History of Japan

History of Japan on a regional scale
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Japanese history refers to the history of Japan from the emergence of Japanese civilization to the present. Japanese islands Humans have lived since 30,000 years ago [95] . According to... Kojiki "And" Nihon Shoki The first Emperor Emperor Jimmu Founded in 660 BC and ascended the throne, the accession day is equivalent to February 11 in the Western calendar, so this day is set as the "Founding Day".
Japan had its first unified government in the 4th century Yamato State , followed by Dahua innovation After the establishment of the emperor system, introduced Tang dynasty culture Imitate China Tang Dynasty The political system, try to create one Statutory system Of the country. In 710, Emperor Yuanming Move the capital to another place Heijiro Kyo , Japan enter Nara period , Statutory system The country is maturing. At this time, the Yamato regime also gradually expanded its territory, conquering parts of the Tohoku region and Southern Kyushu [1] .
At the end of the 12th century, Japan began its 600-year shogunate period, Kamakura Shogunate , The Muromachi shogunate Come to power in succession. During a century and a half Warring States Period , and by Toyotomi Hideyoshi leading The battle of Wen Lu Qing Chang . In the early 17th century, The Edo shogunate Carry out Isolation policy Over 200 years, until 1854 Black ship incident After that, people with lofty ideals in Japan put forward" Honor the king and fight the barbarians Under the pressure of public opinion, the Edo shogunate was forced to return the regime to Emperor Meiji. Great government will be restored ".
In 1867, Meiji Emperor Straighten out internal affairs, enrich the country and strengthen the army, World War I Post-transient experience Taisho Democracy The period fell into the 1930s Army headquarters Control, implement militarism It surrendered in 1945 after being defeated by the Allies. After Japan regained sovereignty Rapid economic growth Became one of the most advanced countries until the 1990s, Bubble economy burst Japan entered a long period of relative economic depression. In 2019, Japan issued the New Year number "Reiwa", and Japan officially entered the era of Reiwa.
Chinese name
History of Japan
Foreign name
Japanese History
Japanese islands
Major era
Jomon, Heian, Kamakura, Warring States, Edo, etc
Main character
Emperor Shenmu, Minamoto Ryjo, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and so on

Primitive society


Paleolithic age

Japan was originally connected to the mainland from about the late diluvial epoch to the early impact epoch, Japan Occur everywhere transgression appear Sea of Japan . About 10,000 years ago, it became the islands of today's Japan. Japanese human in Paleolithic age It developed slowly during most of the Paleolithic period (about 100,000 years ago), and archaeological studies have found that it came from northern China hundreds of thousands of years ago hominid enter Korean peninsula A small number of them (about 100,000 years ago) began to migrate to Japan [2] .
Japan The earliest human fossils are 100,000 years ago, so far Japan's Paleolithic sites have developed nearly a thousand, but there are less than ten human bone fossils unearthed, the fossils are mainly Akashi man, Kasheng man, Niuchuan man, three man and so on. [3] archaeology and anthropology The view that the Japanese nation is mainly composed of Northeast Asia nomad , Altaic family People of the ancient Central Plains, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Wuyue people , trace Malay And trace Indochina Peninsula A mixture of Indochinese, [4] Gradually moved to Japan and the mixture evolved. Some scholars believe that during the Pleistocene, Mongolians from southern China expanded eastward to Japan. In addition, there are other theories such as "monoracial theory", "ethnic alternation theory", "mixed race theory", and "metamorphosis theory". [5]
Since the late Warring States period of China, a large number Yan People, The State of Qi People, Chu State Harmony with the people Yue People fled there to escape the fighting Korean peninsula Later in the Qing Dynasty, when wars and disasters occurred in northern China, Chinese emigrated to the Korean Peninsula one after another, and then from here to the east and south to Japan or directly to Japan Japanese islands .

Jomon period

About 12,000 years ago, due to the end of the last ice Age, rapid warming began, causing great changes in people's culture and life. Around the beginning of the Impact epoch (10,000 to 8,000 years ago), [6] Island-wide access Jomon period . The Jomon Age is divided into six stages: initial, early, early, middle, late, and late [8] Phase III [9] The statement).
At this time, people made jomon pottery, moved towards settlement after the early period, most of them lived in semi-cave houses (vertical cave dwellings), and used bow hunting, shell mound fishing, and plant gathering to make a living. [10] Use hammering tools, grinding tools, bone horn tools, etc. [2]
In addition, rice was introduced to Japan at this time. Rice afferent Japan The main routes are: one is directly introduced from South China and Central China by sea; The second is by land (Hebei, Liaoning) or sea (Shandong) to the Korean Peninsula, and then from the south of the Korean Peninsula. [10]

Early Yayoi period

In the mid-5th century BC, a system of living based on rice farming techniques spread from the mainland and northern Kyushu A surname , Shikoku , Honshu . In the first place A surname upstate Saga prefecture Karatsu Remains of Nagata, Fukuoka Ken Remains of the board payment (today Fukuoka Hakata Rayon ), Nako, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, Soyak-gun Kasuyachi Esji, Itojima The presence of continental grinding stone tools and carbonized rice has been found in the remains of rice fields such as Qutian ruins and Nomomu ruins. [11]
In the third century BC, Yayoi period The beginning of... Along with Ferry bearer The move in, Japan in Yayoi period In the early days, there appeared pottery, iron, bronze and paddy fields and other cultures Japan Gradually became an agricultural society. [12] It was during the Yayoi period that rice farming was popularized on a large scale, especially in paddy fields, but also in the south and west. By around the 1st century AD, rice farming spread fairly rapidly from the southwest to the central part of Honshu, but more slowly further north. Although rice farming, bronze, and iron existed in the north from an early stage, they were not adopted on a large scale, and the north remained in the Jomon stage until the 8th century or even later.
According to the form of pottery, the Yayoi period can be divided into three periods: the first, the middle and the second. antecedents A surname It spread to the Kinki region (East Japan was still at the end of the Jomon period) and spread to the middle northeast . Flat blade stone axe grinding stone tools, bronzes and early Kitakyushu The branch stone tomb is similar to Mainland culture . Yayoi culture From the beginning it had advanced farming techniques and is generally thought to have been influenced by them Korean peninsula The impact of immigration. [13] After the middle period, irrigation technology improved, and agricultural production gradually stabilized. In the later period, iron farm tools were popularized, and stone tools basically disappeared. Bronze Tudor, bronze sword, bronze spear, bronze gold and other bronze Sacrificial vessel Developed, the emergence of iron and salt production Social division of labor . [14] Through trade and war, unified political regional blocs were formed. At this time, Hokkaido could not grow rice and was still in the residual stage of Jomon culture.

Slave society


State creation

King Hanwunu seal
In the middle of the Yayoi period, around the 12th century AD, Japan had a large kingdom of queens called "Yayoi." Evil horse Tai country "The queen who rules the country is" Himiko ". As for the location of the country of Evil horse, some scholars believe that it is in the Yamato (present-day Nara) area of Kinki, another view that it is in Kyushu, and the two theories have their own basis. [15] At this time, rice cultivation and the use of iron utensils had been introduced from China, and residents cultivated rice, ramie , raising silkworms and planting mulberry trees, [16] Sewing twine, making silk brocade, silk. Iron arrowheads for weapons. It is already a "national city" in exchange. Society has adults, households and Slaves and maidservants The difference between birth and mouth. Adults all have four or five wives, are the upper rulers, and the lower households have two or three wives. The difference between the two is obvious. But Shimoto is not Slave . On the other hand, slaves and maidservants have the nature of slavery.
Located in Kyushu Slave state King's direction Han Dynasty Pay tribute and receive a gold seal. By the second half of the second century, the small countries had frequent civil wars, and it was not until the middle of the third century that a larger "war" appeared. Yamato State After a long period of expansion, and gradually conquered most of central Japan, its leader was initially called "King", and later changed to the emperor [17] .
Yayoi period In the middle period, among the countries of Japan Slave state The king had promised Han Dynasty Pay tribute, and for Emperor Guangwu of Han Seal it with gold.

Kofun period

Kofun period It can be divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage. From the beginning of the 8th century, cremation became popular, kotombs gradually declined, and ushered in the era of Buddhist architecture. Kojiki "" Nihon Shoki "Was also compiled successively at this time, thus entering the historical era of Japan.
In the 5th century, the original ownership relationship began to collapse, and the big family developed into a production unit and a movable property ownership unit, and conflicts of interests occurred within the original tribe. From the middle of the 5th century, civil war between powerful clans intensified in the province. Some powerful tribes and the emergence of the five Kings of Japan Hundred-tongue-bird tomb group It is related to the ancient tombs of the ancient city. The distribution of ancient tombs is basically widespread Honshu To the south Nara , Osaka Yamato basin dominated, Hokkaido It has not been found that the tombs of this period are huge cave mounds, surrounded by trenches, and the "front and back circle" form of tombs is the most representative, and the tombs are surrounded by hollow clay statues, and these tube-shaped earth figures may be used for burial. haniwa ". These tombs cost a great deal of money, and only a few ruling classes could afford them. Seventy-one have been found so far. Keyhole-shaped tombs are the most common, and they often contain many bronze mirrors, jewelry, and, in later times, weapons and armor [18] . However, with the emergence of a large number of small ancient tomb groups, the nature of ancient tombs as buildings of rulers gradually weakened. Therefore, from the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 7th century, the Japanese imperial power tried its best to build monasteries in the province, while limiting the construction of small ancient tomb clusters, the king and the powerful Bold and unrestrained clan Is buried in the origin Chinese emperor mausoleum And built a large square grave. [19] Thus, the Kofun era came to an end.
In the late 4th century, in Kinki, Yamato State Gradually rising, after a long period of expansion, and gradually conquering most of central Japan, its leader was initially called "King", later renamed "King". Mikado ".
Nara Tombs

Early feudal society


Age of stray Birds

Prince Sengtak (center)
The Age of Birds takes its name from Nara-ken Bird Place (then the capital city Kyo fujiwara Buddhism was introduced through Baekje during this period. In 587, at the Battle of Yizheng, Sue my girl defeat Mobe Moruya To gain control of the imperial court. In 592, a royal woman related to the Sui family by marriage, Toyosu Nikinuhime, ascended to the throne Emperor Tyko She nominated Prince Sengtak (Prince of the Stable Gate) as regent and carried out political reforms centered on strengthening the imperial power. In 603, Prince Sengde formulated Crown position twelve order It was enacted the following year (604) Seventeen article Constitution . It was sent back in 607 Sister Ono Etc. Dispatch envoy And foreign students to study in the Sui Dynasty [20] .
Prince of Sengde Within twenty years of the death of Soi Mako and Emperor Tyko, Mikado Growing family discontent Sume's He ruled until 645 The eldest brother, the prince and Nakatomi Kamasaki launch The change of Yi Mi Sui's rule came to an end, and the state power returned to the hands of the emperor.
Nakatomi Kamasaki
The Japanese period 645 to 649 is Daehwa He appointed elder Brother as Crown Prince and regent Abenemalu and Su I Ishikawa Maro For about the minister, the minister sickle foot for the inner minister. The government began to reform, known as the Great Reform. [21] The Great Reform implemented a series of social, financial, and administrative reforms that constituted the legal system used in Japan from the 7th to the 10th centuries. "Law" represents criminal regulations, while "Rei" is administrative decrees, which together represent the emperor's protection of the hereditary system based on law since the Great Reform of Japan. [22] The Great Reform will be carried out with reference to China's example Bantian acceptance method Abolish the private ownership of land and the people of the rich, and change the land and the people of the state. The original "private land and private people" was changed to "public land citizens". Land cannot be inherited and must be returned to the state after death. Grain was levied on the farmers receiving the fields, and taxes were also levied on light industrial products such as silk, cotton, and cloth. Began to require peasant clothing Penal servitude Or military service. The hereditary title of clan chief was abolished.
The eldest brother becomes the prince Crown prince Nakatomi Kamashida was given the surname Fujiwara, Fujiwara He soon became the most powerful aristocrat in Japan. In addition Japan from the original bonobo Be renamed as Japan . 662 years old brother prince The interim system In 668 it became Emperor Tenchi . In 672, Emperor Tenchi died, and his son, Emperor Otomo, became Emperor Hirowen, and Emperor Tenchi's younger brother, Emperor Daishin, fought for the throne, resulting in a war known as Renshen's Rebellion. The chaos of Renshen After the sea man ascended the throne, was for Emperor Tenmu . He continued the reform of Tenji and made the emperor centralization More consolidated. [23] In 710, Emperor Yuanming Moving the capital to Pingchengjing, the era of birds ended.

Nara period

The Nara period is known as Nara ( Heijiro Kyo From 710 to 784 when the capital was moved to Nagaoka Kyo, a total of 74 years, is the legal system of the prosperity of the society, reflected in the political and economic system, class relations, culture and foreign relations and other aspects. [24]
At this time, the Nara Dynasty was influenced by the Chinese Tang culture, and through the Tang Dynasty, it received the culture of India and Iran, which resulted in the first comprehensive prosperity of Japanese culture. Envoy to the Tang Dynasty The monks and students sent to China are in Japanese culture And the prosperity of the fine arts, played a great role. Temples, statues, grand paintings, and gorgeous decorative art are still found in Nara's temples and temples today Zhengkurin Among the treasures. During this period due to the state's strong protection of Buddhism, Buddhist culture, in particular Buddhist art Began to prosper. Such as the early 7th century Japanese Buddhism Culture of bird culture; Unique in the late 7th century Baifeng culture ; In the middle of the 8th century, under the influence of the culture of the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, it reflects the rich emotions of human beings by realistic means Tianping culture Let's wait.
Japanese Suzaku door
Economically, in order to encourage the reclamation of wasteland and increase income, in 723, the government formulated the" Three one body law ". [24] It is stipulated that the amount of land reclaimed by the newly repaired trench pond is not limited, and three generations of reclamation are allowed to occupy it; All the fields reclaimed by the original trench ponds are only allowed to be owned by one generation. Little has been achieved because of farmer burnout. However, the implementation of this law has become an opportunity for the privatization of state-owned land. In 743, the government promulgated the "Land Reclamation Law". The regulation limits the area of reclaimed land by rank. Land reclamation is owned by the developer forever. Powerful monasteries, nobles and local magnates all took advantage of this order to expand their territory and promote the development of the manor. [24] with Ban Tian system In accordance with this, the Nara dynasty's taxes were implemented Lease modulation . Rent is charged according to the size of the field. In addition to paying rent, the people had to pay heavy corvee.
Mikhito and Emperor Hwanmu During the period, the imperial court tried to rectify the chaotic political situation, reduce financial expenditure, reform the military system, expand the territory to the northeast region, seek reshaping and re-strengthen the legal system.
Plan of Pingcheng Jing

Heian period

Fujiwara Ryoyama
The Heian Period Ping An Kyung (Kyoto) was the capital of the historical era, beginning in 794 Emperor Hwanmu Move the capital to another place Ping An Kyung The Kamakura shogunate was founded in 1185, after 400 years. The manorial system allowed the people who cultivated the land to own the land forever, and they combined into interest groups and annexed it by force manor Gradually become the source of Wujia strength around. After the 10th century, the number of imported estates, different from the self-reclamation estates, gradually increased. This refers to a manor formed by receiving land "sent in" (donated). The original local development lords in order to get the protection of power and use this power to make their own manor not lose money, they often dedicate their manor to the central nobility and Taesa The society, who was appointed Lord, called it" host A portion of the annual tribute was allocated to the manor, and he retained the "subordinate position" or "pre-post" (both referring to the estate) to stay in place and manage the manor. At the same time, the division of labor between agriculture and handicraft industry expanded.
At the same time of the destruction of the public citizenship system, the emperor's political decree system is also in danger, and one of its symbols is Fujiwara's Peremptory politics The appearance of... As early as the collapse of the monkish regime in the late Nara period, the power of the nobility expanded again, and Nakamoto Kamadu was given the surname Fujiwara by the emperor because of his outstanding contributions, especially the North family of his four families, which had been rising to the second half of the 9th century, and had reached the point of establishing the Motoseki politics and dominating the government alone. As the largest aristocracy, on an economic basis, Fujiwara Has been generously rewarded by the Emperor's government to receive" Vocational field "," Inda "," rank And in the name of temporary rewards, they obtained large amounts of land, labor, and wealth. This was the economic basis for Fujiwara's political fortunes, but they were able to gain supreme power mainly by constantly playing politics against him and by marrying with the imperial family to obtain the status of relatives. In the early 9th century, Fujiwara, Fujiwara (775-826) was appointed Tibetan head After that, he immediately sent his daughter to the palace Emperor Inaki A girl, because she's a girl Emperor Buntoku (reigned 850-857) became the maternal grandfather of the Emperor. The son of a winter heir Fujiwara Ryoyama (804-872) followed suit and also sent his daughter to the palace, thus becoming Emperor Kiyowa His maternal grandfather (reigned 858-875), [25] And then by manufacturing" Change of harmony "And" In response to the change of Tianmen "And a series of political events, overwhelming political opponents. [26] As a result, he became the first non-imperial family member in 857 as the uncle of the mother of Emperor Mundeok Prime minister The following year, the Etheric minister was a young grandson Emperor Kiyowa The "General Regent Government" was formally granted in 866. Act as regent The title began to be veritable as the regency of man's minister (vassal). Fujiwara Ryoyama after its adopted son Fujiwara no Kikei (836 -891) as regent, and was recently enthroned in 887 Emperor Udo Give the general authority to govern the state. The edict said: "All the details of the machine, have been controlled by the officials, all first shut the white minister, and then reported." " Guan Bai The word is taken from the Chinese historical classic" History of the Han Dynasty "Is the meaning of" report ", in Japan soon became an official name, equivalent to Prime minister (Prime minister). In this way, the Fujiwara family created a special polity in the history of Japan, which was the "regent" in the capacity of relatives when the emperor was young, and the "Guan Bai" polity when the emperor came of age [27] .
The White River Emperor
The rule of the bureaucratic aristocracy group represented by Fujiwara family has completely lost its progressiveness, decadence in politics and depravity in life. They pursue splendid palaces, shrines and Buddhist temples used as villas, grand festival ceremonies, banquets, literature and music decorated as aristocrat status, to meet this luxury life, the huge income from the state is not enough, so they engage in official politics. [25] For those who can pay to contract the project, according to how much they pay, they are sold to the State Department and the corresponding official positions below. Country division of the most corrupt opportunity to make a fortune, many bureaucratic aristocrats have through bribery Fujiwara to get the concurrent office of the country division, in Kyoto, sent to the palace, known as "distant". The state Department has no regard for production, allowing agents to loot people within the government, hence the nickname "receiving". At that time, it was popular to "take a tumble to catch the soil", which illustrated the greed of the state Department.
In addition to the contradiction between the royal family and the Guan family, in the Shanghuang ( Emperor of France ) and Mikado There are also contradictions between and within Fujiwara, and these contradictions are always new Kiyowa Genji , Huan Wuping's Between the two great samurai groups, the contradictions within each samurai group are entangled. The development of this complicated and contradictory relationship finally led to two great melee, the "Baoyuan Rebellion" in 1156 and the "Pingzhi Rebellion" in 1159. The chaos of Baoyuan and Pingzhi paved the way for Pingshi to take power [26] .

Hirai regime

Hei Kiyomori fought in the Rebellion of 1156 Minamoto no yoshitomo Joint support Emperor Hakuha And won the victory, thus winning the trust of Emperor Hakuha. However, since then, Hira Kiyoshi and Shinsai Imichi (Fujiwara Tomonori) joined forces in an attempt to expand his power Masato Fujiwara with Minamoto no yoshitomo Greatly dissatisfied, so the two raised troops in the capital launched a coup d 'etat, is for The chaos of peace . In the end, he won the victory, and Minamoto Yoshitomo was killed. Since then, he has laid the foundation for the establishment of political power [28] .
The father of the samurai regime, Kiyosumi Hira
After the rebellion of Heiji, Heiqing Sheng was promoted to the rank of chief Councilor in 1160, to the rank of Secretary of War and great power in 1165, and to the rank of chief official in the spring palace in 1166 Naiji . In 1167, he broke with practice and was promoted directly to the full rank without the procedure of being promoted to the right and left chancellors Prime minister This is the highest official position in the legal official system, equivalent to the prime minister, and therefore became the first person from a samurai to the extreme minister. [29] The expansion of Hei Kiyosein's power reached no end, and the daughter born to himself and his wife Hiratoko marry Emperor Takakura As the empress, she made herself a relative of the emperor. [30] Heidoko gave birth to a son who would become his successor Emperor Ander . Another daughter Taira Moriko Be married to sekwanja Fujiwara Tadamitsu The son of Jiminori Fujiwara And with this as the beginning, let many children and powerful public aristocratic class marriage, cleverly through the means of political marriage to expand their own power [28] .
However, the expansion of the Ping Qing Sheng made it later headed by the White River Emperor Insei The forces were dissatisfied and gradually deepened the antagonism between the two sides. After that, Ping Qing Sheng eliminated the Yuan near ministers who participated in the Yuan administration, and the Yuan administration was suspended, and the Ping's regime controlled the world by Ping Qing Sheng. [31] In 1180 he forced his son-in-law Emperor Takakura Abdicated and anointed his grandson as king Emperor Ander . This was the heyday of the Hirai clan, and the Hirai clan's territory had reached more than half of Japan.
After the death of Hira Kiyosumi, the Hira clan was first established in the year 1183 The Battle of Rigaro 峠 Be trounced by Minamoto no yoshinaka Flat home army thus collapsed, at a loss under flat Zongsheng had to kidnap Andron emperor to flee to Kyoto Western Japan . Then the Pings were there again Battle of the Valley of One He lost to Yuanyuan's brother Source noi sutra . Then the Pingjia army again Battle of Yajima Lost to Genyoshi [32] . meta-calendar For two years (1185), the Hei family was in Battle of Dantapura He was defeated and the Ping regime collapsed.

Middle feudal society


Kamakura period

Minamoto Yitomo, the first shogun of Kamakura
In early 1181, Minamoto was a political opponent Taira Kiyomori Died, Minamoto Arisao Don Minamoto no yoshinaka In July 1182, he entered Lok (Kyoto), Emperor Hakuha Rely heavily on source Lai Chao, cause source Yi Zhong dissatisfaction, source Lai chao sent its brother Source noi sutra Fight against justice. [33] In 1184, the Rei Dynasty destroyed the Hirai clan The Seto Inland Sea . In October 1185, Emperor Hakuha ordered Minamoto to fight against Minamoto, but Minamoto was aware of the incident, and after the battle, Minamoto fled to Ozhou, where he was killed in 1189. In March 1192, after the death of Emperor Bai He, the power of the nobility declined. In July, Emperor Toba officially named Minamoto "Minamoto". General Levy Yi " [34] .
After Minamoto Ryoko pacified the Hirai Clan, he established Kamakura The Mujia regime was the political center of the country. [34] In January 1199, Minamoto died, and his son Minamoto Aijia became general. Due to the lack of rule of the Genrei family Gokenin The ability to rely on Qi than enterprise, cause a strong royal family North article's dissatisfaction. In 1203, Masako Hojo with Hojo current politics Together, they deposed the Minamoto Reija and made Minamoto Minjo a general. Exercise power ". In 1219, Kitajo Yoshinori incite Minamoto no Riya The dead son source Gongxiao assassination Minamoto Minoritomo He then used this to kill Gengong Xiao, and the Genji family died, Masako Hojo Become the supreme ruler, and support the Genji blood Fujiwara Reikei For the general. In 1221, the court gathered samurai and Kinai monastic soldiers to fight against the Hojo clan, according to history The chaos of the long term But ended in failure. [35] After the rebellion, The public The regime began to decline, and the samurai class gained unprecedented growth. After Hojo's death, political power was gradually concentrated Kitajo Taishi In the hands of one man. In 1232, Kitjo's Made an important samurai law, Imperial success and failure form As a samurai judge [36] . The shogunate guards, Edge of a field To control military and police power throughout the country; The imperial court (court) holds the general administrative power of the whole country through the State Department. At first it was even. After the Seikyu Rebellion, the Kamakura Shogunate was established in Kyoto Six polo questions Spy on the court and his ministers [37] , Insei In name only.
Tojo Shizong
But the stability of the Kamakura shogunate did not last long, in power Tojo Shizong During his reign, he suffered from the Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan Two invasions, heavy losses. [37] The relationship between the shogunate and the samurai was increasingly relaxed, and the strength to resist the shogunate rule was gradually formed. Hojo Shirei During the ruling period, the autocracy was strengthened, and the "imperial people" of the family ministers and those called "external samples" were general Gokenin The contradiction is highlighted, after the death of Hojo Shizong, the MIDI person represents A surname Representative with foreign samples Anda Tai Shing There was a conflict, and the Anda Tai Sheng family was completely wiped out, known in history as" Frostmoon disturbance ". Since then, the Kamakura shogunate ruling foundation of the imperial family system gradually disintegrated, Kamakura shogunate rule faced collapse.
In 1318, Emperor Godaigo He took the throne, determined to restore royal authority, deposed the court, and began his own campaign. In 1331, Emperor Godaoten again plotted to reverse the curtain, and the reverse Curtain army was defeated by the shogunate army. The rebellion of Yuan Hong Emperor Godaigo was exiled, and the second inverted Curtain movement failed. [31] In 1333, the powerful families all over the country began to reverse the curtain, and the shogunate sent Ashikaga ( A surname To quell the unrest, Ashikaga had long been dissatisfied with the autocratic regime of the Hojo family, and on the way, he defected, captured Kamakura, and the last generation took power Kitajo Takahashi Suicide, Kamakura shogunate fall. The Kamakura period is considered the beginning of the feudal era in Japan.
At the beginning of the Kamakura period, the ancient period of the Heian Period continued Manorial system . A manor consists of several "famous fields", and the famous master obtains the private rights of the famous fields from the Lord of the manor and conducts independent management. The master paid taxes to the Lord of the manor, and the peasants paid "jadzi" to the master. This system is called "Namita management". After the Kamakura middle period, significant changes began to occur. The daimyo and local rich in the manor became the head of the shogunate.
The literature of the Kamakura period is a transitional period from ancient times to the Middle Age. On the one hand, the literature of this transitional period inherited the legacy of the ancient nobility since the Heian Period. Both the attitude of creation and the content of works were very traditional and conservative, but they were on the decline. With the growth and expansion of the samurai class, there were many literary works centered on the Bujia society, and gradually became the mainstream of Kamakura literature, among which the most striking is Gunji Monogatari The rise of... Gunji Monogatari is a samurai-themed novel that originated from the Heian period book Tsunemon "Lu Ao Dialect Records" and other Chinese literary works, among which Heiya Monogatari "Is the most outstanding work.
History of Japan
Mongolian attack painted words

Muromachi period

A surname
Ashikaga Hara, who founded the Muromachi shogunate Ueno A noble family, but also the Kamakura shogunate Minamoto Yitomo clan. In the later period of Kamakura Shogunate, the power within the shogunate wavered, and the emperor secretly decided to overthrow the rule of the shogunate. In 1324, Emperor Godaigo The plan to reverse the curtain was detected and failed. [38] In 1331, the emperor again rebelled, but was again defeated and exiled to Oki (now Japan) Shimane Oki Island ), Emperor Guangyan He was held up as a puppet by the shogunate. At this time, support for the exiled emperor Daigo forces, such as the emperor Prince Gora Wagsamurai Nanmu Masari They fought with the shogunate's army. Of the Hojo family inside the shogunate Gokenin Also began to oppose the shogunate. One of the more powerful of these was the Venerable Toori, who initially led the shogunate army against the falling Shogunate army before switching sides to support the Emperor. In 1333, the Kamakura shogunate fell. Emperor Godaigo forced Emperor Mitsuhiro to abdicate and abolish the regency, Guan Bai The system, ready to begin its own dictatorship, is for New policy for building armed forces . [24] [31] However, these measures touched the interests of the samurai class and caused their discontent. In order to defeat the remnants of the shogunate, the Hiori family sent troops Kanto After the rebellion was pacified, the crusade was carried out Shinda Yoshitaka Under the guise of invading the following year Kyoto . He was defeated in battles with the royalist Yasuki Masari and others, but in 1336 he again captured Kyoto and established himself Emperor of Light Claustrophobic after Tiakuo emperor. Soon after, Emperor Godaigo fled from Kyoto to Yoshino (now Nara-ken Yoshino ), proclaiming his orthodoxy. At this time, there were two emperors in Japan, Southern and Northern Dynasties Here. In 1338, he was appointed by the Northern Dynasty General Levy Yi He opened the shogunate in Kyoto [39] .
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, three generations of generals who unified the northern and Southern Dynasties
In 1367, he was 10 years old Ashikaga Yoshimitsu He was succeeded by three generations of generals, and the Southern Dynasty prospered again due to the internal unrest in the Northern Dynasty. Within twelve years, the chaos of the Northern Dynasty was put down by three generations of generals, Yi Man, and planned a counterattack against the Southern Dynasty. From 1379 to 1384, the Northern Dynasty recaptured large areas of the Four Kingdoms and the Southern Dynasty in Kinai, and in 1385, Kyushu. In 1392, the Northern Dynasty besieged Nara, and the Southern Dynasty Emperor Kameyama Give the three artifacts to the Northern Dynasty Emperor Komatsu The Southern and Northern Dynasties, which lasted 56 years, came to an end. The unification of the northern and southern dynasties was carried out by the third generation general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, who attempted to usurp the imperial throne after unification. In order to deal with the Southern Dynasty, Ashikaga had to open a shogunate in Kyoto, and set up a government office in Kamakura, which led to the Kanto Rebellion.
In the long-term unrest, the broad masses of lower-class peasants suffered the most, and the struggle against the government and the rulers continued to occur, which was called" Ikki '(commonly known as the act of the people rising up against the ruler). On September 18, 1428, Kinjiangguo The peasants of Daigo Township launched an uprising under the slogan of virtuous governance, which was called "Virtuous Governance Ikui" in history and received wide response. In August 1441, the size of Tokuku Ikyu expanded, and the shogunate had to issue a" German government Decree He announced the cancellation of all debts of farmers. [40] On September 14, it further issued the "Order on the average moral governance of a country", abolishing all debts regardless of their status or status.
In the eighth gen Ashikaga Yoshimasa During his reign, the succession issue broke out in 1467 The chaos of benevolence This war lasted for 11 years, since the authority of the shogunate, originally by the shogunate policy sealed in the guardian daimyo, some gradually by the guardian generation (aide), family ministers, people usurped the power, some can maintain the regime to the Warring States period, from the end of the rebellion in 1477 to the Muromachi shogunate demise, known as the Warring States Period [41] .

Warring States Period

After the end of the Rebellion in 1477, although the influence of the Muromachi shogunate was greatly reduced, the various shogunates of the time still tried to change the whole situation. The general not only ordered several Crusades against the neighbors Hosokawa , Hexagon's Such as the guardian of the daimyo, but also repeatedly issued orders, so that the daimyo against those who pose a threat to the Kyoto authorities. However, the general's authority had become much less than it used to be, and the general's edict was rarely obeyed except as a tool to seize power from the daimyo.
Except for the rise of the Ise-long clan Kanto region In addition to becoming the representative of the new era of daimyo, Japan also began to appear Lower restricting upper And even become the new power of one side. [42] in Chinese places , Izumo Guardian era Niko's usurpation Kyoji The real power, later Niko Yuka It replaced Kyoji as the guardian of Izumo. In the process of competing for supremacy, An Yi people Gross profit dollar In the Nizi, Dani between the two families to survive, gradually expand their own strength, and then seize the opportunity of internal strife in Dani Battle of Itsushima Knockout K.O. Otsuchi Powerful minister Tao Qingxian And become the new hegemon of the Chinese region. Mino Protection Tsuki He was also a councillor Saito Michizo The expulsion of the decline.
In 1518, Ochi Yoshihiro Returning to a neighboring country without refuge Yoshitane Ashikaga Lost control of the Hosokawa family, once again resigned the post of general, by the former general Yoshiumi eldest son Ashikaga Yoshiharu Take over. However, Yiqing because with the tube collar Hosokawa Harumoto Long estranged, he resigned the post of general in 1546, replaced by his eldest son Ashikaga Yoshiki He took over as the 14th general. Ashikaga Yoshihui determined to revive the shogunate's prestige, not only many active mediation between the daimyo disputes, but also invited Kenobu Uesugi , Oda Nobunaga Wait for a powerful name Alto Lac An audience with the general. [43] At this time, Hosokawa was a powerful minister Miyoshi Nagai Seizing power, the latter held real power, and used the shogunate as a puppet, becoming one of the powerful daimyo at that time. After the death of Miyoshi Changqing, its important minister Hideu Matsunaga , Three good three people Decided to depose General Ashikaga Yoshiki. In 1565, Three good three people and Hideu Matsunaga The rebels led by Yi Hui surrounded the two imperial palace, although Ashikaga Yoshiki Got the famous swordsman of the time Nobuzuna Kamiizumi with Hiroshi Tsukahara The swordsmanship taught by others had the reputation of a great swordsman general, but he was still killed because he was outnumbered. Son of Ashikaga Yoshii Ashikaga Yoshiei He was proclaimed the 14th general. After Ashikaga's death, the Muromachi shogunate completely lost its real power and lost the opportunity for renewal until its demise in 1573.
The names of the Warring States in 1570
On the Kanto side, Imagawa family, Takeda family, Uesugi family, and Gohojo family competed against each other. Among them, Takeda Shingen and Shangsugi Kenshin fought for many years in Chuanzhong Island, but there was no result. [44] East Sea, Qing Chau Oda Important minister under one's command Oda Nobuji , Oda Nobuhideu Father and son would later gain real power and become Owari The Lord of the country. In 1560, Oda Nobunaga defeated the Captors at Gungakama with 3,000 troops Suruga Kuni , Far river Kingdom , Three Rivers country Three Kingdoms, with a great army of about 25,000 Imagawa Yoshimoto , is for The Battle of the Barrels . In September 1567, Nobunaga won the Battle of Inaba Mountain Castle and captured Mino Inaba Mountain Castle And renamed it Kifu Castle And made it Tianxia Buwu Zhu Prints, the road to the unification of Japan. The following year, Nobunaga proclaimed the 15th general Ashikaga Yoshiaki And in Allies Asai Nagamasa With the help of accomplishing the goal of upper Lo. [45] In 1573, Oda Nobunaga and Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki The formal break, Nobulong forcibly attacked the shogunate where the Nijo imperial house, arrested Yoshiaki, exiled to State of Hanoi Ruojiang City, and established Azuji Castle . The Muromachi shogunate was declared dead. A hundred years before the Sengoku period Muromachi period This concludes, and Japan enters Anto Momoyama era .
The Warring States period represented military generals
Gross profit dollar
Saito Michizo
Takeda Shingen
Oda Nobunaga

Modern times


Anto Momoyama era

Toyotomi Hideyoshi who united Japan
In 1573, Oda Nobunaga banished the last general, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and the Ashikaga shogunate declared its demise Anto Momoyama era . After gradually becoming the most powerful military chief in the country, and began to actively expand the rule of the territory, continue to eliminate Asai Nagamasa , Asakura Yoshikei Two, forced the Ise state department Kitada Gufang will be home governor to the second son of the letter long Oda Nobuo . He also put down the Namkinki forces such as Samyoshi and Matsunaga. Until it was eliminated in 1582 Kai One's personal name Takeda Katsuri Until now, it has been almost completely controlled Kinki with Donghai region And extend their power to Chinese places , A letter over the place , Shikoku Place and Hokuriku At this time, the actual political center of the country also shifted to the hands of Oda. Soon after, Oda Nobunaga Built near the river Azuji Castle As a symbol of the Oda regime. In 1577 Oda Nobunaga sent his chief warlord Hideyoshi Hashiba To take West Honshu Chinese places Of the twelve nations. [45] In 1582, Oda Nobunaga set out from Yasuto with a small entourage to rescue Hideyoshi when he arrived Kyoto And put up for the night Bengenji One night, he was sent by Oda Nobunaga who was supposed to support Hideyoshi Mitsuki Launch a rebellion and surprise Nobunaga's resting place Bengenji Nobuchang was forced to set fire to the Instinct Temple and died, according to history The change of Instinct Temple . [46]
Hideyoshi Hashiba is here Battle of Yamazaki After defeating Sensei Mitsuki, he became one of the protectors of Nobunaga's underage heirs. In 1584, Hideyoshi defeated the other three protectors and took full control of Kyoto, becoming the undisputed successor of Nobunaga Oda. Hideyoshi Haba, a commoner born as Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro, he was adopted by the Fujiwara family, and later was Mikado Gave the surname Toyotomi and got it Guan Bai This meant that all of Japan's internal affairs and military were under his control. In the following year, he maintained an alliance with three of the nine major daimyos, and continued to do so Shikoku Hokita A surname The Unification War. It was launched by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1590 Battle of Odawara , defeated control of East Honshu Kanto region The last enemy, the remaining big names have surrendered, Warring States period of Japan The war was over. The next year, show Yoshi will pass the white post to the adopted son Toyotomi Hideji , calls oneself Imperial pavilion . Politically approved The imperial Court seized the territory , Separation of soldiers from agriculture , Sohrno Order And other policies to strengthen centralized rule. For later The Edo shogunate The development has done a certain paving.
Japan under Hideyoshi Toyotomi
In 1592, Hideyoshi decided to annex Korea first and then invade the Ming Dynasty in order to quell the problem of insufficient land in the country. In April of that year, Hideyoshi sent 160,000 troops to North Korea, The Battle of men and women Thus begins the prelude. [47] The Japanese were in the ascendancy early in the war, and it took only a month to capture King Kyung Han-seong (present-day Seoul, South Korea), the king of Joseon Lee Yeon He fled to Uiju on the Yalu River. In January 1593, the Ming Dynasty and Korea allied forces to the commander Li Rusong Led the fight against the Japanese generals Governor Konishi , Recover Pyongyang . Although in Battle of the Green Hoof Hall Being outnumbered by the Japanese Tachibana Munshige , Takayake Kohayakawa Repel, but then the Japanese because Ukita Hideya The first turn to attack the city of Sangju encountered North Korean generals Kwon Kuri The resistance. In 1595, The Battle of men and women It ends with a compromise between the two parties [48] .
In 1597, Toyotomi Hideyoshi again invaded Korea, The Battle of Kyungchang Here. In February of the same year, the Ming Dynasty again sent troops to aid Korea, the first under the late Ming Dynasty general Magui With the Japanese Army Kiyoshimasa Kato Wait for someone Ulsan Engage. The Korean naval forces were defeated by the Japanese early in the war, forcing the Koreans to use Yi Sun-shin again to resist the Japanese. Hideyoshi Toyotomi was in Kyoto in July 1598 Fushimi Died of an illness. The Japanese troops are in Five elders The withdrawal began under the resolution. During the Battle of Munrok Kyungjang, the Toyotomi clan and the daimyo involved in the battle consumed a great deal of financial resources, and Tokugawa Ieyasu Because they stayed in Japan and did not enter the war, their strength was preserved, laying the foundation for replacing the Toyotomi family later.
Sekigahara combined war

Edo period

Tokugawa Ieyasu
The period from 1603 to 1867 is known as the Edo Period. 1600 Sekigahara combined war Established the Tokugawa empire, [49] In 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu Opened the shogunate in Edo and received the title General Levy Yi , [50] At that time, Mikado Although nominally the supreme ruler of the country, but does not have real power, real power in the hands of shogun In hands. The general is also the biggest Feudal Lord It directly manages a quarter of the country's land and many important cities, and the rest of the country is divided into more than 200 large and small." Francisco The daimyo, the head of the vassal, enjoyed the hereditary ruling power of the vassal, but had to answer to the general. Checkmate and One's personal name They all raise their own retainer namely warrior The samurai got it from the general or daimyo fief and Loc Mi But must be loyal to the general or daimyo, these samurai are generally professional soldiers, have Walking sabre They formed the basis of the shogunate's rule, thus forming the feudal rule system composed of shogunate and vassal Vassal system . Tokugawa shogunate in order to follow ideology On the pillar of training samurai, vigorously advocate that samurai should have zhong , The righteous , yong 's" Bushido The spirit that made the samurai serve and die for it. [51]
In the Tokugawa era Japan The entire population was divided into four strict hierarchies: warrior Farmers, craftsmen and merchants. The Japanese government found that Spain In order to prevent Japan from being colonized, to prevent the introduction of Western ideas to ensure domestic political stability, and to monopolize foreign trade, Japan broke off diplomatic relations with Spain in 1624 and banned shipping to and from Japan The Philippines It was promulgated in 1633 Seclusion order The Japanese who had gone abroad were not allowed to return, and in 1638 The Shimabara Rebellion Then, in 1639, the last lockdown was issued, forbidding and banning Portugal Trade, from now on only Netherlander And the Chinese are in Nagasaki Off the island to trade.
Once the political stability, the economy also developed, in the Tokugawa Shoyoshi era did well, merchants and Machi people prevailed in the Genroku culture. In the mid-edo period, the shogunate's finances were in trouble, Tokugawa Yoshizune Carry out Insurance reform After a temporary recovery, the financial situation deteriorated again Matsudaira Dinobu impellent Lenient reform , Mizuno Tadagami impellent Natural insurance reform Such attempts to improve, but did not solve the root cause. [52] Along with the development of the merchant economy, on the other side of the prevailing Machi culture such as political culture, the annual tribute of meters used to be the basic income One's personal name with Flag moto Go into poverty. The daimyo reformed the feudal government, Tosa Han , Choshu domain with Satsuma Han After the success of this reform, he was called a male vassal.
Ukiyo-e from the Edo period
In the first half of the 18th century, capitalism The emergence of the bud and the emergence of the new mode of production fundamentally shook the foundation of the shogunate's rule. [53] The Tokugawa shogunate practiced a policy of seclusion. Before the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan's foreign trade was relatively developed, The merchant Marine Voyages to China, Korea and Southeast Asia. In the second half of the 16th century, Western merchants and missionaries began to operate in Japan, and the European colonial forces led by missionaries quickly penetrated into Japan, and the number of Catholics in the country soared from 300,000 to 700,000. Some vassal states expanded their economic and military power through trade with Western countries. After the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate, in order to consolidate the rule and prevent the invasion of external forces, Japan began to implement a closed-door policy. Since 1633, it has issued several "orders to lock up the country", that is, Kuan Yong lock up the country. The Japanese were forbidden to trade with foreign countries, to communicate with foreign countries, to expel foreign merchants and missionaries, and to trade only with China, Korea, the Netherlands, and only in Nagasaki. [51]
The shogunate was forced by European and American countries to found the country in the last years, and signed the Japan-US Kanagawa Treaty and other unequal treaties through Matthew Peli's flight, which made the country collapse. With the founding of the country and the strong idea of fighting against the emperor, the assassination of the shogunate elder and the Anglo-British War, the authority of the shogunate fell, and finally Tokugawa Keiki successively returned the power and territory to the court.
Panoramic view of Edo Castle

Modern period


Start modern times

  • Open the door wide
Subject article: Black ship incident
In the mid-19th century, Japan was still a feudal society with a small peasant economy, and the emperor had no authority, and the power was in the hands of the third feudal military regime, the Tokugawa shogunate. [54] The Edo shogunate In the late period, natural disasters continued, the shogunate rule was corrupt, and the people were destitute. And the shogunate financial difficulties, so that most of the lower samurai increasingly dissatisfied with the shogunate. At the same time, the western capitalist powers opened the door of Japan, which had been locked away for more than 200 years. Admiral of the United States Navy in 1853 Matthew Perry He led four steamships into Japan's Edo Bay, forcing Japan to open its doors to foreign trade, and the Japanese people were panicked. [54]
The Tokugawa shogunate pursued the policy of "seclusion" in Japan, closing the door of Japan to the world. Among foreigners, only Chinese and Dutch merchants were allowed to conduct business in Nagasaki, the only open port, and citizens had no freedom of religion. [54] Under the double pressure of internal and external troubles, the Japanese people gradually realized that only by overthrowing the shogunate rule and learning from capitalist countries could Japan become rich and powerful. So it was a great Inverted curtain motion It unfolded.
  • Inverted curtain motion
Among the protests and opposition movements that took place at that time, some revolts involved as many as four thousand peasants, and took various forms. There was also a large ideological reform movement among the samurai." Soon, the "reverse curtain" camp grew, including not only the peasants at the bottom of society, the small citizens, and the lower-middle class warriors, but also the capitalists who advocated the development of industry and the reformers among the new landlords. [54]
Great government will be restored
On November 8, 1867, the Japanese Meiji Emperor Mutsuhito (1852-1912), who was deeply in conflict with the shogun, issued an order to organize an army to defeat the shogun Tokugawa Keiki. On October 14 (November 9), Tokugawa Keiki pretended to be under the emperor, but was in Osaka and began to organize troops for a rebellion. [54]
On January 3, 1868, the anti-feudalists, representing the interests of the bourgeoisie and the new landlord class, took part in the "Anti-Feudalism". The three heroes of Reform Said of Oku Poly Tong , Takashi Nishiko , Kido Takayoyun Under his leadership, he successfully staged a coup and forced Tokugawa Keiki, the 15th generation general of the Tokugawa shogunate, to surrender power. The Japanese Emperor Meiji issued the "King's restoration of the big Order" decree, indicating that the dismissal of General Tokugawa was permitted. [55] That night, the emperor presided over a meeting of the imperial family of ministers, ministers and samurai attended by the "inverted curtain". At the meeting, it was announced that the shogunate was abolished and the shogunate general Tokugawa Keiki was ordered to surrender his territory and property. Re-entrusting the emperor with authority and pro-Lord administration; Set up a new central government. [56]
On January 27, 1868, the Inverted Curtain Army won a series of victories, finally near Kyoto Battle of Toba and Fushimi After defeating a shogunate army three times his size, Tokugawa Keiki fled to Edo. The Fall Army continued to advance, Tokugawa Keiki Announcing the surrender of control of the shogunate and the army, [57] The renegade group captured the remnants of the shogunate Hokkaido The last stronghold of the Civil War, the final victory. A new Japanese government headed by Emperor Meiji was formed.

Meiji Restoration

Meiji Emperor
The Emperor Meiji, who returned to power, worked hard to rule, made vigorous reforms, and was determined to make Japan on the road to prosperity. [54] The new government actively introduced various systems in Europe and the United States and abolished feudal prefectures, etc. These reforms were collectively referred to as the Meiji Restoration. On the one hand, the new government establishes national institutions, such as the establishment Imperial council And make Constitution of Imperial Japan ; On the one hand, it took the cultivation of industries and the strengthening of the military (enriching the country and strengthening the army) as a national policy, and rapidly developed into a modern country.
In 1868, Emperor Meiji moved the capital Edo And was renamed Tokyo In April 1868, the Imperial Court issued the" Five covenants As a platform for governance reform. [58] After that, a series of major reforms were carried out in politics, economy, culture, education and diplomacy. These major changes have been implemented rapidly in Japan and achieved remarkable results. In order to eliminate the feudal separatist forces in the country, he adopted" Return the copy "The policy, The county was abandoned The country was divided into three prefectures and 72 counties, finally establishing a unified centralized state. He also abolished the old class system of "scholars, peasants, workers and merchants", and renamed the so-called nobles such as princes and princes as "nobles". Ethnic Chinese He changed the samurai below his daimyo to "noble clan" and boldly abolished feudal salaries. [58] In addition, he issued a series of reform decrees and implemented them A rich country has a strong army , Produce and develop business and Civilization and civilization The three major policies are to reform the military and police system throughout the country, establish a new type of army, and create a military industry; Learn Western civilization, introduce Western technology and management; Develop modern education, train modern talents, improve national quality as a whole, and establish Imperial University System. [59]
In 1873, Japan began to implement a new military service system, conscripts throughout the country, reform the agricultural tax, and unify the currency. Under the appeal of the people, "everything depends on public opinion," Emperor Meiji decided to implement the constitution in 1885, established the cabinet system, and formally promulgated the Constitution in 1889, and convened the first Parliament the following year. [54]
The political reform is changing rapidly, and the economic reform plan represented by the military industry and the transportation industry is also quickly becoming a reality. Following the construction of the first railway in 1872 and the establishment of the new bank in 1882, Western science and technology were strongly promoted. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Japan had basically paved the way for the development of capitalism, fulfilled some of its predetermined reform goals, and become a rapidly rising power around China, which is the famous "Meiji Restoration" in Japanese history. [54]

Aggression and expansion

The Sino-Japanese War
After the Meiji Restoration, Japan soon embarked on the road of aggression and expansion. In 1879, he became a tributary of the Qing Dynasty Ryukyu Kingdom And change it to Okinawa Prefecture . At the beginning of the 20th century, the Great Japanese Empire gradually formed, and Japan gradually became powerful. Defeated China in the First Sino-Japanese War (known in Japan as the "Japanese War") Beiyang Fleet And annihilate Russia in the Russo-Japanese War Pacific Fleet and The Baltic Fleet , [60] Become a corner of the imperialist powers.
In 1900, Russia while The eight-nation Allied War against China When alone to occupy the army Northeast China However, Russia refused to withdraw its troops after all countries negotiated peace with the Qing Court, and then quarreled with Japan, Britain and other countries, and finally broke out in 1904 Russo-japanese War Japan wins Sakhalin (Japanese called Huata) south of 50 degrees north latitude.
Japan merged with the Korean Empire in 1910. [61] After the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, Japan continuously invaded China and attempted to turn China into its exclusive colony. And sent troops to Shandong, China, occupied the German-occupied Qingdao, and forced Yuan Shikai The government signed" twenty-one ". [62] At the end of World War I, the Paris Peace Conference attempted to seize the German-occupied Shandong Province of China. In order to check its naval power, the United States convened the Washington Conference to suppress the expansion of Japanese naval power. [63] But Japan profited greatly from World War I and became one of the world's great powers.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, culturally, Japan introduced new learning from Europe and America. In art, with individualistic novels that had never existed in Japan before, literature began to emerge, competing with different cultures before the Edo period. Religiously, the phenomenon of the confluence of gods and Buddhas in the past (separation of gods and Buddhas) has changed, and there have been movements to suppress Buddhism (abolishing Buddhas and destroying interpretations).

Taisho period

The period from 1912 to 1926 is known as the Taisho Era. Emperor Meiji died in 1912, and his son Kahito succeeded him and changed the yuan to Taisho, which was the Taisho era. In 1912, the defection of the Army led to the first constitutional movement. The Taisho Democracy Movement ) and party politics began to emerge [64] .
Taisho Emperor Kahito
At the beginning of the Taisho period, the First World War occurred, which was the peak of Japan's national strength since the Meiji Restoration. In 1918, a nationwide uprising broke out. This revolutionary uprising began with women in fishing villages grabbing rice, and it generally broke out in the form of rice grabbing, so it is habitually called "rice grabbing" in Japanese history. Rice riot ". [65] Due to high land rents and poor production technology, Japanese farmers often have to rent small plots of land from landlords. As a result, Japan's agricultural productivity can not be developed, and the broad masses of farmers can not but struggle with hunger for a long time. [66] On July 23, 1918, the riots began Toyama Uozu What began in a small fishing village nearby quickly escalated into riots, strikes, looting, deliberate attacks on police stations and government offices, and even armed conflict. In mid-September 1918, there were more than 623 riots in 38 cities, 153 towns and 177 villages across Japan, involving more than 2 million people. [67] About 25,000 people were arrested, of whom 8,200 were sentenced to various charges, ranging from fines to death. Being responsible for the riot, Prime minister Saki Masayoshi His cabinet resigned on September 29, 1918, after which, Yuan Jing Have organized First party cabinet . [68] In 1921, Emperor Taisho was removed from the throne due to illness Hirohito Regency. It happens a few years later The Great Kanto Earthquake As well as losing ground in international conferences, Japanese society became increasingly difficult.
The powerful and political parties continued to struggle, there was a second constitutional movement, the implementation of universal suffrage (1925). Also by the only senator The West Garden Temple He recommended the Prime Minister and advocated the "common way of constitutional government". Compared to his achievements in social development during the Meiji era, Emperor Taisho is known as "the unfortunate Taisho". Emperor Taisho reigned for 15 years, his achievements were inferior to the Meiji, and he suffered from brain disease all his life, and was finally forced to leave power to recuperate, and Prince Hirohito ruled as regent [69] .

Early Showa period

In 1926, Hirohito ascended the throne under the name "Hirohito." Showa ", the Emperor Showa. The first 30 years of the Showa era were a dark 30 years for the people of China, Korea, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The Japanese government was committed to aggression and expansion. It was formed in April 1927 by Yoshiichi Tanaka Political Friends Association The cabinet, launched the infamous" Tanaka Sonata ". [70] In China, Japan has been fostering warlords Zhang Zuolin Zhang Zuolin's opposition to Japanese aggression led to his colonization of Manchuria and Mongolia by Japan in June 1928 Kwantung Army in Huangkutun Kill him. [71] In 1931, the Japanese Army launched the "September 18 Incident". [72] Invade northeast China and cultivate Puppet state Manchukuo ; It was launched in Shanghai in 1932 The January 28 Incident . On February 26, 1936, it happened The twenty-six incident , Hirota Hirotaki Form a cabinet, create to Mikado And military based Fascism The system.
On July 7, 1937, the Japanese Army moved The Lugou Bridge Incident , officially invaded China, triggered Sino-japanese War . The Lugou Bridge Incident was the turning point of Japanese imperialism from a partial invasion of China to a comprehensive invasion of China. [73] wartime Japanese army Occupy the East China Plain, including the capital Nanjing And try to Nanjing Massacre Forced the Chinese army and civilians into submission, killing more than 300,000 people, Chiang Kai-shek commander National Revolutionary army Retreat to southwest China. But after the stalemate, the Japanese army fell into a protracted war of attrition, consuming a lot of manpower, material and financial resources of the Japanese army, plus Europe and the United States against Japan embargo , petroleum and steel They may not be shipped to Japan. So the military took a gamble and launched" Greater East Asian War And continued to expand into South Asia, Shi said Pacific War .
Pearl Harbor attack
In December 1941, the Japanese attacked Hawaii Us military base Pearl Harbor And formally to America , Britain and Netherlands Declare war and begin the march Southeast Asia Wait for the Pacific. [74-75] The Japanese won all the battles at first, but Japanese navy in Battle of Midway The defeat was a turning point in the Pacific War. Since 1938, the Japanese army has been known as" sweep "," Three-light operation ", [76] Attempts to stabilize China's Japanese-occupied zone failed to reverse the overall situation. Later in the war, the United States Marines took it one after another Iwo Jima and Okinawa Island , the United States Army B-29 bomber Many cities were hit with heavy civilian casualties, industrial facilities were destroyed, and Japanese aircraft factories and airports were severely damaged. On August 6 and 9, 1945, U.S. forces were deployed Hiroshima and Nagasaki Drop two Atomic bomb . [77] meanwhile The Soviet Union He also declared war on Japan on August 8 and sent troops to occupy northeast China. On August 15th, Emperor Hirohito The surrender was announced on the radio. On September 2, the Japanese government signed an instrument of surrender in Tokyo, surrendering to the Allies and accepting the treaty. The Potsdam Proclamation And limit its territory to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and other designated islands. World War II It's officially over.

Post-war period


Early post-war period

  • Early after the Japanese surrender
MacArthur (left) and Emperor Showa (right)
On August 15, 1945, Surrender of Japan . The American army occupied Japan and changed the constitutional system of Japan from a real monarch to a virtual monarch, and the emperor was retained as a symbol of Japan. [78] At the same time as the Japanese surrender bull was issued, Showa Emperor trusted Kantaro Suzuki The general resignation of the cabinet, the advice of the royal family Higashiku Takiomiya Minorhiko king Form a cabinet. The Higashi Kumiya Cabinet is the only one in Japanese history Royal cabinet . At that time, there was a former prime minister in the cabinet of the Higashiku Takashi Palace Kinesimo ren Secretary of State , Double light mallow ren Minister of foreign affairs . [79] Later Shigemitsu Kui resigned for some reason, by the former Mukden Consul General, Senator Makino Nobuki son-in-law Yoshida Shigeru Succeed him. At this point, the Allies sent one A surname That is MacArthur , [80] The Allied General Command demanded the dismissal of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Yamazaki Iwa, who had banned negative remarks about the imperial family, and the Higashima Cabinet resigned. It was the shortest-lived cabinet in Japanese history, lasting 54 days. [79] After the fall of the Higashi Kumiya Cabinet, Emperor Showa appointed a pro-American and British faction Kishigeiro Kohara On October 9, 1945, the original Cabinet was established. The original coin is familiar from the 1920s Primitive diplomacy .
  • Reform of democratic government
Political parties sprang up after the war, including the Liberal Party of Japan (under President Ichiro Hatoyama), Socialist Party of Japan (Katayama Tetsuya, Chief Executive), Progressive Party of Japan (PRESIDENT Tadaji Machida ), Japan Cooperation Party (Chairman Mihiko Yamamoto), and the Communist Party of Japan (Secretary General) Koichi Tokuda ) also resumed activity. In January of the following year, the headquarters of the Allied Forces issued an official release order, which was to prohibit war criminals from holding public office.
Yoshida Shigeru
After the war, under Allied occupation, under the Japanese Constitution, the emperor became the symbol of the country, national sovereignty and pacifism It's also enshrined in the Constitution. [78] The first parliamentary election of the Japanese Constitution, Yoshida's party was defeated, the opposition party led by the Japanese Socialist Party won, and formed a coalition cabinet led by the Japanese Socialist Party and the Democratic Party, the Socialist Party Katayama Tsuyoshi Democratic Ashida Hitoshi He became prime minister one after another, but at that time there was serious opposition between the left and right factions within the Socialist Party, and there was an outbreak of the incident of Zhaomai suspicion, and this "middle way regime" thus collapsed. Yoshida Shigeru again reascended the phase, four consecutive cabinet formation. Ichiro Hatoyama After his comeback, he was opposed to Yoshida Shigeru, and finally Yoshida Shigeru was trapped in internal diplomacy and had to step down. Hatoyama Ichiro formed a compromise with the opposition party on the condition that he dissolved the Parliament immediately after taking office, and formed a cabinet again after the general election, when the left and right Socialist parties that had been split merged and formed the Japanese Socialist Party again. Hatoyama once again united his Democratic Party and the Liberal Party to form the Liberal Democratic Party, then known as the Conservative Contract. In the 1955 election, the Liberal Democrats won a majority of seats, Socialist Party of Japan As the largest opposition party, this political ecosystem lasted until 1993, known as the "Five-five-year system."

The post-Showa era

  • Japan's economic rise
At the end of the war, 119 cities across the country, led by Tokyo, were severely damaged due to air raids by the United States, turning everywhere into ruins and scorched earth. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in particular, were devastated by atomic bombs. Since 1955, the Japanese economy has had three major boom periods in the stage of rapid development, respectively Shenwu boom , Iwako boom And Izanno boom. Such a long period of sustained high economic growth is not only rare in the history of Japan, but also unique in the history of advanced capitalist countries. [81] Due to the emergence of the Izanno boom, Japan's rapid economic growth reached a glorious peak.
  • The rise of party politics
Hatoyama has backed off from forging diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union Ishibashi Zhanshan However, soon after Ishibashi formed the cabinet, he had major problems and had to resign, and finally the foreign minister who had been accused of being a war criminal Nobusuke Kishi Succeed him. Kishi Nobusuke's purpose, in fact, is to modify Japan-us Security Treaty To this end, the two major forces of innovation and conservatism faced off in a final showdown, which broke out on the largest scale in modern Japanese history Social movement "Security struggle". Subsequently, after the revision of the Japan-US Security Treaty took effect naturally, Kishi retired from office Yasuto Ikeda Succeed him. Ikeda Yuto put forward the slogan "Tolerance and patience". Ikeda formed a cabinet three times in a row, even with the same family under Yoshida Shigeru Eisaku Sato He ran for president of the Liberal Democratic Party and had to resign due to throat cancer. Eisaku Sato succeeded him. After Sato formed the cabinet, he returned Okiao Prefecture to Japan.
Kakuei Tanaka (right) visits China
Eisaku Sato He was elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) for four consecutive times and formed a cabinet for three consecutive times, surpassing his mentor Shigeru Yoshida and Katsura during the Meiji era. After he announced his retirement, the LDP had five candidates for party president, one from the Sato faction Kakuei Tanaka Big flat school Masayoshi Ohira Fukuda School Takeo Fukuda , Miki sectarian Takeo Miki Four people are running for president. Results only Tanaka and Fukuda two people out of the line, the world called Cape fort War Tanaka Kakuei successfully co-opted Da flat, Mitsuki and Yasuhiro Nakasone As a result, Fukuda was elected president to form a cabinet. [82]
The most important achievements of Tanaka Kakuei were the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the People's Republic of China and the reconstruction of the Japanese islands. At the same time, Tanaka was accused of money politics, and since then the LDP has been involved in a series of scandals, and announced his resignation in November 1974. Vice president of the Liberal Democratic Party Shiina Etzaburo Summon Masayoshi Ohira, Takeo Fukuda, Takeo Miki, Yasuhiro Nakasone Takeo Miki was appointed as the next president. After Takeo Miki formed a cabinet, the United States Whitewater Triggered by aftermath Exposed the Lowahid incident, Tanaka involved in the corruption scandal, Miki Takeo attempted to take this matter to Tanaka Kakuei, attracted the party's large factions formed a party association, elected Fukuda Takeo as the successor president, the result in the House of Representatives election, the Liberal Democratic Party was defeated, Miki resigned, by Fukuda Takeo succession.
In the 1975 lower House election, the LDP lost due to a series of scandals. The Fukuda, Miki, and Nakasone factions demanded Ohei's resignation, but Ohei was supported by the Tanaka faction and refused, leading to a 40-day protest. In November 1979, for the first time since the founding of the LDP, the LDP president and party members participated in the election of the prime minister, and with the support of the Tanaka faction and the small New Freedom Club, Ohei defeated Takeo Fukuda in a runoff vote to form a government.
  • Economic slowdown and rising international status
Emperor Showa (first from right) visits the United States
After the first oil shock and the first negative growth since the war, Japanese economy From high growth to low growth. It was 4.0 percent in 1976, 4.4 percent in 1977, and 5.3 percent in 1978, lower than the 5.7 percent recorded in 1965 during the economic crisis. Nevertheless, it has been rid of since 1978 depression The shadow of boom It is indeed on the rise, and corporate earnings have increased. [83] Moderate growth continued until the late 1980s. [84] During this period, except for a few years, Japan's real economic growth rate basically remained at the level of about 3%-5%, with little fluctuation, and compared with other developed countries, it is still the fastest growing country, so this period is also known as the stable growth period.
On the basis of steady economic development, especially the rapid development of the heavy chemical industry, Japan's international competitiveness has rapidly improved. Since 1983, when its trade surplus exceeded that of West Germany and its capital export exceeded that of the United Kingdom, Japan has been the world's largest trade surplus, current account surplus and capital export country. [85] In addition, since 1985, Japan has replaced the United Kingdom as the world's largest foreign creditor, while the United States has become the world's largest foreign debtor. As a result, Japan's status as the world's second largest economy was not only further consolidated, but also began to be called the "world's second economic superpower." As a result, the Japanese economy reached its postwar peak.

Heisei period

Emperor Showa died on January 7, 1989, his son Akihito succeeded him, and the next day (January 8) he changed to the Heisei yuan, known as Heisei period . By 1985, Japan had become the world's largest creditor nation, with net foreign assets of $180.4 billion at the end of 1986. Japan's overseas assets rose to $685 billion in 1993 and are expected to rise to more than $1 trillion by 2000. Japan became the world's largest supplier, Tokyo International financial market Its role is expanding. [86]
The Liberal Democratic Party The Reklut scandal Affected, Takeshita ascended the cabinet was seriously impacted. Takeshita was forced to resign. externally Munisuke Uno Succeed him. However, due to the Uno Tsunosuke was exposed after taking office and Yi Ji sex scandal, coupled with public dissatisfaction with the Reklut fraud case and the Liberal Democratic Party government's implementation of consumption tax, the three major problems were seriously impacted, and the result was a big defeat in the upper House election in July that year. The LDP was elected to a record low. As a result, the Uno cabinet fell. by Junshu Kaibu Succeed him.
At the end of 1991, Toshiki Kaibe gave up his re-election bid Miyazawa Kiichi Take over as Prime Minister. By the end of the following year, the chairman of the Takeshita faction of the Liberal Democratic Party Jinmarushin Due to the case, he resigned as the chairman of the Takeshita faction and split into the Obuchi faction and the Haneda faction in order to choose his successor. In 1996, Murayama stepped down and was succeeded by new LDP President Ryutaro Hashimoto. The Socialist Party changed its name to the Social Democratic Party and became a cooperative party outside the cabinet. Two years later, the Hashimoto cabinet was defeated in the upper house elections and replaced by Keizo Obuchi. Keizo Obuchi wooed Ichiro Ozawa, a former member of the same faction who had already founded the Liberal Party, to work with New Komeito.

Early 21st century


Economic downturn

After the collapse of the bubble economy, the most immediate impact is the severe contraction of asset prices. After the collapse of the bubble economy, Japan's land assets and stock assets have shrunk by about 1,300 trillion yen. [87]
In 2007, Japan's government debt exceeded 1.7 times GDP, the worst performance in the whole OECD country, and in 2011, the Nikkei reported that Japan's government debt will exceed two times for the first time, and according to the International Monetary Fund's forecast, Japan's government debt may reach 2.3 times by 2014. Japan could then go the way of the Greek government. [88]
Since returning to power, Mr. Abe has pushed through a series of economic reforms, including boosting the yen devalue , implement Quantitative easing Etc., is called" Abenomics ". [89] Even if the center is raised Consumption tax The measures may cause some citizens' wages to fail to keep up with price increases, but due to the yen U.S. dollar The devaluation led to a rise in Japanese industrial exports and domestic consumer demand, enabling Japan to escape the shadow of 15 years of deflation.
The Japanese economy during the bubble

Prime ministers come and go frequently

Junichiro Koizumi
In 2000, the Liberals left the governing coalition, while the Conservatives split to remain in the coalition. Keizo Obuchi died shortly after being admitted to the hospital after a stroke, and was succeeded by Secretary General Yoshiro Mori under a high-level agreement within the party. Mori had a low image during his tenure and was prone to gaffes. Announcing that he would not seek re-election, Junichiro Koizumi He fought with Hashimoto Ryutaro for the LDP presidency, and Koizumi won, beginning the Koizumi era of more than five years.
In 2003, when Mr Ozawa's Liberal Party merged with the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the LDP won more than half the vote in lower house elections, and the merged DPJ made big gains. In the next year's upper house election, the DPJ overtook the LDP to become the first party, showing that Koizumi's reforms were being challenged. However, after Junichiro Koizumi's postal reform bill was not passed by the upper house in 2005, he dissolved the lower house, successfully dismissing all opponents as anti-reform, and the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito won two-thirds of the seats in the parliament, and secured control of the parliament (although the upper house rejected the bill, the lower house passed a two-thirds resolution).
In 2006, Junichiro Koizumi was not re-elected, by Chief cabinet secretary Shinzo Abe Elected the new prime Minister. He had to step down in 2007.
In September 2007, Takeo Fukuda Son, former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda He was elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party and ruled unanimously with the old holding party, but after a year in power, the Cabinet still could not boost public support, and the next House of Representatives election was only less than a year away.
In September 2008, he ran for party president four times and served as secretary general during the Abe and Fukuda eras Taro Aso He was elected to form a cabinet with the support of the party and the popularity of the people.
He took office in 2009 Liberal Democratic Party in 45th General election for the Japanese House of Representatives The party lost its position as the largest party in the House of Representatives for the first time in 54 years. On September 16, 2009, Yukio Hatoyama Elected the 60th Prime Minister of Japan. [90]
On May 28, 2010, the Hatoyama administration was on the verge of collapse after it failed to deliver on its promise to relocate Futenma outside Okinawa. On June 2, 2010, Hatoyama resigned. [91]
On June 4, 2010, Naoto Kan In the respective plenary sessions of both houses of parliament, he defeated the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Sadakazu Tanigaki Take over as Prime Minister. On August 26, 2011, due to the tsunami and nuclear accident caused by the 9-magnitude earthquake in Japan, Naoto Kan's disaster relief command was not good, and the confrontation between the two houses of Parliament was serious, and Naoto Kan resigned, ruling for a total of 15 months. [92]
Yoshihiko Noda became Prime Minister on September 2, 2011. On 26 December 2012, he announced the resignation of the General Cabinet and officially resigned as Prime Minister of Japan. [93]
On account of Democratic Party of the United States Governance is not appropriate The Great East Japan Earthquake Ineffective in disaster relief, Prime minister Change frequently, plus Fukushima nuclear disaster It has put Japan's economy back in trouble, giving the LDP a chance to return to power.
In December 2012, the Liberal Democratic Party won a crushing victory Shinzo Abe After coming to power, he proposed to amend the Constitution and cancel the negative ones in it The right to collective self-defense To allow the Self-Defense Forces to participate overseas The United Nations The peacekeeping of anti-terrorism operations, through the self-enacted new constitution made Japan a normal Sovereign state . However, some of the wording of the new constitution is controversial, which has caused unease among some Asian neighbors.

Linghe Period


Naruhito ascended the throne

At 5:00 PM on April 30, 2019, Akihito attended the abdication ceremony of the Japanese Emperor "Abdication Ceremony of the Main Hall", marking the end of the Heisei Era, which is the second time in 202 years that an emperor in Japan has abdicated before his death. At midnight on May 1, Crown Prince Naruhito became the 126th Emperor of Japan. [97] Becoming the first emperor born after the war. Japan's "Heisei" era, which lasted for more than 30 years, ended and changed its year name to "Reiwa". [96]

Hold the Olympic Games

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics is the first time the world has come together since the coronavirus outbreak. [98] It will open on July 23 and close on August 8, 2021. [99]
Opening Ceremony of the 32nd Summer Olympic Games [100]

Historical stage

Dating division
Start-stop year
An era comparable to China
Ancient times
The Pre-Earthenware Age
Paleolithic age
Ancient times
Jomon period
12,000 BC - 300 BC
About the pre-Qin period
Yayoi period
300 BC - 250 AD
About Warring States, Qin Han, Three Kingdoms period
Kofun period
250 -592
About two Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty period
Age of stray Birds
From 592-710
About Sui, Tang dynasty
Nara period
From 710 to 794
Tang Dynasty
Heian period
From 794 to 1184
Tang, Five Dynasties, Song
Kamakura period
From 1192 to 1333
Song and Yuan Dynasties
Southern and Northern Dynasties
From 1333 to 1392
Yuan and Ming Dynasties
Early Muromachi period
From 1333 to 1477
Warring States Period
Modern times
Anto Momoyama era
From 1573 to 1598
Edo period
From 1603 to 1868
Late Ming and Qing Dynasties
Modern times
Meiji era
From 1868 to 1911
Tongzhi Dynasty, Guangxu Dynasty, Xuantong Dynasty
Taisho period
Showa period
From 1926 to 1989
National Government, People's Republic of China
Heisei period
1989-30 April 2019 [94]
Third generation leaders
Linghe Period
May 1, 2019 - [94]