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Ming Taizu Baoxun

Quotations from the emperor
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
Sermon That is, the emperor's sayings were classified and compiled according to the content. Emperor Taizu of Ming Baoxun recorded Zhu Yuanzhang's state, administration, acceptance of remonstrance, criminal law, military and many other aspects.
Chinese name
Ming Taizu Baoxun
Number of volumes


Volume one on the governance of the road, respect for heaven, filial piety, modesty, virtue, the country, feudalism, education
Volume two respect Confucianism, holy learning, praise the meritologist, teach the prince Kings, right family, thick customs, rites, Xing rites, worship education
Volume three official, law-abiding, seeking words, accepting advice, to slander, but contribution, diligent people, financial management, frugality
Four commandments of luxury, loyalty festival, service, warning, disaster prevention, screen heresy, comment on the past, benevolent government
Volume five seeking merit, punishment, reward, wide Fu, grace, relief loan, preservation of meritorious officials, ceremony of the previous generation, ceremony of ministers, oratory
Volume six encyclical ministers, Wubei, Yu Yi Di, Huai far people, debating evil, cultivating talents, pragmatic

Excerpt from original text

Seek talent
Jia Chen December Ding Si, Taizu said: "Yuan this Hu people, from the desert, once the possession of China, mixed a sea. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic, all the ministers who assisted the prime minister were virtuous, and all the people who were employed were gentlemen. And after also, the villain is good at power, evil and evil actually into, lift with the old, become friends, Chinese and foreign hundred, greedy shameless. The law is weak, discipline is weak. As for disintegration, there is no saving it. At the beginning of today's business, if there is no strict legislation to reform adultery, it will be afraid of following old habits and cannot be lifted. Therefore, we must choose the virtuous, to long governance. You should be careful what you recommend."
In the first year of Wu, in November Wuxu, Taizu said to the courtiers: "I viewed the map yesterday, the state county, the world three points, has two." If you have the talent to know the wise and the wise people in the world, so that I rule, I with one heart to unify its discipline, ministers to all for the praise of Xiangshu government, so that the malpractice of the law, people, Fu, mixed with a business, you can sit. As the old saying goes: a country without benevolence is empty. Let each of them bring forth his merits for appointment." In November of the first year of Hongwu, he sent Wenyuan Ji, Zhan Tong, Wei Guan, Wu Fu, Zhao Shou and other branches of the world to seek talents. Taizu said: "natural talent, must be used for the world." However, there are different people's materials: the quality of the sharp or light, the nature of the thick or slow, the difference to the line or not caught, the silent virtue or excess. You should take careful consideration." At the same time said: "Your Majesty Zhaode four seas, Zhengxian Jun PI should be the day, ministers dare not heart." Taizu said, "Talents are always in the world. I do not suffer from the world without merit, suffering from the difficult ear of people. What is not used will do great harm. You wait carefully!" So they gave each one white gold.
In September, Hongwu two years, Taizu said to the court: "Know people solid difficult. Today, I have repeatedly sent letters to the hundred departments to seek talents, but those who arrive are often not worthy of the name, are they not excessive?" The court official said: "Please recommend from this hundred, must have the good that he has done, and I will not risk excessive loss." Taizu said, "When you look at a person's law, you can know how big he is if he is small; when you look at his small, you can see what he is doing; when you see what he is not doing, you can know what he is doing." But the law of strict measures risks excessive self-reform."
Hongwu six April Xin ugly, ordered the official officials to visit the world. Taizu said, "There are talents in the world and the treasure of the country." The ancient sage king was always interested in seeking merit. If Gao Zong was in Fu Shuo, Wen Wang was in Lu Shang, the two Kings were not wise enough, let alone the ones who made the drum and sword. It is not enough to cure a man who is unprepared. A swan can lift far, for its wings also; The dragon can leap, for its scale iguana also; People can lead to the rule of the king, for its wise men and for the auxiliary also. Today, the people of the forest, is there no moral literature and art? I would like you to choose and send gifts to Beijing, and I will appoint them to govern you." Hongwu eight July Gengshen, Taizu royal right door, said the courtiers said: "lift the big can not be alone, live in the great cause can not be alone." It is therefore the choice of the ability, Lieb, safety and danger association heart, prosperity and decline with de. Xiyin Zhou Xing also, with Yi Yin, Zhou Gong sages, so Bu Shi forever, Li Zuo spirit long. Qin, Sui season, abandoned the group policy in Henkel, the commission of heroes in the Tang Lord, only its wisdom, and died. It is easy to pull out the root of a thin, shallow source is easy to dry. People want to Hongde, but when the broad and listen, boda sentiments, then the governance benefit Sheng long, Tao benefit everbright."
February C Chen, Taizu royal Fengtian gate, with courtiers and the way of employment. Taizu said: "The sound of the stone, hit and then sing; Boat sailing can be transported, and then move; The talent of a wise man can be seen after he uses it. But if one's intelligence is better than another and shorter than this, if one abandons its strength because of its shortness, then the whole world is in trouble. Today, the world is seeking talent, and those who are good at an art are in the selection list, and wait to see it. Its incorruptible let also, can know its benevolence; Its good planning also, you can know its wisdom; Its decisiveness can also be known for its courage. Left and right only see the small, not see its big end, and easily put it, is the world without a sigh. Though they have the talent of the kingdom, they will not see it."
Hongwu twelve years in December, is the month, the world learned old man, all should be edict to the capital. First, Taizu called the Ministry of Rites minister said: "For the world such as a building, not a wood, must be gathered and then become." The world is not one man alone, must choose the good and then rule. Therefore, for the country treasure, it is better to recommend the sage. Since I came to the throne, twelve years, thinking of the wise men to Xi and I. But the mountains are far away, the learned old man hid the light, willing to be poor, not to attract it, not light out. I would like to visit you carefully and send you gifts to the court, and I will make use of them."
Hongwu 13 years in April have ugly, the life of the ministers all know. Taizu said, "The world has never been short of talents." Call Gao, Kui, Ji, qi not revived, Fang uncle, called tiger no longer out, is the thin world of people also. But the world rises and falls, hence the arithmetic difference. It is the energy of the people who are appointed, and nothing can be done. The fate of Gus depends on the rule of the state. Is the wisdom of one man enough to rule the world? Must rely on the world's talents, and then enough to succeed. We should respond to this intention, and each of us should give what we know." In October Hundred Days, Taizu told officials: "The affairs of the world, not the rule of virtue; The way to seek the wise is not impropriety. So Tang to Yi Yin, due to three appointments; Han Zheng Shen Gong, Ann car bundle silk. Recent courtiers for me, I employ them. Many of the names given are merely stories. The husband will seek gold, dig a well in the spring, and recommend a scholar in the future. What I have done today is not true, is it true to know people? What is the result of suppressing the talented? It is my will that the Ministry of Official officials will instruct the world to inquire and visit, and will seek true talents and send them with courtesy."
Hongwu 15th year of the first month, Geng Xu, ordered the world hajj officials to each known one, Taizu said: "The ancient recommendation to the real not to name, the later recommended and left the name, so often not as good as the ancient." I imitate the ancient system, select and use talents, each because of his ability, and seek its actual effect. Today, you come to the court, each of them know. All those who have a good name and a talent to record have it, and I will promote them with their talents, without concealment."
In August, there was a Guangdong scholar on the rule of peace, Taizu, Gu said to the courtiers: "This person does not know the truth, is there thousands of years to discuss the rule of peace and not use the sage?" The world is so big, you want me to take care of myself? Although there is a most holy king, but the value of human beings, the Horus taste that man is not enough! Cover independent wisdom for their own use, see narrow; If you are talented, you can reach far and wide." The scholar Song Na said, "It is true as the decree. But how can it be known in the world? Must rely on the recommendation of ministers. Whether one is wise or not depends on the ear of the one who gives it." Taizu said, "What a small man does may not be a gentleman, and what a gentleman does may not be a small man." Therefore, you can know whether a man is good or not by looking at him."
In September, Wu Shen, the Ministry of Official Officials to recruit to the world Confucian scholars, selected their Ming practice, and listed them as the first news. Taizu said, "There is no shortage of talents. Today, a virtuous gentleman should use his time, and let his big and small tools be used according to his ability, and do not let his talents be used too much."
In December, the 17th year of Hongwu, Taizu's courtiers said: "Confucius cloud: ten rooms of the city, there will be loyalty." I have repeatedly rescripts to recommend the sage, and the recommended more than a person, is there really no sage in the mountains and rocks? The incumbent is acting in a way that he wants to. In the past, he often recommended horse Zhou, Tang Taizong liked its understanding of people. If today's proposer can send a horse week, do I love the Jue reward? Pity those who have no wish. So I will not forget it day and night."
Hongwu 19 years in July GUI not, edict in the Ming practice practice of the current affairs of the people under 70 years, county gifts to the capital. Zheng Juzhen, the doctor of the Rites Department of Taizu, said: "Although the old man is not appointed to the government, as for the consultation, the old man has experienced more and seen a wide range of knowledge, up to human feelings, weeks in physics, there are people who can be consulted." Ju Zhen said, "When a man reaches sixty and his energy is exhausted, he cannot win." Please do not send those over sixty." Taizu said; "Politics is better than to have no body I will, a man has a old age, then don't ask. Do you know that old into the ancients heavy, Wen Wang with Lu Shang and xing, Mu Gong does not listen to Jian uncle and defeat, Fu Sheng although old, still enough to transmit the scriptures, you can be abandoned to gerontosity also! If he is over sixty or under seventy years of age, he shall keep the imperial academy for advisers; Those above 40 and below 60 shall be used in the sixth Department, the Chief Secretary and the secretary." Hongwu 25 December C Chen, Zhou Chang, governor of Anqing Prefecture, said: I see scholars or because of small rejection, but it can be used, and in the case can not be cited. Let forgiveness be extended so that those who are wise may be recommended." The Ministry of Official Officials said: "The crime is repeated without punishment. You cannot listen to what you say." Taizu said, "A good worker honors the jade and does not abandon the little emperor. The servants of the court will forgive the minor faults. Therefore, change the good, the sage with it, record long abandon short, the king of man. If one person is abandoned because of the loss of one thing, there is no whole person in the world. Chang's words are true. It makes some scholars deposed and banished to distant places because they are too small, knowing their talents and virtues, and listening to them." [1]