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Strike out

Baseball terms
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
In baseball, a batter is awarded three by the umpire Good shot After that, it was struck out. One out. Plus, I got three strikes for pitcher The statistics of... When a batter is called for striking out, the pitcher who threw the ball at the time is awarded a strikeout. Strikeout ability is considered to be one of the important indicators of a pitcher's ability.
In baseball, you hit after two strikes out-of-bounds The hitter can continue to strike, but if a bat foul ball (a foul ball that does not travel further than head height) is caught by the hand, it is called a strike strike, but if a fly ball is caught, it is considered out of bounds Catch out Not three strikes.
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Strike out
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Strike Out
Strike out

Three strikes without death

Besides, if the third strike is thrown, Catcher Failure to catch a ball thrown by the catcher, when there is no runner at first base or when there are runners but there are two outs, the hitter may attempt to go First base If you can safely reach base before the catcher passes to first base, a strikeout is still recorded, but the batter reaches base without an out Three strikes without death .
In order to avoid a man on first base, the catcher intentionally missed to strike out, the hitter and the runner on first base have to run, and it is easy to make the attacker get a double play. Therefore, under baseball rules, a no-kill strike is valid only if the "one base bag is empty" or "two out" (regardless of whether there is a runner on first base).

The French three Strikes Act

Similar to the Digital Economy Act in the UK and SOPA in the US. The French justice Department authorizes and requires ISPs to cut off users' Internet connections after they have downloaded pirated content three times. [1] The latest figures show that more than 736,000 users received a first warning, 62,000 received a second warning email and 165 struck out.
The IFPI's latest data also shows that this law has increased the success rate of iTunes purchases by 22.5%. France began implementing a "three strikes" program in January 2010 to reduce unauthorized file sharing, and Hadopi is the agency responsible for managing the system.
Britain's Digital Economy Act comes into force later, and the government is likely to use similar measures to clamp down on piracy.