from "son" to "great man". On the "Shuo people", predecessors such as Kong Yingda Wang Su and Sun Yu were quoted as saying that the Shuo people referred to Shen after Zhu Xi's" Biography of Collected Poems I thought that the great people meant the king of You. In the original poem, the following two chapters referring to the great Man are both used as a metaphor that things cannot be done by him, implying that man is in an improper position. Zheng Xuan explained "Shuo people" as "demon big people, called Baosi", and poetic combination. As the conversation turns, the exclamation in the next chapter seems natural and appropriate.
The fourth chapter follows the meaning of the first three chapters, and uses the mulberry salary to make the heroine's virtue not appreciated by her husband, but abandoned by the fate. Contrary to their own fate, "Vibishuo", thinking of the "demon man" but seduced her husband to replace their position, all this is really a painful thing.
The fifth chapter is heard outside the bell sound, and the matter of being abandoned after Xing Shen must be known by the people. The saying "there is no such thing as an impervious wall." He has been abandoned, but the heart never forgets, so there is a "reading son" abandoned woman; Once they have rejected it, they must hate it first, so they have a ruthless husband who "looks at me". In contrast, the kindness and obedience of the abandoned woman and the lightness and ruthlessness of the husband appear more distinct.
The sixth chapter is similar to the poetry of the fourth chapter, with crane 鹙 after the concubine transfer. At the same time, there exists a metaphorical relationship between the white and supple of the crane and the greedy and sinister of 鹙 and the latter. The seduction of the "demon big man" is really an important reason for the heroine to be abandoned, no wonder she repeatedly "Wei-Wei-shuo people, really work my heart", think of the demonizing man can not help but feel sad.
Chapter 7: The two lovebirds, who always live together, love each other, and find their place, which is against the moral behavior of the heartless and unvirtuous husband who can not live with him for a long time. This chapter must be read in conjunction with chapters 4, 5, and 6 to gain a deeper understanding of the resentment of the abandoned woman. What she was really saying was: although the seductive woman is very tempting, if the husband considers nature rather than humanity, Two three is virtue "There would be no result today.
The eighth chapter is the sad fate after Xingshen was deposed by the low status of the flat stone. The abandoned woman cannot but consider her own fate, "My son is far away, let me 疧." In the face of the unknown future, it is inevitable to worry.
Finally, it should be pointed out that the first chapter of the poem begins with a aria, the three sentences end with "Xi", and the last chapter ends with a aria and concludes with the word "xi". The tone of each chapter in the middle is rapid, and it has the momentum of releasing the pain of the heart in one breath. Between slow and urgent, there is quite a rule, when reading the sense of lingering sound around the beam. [3-4]

Famous reviews

Song Dynasty Zhu Xi "Poetry biography" : "Compare. King You wrote this poem after he married Shen and got the honor of her husband. White Huawei Jian, then white grass for the bundle, two things to micro, as if must phase must be used, what son far away so that I alone ye?"
Late Ming and early Qing Qian Chengzhi " Field poetics "Mandarin duck, the pair will follow the bird, in order to compare the king and the queen."
Qing Dynasty Wang Xianqian " Poetry three family righteousness collection sparse "Every poet with a salary is the most expensive wood for a female worker." The mulberry and firewood as a salary, only for the use of the stove and singeing, its nobility is reversed." [1-3]