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Lower North Spring Village

Hongshileng Township, Lingqiu County, Datong City, Shanxi Province under the jurisdiction of the village
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Lower North Spring Village, Lower North Spring village is located Lingqiu county Southeast mountain Matou Pass out of the province, 25 kilometers from the county seat, east and Laiyuan County, 108 national road, Lai Road in this intersection, the village has 207 households, 620 people, the total area of more than 18,900 acres.
In November 2017, Xibeiquan Village was awarded The fifth national civilized village . [1]
Chinese name
Lower North Spring Village
Administrative category
The village
Geographical position
Lingqiu County, Datong City, Shanxi Province Red stone Leng Township
Area product
More than 18,900 mu
Population number
620 people

Village profile

Lower north spring village is located in the southeastern mountains of Lingqiu County, Ma Tou pass out of the province, 25 kilometers away from the county seat, east and Laiyuan County, 108 national road, Lai road in this intersection, the total area of more than 18,900 acres.

Geographical environment

The village is near the mountains and by the water, the geographical position is superior, the Tang River, Zhaobo River, Shangzhai River three rivers confluence, water resources are very rich, and the altitude is about 700 meters, the climate is warm and moist, known as "Saibei small Jiangnan" said.
Lower North Spring Village

Population nationality

There are 207 households and 620 people in Xibeiquan Village.


The economy of Xibeiquan village is mainly based on forest fruit, transportation, aquaculture and tourism.

Receive honor

Since 2007, Xibeiquan Village has won honorary titles such as "National Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site", "Provincial Ecological Civilization Village", "Municipal Village affairs open, democratic management demonstration unit", and "County level new rural Construction Red Flag Village". [2]
In November 2017, Xibeiquan Village was awarded The fifth national civilized village . [1]
On December 25, 2019, Xibeiquan Village was selected National forest village . [3]