Longxing Temple

[long x? ng si]
The first batch of provincial cultural relics protection units in Anhui Province
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synonymHuangjue Temple(Temple in Fengyang County, Anhui Province) generally refers to Longxing Temple (the first batch of provincial cultural relics protection units in Anhui Province)
Longxing Temple, also known as Longxing Ancient Temple, is located in Chuzhou City, Anhui province Fengyang county Prefectural town No. 1 Changchun Road, built in Ming Dynasty Hongwu Sixteen years (1383), is the Ming Dynasty royal temple. The predecessor is Zhu Yuanzhang The temple of monastic worship is later called the Temple of Emperor Jue. Because it is the birthplace of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, it has a relationship with Zhu Ming Dynasty. [1]
yuan principal In the fourth year (1344), Zhu Yuanzhang became a monk in Huangsi. In 1352, Yuhuang Temple was destroyed in the war. In the sixteenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1383), Zhu Yuanzhang was in Jiuhuashan (Fengyang County) under the peak of the day Jingfeng to choose a new site to rebuild the Longxing Temple, referred to as Longxing Temple. Personally for the temple to write "Longxing Temple tablet" inscription, royal seal "first mountain" name, royal book "first mountain tablet", awarded the abbot of Longxing Temple as six pin seal monks. There are three treasures in Longxing Temple, namely three copper: bronze bells, bronze POTS, bronze drums, as well as ancient temple archway, Ming and Qing Dynasty tablet inscriptions and other cultural relics. [4]
On September 8, 1981, Longxing Temple was announced as the first batch of provincial cultural relics protection units in Anhui Province, and was listed as a national key open temple. [2] In 2009, Longxing Temple was approved as a 3A national scenic spot. [1]
Chinese name
Longxing Temple
Foreign name
Longxing Temple
Geographical position
No.1 Changchun Road, Fucheng Town, Fengyang County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
Floor space
1282.5 acres [7]
Protection level
The first batch of provincial cultural relics protection units in Anhui Province
Opening hours
8:00 to 17:30
Climatic condition
Subtropical monsoon climate
Scenic spot level
National AAA scenic area, national key open temple
Ticket price
30 yuan
Famous scenic spot
Hexagonal pavilion , Longxing ancient temple archway , The Great Hero Hall , Long xing late bell

Historical evolution

Longxing Temple was formerly known as Yuhuangji Yu Huang Temple in The Northern Song Dynasty (960-907) It has been built.
Song and Jin Wars At that time, Longxing Temple was destroyed by the Jin people, and later restored.
During the Song and Mongolian Wars, Longxing Temple was destroyed.
In the Yuan Dynasty, Xuan, a monk who had escaped from the temple, returned to the old site of the temple and rebuilt it.
Yuan to Zheng four years (1344), the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang He became a monk in Yuhuang Temple.
In 1352, Longxing Temple was destroyed by fire.
In the sixteenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1383), Zhu Yuanzhang issued an edict to rebuild Yuhuang Temple. Because the old site of the Emperor Temple was too close to the imperial mausoleum, it was inconvenient to burn and repair, so it was rebuilt elsewhere. In September of the same year, the reconstruction of the Temple was completed, and Zhu Yuanzhang gave it the name "Longxing Temple".
Ming A piece of writing written in Jian Wen Between 1399 and 1402, Commander of the Central Army Legal matter When Sun Yue led the army in Fengyang, he tore down the wood of Longxing Temple to repair warships.
Ming Vinh Lac In April of the first year (1403), Sun Yue, the chief commissioner of the Central Army, was dismissed for damaging the Longxing Temple. Ming Yongle three April, repair Longxing Temple.
Ming legitimacy In 1440, Longxing Temple caught fire. Ming Tianshun Three years (1459), the restoration of Longxing Temple.
Ming Zhengde In 1510, Longxing Temple caught fire. At the beginning of the Ming Wanli, the mountain gate and the main hall were restored.
Ming Wanli Thirty-seven years (1609), Governor of Fengyang Zhang Daxiao They raised more than 3,000 gold to restore the temple and monastery of Longxing Temple.
Ming 崇祯 Eight years (1635), the peasant army captured Fengyang, burned down the Longxing Temple, and the Tibetan scriptures were scattered.
In the 12th year of Kangxi's reign in Qing Dynasty (1681), Fenglu Road Yin Fan Shixiu, Fengyang Governor Zhang Qinwen and others rebuilt Longxing Temple. In the same year, Geng Jizhi, governor of Fengyang, donated money to supplement the collection of Sutras and made jin letters to store them.
qing Kangxi Fifty-four years (1715), Fenglu Road Yin Baoqian, Fengyang governor Jiang Guozheng, donated salary to rebuild Longxing Temple.
qing Qianlong During the years, Fenglu road Yin You Baishi, Fengyang Governor Xiang Zhang, repair Longxing Temple.
qing Daoguang County During the years, Feng Lu Dao Yin Wu Qu Donate to repair Longxing Temple.
qing Xianfeng Three years (1853), Taiping Heavenly Kingdom The Northern Expeditionary army burned down Longxing Temple.
qing Tongzhi Eight years (1869), Fengyang governor Fan Yunpeng, county magistrate Yu Xi, donated to repair Guanyin Hall, Guest hall; Zou of the city donated to repair the Buddhist hall.
qing Guang Xu Two years (1876), governor Liu Xianwen Donate to repair the three treasures Hall.
In the fifth year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty (1879), Chengshan, governor of Fengyang, raised funds to build the winding gallery, Ji Hall, Ming Taizu Hall, and Zen Hall.
Qing Guangxu eight years (1882), Fengying road Yin Ren Lansheng Donate the amendment Hall, ship hall, clock pavilion
Qing Guangxu fourteen years (1888), Fengying road Yin RenLansheng, donated to repair Longxing Temple.
In the thirty-first year of the Republic of China (1942), Fengyang County raised 200,000 yuan to restore Longxing Temple. In October of the same year, the restoration of Longxing Temple was completed.
In 1959, Anhui Provincial People's Government 30000 yuan was allocated to rebuild Longxing Temple.
In 1968, Longxing Temple was occupied by the Civil Affairs Bureau of Fengyang County, and the main hall of Longxing Temple was changed to the foundry of Wuyi Comprehensive Factory.
In 1975, Longxing Temple was occupied by Fengyang County agricultural machinery training Class, and the main hall of Longxing Temple was converted into a classroom.
In 1977, the Fengyang County Cultural Bureau reported a request to put Longxing Temple under the administration of the cultural relics department. Fengyang County cultural relics administration office. [2]
In December 1981, Longxing Temple was recovered by the county cultural relics Administration and used as a cultural relics exhibition place.
In 1993, Jiuhuashan Centennial Palace hosted Master Hui Qing Fengyang government hired to officially become Longxing Temple. [3]

Architectural pattern

Longxing Temple is a large scale, covering an area of 1282.5 acres, there are Buddhist halls, Dharma halls, monks' houses 381, there are monks and children riding horses to pass the mountain gate. Longxing Temple has been rebuilt repeatedly, and has built Great compassion Pavilion, Zhu Yuanzhang Hall, and built more than 200 halls of Daxiongbao Hall, Tianwang Hall, Dizang Hall, Dharma Hall, monks' abode, and hotels, with a construction area of 6,910 square meters. [4]

Main building


Pailou (decorated archway)

The archway of Longxing Temple is 6.8 meters high, 7.8 meters long and 0.88 meters thick, all of which are made of green bricks with a length of 21 centimeters, a width of 10 centimeters and a thickness of 4.5 centimeters. For the third floor Hipped roof Bricks out of the eaves, five brackets, covered with small tiles, brick ridge, decorated with geometric patterns. The door is made of brick circular arch, and the white jade plaque is inlaid above the door. [4]

The Great Hero Hall

The Hall of Great Heroes, also known as the Hall of Three Treasures, was originally located in front of the mountain, and the old site 柱础石 is still in its original position. Qing Guangxu three years (1877), donated to repair three treasure hall three columns, Qing Guangxu five years (1879), added to repair the gallery and the east and west rooms of the hall one column. In the middle of the hall is the bronze statue of Shakyamuni, high Zhang six, before which there is a long case of offering incense, after which there is a clay mountain frame, the cave overlaps the exquisite, and there is a story of the clay Tang monk and his disciples learning scriptures; A roc bird at the top. There is a statue of the Goddess of Mercy behind the mountain. There is a secret room on each side of the hall. The moon round door, the hidden east and west gables have a one-meter high pedestal, the platform is juxtaposed as nine statues of mud arhats, the east is the dragon, the west is the tiger, collectively called eighteen Arhats, the north wall each has a Buddha, the east is Manjuri Ride the elephant, west for amanabhadra Ride the lion. " Cultural revolution In the early days, the cultural relics in the temple were destroyed, and only the empty temple remained.
The hall is 25 meters long from east to west, 12 meters deep from north to south, and about 9 meters high. The roof tiles and the outer wall of the winding corridor were reconstructed during the "Cultural Revolution", and the three characters of the Ji Ji Chi Chi book "Longxing Temple" were embedded in the front of the door, which were moved from the mountain gate to this place. The roof truss of the main hall was rebuilt during the Republic of China. Its structure is seven, front porch, rear double step. The moon under the porch is decorated with peony patterns. Two flat buckets are placed above to support the stringer and the rafter. The front eaves column stands on the drum type 柱础石, the column has a hanging fall, its pattern is decorated with flowers and animals, and has a rolling grass type propped arch. The mountain roof truss between the east and the west has a grinding Angle beam of 45 degrees in the corner, and the gold pier is placed on the pier, and the pier has a beam and a climbing beam to support the roof rafters. Between the east and west ends of the front eaves, there are inscriptions on the temple in the thirty-first year of the Republic of China (1942) and donation inscriptions. [4]

Longxing Temple stele

Longxing Temple stele stands behind the original main hall, the inscription is Emperor Taizu of Ming Imperial system, there is the imperial "Resengwen" in the tablet Yin, Ming Hongwu sixteen years (1383) in September. Qianlong "Fengyang County records" contains: "After this temple pavilion, Taizu" Longxing Temple Stele ", Wanli thirty-nine years Ma Xie built ", when the stele has been destroyed, to be rebuilt. Qing Xianfeng three years (1853), the temple was destroyed by the army, the pavilion is still standing. Tongzhi "Fengyang County continued to record" cloud: "This temple destroyed, stele. But after the war, the turtle (seat) was torn down, and the Yin and Yang inscription calligraphy end strength, can be extended to copy." Between Guangxu, the monument was erected in the original place, and the tablet was replaced by a brick built round platform. The main hall was moved behind the monument.
At the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", the monument was removed, but the stone foundation of the base still remains. The size of the monument is unknown. According to the twenty-third year of the Republic of China (1934), "Anhui Tongzhi Jinshi antiquities examination draft" : "The rubbage is high, wide five feet two inches, twenty lines, forty-eight characters, two inches of diameter, the book." At the end of the inscription, it reads: "Jeong Hyeon, the master of the book." The inscription describes the history and construction process of the temple, Zhu Yuanzhang's own experience and his views on "seeking Buddha", which have high historical value. The original tablet is gone, the rubbings are gone. [4]

The First Mountain Monument

The first mountain monument is the imperial book of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, which originally stood in the imperial book Pavilion inside the mountain gate. "Fengyang New Book" : "The Imperial book Pavilion, in Longxing Temple, Hongwu sixteen years (1383) built, there is the Holy Lord's imperial book 'the first mountain' three characters, the stone set up, the system is extremely deep, for the spectacular of the capital." Zhou Qi, an official, accompanied the king of Shu to offer sacrifices to the imperial mausoleum, and once made the poem "The first mountain of the imperial book of Longxing Temple in Zhongdu". At the end of Ming Dynasty, pavilions and steles were destroyed. Qing Kangxi, in the peak of the new tree monument to build pavilion, to the end of the Qing Dynasty pavilion destroyed, but the dome monument between the peak. After the founding of the People's Republic, the monument remained intact. The tablet is more than 3 meters high, the words are as big as a bucket, and the script is written in the imitation of Zhu Yuanzhang, and the pen force is strange. At the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", the stele was smashed, and one pair of stone foundation remains at the site of the stele pavilion.
In April 1982, a stone was recovered as the head of the inscription, with the title: "Rebuild the Stele of Dalongxing Temple". The monument is 35 cm high, 110 cm wide and 14 cm thick. It was installed on the inside of the east wall of the temple in September 1983. The monument is 123 cm high, 34 cm wide and 17 cm thick, and is bluestone. The inscription is a seven-verse poem "Reconstructing Longxing Temple", and the inscription reads: "Wanli Xinhai thirty-ninth year (1611) afternoon, Zhu Zhifan Question "; The lower end of the seal cut "Fan", "Zhu Yuanjie" imprint 2. Zhu Zhifan Bai Xia (now Nanjing) people, when the official to Minister of Rites . [4]

Long xing late bell

Longxing Temple Temple behind the hillside bell pavilion hanging a large bell, for the temple was cast. The bell is made of alloy material, 2.05 meters high and weighs about 4 tons. The top of the bell cast a pair of dragon is not a dragon strange beast, known as one of the nine sons of the dragon, called Pu Lao. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, whenever the red sun fell in the west or the rising sun rose in the east, the sound of "Fengling bell" echoed through the clouds, and the monks of Longxing Temple began their morning and evening Buddha classes with the bell. At night, the bell quiet Qing, far tens of miles, there is a common "change of dynasty rivers change, only the bell around Fengyang" said. Therefore, the ancients called "Longxing late bell", known as three of the eight scenic spots in Fengyang. [4]


Bronze ware: The original Ming Dynasty bronze Buddha, bronze bell, bronze drum, copper wok and so on. The largest statue of Sakyamuni, about 3.4 meters high, consists of three sections of the head, chest, abdomen and lower body, the surface is gold-plated, beautiful shape, destroyed in the early "Cultural Revolution". There are still 1 bronze bell, 1 bronze drum and 4 bronze wok in the temple, all intact.
Bronze Bell: It was originally hung in the clock pavilion on the hillside behind the temple. The bell is 2.05 meters high, 1.3 meters in diameter along the lower edge, 9 centimeters thick, and weighs about 4 tons. The bell pin is "Pu Lao", and the clock body is cast with an inscription. The pavilion was destroyed at the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution". After that, the bell was moved to the drum tower for alarm purposes, and in April 1982, it was transported back to the temple for display and storage.
Bronze Drum: It is 1.15 meters long, 1 meter in diameter and 3.5 centimeters thick. "Fengyang County continued to record" : "The monk water irrigation flower, called bronze drum. The sound of the knock is sonorous, no knowledge, can not name." At the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", it was sold as scrap to the Fucheng waste collection station, which was used as a fire cylinder and survived. In 1975, it was transported to the county Cultural Center for safekeeping, and in April 1982, the county cultural relics Management Office transported it back to Longxing Temple for display.
Copper Cauldron: Divided into two types, a type of 3 mouth, tip bottom shape, for the double-layer platform. They are 1.5 meters high, 1.64 meters outside diameter, and 5 centimeters thick. There are 8 exits on the upper and lower sides. One mouth, pointed bottom, single layer platform, 0.9 meters high, 1.59 meters outside diameter, 4 centimeters thick. Its use is unknown, known as cooking utensils, there is a "cooking monk boarded the pot" said. "Fengyang County continued to record" : "Purple (green) copper wok four large, containing more than 50 DMS of water. At the beginning of Xianfeng, the army was short of pay, and the Grand Government was planning to use money for casting, and a thousand jin of hot coal could not be melted." It is said that during the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese Army invaded Fengyang and wanted to take it away, which caused the people of Fengyang to protest; And then tried to melt it down in vain. In the "Cultural Revolution", many times rammed, the medicine did not move, and survived. In April 1982, it was still put on display in the temple. [5]

History and culture

  • Legends and anecdotes
The biggest influence of Longxing Temple on the temples in the world is the sitting posture of the four king statues in the Tianwang Hall. According to legend, the four major Kings of the temple were all standing "up to heaven". The four heavenly Kings of Longxing Temple "first" sat down, and since then, the four heavenly Kings of new temples all over the world have also sat down. As for why the four heavenly Kings take sitting positions, there is also a very interesting folklore. It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang had a strange illness when he was a child and cried day and night. His parents had no money to seek medical treatment, so they turned to Buddhism and willingly converted to Buddhism. After the child's illness unexpectedly recovered. So when Zhu Yuanzhang was ten years old, he entered the temple as a monk. He started from the lowest level of handwork, carrying water, firewood and cleaning Buddhist halls every day. When sweeping the temple of the Heavenly King, because the four heavenly Kings stood upright, their legs were like pillars, it was inconvenient to sweep the floor. He swept, while Shouting: "foot up" is indeed "Jun mouth jade words", the four heavenly Kings actually put their feet up, said then sat down. Then, the new monasteries in the world followed suit, and the four heavenly Kings also sat down. [4]
Longxing Temple

Cultural relics protection

On September 8, 1981, Longxing Temple was announced by the Anhui Provincial People's Government as a provincial key protection unit and was listed as a national key open temple. [2]

Tourist information

  • Geographical position
Longxing Temple is located at No.1 Changchun Road, Fucheng Town, Fengyang County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. [2]
Longxing Temple
  • Opening hours
Open all day 8:00-17:30. [6]
  • Ticket price
30 yuan/person.
  • Traffic information
Public Transport:
Take Fengyang Road 4, Fengyang Road 2, Fengyang Road 3, Fengyang Road 5, Fengyang Road 1, to Longxingsi Station or West Bus Station, get off and walk there.
Long-distance passenger transport:
Can take the bus to Fengyang bus station, get off the road opposite to.