History of Ming Dynasty

Twenty-four histories
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The History of Ming Dynasty is Twenty-four histories The last of these is 332 books, including 24 books of this book, 75 books of annals, 220 books of biographies, and 13 books of tables. It is a biography Dynastic history Recorded since the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang Hongwu first year (AD 1368) to Minzon Zhu Youjian Chongzhen seventeen years (AD 1644) 276 years of history. [1]
Book title
History of Ming Dynasty [47]
Zhang Tingyu et al [47]
Chronicle dynastic history
Compilation time
Qing Dynasty Earlier stage
Number of volumes
332 volumes
Zhang Tingyu
Actual compilation
vencthom Etc. [3]
Supervise and repair
Xu Yuanwen
Quadripartite class
Department of history - Written history

Content introduction

Qing Dynasty Shunzhi In the second year (1645 AD), the Ming History Museum was set up to compile the Ming History, but due to the start-up of the country, everything was complicated and could not be fully carried out. [1]
Among the twenty-four histories, the History of Ming Dynasty is praised by historians for its proper compilation, detailed materials, secure narrative and concise prose. This reflects that the editor's ability to evaluate historical materials, use historical materials, grasp historical events and control language has reached a high level. [1]
Its volume is second only to that of the 24 histories. History of the Song Dynasty Its long compilation time, hard work, the perfection of the record is much more than the previous history. The History of Ming Dynasty has some A style of calligraphy composed of five characters Hidden, but still widely praised by later historians. Zhao Yi In... Notes on twenty-two histories In volume 31, he said: "The modern history begins with Ouyang Gong's" History of the five Dynasties "," Liao history "Brief," History of the Song Dynasty " History of the Yuan Dynasty "Hasty, but" A surname Elegant in manner, concise in narrative, somewhat impressive, but not as complete as the Ming History." [2]

Editing background

History of Ming Dynasty
The soldiers entered the customs Later, Shunzhi two years (1645) April GUI Hai (11), imperial history Zhao Jiding Please compile "Ming History" (Note: Zhao Jiling asked to compile "Ming history" records, in the Qing Dynasty Shizu volume 15, He Guanbiao "Shunzhi Dynasty < Ming History > compilation Examination" article first revealed this matter. but Qing Court There is no exact historical evidence to confirm when the decision was made.)
There is no imperial decree on the compilation of Ming History in the official books of the Qing Dynasty, and the Records of Emperor Shizu of the Qing Dynasty can only be seen in May of the second year of Shunzhi (1645) A surname In the presentation, it said, "Minister and so on chin with the decree, president" Ming History ", and put forward a list of vice presidents and compilation personnel. It is likely that this "hand-handed instruction" was only a verbal instruction from the early court. In the past, it was said that in May of Shunzhi 2, the Qing Court constituted the compilation staff of the Ming History. It was recognized by the Qing Court. [4] Then, Grand maester Feng Quan , Li Jiantai , Fan Wencheng , Gunlin , Qizhong Ge For the president, to handle this. In May of this year, the president nominated the vice president and the codifier, and set up seven officers, ten full word transcribers, and thirty-six Chinese characters transcribers, which opened the prelude to the official compilation of the Ming History of the Qing Dynasty.
Kangxi Four years (1665), re-opened the Ming history Museum, because of the compilation of the Qing Dynasty Shizu Records stopped. In the 18th year of Kangxi (1679), to Xu Yuanwen In order to supervise the cultivation, he began to compile Ming history. In the fourth year of Qianlong (1739), the final draft was published and engraved. The History of Ming Dynasty is Chinese history The longest compilation of the history books of Shangguan Xiu. If from the Qing Shunzhi two years (1645) opened the Ming history museum, to the Qianlong four years (1739) officially started historiographer It took ninety-four years to advance to the emperor. If from the eighteenth year of Kangxi (1679) Formal organization From the compilation of the team to the submission of the paper, it was a full sixty years. [5]

Catalogue of Ming history


This record

Characters in the volume (parenthetical characters are attached)
Volumes 1 to 3
One hundred and twenty-three
Taizu one, two, three
Volume 4
Fourth of this period
Emperor Gong Min
Volumes 5 to 7
This discipline 567
Sire one, two, three
Volume 8
Eighth of the century
Emperor Renzong
Volume 9
Ninth of this period
Volumes 10, 12
Tenth and twelfth of this century
Before and after the English Dynasty
Volume 11
The eleventh of the century
Jing Di
Volumes 13 to 14
The thirteenth
Heon Jong II
Volume 15
Fifteenth of this century
Volume 16
Sixteenth of the period
Volumes 17 to 18
This century seventeenth
Volume 19
The nineteenth of this century
Volumes 20 to 21
Twenty-two and a half
God Zong 1, 2, Light Zong
Volume 22
Twenty-second of the book
Pope Xi
Volumes 23 to 24
Number 23, 24
Zhuang Lie Emperor one two [6]

Tzu chi

Volumes 25 to 30
Records 1 to 6
Astronomy one through six
Volumes 31 to 39
Records 7 to 15
Calendar one through nine
Volumes 40 to 46
Records 16~22
Geography one to seven
Volumes 47 to 60
Books 23~36
Rites one through fourteen
Volumes 61 to 63
Books 37~39
Music one to three
Volume 64
Zhi 40
Instrument and guard
Volumes 65 to 68
Records 41~44
Yoshi one through four
Volumes 69 to 71
Records 45~47
Elections one through three
Volumes 72 to 76
Books 48~52
Officers one through five
Volumes 77 to 82
Books 53~58
Food one through six
Volumes 83 to 88
Records 59~64
Canals one through six
Volumes 89 to 92
Records 65~68
Soldier one through four
Volumes 93 to 95
Books 69~71
Criminal Law one through three
Volumes 96 to 99
Records 72~75
Art one through four


Table I Kings Table I
Table 2 Kings Table 2
Table 3 Kings Table 3
Table 4 Kings Table 4
Table 5 Kings Table 5
Table six hero world table one
Table seven meritorious world table two
Table 8 Meritorious world Table 3
Table nine relatives and benefactors Hou table
Table 10 Prime Minister chronology table I
Table XI Premier chronology II
Table XII VII chronology I
Chronology II of the thirteenth Minister

Collected biographies

Characters in the volume (parenthetical characters are attached)
Volume 113
Biographies first
Volume 114
Second biography
Volume 115
Third pass
Volume 116
The fourth biography
Kings one - Sons of Taizu one king of Qin Joo 樉 汧 Yang Wang Zhu Chenglin King of Jin  King of Kyunsung Joo Je-hyun West River King Zhu Qisu Zhu Xinmachina The King of Zhou Joo 橚 (Zhenping Wang Yu Joo 爌 Zhu An, king of Boping 㳚, King of Nanling Joo Mok 楧 Lieutenant Zhenguo Joo Mok 㮮 Town country general Zhu An SAN Kan town country lieutenant Zhu Qinirong The King of Chu Zhu Zhen The King of Wugang Zhu Xianhuai The King of Qi A surname The pool King Zhu Zi King of Zhao Zhu Qi King Lu Red sandalwood (To the Good King Ju-daung 沍 Sukuk General Joo Dang 燌 General Bongkuk Zhu Jiengen King of Anqiu Ju-daung 澻 sullen [42]
Volume 117
The fifth biography
Two Kings - Sons of Taizu Two Kings of Shu Zhu Chun King of Hunan juniper Acting king Zhu GUI The King of Xiangyuan Joo Sun 燂 Spirit Hill King Joo Sun 烇 genium Zhu Zhang King Su Joo 楧 King of Liao Zhu Zhi Khanh Wang Joo 栴 Ning Wang Zhu Quan [43]
Volume 118
The sixth biography
Kings Three - Sons of Taizu Three Min King Joo 楩 Grain king Joo 橞 King of Han Zhu Song King Shen Vermilion mold (King Cheng of Qinshui Qingyuan King Young < Tuyu >) King An Zhu Ying King of Tang Joo 桱 (Three City Kings Joo Ji 垝 Lord Wencheng Vermilion pliers Zhu Mifu shogun Zhu Yujia The King of Ying Zhu Dong Yi Wang Zhu Nan The King of Jingjiang Zhu Shouqian
King Yu, the sons of Xingzong Zhu Xiongying King of Wu Joo Yoon 熥 King Heng Joo Yoon 熞 Wang-yoon Seo  Hee
Princes of the Hui Emperor Zhu Wenkui Young son Joo Moon-kyu
Descendants of the Han Kings Zhu Gaoxu King of Zhao Zhu Gaosui Joo Go 爔 [44]
Volume 119
The seventh biography
Four Kings - Sons of Renzong King Zheng Jin Joo 飐 The King of Lujiang Zhu Zaihe The King of Yue Zhu Zhanyong King of Qi Zhu Zhanyin King Xiang Jin Joo 墡 (Zaoyang Wang You Khan) King Jing Zhu Zhangang Huai King Jin Joo 墺 A surname Zhu Zhankai Liang King Jin Joo 垍 King Wei Zhu Zhanxi The sons of English king De King Zhu Jianlin King Xu Zhu Jianchun Xiu Wang Zhu Jiansu Chong Wang Zhu Miasawa Giwang Zhu Jianjun Xin Wang Zhu Jianzhi Lord of Arms Zhu Jianpei King's son Huai Xian prince Zhu Jianji The sons of Xianzong mourn over Prince Gong Zhu Youji A surname Zhu Youdian Ewang Zhu Youbing King Heng Woo Joo 楎 (The new music King Zhu Zaixi King Yong Woo Joo 枟 King Shou Zhu You paper Your king Woo Joo 梈 King Jing Woo Joo 橓 A surname Zhu Youshu Shen Wang Zhu Youkai Xiao Zongzi Wei Wang Zhu Houwei [45]
Volume 120
The eighth biography
The five Kings - sons of Sejong Prince Ai-choong Zhu Zaiji Zhuangjing Prince Zai Jing Wang Zai Zhen Ying Wang zai 啇 Qi Wang Zai 沴 Jili Wang Zai < soil > All Wang zai < soil su >, Mu Zong Zhuzi Yi Yi King Jing Yi Ling King Yi Liu, Shen Zong Zhuzi King Chang Xu Rui King Chang Hao Hui King Chang Ying, Guang Zong Zhuzi Jian King by < wood > Qi King by Ji Huai King Tian Mo King of Xiang Youxuhui Wang You 橏, sons of Xi Zong Huai Chong Prince Ci Ran mourn for Prince Ci 焴 Xian Huai Prince Ci Jiong, sons of Zhuang Lie Emperor Ci sang Huai King Cijiong King Cijiong King Cizhao Mourning King Ci Huan [46]
Volume 121
Ninth biography
Princess - Second daughter of Injo Princess Chang of Taiyuan Princess Cao Guochang Sixteen daughters of Taizu (Fucheng Qingyang two masters attached) Princess Lin 'an Princess of Ningguo Princess Chongning Princess Anqing Princess Runing Princess Huaiqing Princess Daimyo Princess Fuqing Princess Shouchun Ten princesses Princess Nankang Princess Yongjia Thirteen princesses Princess Hanshan Princess Ruyang Princess Baoqing Xing Zong four women Princess of Jiangdu The Princess of Yilun Three female Zhu The Princess of Nanping Chengzu five women Princess Yong 'an Princess Yongping Princess Anseong Princess of Xianning Princess Changning Seven daughters of Renzong Princess of Jiaxing Princess Qingdu Princess Qinghe Princess De 'an Princess Yanping Princess Deqing Princess Zhending Xuanzong two daughters Princess of Shunde Princess Changde Eight daughters of the British Emperor Princess of Chongqing Princess Jiashan Princess Chun 'an Princess Chongde Princess Guangde Princess Yixing Princess Longqing Princess Jiaxiang A daughter of King Jing Princess Gu 'an Five daughters of Xianzong Princess Renhe Princess Yongkang Princess of Deqing Princess Changtai Princess Xianyou Three daughters of filial piety Princess Taikang Princess Yongfu Princess Yongchun Two daughters, Rui Zong Princess Changning Princess Seonhwa Five daughters of Sejong Princess Chang 'an Princess Sirou Princess Ning 'an Princess GUI Seon Princess Jiashan Six women of Mu Zong Princess Penglai Princess Taihe Princess Shouyang Princess Yongning Princess Ryan Princess Yanqing God Zong ten women Princess Rongchang Princess Yunhe Princess Jingle Princess Yunmeng Princess of Xianju Princess of Spirit Hill Princess Shouning Princess Taishun Princess of Fragrant Hills Rooftop princess Light zong nine women Princess Huai Shu Princess Ningde Princess Suiping Princess Le 'an Xi Zong two women are early, Zhuang Lie Emperor six women Princess Kunyi Princess Changping Princess Akihito The other three women are all young [31]
Volume 122
Tenth biography
Volume 123
Biography Eleven
Volume 124
Libretto XII
Volume 125
The thirteenth biography
Volume 126
Biography XIV
Volume 127
The fifteenth biography
Volume 128
The 16th biography
Volume 129
The seventeenth biography
Volume 130
The eighteenth biography
Volume 131
The nineteenth biography
Volume 132
Libretto 20
Volume 133
Libretto 21
Volume 134
Biography twenty-two
Volume 135
Libretto twenty-three
Volume 136
Biography XXXIV
Volume 137
No. 25
Volume 138
Biography XXVI
Volume 139
Biography XXVII
Volume 140
Libretto XXVIII
Volume 141
Biography XXXIX
Volume 142
Biography No. 30
Volume 143
Libretto thirty-one
Volume 144
Libretto 32
Volume 145
Biography thirty-third
Volume 146
The thirty-fourth biography
Volume 147
Biography thirty-fifth
Volume 148
Libretto thirty-six
Yang Shiqi Yang Rong great-grandson Yang Dan ) Yang Pu ( Ma Yu ) [32]
Volume 149
Biography thirty-seventh
Volume 150
Libretto thirty-eighth
Volume 151
Biography XXXIX
Volume 152
Biography No. 40
Volume 153
Biography forty-one
Volume 154
Biography forty-second
Volume 155
Biography forty-third
Volume 156
Biography forty-fourth
Oh Yunsung (Zi Ke Zhong Sun Jin) Xue Bin (Son Shou brother GUI Li Xian) Wu Cheng ( Tendine Jin Shun ) Jin Zhong ( Jiang Xin ) Li Ying (from Ziwen) 毛胜 Diao Li 毛忠 ( Sun Rui ) Hoa Yong Luo Bingzhong
Volume 157
Biography Forty-fifth
Volume 158
Biography forty-six
Volume 159
Biography Forty-seventh
Volume 160
Libretto forty-eighth
Volume 161
Biography Forty-nine
Volume 162
The 50th biography
Yoon Changlong Geng Tong ( Chen 'e ) Dellon ( Lin Changmao ) Chen Zuo ( Guo Xun ) Liu Qiu (Son Yue 釪) Chen Jian ( What view ) Zhong Tong ( Meng Qi Yang Ji) Zhang Lun (Zi Xuanying) Liao Zhuang Ni Jing (Sheng 灊, etc.) Yang Xuan (Subsource 盛颙, etc.)
Volume 163
Biography Fifty-first
Li Shimian Chen Jingzong Liu Xuan ( Saki ) Xing Rang ( Li Shao ) Lin Han (Zi Ting < Mu ang > Ting Ji sun 燫 hydrocarbon) Shedok Rudot ( Zhao Yong )
Volume 164
Biography Fifty-second
Zou Zhi ( Zheng Weihuan Chsiam ) Yi Qian ( Huang Ji ) Huang Ze ( Kong Youliang ) Fanzi conciliation (Guo You, Hu Zhonglun, Hua Min, Jia Bin) Zuo Ding ( disciplinarity Cao Kai Xu Shida Liu Wei Yet 褫 ) Shan Yu ( Yao Xian Yang Hao) ZHANG Zhao (He Yang) Gao Yao (Huchen)
Volume 165
Biography Fifty-third
A surname (Zilu) Chen Min Ding Xuan Wang Deren (Zi Yi Kui) Ye Zhen Wu Ji Maugi Lin Jin Guo Xu Jiang Ang (Zilong)
Volume 166
Biography fifty-fourth
Volume 167
Biography Fifty-fifth
Volume 168
Biography Fifty-sixth
Volume 169
Biography Fifty-seventh
Volume 170
Biography Fifty-eighth
Yu Qian subcorona Wu Ning Wang Wei)
Volume 171
Biography fifty-ninth
Volume 172
The sixtieth biography
Volume 173
Biography Sixty-first
Yang Hong (son) Yang Jun From the son can believe) Shi Heng (From son Biao to son) Guo Deng Zhu Qian (Zi Yong Sun Hui et al.) Sun Boring ( Zhao Sheng ) Fan Guang
Volume 174
Biography Sixty-second
Volume 175
Libretto 63
Wei Qing (Ziying) Dong Xing He Hong (Liu Xiong) Liu Yu A surname Shenying (sub-cycle) Cao Xiong (Zi Qian) Feng Zhen Zhang Jun (Li Hong) Yang Rui (Cui Wen)
Volume 176
Libretto 64
Volume 177
Biography Sixty-fifth
Volume 178
Biography sixty-six
Volume 179
Biography Sixty-seventh
Volume 180
Libretto 68
Volume 181
Biography sixty-nine
Volume 182
The seventieth
Volume 183
Biography seventy-one
Volume 184
Biography 72
Volume 185
Biography 73
Volume 186
Biography 74
Volume 187
Biography seventy-fifth
Volume 188
Biography seventy-six
Volume 189
Biography 77
Volume 190
Biography 78
Volume 191
Biography 79
Volume 192
The eightieth
Volume 193
Libretto 81
Fehon A surname Fice Subordinate son Fei Maozhong The child Fei Maoxian A surname Feixuan ) Zhai Luan Li Shi Gu Dingchen Solemn and slow ( Yuan Wei ) Li Chunfang (Sun Sicheng et al.) Chen Yiqin Jo Jung-gil ( Yin Shidan ) Gao Yi
Volume 194
Libretto 82
Volume 195
Libretto 83
Volume 196
Libretto 84
Volume 197
Libretto 85
Cover letter (Di Chunzhuan) Huo Tao (child and concealer) Rivers of bear Huang Zongming Huang Wan ( Lucheng )
Volume 198
Libretto 86
Volume 199
Bio 87
Li Yue (son) Li Hui ) Wang Xian Hu Shining (Ko Chun) (kei) Lee Seung Hoon Wang Yi Qi Fan 掞 Wang Bongrui (Zi Zhengguo) Zheng Xiao
Volume 200
Libretto 88
Volume 201
Libretto 89
Tao Yan (son) Tauze ) Wang Qi Li Chongsi Wu Tingju (Di Jeong-pil) Fang Liangyong (I am good, I am good, I am heavy) Wang 爌 Wang Fu Ask slowly Zhang Bangqi (Shi Che, family father) Hambangqi (Dibang Jing) Zhou Jin Wu Yue ( Tan Dachu )
Volume 202
The ninetieth
Volume 203
Libretto ninety-one
Volume 204
Libretto 92
Volume 205
Libretto 93
Volume 206
Libretto ninety-four
Volume 207
Biography Ninety-five
Volume 208
Libretto 96
Volume 209
Libretto ninety-seven
Volume 210
Libretto 98
Volume 211
Libretto ninety-nine
Sancho ( Hu Rulin Xie Yu (Wang Yimin Sheng Tong Hanchen, etc.) He Weibai Xu learning poetry (Ye Jing Chen Shao, etc.) Li Rujin (Zha Bingyi, etc.) Wang Zongmao Zhou Mian Zhao Jinwu Shilai Zhang Chong Dong Chuance Zou Yinglong (Zhang Jia) Lin Run
Volume 212
The 100th biography
Volume 213
Biography one hundred and one
Xu stage (Di Zhi Zi Fan, etc.) High arch ( Guo Pu ) Zhang Juzheng (Great-grandson Dong Chang)
Volume 214
Libretto 102
Yang Bo (Zi Junmin) Maassen Liu Tigan Wang Ting ( 毛恺 ) Ge Shouli Jin Xueyan (Brother Jin Xuezeng)
Volume 215
Libretto 130
Volume 216
Biography one hundred and four
Volume 217
Libretto 150
Volume 218
Libretto 160
Shin-Shihang (Son with MAO with Jia Sun Shaofang) Wang Xijue (Di Ding Jue Zi Heng) Shen Yongshi Fang Congzhe Shim 㴶 (Brother's performance)
Volume 219
Libretto 170
Zhang Siwei (Zi Tai Zheng A Zheng) Ma Ziqiang (Jae Yi 慥) Xu Guo Zhao Zhigao seat Zhu Geng (Zi Jingxun)
Volume 220
Libretto 180
Volume 221
Libretto 190
Volume 222
Biography one hundred and ten
Tan Lun ( Seo Bojae Wang Hua Li You) Wang Chonggu (Zi Qian, Sun Zhizhen, Li Tang) Time of day Wudwe (Sun Mengming Mengming Zi Bangfu) Zheng Luo Zhang Xueyan Zhang Jiayin Yin Zhengmao (Li Qian) Ling Yun Yi
Volume 223
Biography one hundred and eleven
Volume 224
Epigraph one hundred and twelve
Volume 225
Libretto 130
Volume 226
Libretto one hundred and forty
Volume 227
Libretto 150
Volume 228
Libretto 160
Volume 229
Libretto 170
Liu Tai ( Feng Jinglong Sun Jixian (Fu Yingzhen Wang Yongji Wu Zhongxing (Zi Liangyuan from Zi Zongda) Zhao Yongxian (Sun Shichun) Aimo ( Qiao Bixing Ye Chunji ) Shen Sixiao ( Ding Hanlu )
Volume 230
Libretto 108
CAI Shiding Wan Guoqin Wangism ) Rao Shin (Elder brother Liu Yuanzhen Yuan Lin) Tang Xianzu (Li Guan) d » Lu Mingsuwa ) Yang Xun ( A surname Zhu Jue) Jiang Shichang ( Song Tao ) Ma Mengzhen Wang Ruolin
Volume 231
Biography one hundred and nineteen
Volume 232
One hundred and twenty
Wei Yunzhen (Brother Yunzhong Liu Tinglan) realm Yu Maoheng Li Sancai
Volume 233
Biography No. 121
Jiang Yinglin (from Zisirui) Chen Dengyun Luo Dache Huang Zhengbin ) Li Xianke ( Shu Hongxu Chen Shangxiang Ding Maosen Wu Zhijia Leaf spring Yang Qixiu Dong Sicheng Jia Mingru Zhang Dong ) Muong Yang Hao Zhu Viking Wang Rujian Wang Xueceng Tu Jie ) Zhang Zhenguan Fan Yuheng (Zi Ding meets Wei Cheng Sun Ziyi) Chetinzan (Brother Tingliang) Yang Tianmin Which choice ( Feng Shengyu Ren Yanlin)
Volume 234
Biography No. 122
Volume 235
Biography No. 123
Volume 236
Libretto No. 124
Volume 237
Biography No. 125
Volume 238
Biography No. 126
Li Chengliang (like a pine, like a brother, like a frame, like a camphor, like a plum) Magui (Brother Jin)
Volume 239
Bio No. 127
Zhang Chen (Zi Cheng-yin Sun Ying-chang Chun Chang Tak Chang) Dong Yiyuan ( Wang Bao ) Euonymus euonymus (Dimatsuko Wenhuan Sun Hongyu) Xiao Ruxun Dayun ( You Jixian ) Guan Bingzhong Chai Guozhu Li Huaixin
Volume 240
Biography No. 128
Volume 241
Biography No. 129
Volume 242
Biography one hundred and thirty
Volume 243
Libretto 131
Volume 244
Biography No. 132
Yang Lian Zuo Guangdou (Di Guangxian) Wei Dazhong (Zi Xue 洢 Xue Lian) Zhou Chaorui Yuan Huazhong Gu Dazhang (Di Dashao) Wang Zhicai
Volume 245
Biography No. 133
Volume 246
Biography No. 134
Volume 247
Biography No. 135
Volume 248
Biography No. 136
Volume 249
Biography No. 137
Volume 250
Biography No. 138
Sun Chengzong A surname
Volume 251
Biography No. 139
Volume 252
Biography one hundred and forty
Volume 253
Biography No. 141
Volume 254
Libretto No. 142
Volume 255
Biography No. 143
Volume 256
Biography No. 144
Cui Jinrong Huang Ke Zhen Bi Zi Yan Li Changgeng (Wang Zhidao) Liu Zhifeng
Volume 257
Biography No. 145
Volume 258
Biography No. 146
Volume 259
Biography No. 147
Volume 260
Libretto No. 148
Volume 261
Biography No. 149
Lu Xiangsheng (Brother elephant Jin elephant view from brother elephant same) Liu Zhilun Qiu Minyang ( Qiu Hejia )
Volume 262
Biography One hundred and fifty
Volume 263
Biography No. 151
Song Yihe ( Shen Shouchong Xiao Han ) Feng Shikong (Hwang 䌹 et al.) Lin Grui (Guo Tianji et al.) Matt Cha (Zhao Jianji et al.) Wei Jingyuan ( Zhu Jiashi Etc.) Zhu Zhifeng (Zhu Mintai et al.) Chen Shiqi (Chen d «„ Long Man-kwong (Liu Jiayin) Liu Zhibo (Liu Zhenfan)
Volume 264
Biography No. 152
He Fengsheng ( Fu Guan Yin Ruweng ) Minamiuki (Family father Qizhong brother resided) Zhou Shipu Lv Weiqi (Di Wei 祮) Wang Jiazhen Jiao Yuanpu (Brother Minamoto Kiyoshi) Li Mengchen Song Shixiang Hemp stone Wang Daochun Tian Shizhen (Zhu Chongde Chongde Zi Guodong)
Volume 265
Biography No. 153
Volume 266
Biography No. 154
Volume 267
Biography 155
Ma Congping (Geng Yin Lou) Zhangboetus Song Mei Ethnic uncle Ying Heng Chen Xianji Zhao Shiji Etc.) Fan Shutai Takasei ( Wang Han ) Seo 汧 ( Yang Tingshu ) Lu Shanji (Xue Yie)
Volume 268
Biography No. 156
Volume 269
Biography No. 157
Volume 270
Biography No. 158
Volume 271
Biography No. 159
Volume 272
One hundred and sixty
Volume 273
Biography No. 161
Volume 274
Libretto 162
Volume 275
Biography 163
Volume 276
Libretto 164
Volume 277
Biography No. 165
Volume 278
Biography 166
Yang Tinglin (Peng Fusheng et al.) Wan Yuanji (Yang Wenjian Yang Yu 涘 ) Guo Weijing ( Yao Qiyin ) Zhan Zhaoheng ( Hu Mengtai Zhou still waiting) Chen Tailai (Cao Zhiming) Wang Yangzheng ( Chawanheng Etc.) Zeng Hengying (Brother Zeng and Ying Zi Zeng Yun) Jie Zhongxi ( Fu Dingquan ) Chen Zizhuang ( Mak Hyun Chu Shi Lian Huo Ziheng) Zhang Jiayu ( Chen Xiangming Etc.) Chen Bangyan Su Guansheng
Volume 279
Biography No. 167
Volume 280
Biography No. 168
He Tengjiao ( Zhang Kuang Fu Zuolin ) A surname (Wang Hobart et al.)
Volume 281
Biography No. 169
official Chen Guan Fang Keqin Wu Shoe (Liao Qin et al.) Gao Dunan ( Yu Yancheng Etc.) Shi Chengzu (Wu Xiang et al.) Xie Zixiang (Hwang Xinzhong Haisheng) Bei Bingyi (Liu Mengyong et al.) Universal view Yezong man Wang Yuan Zhai Pufu Lee Shin-kyu (Sun Hao et al.) Zhang Zonglian Li Ji (Wang Ying et al.) Li Xiang Zhao Yu (Zhao Deng et al.) Zeng Quan Fan Zhong Help out Fan Xizheng ( Liu Gang ) Duan Jian Old steel t-product A surname Tang Kan Tang Shaoen Xu Jiusi Pang Song Zhang Chun Chen Youxue
Volume 282
One hundred and seventy
Volume 283
Biography No. 171
Volume 284
Biography No. 172
Confucian Rin III Kong Xixue ( Kong Yansheng ) Yan Xihui Zen essence Gong Munri Meng Xiwen Zhong Yu Stairway corona Cheng met Cheng Keren Zhang Wenyun Shao Jizu Zhu 梴 Zhu Shu
Volume 285
Biography No. 173
Wen Yuan I Yang Weizhen (Lu Juren Qian Weishan) Hu Han Su Boheng Wang Mian (Guo Kui Liu Bing) Dai Liang (Wang Fengding Henian) Wei Su Zhang Yining (Shi Guangji Qin Yubo) Zhao Xun (Song Xi et al) Xu Yi Kui Zhao 捴 Qian (Le Liang et al) Tao Zongyi (Gu Dehui et al) Yuan Kai Gao Qi (Yang Ji et al) Wang Xing (Tang Su Song Ke et al) Sun 蕡(Wang Zuo et al) Wang Meng (Biography of Guo)
Volume 286
Biography No. 174
Wen Yuan 2 Lin Hong Zheng Ding et al. Wang Fu (Xia Chang) Shen Du (Di Can Teng Yongheng et al.) Nie Danian Liu Pu (Su Ping et al.) Zhang Bi Zhang Tai (Lu Yi Lu Rong) Cheng Minzheng Luo Qi 巏 Li Mengyang (Kang Hai Wang Jiusi Wang Weizhen) He Jingming Xu Zhenqing (Yang Xunji) Zhu Yunming Tang Yin Sang Yue) Bian Gong Gu Lin (brother 瑮 Chen Yi et al.) Zheng Shanfu (Yin Yunxiao Fanghao et al.) Lu Shen (Wang Qi) Wang Ting, Chen Li Lian
Volume 287
Biography No. 175
Wen Yuan SAN Wen Zhengming (CAI Yu et al) Huang Zuo (Ou Daren Li Minbiao) Ke Weiqi Wang Shenzhong (Tu Yingjun et al) Gao Shuji (CAI Runan) Chen Shu (Ren Hanxiong Guo Li Kaixian) Tian Rucheng (Zi Yicheng) Huang Fu 涍(Brother Chong Guest) MAO Kun (Zi Wei) Xie Zhen (Lu 柟) Li Panlong (Liang Youyu et al) Wang Shizhen (Wang Daokun Hu Yinglin Brother Shi MAO) GUI Youguang (Zi Zi Mu Hu Youxin)
Volume 288
Biography No. 176
Wen Yuan 4 Li Weizhen (Hao Jing) Xu Wei (Tu Long) Wang 穉 Deng (Yu Yunwen and Wang Shucheng) Qu Jiusi Tang Shisheng (Lou Jian Li Liufang Cheng Jiasui) Jiao Hong (Huang Hui and Chen Renxi) Dong Qichang Mo Ruzhong Xing Dong millbell ) Yuan Hongdao (Zhong Xing, Tan Yuanchun) Wang Weijian (Li Rihua) Cao Xuquan (Zeng Yi) Wang Zhijian Ai Nanying (Zhang Shichun, Luo Wanzao, Chen Jitai) ZHANG Pu (Zhang CAI)
Volume 289
Biography No. 177
Loyalty I Flower cloud ( Vincent Chu Xu Yuan Et al.) Wang Kaisun Yan (Wang Daotong Zhu Wengang) Mou Lu (Pei Yuan Zhu Xianzhong Wang Junliang et al.) Wang Gang (Zi Yanda) Wang Yi (Wu Yun) Xiong Ding Yi Peng (Chen Rushi et al.) Huang Fubin (Zi Bi Wu GUI et al.) Zhang Ying (Xiong Shangchu et al.) Wang Zhen Wanchen (Wang You) Zhou Xian (Zi Qian) Yang Zhong (Li Rui et al.) Wu Jing (Wang Yuan Feng Jie) Sun Xi et al.) Horn (Duan Zhi Zhang Ruzhou et al.) Sun Sui Xu Kui Huang Hong (Ma Sicong) Song Yifang (Wanmu Zhengshan Zhao Nan et al.)
Volume 290
Biography No. 178
Loyalty II Wang Mian (Gong Liang) Chen Wenshi (Dong Lun) Wang Xu «“§(Qian Pan) Qian 錞(Tang Yicen) Zhu Pu (Qi En) Sun Yu Du Huai Huang Chuan (Chen Jian et al.) Wang Deshu Pei Wang Yizhong (Wang Yingpeng Tang Ding) Su Mengyang (Wei Zongxiao Longjing) Zhang Zhende (Zhang Wenbing et al.) Dong Jilun (Li Zhongchen Gao Guang et al.) Gong Wanlu (Li Shixun Zhai Ying) Guan Liangxiang (Li Yingzhi et al.) Xu Chaogang (Yang Yicheng Sun Keshu Zheng Ding) Ji Wenyin (Meng Chengguang) Zhu Wannian (Qin Sanfu et al.) Zhang Yao (Wang and Kui et al.) He Tianqu (Yang Yuqi)
Volume 291
Biography No. 179
Loyalty III Pan Zongyan (Dou Yongcheng et al.) Zhang Quan He Tingkui (Xu Guoquan) Gao Bangzuo (Gu Yi) Cui Ruxiu (Chen Fu Yaoduan Zhan) Zheng Guochang (Zhang Fengqi Ren Guangyu et al.) Dang Huanchun (He Tianqiu Xu Zewu Qiqian) Zhang Chun Yan Shengdou (Li Shisheng et al.) Wang Zhaokun (Wang Yigui Shangguanjing et al.) Sun Shimei (Bai Huiyuan) Li Zhenning et al.) Qiao Ruowen (Li Chongde et al.) Zhang Bingwen (Song Xuezhu et al.) Yan Yinshao (Zhao Jeong et al.) Ji Kongjia (Wang Duanmian et al.) Xing Guoxi (Feng Shouli et al.) Zhang Zhenxiu (Liu Yuanqing et al.) Deng Fanxi (Wang Weixin et al.) Zhang Kunfang
Volume 292
One hundred and eighty
Loyalty IV Jang Yundeng (Guo Jingsong, Guo Yingxiang) Zhang Guangkui (Yang Yukai et al.) Li Zhongzheng (Ma Zuqing et al.) Fang Guoru (Wang Shao Normal Cunwei, Liu Dingguo, et al.) He Chengguang (Gao Rilin, et al.) Pang Yu (Dong Sanmo, et al.) Yin Mengao (Zhao Shikuan, et al.) Lu Qian (Zhang Youjun, et al.) Gong Yuanxiang (Zi Bingheng, Yao Yungong, et al.) Wang Xin Shi Ji Yan (Li Junci, et al.) Liang Zhiren (Shan Siren, et al.) Wang Guoxun (Hu Erchun et al.) Li Hongye (Ma Rujiao et al.) Zhang Shaodeng (Zhang Guoxun et al.) Wang Tao (Wei Shuifang) Jiang Jiacheng (Wu Changchun et al.) Xu Shangqing (Wang Shihua et al.) Ruan Zhitian Hao Jingchun (Zi Mingluan et al.) Zhang Kejian (Kuang Yueguang et al.) Xu Shichun (Zi Zhaoliangyu et al. 塙)
Volume 293
Biography No. 181
Loyalty Five Wu Dalie (Xu Ritai et al.) Qian Zuozheng Sheng Yiheng (Gao Xiaozhi et al.) Yan Riyu (Ai Yuchu et al.) Pan Hong (Liu Zhenshi et al.) Chen Yubao (Xu Xuan et al.) Liu Zhenzhi (Dupin Jufei Zengmo et al.) Li Chengyun (Yu Jue et al.) Guan Yongjie (Hou Junzhu et al.) Zhang Weishi (Yao Ruoshi et al.) Wang Shixiu (Yan Zekong et al.) Xu Yongxi (Gao Douyuan et al.) Li Zhenzuo (Zhou Buli et al.) Roh Se-im (Jang Shin, et al.) Yoo 禋(Jin Hyun-won, et al.) Ha Seop (Left Sang-Shin, et al.) Cho Heung-ki (Jung Won-Soo, et al.)
Volume 294
Libretto 182
Loyalty six Beginning of summer and beginning of spring ( Xue Wenli Et al.) Chen Mei (Guo Yu et al.) Chen Jichen (Zhang Guoxun et al.) Lu Xuegu (Zhu Shiwan et al.) Chen Wance (Li Kaixian) Xu Wenqi (Li Xin et al.) Guo Yizhong (Yue Bi Guo Jincheng) Cui Wenrong (Zhu Shiding) Xu Xueyan (Li Yuying et al.) Feng Yunlu (Xiong Luo Ming Rui Yi Dao Siem Fu Xu) CAI Daoxian (Tuesday Nan et al.) Zhang Pengyi (Ouyang Xianyu et al.) Liu Xizuo Wang Sun LAN Cheng Liangzhuo (Cheng Daoshou) Huang Shiqing Yang Xuan (Zhu Yitong et al.) Tang Shiming (Xue Yingbin Tang Mengkun et al.) Duan Fuxing (Jin Shengju et al.) Jian Renrui (He Xiangliu et al.) Si Wujiao (Zhang Fenghe et al.) Duren (Wang Jialu et al.) Zhu Wanling (Wang Zheng et al.) Chen 瑸(Zhou Fengqi) Wang Zhengjun (Song Zhijun et al.) Ding Taiyun (Shang Dalun et al.)
Volume 295
Biography 183
Loyalty seven He Fu (Shao Zongyuan et al.) Zhang Luojun (Di Luo Yan et al.) Jin Yutong (Han Dongming et al.) Tang Wenqiong (Fan Zhenlisten et al.) Xu Yan (Cao Su et al.) Wang Qiaodong (Chen Qici et al.) Liu Lijing (Liu Sanzuo et al.) Yin Shen (Zhuang Zugao et al.) Gao Qixun (Wang Shijie et al.) Zhang Yao (Wu Ziqi Zeng Yizhuan et al.) Mi Shoutu Geng Tinglu (Ma Gan) Xi Shangzhen (Kong Shicheng et al.) Xu Daoxing (Luo Guo 瓛 et al.) LIU Tingbiao (Wang Yunkai and Wang Yunhong)
Volume 296
Biography 184th
Xiao Yiyi Zheng Lian (Wang Cheng) Xu Yunrong (Shi Yongshou) Qian Ying (Zeng Ding) Yao 玭 Qiu Duo (Li MAO) Cui Min (Liu Haogu Xiu) Zhou Wan (Yu Zongji et al.) Wu Hong (Liu Wenhuan) Zhu Xu (Wei Zhenfang) Liu Jin Li Decheng Shen De Si Xie Dingzhu (Bao Shifu Su Kuizhang) Quan Jin Zhao Shen (Xiang Hua Lu Shangzhi) Qu Xiang
Volume 297
Biography 185
Xiaoyi II Wang Jun (Liu Zhun and Yang Jing) Shi Nai (Ren Boring) Shi Wuchang Zhou Ao Jung 韺 ( Rong Xuan Ye Wenrong) Fu 檝 Yang Chengzhang He Jing Wang Yuan Yellow seal GUI Yue (Zu Guixiu) He Lin Sun Qing (Song Xianzhang Li Yu) Liu Xian (Luo Zhang et al.) Rong Shiyan (Liu Jingwenyue) Yu Zi (Zhang Zhen Sun Wen) Cui Jian Tangyan Qiuxu Zhang Jun (Zhang Chengxiang et al.) Wang Zaifu (Wang Bian et al.) Xia Zixiao A Fei Zhao Zhonghua (Xie Guang) Wang Shiyi Li Wenyong (Wang Yingyuan, etc.) Konkin (Zi Kongliang) Yang Tongzhao (Younger brother Yang Tongjie Yang Pushao, etc.) Zhang Qingya (Bai Jingzhong, etc.)
Volume 298
Biography No. 186
Volume 299
Libretto 187
Volume 300
Biography No. 188
Volume 301
Biography No. 189
Reiko Moon moth Liu Xiaofu (Zhen's family) Zhu E Ding's family (Shi's family) Yang's family (Zhang's family, etc.) Virgin Han's family (Huang Shancong's family) Yao Xiaogu's family (CAI Xiaogu's family) Lu Jianniang's family (Shi's family) Wu's family (Bi's family) Shi's family Tang Huixin's sister Miao Cong Xu's Mother's wife Liang's Ma's sister Wan's family (Chen's family) Guo's Family King Miaofeng's family (Tang Guimei's family) Cheng's Family Zhang's) Yang Tainu (Zhang's) Chen's (Xiushui Zhang's Ouyang Jinzhen) Zhuang's (Tang's) Wang's (Yi's) Zhong's Four Wives Xuan's (Sun's) Xu's concubine Zhang's Gong Lie's wife (Jiang's) Fan's two daughters (Ding Meiyin's) Cheng's (Xing 'an's) Zhang Yiner's (MAO's) Zhaobangmengling's (Du's) Yi's wife Yang's Shi's (Lin Duanang's) Wang Lie Wife Dou Miaoshan Shimen Beggar woman Jia Hu Chen Zongqiu wife Shi Ye Hu Guizhen Sun Si Jiang (Yan)
Volume 302
One hundred and ninety
Two women Ouyang (Xu Feng) Fang (Ye) Pan Yang Zhang Lie Wife (CAI Zheng) Wang Lie Wife (Xu Lie wife) Wu Shen Six women Huang (Zhang) Zhang (Ye Fan) Liu two daughters Sun Liye (CAI Lie woman) Chen Jian wife Li Hu Dai (Hu) Xu Yuanchen wife Hu He Yang Li Wu Jie Wife (Yang) Xu Yachang Jiang Liefu Yang Yuying (Zhang Changyun) Ni Peng's (Liu's) Liu's second filial daughter Huang Shao's maidservant Yang Zhenfu (Ni's) Yang's Ding's You's Li's Sun's Fang Filial daughter (Xie Xiaogu's) Li's Virgin Shouchang Li's Yuting County Junma's Wang's Liu's (Yang's) Tan's (Zhang's) Li Liefu's (Huang Liefu's) Chen Jie Fu (Ma's) Xie Jie Fu Zhang's (Wang's) Qi's wife Jin's (Yang's) Wang's Li Xiao Fu (Hong's Ni's) Liu's
Volume 303
Biography No. 191
Three female Xu Zhen female Liu Yu Yu Yu Feng Niang Lin Zhen Female Ni Meiyu Liu Lie Female Shanghai a family Gu Bai Gao Lie Yu (Tai) Hu Wang Xiao Liu Cui Gao Ling Li Lie woman Chai Zhou (Wang) Jing Wa Song Li Qi Shui Li (Maida Alai) Wan (Wang five Lie woman Ming Lun Tang female) Chen Ji Ze II Li Jiang Lu An female Shi Shi (Xie) Zhuang Feng Tang Lie wife Chen (Liu) Tang (Yan) Lu Yu (Xiao Yang) Zhong female He Zhao Ni (Wang Han) Shao (Li) Jiang Yang Chang Shi (Wang et al) Guo Yao Zhu (Xu female) Dingzhou Li Hu Jing wife Yao Shi Xiong Qiu Shi (Qian Huang Shi) Washing Ma Fan Xiang Lei Shi Shangzhou Shao Lu Qu Zhou Shao Wang Wu Zhirui wife Zhang Han Dingyun wife Liu Jiang Du Cheng Liu Lie Jiang Du Zhang (LAN et al.) Zhang Bingchun Wife Liu Tao Tian clan and Zhou Wang Fang Lu (son Dao Hong wife) Yu Xiang Shu Mei (Wang) Yongshang four lie woman Xia
Volume 304
Libretto 192
Eunuch 1 Zheng He ( Hou Xian ) Kim Ying ( Xing 'an Fan Hong et al.) Wang Zhen Cao Jixiang ( Liu Yongcheng ) Wyon ( Tangui ) Wang Zhi Liang Fang ( energex Etc.) He Ding (Deng Yuan et al.) Li Guang Jiang Cong Liu Jin Zhang Yong Gu Dayong ( Wei Bin Etc.)
Volume 305
Biography No. 193
Volume 306
Biography No. 194
Volume 307
Biography 195
Volume 308
Biography No. 196
Volume 309
Biography No. 197
Volume 310
Biography No. 198
Huguang toast Shi Zhou ( Shi Nan, Minister of propaganda Department of loose hair Zhongjian Xuanfu Department Rongmei Xuanfu Department) Yongshun military and civilian pacification department Baojing State military and civilian pacification Department
Volume 311
Biography One hundred ninety-nine
Sichuan Tusi a Wumeng Wusa Dongchuan town Xiong four military people's house Ma Hu Jian Changwei ( Ninfan Yuewei 巂 Yanai Aikawa ie ) Mozhou Guard Songpan Wei Tianquan six times recruitment department Li Zhou Pacification Department
Volume 312
The two hundred
Sichuan toast Bozhou Advocacy Department Yongning Xuanfu Department Xuanfu Shi Monolihu Department of Youyang
Volume 313
Two hundred and one
Yunnan Toast Yunnan Dali Lin 'an Chuxiong Chengjiang Jingdong Guangnan Guangxi Zhenyuan Yongning Shunning Menghua Menggen Mengding Gengma pacifies the department Attached) Qujing
Volume 314
One hundred and two
Yunnan second toast Yao An He Qing Wu Ding Xun Dian Lijiang Yuanjiang Yongchang Xinhua Weiyuan North Sheng Wan Dian Town Kang Dahou LAN LAN Weilu River
Volume 315
Two hundred and thirty
Yunnan toast three Myanmar (two Xuanfu division) dry cliff (Xuanfu) Lu Jiangnan dian (two Xuanfu division) Mangshi Ledian tea mountain Menglian (namely fierce face) linseed Button Udong if Wadian promote wadian scattered gold Mokbang ( Muang Mee Comfort department) Muang Yang In the car Lao 800 (Second Mission)
Volume 316
Two hundred and four
Guizhou toast
Volume 317
Two hundred and fifty
Guangxi toast - Guilin Liuzhou Qingyuan Pingle Wuzhou Xunzhou Nanning
Volume 318
Two hundred and six
Guangxi two Taiping Si Ming Si En Zhen, Tian Zhou En city on Longdu Kang
Volume 319
Two hundred and seven
Guangxi toast Sansacheng Lizhou Longzhou obedience to Xiang Wu Fengyi Jiangzhou Siling (attached to Qiongzhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province)
Volume 320
Two hundred and eight
Foreign country I North Korea
Volume 321
The two hundred nine
Foreign world II Annam
Volume 322
One hundred and twenty
Foreign III Japan
Volume 323
Two hundred and one
Foreign IV Ryukyu Luzon Hemanni Melogu Sha Yao be啴 Chicken coop Bharat Jute VAT Ancient hemp thorn Langfeng Jiashilan Wenlang horse god
Volume 324
The twenty-second biography
Volume 325
Two hundred and thirty-three
Volume 326
Libretto XXXIV
Foreign ginseng Kuri cauchy Little Grenn (Great Gulan) Ceylon Hill Pungala Nua Nabol Zufaer Wood and bone Dubua Mua wa Jubu Adan Salaam Hulumusch Mountain (Bira Sunra) South Malaga Illegan Bari Lantan Sari Bay Mud at the hysteria of Lida Loi Bighi Bighi Mud at the Tsari of Shala Bighi Panga Nacha Usha kick Kamba ah play back) white Gerda (black Gerda) whisk 菻 Italy
Volume 327
Two hundred and twenty-five
Foreign eight Tartar
Volume 328
Libretto XXVI
Foreign nine Vala dolor ( Fuyu Taining)
Volume 329
Libretto XXVII
Western Domain I Khami Liucheng Fire Prefecture Turupan
Volume 330
Libretto XXVIII
Two Western regions of the West Fanwei (Xining Hezhou Taozhou Minzhou and other Fanwei)
Volume 331
Two hundred and nine
Western Territory 3 Uszan The Mahayana King Great Mercy King Wang Xanhwa Xanzenon Guardian King King of Explication Assistant Pope Buddhist paradise to work in Germany Buddhist paradise, eight countries Flowers sweet uz hidden rows command department Long hexi fish NingYuanXuan department of comfort Dong bligh Han Huxuan comfort department
Volume 332
One hundred and twenty
Western Territory 4 Samarkand Shalu Hague drachan Saylan Yangyi Thiri Shideli Mibu flowers don't lose eight li Harih I am all Huai Bata Black merchant Khotan lost Khotan My Khanhashil Yishimar Fire Khotan Kilimar White pine Tiger Tala Mina lost Khanmin true Sunset Mishil Black Lok Tok Rai Asu Shaharu Tianfang Maudna Khun City (Ha Third class 29 Part) Lulme
Zhang Tingyu The history of the Ming Dynasty [6]

Editing process


The first stage

Ming history cover
Mainly because of the political instability at the time. The official opening of the Ming History began on the second day of May in the second year of Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty (May 26, 1645). According to the records of the Qing Dynasty Shunzhi, on that day to repair "Ming History" president officer Grand Master of the Inner Trinity Feng Quan , Hong Chengchou , Li Jiantai , Fan Wencheng , Gunlin , Qizhong Ge Upon request, the official establishment of Vice President Officer, bachelor, Bachelor of education Jamba and other 11 people were appointed, and selected to compile, receive, transcriptionist . [7]
At this time, the Qing Dynasty was in a hurry to revise the History of the Ming Dynasty when it was on an unstable footing. Its purpose was obvious. One is to declare the death of the Ming Dynasty, and Nanjing at that time Hongguang The imperial court was in confrontation with the north and south of the Qing Dynasty, and the revision of the Ming History no longer recognized Hongguang Nan Ming Dynasty The regime exists. Secondly, by compiling the History of the Ming Dynasty, the Han officials of the Ming Dynasty who had conquered the Qing Dynasty had a kind of emotional sustence.
Judging from the situation at that time, the conditions for opening the museum to study history were simply not available. Although by May 15 (June 8) the Qing army had entered Nanjing , Nan Ming Dynasty On May 28 (June 21), the Qing Court announced that it would "put down Jiangnan Jieyin", but in fact, the Qing army encountered resolute resistance in Jiangnan, especially the Qing Court announced that "Jiangnan Jieyin". Shaving order After that, more aroused the resistance of Jiangnan people. Some of the most famous battles were Yan Yingyuan leading Jiangyin Defense Battle He held the lonely city for two months.
Nan Ming Dynasty Hongguang regime After the fall, Ming Minister Ecliptic cycle , Zheng Zhilong Wait for the king of Tang Zhu Yujian Established in Fuzhou Longwu regime ; In the meantime, Zhang Guowei , Zhang Huangyan Wait for the king of Lu Zhu Yihai Yu Shaoxing Custodial state ( The king of Lu presides over the state ); Li Zicheng The remainder of the peasant rebel army also allied with the Ming governor He Tengjiao Combined with anti-qing. To Shunzhi three years (1646), Ming minister Su Guansheng Wait for delivery Joo Yu 鐭 Established in Guangzhou Shaowu regime , Ding Kuichu , A surname And so it stood cassia Chu Yulang Have established Yongli regime . In the sixth year of Shunzhi (1649), Zhang Xianzhong The rest of the peasant army Sun Yiyi , Li Dingguo Under his leadership, he combined with the Yongli regime of the Southern Ming Dynasty and became one of the main forces of the anti-Qing Dynasty.
In the northern regions occupied by the Qing army, echoing the anti-Qing situation in the south, the righteous teachers rose in Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu, and some generals of the Qingming Dynasty also raised flags to fight against the Qing Dynasty, setting off several anti-Qing upsurge across the country. For example, the Ninth Year of Shunzhi (1652) Li Dingguo Led the army to recover Baoqing, Jeonju The battle of Guilin forced the southern king of Qing Ding Kong Yu-deok Suicide. Shunzhi ten to eleven years, Ming Lu king subordinate Zhang Mingzhen , Zhang Huangyan isorate A surname They entered the Yangtze River and reached the outskirts of Nanjing. Zheng Chenggong Also led the water army to conquer Zhoushan . Such anti-Qing struggle until Qing Kangxi Early years, the Southern Ming Dynasty Yongli Emperor be Wu Sanguui Killed by, Zheng Chenggong , Li Dingguo He died, and it was over. At the same time, some Chinese intellectuals who were eager to become officials such as Wei Xiangshu , Tang Bin Others eagerly participated in the imperial examination organized by the Qing Court, and took the lead in taking the exam, which opened a precedent for senior Han intellectuals to participate in the Qing Court.
Under such a situation of war and political uncertainty, it is simply impossible to concentrate a large amount of manpower and resources to open the museum to study history.
In the eighth year of Kangxi (1669), Emperor Kangxi imprisoned his powerful ministers Oboi And begin to govern. At this time, however, the political situation has changed. In the 12th year of Kangxi (1673), due to Binh Nam The king Shangxily 、平西王 Wu Sanguui And King Jingnan Geng Jingzhong The removal of vassals led to the" The Rebellion of the San Francisco From then on, another eight years of war began. Until the 20th year of Kangxi (1681) in October, Wu Shfan, grandson of Wu Sangui, committed suicide. During the "SAN Han Rebellion", the Qing Court concentrated on suppressing the rebellion, but still had no time to pay attention to the revision of the Ming History. Therefore, the imperial edict on the compiling of the Ming History issued by the imperial Court in the second year of Shunzhi (1645) was actually just a piece of paper, and its policy function far exceeded its role in history revision.
Another reason for the lack of achievements in the first period of compiling Ming History is the lack of historical materials and manpower. At that time, there was not only no power to sort out the Ming Dynasty's mansion copies and archives, but also very few book contributors when asking for books, and even the most basic historical records of the Ming Dynasty were incomplete. Apocalypse The record of the Chongzhen Dynasty is missing the part after seven years, and there is no record of Chongzhen Dynasty due to the subjugation of the state. All these also limited the progress of the compilation of Ming History.

The second stage

Until" The Rebellion of the San Francisco After the basic pacification, the Qing Court had Concentration of power Manpower and material resources formally began to compile "Ming History", which has lasted for 35 years. It was after eighteen years of Kangxi that we really began to study history. Emperor Kangxi 17 years (1678) levy Learned scholar In March of the following year, one hundred and forty-three learned and distinguished scholars were gathered in Tirenge, twenty of whom were first class and thirty-two of whom were second class, and ordered to compile the History of the Ming Dynasty.
Vance is the same image
Kangxi The people who compiled the History of Ming Dynasty during this period were abundant in talents. There were famous writers of the time Zhu Yizun , Youdon and 毛奇龄 Et al. But it was the famous historians of the early Qing Dynasty who contributed the most vencthom . [3]
It should be mentioned here History of Chinese historiography A section of the public case. It turns out that at the time of Ming and Qing Dynasties, some Ming Dynasty relics and anti-Qing scholars attached great importance to the study of Ming history. Brilliant thinker Huang Zongxi Edited" Plaintext sea "Over 400 volumes, and the author of" History of Ming Dynasty Two hundred and forty volumes; Gu Yanwu He also collected one to two thousand volumes of historical materials about the Ming Dynasty. After the Qing Dynasty rulers entered the customs, in order to win over the Ming Dynasty's abandoned ministers and celebrities, they had an intention to open the erudite Hong Ci section. Although there are Suizhou people Tang Bin However, Huang, Gu and others still adhered to the spirit of literati and refused to cooperate with the Qing Court, but for the purpose of preserving the true historical traces of the Ming Dynasty, they still sent their right-hand assistants to participate in the compilation of Ming history. Wan Sitong, Huang Zongxi's proud disciple, was one of the editors appointed to participate in the History of the Ming Dynasty. Wan Sitong was an excellent historian. The son of Huang Zongxi Rhizoma phellodendron Gu Yanwu's nephew Xu Yuanwen And are also involved in its affairs. In this way, the quality of Ming History is ensured accordingly. [8]
Famous scholar in early Qing Dynasty Qian Daxin Once commented on Wan Sidong: "Specialising in ancient learning, broadest history", familiar with the stories of the Ming Dynasty, from Hongwu to the apocalypse of the "record", are "can read", like the back of his hand. He has written and approved two kinds of" History manuscript of Ming dynasty There are three hundred and four hundred volumes respectively. Therefore, it can be said that the first draft of the Ming History was basically completed in Vance's time. After his death, Wan Sitong served as the chief editor of Ming History for three times Wang Hongxu Wan's Ming History Draft was adapted and presented to the emperor twice in the late years of Kangxi and the early years of Yongzheng, which is the Wang's Ming History Draft. Historians have praised it.

The third stage

Stone statue of Xu Yuanwen
By the first year of Yongzheng (1723), just because the eighteenth year of Kangxi (1679) was a political means of the Kangxi emperor and its compilation of the Ming History, the result would inevitably be heavier and lighter, and the time would be extended, and it took nearly fifty years before and after, until the death of the Kangxi Emperor, the first year of Yongzheng (1723) still could not complete the history of the previous dynasty. However, the situation at this time and Shunzhi second year (1645) under the initial revision has been very different. In addition to the political stability, the economy gradually recovered, and there was a prosperous era in the late Kangxi period, which provided a good condition for the compilation of the History of the Ming Dynasty, which was unprecedented in terms of manpower and material resources and collection of materials. Therefore, in the past 50 years, although the compilation of Ming History could not be completed, it was the Ming History. Become a book The critical stage. It is at this time that the rudiments of what we see as the History of the Ming Dynasty were formed. By the first year of Yongzheng (1723), four books of Ming History had been completed manuscript . One is... vencthom The three hundred and thirty-three volumes approved by him, and the other is the four hundred and sixteen volumes approved by him, both of which are called Wan's Ming History Drafts. In addition to Wang Hongxu In the 53th year of Kangxi (1714), the History of the Ming Dynasty (Part of the Biography) was submitted in 205 volumes, which is actually in Wan's book. History manuscript of Ming dynasty "On the basis of the compilation. In the first year of Yongzheng (1723) June, Wang Hongxu once again submitted the "Ming History Draft", including Ji, Zhi, table, biography, a total of 350 volumes, this is Wang's "Ming History Draft", that is, the so-called "Hengyun Mountain people Ming History Draft". By the fourth year of Qianlong (1739), Qing government And the third time to organize manpower to revise the Ming history manuscript, which formed the final "Ming History". Because the president of this revision is Zhang Tingyu Therefore, the popular "Ming History" entitled Zhang Tingyu, Zhang Tingyu is also the only in the Qing Dynasty Enjoy the Imperial Temple The Han people.
The statue of Zhang Tingyu
It was compiled three times and took decades. The History of Ming Dynasty does have many merits. First of all, its style is rigorous, the narrative is clear, the text is concise, and the arrangement is proper. Historical criticism home Zhao Yi In... Notes on twenty-two histories In the book, he once compared the history of Liao, Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties with the History of the Ming Dynasty, arguing that "there is no one like the compiler of the History of the Ming Dynasty." Secondly, the historical materials of Ming History are abundant. There are many first-hand historical materials available at that time, except for a complete set of "records" of Ming emperors (i.e. Explicit record ") In addition, there are Tipao , Local records , a collection of essays and a large number of private histories. Zhu Yizun In the Second Book of the President, it is said that only the local records of various places are stored in the National Library, that is, more than 3,000 volumes. Besides, like people Wang Shizhen authored Jin Yi Zhi Both of them systematically introduced the disadvantages of spy rule and eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty. All these make the writers of Ming history have advantagedconditions compared with those who cultivate official history in each dynasty. Third, the History of the Ming Dynasty is fair in some places and can be written directly. Such as Xiong Tingbi The records of the merits and SINS are of great reference value. Fourthly, there is a new creation in the style of Ming History. In the biography, there is a special list of "castrating the party", "traitor" and "toast". Eunuch dictatorship is the history of Ming Dynasty Major problem "Biography of the Eunuchs" recorded Wang Zhen , Liu Jin , Wei Zhongxian And other eunuchs 'crimes against the country and the people.
The authors of the compilation of Ming History were right Li Zicheng , Zhang Xianzhong When the leader of the rebel army wrote a autobiography, it was called "traitor", which was completely recorded from the perspective of the social rulers at that time, and also summed up the experience for the rulers: "As for the loss of the Ming dynasty, the loss of suppression and fanning is enough for Jiongjian." But objective Kamiwai Preserved by posterity Peasant war at the end of Ming Dynasty Some reliable historical data. The Biography of the Toast is devoted to the southwest Minority nationality The situation is divided into Huguang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi five Tusi biography. These biographies have preserved a great deal of important information about the ethnic minorities in this area. Most of the history of ethnic minorities in China can be traced back to the early Ming Dynasty.

Characteristics of Ming history

  • This record
History of Ming Dynasty
A total of 24 volumes, in terms of the number of volumes, the Ming History of the book accounts for less than one-tenth of the book, if in terms of words, it accounts for less than one-twenty-five of the book. From this we can see that the proportion of Benji in the Ming History is very small, which is a feature of the compilation style of the Ming History. Benji is biography In the history books, the history of the Ming Dynasty is obviously the main line of the whole history, in a concise way, the first list before the book, so that people read this history book, the first to understand the history of the Ming Dynasty, rather than make people read the book when they read the history of the Ming Dynasty. This should be called the compilation of Ming History Integral design A unique place in the world.
Another characteristic of "Ming History" is to respect historical facts and take the theory of official history of the Ming Dynasty as the basis. Such as Emperor Jianwen Be entitled to A surname After taking the throne, it was removed, and the records of its four years were only Yuan, II, and III Hongwu Thirty-five years, attached to The record of Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty After. The History of Ming Dynasty exclusive "Gong Min Ji" a volume, very appropriate. For another example Yingzong peel Jingtai Emperor Number, situation and A piece of writing written in Jian Wen Similar things, "Ming History" also handled properly. Historians of Qing Dynasty Qian Daxin Zeng said, "There are examples that are not seen in pre-creation history." As... English records "Attached Jingtai seven years, called 郕 king, and cut its temple name, this time Shi Chen A style of calligraphy composed of five characters . This division is before and after two dynasties, and listed Jingdi Period In the middle, consider the best." (Qian Daxin:" Ten driving Zhai to raise new records "Volume nine) Ming Hongwu in Yi Wen prince Zhu Biao Due to the early death and did not succeed, the first year of Jianxin (1399) was respected as the Xiaokang Emperor, the temple name Xingzong. After Emperor Chengzu took the throne, he abolished his temple title and reverted to Prince Yiwen. Although there was an emperor title, and did not change the yuan to the pole, so do not enter the Ji, and into Collected biographies However, it once had the title of emperor, which is also historical fact, and it is different from other legends, especially after the empress and before the Kings. In the same list, there are Emperor Jiajing Father, Xing Xian King Woo Joo 杬 . Jiajing Zhongxing Grand Rites Special respect father Rui Zong Xing Xian emperor, also belongs to only the emperor. The fact that Xingzong and Ruizong are not listed in the Ming History is related to the outline of the history of the Ming generation. Guang Zong is located in the forty-eighth year of Wanli (1620) on the first day of August, died in the first day of September of the same year, reigned only one month, and did not change the Yuan, so it was determined to be after August of the year Taichang Year Zero. "Guangzong Benji" was then attached to the "Shenzong Benji", not a single volume, only a few hundred words to describe, can be regarded as an outline.
Although the Ming History is based on the length of time and records the history in separate volumes, it is not limited to this. Taizu reign thirty-one years, this is accounted for three volumes, because he was the founding of the king. A surname In the twenty-second year of his reign, this book accounts for three volumes, although it can be said that because of his ascension to the throne, the matter is special, but it has been graded. The two volumes of the English Emperor can still be attributed to the fact that they have year numbers before and after, Heon Tsung Twenty-two years, also two volumes, Sejong Forty-five years, Shentong The 48th year also accounted for two volumes each, and the 17th year of Emperor Zhuanglie also accounted for two volumes. It can be seen that all people studied history and described it quite according to the severity of historical events, which is also in line with their framework. On the whole, "Ming History" this record, the division of the emperor and the chronicle, is a whole, although the ink is small, but complete and clear, the weight is appropriate. One of the most regrettable points of the Ming History is that it failed to give the emperors of the Southern Ming Dynasty the discipline, which was determined by the political situation in the early Qing Dynasty. Qing Dynasty official history books, not only impossible to give Nan Ming Dynasty The emperors, even in the biography is not written. Private history study in the early Qing Dynasty, talk about this, it is inevitable. Literary inquisition "The scourge.
  • Tzu chi
The compilation of Zhi is arranged according to the order of heaven, earth, rites and music. astronomy Come from... Tang Bin Hands. In addition to the description of traditional astronomy and "Western theory, not back to the ancient, but in the sky" in the first volume, it also systematically introduced the first Emperor Taizu of Ming To Chongzhen emperor during the ritual image (i.e Astronomical instrument ) the development of change. The second and third volumes deal with the Ming generation Astronomical phenomenon The changes, the removal Solar eclipse All have been recorded in this discipline, the rest such as "the moon covered the offense. Fifth latitude ", "five latitudes mask the crime", "five latitudes converge", "five latitudes mask the star", and even "star day", "halo", "star change", "flow meteorite", etc., many records, although difficult and shallow, still have a certain reference value.
Minus... astronomy In addition, Tang Bin also wrote" Records of five elements "And" Annals "compilation.
" Records of five elements That is, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, its body is modeled after the" History of the Han Dynasty "And the history of the preceding generations, recorded from Hongwu to 崇祯 Between the so-called "auspicious" thing. Of the three volumes, the first volume is water, such as constant cold, constant Yin, snow and frost, hail, thunder, fish evil, The nymph of a locust A pig disaster The sin of the dragon and the serpent , Ma Yi , human diseases, epidemics, Drum Demon Meteorite, water flow, water change, black eye black, all belong to the water. The second volume is fire and wood, imitating the former history, with Heng 燠, grass, Feather worm The evil, sheep disaster, fire, fire, red eye red auspicious fire; Imitation of the previous history to constant rain, mad men, demon, chicken disaster, mouse evil, wood ice, Wooden Spirit Eye - eye is an eye - eye tree. The third volume is Gold and Earth, imitating the previous history with Hengyang, Shi Demon, caterpillar The evil, the scourge of the dog, the demon of the stone, the white eye is the gold; With constant wind, wind haze obscure, flowers evil, insects evil, cattle disaster, earthquake, mountain moldering, rain hair, ground hair, hunger, yellow eye is the soil.
The compilation of the Five Elements of the History of the Ming Dynasty is not successful enough. First, it is simple and has too many flaws, such as earthquake, flood and drought. Second, there are many inaccuracies in the account, and even rumors are recorded to increase its mysterious color, so historians think that it is "no great use". [9] The Annals consist of nine volumes. The Ming Dynasty calendar changed to the Western new law in Chongzhen and made some innovations. The History of the Calendar. Yes Zhu Zaiyu "Sheng Shou Perpetual Calendar", "Law calendar Rongtong" more detailed introduction, after Xu Guangqi and other rulers to revise the calendar, attach importance to the Western calendar, but also use more words. This is a major feature of "Ming History · Lizhi".
The second feature of "Li Zhi" is that there are pictures in addition to tables, simple and easy to understand, and different from other histories. Figure V is attached to the Grand series calendar In the Law. There is "cut the arc Sagittal graph ", "Side-standing diagram", "Head-up diagram", "Moon distance difference Diagram", "two-to-two difference diagram".
The whole record is based on the grand calendar, which has five volumes in two, three, four, five and six, supplemented by the Hui Hui calendar, which has three volumes in seven, eight and nine. Although the "Calendar Annals" describes the matter in detail, because of the knowledge of the calendar, and the difference between ancient and modern, and the Ming Dynasty used the" Grand series calendar "And" Hui Hui Calendar "is quite difficult to read.
"Annals" followed by" geography Geography consists of seven volumes.
The Ming Dynasty is one of the unified dynasties in Chinese history. As the Preface to the History of the Ming Dynasty and Geographical Records said, "Yu was elected and entered the territory, which has not been seen since ancient times." Since the Ming Taizu unified the country, outside the capital, set Thirteen Chief ministers , and All command the ministry , The capital commands the Ministry Share the world. When Emperor Cheng ascended the throne, more were added Meet 阯 Two chief ministers of Guizhou, and change Beiping to Beijing. Ren, after the declaration, abandoned the 阯, and gradually as the north and south two capital, thirteen chief envoys, the country was unified. Emperor Yingzong Tianshun Five years (1461), Li Xian Wait for Feng Chi to write The Ming Dynasty is unified Ninety volumes, the annals of the Ming Dynasty. The book is full of errors. "Ming History · Geography" is "examining the difference of its rise and fall, and the reason of its evolution, with the text".
Of the seven books, North and South Liangjing One volume, one volume from Shandong and Shanxi, one volume from Henan and Shaanxi, one volume from Sichuan and Jiangxi, Hubei and Guangzhou One volume for Zhejiang, one volume for Fujian, one volume for Guangdong, one volume for Guangxi, one volume for Yunnan and Guizhou. The Southern and northern Capitals and the thirteen Chief Envoys each have a summary of their history, which is entitled" Yugon Based on the states. After the summary, then Government, state, county Summarize. Later attached to the department, the health, the setting of the history, the content is quite detailed and desirable, but there are also some mistakes, later generations have to examine and correct mistakes.
" Reshi 14 volumes, written by Wu Yuan. Rites and music were valued by the rulers of successive dynasties, and rites were the foundation of governing the people. Etiquette reflects the politics of an era Social life Status. Etiquette was also used as a supplement to feudal criminal law. The Ming Dynasty was Chinese feudal society In the later dynasties, with the social, political, economic and cultural changes, the ritual system also underwent obvious changes, especially Zhengde , Jia Jing After that, there was a tendency of "rites collapsing and music collapsing", and the so-called "rites collapsing and music collapsing" was the time of social change. "Ming History · Li Zhi" is bound to reflect this content.
As stated in the Rites Annals, the first is Auspicious gift That is, the rites of sacrifice, including the altar of heaven and earth, temples, etc., a total of six volumes. Next to Wedding ceremony , mainly in the palace ceremony, with a place" Town toast There are more than three books. Jia Li after Present ceremony In addition to the gifts of guests, the gifts of meeting officials and people are also included. After the ceremony, the essay is only half a volume. later Military salute One roll. Then it is Fierce ceremony Three volumes, the burial system. Just obey the ancients Five rites Of... The advantage of "Li Zhi" is that the description is more detailed, but the disadvantage is that the rites of officials and people are too simple, and the rites described are difficult to read, and need to be compared with the "Rites". Buddhist Canon Read the books in conjunction with each other.
The History of Ming Dynasty Lozhi "Three volumes, the main description of the Ming generation of Musical Instruments and movements of the system, based on the ceremony, music with the ceremony. The music system is not the music of the Ming Dynasty, but is still a ritual system. In the Ming Dynasty, there was Zhu Zaiyu, who was the founder of modern music. He cherished his creation, which was not described in Le Zhi.
One volume of Yi Wei Annals and four volumes of Yu Fu Annals are also related to the ritual system, and the descriptions are more detailed.
A copy of Ming History History of the Song Dynasty The style of "Li Zhi", "Le Zhi", "Yi Wei Zhi" and "Yu Fu Zhi" are all set up separately, which is more perfect than the previous history.
The three volumes of Electioneering are quite characteristic. The preamble reads: "The laws of election are roughly four: school, subject, recommendation, and selection. Schools to education, subjects to advance, recommendations to the next move, Quan selected to lay out, the world's talent is done."
Therefore, the first volume of "Ming History · Election Annals" is for school, the second volume is for subjects, and the three volumes are recommended and selected by Ren Guan Quan. Recommit at the beginning of Ming Dynasty, Vinh Lac Later; Subjects gradually flourishing, recommendation day light, this change in the intention of the description is very clear, its style for the system and examples, so that people easy to read and understand, at a glance. "Election Annals" from mosla Hand, Lurou Born as a scholar , choose again Learned scholar At the key point of the election, I must have had some experience, so the history is quite appropriate.
The five volumes of Official Records are the key points in the Annals of Ming Dynasty. Emperor Taizu of the early Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang Strike the prime minister, raise the rank of six, and become ancestors Zhu Di When the cabinet was set up, the civil official system was a great change in Chinese history, and the establishment of eunuch yahmen was different from previous dynasties, and its characteristics were obvious.
The History of the Ming Dynasty and Official Records adopted the method of description from the imperial court to the local, from the literature and the military, from the inside and the side. North and South Beijing government offices, mainly in Beijing, Nanking magistrate It is quite simple to describe.
The first volume reads: Jongrenfu , Sankung Three orphans Prince three divisions three little, cabinet, officials, households, rites, soldiers, punishment, work six.
The description of the cabinet in the "Official Records" is not clear, and the emphasis on the six departments is because the six departments are the main body of the Ming Dynasty official system, but the role of the Ming Dynasty cabinet is large and prominent, it should be described more. Court of censors Set modification Imperial historian's desk It is the beginning of Ming Dynasty. It is especially important for all imperial history posts. He also had the post of governor, which was outside the imperial history, and had the title of economic planner, Prime Minister, praise and reason, inspection, and treatment; Monitor the imperial history and patrol Of... Therefore, the capital Procuratorate is placed at the top of the second volume and occupies the longest length, which is also the intention of the history pen.
The eunuch made a special one, and it is listed at the end of the third volume, that is, after the government of the capital. Twelve supervisors, four departments, octuple Eunuchs Twenty-four yamen And the warehouse, house, factory, prefect, guard, garrison, garrison, the account is quite clear. As the governor Dongchang The following note: "A member of the palm print eunuch, the supervisor, gaffer The division room has no fixed number of staff. The matter of sticking two men in prison and stabbing them with their palms. In the past, one person from each prison was chosen to be the governor, and later, a second or third person was appointed as the officiant, or the writer. He pasted the punishment officer, then used Jin Yi Wei thousands of households for it. Where the case is in charge of the palm, the right such as the outer court Yuan auxiliary, palm east factory, the right such as General constitution . Write and follow the class. Each private minister is in charge of the family, the head of the class, the chief of the house, and so on." Eunuch in Ming Dynasty The power of the paper, leap.
And after the eunuch, another comment text, by the Ming Taizu Hongwu seventeen years (1384) cast iron brand" concubine Shall not interfere in political affairs, the offender behead "to Yongle after the official four out, Wang Zhen , Wang Zhi , Liu Jin , Wei Zhongxian The dictatorship of the Ming Dynasty, until the death, quite a summary. The Qing Dynasty took this as a warning, and eunuchs had no chance to interfere in politics, which is really a mirror of history.
Ming Dynasty Chieftain system It was also a major feature at that time, so the end of the official set up a special land officer, although the text is not much, but give people a sense of perfection.
The History of Ming Dynasty Food records "Consists of six volumes from Pan Lei Hands. In fact, Pan Lei did, according to Wang Yuan's "Ming food Annals". But according to records, Pan Lei on the compilation of "food annals" the most hard, "since Hong Wu to Wanli The record of the relevant food, a total of more than 60 copies, close line Fine word Each book more than forty paper, less also more than twenty paper, he is not yet "①. Many people believe that Pan Lei has made a draft of food, or as a long editor. Later Wang Yuan compiled the Annals of Food and Beverages in the history Museum What you see As to whether or not it was compiled by Pan Lei, it can not be obtained.
Wang Yuan "Ming food annals" total twelve volumes: volume one: annals preface, agriculture and mulberry. Volume two: Household registration. Volume three: Field system (with Tun administration). Volume 4: Taxes and corvee (attach misrule ). Volume Five: Water transport of grain to the capital (with shipping). Volume six: Warehouse (with stables and barns). Volume 7: Salt process . Volume eight: Money notes. Volume Nine: Tea alum. Volume 10: Taxation. Volume 11: Supply and production. Volume XII: Accounting (with salaries).
Wang Hongxu Published in... History manuscript of Ming dynasty In the banknote book, except for the incorporation of "accounting" into the "Upper supply and production" and the storage of eleven volumes, the content is almost exactly the same as Wang Yuan's "Ming Food Annals".
"The History of Ming Dynasty · Food Annals" consists of six volumes.
Volume 1: Household registration, field system (with farm, farmland ). Volume 2: Taxes and corvee . Volume 3: Water transport of grain to the capital , warehouse. Volume 4: Salt process , Tea method . Volume 5: Banknotes, pit metallurgy (with iron smelting copper yard), Commercial tax Market, ship, horse market. Volume 6: Sourcing, mining, charcoal, harvesting Bead pool, weaving, burning, salaries, accounting. Except that the content has increased or decreased, basically the same. Therefore, it is said that the History of Ming Dynasty Food records "Is based on Wang Yuan's" Ming food annals ". "Food Annals" will "Ming generation The way to manage money "At the beginning, we gain, and at the end, we lose." [10] . Since the Qing Dynasty, the theorists are very highly respected, but in fact, there are many mistakes in the book, and there are too simple and unclear, and there are still to be introduced later, so it is not unnecessary.
The six volumes of "River and Canal Annals", as historical examples, are divided into rivers. The Yellow River There are two volumes, up and down, and the canal is also divided into two volumes, and the sea half volume is attached. In "Ming Food Annals", sea transportation was originally attached to the water transport. The Huai, 泇, Wei, Zhangzhou, Qin, Hutuo, Sanggan and Jiaolai rivers form one volume, and the water conservancy of Straight Province another. Obviously, the purpose of the Annals of Rivers and Canals is not canals but water conservancy, focusing on river work and water transport. Its content and food can complement each other.
There are four volumes in the Annals of Soldiers Akiichi Acting for the army and governing in detail. First volume: Jingying, Guard the straight army (with imperial city guard, capital patrol), Fourth Guard Battalion . Book II: Wei Institute, Class Army. Book III: Frontier defense, coastal defense (with river defense), people's strong, soldiers (with Rural soldier ). Book IV: Cleaning up the army, training, reward, firearms, vehicles and ships, Horse government .
Ming Dynasty Military system Prominent features, mainly reflects the Ming Taizu centralization intentions. The so-called "Ming Dynasty determined the world with martial arts, reformed the old system of Yuan, since the capital division reached. Shire and county All stand by. The capital is governed from the outside, and the interior is governed from the inside Five military governor's palace , while Upper 12th guard Those who support the army for the Son of Heaven are not with him." This is from the Tang Dynasty Government military system The meaning is more detailed.
① "Ming History" volume 17 "Food Records Preface".
(2) "Ming History" volume 89, "Soldier Zhi Preface".
There is a Ming generation, trapped in the north and South of the "rupp", military is important, and the situation has changed and forced Military system Repeatedly. During the period of evolution and change, the description of "Soldier records" is quite clear, only the account of Jingying in the first volume and "official Records" intersect each other, using a brief method to complement each other.
The History of Ming Dynasty Annals of criminal law Only three volumes. In the early Ming Dynasty, Taizu attached great importance to the criminal law, which was followed for a long time, although it was regarded as a specific text, and the criminal law of the Ming Dynasty still had its own characteristics. "Annals of Criminal Law" three volumes, each volume is untitled category, but the first volume contains the law of the Ming generation. The second volume deals with the Department of Justice and the enforcement of criminal law. Contents of this volume innyi With the "official records" of the law department, and the historian 姜宸英 Write well. Criminal Law The third volume is the most distinctive, which begins with: "The criminal law has its own creation, and those who do not adhere to the ancient system will be punished." Dongxi Factory , Jinyiwei, Jinfuji Prison is already. Is the number of people, killing to the worst, but not beautiful law. Heel to walk, to the end of the creation and the pole. Give the order of the government and the opposition, and listen to the hands of military officers and officials, it is a pity." This volume House guard The story is more detailed, and the history is very good. Factory health for the Ming Dynasty criminal law in the event, Hongwu line Jinyi Wei town fu department prison, the end of the abolition, to Yongle in the restoration, and the east factory. The fact that the facts of Lidong Factory are not mentioned in the record is somewhat obscure and covered up, and the Criminal Law Record has quite detailed it.
" Records of art and literature Four volumes, out bibliography The loons Huang Yuji The Pen of calligraphy. Huang Yuji wrote the book Bibliography of the Thousand ordnance Hall ", in the study of the catalog is very well known. Preface to the Annals of Art and Literature is also published Ni Can In the hand, the text states that the style of this record is only recorded by famous writers of the Ming generation, which is different from the previous history. "The history of the past and the present are recorded, thinking that they are all under the column of time. Wanli of Ming In, Jiao Hong Study national history , the volume of Annals of Confucian classics ", known as detailed. But we have no way to see all the hidden treasures in our pavilion, then Previous generation Chen compiled, how to record, the mere collection of anecdotes, hope that the above inherited "Sui Zhi", and the false books are wrong, the acts of the misadventure. Therefore, in the two hundred and seventy years of this year, each family wrote a little bit, and strangled into a chi. Where the number of papers do not test, doubt the letter is not determined, rather than que and uncertain cloud."
From... Hanshu · Literary records ", "Sui Shu · Jing Zhi" of the repair, collecting books of the past dynasties, examination of its survival, for bibliography The great work of decluttering. " History of the Ming Dynasty, art and literature It does not adopt this compilation method, but takes the book of the Ming generation, which seems simple and detailed, and is indeed a person with good intentions. However, the wise man will be careless, as in his writings Deng Mingshi " Differentiation of ancient and modern surname books The forty volumes are written by the Song Dynasty, and in terms of their style, must be misrecorded books.
" Records of art and literature "Four volumes, according to the classics, history, son, collection arrangement. There are ten categories in the Sutra: Changes, Books, Poetry , "Rites", "Music"," Spring and Autumn ", The Classic of Filial Piety , The Various Classics, The Four Books "Elementary School". There are ten categories of history: official history, Unofficial history , Historical notes , stories, officials, ceremonial notes, criminal law, biography, geography, ultimatum. Three days, there are twelve categories: Confucianist , The eclectic Farmers, novelists, books of war, astronomy, almanac, five elements, art, related books, Taoists , Shijia . The four collections are divided into three categories: collections, collections, literature and history. its Sutra sutra Received 905 books, Department of history One thousand three hundred and sixteen, child Nine hundred and seventy, concentration 1,398 books, a total of 4,589 books. Although it has not been able to collect all the books of the Ming generation, it is still a great achievement, and it is indispensable to understand the catalog books of the Ming Dynasty.
  • Collected biographies
Fundamental edge Ancient history However, there are also some innovations. " The four libraries of the whole book "Volume 46" Ming History "article summary said:" From the old examples of thirteen, innovative examples of three, said "Castration Party", said "traitor", said "toast". Although the fault of putting ermine dungeons has occurred in both Han and Tang dynasties, the tendency of scholars to attach importance to them is that of men. It's poisonous, and it's cool. Do not be a succession, so the source of chaos and death, not only shows the execution of the axe. Rushing, offering two bandits, as for the death of Ming, suppression of the loss, enough for Jiongjian, not his clown ratio, nor the ratio of the group, so it is different. As for the toast, Gu said Jimo Aye. Not inside but outside, quarrels are easy to erupt. Mostly built in yuan, and growing in Ming. The way to control the control is different from that of the herdsmen and that of the enemy state, so it is one of them." It should be said that the creation of three kinds of biographies, "Castration Party", "Liuthief" and "Toast", is indeed in line with the actual situation of the Ming history, and highlights the main points of the Ming Dynasty Social problem To understand the Ming Dynasty eunuchs, the Ming Dynasty peasant uprising and the Ming Dynasty Ethnic relations It provides more concentrated and systematic materials. [11] This is similar to the creation of "Seven Qing Tables" among the tables. Eunuch in Ming Dynasty Although his interference in government was not as good as that of the Han and Tang Dynasties, the foreign court scholar-officials were on the knees and humbled eunuch And become a temporary flame, is everlasting.
Of the forty-six people listed in the Biography of Castration Party, seven belonged to Liu Jin's party, and the rest were Wei Zhongxian's party. Reading the Preface to the Castration Party, we can see that all the people in the history Museum were deeply painful and felt with regret after the death of the Ming Dynasty. However, compared with the "Stream Thief Biography", its feelings are different, and the "Stream thief Biography Preface" is written from Doncel The uprising began until Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong In the Ming Dynasty, the article said: "Since Tang Saier, the end is easy, and the matter is transmitted by all the ministers who suppress the thieves." I will write the Biography of Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong." therein Li Zicheng As long as more than ten thousand words, it is the oldest of all the biographies in the History of Ming Dynasty. From the perspective of history scholars, although it is mainly for the future generations, they have kept relatively rich relevant records for this reason, and did not take scattered in the "suppression of thieves" in the memoirs of the ministers.
The style of the History of the Ming Dynasty adopts the form of class transmission, divided by class, and divided by class, but not all the father and son and grandson are transmitted. The method is divided according to the matter. For example, Volume 1222 has "Guo Zixing Biography", "Han Liner biography", "Liu Futong biography", although it is also one of the Ming Dynasty before the founding of the people, and the people with the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang The relationship is different and grouped into one volume. Chen Youliang , Zhang Shicheng , Fang Guozhen , Ming Yuzhen Combined into a volume, expanded, Chen Youding "And he made Zarevalmi into one book. Among the ministers, such as Xu Da , Chang Yuchun For a single volume, is also a meritorious and separate. Shi Chen for the emperor Jianwen legacy of a quite detailed, and even rumors of people, can list the initiator as far as possible to write a biography, is also a way of Shi Chen to express the feelings of the legacy.
In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there is also the style of attaching stories to stories. As in volume 189, Xia Liangsheng Biography, accompanied by the official Tidal current , Chen Jiuchuan , Zhang Yanrui , Jiang Long , Xu Li, Yao Jiyan Pass, are signed and remonstration Emperor Wuzong toured south The people of... Book 206, attached to the Book of Maru Yan Yishou , Nie Xian , Tang Mu , Liu Qi , Lucjon, Shen Han Wang Ke, all Jiajing "Li Fuda prison" by the people. Such as Long Khanh Zhong Emperor Shi Pang Shangpeng Shuzhong said: "According to Li Tong's prison, Fu Da's crime benefits, and at that time, there were more than forty corrupt officials, and the disaster of clothing can be described as tragic." This attachment is quoted in the later commentary of the historian as the reason for the attachment of colleagues. Such supplementary biographies are numerous in the Ming History.
Another feature of Ming History in Qing Dynasty is to conceal the relationship between Ming and Qing dynasties Eastern and southern parts of Liaoning Province History of the war. For the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty, who had been the governor and town inspector, their deeds in the Liao Dynasty were all reduced in the Qing Dynasty history. Such as Wang Ao , Li Bing, Zhao Fu , Peng Yi , Cheng Xin They all have their own histories in the Ming History, but they are rarely seen in Jianzhou where they had the merit of being under the rule of the state or of conquering the state Jianzhou Jurchen All the Nuzhen records are taboo, the Ming History is omitted, there are a few words involved, do not indicate what tribe, what reason to provoke, its historical truth, it is impossible to see.
For some figures who could not be avoided, the Qing Dynasty simply let them go Historical record The middle class disappeared. Whatever the Ming people are good at and must learn is Kien Chau In the History of the Ming Dynasty, he was cut down rather than write a biography. Such as Gu Yangqian , eunuch Also lost ha And so on, because the life activities can not be separated from Liaodong and Jianzhou, "Ming History" then no biography. The same is true of the expedition to the East Governor Thunlay Yuan Keli General Dongjiang 毛文龙 And after Jin general soldier Liu Aita The wars in the Ming, Jin and Liao Seas were especially heavy, and the Ming History was not a biography.
Among the biographies of the Ming History, the Biographies of Foreign countries and the Biographies of the Western Regions reflect the contacts with overseas countries and tribal areas at that time, and a large number of them have been preserved Southeast Asia and Central Asia The historical data of these countries is a good reference for the study of the history of these countries and the history of Sino-foreign relations.
in Twenty-four histories Among them, the History of the Ming Dynasty is praised by historians for its proper compilation, detailed materials, secure narrative and concise prose. It is a high level historical book. This reflects that the editor's ability to evaluate historical materials, use historical materials, grasp historical events and control language has reached a high level. Although its length is second only to that of the twenty-four histories, History of the Song Dynasty But the reader does not find it tedious and boring.
  • table
Thirteen volumes
Among them, the first, second, third, fourth and fifth books are the tables of the Kings
Volumes 6, 7 and 8 are the tables of meritorious officials
Volume nine is Be a benefactor of the family Table, mainly records the relatives of the reward, Confer a title of nobility Situation.
Volumes 10 and 11 are the annals of Prime ministers, which mainly record the appointment and removal of prime ministers, governors and political affairs before Emperor Taizu abolished the Prime minister, and the abolition of the Prime minister by Emperor Taizu. Ming Dynasty Chengzu After the establishment of the cabinet Grand master of the Cabinet The status of appointment and removal.
Volumes 12 and 13 are the chronology of the seven ministers, aiming to list the six departments of the Ming Dynasty (Official Officials, Ministries, The Ministry of Rites in feudal China , The Ministry of War in feudal China Ministry of Crime, Ministry of Works) and Court of censors The change of top officials.

Historical evaluation


Overall comment

The History of the Ming Dynasty was made by many people, and the compilation time was too long Wei Yuan It criticized its extensive biography, saying that "three tenths can be deleted", and pointed out that "the food, military and political opinions are recorded with the text, and do not run through the book", and denied that the book is from vencthom Hand of [12] .
In this context, it is worth noting here that Literary inquisition in Qing Dynasty Most of the works banned in the United States have been preserved, while most of the lost works are not banned. This may be yet another illustration of a phenomenon seen in many countries. One is included in Banned book The list of books, considered to be of special value, was carefully preserved. Bans are actually the most effective form of advertising." [13]
" Cambridge history of China "In the twenty-four histories, the Ming History" It is ranked as one of the most carefully compiled and therefore most reliable historical books [29] . Written history codifier Much of the information available no longer exists. On the other hand, it's also clear that history is right History of Ming Dynasty The interpretation given is according to the official Qing government neo-Confucianism The orthodoxy. Some bias is to be expected in this respect. All involving the late Ming Dynasty and the Ming Empire Manchuria On the subject of relations with Mongolia, the discussion is necessarily biased. As a source, however, the most serious disadvantage of this official history book lies in the Ming Dynasty, which largely replaced it Primary data Although some have been lost, many still exist.

Historical evaluation

Zhao Yi : Modern history from Ouyang Gong History of the five Dynasties beyond It is not as perfect as the Ming History. (" Notes on twenty-two histories ")
Bai Shouyi The History of Ming Dynasty is an official history with high historical value. (2) The History of the Ming Dynasty has been compiled for a long time, and has the experience of compiling the previous histories, which has become a better one in the twenty-four histories, especially in the histories after Sui and Tang Dynasties. (" General history of China ")
Yu Qiuyu The Ming History later became the whole Twenty-four histories This is a fact that we have to admit. (Notes from Mountain Dwelling: The back of a dynasty ")
Liu Tinghua The compilation of the History of Ming Dynasty is rigorous, with coherent beginning and end, detailed materials, concise writing and few errors. It is a history work of high quality recognized by historians since the Qing Dynasty. Instead," History of the Yuan Dynasty Editing, due to the pressure of Zhu Yuanzhang's political needs, lasted 11 months, 331 days, 31 people participated and organized Leading work Urgent, hasty and chaotic, the nearly 1.8 million word masterpiece was completed in less than a year, and there was no time to check the authenticity of historical materials and analyze and compare problems. To be precise, Yuan History was copied by historians under political pressure. Therefore, there were many misfunctions in Yuan History, and the contents were repeated and contradictory everywhere. (" Chinese History is a Textbook for Cadres ") [14]
Meng Zhaoxin : Later generations believe that the compilation of Ming History although there are still some deficiency But it is indeed one of the best histories ever written in five generations. (" Commentary on the Biography of Kangxi ")

Where it went wrong

The History of Ming Dynasty includes Harlie In fact, both of them refer to the key towns in western Afghanistan Herat (Herat), this mistake is a result of Harry and Hellow's" Explicit record The concurrent influence in "Shaharu" also refers to the ruler as a place name. [15] [30]
The book "Ming History" whitewashed some emperors, such as Sejong Zhu Houcong In the middle and late reign, superstition necromancer Worship Taoism, good immortality, trust treacherous officials Song Yan Border affairs are abolished, Japan plague Aggravating and enforcing the sea ban, "Ming History" evaluated Sejong as "the master of Chinese materials", and rarely mentioned the above things [16] ; Mitsujong Zhu Changluo He was only in power for about a month, and was evaluated as having "a long history of latent virtue and a high expectation at home", which is indeed an exaggeration of Emperor Guangzong [17] ;
"Ming History" volume 265 "Shi Bangyao Biography" describes the end of the pirate Liu Xiang as "captured", volume 260 "Xiong Wencan Biography" also describes his "power, self-immolation drowned." Cao Fuzhi was killed by Liao Mazi in the Biography of Hong Zhong, and by Li Yin in the Biography of Lin Jun Catch and kill . " Food records "When speaking of righteousness A surname More than 300 places, this review "Ming Jingshi literature compilation" Xia Yan the Musical accompaniment Apparently there were more than 30 mistakes. The History of Ming Dynasty Xie Zhao 淛 Biography said that Xie Zhao淛 is Wanli 30 years of Jinshi, the fact is Wanli 20 years, Wanli 30 years did not Imperial examination . The Biography of Zhuo Jing Yao Guangxiao With Zhuo Jing gap, guang Xiao advised Chengzu kill, nothing [18] .
"Ming History" said Zheng Chenggong will King Lu Zhu Yihai In fact, Zheng Chenggong died before Zhu Yihai, king of Lu. After the death of Zhu Yihai, the king of Lu, his son Zhu Honghuan Cross Taiwan, get Zheng Jing Shelter until the fall of Ming Zheng.
When modern scholars discuss the editing process of Ming History, they often hold the prejudice of plagiarism against Wang Hongxu. Hou Renzhi thinks that "in the past two hundred years The Wangs I shall be relieved of my wrongdoings." [19] Participated in the compilation of Ming History Wang Youdun (1692-1758) said: "The legend of the king, gathered the essence of decades of generations, spent decades of effort, how can you pursue one case later, if there is a small slander, if it is not stupid." [20] , Poplar tree That "Wang Hongxu history manuscript" is the work of Xu Yuanwen, the history is full of problems and omissions, "cover the right and wrong reputation is not enough, not a special record table passed on itself as similarities and differences." [21]
There were some minor errors in Ming History, such as Ming Mu Zong The name, according to He Qiaoyuan " Collection of famous Mountains According to the records, Mu Zong's name was "Zai 坖" [22] , while" Jae Joo 垕 At that time, there was another person, the King of the East of Qi [23] ; "Ming History" records 明宪宗 The age of accession to the throne is also wrong, "Ming Xianzong Record" records: Sage benevolence and Shou Taihuang The Empress Dowager in Ding MAO Born on November 2 (i.e., twelve orthodox years (1447)), he was 19 years old when he ascended the throne, not 16 [24] ; Hui king of the pseudo Song regime, "Ming History" written" Wang Zhi And records and other historical books are more remembered as" Wang Zhi "; Zhang Xianzhong said Zhang Xianzhong How many times will the death be credited with killing, a total of 600 million men and women are strange. [25] At its peak, however, the population was less than 200 million [26] , Chinese population The first time it reached 400 million was in the late Qing Dynasty [27] 60 million is after the founding of New China [28] ; Ni Yuanlu At the end of the biography, it says "this dynasty (Qing Dynasty) posthumous title Wenzheng", and according to the record of Emperor Shizu of the Qing Dynasty, Ni Yuanlu should be posthumous title "Wenzhen" in the Qing Dynasty.