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Dongdan District

Name of the old administrative division
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Dongdan District is the name of the old administrative division, located in the Dongdan area of Dongcheng District, Beijing, which was built in 1952. In 1958, Dongdan and East Four districts were merged and renamed Dongcheng District. locate Dongcheng District Chang 'an Avenue, Dongdan North Street , Jianguomennei Street Between the crossroads.
Chinese name
Dongdan District
Name of administrative division
Establishment time
The year 1952
Home country
Dongdan, because there used to be a memorial hall there is named. The form of Dongdan Archway is the same as that of Xidan Archway, both of which were built Ming Dynasty legitimacy The three four-post, three-story skyward wooden deck buildings of the period were located at the south end of the present-day Dongdan Intersection, that is, at present Dongdan Stadium East side, south and north. Dongdan Archway said "on the day" (Xidan Archway said "look on the cloud"), take the book "Shiji · Five emperors" : "as the day, look at the cloud." Meaning for the east to see the sunrise (west to look at the clouds) This archway is also known as the day square. Fan Zhongyan "Ming Tang Fu" has: "look at the clouds and on the day, song Yao and song Shun." The general meaning is that the people yearn for the emperor and feel the emperor's dragon grace. In 1916, Yuan Shikai Change the east order to "Jingxing" (West order to "Qingyun"). In 1923, the building was demolished for obstructing traffic.