The western regions

[xī yù]
A general term for Xinjiang and Central Asia in China
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The Western Regions, is to China Xinjiang and Central Asia A general term for such places. Because it is located in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province Jade Gate Pass and Yangguan West, hence the name.
First seen in History of the Han Dynasty · Biography of the Western Regions. The narrow "Western regions" refers to Green onion Ridge East. The broad "Western Regions" refers to all areas that can be reached by the narrow Western regions, including Asia The Midwest, Indian peninsula , Europe Eastern Hoa Africa North inside.
Emperor Wu of Han send Zhang Qian First to the western regions. Emperor Xuan of Han The beginning of the western region Tohoku . Tang Dynasty In the western regions Ansidu Protectorate , Beitingdu protectorate . In subsequent generations, Central Plains With the narrow sense of the Western regions in politics, economy, culture has an inseparable relationship, any dynasty regard the Western regions as territory, exercise jurisdiction over the region. Since the end of the 19th century, the "Western Region" has gradually fallen into disuse. 7 [8]
Chinese name
The western regions
Foreign name
Western Regions
Jade Gate Pass , Yangguan Western region
x Cr yu

Chinese vocabulary

1. The general name for the area west of Yumenguan and Yangguan. [9]
" History of the Han Dynasty · Preface to the Western Regions: "The Western Regions began with the Xiao Wu period, the thirty-six States, and then a little later to more than fifty, all in. Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China To the west of... Usun South of... There are mountains to the north and south. There is a river in the middle, 6,000 miles east and west, 1,000 miles north and south. To the east lies Han, 阸 to Yumen and Yangguan, and to the west is limited to Onion Ridge."
The Biography of Ban Chao in the Later Han Dynasty: "Today, I am honored to protect the Western Regions with gold and silver, as if I had died. Tonbe Sincerely have no hatred, but fear that later generations or famous ministers for no western regions." [10]
Southern Song Dynasty Xie Huilian "Snow Fu" : "I learned that the snow palace was built in the East, and the snow mountain was facing the Western regions."
qing Chen Kangqi "Lang Qian Ji Wen" volume 4: "When Lin Wenzhong Duke has been given by the western region of the ring, Emperor Wenzong special edits from the field."
2. Refers to the West, the west sky.
han Mou Rong "On" : "The reason why the Fu Buddha Yi trace in the middle of the mountain, obsidian strange in the Western regions, covered with the most interesting."
qing Yun Jing "Wenchang Palace Tablet Yin Record" : "Later Buddha's day Chang, the worship of the gods are entrusted to the Western regions and the so-called four days."
3. Refers to the place where the legendary West Queen Mother lived.
The tang dynasty Wu Jun "Step function word" : "evanescent 歘 made the western regions, playing in the golden mother's home."

The Western regions

The Western regions are mainly distributed in Tarim basin , Turpan Basin And north of Junggar Basin The edge, using the water that melts from the highlands to live on the oasis, in addition Tarim River with Lop Nor It is the main agricultural and living water source in the western regions. Therefore, the prosperity of the country in the region was inextricably linked to the water, and according to some archaeologists, Loulan was the main reason for its demise due to the diversion of the river and the migration of Lop Nur. (Li Jiangfeng, The Eve of the Silk Road and Climate Change, 1992; Historical Geography of China, China Higher Education Press P125)
At the same time, due to geographical factors, the rise and fall of countries in the Western regions are vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Since the 11th century, the climate of the whole East Asia has gradually cooled, and the local climate has also been strongly affected. The business exchanges through the region are more willing to carry out through the southern Silk Road, which has gradually reduced the trade in the Western regions and led to the decline of countries.
According to textual research, in the 17th century B.C., the basic state form has appeared in the western regions, and Bactria (now Afghanistan Merchants in the area traded in lapis lazuli. In addition, Hetian jade produced in the state of Khotan (near Hotan County in present-day Xinjiang, China) was also used by the Shang Dynasty Vouding The excavations in the tombs indicate that the area was already settled in the 13th century BC.
Around the 5th century BC, the Western regions began to gradually prosper, and the countries in the Western regions developed gradually by taking advantage of the geographical advantages located on the main road of communication between the East and the West. The economies and cultures of the countries under the jurisdiction of the Western Han Dynasty greatly developed. [1]
The Western regions formed a country in the 5th century BC and began to develop independently. "The Book of Han · Biography of the Western Regions" records that more than 30 countries were distributed in the Western regions at that time, so there are" Thirty-six countries in the Western Regions "Said. in Zhang Qian Before the conquest of the Western Regions, the Xiongnu had been the dominant force in the Western Regions. to Han Dynasty Administrative agencies Western Region Capital Protection Office It was under the jurisdiction of more than 36 countries, and the Book of Han · Biography of the Western Regions also recorded that in the first six to five years, the Western Regions were divided into more than 50 countries. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the countries in the Western regions merged with each other Jin Dynasty The first year was formed Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) , driver A situation in which several great powers have joined together. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the situation in the Western regions changed again and became new Gaochangguo One after another defeated the countries of the Western regions, and established a powerful country that spanned most of Xinjiang. With the exception of a few countries, the territories of the Western Regions moved westward, bringing a prosperous culture to Central Asia. [2]

Historical evolution


Handu protection House

Guard house location [3]
Western Region Capital Protection Office locate Bayingoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture (abbreviated as" Bayzhou ") of Luntai county . Wild cloud ditch township and Cedaya Township Joint distance Korla City 113 kilometers, distance Wheel stand The county is 58 kilometers, 85 °04' east longitude, 42°00' north latitude, and 990 meters above sea level.
Capital protection house set
Emperor Wu of Han In the past, there were many small countries in the Western Regions, and some small countries north of the Tianshan Mountains were affected Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China The control and enslavement.
Emperor Xuan of Han Two years (60 BC) the Western Han defeated the Huns here The Western Regions are protected House, named Wulei City (former name Wheel platform state It was the political, economic, cultural and military center of the thirty six States of the Western regions administered by the Han Dynasty at that time. At that time, the Western Regions were appointed by the Han Emperor personally, and were replaced every three years (there were also extensions and shorteners) without interruption. According to the Book of Han, 18 people were appointed in the Western Han Dynasty Zheng Ji , Zheng Xuan , Gan Yanshou , Tuan Huizong , Lian Bao , Han Li , Guo Shun, Sun Jian , Li Chong , Danchin Wait for 10 people. At that time, the Luntai State was a country of cities. Imperial palace Directly under his jurisdiction, Luntai King was called to the court by the emperor on many occasions. The Han Dynasty set up another garrison Military officer Administrative, military and other institutions, such as garrison waiting, and appointing the local minority top figures as Kings, hou, generals, ministers, doctors, A surname And other official positions, they are under the jurisdiction of the Western Regions.
Thirty-six countries in the Western Regions
The Western regions belonged to the Han Dynasty from the time of Emperor Liu Che. The thirty-six states in the Western Regions are: Ruoqiang, Shanshan, Jiemu, Xiaowan, Jingju, Jon Lu, 扜 Mi, Qule, Khotan, Pishan, Wuzhan, Xiye, Zihe, Pu Li Yinai, Wulei, hard, Dayuan, Taohuai, Xixun, donating poison (present Wuqia County), Shache, Shule, Weitou, Gumo (present Aksu County), Wenshu (present Wushi County ), Qiuci (today Kuqa county ), Wei Li, Wei Hu, Yanqi, Gu Shi (Che Shi), Mo Shan, Zhan, Hu Hu, Qu Li, Wu Lei. Of the thirty-six States, some were nomadic tribes, and others were cities.
The population of each city state in the Western Han Dynasty was as follows: 81,317 in Qiuci, 32,100 in Yanqi, 24,500 in Gumo, 20,004 in 扜, 19,300 in Khotanan, 18,647 in Shule, 16,373 in Shache, 14,100 in Shanshan, and more than 5,000 in Weili, Wenshu and Che. Weisu, Pishan, Jingju, Wu 秅, Qule, Xiulu, Ciemu and Xiaowan have more than 1,000 people, A surname 194 people. The 20 cities had a total of 33,756 households and 271,554 people, accounting for 83.6% of the total population of the Western Regions of the Western Han Dynasty.
The southern and western edges of the Tarim Basin belonged to the Aryans. The eastern and northern states of the Tarim Basin belong to the Tocharian people. The thirty-six kingdoms of the Western Regions were split into 55 kingdoms around the time of AD. In the early Eastern Han Dynasty, Shanshan, Khotan and Che Shi annexed some small states nearby.
The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) After the re-establishment of the Western Regions, intervention was carried out, and the annexed small countries regained their independence. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Khotan increased from 0.3,300 households to 19,300 in the Western Han to 32,000 and 83,000; Yanqi increased from 0.4 thousand and 32,100 to 15,000 and 52,000; Shule also increased from 0.151 to 21,000. Khotan, Yanqi and Shule were the three major powers in the Western Regions at that time.
The ruins of the city
There are two places here Ruins of ancient city One is a small square town one kilometer east of the township government, washed by the water, the city wall is only 1 meter, rammed earth Tampon house Construction, construction material is yellow sand soil, moisture-proof course, tensile construction material is Diversiform poplar Branches, every 0.33 meters for a layer, the circumference of about 100 meters, the city is scattered with gray pottery, white moire and water ripples, there is a tower in the east of the city, there are gates in the south. Another ancient city site is on the north side of the 10 km road east of the township government. The local people call it white Mound. It is estimated that it is Beacon Hill, 1928, a famous Chinese historical expert Hwang Wenbi In the above two sites, Mr. Liu unearthed some pottery POTS for storing grain, which he believed were used by soldiers stationed here when the Western Regions Capital Guard was established. Mr. Huang Wenbi also found another larger site 300 meters to the northeast of Yeyungou Township, which is unfortunately now turned into farmland. Archaeological record of Tarim Basin "About half a mile south of Yeyungou Village, there is a high mound, with deep sand on the surface, reeds on the top, and red pottery pieces between them."
At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang Usurp the throne In the riots in the Central Plains, the Xiongnu took the opportunity to occupy the Western regions, and the people of all nationalities could not bear the heavy abuse of the Xiongnu tax collection, so they asked Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty three times, and the 18 Kings sent their sons to Luoyang to learn the sincere oath of being hostages. Request to be reassigned to Han, Liu Xiu At a time when the foothold is not stable, very reluctant to move the Western regions capital guard to Qiuci (a county in ancient China) Dry city (now Xinhe County Within the territory).
Han Western Regions military and political commander
In the Western Han Dynasty, Tohoku In order to add to other official titles, more to A surname Lead the job, rank More than two thousand stones ; It was a single official post in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu Emperor Zhaodi often in the canal plow, wheel terrace camp, set Emissary lieutenant Escort, to supply the messengers.
Emperor Xuan Earth knot Two years (68 BC), sent servant Zheng Ji to Tuntian canal plow, and Xiongnu chariot division, meritorious, moved Wisma To protect the "south Road" countries west of Shanshan. to godlord In the second year (60 BC), the Xiongnu king sent troops to Han, so that Zheng Ji sent troops to meet them, and the "North Road" was also passed, so Zheng Ji was appointed as the riding capital lieutenant, and the bodyguard of the west "North Road" states. Because the general lead north and south two roads, so the name is protected. The preservation of the city begins here.
In the Western Han Dynasty, Wulei City (now northeast of Luntai in Xinjiang) was closely related to the Qu plowing officer, and Tuntian Capital Wei was a city guard. Protect the shogunate. Official possession Vice officer Rank than two thousand stone; Cheng a person; Sima, Hou, two people each. He was in command of Dayuan (present-day Uzbekistan) Fergana Basin ) and the cities to the east of the state and inspector Wusun ( Ili River basin ), A surname (now Syr (in the middle reaches) and other countries, issuing imperial orders; When the nations are in disarray, they have to go to war. Wusun and Han married, so especially close to protect both. From the time of Zheng Ji to Wang Mang, even the place was protected, before and after eighteen people, ten names in the annals of history. Emperor Xuan had Zheng Ji; Emperor Yuan had Han Xuan and Gan Yanshou; Emperor Cheng had Duan Huizong and Han Li. Lian Bao Guo Shun, Emperor Ping Sun Jian But chin, Xinmang time Li Chong . At the end of Xinmang (around 23 AD), the Western Regions were in turmoil, and Li Chong was not in Qiuci.
In the east Emperor Guangwu of Han In the 21st year of Jianwu (AD 45), the eighteen Western Regions requested the restoration of the capital, but Emperor Guangwu did not allow it.
Emperor Ming Yongping 17 years (AD 74), beginning Chen Mu Protect for all. The next year, Yanqi and Qiuci rebelled, and together attacked and killed Chen Mu.
And Emperor Yongyuan three years (AD 91), will be long history Ban Chao Pacify the western regions, then to Ban Chao as the protection, stationed in Qiuci border it Dry city (present-day Xinjiang Kuqa Nearby, its address is not specified). Fourteen years, Ban Chao also Luoyang, successors have Ren Shang Duan Xi.
The first year (107) of the beginning of Yongdi, the Western Regions were in chaos, and Xi was returned. to Enmitsu Two years (123) to Ban Dung (Son of Ban Chao) for The Western Regions have a long history To restore the western regions, thus A long history The duty of protector of the city.
In the second year of Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty (68 BC), he sent his servant Zheng Ji to camp in Quli (today's Weili area in Xinjiang) Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China Fight for the East division to secure the "South Road" countries west of Shanshan. In the second year of Shenjue (60 BC), the Xiongnu retreated to the Han Dynasty day by day, Zheng Ji sent troops to meet them, and Emperor Xuan ordered Zheng Ji to guard the security of the northwest (North) countries, because the general command of the two roads, so the name of "Duhu" has since become the official name of the highest officer of the Western Han in the Western regions. The Western region guard officer rank two thousand stone, quite the inland county, its deputy lieutenant, Cheng, Sima and other officers. The establishment of the Western Regions' capital guard ensured the smooth flow of the Silk Road, strengthened ethnic unity and economic and cultural exchanges, and marked the official ownership of the Western Regions to the central government. At the same time, because of its local implementation of the policy of farming, it also promoted the development of agricultural production in the western regions to a certain extent. It was removed in the period of Wang Mang, established or removed in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and removed in the first year of Yong Chu of Emperor An (107 years). [4]
War in the Western Regions
At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, there were 36 small states, which were later divided into more than 50 states. The Western regions are divided into north and south by the Tianshan Mountains. Most of them are distributed around the Tarim Basin south of the Tianshan Mountains. On the southern edge of the Tarim Basin are the states of Qiemu, Xiaowan, Jingju, Zhengmi, Khotan, Pishan and Shache, known as the "Southern States"; In the northern edge of the basin there are Weixu, Yanqi, Weili, Wulei, Qiuci, Gumo, Wenshu, Weitou, Shule and other countries, known as the "northern countries"; In the southwest of the basin, there are Puli, Wulei and other countries; At the eastern end of the basin lies Loulan, later called Shanshan.
These countries have different languages, different customs, do not belong to each other, the population is a few hundred, more than tens of thousands, generally thousands to two or three thousand people, Qiuci population is the largest, only 80,000 people. Most of them are centered on the city, and the residents are mostly engaged in farming and animal husbandry. A few countries live by water and grass, simply engage in animal husbandry, and exchange food and other agricultural products with neighboring countries. Some countries have developed their productive forces and have mastered the technology of iron smelting. Loulan people knew how to manufacture iron weapons. The Junggar Basin, north of the Tianshan Mountains and south of Lake Balkhash, is a nomadic region. The Ili River basin in the western part of the basin was originally inhabited by the Serge people.
During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Western Han Dynasty, the Yue people, originally nomadic between Dunhuang and Qilian, were forced by the Xiongnu to move to the west and crowded out the Plug people. Later, in order to get rid of the Huns, Wusun, who originally lived in the Hexi area, also migrated west to this area, drove out the Yue people, and occupied this land. Most of the Yuei were forced to move further west to the area north of Guishui (present-day Amu Darya River), where they became known as Dayue, while a small number remained and became known as Xiaoyue. There were 630,000 people in Wusun (including the Saizi and Yuezhi people who stayed here), and they lived a nomadic life along with the Huns. Tianshan Gap south of Junggar Basin, controlled by Gu Shi. Gu Shi was later divided into the former state of the chariot and the latter state of the chariot. The land is fertile and the agriculture is quite developed.
From Yumen Pass to the Western regions, there are two main passages: one passes through Loulan (Shanshan) at the eastern end of the Tarim Basin, turns southwest, and runs west along the northern foot of the Kunlun Mountains to Shache, which is the southern road. South Road west over the onion ridge, you can go to Central Asia's Big Moon, Bactria, Benshi and other countries; The other route passes through Che Shi Qian Guo and runs west along the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain to Shule, which is the North route. North of the west over the lion Ridge, you can go to Central Asia Dayuan, Kangju, Amyan and other countries. At the beginning of Emperor Wen of the Western Han Dynasty, the power of Xiongnu extended to the Western regions, where they set up the post of "servant and lieutenant" to monitor the Western regions and levy heavy taxes on them, and took the Western Regions as a strategic base to attack the northwestern part of the Western Han Dynasty, posing a great threat to the Western Han Dynasty. During the war against the Huns, Emperor Wudi sent Zhang Qian from Hanzhong to the Western Regions in the third year of Jianyuan (138 BC) in order to cut off the right arm of the Huns, in order to take advantage of the conflict between the Huns and the Dayue clan and jointly attack the Huns. Although Zhang Qian was not able to complete the mission because of Dayue's reluctance to return to the east. However, on his way to the west, he spread the national prestige of the Western Han Dynasty and obtained a large amount of unprecedented information about the Western regions, which enabled the Western Han government to increase its understanding of the Western regions and communicate the contacts between the Western Han and the ethnic groups in the Western Regions. After the Mobei Campaign, the Huns retreated to Mobei, Hexi Corridor It was also controlled by the Western Han Dynasty, and the road to the Western regions had been opened, but the Xiongnu still retained considerable power in the Western regions, which seriously threatened the communication between the Han and the Western regions.
In 119 BC, Emperor Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions again, hoping to lure Wusun back to Hexi to fight the Huns together with the Western Han, but he still failed. However, the deputies sent by Zhang Qian visited Dayuan, Kangju, Dayue, Benshi, Bactria and other countries. These countries and Wusun all sent emissaries to the Han to thank them, which made the Western Han and the Western regions more closely connected. From then on, the traffic between the Western Han Dynasty and the western regions became frequent. Every year, there are more than a dozen groups of envoys, as few as five or six groups, each group of hundreds to more than 100 people. These envoys not only undertook political missions, but also carried a lot of Western Han products to carry out economic exchanges with the Western regions. The Xiongnu rulers were very reluctant to see the ties between the Western Han government and the Western regions strengthened, and they either sent troops or used some of the Western regions under their control to plunder Han ambassadors and cut off roads in an effort to break the ties between Han and the Western Regions. In order to secure access to the Western regions, the Western Han government conducted a series of wars in the Western regions.
Historical significance
(1) The Western regions got rid of the cruel rule of the Huns and turned to advanced production technology and relatively developed economy Han Dynasty Thus strengthening economic, political and cultural ties with the mainland. This connection is undoubtedly conducive to the development of local society, and has laid the foundation for the formation and consolidation of China's unified multi-ethnic state.
(2) The establishment of the Western Regions Capital Guard made "the order of the Han Dynasty", marking that the Western Regions had since become an integral part of the great unified multi-ethnic country. It is the historical inevitability of the development of long-term economic and cultural relations between the Central Plains and the western regions after the pre-Qin period.
Since then, the northern and southern parts of the Tianshan Mountains have come under the orderly management of the Central Dynasty, and the Han government directly appointed and removed the Western regions' capital guards, as well as specialized in the Western regions' field affairs Lieutenant Wu Ji And other senior officials conferred titles on local chiefs, issued seals and ribbons, and let them manage daily local affairs. In 1953, Xinhe County A piece unearthed at the site of an ancient city." Han GUI Yi Qiang Chang The bronze seal is the official seal granted by the Han Dynasty to the chief of the Qiang people. The Western Regions Defense Office organized and led the resistance against the invasion of Xiongnu in the Western regions, and also implemented farmland settlement in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains to reduce the economic burden of the local ethnic groups, and to solve the problem of food and accommodation for the garrison and emissaries. Shache, Che Shi and Yanqi were all the centers of the Han Dynasty in the Western Regions at that time. He built castles and built Signal tower (sui) to further expand the Silk Road; These political, economic and military measures strengthened the relationship between the Western Regions and the Central Plains, and strengthened the centripetal force of the people of all ethnic groups in the border areas towards the central government. Changes in political, economic and social life in the Western regions have accelerated.
(3) The management form and related policies of the Western Regions Defense Office also became an example for subsequent generations of central rulers to follow because they effectively ensured the healthy development of ethnic relations in various parts of the Western Regions.
As in the Sixteen Kingdoms Lv Guang After the unification of the Western regions, following the example of the Han Dynasty, the Western Regions were set up to exercise sovereignty. In the Tang Dynasty, after all the ethnic groups in the border area were successively administered under one government, they also set up capital protectors respectively. The northeast of Tang Dynasty has" Anton is the protector "; In the north, there are "Anbei", "Singyu" and other protective houses; In the northwest, there are "Anxi" and "Anxi". Beiting "And so all guard house; Southwest has" Boryeong ", "branch south" to protect the house; To the south of... The Annam Palace . All these were borrowed from the Han Dynasty, adapted to the needs of the further formation and consolidation of China's unified multi-ethnic country, and had a positive historical role.

Tang Du protects the mansion

In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang army was being destroyed Uyghour , Tujue, a nationality in ancient China When the force, the tentacles will reach the western regions, in addition Gao Chang With the exception of the elimination of disobedience, all countries in the Western Regions submitted to the Tang government. Soon the rule of the Western Territories was handed over Ansidu Protectorate and Beitingdu protectorate To deal with it, a complete administrative system was set up in the Western regions, and the Western Regions were assigned A surname Tao and set Anxi four towns As a major city in the Western Regions, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang It was established during the Kaiyuan period The west of the Moraine Under the control of the two great fortresses of Anxi and Beiting, Xinjiang became part of the Tang Dynasty. The Rebellion of An Shi Later, the Tang Dynasty was unable to control the Western regions, and the Western regions once again emerged as semi-independent regimes.
Distribution table [5]
Country name
Use text
Flourishing period
Extinction period
Cause of extinction
Shanshan (a county in Shanxi Province) Loulan )
Ruoqiang County, Bayingoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China
The Tocharian language
It's controversial. It's generally thought that the water supply is cut off, and the evidence is not conclusive enough
Southeast of Ruoqiang County, Bayingoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China
Wu 秅 (Pantuo)
150 km southwest of Tashkurgan County, Xinjiang, China
Western night (drift sand)
South of Yecheng County, Xinjiang, China
Southwest of Yecheng County, Xinjiang, China
One hundred kilometers west of Wuqia County, Xinjiang, China
South of Qiemao County, Xinjiang, China
be Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) merger
Qiemang County 150 km northeast of the county seat
Khaqu script
be Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) merger
be Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) merger
Near Khotan County, Xinjiang, China
Accept Tang Dynasty dominion
Minfeng County, Xinjiang, China
be Khotan merger
be Khotan merger
Qile County, Hotan, Xinjiang, China
be Khotan merger
be Khotan merger
Near Kuqa County, Xinjiang, China
Accept Tang Dynasty dominion
Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, China
be gibsons merger
be gibsons merger
be gibsons merger
Kashgar, Xinjiang, China
Accept Tang Dynasty dominion
West Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China
be Shule merger
be Shule merger
Yanqi Autonomous County, Xinjiang, China
Accept Tang Dynasty dominion
be Yanqi merger
be Yanqi merger
Mountainous country
be Yanqi merger
Jimsar County and Turpan Basin, Xinjiang, China
be Gao Chang merger
Turpan Basin, Xinjiang, China
be Tang Dynasty Army annihilation

Yuan Dynasty

In 1206, he was a prominent leader of the Mongols Temujin Established the Mongol Khanate, revered as" Genghis Khan (" The King of the four seas "). Soon after, Genghis Khan led an army into Xinjiang, and gave the places he conquered to his second son, Chahatai, to establish Four khanates One of the Khanate of Sahatai. Among the four great khanates, the Yuan Empire, the Yuan Dynasty, lived Metropolitan state The Yuan emperor was honored as the "Great Khan". At the same time, the late Tang Dynasty (mid-9th century) began Mongolian plateau Moved west to today's Xinjiang region Uighur A branch of man Gaochang Uighur In addition to being integrated with the local indigenous people (belonging to the white race) and some of the Tupan and Khitan people, they converted in the 10th century Islam And translated as" gynophobia In addition, it has now absorbed Mongolian, Han, Tibetan and other ethnic components and gradually developed into modern times Uighur nationality . In the early 14th century, the Sahatai Khanate began to split into two parts: east and west. The east includes Kashgar and Turpan; West of Samarkand Center, rule Pamir Plateau To the west. Most of today's Xinjiang is in East Chagatai Khanate Under the rule.

Ming Dynasty

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the Western regions, now Xinjiang, remained under the rule of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate evolved into The Khanate of Yerchang (1514-1678), it was not until the early Qing Dynasty that it was evolved from Wara Mosimongolia Destroyed. Therefore, during the Ming Dynasty, the western regions were not directly under the control of the Ming central government, but they were under the rule of a minority ethnic group in China, the Mongols.

Qing Dynasty

In the Qing Dynasty, Moxi Mongolia became an important force in Xinjiang. Junger part During the three KangYonggan Dynasties, there were long military conflicts with the Qing army, and finally in the Qianlong Dynasty, the Central Dynasty re-established its rule in Xinjiang. The Qianlong Dynasty was pacified one after another Size and Zhuo rebellion , and greet Turn back east Return to Moxi Mongolia The Squire of Tulle Since then, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, Xinjiang has been a stable rule. However, with the decline of Qing power and the rise of Western powers, they eventually lost half a million square kilometers of territory to the east and south of Lake Balkhash, and once all the territory fell to Central Asia Haohan Kingdom . fortunately Zuo Zongtang He led the Xiang Army to recover Xinjiang and established Xinjiang Province in 1884.

Civilization change


Written civilization

Writing is one of the important symbols of the civilization of human society. According to this scale, Professor Daniel (G.Daniel) of the University of Cambridge proposed in 1968 that the world's oldest and independently originated ancient civilizations were "six civilizations." Among them, there are four old continents: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India; There are two new continents: Mexico and Peru. [2] The so-called "Western civilization" refers to the civilization that emerged among the four ancient civilizations of the world (Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China).
The Chinese language was originally used in the thirty-six Western Regions. At the beginning of this century, the British archaeologist M.A.Stein discovered the ancient city of Niya in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert, and the Chinese archaeologist Huang Wenbi discovered the Han Jane of the reign of Wang Mang in the Western Han Dynasty in Tuyin site on the north bank of Lop Nur.

Religious civilization

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Theravada Buddhism spread from Gandhara (present-day northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan) to the Western regions. Under the influence of Gandhara Buddhism, the Khada expression of Gandhara language became the language of Buddhist scriptures in the Tarim Basin. The remnants of the Khada Sutra collected by the French explorer J.L. Dutreuilderhins at Hotan, and the Khada sutra found by Stein at the Niya site, help illustrate this. In addition to religious expressions, the Western states of Khotan, Shanshan, Shule, and Qiuci also adopted the Khada script as their official writing. Stein found a large number of Khada secular documents in Hotan, Niya, Loulan and other places, mainly the documents of Shanshan Kingdom in the 3-4 centuries AD. A.v. Lecoq of the German Turpan expedition also found Khada inscriptions and accounts in the ancient city of Subashi and the Thousand Buddha Caves of Kizil, dating from about the 7th century.
After the rise of Mahayana Buddhism, especially in India during the Gupta dynasty, Indian culture was fully revived. Indian Buddhists switched to Brahma and Sanskrit as the language of Buddhist scriptures, and had a great influence on Buddhism in the Western regions. In the early 5th century, Faxian traveled from Chang 'an to India through Shanshan and Khotan in the southern Tarim Basin. In his travel notes, he said, "From then on (referring to the Shanshan country, southeast of today's Xinjiang), he traveled west, and so did all other countries." But the Hu language is different, but the monks all practice the book of Tianzhu and the language of Tianzhu." The "Book of India" said by Faxian refers to the Brahma riddles, while the "language of India" refers to Sanskrit. Stein's discovery of the Gupta Tibhara inscriptions in the Buddhist Temple of Milan in Xinjiang belongs to this period.
The indigenous people of the thirty-six Western Regions in the Han Dynasty were mainly composed of peoples who spoke Tocharian, Seychian (Scythian) and other Indo-European languages. The three original styles popular in the Western regions - Chinese, Khada and Brahma - were foreign to the Western Regions. If writing is the symbol of civilized society, then the emergence of civilization in the Western regions is not earlier than the 4th century AD. The Khotan people in southwest Tarim Basin were the first to try to use Borneo to spell in their native language. They began to spell the Khotanese language in Bora riddles around the 4th century AD, thus creating the Khotanese language. Later, the Qiuti and Yanqi people of the northern Silk Road also used Bora to spell their own languages, TokharianB and TokharianA, creating the Qiuti and Yanqi scripts around the 7th century.
In 840, the Uyghur - Uighur people moved west from the Mongolian plateau to Central Asia and established the Gaochang Uighur Kingdom in Turpan and other places. The Uighurs originally used the Turkic Runic script, but gradually switched to the Central Sogdian spelling of their own language after arriving in Turpan, creating the Uighur script around the 9th century. The Uighur script has a great influence on the northern Chinese people. Mongolian script is derived from the Uighur script, while Manchu script is derived from Mongolian. As a symbol of the five ethnic republics of the Yuan Empire, the Uighur script, together with Sanskrit, Tibetan, Bishi Mongolian, Xixia and Chinese, was inscribed on the Juyong Pass crossing Tower built during the reign of the Yuan Shundi.
In the mid-1980s, British scholars M. Edal and M.Gronke published a collection of Black Khanate documents found in Shache, Xinjiang, including seven Arabic contracts, five Arabic Turkic books, and seven Uighur Turkic books, dating from the 11th to 12th centuries AD. The Chagatai Khanate, which dominated Central Asia in the 13th to 15th centuries, also used Arabic to spell Turkic, commonly known as Chagatai. Today, this script is the standard font of the modern Uyghur script, and is printed on the Chinese yuan, along with the Chinese pinyin, Uighur Mongolian, Tibetan and Zhuang pinyin. [6]

Political civilization

The "Warring States" period in the western regions
At the time of the alternation of the East and West Han, the Central Plains were in frequent wars, and neither Wang Mang, who usurped the Han Dynasty, nor Liu Xiu, the Guangwu emperor who reimposed the Han Dynasty by force, could focus their efforts on managing the Western regions. The Western regions entered the "Warring States" period. Taking advantage of this short-term "vacuum" state of foreign forces, the Western regions first began to Shache (a county in Henan Province) The king became the king, and soon became the two strongmen Khotan , Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) -- to be replaced by separation. At this time, the small Western region country Shanshan (Loulan), which had been crushed by the poles of Han and Xiongnu, got an opportunity to subdue the city-states of Xiaowan, Ronglu, Qiemui and Jingju in the South, and extended the border to the southwest until today Minfeng county the Niya .
King Shache took advantage of the opportunity of the Han Dynasty's abandonment of the Western regions and called himself "Dadu", while the countries in the Western Regions under his uniform called him "Shan Yu". Dadu was the highest military and administrative officer in the Western regions of the Western Han Dynasty - similar to the governor. Shan Yu is the title of Xiongnu King, and Xian is actually both. Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty Jianwu twenty-two years (46), Xian Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) Wang An wrote a letter asking him to block Han access to the Western Regions. Not only did Ann not listen, she killed him Shache (a county in Henan Province) Envoy. So King Shache attacked Shanshan. The Anzhi army met, the army was defeated, and fled into the mountains. Shache's army killed more than a thousand people in Loulan, and then brought the army west back. The king of Shanshan cleaned up the remnants and returned to the post-war capital. In the face of the ruined homeland, he wrote to the Han Dynasty that he was willing to send Proton to serve him and asked the Han Dynasty to re-establish itself in the Western Regions Tohoku . Emperor Guangwu's energy at this time was mainly focused on the Central Plains government, and he refused [6] .
Banchao reconstructs the political pattern in the western regions
It is because of another with Zhang Qian A man of equal eminence Ban Chao The Eastern Han forces entered the Western regions again. In the sixteenth year (73) of Yongping, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, Ban Chao Wei PseudoSima Move out, bring the soldiers with you A surname Dou Gu Attack the Huns, first battle cattail Sea (now known as Lake Barkol). Dou Gu very appreciated the courage of Ban Chao, he sent him and engaged Guo Xun together Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) .
Ban Chao is a historian of the Han Dynasty and author of History of the Han Dynasty Brother of the author Ban Gu. In history, the famous "pen from the army" and "Feng. Marquis and appearance ", "born in Jade Gate Pass Such allusions are summarized according to his experience. If Zhang Qian was the first person who established the political relationship between the Western Han Dynasty and the Western regions, then Ban Chao was the designer who managed the Western regions in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Ban Chao had been in the Western regions for 30 years, and the first thing he did independently was to lead 36 strong men to Shanshan, south of Tianshan.
Ban Chao He was an envoy from the Eastern Han Dynasty Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) The first envoy of the Embassy. At first, Wang Shanshan was very considerate to the long-expected Han Ambassador, but soon after, he suddenly became very dismissive. The reason why Ban Chao was able to calmly navigate the volatile political situation in the Western Regions for 30 years and come back in one piece was largely due to his sensitivity - his unusual intuition for potential hostility, conspiracy, and impending disaster. He immediately realized that the change in the king's attitude was neither improper etiquette nor inadvertent negligence. He summoned his subordinates and said, "Do you feel King Shanshan's contempt for us? This must be because the Xiongnu had also sent an envoy to Shanshan, and he had not yet made up his mind which side to take. Bold people can see the micro, let alone their thoughts have been clear!" Therefore, Ban Chao summoned the Loulan waiter who received them in the stage-house and deliberately tricked him, asking: "The Xiongnu emissaries have been here for several days, where are they staying?" The waiter thought that Ban Chao had understood the hidden situation and had to tell the truth. Ban Chao immediately took the waiter into custody and gathered all 36 strong men he had brought with him. After a lot of drinking, Ban Chao He declared with regret, "You are all traveling with me to make great achievements, to honor your wife and your son." The Hun emissaries have only been here a few days, Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) The king ignored us. If he captures us and turns us over to the Huns, we'll be dead. What can we do about it?" The subordinates all said: "At this moment of life and death, we all lay down our lives to obey your command!" So Ban Chao said his contingency plan: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained! We can only attack the Huns' quarters by night and fire. They don't know who we are, they're gonna be scared, they're gonna be caught off guard, and they're gonna be wiped out. When the Xiongnu mission is subdued, the courage and terror in Shanshan will be broken and the bad luck will be reversed." Someone suggested: "Such a big thing, you should consult with Guo Xun before starting." Ban Chao said angrily: "Success or failure in this battle! Guo engaged is a civilian, hear this plan must be at a loss so that the leak! We died for nothing! This is not the act of a strong man."
After dark, they headed straight Huns The station. Just as the wind was blowing, Ban Chao Let 10 strong men with drums lie in wait behind the post house, and make an agreement: as soon as the fire rises, beat the drums and shout. The rest are lurking on either side of the gate with their swords. Class Chao put a fire in the limelight. The fire broke out, the noise shook the sky, and the Xiongnu ambassadors were in a panic, and they did not know what had happened. Ban Chao personally killed three fleeing Xiongnu, his subordinates killed more than 30 Xiongnu, and the remaining 100 were burned to death in the post house. Until the next day, Ban Chao informed engaged Guo Xun, and took the head of the Huns to see Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) Wang Guang made Shanshan tremble all over the country. After Ban Chao's repeated encouragement and understanding of the interests, the king of Shanshan had to admit the fact, betrayed the Xiongnu, surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and sent protons to the court again. Stabilized the situation in Shanshan, Ban Chao It once again opened the door to the western regions for the Han Dynasty. After that, the son of Ban Chao Ban Dung Resuggestion school The Western Regions have a long history He led 500 people to settle in Loulan, and finally in the era of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the political pattern of the Western regions was based on the measures taken by Ban Chao in that year, and Loulan/Shanshan was placed in the first place as the gateway to enter and leave the Western Regions.
The Central Plains power faded from the western regions
Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, historical records about Loulan / Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) The records are relatively simple and scattered. It is only known that Shanshan Cheng was an important state in the thirty-six Western Regions and had long been dominant in the South, but he had always tried to maintain good relations with the Central Plains Dynasty. During the Pre-Liang period, Yuan Meng, the king of Shanshan, presented his daughter to Zhang Jun, the king of Liang, with the title of "Beauty", and built "Guest Ya Guan" as his residence, which was set up in Loulan City (that is, Haitou) in Shanshan State Western Regions Governor's Office . But when there was no powerful unified dynasty in the Central Plains, it was difficult to bring Shanshan and the whole Western regions into the sphere of influence. Therefore, although it is confirmed that since the Han Dynasty, Shanshan is still a vibrant and influential country in the Western Regions, many of its rich and vivid contents are Loss of load Yu Zhengshi.
Since the records about Loulan in the later official history are relatively simple and scattered, the travelogues left by some people who have passed through it are very important. Fortunately, due to the geographical location of Loulan, there were people who passed through it to enter and exit the Western regions in almost every historical period.
Fa Xian arrives in Buddha Shanshan
In the first year of Hongshi of the later Qin Dynasty (339), Faxian, a monk in his late 60s, made his first journey from Chang 'an to the west to seek the Fa. He is one of the few Westwalkers whose records have survived to this day. According to... Sui Shu · Classics records In the Sui Dynasty, there are three kinds of works about Faxian and the westward journey, namely, The Buddhist Kingdom Record, and the Buddhist Kingdom Record. Tale of Faxian ", "Dharma Manifesting Acts", and the Southern Dynasty people Sanguke "Out of the three Zang Ji collection" and published "Buddha You Tianzhu Ji" a volume. In other words, there is still no consensus among the academic circles on which of the above four kinds of books is the Faxian Action discipline, and what is its proper name? In this paper, we temporarily call it "Faxian Zhuan" is only a flexible approach. However, this does not affect its value and significance after all.
According to the Biography of Faxian, it can be seen that until they set out on the road, Faxian and his party were still quite optimistic about the journey. Only when they left Dunhuang and continued west did they begin to appreciate the hardships of the journey. Not far out of Dunhuang, into the dry hot and windy Bailongdui The desert. " Tale of Faxian In the rather vivid brush strokes to record the perception of white dragon pile:
Shahe There are many evil ghosts in the hot air, and all die, none of them. There are no birds above, no beasts below, all the eyes, the desire to degree is not known. The bones of the dead are the only symbol of ear.
The last sentence means that there are no formal roads along the way, and whenever there are bones of dead people, they know that they are ancient roads that have been traveled by people.
After 17 days' arduous journey, they reached the capital of Shanshan. At that time, Shanshan had already accepted more customs of the mainland, except that the clothing was "different from felt brown". Apparently, Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) However, he was more concerned about the king of Shanshan's belief in Buddhism. There were more than 4,000 monks in the country, all of whom practiced Theravada, and the monasteries and ordinary people "practiced the Tianzhu Law". To this end, Fa Xian and his party stayed in Shanshan for a month. In addition, Fa Xian also recorded that the monks in Shanshan used the "Tianzhu Book Tianzhu language", but the secular people used the Hu language. Unfortunately, Faxian did not specify the name of this Hu language, only to note that the Western Regions of the countries "national Hu language is different." The unique language of Shanshan was not used until the beginning of the century - 1500 years later - by the English explorer Stein Niya ancient city Before the world learned about the excavation.
According to what Fa Xian saw and heard, we can tell about the time - the early 4th century - Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) Make a rough assessment of the national strength. According to the Book of Han, there were 14,100 people in the Loulan/Shanshan Kingdom during the Han Dynasty, and 2,912 Shengbing (men who could serve in the military). If the above figures are generally reliable, then we know the time Shanshan country Resident of Gender imbalance There are more men than women, otherwise it is impossible for every 4. There is one Shengbing (soldier) for every eight Shanshan nationals. Even if one out of every four adult males became a monk, the population of the kingdom at the time of the arrival of the Dharma Manifestation would have been about 80,000 (76,800). Located in the border area with a vast territory and sparse population and limited resources, the population of Shanshan State increased five or six times in more than 300 years, mainly by annexing land and residents and expanding its territory. This proves that Shanshan was still a big country in the Western regions at that time.
Passer-by Song Yun
However, more than a century later, 北魏孝明帝 God turtle first year (518) Dunhuang people Song Yun And the monk Hui Sheng was ordered by the Empress Dowager of the later Wei Dynasty to go to the western regions for scripture, and he left a brief glimpse when he passed here. supposedly Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) "The city was a self-proclaimed king," but by then it was a tribe that had risen in Qinghai Tuyu-hun It was annexed and guarded by General Ningxi, the second son of the Lord of Tuyuhun, and "the headquarters fell to three thousand to imperial Xihu". Accordingly, the national strength of Shanshan was at its peak at the time of Faxian's passage. To Songyun road, its land changed the master, residents, and the ancient country has dispersed the remnants of Shanshan. Song Yun's westward journey has long been lost, but fragments of it are still preserved in the book Luoyang Jalan Records In ".
During the three centuries between Faxian and Song Yun, the Loulan/Shanshan Kingdom was going to die out. This is the period when the northwest of China was prosperous.
Xuanzang and the real Journey to the West
Go west and stay sutra The most famous of the monks of the early Tang Dynasty Xuanzang . The novel Journey to the West, based on his pilgrimage to the West, made Xuanzang (i.e Tang monk , Tang Sanzang Everyone knows it. Contemporary Indian historians have pointed out that without the "Xuanzang westward journey" The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty Since then, there has been no way to reconstruct and study the ancient history of India. Unlike Fa Xian, Xuanzang went by land and returned by sea, and he came and went by way of the Western regions. Emperor Taizong Zhenguan three years (629) departed for the west, Zhenguan 18 years (644), negative return to the east. Pass Loulan / Shanshan (a country in Shanxi Province) The old place was the last leg of his journey in the Western regions. In Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty, Xuanzang describes what he saw in Loulan Kingdom:
(to the east into the sand moraine) for more than 200 miles, to the city of Nilang, "reed grass, no way", but no residents.
We have travelled over four hundred miles to 覩. "The country has been empty for a long time, and the city is deserted."
Six hundred miles east, to the end. "The city stands still and the people are cut off."
Travel a thousand miles northeast, "to the country of Napolpo, that is, Loulan Di." Not only did not see the inhabitants, but the land also became the "old country".
The so-called "Nitam" is Niya His old place is in Minfeng, Xinjiang. "覩 cargo logos", "覩 cargo logos" is Tokhara The old place should be near the Andir River. "The country of Na Vpo", "Na Vpo", that is, Naboo, Nabo, generally considered to be the meaning of "new".