Jomon period

The time when Jomon pottery was used in Japan
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The Jomon Period (Japanese :じょうもんじだい; English :Jomon Period) was the period of Japan Stone Age Later, the international academic community recognized that the Jomon period began in 12000 BC and officially ended in 300 BC, Japan by Paleolithic age enter Neolithic age .
Chinese name
Jomon period
Foreign name
Late Stone Age in Japan
Representative culture
Kaizuka culture
Start time
12000 BC
End time
300 BC
Local area
Japanese islands

Historical evolution

Stone implement
The Jomon Era is Paleolithic Japan The latter period, which began around 12000 BC and ended around 300 BC, was an era of Jomon pottery. Including rope literati life, manufacturing Grinding stone tool Technology, the use of pottery, the development of hunter-gatherer economies, and the formation of settlements.
This period of geological time belongs to the late Pleistocene to the Holocene period, which is an important period of the development of the Japanese islands, equivalent to World history superior Mesolithic age to Neolithic age . Jomon era vs Paleolithic age The difference lies in the appearance of pottery, the popularity of vertical cave houses, and the shape of shell mounds.
There is much debate about the end date of the Jomon period, which varies widely from place to place, but it generally ends with Yayoi culture The emergence of the Jomon Era (characterized by stereotyped paddy farming) to announce the end of the Jomon era. In addition, in Okinawa Prefecture There are also the early and late Beizuka times. The early period corresponds to the Jomon period, and the later period refers to Yayoi period to Heian period . Hokkaido and the Tohoku region also have the Continuation of the Jomon period (about 3rd century BC ~ 7th century AD).
" jomon The word comes from the United States zoologist Morse's report on the excavation of pottery at Omori Kaizuka. In 1877 (the 10th year of Meiji), Mose conducted a scientific survey of the Omori Becuzuka in Tokyo Investigation and research . Tanabe Ryoyoshi translated it as "rope pottery", and later changed it to "jomon pottery" by Shirai Kotaro, and then it was called "Jomon pottery" today. World War II It was only later that the term "Jomon era" came into use. But Mr. Saki remained faithful to the word's original meaning and continued to use jomon. Rope quilt Alien nationality After the conquest, the Yayoi era began.

Period list


Initial period

< jomon The Beginning of the Period > (about 15,000-12,000 years ago)
last Ice age After the previous peak of about 20,000 years, Global warming Here we go. But, about 13,000 years ago, the last one Ice age Known as the Late Glacial Period, cold seasons and warm seasons have exchanged over the centuries since the climate 10,000 years ago, with sudden and intense events occurring in short periods of time Environmental change And before that, Coniferous forest It covers the whole archipelago, but it's deciduous Broad-leaved forest Along the southwest of Japan Pacific The coast was increased and expanded, except for Hokkaido.
Much of the island is covered with deciduous and deciduous forests. Such as Quercus , The genus Beech Nuts of the genus and chestnut have been grown. In addition, due to global warming, vegetation changes make mammoth , Reindeer And large mammal The habitats of elephants and big-tailed deer (such as Nauman) deteriorated, and by then these large mammals had almost disappeared Japanese islands Disappeared in, pointing out the characteristics of this early stage.
Jomon Period
Many new tools appeared in a short time, for example, in the coarse pottery group, there were large polished stone axes, stone spears, planting blades, with triangle Cross section the pyramid Half moon coarse pottery, visible sharp objects, arrows mill Stones, gems, etc. Appear during. out-of-use stone Tools and new stone tools have been quickly replaced.
At the beginning of the business, the combination of stone tools varies by location, targeting vegetation caused by climate change, fauna And environmental changes such as coastal movements have led to the development of these tools. Based on three new livelihood systems, it has greatly improved productivity : Hunting, plant gathering and fishing. [1]

Early stage

Early time (about 12,000-7,000 years ago)
Japanesian Paleolithic age Most people are known for large mammals (e.g elk , the bull, buffalo Nauman elephant and megaloceros ) and small and medium-sized animals, mammals ( Sika deer , wild boar, Badge, hare, etc.) as the target of the hunt. Large mammals migrate widely according to the seasons, and because of repetition, Paleolithic people moved frequently as they pursued camp life. Hunting sites, blocks, gravel groups, thousands of charcoal concentrations have been found on the Japanese archipelago, but few archaeological sites with facilities such as pit dwellings have been found.
until Pleistocene Towards the end, Paleolithic people were camping and Leisure life There's a lot of repeated mobile life, and the Paleolithic transition from the Jomon period to the beginning of the Jomon period, the semi-settled life of people temporarily living in specific places, and settled life appears in the early Jomon period. in Kagoshima City The Kamigayama Site ( jomon Early), there are 16 pit chambers, 33 flue furnace holes, and 17 rock collections have been detected. The site is distinct from the Seraeyama site and the Maeda site in its early days, and the number of pit dwellings has increased significantly, and the number of dwellings has expanded, overlapping houses, these houses and other remains located around the central square, in Kagoshima Prefecture Kirishima At the Ueno Hara site, almost at the same time as the Kagrayama site, many remains were found, including 46 pit houses. Thirteen of them were due to it being Sakurajima's tephra Overlay, so it can be assumed that it exists simultaneously. These 13 buildings are presented semicircular permutation
It is therefore likely that settled villages of considerable size were already formed early on, with pit houses in the first half of the early Jomon period Kanto region The most prominent. To date, 300 dwellings have been found in 65 archaeological sites, a number of 300.
It's over the ridge. At the Musashitai site in Fuzhong City, Tokyo, the largest of these, 24 pit dwellings were found, with a large number of pits arranged in a semi-circular pattern.
In the archaeological sites of the early Kanto and southern Kyushu, the scale of stone food plates, stones, heating tools, and pottery used for heat treatment tools increased, as did the number of people excavated, and it was foreseeable that plant-based foods, especially nuts, were central to the food of sedentary life, in order to settle in the southern Kanto region, It is believed that not only fishing activities but also fishing activities play an important role.
On the other hand, from Hokkaido Hakodate Looking north at the Nakano B site, there were more than 500 pit dwellings at the beginning of the Jomon period, many pit dwellings, potholes and pits, excavating large amounts of pottery, Stone pan Polished stone, meteorite, stone weight, etc., the number has reached 400,000. face Tsugaru Strait On the plateau,
It was considered that fishing activities were active and that long-term settlement could be managed, and that, in addition, Shizuoka Fujiomiya City The Wakamiya site, an early settlement village in the Tokai region, contains a large number of remains, such as 28 pit houses and 18,000 pottery and stone tools.
About this point of digging. The main difference between this site and other earlier sites is that 2,168 stone gallstones used for hunting have been excavated. locate Fujiyama At the foot, on this archaeological site, many ridges are formed, and the tongue-shaped plateau is continuous, which is a habitable place for mammals. In other words, at the Wakamiya site, conditions for settlement were likely to be resolved thanks to blessings and prey.
The move from a mobile life to a sedentary life brought another major change, from plants opal This change was found in the results of the analysis.
Semi-permanent where people live temporarily Sexual life The way did not lead to the development of the surrounding area, but the people of the Jomon period began to settle, and by opening up the surrounding area to deciduous forests and deciduous forests, we would be able to grow the chestnuts and trees Walnut tree Isosecondary forest Secondary vegetation Providing the environment that it was as the settlement grew, the Jomon people also influenced the so-called brushwood The plants around the settlement are called forest plants. fern Vegetables, clockwork, walnuts, crumbs,
Early Jomon period [1]
in Secondary forest Environments where useful plants are easy to grow, and these useful plants are the main and stable food resources for Jomon people, for example Chinese yam From artifacts excavated at the site, it is known that most of the building materials and fuel materials of the Jomon period were chestnuts.

Earlier stage

During the early Jomon Period (7,000-5,500 years ago), nine cultural districts were established throughout the Japanese archipelago.
【 Hokkaido in the eastern Ishigari Lowlands 】
In order to Coniferous tree (such as Matsumoto and Tiger Matsu). The biggest difference from other regions is buckeye And chestnuts are not distributed. Sea lion , seal ,
seal It's a cold flow type Sea animal There are a lot of them, and rotation has been developed harpoon To catch them.
【 Southwestern Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku 】
Unlike the eastern part of the Ishikari Lowlands, the vegetation is a zone of deciduous woodland. The collection of nuts such as sawtooth oak (Quercus serrata), sawtooth oak (Quercus serrata), walnuts, chestnuts and conkers was actively carried out.
The spinning harpoon also caught the sea beast, but it also went ahead antelope And wild boar and other hunting mammals, which is different from the eastern Ishigari.
【 North Northeast 】
Mainly used sika deer and Boar As animal food, as well as skip fish, tunny , Shark and Dolphin . Unlike the first two, this sentence
Cold sea sea hunting was not carried out because warm currents prevailed in the coastal areas.
【 Kanto 】
The cultural district is characterized by evergreen forest areas for plant food and fisheries in the inner bay, especially the shell mound, which contains about 60% of the entire Japanese archipelago
It's one thing deer and wild boar are the main land animals Animal food . In addition to collecting clams and clams from the sea, they ate a lot of them Perch and Black porgy .
The seafood is caught in the inner bay and caught using nets with earthenware weights.
【 Hokuriku 】
Deer, boar and Black bear Is the main target of the hunt. Vegetation is leaf litter Broad-leaved tree ( The European buckeye , Japan Oak ), due to health snowfall Big, big house
【 Tokai/Koshin】
The target of the hunt is deer and wild boar, and the vegetation is deciduous broadleaf trees, but yams and lily The roots are also used as food. One feature is the use of stone axes for making stones.
【 Hokuriku, Kinki , Ise Bay Coastal, China, Shikoku, Wusen, Fenghou 】
The target of the hunt is deer and wild boar, and the vegetation includes deciduous broadleaf trees and Deciduous tree (Sii, oak). In fishing, cut the weight of the stone (made by processing the stone) Net weight )
This can be attributed to the popularity of pottery weight technology in Kanto.
【 Kyushu (excluding Benjin and Vingo) 】
The hunting targets are deer and wild boar. Vegetation is evergreen Forest zone . The biggest feature is in Kyushu and Korean peninsula Among the pelagic fishing activities carried out on the islands, northwestern Kyushu type fishing hooks and stone saws are featured fishing gear. Built-up fishing hooks are large fishing hooks that tie multiple members together, and the same idea is very old.
It was used in Polynesia, but in that cultural region it overlaps partially with Osanuri-type fishing hooks on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, south of Kyushu
At the end of the early Jomon period, a large-scale Kikai took place caldera It erupted, causing so much destruction that it was thought to have been almost annihilated.
【 South of Tokara Islands 】
Vegetation is located in evergreen forest areas. Sea turtle and dugong Can be used as Animal protein Eat. It also has the function of fishing in coral reefs,
Sea shell (Such as giant clam and Pearl shell It is used as a heavy weight for net fishing. Exchanges were also held with the Kyushu Cultural District.
Early Jomon period
About these nine Cultural region The relationship between Jomon culture, rather than differences within a cultural region, is "an independent region that shares the same direction of development," Watanabe noted. A surname It is considered "culture". That is, all of these cultures share a common but slightly different detail, and each cultural district does not choose a set of elements, but chooses and owns those with each region Environmental condition Match several of them Cultural element . [1]


Middle Jomon Age
Middle Jomon period (about 5,500-4,500 years ago) [1]


Late Jomon period
Late Jomon Period (about 4,500-3,300 years ago) [1]

Later period

Late Jomon period [1]
Late Jomon Period (about 3,300-2,800 years ago)

Unearthed remains



There are so many Jomon ruins, Sanuchi Maruyama Remains It is the largest Jomon village found in Japan, with a large number of unearthed pottery and Pottery figurine There are rope patterns on the surface, so it is called the Jomon era. The culture produced in this era is called Jomon culture. The Jomon era was a hunter-gatherer lifestyle with bows and arrows as weapons, and dog graves can be found among the remains.
Japanese islands southerly Nagasaki prefecture the Fukui Cave, Quanfu Temple cave to Honshu The tohoku Komesori Cave reflects the fact that the inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago were already in Matrilineal clan commune At this stage, the residents mostly chose to live in rocky caves or vertical caves in the coastal zone, and mainly used bows and arrows to collect and hunt Production activity Maintain clan life. In Hokkaido and Japan Northeast region In addition, the Ryukyu Islands maintain the Erwen culture and the shell mound culture.
In western Japan Fukuoka Ken the Banfu site The remains of paddy fields where rice was grown in the late Jomon period were discovered.


Jomon pottery lasted for thousands of years until the 3rd century BC, when Yayoi pottery appeared. Archeologists divide the Jomon period into Earlier stage There are four stages, middle, late and late. From the point of view of Jomon pottery throughout the country, in the early stage, most of them were pointed POTS, and after the middle period, they tended to be flat pans. In the later and later periods, the shapes varied widely, with the appearance of urn-shaped dishes, cylindrical dishes and earthen jars. Earth bowl And other supplies. The pottery color is mostly dark brown or reddish-brown, and the surface pattern is jomon pattern. Also, late Jomon, Japan northeast There is also a black pottery, thin and light, the surface is black after grinding, the shape is handsome and beautiful, reflecting the new period of early, middle and late different periods Aesthetic standard . right earthenware The analysis of the uses of Jomon makes us know that in addition to being used as eating utensils and storage utensils, earthenware in the Jomon era was also used for religious sacrifices and funerals.
The diversity of Jomon pottery is based on the identification of time differences and regional differences, in this respect, the diversity of Jomon pottery is meaningful. According to the type of pottery, the Jomon period can be divided into Start-up stage There are 6 periods, early, early, middle, late and late. In the initial study, it was only divided into three periods: the first, the middle and the last. Later, with the increase of data and the deepening of research, the early and late periods were added, and finally the initial period was added. This period is only to reflect the change in style of pottery, and the so-called middle period does not refer to the middle period of the Jomon period. The era can also be divided according to the occupation and cultural content of the writers, but it is generally customary earthenware The period of pattern change is divided into periods of the Jomon Era.
In this period, there was no jomon used on pottery, only the so-called long line pottery and claw pottery. They were very different from later Jomon pottery. This is of great significance to the study of Jomon culture.
In the early days twisting Pottery groups such as grain, rigid pattern, no grain, shell grain are represented, and these names are based on the patterns left on the surface of the pottery. Twistware is not only abundant in Kanto region And almost all over the country, but the stereotyped pattern pottery is only distributed between Kyushu and Kanto, and there is no place in the Northeast. Which means that in addition to being different times, Cultural circle It's not the same. In addition, the pottery is pointed bottom deep bowl shape, which is in common with the earliest European pottery shape.
Early pottery was mixed in the foetal soil Organic matter The shape of the fiber is also changed from a pointed bottom to a flat bottom or a high bottom deep bowl, and it can be seen from the pattern that the cord pattern is very developed.
Japan in the medium term Stone Age The Golden Age, which has representativeness Pottery of the Katsuzaka style. This kind of pottery has thick walls, the shape is mostly cylindrical, deep bowl shape, the edge of the mouth is particularly prominent, with decorative handles, the surface has a strong raised grain, wrapped with clay rope, giving a strong and spectacular feeling on the whole. However, most of these were unearthed in the Kanto to Central mountain zone, Hokkaido and Tohoku pottery although there are raised patterns, but not so complex, western pottery is not raised patterns.
Later, the shape of the vessel became slimmer, with the addition of injection, pedestal Such special-shaped pottery, and exquisite ornaments and crude pottery have a clear distinction. Late pottery in the Northeast is represented by Kameoka pottery with beautiful decoration, in Western Japan Plain pottery prevailed.


The hand and foot joints of the deceased are folded and buried burial According to the burial position, it is divided into supine burial, horizontal burial, prone burial, and seat burial. There are many reasons for the burial of the dead: to save labor in the excavation of the grave, to be buried in the shape of a baby to pray for rebirth, to use the souls of the dead to bless the living, and so on. It is generally believed that this way of burial stems from the fear of death, which is to regard the end of life as the result of the devil making people sick and even death. The fear of the devil and death is also extended to the fear of the dead, leading to the prevention psychology of the deceased. Therefore, bending burial belongs to a kind of preventing the soul of the dead from haunting and floating outward conjuration .

Mode of production

Jomon period, the main Japanese nation Tools of production It is still dominated by stone tools, and metal objects have not yet appeared. In the early days of jomon, stone axes were often made, arrowhead Stone drag, etc. "Stone axe" began to appear in Hokkaido and Tohoku. Early jomon period or Hammering stone tool In the middle of the jomon period, grinding stone tools gradually increased. The Kanto, Central region In the early and middle stages of jomon, rod grinding stone axes were popular. In the late and late jomon period, grinding "fixed Angle stone axes" prevailed.
Japan's native agriculture can be traced back to the early Jomon period, that is, 6,500 years ago, on the basis of long-term plant harvesting, the people of the mid-Jomon period have learned to sow a variety of wild plants to meet the increasing demand for food as the population increases. Late Jomon period, food structure by zoon , fish , molluscs Turning to crops inspired the ancient inhabitants of Japan to develop on a large scale Agricultural production The thirst for. Soon, rice was native to the subtropics Food crop It was introduced to Japan about 3,000 years ago A surname Area.

Social type

About 10,000 years ago, Climate warming , Sea level rise Japan was separated from the mainland and turned into an archipelago. Dogs were domesticated to hunt deer and wild boar, while bows and arrows were invented to increase the catch of game. In addition to fishing, people also gather conker seeds, acorn Walnuts and plants corm Let's wait.
People struggle to get enough food so as to have Free time to Grinding stone tool and Fired pottery . And expanded the range of food by starting to eat cooked food. In this way, humans could settle in a place for a long time and build vertical caves to live in. The vertical cave lives in the square as the center, several families live together, and the surrounding area is discarded Sea shell And food crumbs, formed Shell mound . But this kind of food does not last long and is difficult to cook Surplus product Accumulated in the hands of one man, when there was no class antagonism Primitive society , therefore Not found Sites and relics that reflect the wealth and power of a particular people.
Under the conditions of very low productivity at that time, the resources of natural production were limited, so people developed strict rules within the group agreement In order to protect nature, at the same time the prevalence of witchcraft, stone rods, clay figurines, and tooth extraction habits. People also pray for natural abundance. By the end of this era, especially in Western Japan There have been attempts to break through hunting, fishing and Collection economy The trend of...