Guixi City

Yingtan City of Jiangxi Province in charge of county-level city
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synonymGuixi County(Yingtan County level city, Jiangxi Province) generally refers to Guixi City
Guixi City, Yingtan city of Jiangxi Province is a county-level city, located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province Yiyang County , Yanshan county Connected southeast with Fujian Province Guangze County Junction, south and Zixi county Adjacent, west and Yingtan City Yuehu District , Yujiang District and Jinxi county Bordering, north of Wannian county Adjacent. [1] Guixi covers an area of 2480 square kilometers, with jurisdiction over 18 townships (towns), 4 streets and 7 forest (reclamation and horticulture) fields. [2] [23] At the end of 2021, Guixi has a permanent population of 540,300. [13]
Guixi City is located in the hinterland of Chang-Zhu-Min economic zone. It was established in the first year of Tang Yongtai (765) and was established as a city in 1996. [2] [7] Guixi ancient has the important location characteristics of "connecting Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the east and controlling Ou and Fujian in the south", and has the reputation of "four provinces thoroughgate". [31] There are Shanghai-kunming railway , Anhui and Jiangxi Railway , Yingzhou-xiamen railway , Shanghai-kunming high-speed railway And other four railways, as well as 320 National highway, 206 National highway and Shanghai-Kunming expressway, Jiguang expressway. [4] Longhu Mountain scenic spot Located in Guixi City, it is a world geopark, a national natural and cultural double heritage site, a national 5A tourist attraction and a national forest park. [1]
Guixi is the birthplace of Taoism in China. The first Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling in Longhu Mountain It has been more than 1900 years since the founding of the Heavenly Master Road. Guixi is the birthplace of "mind science", a famous neo-Confucianist and educator Lu Jiuyuan founded Xiangshan University It is one of the four major academies of the Southern Song Dynasty. Guixi is Fang Zhimin It was an important part of the revolutionary base area of Northeast Jiangxi under its leadership and the birthplace of the 10th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. [31]
In 2021, Guixi City achieved a regional GDP of 59.232 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 9.5%. [13]
Chinese name
Guixi City
Foreign name
Administrative division code
Administrative category
County-level city
Subordinate region
Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province
Geographical position
East of Yingtan City
Area product
2480 km²
Subordinate area
4 streets, 16 towns, 4 townships
Government premises
No. 1 Fuqian Road
Telephone area code
Postal code
Climatic condition
Subtropical humid monsoon climate
Population number
540,300 [13] (Resident population at end of 2021)
Famous scenic spot
Longhu Mountain scenic spot
License plate code
Gan L
Gross regional product
59.232 billion yuan [13] (Year 2021)

Historical evolution

In the 26th year of the First Emperor of Qin (221 BC), he was Pan County Land Jiujiang County . The first emperor twenty-eight years (219 BC), Jiujiang County Yuhan county .
Emperor Gao of Han Six years (201 BC), belong to Yuzhang county Yuhan County. [1]
The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Jian 'an fifteen years (210 years), divided into Geyang County west and Yuhan County south border. [1]
sui Kaihuang County In the twelfth year (592), he changed Geyang to Yiyang and Guixi to Yiyang Rao Chau Yiyang, Yugan 2 counties. [1]
The tang dynasty Qian Yuan In the first year (758), the four prefectures of Qarao, Jian, Qu and Fu were established Sinju Guixi is divided into Yiyang County of Xinzhou and Yugan County of Rao State. Yongtai In the first year (765), Guixi County was placed under the jurisdiction of Xinzhou in the west of Yiyang and southeast of Yugan. [3]
yuan Solstice element In the fourteenth year (1277), the state was changed to Xinzhou road It belongs to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. In the twentieth year of Zheng (1360), Zhu Yuanzhang's department Hu Dahai won the letter state and changed the letter state to Guangxin Mansion . [3]
qing Shunzhi Four years (1647), the Qing army occupied Guangxin, Guixi belongs to Guangxin Fu, Jiangxi Province. [3]
The first year of the Republic of China (1912), abolished the state, Cundao County. In the three years of the Republic of China (1914), Jiangxi Province was divided into four roads, Guixi County Yu Zhangdao . In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China (1926), Yuzhang Road was withdrawn and Guixi County was directly under the Jiangxi Provincial government. In 1935, Jiangxi Province was reduced to eight administrative regions. In the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), Jiangxi Province was increased to eleven administrative regions, Guixi is the sixth administrative region. In August 1942, Jiangxi Province was transformed into nine administrative regions, and Guixi was still the sixth administrative region. [3]
7, 1949, Guixi County people's Government was established, subordinate to the Guixi Commissioner Office established on the same day (located in Yingtan). On August 13, the Office of Guixi Commissioner was abolished, and Guixi County became the Office of Shangrao Commissioner. [1]
October 1, 1949, Guixi County belongs to Shangrao special area. In July 1983, Yingtan was upgraded to a city under the jurisdiction of the provincial government, and Guixi County changed its jurisdiction Yingtan City . In October 1996, Guixi County was established as a city. [3]

Administrative division

Guixi City Government
As of October 2022, Guixi Municipality has jurisdiction over 4 subdistricts, 16 towns and 4 townships: Garden street , Xiongshi Street , Dongmen Street , Jiangbei Street, Sili town , Hatan Town , Zhoufang Town , Hongtang Town , Zhiguang Town , Liukou town , Lo Town , Jintun Town , Tangwan Town , Wenfang Town , Coldwater , Binjiang Town , Tianlu Town , Thunder Creek , Longhu Mountain Town , Shangqing Town , Baitian township , Pengwan township , Zhangping She nationality township , Erkou township . [23] No. 1, Fuqian Road, Garden Street. [1]

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Guixi City is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, east and Shangrao City Yiyang County , Yanshan county Connected southeast with Fujian Province Guangze County Border, south and Fuzhou City Jinxi county Adjacent, west and Yingtan City Yuehu District , Yujiang District It borders Fuzhou City and is north of Shangrao City Wannian county Adjacent. The geographical coordinates are between 117°24 '03 "- 117°25' 19" east longitude and 28°29 '58 "- 28°17' 44" north latitude. The maximum distance between east and west is 67 kilometers, and the maximum distance between north and south is 88 kilometers, with a total area of 2480 square kilometers. [1]
Guixi City


Guixi City is located in the middle of the transition from Wuyi Mountain area to Poyang Lake plain, the terrain gradually slopes from the north and south ends to the middle, showing an obvious saddle-shaped terrain. In terms of landform, it belongs to the middle and low mountain and hilly area. The landform types in the territory are mainly mountains and hills, followed by hilly land and small plain. Mountainous area of 844,700 mu, distributed in the southern border of the county, also seen in the northern border. The hills cover an area of 1,790,500 mu and are distributed in central and northern China. The land is in the hills, the territory mainly includes Yangqian Gang, Tiger Gang, Ancient City Gang, Huangbai Gang, Xixiang Gang, Dama Gang, Qingni Gang, Qili Gang, Liantang and so on. The small plain covers an area of 1,086,200 mu, and there are mainly new land, Luotang land, Ludian Land, Datian Land, Datang land, Sili Land, Taiping Land, Kuqiao Land, fish pond plate, etc. The main peaks are Yangjiafeng, Furong peak, Yingtian peak, Ziyun peak. The highest point in the territory is Yangji Pit in Cold Water Town, 1540.9 meters above sea level; The lowest point is 15 meters above sea level near Xintian Fan in the central region. [1]


Guixi City is a subtropical humid monsoon climate, high temperature, sufficient light, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period. The annual average temperature is 17.4℃, the average temperature in January is 5.1℃, the average temperature in July is 28.9℃. The annual average monthly temperature varies by 24.4℃. The average annual growth period is 254 days, the average annual frost-free period is 252.8 days, the longest is 298 days, the shortest is 211 days. The average annual sunshine duration is 1968.5 hours, and the annual total radiation is 109.879 kcal/cm2. The duration above 0 ° C is 362.9 days (generally from January 18 to January 15 of the following year). The average annual precipitation is 1826.4 mm, and the average annual rainfall days are 148.3 days. Rainfall is concentrated in April to June each year, with the most in June. [1]


Guixi City main river Xinjiang The total length of the main river is about 359 kilometers, and the total length of the domestic river is about 60 kilometers; Secondly, there are seven rivers, including Liuxi, Xuxi, Hard Stone Stream, Hui 'an Stream, Ruo Port, Huling Stream and Shangqing Stream, with a total length of about 210 kilometers; There are two small rivers such as River bridge water and Wei Lake pit water, with a total length of about 20 kilometers. Total river runoff is 15 billion cubic meters. [1]
Xinjiang from Hetan Town Hetan village to Zhiguang Xinjiang village flows through the territory of Hetan Town, Binjiang Town, Xiongshi Street, Dongmen Street, Garden street, Zhiguang Town, about 60 kilometers long, the watershed area of 2277 square kilometers, the main tributaries are Liuxi, Xuxi, hard stone Brook, Hui 'an River, Ruo Port, Hu Ling River and so on. [1]

Natural disaster

The main natural disasters in Guixi city are flood, drought, hail, low temperature freezing and landslide. Floods mainly occur from June to August. [1]

Natural resources


Water resources

There are 10,236 Shantang reservoirs in Guixi City, including 6 medium-sized reservoirs, 18 small (I) reservoirs, and 126 small (II) reservoirs. The city's water energy reserves are 230,000 kilowatts, and the exploitable capacity is 110,000 kilowatts. [5]

Forestry resources

Guixi forestry land area of 2.133 million mu, forest area of 2.106 million mu, live standing forest stock of 4.927 million cubic meters, bamboo forest of 317 million mu, bamboo standing 43.78 million, annual timber harvesting of 50,000 cubic meters, bamboo harvesting of 1 million, has been developed bamboo high-yield forest of 130,000 mu, bamboo distribution is relatively concentrated. [5]

Animal resources

Guixi City wild animals are wild boar, hare, black bear, pangolin, Qiwei. There are more than 100 species of fish such as turtle, as well as various birds such as pheasants. [6]

Plant resources

Guixi City's precious tree species are ginkgo biloba, Xiangluo tree, podocarpus pine, fragrant locacia, Alding maple, southern yew, linalool and so on 35 species. There are 270 kinds of medicinal plants, Huangqi seed, swollen Jie Feng, summer no, Asparagus, Polygonum multiflorum, wood fragrance and so on. There are more than 20 kinds of wild fruits, such as kiwi, bayberry, mountain persimmon and chestnut. [6]

Mineral resources

The metallic minerals found in Guixi City mainly include gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, iron, rare earth, etc. The non-metallic minerals mainly include gypsum, China clay (stone), clay, silica, limestone, granite, diopside, potassium feldspar, quartz, graphite, powder quartz, schist, redstone, etc. The energy minerals include uranium, coal, petroleum, mineral water and more than 30 kinds of minerals. [5]


Guixi New Town
At the end of 2011, the total population of Guixi was 611,500, of which 101,900 were permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 17%. There were also 5,369 floating population. In the total population, 329,100 men, accounting for 54%; There were 282,400 women, accounting for 46 percent. In the total population, there are 12 ethnic minorities, including She, Hui, Mongolian, Tibetan, Miao, Zhuang, Korean, Manchu, Dong, Tujia, Lisu and Russian, with a total of 1,347 people, accounting for 0.2%. [1]
At the end of 2021, the permanent population of Guixi City was 540,300, a decrease of 305 people compared with the end of 2020. Among them, the urban population was 299,700, accounting for 55.47% of the permanent population, an increase of 1.08 percentage points over the end of 2020. The registered population at the end of the year was 646,500, an increase of 768 people from the end of 2020. There are 108,900 people over the age of 60, accounting for 16.8% of the city's registered population, exceeding the aging standard by 6.8 percentage points. [13]


Main leaders of Guixi City
Party secretary
Chen Min [21] [30]
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor
Pan Lei [22]
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Executive Vice mayor
Deputy mayor
Song Zhuoyan [25] , Zhang Shihong Zhang, Zhang Xiu E, Li Yuanqiang [26] [33] Wang Jiansheng [37]




Colorful river copper
In 2021, Guixi City achieved a regional GDP of 59.232 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 9.5%. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 4.011 billion yuan, up by 7.5%; The added value of the secondary industry was 35.938 billion yuan, up by 9.6%; The value added of the tertiary industry was 19.283 billion yuan, up by 10.2%. The structure of tertiary industries has been adjusted from 7.8:59.4:32.8 in 2020 to 6.8:60.7:32.5, and the proportion of tertiary industries has decreased by 0.3 percentage points. The contribution rate of the three industries to economic growth was 6.1%, 59.8% and 34.1% respectively. Per capita GDP was 109,500 yuan, an increase of 17.3 percent, or 17,100 US dollars at the average annual exchange rate. The non-public sector of the economy developed rapidly, achieving an added value of 25.855 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 11.8%, accounting for 43.6% of the city's gross domestic product, an increase of 1 percentage point over 2020. [13]
In 2021, the total financial revenue of Guixi City was 8.614 billion yuan, an increase of 25.3%, an increase of 21.9 percentage points over the same period in 2020, and the proportion of total financial revenue in the gross domestic product was 14.5%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points over 2020. This figure includes 4.135 billion yuan in the general public budget, an increase of 5.5%; Total local tax revenue reached 3.137 billion yuan, up 9.7% and accounting for 36.4% of total government revenue, down 5.2 percentage points from 2020. [13]
In 2021, Guixi fixed asset investment increased by 11.8%. Investment in fixed assets: By industry, investment in the primary industry fell by 47.8%; Investment in the secondary industry grew by 22.1%, of which industrial investment grew by 22.1%; Investment in the tertiary industry grew by 13.1 percent. In terms of investment entities, state-owned investment grew by 8.2%. Non-state investment grew by 17.8 percent, of which private investment grew by 13.5 percent. [13]
In 2021, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Guixi will reach 43,000 yuan, an increase of 8.6%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 20,600 yuan, up 9.4%. [13]

Primary industry

In 2021, the grain crop sown area of Guixi will reach 71,900 hectares, an increase of 0.04%. Among them, the area sown with grain was 64,400 hectares, an increase of 4%; The sown area of oil was 5,289 hectares, an increase of 7.4%; The planting area of vegetables and edible fungi decreased by 2.3% to 7,834 hectares. [13]
In 2021, the total grain output of Guixi was 366,900 tons, an increase of 1.2%. Among them, 148,800 tons of early rice, an increase of 2.3%; Middle rice and late rice in one season were 56,500 tons, down 2.5%; Second season late rice 158,000 tons, an increase of 1.6%, a total of 355,400 tons of rice. [13]
In 2021, the total output of meat in Guixi City was 35,500 tons, an increase of 19.9%. Among them, the output of pork was 25,800 tons, up 34.5%; At the end of the year, the number of live pigs was 147,600, down 16.7 percent. The annual output of poultry eggs was 10,300 tons, down 7.7%. The annual output of aquatic products was 26,700 tons, an increase of 0.6%. [13]
In 2021, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Guixi will reach 6.836 billion yuan, an increase of 2.1%; The added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries reached 4.011 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% based on comparable prices. [13]
By the end of 2021, the total power of agricultural machinery in Guixi City was 48.8 million kilowatts, an increase of 0.4%; The effective irrigated area reached 33,900 hectares, an increase of 14.8 percent; The annual use of agricultural chemical fertilizer (reduced net amount) was 15,500 tons, down 0.8%; The use of agricultural plastic film (plastic film) 1,355 tons, an increase of 0.7%; Pesticide use was 583 tons, up 1.7 percent. [13]

Secondary industry

In 2021, the completed added value of industries above designated size in Guixi City increased by 12.3% on a comparable basis. Among them, the comparable growth of municipal industry was 20.3%; Copper rose 5.7% on a comparable basis. [13]
In 2021, the main industrial products of Guixi's above-scale industries: power generation of 9.915 billion KWH, down 3.3%; 988,000 tons of cement, down 8.9%; Refined copper reached 1.231 million tons, up 9.3%; 1.43 million tons of copper, down 0.1%; 73.427 million electric light sources, an increase of 390.4%. [13]
In 2021, the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size in Guixi will reach 239.802 billion yuan, an increase of 37%; The total profit reached 7.361 billion yuan, an increase of 22.9%. [13]
In 2021, the total output value of the construction industry in Guixi was 9.189 billion yuan, an increase of 13.1%; The added value of the construction industry was 2.876 billion yuan, up by 10.5%. Construction area of 4.528 million square meters, an increase of 155.7%; The completed area of housing construction was 685,000 square meters, down 1.5%. [13]

Tertiary industry

In 2021, the investment in real estate development in Guixi City was 1.93 billion yuan, down 20%. Among them, the residential investment was 1.56 billion yuan, down 27.3%; The investment in commercial premises was 250 million yuan, up 25.9%. Construction area of 2.168 million square meters, down 1%; The newly started housing area was 646,000 square meters, down 9.4%; The completed area of the building is 251,000 square meters. The sales area of commercial housing was 539,000 square meters, up by 12.2%; The area of commercial housing for sale was 72,000 square meters, an increase of 268%; The sales volume of commercial housing was 3.06 billion yuan, up by 11%. [13]
In 2021, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Guixi City reached 13.29 billion yuan, an increase of 18.4%. In particular, the retail sales of consumer goods above designated size reached 3.252 billion yuan, up by 27.2%. [13]
In 2021, Guixi City included 223 online direct reporting e-commerce enterprises, achieving a total of 1.23 billion yuan of e-commerce sales, an increase of 36.15%. The city has a total of 1 e-commerce service center, 85 village-level e-commerce service points. A total of 223 e-commerce enterprises in the city, 30 new, an increase of 15.5%. [13]
In 2021, Guixi City actually introduced 19.543 billion yuan of project funds above 20 million yuan from outside the province, an increase of 14.5%; Actual utilized foreign capital amounted to US $164 million, an increase of 8.9%. [13]
In 2021, the transportation, warehousing and postal industries of Guixi City achieved an added value of 1.625 billion yuan, an increase of 11.3%. [13]
In 2021, there will be 42,500 fixed phone users, 441,000 mobile phone users and 168,000 Internet broadband users at the end of the year in Guixi communication network system. [13]
In 2021, Guixi received 5.218 million tourists, an increase of 29.9 percent. The total tourism revenue reached 4.23 billion yuan, an increase of 32%. [13]
By the end of 2021, the balance of RMB loans of financial institutions in Guixi was 37.996 billion yuan, an increase of 27.7; The RMB deposit balance of financial institutions in the city was 36.732 billion yuan, an increase of 14.4%. The balance of household savings deposits was 25.248 billion yuan, up by 11.7%, of which 10.418 billion yuan was saved by rural residents, up by 5.5%. [13]




Guixi City has 320 national highway, 206 National highway, Shanghai-kunming Expressway , Jiguang Expressway . [4]
By the end of 2021, the highway mileage in Guixi City is 3,484.22 kilometers, which is the same as that in 2020. [13]


Public transport

By the end of 2021, Guixi City has 10 bus routes and 68 public bus (electric) vehicles in operation, which is the same as in 2020. At the end of the year, there were 138 actual taxis, the same as in 2020. [13]

Social undertaking


Educational cause

By the end of 2021, there are 275 schools of all kinds in Guixi City, including: 4 senior middle schools, 1 full middle school, 2 12-year schools, 37 nine-year schools, 5 junior middle schools, 81 primary schools, 145 teaching points, and a total of 5590 teachers in the city. Among them, there are 4,571 full-time teachers in compulsory education, including 1,986 junior middle school teachers and 2,675 primary school teachers. There are 77,624 students in the school, including 11,918 senior high school students, 26,013 junior high school students and 39,693 primary school students. There are 232 kindergartens (including 121 public kindergartens and 111 private kindergartens) with 14,736 students. [13]
In 2021, the primary school enrollment rate of school-age children in Guixi will remain 100%, the gross enrollment rate of middle school students will be 99.9%, and the gross enrollment rate of high school students will be 94.2%. [13]

Science and technology

In 2021, Guixi City won a total of 17 national and provincial science and technology plan projects, seeking project funds of 1.35 million yuan. Identified a provincial gazelle enterprise, a potential gazelle enterprise each, a provincial industrial technology innovation strategic alliance enterprise, a provincial green technology innovation cultivation enterprise, the development of provincial key new products 13, the year successfully declared 13 high-tech enterprises, including the year of the newly identified high 6. [13]

Culture and sports

By the end of 2021, there are 12 art performance groups in Guixi City, 0 new ones were added in that year, 1 cultural center, 1 public library, 1 museum, and 0 movie theaters. There were 59,348 cable digital TV users, 9,114 fewer than in 2020, down 13.3%, due to the popularity of the Internet; By the end of the year, the comprehensive TV coverage rate was 100%. [13]
In 2021, the coverage rate of urban community sports fitness stations in Guixi City will reach 100%, and sports organizations will be established in all towns and townships of the city. Mass morning exercises, evening square dancing, tai chi and other national fitness campaigns have flourished. [13]

Medical and health care

By the end of 2021, Guixi City has 36 hospitals and health centers, 1 maternal and child health care center, 1 disease prevention and Control center, and 1 Law Enforcement Bureau of Health and Family Planning Comprehensive Supervision. There were 3,270 beds in hospitals and health centers, of which 689 were in township health centers. Hospitals and health centers have 2,813 health technicians, including 1,263 practicing (assistant) doctors and 1,307 registered nurses. The basic drug system has been fully implemented, and the coverage of basic drugs has reached 100 percent. [13]

Social security

In 2021, the number of various social welfare collection units in Guixi City is 24, and the number of beds in various social welfare collection units is 1,581. Some 298,000 people participated in basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, and 556,000 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. The number of urban workers covered by unemployment insurance was 30,000. The number of urban workers covered by work-related injury insurance was 62,500. [13]

History and culture


Origin of geographical names

Streams in the territory rayon ring such as belt, because of the stream expensive name. [1]

Cultural relics and historic sites

Guixi City key cultural relics protection units list
Name of cultural relic protection unit
The fifth batch of Jiangxi Province cultural relics protection units
Ancient heritage site [24]
Pengwan township
The sixth batch of Jiangxi Province cultural relics protection units
Ancient tombs [24]
Tomb of Xia Ding
Shangqing Town
The sixth batch of Jiangxi Province cultural relics protection units
Ancient tombs [24]
Hongtang Town
The sixth batch of Jiangxi Province cultural relics protection units
Ancient building [24]
Erkou township
The sixth batch of Jiangxi Province cultural relics protection units
Ancient building [24]

Taoist culture

In the second year of Yongyuan (90 years), the first generation of Tianshi Zhang Daoling founded the Tianshi Road in Longhu Mountain, which is inherited from 65 generations (the 65th generation of Tianshi Zhang Jintao is Guixi), and is known as "South Zhangbei Hole" by the world. [2]


Guixi is the source of the study of the mind. Xiangshan Academy, founded by Lu Jiuyuan, a neo-Confucianist and educator, is one of the four major academies of the Southern Song Dynasty. Lu Jiuyuan and Zhu Xi equal name, history called "Zhu Lu". [2]

Scenic spot

  • Longhu Mountain scenic spot
Longhu Mountain scenic spot
Longhu Mountain scenic spot Located in Guixi City, it is composed of six scenic spots such as Xianshui Rock, Longhu Mountain, Shangqing Palace, Hongwu Lake, Mazu Rock and Ying Tianshan, with 55 scenic spots and 261 scenery, covering an area of 200 square kilometers. Longhu Mountain Scenic spot is a world geopark, a national natural and cultural heritage site, a national 5A tourist attraction, and a national forest park. [1]

Famous person

Famous people in Guixi City
Ancient times
Wu Wuling , Zhang Yun , Fang Congyi , Zhang Yuchu , Wang Zengyou, Yao Ming, Zheng Jie, Xu Ying , Xia Yan , Jiang Rubi , Xu Jiusi , Xu Zhenming . [1-2]
Modern times
Wu Shijun, Jin Junfang.

Honorary title

In 2009, Guixi City entered the "National Top 100 economic counties". [2]
In August 2019, Guixi City was selected as a pilot county for the construction of a compact county medical community. [18] In December of the same year, it was awarded the honorary title of "Demonstration County of Jiangxi Province Small Reservoir Management System Reform". [19] He was selected on December 19 of the same year National pilot zone for integrated urban and rural development . [20]
In August 2020, Guixi City was rated as a model city of double support in Jiangxi Province. [8] On October 20 of the same year, it was selected as a national double support model city (county). [9]
On January 18, 2021, Guixi City was named "2018-2020 Advanced Unit of National Family Planning Quality Service" by the National Health Commission. [10] On June 21 of the same year, it was identified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a pilot unit to promote the quality improvement of farmers' cooperatives in the whole county. [12] In July of the same year, it was listed on the "Top 100 Counties with comprehensive Strength of National County Tourism in 2021". [11] On September 8 of the same year, it was selected into the county (city, district) roof distributed photovoltaic development pilot list of the comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration. [14]
In February 2022, Guixi City was selected as the top ten counties in Jiangxi Province in terms of economic aggregate in 2021, ranking eighth. [15] In April of the same year, it was selected into the provincial pilot list of the first batch of urban renewal in Jiangxi Province. [16] In April of the same year, it was selected into the list of counties (cities, districts, flags) that were first created for high-quality and balanced compulsory education. [17] In December 2022, it was selected as the "Top 100 Industrial Counties (cities) in China 2022" by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, ranking 68th. [28]
In March 2023, it was selected into the list of advanced counties of the National Village Cleaning Action in 2022. [27]
In May 2023, it was selected as One City Think Tank's "Top 100 High-quality Development in 2023 Counties", ranking 72nd. [29]
In July 2023, it was selected into the national County Tourism research group and Huaxia Baiqiang Tourism Consulting Center, "2023 National County Tourism comprehensive strength of 100 counties", ranking 80th. [32]
In October 2023, it was awarded the third batch of national agricultural product Quality and safety counties. [36]
In November 2023, it was selected as the "Top 100 counties and cities with comprehensive Strength in 2023" of China's Small and medium-sized Cities Development Index, ranking 73rd. [34]
In December 2023, it was selected into the top 100 comprehensive competitiveness of Jixia County in 2023, ranking 88th. [35]