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Chen Cheng

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Diplomats of the Ming Dynasty
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Chen Cheng (1365-1458), styled Zilu and styled Zhushan, was born in Jiangxi Province Jishui county Futian town Chenjiacun, Ming Dynasty outstanding diplomat. Ming Hongwu Caryophoridae A successful candidate in the imperial examinations . First teaching pedestrian With orders to Beiping to seek sages, Shandong Juanju, and Annan to tell Yi, they have fulfilled their mission. Vinh Lac At first, to Minister of civil Affairs promotion Scholars and foreigners , retinue A surname The northern expedition, repeatedly made the Western regions, meritorious. Official to Guangdong Chief Secretary Right into politics, Xuande For three years (1428), he retired, Write an official post Retire to the garden. The author of... The Western Regions itinerary "," Records of the Western Regions ", "Zhushan Anthology", "with Annan to explain Qiu Wen's boundary book" and so on.
Chen Cheng's lifelong loyalty to the country, the success of the mission to Annan, the mission, five out of the sun, snow-capped mountains, through the jungle, walking the Gobi, hard trek tens of thousands of miles, five to the Western regions. Reopen" Silk Road ", and Zheng He One sea and one land for the Ming Dynasty to open the door to foreign trade, creating the Ming Yongle year to the prosperity of the dynasty, historians Xie Guozhen He said that his achievements were not inferior to Zheng He. In particular, the implementation of the diplomatic strategy of "one look at each other" in the Western regions, "from then on, the ten thousand countries were converted to morality, and the three sides were determined without labor", which was adopted by the Soviet historian Vladimir. Zoff was hailed as the most outstanding peacemaker of the 15th century.
Chen Cheng
Chen Zilu
Place of Birth
Jiangxi Ji water Futian town Chenjia village
Date of birth
June 17, 1365
Date of death
September 17, 1458
Major work
Itinerary of the Western Regions, Records of the Western Regions of the Country, Lion Fu, Zhushan Collection
Major achievement
Successful mission Annam Debate the earth's boundaries.
He went to the Western Regions five times and promoted the politics and economy of the Central Plains and the Western regions of the Ming Dynasty. Cultural exchanges reached their peak and made important contributions to the stability and prosperity of the northwest border in the early Ming Dynasty.
Ming Dynasty
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Be educated and educated
Jiangxi (Province)
Diplomatic envoy

A chronology of a person's life

Chen Chengxiang
Ming Hongwu Eighteen years (1385) taught Linjiang Scholar Liang Yin learns from Xiao Dai's book The Book of Rites ". Hongwu 26 years in 1393, 27 years (1394) Gongshi, temple test three a grant with the Jinshi.
In March of the 29th year of Hongwu (1396), he went on a diplomatic mission The western regions Sari gynophobia (now Qaidam Basin Northwest Region) built valium , Quxian Wei , Aduanve Defend the frontier.
In November of the 29th year of Hongwu (1396), he served as an envoy Annam To resolve the dispute over the border of Qiuwen.
Hong Wu thirty years (1397) rise Review of the Academy , is seven products.
A piece of writing written in Jian Wen Three years (1401) Kwangtung Chief Secretary left Senator, from four
Jianwen four years (1402), to Guangzhou Be in charge.
In the first year of Yongle (1403), due to the Battle of Jingnan, Fang Xiaoru was implicated in the incident, banished to Xingzhou, Beijing, and Liangxiang village.
Yongle three years (in 1405) return, as the official officials of the seal department of the chief, is six products.
Vinh Lac Four years (1406) - Nine years (1411) in Yongle The Pavilion of Literary Yuan Write a book Yongle Grand Festival ".
Yongle ten years (1412) promoted to the Ministry of Official officials to check the seal. From the five.
In September of the eleventh year of Yongle (1413), Ming Dynasty Chengzu Imperial decree officer Li Da escort The Timurid Empire King Shaharu Sent the emissary home. Accompanying envoys included deputy Minister Li Siem, Secretary Chen Cheng, Yang Zhong and other 8 people. The mission arrived in the capital of the Timurid Empire in October of the twelfth year of Yongle (1414) Harlie .
Yongle thirteen years (1415) in October, the delegation returned to the Beijing division, the secretary of the book Chen Cheng wrote "the Western Regions Itinerary", "the Western Regions of the country", presented the imperial review.
Yongle fourteenth year (1416) escort Harlie , Samarkand I have Huai and other countries tributary envoys return home.
Yongle sixteenth year (1418) May promoted to Guangdong Chief Secretary counsellor. October escort Harlie Shaharu, Samarkand The tributary sent by Gurubeus, Aldushah, returned home.
Yongle eighteen years (1420) raised the Guangdong Chief Secretary right to participate in politics from three.
Yongle twenty-two years (1424) to the Timurid empire. The Yongle emperor died and returned halfway.
Hong Hee Returned in the first year (1425) Jiangxi (Province) Ji water home, repair Nai garden, build villa escape old hall, poetry friends.
Xuande three years (1428) formally applied for resignation and retirement.
Xuande Eight years (1433) wrote "Li Guan Deeds".
Twelve years of orthodoxy (1447), "Zhushan Anthology" was published.
Tianshun He died in 1458 at the age of 93.