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Lushan poetry

Poems by Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming Dynasty
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"Lushan Poem" was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang A song written by A seven-character verse , total 56 words.
Title of work
Lushan poetry
Foreign name
Lushan poetry
Zhu Yuanzhang
Age of creation
Ming Dynasty
Literary genre
A seven-character verse


Original text

Lushan poetry
Zhu Yuanzhang
Lushan Mountain Bamboo shadow thousands of autumn, cloud lock peak water flow.
Wan Li Yangtse River Floating jade belt, a bright moon rolling gold ball.
Lu Yao Three thousand northwest, one million southeast states.
The beauty of the moment is endless, the fate of the day to swim again.


Zhu Yuanzhang, Ming dynasty The founding emperor. Formerly known as Double eight, later named Xing Zong. Han nationality, Haozhou (now east Fengyang County, Anhui Province) Clock departure He was from Taiping Township when he was 25 Guo Zixing leading Red Turbans Against the tyranny of the Mongolian Yuan, Longfeng seven years (1361) was awarded Duke of Wu Ten years of self-proclaimed King of Wu . In the twenty-eighth year of the Yuan to Zheng (1368), after basically destroying the peasant rebel army and wiping out the residual forces of the Yuan, he was in Nanjing The title of emperor, the title of the country Ming Dynasty Hongwu established a unified feudal regime throughout the country. The reign of Zhu Yuanzhang is known as" The rule of Hongwu ". Be buried in Ming mausoleum .