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Alfalfa legume
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Alfalfa Medicago sativa L.) is a perennial perennial herb of the family legumes and alfalfa. The stem is erect, clumpy or creeping, quadrangular and multi-branched; The stipule is large, ovate-lanceolate, and the leaflet is oblong-oblong; The flowers are racemes in groups; Peduncle bell shaped, corolla purple flowers; The fruit is spiral-shaped and brown when ripe. The seeds are small and smooth, yellow or brown in color.
It is cultivated all over the country or in a semi-wild state, and is widely cultivated in countries across Eurasia and the world. Raw fields, roadside, wilderness, grassland, river banks and gully and so on.
It is widely cultivated for feed and pasture in various countries.
(Overview map Reference source: Chinese plant image library [3] )
Chinese name
Latin name
Medicago sativa L. [2]
The door
The outline
leguminosae [1]
Belong to
Medicago L. [1]
Kind of
The rose overlooks the eye

History of botany

The origin of alfalfa is not in the Central Plains, it was introduced into the Central Plains by the "Western regions" in the Han Dynasty. (In the Han Dynasty, it was called the "Western Regions" to the west of Yumenguan and Yangguan in Gansu Province, also in Xinjiang and beyond.) Zhang Qian of the Western Han Dynasty made two diplomatic missions to the "Western Regions" in 138 BC and 119 BC respectively, strengthening economic and cultural exchanges between the mainland and the "Western Regions". Alfalfa was introduced into the Central Plains at this time. The original name of broccoli is alfalfa, belongs to the leguminous plant. See in Tao Hongjing's "Famous Doctors". Both wild and cultivated. Jiangsu Suzhou and other places to marinate its young plants as vegetables, called Jinhua.
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Morphological characteristics

Perennial herbs; Plant height 0.3-1 m; Stems erect, tufted to recumbent, quadrangular, glabrous or puberulous; Leaf pinnate triple compound leaf; Stipule large, ovate-lanceolate; Petiole shorter than lobule; Leaflets long ovate, obovate or linear-ovate, equally large, or terminal leaflets slightly larger, 1-4 cm long, margin more than 1/3 serrate, glabrous above, puberulent below, lateral veins 8-10 pairs; Apical petiole is slightly longer than lateral petiole; Inflorescence racemose or capitulate, 1-2.5 cm long, with 5-10 flowers; Peduncle longer than leaf; Bracts linear-conical, longer or equal in length than pedicels; The flowers are 0.6-1.2 cm long; Peduncle ca. 2 mm long; Calyx campanulate, calyx teeth longer than calyx tube; Corolla light yellow, dark blue or dark purple, petals with long stalk, flag lobe oblong, obviously longer than wing and keel lobe, keel lobe slightly shorter than wing lobe; Ovary linear, puberulent, style short and wide, stigma punctate, ovule numerous; Pod spirally, tightly coiled 2-6 turns, central unperforated or nearly unperforated, 5-9 mm diameter, veins fine, indistinguishable, 10-20 seeds; Seeds oval, smooth; Flowering from May to July, fruit from June to August. [1]

Proximate distinction

Corolla light yellow, dark blue or dark purple
Corolla color: light yellow, dark blue to dark purple

Habitat of origin

It is cultivated or semi-wild all over the country. Eurasia and the world; Raw fields, roadside, wilderness, grassland, river banks and gully and so on. [1]

Planting technique



Alfalfa has wide adaptability and can grow in all kinds of terrain and soil. But the best conditions are Soil property Soft sandy loam, pH value is 6.5-7.5, winter temperature is about -20℃, Annual precipitation At 300-800mm, it is not suitable for planting in low-lying and water-prone fields. mild Salt and alkali Above ground can be planted, but when the salt in the soil exceeds 0.3%, salt pressure measures should be taken. In order to facilitate mechanized transportation and operation management, try to choose a large area of land with drainage and irrigation measures.

Land preparation

Alfalfa seed is small, seedling growth is slow, easy to suffer weed It is necessary to carefully prepare the ground before sowing. The best preparation time is in summer, deep turning and deep raking once to turn weeds into deep layers. If there are many weeds before autumn sowing, it is necessary to turn them deep once or rotate them once, and then rake them flat to meet the sowing requirements.
Alfalfa has Root nodule It can provide nitrogen nutrition for the root, and is not recommended under general fertility conditions Nitrogenous fertilizer . According to relevant studies, alfalfa application Phosphate fertilizer The effect of increasing yield after application is more obvious, and the effect of applying full bottom fertilizer at one time is basically the same as that of applying fertilizer at later stages. Combined with land preparation before sowing Organic fertilizer 2-3m2/ mu, pure phosphorus 8-16kg/ mu once applied. Because the stem and leaves take away a large amount of potassium during the growth of alfalfa, some can be applied appropriately where conditions exist Potassium fertilizer In order to maintain high yield, in order to prevent the occurrence of weeds at the seedling stage, 48% of fluralin (100m1/ mu) was sprayed into the soil before sowing, and combined with ground preparation was spun into 5cm soil, with a valid period of up to 3-5 months.


Seed selection: The first step in the successful cultivation of alfalfa is to select the appropriate varieties. Because alfalfa is A perennial plant After a sowing, the use of less than 2-3 years, more than 4-5 years, once the wrong selection, several years of damage. The performance of domestic varieties is better Baoding Alfalfa, Gannon l miscellaneous alfalfa, Xinjiang Large leaf alfalfa, Aohan alfalfa, middle one l salt-tolerant alfalfa, etc. There are better imported from abroad America The Queen, WL323.WL320. ansta, green and Japanese alfalfa Tachiwakaba and Kitawakaba. The varieties introduced abroad have good upright and are conducive to mechanized harvesting.
Seed treatment: Some seeds produced domestically have more impurities, Quality Can not guarantee, so it must be cleaned, so that the clarity of more than 90%, Germination rate More than 85%, purity above 98%. The seeds should be pelted before sowing. According to the formula of seed 500kg+ coating material 150kg+ adhesive 1.5kg+ water 75kg+ ammonium molybdate 1.5kg, so that the seeds are not affected at the seedling stage Diseases and insect pests The harm of weeds and so on, in order to grow healthily.
Sowing time: In the northern area of two crops a year, autumn sowing is generally adopted. Soil moisture Adequate, suitable temperature, less weeds and pests. in Shaanxi (Province) , Hebei (Province) , Henan (Province) , Shanxi (Province) , Shandong (Province) In the region, it is best to sow in autumn, and the sowing period is from August 10 to September 10. Too late affects normal wintering.
Sowing method and sowing amount: In most areas, it is mainly drilled, with a row spacing of 30cm, which is conducive to ventilation and light transmission and field management. The planting amount is generally about 1 kg/mu, and the planting field is less. Saline-alkali land Can be appropriate more, sow too much seedlings thin and weak. The sowing depth is the key to the quality of seedling emergence, generally sowing too deep, the best depth is 0.5-1cm.

Weed control

Weed removal is a major part of alfalfa field management Seedling stage The other is that after the summer harvest, because the growth potential of alfalfa is weak in these two periods, it is more seriously harmed by weeds, especially after the summer harvest, the weeds grow fast at the same time of water and heat, no matter what method is adopted, it must be timely and standardized. Select herbicide Be careful not to cause livestock poisoning.

Irrigation and drainage

Alfalfa consumes a lot of water, requiring 800L of water for every 1kg of dry matter produced. Water before winter, after green, and during drought. By the sea Pay attention to low injection Rainy season Drainage, flooding for 24 hours alfalfa will die.

Disease and insect control

Alfalfa must be timely controlled when encountering diseases and pests during growth, otherwise the yield and quality will be affected. General use fenazon , dimethoate , Fenvalerate Such as spray, prevention vermin If it happens rust , Brown spot , Downy mildew Use carbendazim, tolbuzin and other drugs to control.
Chinese alfalfa common disease The main ones are rust, Downy mildew , Brown spot , mildew Summer black stem disease, black stem and Leaf spot 8 kinds of macular disease, macular disease and wheel spot disease. Among them, rust disease is the most widely distributed, occurring in 13 regions of China, from south to north, followed by downy mildew, brown spot, powdery mildew and so on. In the production of alfalfa, the above diseases should be paid full attention to the comprehensive control of alfalfa diseases. pesticide Its application is very limited. Therefore, the prevention and control of alfalfa diseases pay more attention to "prevention" and rely more on agricultural and animal husbandry measures. Including preparation (area, location, precropping, seed bed, fertility), sowing (variety, seed quality, seed quality, seed quality, seed quality, seed quality, etc.) Seed treatment Unicast, mixed sowing, sowing time, sowing amount, sowing depth), field management (fertilizer, hydration Weeds, disease monitoring, pest monitoring, field construction, stubble), utilization and harvest (mowing, grazing, harvesting, utilization mode, utilization time, utilization sequence), storage (temperature, humidity, Breath , pharmaceutical) the whole process.
Like all crops, alfalfa is subject to severe weather, disease and disease insect Of which the worst include Cold damage Bacterial wilt disease, Clover leaf image , grasshopper, alfalfa spot winged aphid and leafhopper Let's wait. In moist or irrigated areas, alfalfa clusters that have been growing for more than 3 years are often thinned by Phytomonas insidiosum, the pathogen of wilt disease in the soil.

Primary value



It is widely cultivated for feed and pasture in various countries. [1] Alfalfa is known as the "king of grass", not only high yield, but also good grass quality, all kinds of livestock and poultry are fond of eating. The planting area of alfalfa in China is about 1.33 million hm^2. With the development of commodity economy, the scale of alfalfa industrialization develops rapidly, and the planting area of alfalfa is expanding. In order to plant alfalfa more scientifically and improve the quality and yield of alfalfa products, the main technical points of alfalfa cultivation and cultivation management are introduced as follows:
The first roots of alfalfa can penetrate deep into the ground. When the plant grows for more than 20 years, if subsoil The porous taproot can reach a depth of more than 15 meters (50 feet), so alfalfa is highly tolerant to drought. At 2 months of growth, the roots of the seedlings can penetrate 90 cm into the soil, and at 5 months, they can reach 180 cm (6 ft). It is common for newly planted alfalfa to withstand severe summer droughts while other legume plants with shallower roots and more branches are intolerant and die.
Alfalfa stems can quickly regenerate a large number of new stems after harvesting, so the hay can be harvested once to 13 times per growing season. The number of crops that can be harvested and the total production per growing season are mainly determined by the length of the growing season, the adaptability of the soil, the availability of sunlight, and especially the amount and distribution of rainfall and irrigation during the growing season. Leafy alfalfa hay is nutrient-rich and loved by livestock, containing about 16% protein and 8% minerals, and rich Vitamin A , E, D and K.
Alfalfa contains a lot of crude protein, rich carbohydrates and B vitamins, vitamins C, E and iron micronutrient It can not only be used for livestock raising, but also one of the oldest foods for humans. People mainly eat the sprouts of alfalfa in early spring. Alfalfa sprouts are high in nutrition, rich in dietary fiber, and have very little sugar, and very low in calories, so they are a kind of good high fiber Low-calorie food .


[Alfalfa anti-bleeding] : all bleeding symptoms, such as nosebleed, gingival blood, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematochezia, Uterine bleeding , Anal hemorrhage . Every time a new drug uses vitamin K, it's thought to clot Blood vessel Functional therapy. In fact, vitamin K in food, the most abundant content, is "alfalfa".
The results of experiments show that alfalfa is effective in preventing bleeding. It can prevent all kinds of small bleeding, lung, stomach and duodenal bleeding.
Of course, fresh is the best way to eat alfalfa, and the taste is also beautiful, because fresh alfalfa, there are four seasons, even in the cold season, there are also production, but because of the relationship between climate and land, sometimes the product is very tender, sometimes very old, patients may wish to use this meal, can prevent bleeding. Pickled cauliflower with salt, efficacy Equal.
【 alfalfa Internal heat 】 : Alfalfa is a cool vegetable, after eating, it can eliminate the internal fire, especially in the dry season, for meals, the effect is significant, more than watercress.
Alfalfa is fried in oil and eaten hot. The taste is very fresh and clean. After cooling, eating its taste is also good, its juice has a sense of Qingqin heart and spleen, in the dry season, if you feel dry lips and tongue, with food, is to maintain health of the top food.


Alfalfa can be used in addition to feeding livestock Soil and water conservation And slope protection plants, the garden is mostly used as saline-alkali land, barren land green grass and landscape wildflower grass.


alfalfa sprouts (purple alfalfa sprouts), although very nutritious, contain natural The toxic ingredient is L-Canavanine sulfate, which is toxic Basic amino acid May cause autoimmune diseases in mammals, so Immune system Loss of regulatory function, mistake their own body cells as antigens, and produce antibodies to fight, destroy their own body to produce disease. After long-term ingestion of alfalfa sprouts or alfalfa bud seeds in monkeys, similar systemic symptoms can occur Lupus erythematosus Hematological and serological changes in SLE. It may be related to canavalin amino acids contained in alfalfa sprouts. Canavas amino acid may cause the abnormal function of immune T cells in the body, resulting in a series of immune abnormal reactions, resulting in systemic lupus erythematosus lesions. Therefore, normal people who eat a large number of raw alfalfa sprouts or alfalfa sprouts seeds for a long time should pay attention to whether the symptoms of lupus erythematosus lesions appear. Patients with lupus erythematosus should avoid eating alfalfa sprouts. Alfalfa can cause disease in monkeys and may worsen the disease in SLE patients. After ingesting a large number of alfalfa sprouts, it may damage various human species Blood cell Cells, reduce the number of various blood cells, such as anemia or sparse blood cells, platelet Rare. Patients are therefore prone to infection and bleeding. Some may be related to joint pain, light sensitivity reactions, should stop eating, can be recovered.

Food nutrient composition

Food name alfalfa
Content reference About the amount per 100 grams of food
energy 64 kcal
protein 3.9g
fat 1 g
carbohydrate 10.9g
Insoluble dietary fiber 2.1g
sodium 6 mg
magnesium 61 mg
phosphorus 78 mg
potassium 497 mg
calcium 713 mg
manganese 0.79 mg
iron 9.7mg
zinc 2.01 mg
selenium 8.5 μg
Vitamin A 440 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.1mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.73 mg
Niacin (nicotinamide) 2.2mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 118 mg