Antigua Guatemala

The ancient city of Guatemala, Central America
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Antigua Guatemala is located in central Central America, 1500 meters above sea level in the Panchoy Valley, near the summit of the Agua and Fuego volcanoes. The centre of the area is threatened by an earthquake. The city was founded in 1543 AD and has administrative functions.
Antigua is a famous ancient city located in the Central American country of Guatemala, founded in 1543, 1500 meters above sea level in the Panchoy Valley, near the summit of the Agua and Fuego volcanoes. The architectural landscape of this small colonial town of more than 50 hectares is dominated by churches and monasteries belonging to the Baroque style of the 18th century. The whole of the city was rebuilt with several successive earthquakes, and the city has the appearance of a defensive fortress, with thick walls and low towers, which are very colorful.
Chinese name
Antigua Guatemala
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North America
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Basic data

Heritage Name: Antigua Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala
Selected in 1979
Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (ii)(iii)(iv)
Location: N14 34 00 W90 40 00
Estate number: 65

Estate description

Map of the location of World Heritage Sites in Guatemala
Antigua (Antigua), full name Antigua Guatemala (meaning old Guatemala or old Guatemala), also translated in Chinese Antigua Guatemala It is a famous ancient city located in the Central American country of Guatemala, about 40 kilometers west of the capital Guatemala City, and was founded in 1543. Antigua is built 1500 meters above sea level in the Panchoa Valley, surrounded by mountains, several volcanoes, and its location near Agua and Fuego Volcano This area is constantly threatened by earthquakes. Antigua was the capital of Spanish Central America and ruled over what is now Guatemala, Belize , Honduras , El Salvador , Nicaragua , Costa Rica with Mexico The Chiapas area. Antigua is famous Baroque (Barroco Antigueno) was the birthplace of the art style, and spread to Latin America It exports religious works of art to Spain . Antigua provides unique evidence of an American colonial city of the Baroque era. Standing in most places in the city of Antigua, one can look up and see the summit of the Awa volcano, and most of the buildings in the city have obvious features Renaissance The style of The Times, be it churches, hotels or town halls. Antigua offers a great example of 18th century architecture as a whole, and leads to precise archaeological sites that outline the context of everyday life.
1979 according to Cultural heritage Selection basis (ii)(iii)(iv), Antigua Guatemala be UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved for listing as a cultural heritage in the" World Heritage List ".
Selection based on criteria (ii) : Antigua Guatemala preserves living traces of Spanish culture, the main monument preserved as a ruin built in the 18th century Baroque style, and in the 17th and 18th centuries, Antigua Guatemala was a center for the export of religious images and statues to the rest of the American continent and Spain.
Selection based on criteria (iii): Antigua Guatemala is one of the earliest and most outstanding examples of urban planning in Latin America, with basic urban planning dating back to 1543. Its religious, private and government buildings are a prominent symbol of Spanish colonial architecture in Antigua.
Selection based on criteria (iv) : The many churches and monasteries of Antigua Guatemala attest to that Christian church The influence of the colonial period on every aspect of daily life in the city. Developed in this area was the Barroco antigueno, a species Baroque style The zone-adapted design is designed to withstand earthquakes that are common in the region. [1]
Evaluation by the World Heritage Committee
Antigua Guatemala
Antigua, the capital of the Governor of Guatemala, was founded in the early 16th century. Built at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level and within an earthquake zone, the city was severely damaged by a major earthquake in 1773, but some remains of the main buildings remain. The grid layout of the city originates from Italian Renaissance In less than three centuries, a large number of stately and magnificent architectural works have been assembled here. [1-2]

Heritage presentation

Antigua Guatemala is located in the province of Zacatepec in southern Guatemala, about 40 km southwest of the capital Guatemala City. Antigua Guatemala has two parts, the old city and the new city. The old city was founded in 1524, after the founding of the Guatemalan Governorship, and became its capital in the 17th century. In 1776, a new city was built 40 kilometers northeast of the city, which is now the capital of Guatemala City. After its reconstruction, Antigua Guatemala still embodies the appearance of a Spanish colonial city.
Antigua Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala (old Guatemala City) is located near the summit of the Agua and Fuego volcanoes. This area is constantly threatened by earthquakes. The city was founded in 1543 AD and has administrative functions. When Pedo de Vorado of Alvarado was sent by Cort to Guatemala to establish the capital city of SantiagodeMayor, Mayan Have complied The Aztecs The rule of... Three years later, due to local violence, the Spanish abandoned the city.
GuatemalaCity, which moved to its present site in 1776, is the capital of Guatemala and the economic and cultural center of the country. On a plateau in the southern volcanic region, 1,480 meters above sea level, with a population of 2.45 million (2019), it is the largest city in Central America.
Rise and rebuild
During the colonial era, the capital of the "Kingdom of Guatemala", which was ruled by the Spanish colonial government, was not on the site of present-day Guatemala City, but in Antigua Guatemala, an hour's drive from Guatemala City. Founded in the early 16th century, the city is situated in a valley on a plateau with a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, surrounded by the Awa volcano, which is more than 3,000 meters above sea level, and two other volcanoes. You can look up from most places in Antigua and see it Awa volcano The top of the mountain. Most of the buildings in the city have a distinct Renaissance style, whether it is a church, a hotel, a town hall, or even a small shop.
Antigua Guatemala
In 1524, the first city in Spanish Central America, Iximche, was built on the site of the former Mayan city of Kakchikel. In 1527, due to the expansion of the city, the capital was re-established Almoronga (Almolonga). In 1541 the city was destroyed by an earthquake and volcanic eruption, followed by a series of devastating earthquakes, and it was again decided to move the city. In 1543, it was relocated to present-day Antigua, Guatemala and rebuilt. In subsequent years, it became the center of activity for the office of the Port Director, and its reach extended throughout Central America. Antonelli Antonelli sketched out the first urban plan. In 1590, the city was rebuilt after another earthquake. During the 17th century, the city's architecture was built drawing inspiration from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. In 1717, an earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale struck Antigua, collapsing some 3,000 homes and leaving many buildings in ruins. In 1773, the Santa Marta earthquake shook Antigua again, so the government decided to officially move the capital to the safer "New Guatemala" (La Nueva Guatemala) in 1776. Antigua also gets its name from La Antigua Guatemala (Old Guatemala).
The plan of Juan Bautista Antonelli (who was also responsible for the design of the fortifications of Catanach, Havana, SAN Juan, and Puerto Rico) was in line with a grid that was perpendicular to each other, and he was based on four basic points, east to west. The plazas and passageways of Antigua Guatemala are carefully designed, the whole borrowing some features from the Renaissance. The overall element of a straight urban grid is durable.
This has more than 50 hectares of small Colonial town The architectural landscape is dominated by Baloch churches and monasteries belonging to the 18th century. The whole of the city was rebuilt following several successive earthquakes, and the city has the appearance of a defensive fortress, with thick walls, low towers, and multiple colors. [2]
The political and military center of the Spanish colonial rule
Guatemala, one of the centers of ancient Mayan Indian culture, was colonized by Spain in 1524. In 1527, Spain set up a governor's office in Guatemala, with jurisdiction over Central America except Panama. On September 15, 1821, he declared independence from Spain. It became part of the Mexican Empire from 1822 to 1823. He joined the Confederation of Central America in 1823. After the dissolution of the Federation in 1838, it became an independent state again in 1839. On March 21, 1847, Guatemala declared itself a republic.
During the colonial era, the capital of the "Kingdom of Guatemala", which was ruled by the Spanish colonial government, was not on the site of present-day Guatemala City, but in Antigua Guatemala, an hour's drive from Guatemala City. Founded in the early 16th century, the city is situated in a valley on a plateau with a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, surrounded by the Awa volcano, which is more than 3,000 meters above sea level, and two other volcanoes. You can look up from most places in Antigua and see it Awa volcano The top of the mountain. Most of the buildings in the city have a distinct Renaissance style, whether it is a church, a hotel, a town hall, or even a small shop.
Antigua Guatemala has two parts, the old city and the new city. The old city was founded in 1524, after the founding of the Guatemalan Governorship, and became its capital in the 17th century. In 1776, a new city was built 40 kilometers northeast of the city, which is now the capital of Guatemala City. Antigua Guatemala, like Mexico City, was once the political and military center of the region under Spanish colonial rule. At its peak, Antigua had a population of over 60,000, second only to that of the whole New World Mexico City And Lima; There are 30 churches, 18 monasteries, 15 monasteries, 10 chapels, 5 hospitals and one church in the city Orphanage and University of SAN Carlos . However, in the second half of the 18th century, such a city, full of the combination of nature and people, colonial and indigenous cultures, was abandoned, and the capital of Guatemala was moved to Guatemala City. So, why was Antigua Guatemala abandoned? Because of the "environment," to be precise, because of the natural environment. Antigua, now a famous and tourist-ridden "World Heritage site," faced a difficult decision two hundred years ago - because it was built in an earthquake-prone region, a major earthquake in 1773 destroyed much of the city, and local officials had to ask the King of Spain for permission to move the capital. As a result, Antigua lost its position as the political and cultural center of Guatemala forever and fell silent in ruins. [3]
The birthplace of Baroque art style
Baroque (Barroco Antigueno) was a popular style of art in the 17th century. The origin of its name varies. One comes from Portuguese or Spanish, meaning not round beads; It is also said that it comes from Italian and has a strange, odd, or inferential meaning. In general, the name was derogatory at the time, and was a term given by 18th-century classical art theorists to an artistic style of the previous century. Baroque art style emphasizes the sense of space, three-dimensional sense and comprehensive means of art forms, absorbs some factors and imagination in literature, drama, music and other fields, is a kind of passionate art, breaking the peace and harmony of reason, has a strong romantic color, and attaches great importance to movement and change. This design style is concentrated in the Catholic church. Baroque art and religion are closely related, whether ancient or contemporary, baroque art is undoubtedly the most glorious page in the history of European and even human civilization.
Antigua Guatemala is known as the birthplace of the Baroque art style, which spread to Latin America. It exported religious art to Spain. The capital offers the Americas of the Baroque era Colonial city Unique evidence. Antigua offers a great example of 18th century architecture as a whole, and leads to precise archaeological sites that outline the context of everyday life.
Antigua Guatemala, like Mexico City, was once the political and military center of the region under Spanish colonial rule. The central square of the city is called "National Industrial Square". There are checkerboard roads all around. The layout was typical of a Spanish colonial city at the time. Around the central square there are many beautifully carved and decorated buildings Baroque architecture On the north side of the square, there is a city hall building with a two-story cloister supported by solid columns. The famous Franciscan monastery is a baroque building with spiral columns on both sides of its main gate, which has a distinctive character. Antigua Guatemala was devastated by the earthquake, the city of low houses, no high-rise buildings.
The Cathedral of Guatemala in Antigua also stands next to the national factory yard. Throughout the colonization of Central America, the Catholic Church played a huge role. The early cathedral collapsed due to an earthquake in 1583. When it was rebuilt, it was extravagant. Many more were built in the city ecclesia , monastery, seminary . In 1678, it opened the University of SAN Carlos and other institutions of higher learning, which became the religious and cultural center of South America. Compared with the size of the city at that time, Antigua Guatemala had a lot of religious buildings, most of which have been destroyed, but the vestibules of the remaining buildings can be seen as a prosperous scene at that time. [3]

Geographical environment

Antigua Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala is located in the central part of Central America, located 1500 meters above sea level in the Panchoy Valley, near the summit of the Agua and Fuego volcanoes, with a total area of 108,889 square kilometers. Antigua Guatemala is located in northern Central America, bordering Mexico, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. It borders the Pacific Ocean in the south, the Gulf of Honduras in the Caribbean Sea in the east, and borders Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Belize. Two thirds of the territory is mountainous and plateau. There is... in the west The Cucumatanes Mountains The south is the Sierra Madre Mountains, the west and south belong to the volcanic belt, there are more than 30 volcanoes, Tahumulco volcano 4,211 meters above sea level, the highest peak in Central America. Earthquakes are frequent. To the north we have the Peten Lowlands. There are narrow coastal plains along the Pacific coast. Most of the major cities are located in the southern mountain basin. Located in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal plains are tropical rainforest climate, the southern mountain is subtropical climate, dry and wet two seasons a year, May to October for the wet season, November to April the following year for the dry season. Annual precipitation is 2,000-3,000 mm in the northeast and 500-1,000 mm in the south. Forests cover half of the country, especially in the Peten Lowlands; Rich in mahogany and other valuable wood. Minerals include lead, zinc, nickel, copper, gold, silver, petroleum Let's wait.
Antigua Guatemala
The northern lowland plains of Peten are tropical rainforests, the central highlands have volcanoes up to 4,200 meters high, and the narrow and rich plains of the Pacific Ocean have a tropical climate. The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where temperatures are mild throughout the year at altitudes of 1,300 to 1,800 meters, with daily temperatures ranging from 18 to 28 degrees Celsius, and higher in January and February tend to be colder. Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala, is also located here. With 2.5 million inhabitants, it is the largest city in Guatemala. Tourist centers include Lake Atitlan, the old capital of Old Guatemala, the ancient Mayan city of Tikal and other famous cities such as Quezaltenango and Chicchicastenango. Population 12.6 million (2007). It is the country with the largest population in Central America and the highest proportion of indigenous people, of which Indians account for 53%, Indo-European mestizo people account for 45%, and white people account for 2%. The official language is Spanish, in addition to 23 indigenous languages such as Maya. 75% of the population is Catholic, 25% is Catholic Protestantism .

Resource status

Antigua Guatemala
GuatemalaCity is the economic and cultural center of the country. On a plateau in the southern volcanic region, 1,493 meters above sea level. With a population of 2 million (1988), it is the largest city in Central America. It was built in 1524. It was damaged by earthquakes several times and moved to the present site in 1776. Many low buildings in the city. It has been the capital since 1779. It was the capital of the Central American Federation from 1823 to 1838. Coffee, corn, wheat and other agricultural products distribution center. It has more than half of the country's industries, mainly cement, wood processing, textile, tobacco, food processing and so on. A transportation hub, the railway runs northeast and southwest to Puerto Barrios and SAN Jose, respectively. It has a university (founded in 1676), Academy of Sciences Museums, etc. The Central American Common Market headquarters is located here. There are Monuments of Mayan culture .
Guatemala is one of the centers of ancient Maya Indian culture. It became a Spanish colony in 1524. In 1527, Spain set up a governor's office in Guatemala, with jurisdiction over Central America except Panama. September 15, 1821 Spain Colonial rule, declaration of independence. It became part of the Mexican Empire from 1822 to 1823. He joined the Confederation of Central America in 1823. After the dissolution of the Federation in 1838, it became an independent state again in 1839. On March 21, 1847, Guatemala declared itself a republic.
This was followed by a series of devastating earthquakes. In 1543, Santiago de Mayor rebuilt it in Antigua Guatemala. Another earthquake in 1717 led to a building boom. During this period, a large number of important buildings were rebuilt. Another earthquake in 1775 left the city in ruins.
In 1775 the Spanish authorities decided to rebuild the capital of Guatemala. Juan. Bautista. Juan Bautista Antonelli (who is also in charge of Catanach, Havana, SAN Juan , the design of Puerto Rico's fortifications) plans to conform to a grid that is perpendicular to each other.

Coffee prestige

Guatemala is located in the tropics, but due to the relatively high altitude, the climate is mild, which is normal Subtropical climate . Under the influence of this climate, coffee plants flower and bear more fruit than those in other parts of the world Coffee plant Slow. Its mild climate and fertile soil make for an excellent environment for growing coffee. Connoisseurs say this coffee is among the finest and most distinctive in the world. Characteristics: Strong, satisfying taste, medium to high acidity, high density, with excellent fumigation The taste of...
The volcano once destroyed this once-prosperous capital city in an instant, taking away all the prosperity and beauty in a single night. After this bumpy mountain city, the splendor of more than 200 years has disappeared, and Antigua has never swaggered again. Antigua, returned to bland, is now laboriously run by the last remaining Indians. These hard-working and strong Indians became coffee producers, they not only discovered the rich and attractive unique smell of Antigua coffee, but also brought it to people all over the world. Today, Antigua coffee enjoys the reputation of being the best quality coffee in the world and is hailed by coffee connoisseurs as the finest and most distinctive coffee in the world. Drinking pure Guatemalan Antigua coffee, and playing a South American folk song, the mind can be pulled far away, far away from the past. The wise Mayans who once existed in the land of Guatemala, they were under the coffee trees that we had never seen before, after a day's work, they enjoyed the authentic Guatemalan coffee after dinner, and watched the sunset gradually disappear at sea.
Guatemalan coffee has a strong aroma, even if you do not drink, just smell the aroma is already a pleasure. Antigua coffee has a rich and velvety alcohol, a rich and lively aroma, and a fine acidity. When the seductive fragrance lingers on the tip of your tongue, there is an indescribable mystery hidden in it. The first bite may be bland, but as the coffee cools, you'll be surprised by its sweetness and depth.
The reason why Antigua coffee is sought after by the vast majority of coffee lovers is simply because of its distinctive aroma. Because it is planted on the belly of a volcanic mountain, it retains its own character more than Costa Rica, mainly because it has more geographical and climatic advantages than Costa Rica. Guatemala is located in the tropics, but its mild climate and fertile soil make for an ideal environment for growing coffee.
The coffee industry, run by the Mayans, once made Guatemala's economy prosperous and dominated the national economy. Unfortunately, the political situation in Guatemala is not conducive to these coffee growers. High production is usually a sign of a country's overall economic prosperity. However, coffee production in Guatemala has declined relative to 700 kilograms per hectare, compared with 900 kilograms per hectare in El Salvador and a staggering 1,700 kilograms per hectare in Costa Rica. The Guatemalan coffee export trade is controlled by private companies, but the National Coffee Council controls other sectors of the coffee industry. Some of Guatemala's best coffee is exported to Japan, where it sells for $3 to $4 a cup. In order to revitalize its own coffee industry, Guatemala has specially established the Specialty Coffee Association, and these high-quality coffee With the greatest funding and attention, these efforts will soon bear fruit, and the real beneficiaries will not only be coffee growers, but coffee lovers around the world.