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Lian Yuming

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Vice Chairman, Beijing Chaoyang District CPPCC
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Lian Yuming, male, Han nationality, born in Xiangyuan, Shanxi Province, was born in March 1964, started to work in July 1987, graduated from Shanxi University, Bachelor of Law, researcher and professor.
He is currently vice Chairman of the Beijing Chaoyang District CPPCC.
Chinese name
Lian Yuming
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Be educated and educated
Xiangyuan of Shanxi
Date of birth
In March 1964
Graduate School
Shanxi University law major

Personal biography

He has been a teacher of Adult Education Department of Shanxi University, editor of Shanxi Youth News Agency, deputy chief editor and executive editor of Leadership and Decision-making Information Editing Department of the Central Party School, director of Research Center for Listed Companies of People's Daily Overseas Edition, president of Leadership and Decision-making Information Magazine, president of Beijing International Urban Development Research Institute, chief consultant of Chaoyang District Development Research Center, and vice chairman of Beijing Chaoyang District CPPCC. [1-2]

Hold a post

The 14th National Member of the CPPCC Committee [4]

Appointment and removal of posts

On December 17, 2021, at the first meeting of the 14th Committee of the CPPCC Beijing Chaoyang District, Lian Yuming was elected as the vice Chairman of the 14th Committee of the CPPCC Beijing Chaoyang District. [3]