unfold Relevant country

A country of multicultural immigrants

One of the five Nordic countries

One of the four largest economies in Europe


A member of the Commonwealth

A highly developed democratic republic

Federal parliamentary system in Central Europe

Countries with mixed ownership

Tropical countries of East Africa

It is known as the kingdom of football

The only socialist country in the Americas

Happy Eastern European countries

One of the four ancient civilizations

The second largest country in the worldCanadaWith a population of only 38 million, why are they all crowded along the border?
Introduce: If there is any country to the maple leaf love to the degree of obsession, that...
Source: Good looking video Release time: 2022-08-11
All sayCanadaWorse and worse! How bad is it?
Source: Bilibili Posted: 12 days ago
CanadaA highly developed Commonwealth country!
Source: Good looking video Release time: 1 month ago
whyCanadaIt's a huge area, but half the population lives in a small area?
Introduction: Why CanadaIt's vast, but half the population lives here...
Source: Good looking video Release time: 2023-10-19
15 aspects of quick recognitionCanada
Introduction: As a country of immigrants, it is culturally diverse, socially inclusive and blessed.
Release time: 2023-04-29
Source: Bilibili Release time: 2023-08-30
CanadaThe GDP used to be 20 times that of China, why is it not a world power but willing to depend on the US?
About: CanadaGDP used to be 20 times that of China, why not become a world power, but willing to...
Source: Good looking video Release time: 1 month ago
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