
[tai sh Yajie]
Emperor Wudi of Jin
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The beginning of Tai (December 265 -274) was The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597) Emperor Emperor Wu of Jin Sima Yan The first year number, a total of 10 years. This is also The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597) The first year number.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Tai Shi
Emperor Wudi of Jin
Characteristic point
The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597) The first year number
Last year's issue
Xianxi (Three Kingdoms of Wei) : 264-265
Reign title
Xianning: 275 ~ 280 years
Year time
December 265 -274


Chronological list of the beginning of the Thai period
Two years
Five years
Seven years
265 years
266 years
267 years
268 years
269 years
270 years
271 years
272 years
273 years
274 years

Major event

Year 1 (265)
Sima Yan Push Cao Wei Emperor Yuan Cao Huan Abdicate, The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597) Dynasty was established.
Two years (266)
Sima Yanli Yang Yan For the queen. In February, the restraints of the Han imperial family were lifted.
Three years (267 years)
Sima Yanli Sima Zhong For the crown prince. sent Xianbei (a county in Shanxi Province) Tuoba Desert Khan To their country.
Four years (268 years)
Lu Shan Temple was established. October, Lord Wu Sun Hao Make it... performance Into the river summer, Wan Yu Kou Xiangyang . A letter to the Nghia Yang Wang Wang Tongzhong army step riding twenty thousand tun Longbei, for the two sides in solidarity. will The history of Jingzhou Dynasty Hu Lie Refuse achievements, break them, hope to draw soldiers back. Wu Jiaozhou dynasty Liu Jun , Grand governor Repair rules, general Show respect for one's appearance Three attacks coxtoe . In November, Wu Dingfeng, Zhu Geliang Out of the Quebei slope , to attack Hefei (Capital of Anhui Province) , General Anton Ru Yin Wang Jun refused. Empress Dowager Wang Yuanji died.
Five years (269 years)
In the first month, Sun Hao made Sun Jin prince. Sun Hao sent to supervise the army Yu Si , General Winan Xue 珝 , Cang Wu too Shou Red poplar Tawang From Jingzhou Road, supervise the army Li Xu , Military governor extant From the Jian 'an sea road, all will be Hapura To hit cochin.
Six years (270 years)
Wu General Li Xu Jian An road unfavorable, kill the guide general Feng Fei Quote the army back. Xi Xianbei leader Bald tree function In June, he killed the Qinzhou governor Hu Lie at Wandendrobii. Zhu Ji, an important general in Eastern Wu, died. Jin Dynasty Hu Lie, governor of Qinzhou, died.
Seven years (271 years)
The first month, Xiongnu You Xian Wang Liu Meng Defection. April, Wu Jiao Prefectural governor's history Tao Huang attacked Dong Yuan, the nine true guardian, and killed him. History of Liangzhou Dynasty Su Yu Killed in Gold Mountain. History of Liangzhou Dynasty Draw sign Killed by Xianbei in Qingshan. Wu State Xue 珝 and Tao Huang and other troops to break cotoe. August, Sima Yan Fen Yizhou Nantrung Shikuni Ninh Chau . November, Liu Mengkou statehood State history Liu Qin Wait to break it [1] . Shu Han Emperor Liu Shan Die. Jin Dynasty official and cartographer (formerly Cao Wei officials) Bae Xiu Died (born 224 years). History of Liangzhou in Jin Dynasty Leading Hong Die. An important general in Soochow Ding Feng , Ding Feng Die. Jin Dynasty Yiyang became king Siman Die. Jin Dynasty Chengyang King Sima Xian Die. Meng Ren died in the Jin Dynasty.
Eight years (272 years)
The first month, supervise the army Hu Fen Repeatedly break Liu Meng, entice Li Que Kill Liu Meng and bring Jin down. The white horse of Wenshan preys on all species. The Battle of Xiling , Sunwu State Senior general Land resistance Defeat the Western Jin Dynasty A surname The attack. Jin Dynasty calligrapher weissong Born (died 349). Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China Right Xianwang Liu Meng died. Wei and Jin Dynasties Famous political figure Sima Fu Die. Emperor Fuyan, governor of Yizhou in Jin Dynasty, died. Yin MAO, governor of Dunhuang in Jin Dynasty, died.
Nine years (273 years)
Sun Hao He made his sons eleven Kings. Jin Dynasty Miling Yuan marquis Zheng MAO died. Jin Dynasty Donghai King Sima Gii Die.
Ten years (274 years)
Western Jin Bundle You Zhou Five of them are separate Binh Chau . Lu Kang, an important general of Eastern Wu, died (born 226). The third emperor of Cao Wei Cao Fang Died (born 232 years).

Contemporaneous year number

The following four year titles are Sun Wu The Last Emperor Sun Hao The year number of:
(1) Nectar: April 265 -266 July
(2) A treasured urn : August 266 - September 269
(3) weighbridge : October 269 -271
(4) A surname : 272-274