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Ancient buildings in Coastal Province, Kenya
The ancient city of Lamu is the oldest and best preserved colony in East Africa and has maintained its traditional role. As the birthplace of Swahili culture in Africa, the World Heritage-listed ancient city of Lamu in Kenya still preserves a traditional way of life.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Lamu Old Town
Approval time
The year 2001
Home country

World cultural heritage

Basic data
Heritage Name: Lamu Ancient Town
English name: Lamu Old Town
Selected in 2001
Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (ii)(iv)(vi)
Location: S02 17 04 E40 51 09
Estate number: 1055
Estate description
The ancient town of Lamu is located Kenya Southeastern maritime province The Indian Ocean Lamu Island is one of the many islands that belong to the Lamu Archipelago. Lamu Town, 341 km northeast of Mombasa, is the capital of Lamu County and the largest town on the island of Lamu. The town has a long history and was founded in 1370, covering an area of 1.275 square kilometers. There are only 4 motor vehicles in Lamu Town. In the ancient town of Lamu, Kenya, men in abayas walk with donkeys carrying loads. Women were wrapped in black robes, whispering, and good-looking old men sat quietly on the edge of the narrow lane. The old and delicate buildings stand tall, and the white sails sail leisurely. The ancient town of Lamu is a pure land of Swahili culture and "the oldest and best preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa".
In 2001, according to the Cultural Heritage selection criteria (ii)(iv)(vi), the ancient town of Lamu was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee as a cultural heritage on the World Heritage List.
Selection based on criteria (ii) : Lamu's architecture and urban fabric vividly embody the origins of the city Europe , Arabian Peninsula and India Centuries of cultural influence, using traditional The Swahili technique Creating a unique culture;
Selection based on criteria (iv) : Port city East African coast The booms and busts and interactions between Bantu, Arab, Persian, Indian and European communities reflect important cultural and economic developments in the region's history, of which Lamu is the most prominent.
Selection based on criteria (vi) : Lamu's important Trade role Its appeal to scholars and teachers makes it important in this region Religious function . Continue to maintain Islam and Swahili Cultural and educational center Status.
Evaluation by the World Heritage Committee
The ancient city of Lamu is the oldest and best preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa and still maintains its heritage tradition Effect. For this town Coral stone and Mangrove wood It is characterized by a simple structure, while courtyards, balconies, corridors, and elaborately carved wooden doors add a lot of unique features. Since the 19th century, the main Muslim religion Festival events are held here, and this has become Islam and Swahili culture The importance of r The research Center. [1-3]

Heritage presentation

As the birthplace of Swahili culture in Africa, it is listed World Heritage List The ancient city of Lamu in Kenya still maintains a traditional way of life. In the face of a rapidly developing world, people in the ancient city are seeking a balance between development and tradition. The ancient city of Lamu in eastern Kenya is actually a small island on the edge of the Indian Ocean. As soon as you set foot on this island, you feel like you're going backwards in time. Cannons from centuries ago stand on the edge of the harbor, and craftsmen chisel away at wooden doors. For hundreds of years, the only means of transport on the island were donkeys. Off the island, in the island if not by donkey or by boat. The narrow, winding streets are for walkers and donkeys only. More than 20,000 fishermen live on the island, all of them devout Muslims, the men still wear robes and the women wrap themselves in black-rimmed cloth.
Most of the buildings here date back to the Middle Ages and are still in good condition. The Lamu people have absorbed everything from outside, and the foreign culture, especially the Arab culture, has deeply influenced the ancient city of Lamu. Sheikh Ahmad Badawi's ancestors have lived in the ancient city for generations, and he is in his tenth generation. [4]

Historical background

Act as Kenya The oldest inhabited town, Lamu has a rich and splendid history. This town is the most pristine of these Swahili from Somalia to Mozambique colony One of them. From the violent Portuguese invasion to the later 17th century Oman Reign, it has been a prosperous one Port city . Until the early 20th century Lamu's economy was dominated by Slave Based on. When in 1907 slavery After the cancellation, the economy of the island took a big hit. Only recently has its economy been given a new lease of life by the influx of tourists.
Lamu, an outlying island, yes The Swahili culture Swahile is the Arabic word for "coast", and Swahile, combined with Bantu and Arabic, is spoken in eastern Africa, north to Tanzania, south to Mozambique, and along the East African coast, and is the national language of Kenya.
It is estimated to have been built around the 12th century AD by a combination of local Bantu and foreign traders, some of whom came from outside the city Arabian Peninsula Some are from The Persian Gulf and Far east . The boomtown served as an inland and maritime hub middleman Role, external output Ivory , wood, inbound clothing, ceramic , spice Such industrial products soon sprang up in independent states on the coast of East Africa in the 13th century.
Construction of the town began with small stone communities, including the Parliament and the Friday Mosque, all in what is now Lamu north areal The west Is the original market, and then developed to south North of the present port, the present size of Lamu was laid in the 18th century and has not been changed.
In 1506, Portugal The invasion of Lamu, the seizure of maritime dominance, and the suppression of Lamu's coastal trading position, the town's prosperity is no longer. In 1585 and 1588, the coastal towns of Lamu were invaded by the Turks, triggering a series of rebellions which were suppressed by the Portuguese. Until 1652, Omani Islam The monarch assisted Lamu in its resistance to the Portuguese regime, eventually gaining independence in 1698 and establishing a republican regime under the Yumbe Council of Elders, which ushered in Lamu's golden age. During this golden age, ivory, rhino horn, hippopotamus Fangs, Shark fin Trade was particularly hot, and Lamu's economy became increasingly wealthy, and many Lamu-style Muslim buildings were built. Building adoption Coral stone and Mangrove forest The building materials are not only not afraid of the humid climate, but after absorbing water, they become stronger and can survive to this day.
In the 1860s and 1870s, this white island town off the coast of Kenya was known as African Kathmandu It is a destination for pickers and other land tourists seeking solace after months of trekking. Its fame inevitably spread, and now, tourism It replaced sailing and agriculture as the island's main source of income. However, Lamu has maintained its past style compared to its more developed neighbours further south along the coast.
The town was founded at least in the 14th century, if not earlier. Over the course of several hundred years, before Kenya gained independence in the 1960s, the island and its surrounding archipelago passed from Portuguese to Omani hands and finally came under British rule. During Omani rule in the 19th century, the island prospered, becoming famous for its ivory, mangrove timber and slaves who sailed from the interior to the Middle East Trade center . The population flourished, and the island became the first of the East African coast Swahili and Arab Art Center It is also supreme Knowledge center .


Late 19th century Mombasa To replace the trading status of Lamu, in 1890 the Royal East India Company took over the coastal province, built a lot of houses along the port, and co-managed Lamu with Muslim leaders. In 1963, with the independence of Kenya, Lamu also officially returned to the heart of Africa, attracting the eyes of many tourists with its unique culture. The ancient city of Lamu is the best representative Kenya Even the whole East Africa The remains of history. As early as the 8th century AD, Arabs established market towns here, while bringing Islamic culture To this day, the island is entirely Muslim. In the 10th century, large-scale construction of Lamu began. The foreign Islamic culture was formed by merging with the local indigenous culture Swahili culture English is the official language of Kenya The Swahili language It was born here. Today, Swahili culture has become the culture of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and other East African countries Mainstream culture .
Lamu in the 21st century is not much different from more than 300 years ago, and its independent geographical location seems to have forgotten it in the advancing era. Stone towns, carved wooden doors, masked African women, black men in round hats, children in long robes, carrying goods Donkey All in the narrow alley drilling out, five times a day of Muslim chanting prayer, clear in the alley circle, to travel here, it is natural to follow the slow down, back to the past.

Ancient town characteristics


General situation

Lamu has so much to explore. The architecture of its houses and works is particularly unique. The vast majority of the buildings date back to the 18th century or before and were built with locally sourced materials, including walls Coral stone Mangrove pillars supporting wooden doors and intricately carved shutters. The village, Fort Lamu, Swahili House Museum and Donkey sanctuary Are worthy places for every traveler to visit.

Minimal change in appearance

Lamu looks like a place at a near standstill. Its physical appearance and characteristics have changed little over the centuries. The narrow, winding streets are for walkers and donkeys only. The population is almost entirely Muslim. The men still wore long robes, and the women wrapped themselves in black-rimmed cloth like other Muslims. In the early 1970s, Lamu was known for its exoticism, remoteness and silence. It became a spiritual center for hippies and other non-Anglicans, who were attracted to its traditional culture of being free from outside interference. Some believe that Ramu's fame and increased tourism will eventually undermine this Swahili The colony's unique value system and civilization. Others, however, say no tourism Lamu will suffer losses and become depressed.

Architectural feature

The three main features of Lamu architecture are intricate and carved Wooden door door-to-door vestibule , and internal atrium Among them, the doorway is equivalent to a space behind the gate, and two stone chairs perpendicular to the door are built, which takes into account that Muslim women are not allowed to appear in public and are built for outsiders to visit and stay outside the door to talk.
Lamu is small today - it takes just 40 minutes to walk from one end to the other - but traces of its heyday are still evident, though often destroyed. Many 19th century large Official residence Still exist; Make the house tastefully new Carved door complex Coral products and Hardwood furniture It can still be found on this island. For a long time, Lamu merchants traveled across the Persian Gulf and even as far as Portugal, bringing back not only exotic goods, but also exotic cultures. After the gradual run-in with the local culture, the final formation of today's Lamu local Bantu Unique language and lifestyle. From the Persian Gulf Bronze molding door , as well as unique Ancient coral architecture The pride of Lamu culture.

Dealings with China

The ancient city of Lamu was built before the 14th century AD, in the 19th century, from the island and its surrounding archipelago Portugal Human hands move to Oman In the hands of the people, the last to receive Britain Man rules. During the period of Omani rule, Lamu Island was in a period of prosperity due to its abundant production Ivory , Mangrove wood And from inside to the Middle East Slave become Trade center .
The museum also displays various periods of China since the 12th century Antique porcelain , textile Hand chair, even manual noodle machine. Local fishermen have repeatedly pulled intact pieces from the waters near Lamu Ancient porcelain and Earthen pot Some of them are engraved hanzi Some are printed with dragon patterns, indicating that these things must come from China.
According to historical records, in 1415, the Malin country of Africa (now Malindi in Kenya) sent a giraffe to the king of India, who sent it to the emperor of China. Later, the fleets of Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty reached Malindi, Mombasa and other coastal cities in East Africa - the earliest recorded Chinese arrival in East Africa. The Lamu Islands happened to be located on the traffic artery of the route around the Indian Ocean, which was the only way for Zheng He's fleet to reach the above-mentioned cities on the East African coast.
Later, Zheng He's fleet took the first batch Giraffe Brought back to China, immediately caused quite a stir, the Chinese people at that time called the giraffe Kirin . However, a ship got lost and sank in the Lamu Islands, and the sailors on board swam to Shanga Beach, and intermarried with the locals, and then moved to Xiyu Village, where they have multiplied to this day. Although there is no written record or direct physical evidence, Shanga people still insist that they are descended from Chinese people, as this is a family instruction passed down through generations. [5]