
[qiáo mài]
A plant of the genus buckwheat in the polygonaceae
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Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) [2] Also known as common buckwheat, sweet buckwheat, Umwheat, etc., for Polygonaceae buckwheat genus (Polygonaceae). Fagopyrum ) Annual herbs [1-2] [11 ] . Buckwheat stems erect, 30 to 90 cm tall, upper branches, green or red, cylindrical, hollow. Buckwheat leaves alternate, triangular or ovate-triangular, apex acuminate, base cordate. Buckwheat inflorescence terminal or axillary; Bracts ovate, green, margin membranous; Flowers white or reddish. Buckwheat achenes ovate, apical acuminate, dark brown, dull. 1 seed. [1] [8 ] The flowering period is from May to September and the fruit period is from June to October. [1]
Buckwheat is native to Central Asia [10 ] Widely distributed in the world, mainly cultivated in Australia, India and other countries [9] ; It is cultivated in all provinces and regions of China. [2] [10 ] Such as Taiwan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces [2] [9] . Buckwheat grows mainly in temperate communities [5] Commonly found in wasteland, roadside [1] Often cultivated in fields, foothills, wilderness, etc [8 ] . Buckwheat likes cold, wet environment, has the characteristics of barren resistance, disease resistance and drought resistance, but not cold resistance, heat resistance. [12 ] [15] Buckwheat has short growth cycle, easy to cut, easy to propagate [15] .
Buckwheat is widely used, not only can be processed into a variety of foods, such as buckwheat cake, buckwheat noodles, etc [1] Can also be eaten as vegetables [12 ] It is an excellent concentrate feed for sheep, cattle, pigs and other livestock [12 ] [15] . The stems, leaves and seeds of buckwheat can be used as Chinese medicinal materials. According to the records of Chinese pharmaceutical classics, it is used to treat dyspepsia, hypoxia, dysentery and other diseases [16 ] . In addition, buckwheat also has decontamination properties, in Japan, some people use it to wash hair, clothes, etc.; Its shell is not only a raw material for extracting potassium carbonate, but also a good fuel [17 ] .
Chinese name
Latin name
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench [1-2]
buckwheat [1] Common buckwheat, Umai [11 ] Pure intestinal grass, triangle wheat [15]
The Plant Kingdom (Plantae) [2]
The door
Tracheophyta [2]
The outline
Magnoliopsida [2]
Caryophyllales [2]
Polygonaceae [2]
Belong to
buckwheat Fagopyrum ) [2]
Kind of
buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Moench ) [2]
Distribution area
Native to Central Asia [10 ] Widely distributed around the world [9]
Namers and years
Moench, 1794 [3]
Protection level
No risk (LC) [18]
English name
Buckwheat [15]
Common in wasteland, roadside [1] Often cultivated in fields, foothills, wilderness, etc [8 ]
Morphological recognition
Stem upper branches green or red, leaves triangular or ovate-triangular, pedicels white or reddish, achenes ovate, dark brown, dull [1]

History of botany


Origin and evolution

Buckwheat originated in Central Asia [10 ] For the study of buckwheat origin, there are two hypotheses in the world. In 1883, Swiss plant taxonomist De Candalle proposed that buckwheat originated in northern China (Heilongjiang valley) or Siberia origin hypothesis and in 1960, botanist Nakao proposed that buckwheat originated in southwest China near the Himalayan mountains of the so-called arc center origin hypothesis. [28 ] [29]
Ohnishi, a Japanese scholar, collected buckwheat planting resources around the world from 1983 to 1993 and studied their allelic enzyme variation, and the results showed that no variation center of buckwheat was found. In addition, Konie Onishi's research on buckwheat in Yunnan, China in 1991, and Chinese scholars' research on the language history and cultivation history of buckwheat in Yunnan in 1992 also support the hypothesis that wheat cultivation originated in southwest China, which has been widely accepted by the academic community. [28 ]

Cultivation history

As for the cultivation of buckwheat, studies show that buckwheat was cultivated as early as 3500 years ago in the Yin and Shang dynasties, and the cultivation of buckwheat in China can be found in the Book of Songs. In the early Western Zhou Dynasty from 1066 BC to 771 BC, it has been cultivated about 3000 years ago. Chinese history books, medical books, poetry records and archaeology all show that China is the first country in the world to cultivate buckwheat [30 ] .
Macroscopic remains of buckwheat in Bohemia have been found in the archaeology of the town of Uchbrod in the 12th century, and the first written record of buckwheat is in the Versed Glossary of Klaret in 1365. The Italian doctor Matthioli also mentioned buckwheat in his 1596 book, which recorded that Bohemia was rich in buckwheat, and it was a popular and commonly used food among the people. In the 16th century, buckwheat was still widely cultivated in Bohemia, but it did not spread [13] .

Communication history

Buckwheat was widely cultivated in and around East Asia and was introduced to Japan via the Korean Peninsula in the 8th century. In the 13th and 14th centuries, it was introduced into Europe via Siberia and southern Russia, and there are also studies based on allelic enzyme analysis that European buckwheat spread from northern China along the "Silk Road". Germany was the first country in Europe to grow buckwheat, which was then introduced to Belgium, France, Italy and England in the 17th century, and brought by immigrants to North America, Argentina, Brazil and South Africa. In the 17th to 19th centuries, buckwheat was a very popular food in Western countries. [29]

Morphological characteristics

Buckwheat is an annual herb [1] .
Buckwheat plant


Stems erect, 30 to 90 cm tall, branched upper, green or red, cylindrical, hollow, longitudinally ribbed, glabrous or papillary on one side along longitudinal ribbed [1] [8 ] .
The stem of buckwheat
The stem of buckwheat


Buckwheat leaves alternate, triangular or ovate-triangular, 2.5 to 7 cm long, 2 to 5 cm wide, apical acuminate, base cordate, both surfaces papillary along leaf veins; Lower leaves long petiolate, upper parts smaller subsessile; Pleural sheath, short tubular, about 5 mm long, tip skewed, glabrous, easy to break off [1] [8 ] .
The leaves of buckwheat
The leaves of buckwheat


Inflorescence raceme or corymbose, terminal or axillary, with a small projection on one side of the peduncle; Bracts ovate, about 2.5 mm long, green, membranous margin, 3 to 5 flowers per bract; Flowers bisexual, pedicels longer than bracts, articulate, perianth 5 deeply divided, white or reddish, perianth tablets elliptic, 3 to 4 mm long; Stamens 8, shorter than anthers, anthers light red; Style 3, stigma capitate [1] [8 ] .
Buckwheat flowers
Buckwheat flowers

Fruits and seeds

Achenes ovate, 3-sharp, apical acuminate, 5~6 mm long, dark brown, dull, base with persistent perianth, achenes longer than persistent perianth. 1 seed. [1] [8 ]

Distribution range

Buckwheat is native to Central Asia [10 ] Its native range is from southern Tibet to Sichuan and Yunnan [5] . Buckwheat is widely distributed in the world, mainly cultivated in Australia, China, the United States, New Zealand, India and other countries [9] .
In China, the wild germplasm resources of buckwheat are mostly distributed in the mountainous area of southwest China, which is considered to be the birthplace of buckwheat, and some endemic species are only distributed in the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau [4] . Buckwheat is widely distributed and cultivated in all provinces of China. [2] [10 ] Such as Taiwan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces [2] [9] .
Buckwheat distribution range in China

Growing environment

Buckwheat grows mainly in temperate communities [5] Commonly found in wasteland, roadside [1] Often cultivated in fields, foothills, wilderness, etc [8 ] .

Growth habit

Buckwheat likes cold, wet environment, has the characteristics of barren resistance, disease resistance and drought resistance, but not cold resistance, heat resistance. Buckwheat is a short-day crop, sensitive to sunlight, and can grow and form fruit under both long and short day conditions. Buckwheat is not too strict on the choice of soil, as long as the climate is suitable, any soil, including not suitable for the growth of other cereals, barren, acidic or newly reclaimed land can be planted, acidic and alkaline soil can be improved, but with good drainage, pH 6~7 sandy soil is the most suitable. [12 ] [15] And its growth period is short, easy to cut, easy to propagate, is a very good filling crop [15] . The flowering period of buckwheat is from May to September, and the fruit period is from June to October. [1]

Interspecific relationship

Buckwheat, Tartary buckwheat and golden buckwheat are the main cultivated species of buckwheat [11 ] Their relationship has always been controversial [24] The opinions of scholars have not been completely unified [25 ] . In 1930, the traditional morphological study of buckwheat represented by Steward believed that buckwheat was closer to golden buckwheat than Tartary buckwheat. The fruit shape of Tartary buckwheat belonged to the same type as that of Tartary buckwheat, but was quite different from buckwheat. Therefore, Tartary buckwheat and golden buckwheat were more closely related from the perspective of fruit shape [11 ] [24] [26 ] . In 2004, Wang Lihua et al. used 19 selected random primers to perform RAPD amplification analysis on 9 species, 1 variety and 2 subspecies of buckwheat resources in Yunnan Province, and studied the diversity and relationship of these cultivated and wild cultivated wheat resources, which supported Steward's view. In 2007, Yang Xiaoyan and other scholars also agreed that the relationship between Tartary buckwheat and golden buckwheat was closer through research. [25 to 26 ]
In 2016, through the phylogenetic tree constructed by ITS and ndhF-rpl32 sequences, Hu Yani et al. found that golden buckwheat first clustered with cultivated buckwheat, and then the two clustered with buckwheat. Therefore, it is believed that golden buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat are more closely related than buckwheat. Similar ideas have been expressed in the work of Ohsako, Ohishi, Sharma, Jana and others [25 ] . In 2013, Tian Xiaoqing et al. used SSR markers to conduct phylogenetic studies on cultivated germplasm resources of buckwheat, and the results also proved that buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat were relatively far related [11 ] .

Mode of reproduction


Natural reproduction

Buckwheat can not only self-pollinate, but also cross-pollinate, but the effect of self-pollination is poor [6 ] . Buckwheat is an insect-borne plant, most of which is attracted to bees and other insects by the nectar glands emitting strong honey [6 ] . The epidermal cells of buckwheat are irregular with obvious papillary protrudations, the vertical walls of the cells are irregular, and the cuticle has longitudinal dense stripes, which provide better landing points for pollinating insects. Even the optical effect of light and dark can make the flower tapetum play a role in attracting insects and contribute to better pollination [7] .
Buckwheat -- flowers

Artificial breeding

The propagation of buckwheat is mainly based on sowing, which is suitable for sowing in mid-May to mid-late June. Sowing can choose large and full buckwheat seeds for drill sowing, on-demand sowing or broadcast sowing. Drill sowing was conducted by 耧播 and ploughing. The main method of on demand sowing is to plough the furrow and grab the seeds manually, and to sow according to the distance between the holes. Seeding mainly involves plowing the land first, sowing the seeds, and then harrowing the land. [12 ]

Cultivation technique


Select the land to prepare the land

Buckwheat is not too strict in the selection of soil, and can choose sandy soil clods with good drainage and pH of 6 to 7 for sowing [12 ] [15] . It is also necessary to deeply cultivate the soil, thicken the mature soil layer, and improve the soil fertility, which is not only conducive to water retention and prevent the evaporation of soil water, but also reduce the harm of diseases, insects and weeds to buckwheat [12 ] .

Field management

Before sowing buckwheat, apply basic fertilizer into the deep soil in combination with tillage preparation. When planting, apply fertilizer around the seeds to make up for the lack of base fertilizer. The poor climate before and after seedling emergence is prone to the phenomenon of missing seedlings, and it is necessary to actively take measures to protect seedlings such as breaking the slab and repairing seedlings to ensure seedling emergence. After the appearance of the first true leaf of buckwheat, ploughing and weeding are carried out at the same time, thinning and thinning seedlings, removing weak seedlings and redundant seedlings, reducing seedlings and preventing crowding. During the growth and development of buckwheat should also pay attention to topdressing, it is generally appropriate to use urea and other fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer, but the amount should not be too much, too much nitrogen fertilizer, nutrient growth is strong, and it is easy to cause lodging in the later period. [12 ]

Disease and insect control

The main diseases of buckwheat are blight, downy mildew, and wheat-spot [12 ] [27] . Standing blight mainly affects seeds and seedlings of buckwheat. It usually occurs under the conditions of early sowing, low ground temperature, heavy soil viscosity, poor drainage, etc. It can be removed in time after the autumn harvest to carry out deep cultivation. Before sowing, carbendazim wettable powder or pentachloronitrobenzene powder can be used to mix seeds; When onset, it can be sprayed with mancozeb wettable powder solution or methyl tolbuzine solution, which can effectively prevent and treat blight [12 ] . Downy mildew is mainly harmful to buckwheat leaves. The residues in the field can be cleaned before sowing, and the seeds can be mixed with pentachloronitrobenzene or dicorone powder. The early stage of the disease was treated with retoxin solution and the later stage with chlorothalonil solution [12 ] . Wheat-spot disease mainly affects the leaves of buckwheat [27] Can be soaked in warm soup before sowing; At the early stage of the disease, spray Bordeaux solution, mancozeb solution or carbendazim gel suspension solution to prevent the spread of the disease [12 ] .
Insect attack
The insect pests of buckwheat include slime, grass borer and so on. Slime mainly harms the leaves of buckwheat plants. When the insect infestation occurs, eggs can be picked in the field to collect and burn dead seedlings and yellow leaves. When the density of larvae is high, the larvae will be shaken down in the container or the ground to kill it; The larvae can also be controlled by spraying with sozendazole or deltamethrin solution before the third age, and by spraying with ethylene-diethylene-diethylene-phosphine powder after the third age. Grass borer mainly harms the leaves, flowers and fruits of buckwheat. When insect infestation occurs, adult insects can be caught with nets and killed by light. The larvae were sprayed with dichlorvos emulsion solution, trichlorphon powder or deltamethrin before the third age. [12 ]


Buckwheat generally takes 70% of the seeds of the plant to show mature color as the maturity stage, and the plants cut in the morning after the dew is dried are placed nearby, and the number of reverses before and after threshing is reduced as much as possible. When threshing on sunny days, the seeds should be dried and stored fully. The chaff and ripe green seeds sifted through the cleaning process should also be stored. [12 ]

Main variety


Black buckwheat

Buckwheat is cultivated in Gannan county of Heilongjiang Province. The seedlings are yellow-green, the stems are light red, and the veins are red. Plant height 60~70 cm. The flowers are white. The fruit is diamond shaped and dark brown. The growth period is about 70 days. Buckwheat has strong drought resistance and is suitable for growing in sandstorms and arid areas. It can be used as a main crop for timely replanting or late sowing. It is suitable for sowing in mid-late June. [23 ]

Three-rowed buckwheat

Three-rowed buckwheat is a local variety in Junge Banner of Ikezhao League, Inner Mongolia. The seedlings have red stems and green leaves. Plant height 70~90 cm. Strong branching, white flowers, seed coat dark brown. The growth period is 60~70 days. Three-rowed buckwheat has strong adaptability and can be planted on both fertile and thin land. It is suitable for dense planting, sowing in early July and ripening in mid-September. The seedlings are not strong in drought resistance, wind resistance and easy to drop grain. [23 ]

Red buckwheat

Safflower buckwheat, also known as small safflower, is a local variety in Duolun County, Yang Lin Guo Le League, Inner Mongolia. The plant is about 70 cm tall, with luxuriant stems and leaves. The flowers are pink and white. The grain is small and full. The seed coat is dark brown. High yield and good quality. The growth period is 70~80 days. Red buckwheat has strong drought resistance, strong adaptability, and is not strict in soil requirements, and can be planted in general soil. [23 ]

Primary value


Edible value

Buckwheat is rich in nutrients such as starch, protein, minerals and vitamins [12 ] . Buckwheat can be eaten as vegetables, and its stem is crisp and cool, which can fill the shortage of seasonal vegetables in mountainous areas where vegetables are scarce [12 ] ; Buckwheat sprouts have refreshing taste and good palatability [12 ] ; Buckwheat seeds can be ground and eaten [10 ] . Buckwheat can be processed into a variety of foods, such as buckwheat cake, buckwheat noodles, buckwheat tea and so on [1] The Yi compatriots in Eshan, Yunnan, China, and other places use buckwheat flour to process buckwheat rice cake and buckwheat steamed cake, and the Yi compatriots in Weining, Guizhou province, also make snacks such as Weining crisp [14] . In Japan, Korea and other countries, buckwheat tender stems and leaves are also used to make cold dishes and other flavored foods [12 ] .
Soba noodles
Buckwheat cake

Feeding value

Buckwheat stems and leaves, stalks and seeds are rich in protein, carbohydrates and inorganic elements required by livestock, can be used to feed sheep, cattle, pigs, etc., can meet the basic needs of feeding livestock, is an excellent concentrate feed, but also with beet leaves, green corn and other mixed silage. Buckwheat grains are rich in flavonoids and vitamins, which can be used to feed poultry to increase the protein and fat content of pork, improve the quality of milk and beef, and increase egg production rate. In addition, feeding buckwheat to livestock can also improve disease resistance. [12 ] [15]
Buckwheat leaf
Buckwheat grains

Medicinal value

The stems and leaves (straw), leaves and seeds of buckwheat can be used as Chinese medicinal materials. According to the records of Chinese pharmaceutical classics, buckwheat seeds are sweet, slightly acidic, cold, spleen, large intestine channels; It has the effect of lowering qi to widen intestine, strengthening spleen to eliminate accumulation, detoxification to collect sores, etc. It is mainly used to treat gastrointestinal stagnation, diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases. Buckwheat leaves have the functions of enhancing the eyes and ears, lowering qi and stopping bleeding, and are often used to treat tinnitus, heavy hearing, dizziness and belching. Buckwheat straw has the effects of reducing qi accumulation, clearing heat and detoxification, reducing blood pressure, etc. It is mainly used in the treatment of dysentery, leucorrhea, choking, diabetes complicated with retinitis and other diseases. [16 ]

Economic value

Buckwheat belongs to the nectar source plant, its honey-gland is developed, the amount of nectar is large, but also has a strong fragrance, large-scale planting of buckwheat can promote the development of beekeeping and diversified management, but also can improve the fertilization rate of buckwheat [12 ] .
Buckwheat -- flowers

Other value

The use of buckwheat to feed ruminant cattle can reduce the methane emissions of cattle and play a certain role in environmental protection. [15] Buckwheat can also be decontaminated, and the Japanese are often used to wash their hair and clothes. Buckwheat shell potassium carbonate content accounts for about 46%, is a suitable raw material for extracting potassium carbonate, or a good fuel. [17 ]

Species hazard

Long-term feeding of seedlings, stalks and seeds of buckwheat will lead to toxic lesions characterized by dermatitis or red rash in pigs, mainly buckwheat contains buckwheat, which enters the pigmented part of the skin through the blood after being fed by pigs. When buckwheat reaches a certain concentration and is subjected to the action of sunlight, the blood vessel wall is damaged and poisoning is caused, and feeding buckwheat pityriasis can also cause poisoning. Piglets Suckling sows milk fed with buckwheat flour can also develop symptoms of dermatitis, edema, foaming and necrosis. [19]
This disease can only occur when the skin without pigment is exposed to sunlight, and even if the same amount of buckwheat is eaten in the dark poultry house or pigmented pig skin, it does not develop, so when the pig is sick, immediately stop feeding the sick pig buckwheat feed, and put it in a cool place, and pay attention to strengthen care. [19]

Plant culture



The Southwest Yi records a fairy tale of buckwheat's origin in Wenshan, Yunnan Province. According to the creation epic "Leoteyi" from the Great Liangshan, Zionituo, the daughter of the god Enteguz, married the earth's Iki Wuo and secretly brought buckwheat seeds in the sky, which were later discovered by the God and cursed them for having more buckwheat flowers and less seeds and for having difficulty in playing seeds. Expressing a description of their difficult existence of the Nuosu people, a branch of the Yi people, people work hard, but the harvest is limited, so buckwheat is particularly valuable. [14]
There are different versions of the origin of buckwheat, China "Liangshan Yi Diet Culture Summary" describes the story of Yi ancestors repeatedly looking for buckwheat, Qupu Jumu, who wanted to plant buckwheat, went to Zialniang Mountain, after many searches, found on the top of the mountain strong roots stable, dense branches and lush leaves, flowers bearing seeds, and full buckwheat. Then Qupu Guki led the people to grow buckwheat. [14]
According to the ancient Chinese Yi book "Estimate Zhe Number", "rice is the king of grain; Buckwheat is the king of grain; Barley is the minister of grain; Wheat is the bhuma (shaman who presides over sacrificial activities) of food; Buckwheat is handsome; Sweet buckwheat is a beauty; ... ". Reflecting the memory of their ancestors, the Nosu people are closely connected with buckwheat, which is also a symbol of life and reproduction. [14]

Literary works

As a literary element, buckwheat is not only reflected in Tang poetry and Song Ci, but also enriched in its literary connotation in the process of continuous development. There are love elements such as Lee Hyo-seok's Korean modern short story "Buckwheat Blossoms" and Song Weiwei's "Moon Bright buckwheat flowers like snow" that express homesickness. In addition, buckwheat also often appears in the elements of Chinese opera songs, such as the Huangmei Opera "Buckwheat Kee", Hunan flower drum "Buckwheat Harrow Shou", Beijing Opera "Thirty-three buckwheat trees ninety-nine ridges" and so on. [20 ]
"A Bowl of Clear soba Noodles" is a short story written by Japanese writer Ryohei Kuri, first published in 1988. This novel mainly inspires people to be full of hope in difficult situations, to face the misfortune of life firmly, and to reflect the good quality of care and respect between people. [14]
Chronicles of Buckwheat


The buckwheat Festival in Malipo County, Yunnan Province, China, falls on the first Dragon Day of the fourth lunar month each year. Buckwheat legends, rituals, dances and customs are vividly presented, reflecting buckwheat's important place in the life of the White Lo people and its unique traditional culture. [14]

Food culture

In China, the Yi people often give buckwheat baba or buckwheat grains as gifts to express their blessings and philosophical thoughts. [14]

Trade situation

China is a major producer and consumer of buckwheat [11 ] , mainly sold in Japan and Europe [17 ] The buckwheat of Hebei Province, northern Shanxi Province and the Houshan area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region enjoys a reputation in the international market for "large grain, thin skin, white face, powder, large gluten and excellent quality" and is very popular with foreign investors [17 ] . As of 2022, according to the statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the main export countries of China's buckwheat are Russia, the United States, Poland and other countries, and the main import countries are Japan, Italy and other countries [21] . According to the data of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, as of March 2024, China's buckwheat or processed products are mainly imported from Russia and other countries, and export countries and regions are mainly Japan, Bangladesh, the Netherlands and other countries. [22]