Jiang Yuan

[ji Ji ng yuan]
Historical figures of ancient times
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Jiang Yuan Jiang surname, name Yuan (a "original") [1] ), Yutay Tribal (now China Shaanxi Province Southwest of Wugong County) [7] The man. Ancient times Historical figures, The Emperor 喾 Princess Yuan, Zhou nationality First ancestor Hou Ji The Mother of...
Chinese name
Jiang Yuan
China - Ancient times
Ethnic group
The Huaxia nationality
Place of Birth
The Tai Tribe (southwest of Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, China)
The surname
A surname
喾 Gosin's
Hou Ji ( abandon )

Posterity evaluation

" Biography of women Poetry cloud: "Hehejiang yuan, its virtue does not return, God is by." He also said, "After thinking of Wen and Ji, I set up my 烝 people." This is also called. Praise said: abandon mother ginger, quiet and single, shoes and pregnant, afraid to abandon in the wild, birds and animals cover the wings, is to collect, die for the emperor, mother road is finished.

Documentary record

" Poetry · Daya · Living people "Contains:" Jue first born people, when Wei Jiang yuan." According to the Records of the Grand Historian Zhou Benji "Set, Jiang Yuan for emperor 喾 Yuan concubine, practice giant track in the wilderness, move and have pregnancy, then born after the grass. About ginger fans Ancient legend , reflecting the fact that at the time Matriarchal clan society The end of... The theory that Jiang Yuan was born contains both historical facts and mythological colors induced Say, the holy king said are closely related.
Shi Ben · Di System: Di 喾 the four sons of Bu Qi have all the world, Yuan Fei has the daughter of Tai, said Jiang Yuan, born Ji; Second imperial concubine The daughter of 娀, said Jandi Live the deed; Daughter of the Second Conkind Chen Feng, she was named Qingdu and Born Emperor yao ; Zi Zi's daughter, said Normal rules Give birth to the emperor.
Records of the Grand Historian, Volume 1, Five Emperors, the First Ji [2]
" Biography of women · Volume One [3-4]



Jiangyuan Lake

Later generations respect Jiang Yuan as the Virgin, one is because she is the mother of the grass, gave birth to a generation of strange people. " The Book of Songs · Daya · Living people "Said:" Jue first born people, when Wei Jiang yuan." Therefore, she is also the ancestor of Zhou people; Second, because she has benefited the people and made great merits. It is said that in ancient times, the Binteman (that is, Shimen Mountain) rock gorge is rugged, surrounded by mountain streams, splashing waterfalls, lush forests and grass, and beautiful scenery. But when there's a rainstorm, the flash floods come together, Turbidity current Gushing, earth-shattering. Hou Ji, who had grown up, used to teach the people to reap and bring water to the fields, but his hard work was often ruined by floods. Jiang Yuan see this scene, very sad son Fruits of labor Pull out the head Golden lily To carve out lines in the valley so that the flood waters would flow out in an orderly manner, For the people Use, this is the legend of Jiang Yuan "gold hairpin comb water" story. The river that was carved out by the golden pin, it was Jiangyuan River . For thousands of years, this river has flowed continuously, watering the happiness of generations of people. [5]

Jiang Yuan Temple Fair

Jiangyuan Temple [6]
According to... Annals of Fufeng County "And other classical local records, Fufeng County Rugu township Jiang Yuan Village, Faxi village (now Yangling district Rub valley village ginger Yuan village, law Xi village) area for Ruins of ancient Tai Country . Jiang Yuan ancient temple once three destroyed four built, more through the disaster. But for the ginger yuan sacrificial ginger yuan Temple fair The activity in Jiangyuan Village has hardly stopped for thousands of years, even during the Cultural Revolution. Every year on the 23rd of the first month of the lunar calendar (Jiang Yuan's birthday, commonly known locally as "Gua Po's birthday"), the villagers of the surrounding eight she sixteen villages Play a lion , Stir up trouble Sing big plays and so on. The sacrificial activities represented by the Jiangyuan Temple fair in Jiangyuan Village, Ruogu Township, Yangling District, are especially rich in cultural connotation, and more importantly, they are played Ancient times Ancestor worship , Hero worship and Folk sacrifice The brand of activity. The scale of temple fair activities, the wide range of activities, the integrity of the sacrificial ceremony, the diversity of content, the ancient form, and the piety of faith are very rare in the folk temple fair activities.