The British Commonwealth

International organization
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The British Commonwealth (Commonwealth of Nations) It is an international organization consisting of 56 members [1] independent Sovereign state (including dependent countries), the members are mostly former British colony perhaps Protectorate state The current Head of the Commonwealth Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor The king is one of 15, including the United Kingdom Commonwealth kingdom Of the heads of state, these 15 countries constitute a modern version The Confederacy . [16]
World War I After that, the British power was weakened, and the colonial people demanded independence one after another National liberation movement , local and dominion The conflict between them is also increasing, Colonial system Gradually disintegrating. In order to save the situation, in 1926, Britain was forced to recognize the independence of the Dominions in domestic and foreign affairs. Dominion and Metropolitan state The Commonwealth was formed by "common loyalty to the King", with equal rights and no subordination. In 1931, British parliament By" Westminster act Approving the above resolution, which affirms the full independence of the British dominions, British Empire In name only, the Commonwealth was formally formed. The Commonwealth is not a country, nor is it Central government . King of England He is the titular monarch and head of state of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has no authority, and the United Kingdom and its member states share each other High commissioner for Diplomatic representative . [2]
Main organization: Federal government The summit, Asia-pacific region The British Commonwealth Head of government Conference, Federation Finance minister Conference and other ministerial professional meetings. In 1965, the Commonwealth Secretariat was established to promote cooperation among Commonwealth countries and to organize Commonwealth meetings at all levels. Secretariat located in the United Kingdom London . [3]
Chinese name
The British Commonwealth
Foreign name
The Commonwealth of Nations
Official language
fifty-six [10]
Administrative agency
Commonwealth secretariat
Population number
2.5 billion (2014)
Population density
61.09 persons/km2

Organizational composition



Emblem of the Commonwealth
The Commonwealth does not have a written constitution, nor does it Central government . 1965, Member States Head of government Decide on London Establishment of a secretariat. The Commonwealth Secretariat is the executive body of the Commonwealth and is also responsible for communication and consultation among member states.

Sovereign state

each Sovereign state They join the Commonwealth voluntarily and can withdraw from it at any time. After independence, dependent States may decide for themselves whether to remain in the Commonwealth as sovereign States (subject to recognition by other member States) or to withdraw from the Commonwealth.
Each independent member state is governed by its own democratically elected government and is completely independent in domestic and foreign affairs.
The heads of the Commonwealth are King of England Concurrently, it is a symbol of the free and equal association of member states. United Kingdom, 21 April 2018 Crown prince Charles Approved as the next head of the Commonwealth. [2]
With the exception of member states with their own monarchs (e.g Malaysia ) and practice republicanism Member of the King of England Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor The king of all the other nations, viceroy The representative is stationed in these member States (except the United Kingdom). The King appoints governors on the recommendation of the governments of the member states concerned. Exchange among member states High commissioner (Not an ambassador) for Diplomatic representative .
The Heads of State or Government of the member States meet regularly in different places. But these meetings were only for them to exchange views and discuss issues, and the decisions made were not for the Commonwealth members Binding force .

Dependent state

Territories that had not yet achieved full self-government became dependent states. Almost all of the UK's dependent states are moving towards full self-government, with separate executive, legislative and judicial systems. In addition to the British dependencies, there are a number of territories administered by other member states.

Functional organization

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
1. Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference: formerly known as the Imperial Conference, it was renamed the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference in 1944 and changed its current name in 1975. Normally held every two years, it has been held in London until 1966 and has been held in rotation among member States under the chairmanship of the Head of Government of the host country. The Conference does not adopt resolutions, and the general principles issued by the Conference are not binding on the member States.
2. Asia-pacific Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting: held every two years since 1978 to discuss issues of common interest regional Question.
3. The British Commonwealth Council of ministers Meeting once a year are the Ministers of Education, Ministers of Health, Ministers of Justice and Ministers of Telecommunications; Occasional meetings on trade and economics, Youth conference , Industrial cooperation Conference, agricultural conference, etc.
4. Commonwealth Secretariat: Established in 1965, responsible for organising consultation and cooperation among member states, exchange of information, Organize a meeting Let's wait. The Secretary-General is reelected every five years and is eligible for re-election.
5. Commonwealth Foundation and Other Organizations: The Commonwealth Foundation was established in 1966 and changed into an International organization in 1983 IMF Funding is provided by member governments to promote closer professional and other non-governmental cooperation within the Commonwealth. The Institute of Commonwealth Studies relies mainly on British Government funding To promote understanding of the Commonwealth through exhibitions, lectures, film screenings and open libraries. In addition, there are professional organizations such as the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the Commonwealth Press Union, Commonwealth broadcasting association The Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council, the Commonwealth Sports Federation and the Commonwealth Arts Association.

International influence

The Commonwealth is, for the most part British Empire The continuation of... The empire once covered a quarter of the world. Gambia After the withdrawal, the international organization still has 53 members Member state , include Australia , Canada , Nigeria , Republic of South Africa With Britain, these nations were held together by voluntary union. When the word "Commonwealth" was first used in the 1920s, it formed a way of maintaining contact while removing the unpleasant colonial overtones that the word "empire" contained.
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Commonwealth Games
World War II Especially in 1942 Singapore The fall, clearly Great Britain No longer able to defend his empire, and the mystique surrounding his power vanished. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Commonwealth was Britain's administration of those it could no longer rule or defend decolonization The instruments of states (most of which happen to aspire to independence). For these former colonies, the benefits of the Commonwealth are clear. Great Britain There are special trade measures, for example, in Banana Import on top of it Caribbean Sea Territorial superiority Central America . Commonwealth nationals have the right to move to Britain, and many have done so. Commonwealth citizens living in the United Kingdom enjoy certain electoral privileges that are not available to other foreign citizens.
The British Commonwealth Chamber of commerce A body funded by the international organisation insisted there were still significant trade and investment benefits for the Commonwealth. A spokesman declared that due to the enjoyment of a Common language , Unwritten law Traditional sum Accounting standard Cooperation between Commonwealth members could increase efficiency by 10-15%. This effect may not be as ambiguous as it sounds, with some economists pointing to unwritten and civil law economy The difference between. Above all, the Commonwealth limits its objectives primarily to Social civilization To encourage democracy, human rights and a stable economy Social development . In Britain, the Union seems to mean different things to different people. Traditionalists like its association with lost empires. Others see it as a modern commentary on Rudyard Kipling's view of the colonies as "the burden of the white man," in short, Western countries There is a responsibility to civilize the developing world. Some on the left see it as something nobody wants antique Others argued that it was a way for Britain to atone for its colonial SINS while providing for the democratization process substantiality The help of...
Supporters of the Commonwealth also point to beneficial cultural ties between the former colonies. British universities maintain strong links with the Commonwealth countries. the British Foreign Office, or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has internship exchange programmes that favour Commonwealth nationals, such as the Chevening Scholarship for Indian journalists.
Moreover, despite criticism by some that the Commonwealth is a talking shop, it is also a poor country. Zimbabwe Except) a favorite forum for discussion. For former colonies, it is the most important international organization that is not dominated by the United States. though King of England Is the head of the Commonwealth, but Britain does not Special status . In fact, all votes in the federation must be unanimous, before British prime minister Anthony Charles Linton Blair Tony Blair has expressed frustration about this. He bristled at the prospect of lifting the ban on Zimbabwe, which Britain opposed Robert Gabriel Mugabe The Allies cannot override it. The Commonwealth is one of the few international institutions like Saint Lucia Such small countries as the United Kingdom and Canada Group of seven ( G7 Members can sit on an equal footing.

Assume a role

The British Commonwealth is International cooperation A unique experiment that promotes collaboration between peoples from different races, cultures and environments. Member states are equal, but Britain often plays a leading role in the handling of Commonwealth affairs.
The member states consult and cooperate in many areas, including trade, finance, defense, education, technology, research, law, medicine, and agriculture. But the main benefits enjoyed by member states are varied Trade agreement And the allocation of capital investment Economic utility .
Britain and other rich old member states were the main sources of capital for industrial development in new or poor member states. Assistance programs are implemented by agencies such as the Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC).
Some member States based Commonwealth preference Give each other preferential tariffs to promote trade between them.

Member state


Current member

Current member
Country name
Add time
Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
April 18, 1972
Brunei (Brunei Darussalam)
January 1st, 1984
India (India)
August 15, 1947
Malaysia (Malaysia)
August 31, 1957
Maldives (Maldives)
February 1, 2020
Pakistan (Pakistan)
August 14, 1947
Singapore (Singapore)
Independence in 1965
Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
February 4, 1948
Botswana Botswana
September 30, 1966
Cameroon (Cameroon)
13 November 1995
Eswatini (Kingdom of Eswatini)
September 6, 1968
Gabon (Gabon)
June 25, 2022
Ghana (Ghana)
March 6, 1957
Gambia (The Gambia)
February 7, 1965
Kenya (Kenya)
December 12, 1963
Lesotho (Lesotho)
October 4, 1966
Malawi (Malawi)
July 6, 1964
Mauritius (Mauritius)
March 12, 1968
Mozambique (Mozambique)
13 November 1995
Namibia (Namibia)
21 March 1990
Nigeria (Nigeria)
October 1, 1960
Rwanda Rwanda (Rwanda)
November 29, 2009
Seychelles (Seychelles)
June 29, 1976
Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)
April 27, 1961
Republic of South Africa (South Africa)
December 11, 1931
Tanzania (Tanzania)
December 9, 1961
Togo (Togo)
June 25, 2022
Uganda (Uganda)
October 9, 1962
Zambia Zambia
October 24, 1964
Cyprus (Cyprus)
March 13, 1961
Malta (Malta)
September 21, 1964
Britain (United Kingdom)
December 11, 1931
Antigua and Barbuda (Antigua and Barbuda)
November 1, 1981
Bahamas (The Bahamas)
July 10, 1973
Belize (Belize)
September 21, 1981
Canada (Canada)
December 11, 1931
Dominic (Dominica)
November 3, 1978
Grenada (Grenada)
February 7, 1974
Guyana (Guyana)
May 26, 1966
Jamaica (Jamaica)
August 6, 1962
Saint Kitts and Nevis (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
September 19, 1983
Saint Lucia (Saint Lucia)
February 22, 1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
October 27, 1979
Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago)
August 31, 1962
Barbados [12-14]
November 30, 1966
The yankees'
Australia (Australia)
December 11, 1931
Fiji (Fiji)
October 10, 1970
Kiribati (Kiribati)
July 12, 1979
Nauru (Nauru)
November 1, 1968
NZ (New Zealand)
December 11, 1931
Papua New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
September 16, 1975
Samoa (Samoa)
August 28, 1970
Solomon Islands (Solomon Islands)
July 7, 1978
Tonga (Tonga)
June 4, 1970
Tuvalu (Tuvalu)
October 1, 1978
Vanuatu (Vanuatu)
July 30, 1980
Special Note: Barbados is exiting on November 30, 2021 Commonwealth kingdom But still within the Commonwealth. [13-15]
[4-5] [9-10]
Reference material

Countries that withdrew and then joined

Members who quit and join again
Country name
First join time
Exit time
Rejoin time
Republic of South Africa (South Africa)
December 11, 1931
May 31, 1961
1 June 1994
Pakistan (Pakistan)
August 14, 1947
The year 1972
The year 1989
Fiji (Fiji)
October 10, 1970
The year 1987
The year 1997
Gambia (The Gambia)
February 7, 1965
October 2, 2013
February 8, 2018
Maldives (Maldives)
The year 1953
October 13, 2016
February 2020
Reference material
[4] [6-9]

Former member

Former member countries (regions)
Country name (region name)
Add time
Exit time
Exit reason
The year 1886
The year 1948
National independence
The year 1921
The year 1949
Leaving the Commonwealth after the establishment of the Republic of Ireland
The year 1842
July 1, 1997
Return to China
The year 1923
December 2003
Britain suspended the country from the association for a year on the grounds that the country's rulers flouted human rights and rigged elections, prompting the Zimbabwean government to withdraw in anger

Commonwealth Day

March 11, 2022, United Kingdom Buckingham Palace Announced, the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II Will not attend the annual Commonwealth Day service in London on March 14. Buckingham Palace said in a statement that after discussing the arrangements with the royal family, the Queen had requested Prince of Wales To represent them at Commonwealth Day ceremonies.