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The Mahabalipuram site Group

Site group in Tamil Nadu, southeast India
synonymThe Mohaberiblum Monuments Complex(Mohabalibrum Group) generally refers to the Mahabalipuram site group
Mahabalipuram site Group ( The Mohaberiblum Monuments Complex It was built between the 7th and 8th centuries and shows the art style of the declining period of Panava culture. It is located in... India southeast Tamil Nadu Be on the verge of Bay of Bengal . 1984 quilt UNESCO enrol World cultural heritage Contents.
Chinese name
The Mahabalipuram site Group
Geographical position
India southeast Tamil Nadu
Build on
Between the 7th and 8th centuries

Basic information

Listed in the "Cultural Heritage Selection Criteria C (I) (II) (III) (VI)" in 1984 World Heritage List ". Report on Heritage designation: Report of the World Heritage Committee on its eighth session.

Beach temple

The site of Mahabalipuram, famous for its unique cluster of seaside temples, is located on the Bay of Bengal in Jinglebud District, Tamil Nadu, a former seaport where ancient Chinese, Persian and Roman coins have been found. Because there were seven megalithic pagoda temples in the early years, it is also called "Seven tower city", and five towers are still preserved. The temple was built in the 7th century during the reign of Rajasthan, and it shows The Panava culture The art style of the declining period, these magnificent temples have survived the ages, weathered the rain and the sea, and were listed as World Heritage sites some time ago. Mahabalipuram was Kingdom of Conchepam The capital city, this coastal town only 58 kilometers away from the city of Madras on the Gulf of Bangladesh, the coastline is covered with dazzling pebbles, forming a strange cobbled landscape, and visitors come because of the miles of natural beach scenery and stone art, where the unique charm of stone carvings is: They reflect the natural motifs of everyday life here; What is remarkable is that the stone carvings in other places such as Temenadu usually depict deities.

Relic composition

The Mahabalipuram site consists of four parts: an open-air bas-relief group, a well-organized temple group, a man-made cave group, and Rotehas: the famous Anona ascetic stone carvings and Krishna temples beautifize the town and the rock groups near the town Flood dike Later, the beautiful cluster of seaside temple towers seems to sit on the waves, in which the Anona Ascetic stone sculpture is carved on the front of a huge stone, which describes the Himalayan mountains Ganges basin The surface of the stone sculpture is clearly carved with many animal patterns of the nature that humans like most, as well as some myths and legends of gods and semi-gods; On the top of a hill in the city, stands a huge granite stone statue, up to 18.2 meters, majestic and dazzling, for the Jain worship of Bahubari God. Every 12 years, Jains hold a Bahubari ritual here, washing and dressing the statue with milk, water, coconut water, sugar water, sandalwood paste, gold powder, sugarcane juice, vermilion and flower petals. The ceremony was solemn, the pomp was unprecedented, everywhere Jainism All the disciples came to join in. It is said that on Mahubari's 1,000th birthday in 1981, 500,000 Jains attended the celebration here. There are also sixteen artificial rock caves built in different periods scattered in different parts of the area. Mahabalipuram holds a dance festival every year from January 15 to February 15. Dance programs from different parts of the country include tribal dances, puppet shows, and classical and traditional music evenings are held during the festival.