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Daya Hang Wei

The Book of Songs
synonymMobile reed(Xing Wei) generally refers to Daya · Xing Wei
Daya · Xingwei is the first poetry collection in ancient China. The Book of Songs A poem in ". Thirty-two lines of this poem, press Zhu Xi The book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter to the road side of the reeds, the newly born reed buds and leaves of green cute, in the face of this scene, can not help but issue cattle and sheep do not trample the voice; The second chapter positively describes the banquet song and music extravaganza: set a table, spread a banquet, set a few, the waiter to and fro, the host offers wine, the guests return, wash the cup and pour wine, rich dishes, drumming and singing, lively; The third chapter changes from feasting to comparison shooting, writing the comparison shooting process in order, four people in a group, in order; The fourth chapter concludes with a toast to bless the elderly in the seat, wishing them health and longevity, and heaven bestowing Jingfu. The whole poem shows the grand situation of the family banquet of the nobility of the Zhou Dynasty, describing the banquet and comparing shooting, which not only describes the big scene, but also has the small details, which transforms the nature, the level is clear, and has strong artistic appeal.
Title of work
Daya Hang Wei
Work alias
Mobile reed
Age of creation
Zhou Dynasty
The Book of Songs

Original works

refinement 1. · Walking Reed 2.
He walks a reed 3. Do not practice sheep and cattle (4) . Square bract square body 5. Wei Ye mud mud 6. . Relatives and brothers All landowners Mo Yuanyu today . Or the feast of the house Pet-name ruby , or give a few attending .
House banquet set a table, grant a few imperial . Offer or amuse Zejue is famous for 斝 . 醓 go with the recommendation Either burnt or burnt . Jia Yao spleen 臄 , or song or 咢 .
The bow is strong , four 鍭 both Both sides are equal Order the guest to be worthy . It is a sentence Both with four 鍭. Four 鍭 like a tree Do not insult the object in order .
Zeng Sun Wei Zhu The wine and wine name are fine Drink with a big fight Pray yellow 耇 . Yellow 耇 platform back To draw the wings . Wei Qi Shou In order to introduce Jingfu . [1]

Annotated translation


Word annotation

① Daya: The "ya" part of the "Book of Songs" is divided into Daya and small ya, collectively called "two ya". Elegant, elegant music, that is, the normal tune, refers to the Western Zhou Dynasty capital city Haojing area of poetry music tune. Thirty-one pieces of Daya exist today.
② hang reed: a reed by the side of a road. Okay, road.
③ tuan: The appearance of reeds.
④ Practice: trample on.
5 Square bud: refers to the branches and leaves are not wrapped. Body: Shape.
⑥ Mud: Reed leaves moist appearance.
⑦ Qi Qi: intimate.
⑧ Distance: estrangement. With: with "both", both. Er: Pass "you", near.
⑨ Premises: Furnishings. Banquet: Bamboo table.
⑩ When the ancients sat on the ground, they relied on a small wooden table, which was usually used by the elderly.
The imperial household is attended to successively. Hey, go on. Your Majesty, the waiter.
Toast: Host toasts guests. zuo: Guests return with wine.
Wash the Lord: Zhou Shi ritual, the host to sprinkle, take a few cups first wash, and then pour wine to offer guests, guests return to the host, the same operation. Jue, an ancient wine vessel of bronze, with streams, pillars, 鋬 and three legs. Di斝 : weeks of ritual, the host worship the wine guests drink, then set a cup on several; The guest reciprocates, and the host must do the same after drinking. Lay down, place. 斝, ancient wine vessel, bronze, round mouth, 鋬 and three legs.
14 醓 Succulent meat sauce. Go with meat sauce. Recommend: Offer.
Burnt offering (fan) : Burnt meat. Grilled: grilled meat.
Spleen: Through "e (pi)", cow stomach, commonly known as cow louver. 臄 (jue) : ox tongue.
Song: Sung with lyre, called "song". 咢 (e) : Drums only, no backing vocals, called "咢".
18) Dun (di o) bow: carved bow. Dun, pass "carving". Jian: Firm, strong.
⑲鍭 (hou) : a kind of arrow, metal arrow, bird feather tail. Jun: with "both", in line with the standard, refers to the balance of the weight of the arrow tail.
⑳ Sheyan: Shoot arrows. Both: Shot.
㉑ Guest: Arrange the seating order of the guests at the banquet. Xian: This refers to the level of shooting skills.
㉒ For "sufficient", my bow is full.
㉓ tree: erect, meaning the arrow is shot at the target as if erected.
㉔ insult: a slight insult.
㉕ great-grandson: said of the chief priest, he called himself great-grandson to the ancestral gods. Dai Zhen "Poetry female for" : "The ancient sun is said great-sun. "The book" said, "There is a great-grandson", "Kaogong Ji" said, "great-sun princes" are also true. This Yan people is called the great-sun, the Ming ancestor's proper grandson and the same ancestor Yan here."
㉖ Li: Sweet wine. 醹 (ru) : Full bodied.
㉖ Bucket: ancient wine vessel. The handle of the big bucket is three feet long. This means to drink wine with a large spoon.
㉘ Pray: ask. Huang 耇 (g lately) : an elderly person with yellow hair, which is the meaning of high age and longevity.
㉙ platform back: or called back with old spots such as mackerel, or called back camel, in short, are old. Mackerel, with mackerel, refers to a fish with a black streak on its back, followed by this pattern.
㉚ quote: To guide, this means to help. Wing: Support help.
㉛ Longevity test: longevity. qi: Fortune, auspiciousness.
㉜ "Beggar", beg. Kyung Bok: Tai Bok. [2-5]

Vernacular translation

Grow a patch of reed, don't let the cows and sheep trample it. The reed began to grow long and formed, and the leaves were moist and glorious. Brothers are the closest, not estranged, but loving. Lay bamboo mat to treat, put before the coffee table.
Spread the table to open the banquet dishes, take turns on the table. The guest of honor drink together, wash the cup holding a high interest. Serve the meat sauce for a taste, barbecue meat taste good. They cook their stomachs and tongues, sing and beat drums and laugh.
Eagle bow pull full potential strong, four sharp arrows meet the standard; Once the arrow hits the bull's eye, contest the score of the shot. Eagle bow open string tight, sharp arrows four hands set. Four arrows stand on the target, and the seats are not slow and light.
The host of the banquet is a great-grandson, serving delicious wine. Fill the big cup and offer it to the old man. Longzhong body walk stumbling, help him help him waiter benevolence. Long life is auspicious, please God to send a great blessing. [2]

Creation background

The theme and background of Daya Hangwei has always been controversial. " 毛诗序 Cloud: "Walking Wei", honest and thick. Zhou family is loyal and thick, benevolence and vegetation, so it can be in the nine families, outside respect things Huang 耇, begging for the aged, in order to become a good fortune." This is the theory of Chinese and ancient classics. Wang Xianqian " Poetry three family righteousness collection sparse quote Liu Xiang " Biography of women · Jin Gong worker's wife "" Jun Wen Xi Gong Liu's trip, sheep and cattle practice reed, compassion for the people pain, grace and grass, benevolence in the world", Wang Fu "Qian Fu on Dehua" "Gong Liu Houde, gracious and grass, cattle, sheep and six animals, benevolence can not bear to practice grass, but also in the people's MOE and there are not to change", "Bian Yi" "Gong Liu Rende, widely used reed, the condition of people with blood, like his own kind", Ban Biao " Northern Expedition Fu "To admire the virtues of Gong Liu, and not to hurt reed", Zhao Ye's Wu Yue Spring and Autumn Annals, "Gong Liu Ciren, not walking grass, to avoid reed", shows that Han Lu poetry (see Liu, Wang Shu), Qi poetry (see Ban Fu), Han Shuo (see Zhao Shu) of the three modern classics of the theory of writing Gong Liu Rende's poems. Hu Chenggong " 毛诗后笺 "Cloud:" The case of the first chapter of the poem that relatives and brothers, since the king and the family Yan ceremony, and all Yan Qun state guests are different. However, the speech of entertainment, food at the food, music, are in line with the "Yili · Yanli". Then he shoots because of Yan (feast), just as said in Yan Li, if he shoots, the big shot is the master shot. To the end of the words to pray yellow 耇, then righteousness such as "Wen Wang Shi Zi" the so-called public and father and brother teeth, which is different from all Yan also. However, this poem is just a matter of family Yan, and shooting and elderly care are connected with it. The Preface takes Mu nationality as the inside and the aged care as the outside, and promotes it by raising the old people of the nine nationalities to see that the Zhou family is loyal and thick to the ear." From then on, this poem is for the Zhou royal family and clan banquet. [2-4]

Appreciation of works


Holistic appreciation

This poem is divided into chapters, and different people say different things. The poem is divided into seven chapters. The first and second chapters have six sentences each, and the third to seventh chapters have four sentences each. Zheng Xuan paper is divided into eight chapters, each chapter four sentences; Zhu Xi's Biography of Poetry is divided into four chapters, each with eight sentences.
Chapter One First rises from the wayside reeds. The reeds were so tender and moist that they could not bear to be trampled by cattle and sheep. The heart of the benevolent, and the vegetation, then the love between brothers and flesh, is natural. This makes the poem describing the family dinner party, from the beginning filled with a harmonious atmosphere. Chapter two describes the banquet in a positive way. First write a banquet, set a table, award a few, the waiter busy, the scene is extremely grand. Write the host offers wine, the guests return, wash the cup holding the cup, extremely attentive. Then write the dishes rich, delicious. "醓", "spleen", "臄", you can find the collocation of ancient food varieties, and "burnt and grilled" clouds, and you can also see the characteristics of early cooking methods. Finally, I wrote singing and drumming, and the atmosphere was warm. The third chapter is about the shooting, which is an important activity at the banquet. Different from the multi-layout and slow rhythm of Chapter 2, this chapter describes the process of contrast shooting twice, and the rhythm is bright. Both depictions are written first about the opening of the bow, then about the reaching of the arrow, and then about the middle of the first round, but the words used vary. After describing the scene, write the master "order guest to Xian" and "order guest not to insult", indicating that the master of the winner is of course polite to the loser, which makes the participants in the mood are very comfortable. The fourth chapter is still about the banquet, focusing on showing respect for the elders. First write the owner full of wine, to respect the elderly, and then write the owner wishes the elderly to live a long life, inserted in the middle of the elderly, the waiter carefully supported the depiction, appears smart and not rigid.
This article shows the grand family banquet of the nobles of the Zhou Dynasty, and embodies the traditional virtues of harmony, friendship and respect for the elderly of the Chinese nation since ancient times. The poem describes the banquet and the comparison shooting, with both large scenes and small details, transforming nature and making the level clear. The rhetorical devices are rich and varied, with overlapping words, such as describing the wetting of reed leaves, using "mud", describing the intimacy of brothers, using "Qi", appropriate and vivid; There is a parallel, such as "dun bow is firm, four 鍭 is jun, she is both", it appears very imposing. These have played a very good role in enhancing the artistic effect of poetry. [2-3]

Famous reviews

Song Dynasty Zhu Xi "Poetry Biography" : "MAO's first chapter with four sentences xing two sentences, not literary science, two chapters do not rhyme; Zheng Shouzhang has a rise but not a rise. All wrong."
Qing Dynasty Fang Yurun " Original of the book of songs "The old man does not shoot, drink big bucket drink, seat is not lonely." [1-2]